Blalock v. State ( 2023 )

  •  NOTICE: This opinion is subject to modification resulting from motions for reconsideration under Supreme Court
    Rule 27, the Court’s reconsideration, and editorial revisions by the Reporter of Decisions. The version of the
    opinion published in the Advance Sheets for the Georgia Reports, designated as the “Final Copy,” will replace any
    prior version on the Court’s website and docket. A bound volume of the Georgia Reports will contain the final and
    official text of the opinion.
    In the Supreme Court of Georgia
    Decided: May 16, 2023
    S23A0259. BLALOCK v. THE STATE.
    LAGRUA, Justice.
    Appellant Dwight Blalock, Jr., was convicted of malice murder
    and other crimes in connection with the fatal shooting of Carlos
    Wright and the aggravated assault of Bryan Morrow on November
    13, 2014. 1        On appeal, Blalock contends that (1) the trial court
    1 On March 3, 2017, Blalock was indicted by a Cobb County grand jury
    on charges of malice murder, two counts of felony murder, two counts of
    aggravated assault, and two counts of possession of a firearm during the
    commission of a felony. On May 26, 2017, the State filed a superseding
    indictment, adding one count of violation of the Georgia Street Gang Terrorism
    and Prevention Act and one count of felony murder predicated on violation of
    the Criminal Street Gang Act. In June 2017, a jury found Blalock guilty of all
    counts. The trial court sentenced Blalock to serve life in prison without the
    possibility of parole for the malice murder count, plus 35 years to run
    concurrently for one of the aggravated assault counts and the gang count, plus
    an additional 10 years consecutive for the firearms counts. The felony murder
    counts were vacated by operation of law, and one of the aggravated assault
    counts merged with the malice murder count for sentencing purposes. On July
    10, 2017, Blalock filed a motion for new trial, which he amended through new
    counsel on June 24, 2020. Following an evidentiary hearing, the trial court
    denied Blalock’s motion for new trial on May 18, 2022. Blalock filed a timely
    notice of appeal to this Court, and the case was docketed to the term of this
    abused its discretion and denied Blalock due process by refusing to
    grant his motion for continuance; (2) Blalock’s trial counsel rendered
    ineffective assistance by failing to argue that the discovery statute,
    OCGA § 17-16-4, was unconstitutional as applied in this case; and
    (3) the trial court erred in permitting a State’s witness to comment
    on Blalock’s silence. For the reasons that follow, we affirm Blalock’s
    The evidence presented at Blalock’s trial2 showed that, on the
    evening of November 13, 2014, Wright and Morrow were interested
    in purchasing cocaine, so Wright contacted his neighbor, Savante
    Hubbard, who had set up a cocaine purchase for Wright a few weeks
    earlier. On that occasion, Hubbard had arranged for Wright to buy
    cocaine from Blalock, and then, Hubbard, Wright, and Muriel
    Johnson—Wright’s girlfriend—drove to a nearby apartment
    Court beginning in December 2022 and submitted for a decision on the briefs.
    2 “In light of the harmless-error analysis we undertake in Division [3] of
    this opinion, we review the record de novo, and we weigh the evidence as we
    would expect reasonable jurors to have done [] as opposed to viewing it all in
    the light most favorable to the jury’s verdict.” Moore v. State, 
    315 Ga. 263
    , 264
    (1) n.2 (
    882 SE2d 227
    ) (2022) (quotation and punctuation omitted).
    complex to complete the sale with Blalock. 3 According to Hubbard,
    a few days after that transaction, Blalock called him and said that
    one of the five dollar bills Wright had given him during the sale was
    “counterfeit.” Blalock told Hubbard, “I thought we were cooler than
    that to let somebody get down on me for $5.00.” Hubbard replaced
    the five dollar bill, feeling “obligated” to do so because he “brought
    [Wright] over there” and still had “intentions of dealing with
    On the night of November 13, Wright called Hubbard and
    asked if Hubbard could set up a cocaine purchase for him again.
