Pindling v. State ( 2021 )

  • In the Supreme Court of Georgia
    Decided: April 5, 2021
    S21A0084. PINDLING v. THE STATE.
    PETERSON, Justice.
    Michael Pindling was convicted of malice murder and other
    crimes in connection with the shooting death of Robert Pett.1 On
    1  Pett was found dead on July 13, 2013. In September 2013, a Lowndes
    County grand jury indicted Pindling and Deron Wallace for malice murder,
    felony murder predicated on aggravated assault, aggravated assault, armed
    robbery, possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony, and two
    counts of theft by taking. The grand jury also indicted Kathryn Cortez for
    armed robbery and possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony.
    After Pindling and Wallace’s joint trial in May 2014, a jury found Pindling
    guilty on all counts and Wallace guilty on all counts except malice murder. On
    July 27, 2014, the trial court sentenced Pindling to life in prison without the
    possibility of parole for malice murder, a consecutive life term for armed
    robbery, and a consecutive five-year term for the firearm count; the trial court
    initially entered sentences on the theft counts but later vacated the sentences
    for these counts, and the remaining counts were vacated by operation of law or
    merged for sentencing purposes. Pindling filed a motion for a new trial on July
    14, 2014. Pindling filed a notice of appeal before his motion was decided, and
    we dismissed his appeal as premature. Pindling thereafter amended his motion
    for new trial, which the trial court denied on December 8, 2017, following a
    hearing. Pindling timely appealed, and his case was docketed to this Court’s
    term beginning in December 2020 and submitted for a decision on the briefs.
    appeal, Pindling argues that the trial court plainly erred when
    instructing the jury that a single witness’s testimony was sufficient
    to prove a fact without also instructing the jury on the requirement
    that an accomplice’s testimony must be corroborated. We agree and
    1. The evidence at trial showed the following. 3 Pett met Deron
    Wallace and Pindling in the ammunition section of an Academy
    Sports store on July 2, 2013. On the afternoon of July 13, Pett and
    his sister drove to a location where he said he was to meet some men
    from New York that he had previously met at Academy Sports. On
    the way to the meeting, Pett received a call from a woman (later
    identified as Kathryn Cortez) saying that the meeting would be
    delayed. Pett and his sister returned home. Pett left again later that
    2  Pindling also enumerates another error. Given our reversal of his
    conviction, we need not decide that other claim today because it is unlikely to
    reoccur on retrial.
    3 Because this case turns on whether an error likely affected the outcome
    of the trial, we present the evidence as reasonable jurors would have viewed it,
    rather than in the light most favorable to the jury’s verdicts.
    night but did not tell his sister where he was going. She never saw
    him alive again.
    That night, a police officer found Pett’s dead body on the back
    porch of a house at 213 Walnut Street in Valdosta. Pett was shot
    three times, once in the shoulder and twice in the back, and died as
    a result of the gunshot wounds. One police officer examined the
    contents of Pett’s cell phone and found text messages directing Pett
    to the area; phone records showed that those text messages came
    from a phone number linked to Wallace. The phone records also
    showed a series of calls and text messages exchanged between
    Wallace’s phone and Pett’s throughout July 13, and that Wallace’s
    phone number made several calls to different rental car agencies on
    July 12.
    Further investigation revealed that Pindling and Wallace
    visited a rental car agency on July 12, and Pindling completed an
    application for a rental car, which Cortez paid for in part. Police
    officers obtained and executed a search warrant for the address
    Pindling listed on the application. Police officers found, among other
    things, a gun that belonged to Pett in a rear living room that
    connected      to   Pindling’s    bedroom;     police   officers   found       a
    disassembled, silver-colored handgun hidden in a chimney in
    Pindling’s bedroom. The gun recovered from Pindling’s bedroom
    was later reassembled for ballistics testing and discovered to be the
    same gun used to shoot and kill Pett.
    Police tracked the rental car using the vehicle’s GPS device,
    noting that the vehicle traveled to New York. Police conducted a stop
    of the car once it returned to Georgia. Inside the car were Pindling,
    Wallace, Cortez, and another woman from New York. Police
    searched the rental car but did not find any of Pett’s possessions.
    Pindling and Wallace were arrested. Wallace waived his Miranda4
    rights and agreed to speak to a detective. Wallace admitted being
    involved in crimes against Pett, but claimed that he was not the
    shooter and did not know anyone else was going to shoot Pett.
    Cortez was also arrested following the traffic stop but was soon
    released. She later agreed to be interviewed by the police, initially
    4   Miranda v. Arizona, 
    384 U.S. 436
     (86 SCt 1602, 16 LE2d 694) (1966).
    denied participating in the armed robbery of Pett, but later admitted