    Hubbard was not available to go with Wright that night, and he was
    “cautious” about reconnecting Wright and Blalock because he did
    not want Wright to “try the same thing and try to give [Blalock] fake
    money again.” But Hubbard agreed to put Wright in touch with
    Blalock. At that time, Blalock did not have a working cell phone, so
    3   Following Blalock’s arrest in this case, Johnson was shown a
    photographic lineup and asked if she could identify the man Wright purchased
    cocaine from in October 2014. Johnson selected Blalock’s picture from the
    lineup, and Johnson identified Blalock again at trial.
    Hubbard called Jeremy Dyer—a friend of Blalock’s who often let
    Blalock use his phone—and spoke to Blalock about setting up
    another deal with Wright. According to Hubbard, Blalock agreed to
    sell to Wright and did not “say anything” about “the $5.00 bill
    incident.” However, Hubbard was “concerned about putting them
    together” because he “knew what kind of guy” Blalock was and “had
    these concerns” about what Blalock might do.
    At trial, Johnson testified that she overheard Wright speaking
    to Blalock on the phone that evening, arranging a meeting time for
    later that night.      Around 10:00 p.m., Wright and Morrow left
    Wright’s apartment to meet Blalock. Wright drove Morrow’s car—a
    2013 brown Honda Civic—because he was more familiar with the
    Bellemeade area. According to Morrow, he and Wright drove to a
    duplex located at 816-B Bellemeade Way and parked in the adjacent
    cul-de-sac. 4 Wright then called his contact—Morrow did not actually
    4  Dyer and Dyer’s girlfriend, Latoya Ross, lived at 816-B Bellemeade
    Way with their children, and Dyer testified that Blalock frequently hung out
    there. Neighbors described 816-B as a “dope house” and a “drug hangout” that
    was “filled with people running drugs.”
    know the identity of the person at that time—to say that “he was
    outside.” Morrow testified that, seconds later, someone wearing a
    red hoodie approached the back side of the vehicle and started
    shooting, walking around the front of the car towards the driver’s
    side. The shooter “shot up the glass” on the driver’s side, and Wright
    and Morrow “both got down.” Morrow got out of the car and ran
    towards the duplex and through the adjacent woods, hearing shots
    as he ran away.
    Officers with the Marietta Police Department responded to the
    scene between 10:45 and 11:00 p.m. on November 13 and observed
    a man—later identified as Wright—lying face-down in the cul-de-
    sac just outside the driver’s side door of a brown Honda Civic.
    Officers rolled Wright’s body over, cut his shirt off, and discovered
    “two entrance wounds” in his torso. The medical examiner testified
    at trial that Wright died at the scene from “a gunshot wound to the
    torso with perforations of the lungs, heart, and liver.”
    Detective Lee Greene was called to process the scene.         He
    located two 7.62-millimeter shell casings on the driver’s side of the
    vehicle and two .380-caliber shell casings on the passenger side of
    the vehicle, which he testified would have been fired from a 7-
    millimeter handgun and .380-caliber handgun, respectively.
    Detective Greene also observed bullet holes in both sides of the
    vehicle. On this basis, Detective Greene determined that there were
    two shooters involved in the shooting—one shooter who was using a
    7-millimeter handgun and another who was using a .380-caliber
    handgun. No weapons were recovered at the scene or inside the
    vehicle, and neither weapon was ever found. Morrow testified that
    neither Wright nor Morrow was carrying a weapon that night, and
    at trial, Morrow identified Blalock as one of the shooters.
    One of the detectives who canvassed the crime scene area after
    the shooting observed “fresh” saliva—where someone apparently
    spit on the ground—near the walkway leading to 816-B Bellemeade
    Way. The detective collected a sample of the saliva, and subsequent
    GBI testing determined it to be a match for Blalock’s DNA.
    Detective Michael Selleck, who also responded to the scene
    that night, testified that a man approached him while he was
    standing near the shooting location and motioned for him to walk
    over to “a darker back corner of the cul-de-sac.” The man identified
    himself as Lee Hill and told Detective Selleck that “Blalock, that is
    your guy,” and “if anybody hears me saying this, you will find me in
    a ditch.” At trial, Hill testified that he heard about the shooting on
    the night of November 13, and shortly afterwards, Blalock came to
    his house and told him, “I did it.” Hill admitted that he went up to
    the crime scene area afterwards and spoke to a detective, and while
    he could not recall saying “Blalock” is “your guy,” he did tell “the
    truth” when he said, “If anyone hears me telling you this, you will
    find me in a ditch.” Hill also testified that he had seen Blalock
    wearing a red hoodie earlier in the day.