    that she was the “bait” that lured Pett to the back of the house for
    the purpose of robbing him. Cortez said that she took direction from
    Cortez provided more details about the crimes at the joint trial
    of Pindling and Wallace, testifying as follows. Soon after Pindling
    and Wallace began working at the same restaurant where Cortez
    worked, she began a relationship with Wallace. Pindling and
    Wallace said they were both from New York and described
    themselves as cousins. They lived at the same property address.
    Cortez said that Wallace lived in quarters separate from the main
    house that Pindling shared with his father. Cortez had seen Wallace
    and Pindling shoot a silver-colored gun at their residence.
    Cortez also testified that to help pay for their planned trip to
    New York, she, Pindling, and Wallace devised a plan to rob Pett,
    who previously had sold marijuana to Pindling and Wallace. Wallace
    called Pett under the guise of purchasing marijuana and directed
    Pett to meet at an abandoned house located at 213 Walnut Street.
    Cortez, Wallace, and Pindling went to the location, but when they
    saw a woman standing nearby, they decided to cancel the meeting.
    Cortez talked to Pett, but did not give him another time to meet. The
    trio returned home, and Pindling went to the liquor store. Later,
    Wallace called Pett to meet, and Cortez, Wallace, and Pindling again
    went to the abandoned house on Walnut Street.
    Cortez waited in front of the house for Pett and directed him to
    the back porch; Wallace was on the back porch waiting and Pindling
    was inside the house. Pett gave her marijuana, and as she looked at
    it, she heard gunshots. Cortez ran back to the car. Wallace took
    Pett’s bag that contained Pett’s wallet and a handgun and left the
    scene with Cortez and Pindling. Cortez did not see who shot Pett,
    but assumed that Pindling was the shooter because Wallace did not
    have a gun and Pindling was the only other person with them. When
    Pindling returned to the car, he said that he “kicked [Pett’s] lights
    out because he was making noises.”
    After leaving the scene, the trio returned to Pindling and
    Wallace’s residence. Cortez and Wallace sat in the living room
    connected to Pindling’s bedroom, while Pindling hid the guns in his
    bedroom and changed, placing his clothes and Pett’s wallet in a
    trash bag. The trio left for New York; while there, Wallace would not
    let Cortez talk to her mother privately. Cortez said initially that
    both Pindling and Wallace threatened to kill her if she told anyone
    what happened, but later testified that only Wallace had threatened
    to kill her.
    Pindling testified in his own defense. He said that Wallace
    stayed in Pindling’s father’s house and was allowed to use Pindling’s
    gun whenever he wanted. On July 13, Pindling had been drinking
    liquor to celebrate his birthday and did not know that Wallace and
    Cortez had been texting Pett. In the evening, Wallace asked for keys
    to the rental car so he and Cortez could meet someone who owed
    Cortez money. Pindling continued to drink, fell asleep, and was
    awakened when Cortez and Wallace returned. Wallace and Cortez
    said they got the money and were ready to leave for New York, and
    Wallace gave Pindling’s gun back to Pindling. Before leaving for
    New York, Pindling hid the gun, explaining that he did not want to
    take it to New York and did not want his father to find it. Pindling
    claimed not to have seen Pett’s gun.
    2. Pindling argues that the trial court plainly erred in failing
    to instruct the jury on the need for an accomplice’s testimony to be
    corroborated. Pindling asserts that the error affected the outcome of
    his trial because Cortez was the sole testifying witness with personal
    knowledge of the events that led to Pett’s death and was the only
    witness who implicated Pindling as the shooter. We agree that the
    trial court’s error requires reversal.
    As Pindling concedes, because he did not request this
    instruction and failed to object to its omission, his claim of error is
    reviewed only for plain error. See Wilson v. State, 
    301 Ga. 689
    , 693
    (3) (804 SE2d 54) (2017). To establish plain error, Pindling must
    demonstrate that (1) the failure to give the instruction was not
    affirmatively waived, (2) the failure was an obvious error beyond
    reasonable dispute, (3) the error likely affected the outcome of the
    proceedings, and (4) the error seriously affected the fairness,
    integrity, or public reputation of judicial proceedings. See Hood v.
    303 Ga. 420
    , 425-426 (2) (a) (811 SE2d 392) (2018). “Satisfying
    all four prongs of this standard is difficult, as it should be.” 
    Id. at 426
     (2) (a) (citation omitted).
    The State rightfully concedes that Pindling has satisfied the
    first two prongs of the plain error test, in that it was a clear and
    obvious error for the trial court to fail to give the accomplice-
    corroboration    instruction      while   giving   the   single-witness
    instruction. The plain language of OCGA § 24-14-8 provides that in
    “felony cases where the only witness is an accomplice, the testimony
    of a single witness shall not be sufficient” to establish a fact, but
    “corroborating circumstances may dispense with the necessity for
    the testimony of a second witness[.]” Under this statute, if there is
    evidence that could support a finding that a witness was an
    accomplice to the crime, and that witness provides testimony that
    directly links the defendant to the crime, it is a clear and obvious
    error for the trial court to instruct the jury that the testimony of a
    single witness is sufficient to establish a fact without also
    instructing the jury that an accomplice’s testimony must be
    corroborated. See, e.g., Doyle v. State, 
    307 Ga. 609
    , 613 (2) (b) (837
    SE2d 833) (2020); State v. Johnson, 
    305 Ga. 237
    , 240 (824 SE2d 317)
    (2019). Here, the prosecutor relied heavily on the testimony of
    Cortez, there was ample evidence from which the jury could have
    found her to be an accomplice, and her testimony directly linked
    Pindling to the crimes.
    The parties dispute whether this error likely affected the
    outcome of the trial. As Pindling points out, Cortez was the only
    eyewitness who affirmatively linked him to the crimes and identified
    him as the shooter. The State argues that Cortez’s testimony was
    corroborated by Wallace’s statement, cell phone records, GPS
    records, surveillance videos, eyewitness testimony, and forensic
    evidence. But most of the evidence cited by the State corroborates
    Cortez’s statements only as to her and Wallace’s involvement in the
    crimes. And although it is not disputed that Pindling once met Pett
    at an Academy Sports, Pett’s sister did not identify Pindling as one
    of the men that Pett had planned to meet (but did not) several hours
    before his death. Eyewitness testimony and other evidence do show
    that Pindling was with Wallace and Cortez for periods before and
    after the crimes, but other than Cortez’s testimony, there was no
    direct evidence ⸺ no cell phone records, forensic evidence, or
    eyewitness testimony ⸺ placing Pindling at the scene of the murder.
    The evidence cited by the State was legally sufficient to meet the
    “slight” requirement for corroboration to support a finding that
    Pindling was involved in the crimes against Pett. See Raines v.
    304 Ga. 582
    , 587-588 (2) (a) (820 SE2d 679) (2018) (explaining
    that under Georgia statutory law, to sustain a conviction based on
    accomplice testimony, the independent corroborating evidence only
    has to be “slight” and can be entirely circumstantial). But that
    evidence was far from overwhelming.
    Because almost all of the evidence incriminating Pindling came
    from Cortez, and the jury was never told that her testimony may
    have required corroboration or instructed how to evaluate properly
    the other evidence in this context, the outcome of the proceedings
    was likely affected by the trial court’s failure to instruct the jury on
    the accomplice-corroboration requirement. See Doyle, 307 Ga. at
    613-614 (2) (a)-(b) (failure to give charge likely affected outcome of
    the trial where the testimony of a witness who could be found to
    have been an accomplice was the only eyewitness to identify the
    defendant as a participant in the shooting, no other evidence placed
    the defendant in the vicinity of the crimes, and independent
    evidence was not strong enough to connect the defendant to the
    crimes); Johnson, 305 Ga. at 241 (“[B]ecause virtually all of the
    incriminating evidence flowed from [the accomplice], the outcome of
    the trial court proceedings was likely affected by the trial court’s
    failure to provide an accomplice corroboration charge to the jury[.]”
    (punctuation omitted)); Stanbury v. State, 
    299 Ga. 125
    , 131 (2) (786
    SE2d 672) (2016) (the trial court’s failure to give an accomplice-
    corroboration charge likely affected the outcome of the trial when
    the accomplice “was the only witness who affirmatively identified
    [the defendant] as the second man” inside the house where the
    victim was robbed and shot); see also Finney v. State, ___ Ga. ___,
    ___ (3) (b) (__ SE2d ___) (Case No. S20A1469, decided March 1, 2021)
    (reversing based on cumulative effect of evidentiary errors and
    failure to give accomplice-corroboration charge while giving the
    single witness charge because the strongest evidence of guilt came
    from accomplice’s hearsay statements that were improperly
    admitted and the jury was effectively told it could find the defendant
    guilty based on the accomplice’s statements alone).
    Having found that the first three prongs of the plain error test
    have been met, we must next decide whether the error affected the
    fairness, integrity, or public reputation of judicial proceedings. See
    Hood, 303 Ga. at 425-426 (2) (a). We have concluded in similar
    circumstances that the failure to give the accomplice-corroboration
    charge undermines the fairness of the proceedings. See Doyle, 307
    Ga. at 615 (2) (b) (“Affirming [the defendant’s] conviction on this
    record with a jury that was authorized to find him guilty solely on
    [the    accomplice’s]   testimony   would   render   the   accomplice-
    corroboration requirement meaningless.”). We reach the same
    conclusion here. Because Pindling has established plain error, we
    Judgment reversed. All the Justices concur.

Document Info

Docket Number: S21A0084

Filed Date: 4/5/2021

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 4/5/2021