    Dyer also testified at trial. According to Dyer, around 9:00 or
    9:30 p.m. on November 13, Blalock was hanging out with Dyer and
    some other friends at Dyer’s house, and Dyer let Blalock use his
    phone, which he did “fairly often.” At some point, Blalock told Dyer
    that “he was going to go outside to catch a Joe,” which Dyer testified
    meant to “sell drugs” to someone. About 10 or 15 minutes later, Dyer
    heard gunshots. Dyer stepped outside after the shooting stopped
    and saw Wright lying in the cul-de-sac. At trial, Dyer testified that
    he did not see Blalock with a gun that night, but he knew Blalock
    owned and carried a 7-millimeter handgun—a gun Dyer had “never
    heard of” until he saw Blalock with one.
    Detective Michael Merritt, the lead investigator in this case,
    testified that, on November 14, he interviewed several of the
    witnesses who were in the area that night, including Morrow, Hill,
    and Dyer. Based on those interviews, Detective Merritt identified
    Blalock as a possible suspect in the shooting. On November 15,
    officers located Blalock at an apartment in Cobb County with
    O’Reicha Usher, his girlfriend, and Gerald Florence, his cousin.
    Florence and Blalock were detained and taken to police
    headquarters for questioning. During Blalock’s interview, Blalock
    did not deny being at 816-B Bellemeade Way on November 13, but
    said he left prior to the shooting. Blalock also denied knowing or
    ever having met Wright. Florence also denied any knowledge of the
    crime or Blalock’s potential involvement in the crime. Detective
    Merritt testified that he did not take out an arrest warrant for
    Blalock at that time because he wanted to acquire more information.
    On December 6, 2016, Florence was arrested in Cobb County
    on an unrelated matter and was interviewed by Detective Merritt
    again. At trial, Florence testified that, at this point, he had decided
    to give Detective Merritt “what he want[ed]” to “get it off [his]
    conscience.” Florence told Detective Merritt that, on the night of
    November 14, 2014, Florence went to Blalock’s apartment, and
    Blalock told Florence that “he shot that man off Bellemeade Way”
    the night before. Blalock said that Wright had tried to rob him, so
    he shot him, and after the shooting, Blalock “fled to the home of Lee
    Hill.” According to Florence, Blalock then asked for a ride back over
    to the Bellemeade area, and Florence drove Blalock and Usher to
    Hill’s house. When they arrived, Blalock and Usher went through
    “a pathway” between Hill’s house and 816-B Bellemeade Way
    “where the shooting occurred.” Usher came out carrying a bag,
    which she handed to Blalock, and Florence understood there was a
    gun in the bag. Florence, Blalock, and Usher then left in Florence’s
    truck. On the way back to Blalock’s apartment, Blalock “pulled the
    gun out” and “threw the clip” out of the window, and Blalock asked
    Florence to stop at Fair Oaks Park, where Blalock threw the gun
    somewhere in the woods.        Florence testified that, during this
    timeframe, Blalock carried a 7-millimeter handgun. Blalock was
    arrested shortly after Florence’s interview.
    At trial, Agent Paul Reynolds—a gang investigator who
    testified for the State as an expert in criminal street gangs, criminal
    street gang activity, and criminal street gang identification—
    testified that, based on Blalock’s body tattoos and his relationship
    to Florence—Blalock’s cousin who was a known member of the
    Bloods, specifically, the “Bounty Hunter Blood[s]”—Blalock was “a
    member[,] or at least at a minimum[,] an associate to the Bloods
    criminal street gang.”
    1. On appeal, Blalock contends that the trial court abused its
    discretion and violated Blalock’s due process rights by refusing to
    grant his request for a continuance after he received a large amount
    of discovery from the State 13 days before trial. We see no merit to
    this claim.
    The record reflects that Blalock was indicted on March 3, 2017,
    and on April 3, 2017, he filed a statutory demand for speedy trial.
    On April 7, 2017, Blalock filed 21 motions—16 of which were related
    to discovery. On April 20, 2017, the State requested and Blalock
    delivered approximately 40 blank compact discs to the State for
    purposes of copying the State’s discovery in this case. The State
    returned one of the discs with discovery on it to Blalock on April 21,
    On April 25, 2017, during Blalock’s formal arraignment
    hearing, the trial court noted Blalock’s speedy trial demand and
    inquired whether the parties would like “to go ahead and have a
    specially set [trial] date.” Both sides responded affirmatively, and
    the trial court advised that it would specially set trial for June 19,
    2017. The prosecutor informed the trial court that “there might be
    a superseding indictment” involving “some gang act charges,” but
    the State would still “be ready on the 19th on that charge.” Defense
    counsel responded that “any superseding indictment involving gang
    activity” could affect Blalock’s “ability to go forward on June the
    19th.” The trial court inquired whether Blalock might “withdraw
    [his] speedy trial demand,” and defense counsel responded that he
    was “not saying that right now.” The trial court reiterated that it
    had specially set trial for June 19.
    On May 15, 2017, Blalock filed a motion to compel the State’s
    responses to Blalock’s discovery motions, and the trial court heard
    the motion on May 25. At the hearing, defense counsel argued that
    he had only received one compact disc of discovery from the State,
    and the prosecutor responded that the State did “not plan on giving
    discovery” on this indictment because the State “expected that the
    Grand Jury would be considering additional charges including
    violation of the Gang Act.” The prosecutor advised the trial court
    that, once he had the new case number, the State would “comply
    with discovery as the statute requires.”
    Defense counsel inquired whether the new indictment would
    “eliminate the trial scheduled for June the 19th,” and the trial court
    responded that trial would still likely proceed at that time unless
    Blalock withdrew his speedy-trial demand. Defense counsel did not
    indicate that Blalock would be withdrawing his speedy-trial
    demand, and he asked the trial court to rule on Blalock’s motion to
    compel and require the State to turn over discovery on the current
    indictment immediately. The prosecutor argued that the State did
    “not want to provide discovery on an indictment” that would be nolle
    prossed, and if Blalock opted into “reciprocal discovery on the new
    case for the 19th,” then the State would turn over discovery in
    accordance with the discovery statute.     The trial court advised
    Blalock that it was denying the motion to compel at that time
    because the State would be “go[ing] forward on a different
    indictment,” for which Blalock would need to opt into discovery
    again, and the trial court further noted that because Blalock “filed
    the speedy trial demand,” it meant he was “ready for trial” and to
    “try me just as soon as you can.”
    The superseding indictment was filed on May 26, 2017, adding
    one count of felony murder and one count of violation of the Street
    Gang Terrorism and Prevention Act. 5          On June 2, Blalock was
    formally arraigned on the new indictment, and defense counsel
    advised the trial court that he wanted to “revisit this discovery
    issue,” asking the trial court to order the State to turn over discovery
    immediately since Blalock had opted into discovery on the new
    indictment, as well. The prosecutor indicated that the State would
    turn over discovery “as soon as possible.” The trial court set a
    motions hearing for June 16.
    On June 6, the State produced discovery to Blalock on 37
    compact discs. On June 14, Blalock filed a withdrawal of his demand
    for speedy trial. On June 15, Blalock filed a motion for continuance,
    seeking a continuance of the trial set for June 19 based on the
    volume of discovery the State produced.
    At the motions hearing on June 16, defense counsel advised the
    trial court that Blalock had withdrawn his demand for speedy trial
    as of June 14, and the trial court indicated it had not been made
    5 The other charges from the original indictment were also included in
    the superseding indictment.
    aware of the withdrawal. Defense counsel argued that there was
    “absolutely no way [they could] actually prepare [for trial] with the
    breadth of information” provided by the State, and defense counsel
    did not “know of a competent attorney that would announce ready
    for trial on a murder case that has gang-related issues to it.”
    Defense counsel further argued that “there [was] no time to prepare
    for this case in a proper fashion” because they “need[ed] time to
    interview witnesses to determine whether or not their testimony
    [was] credible and whether [they] need[ed] to put them under
    subpoena” and “just [didn’t] have the time to do it.”
    The prosecutor responded that Blalock could have withdrawn
    the speedy-trial demand “weeks ago,” but waited until right “before
    the start of a specially-set trial.” The prosecutor argued that it was
    “the defense’s strategic choice of filing a demand” for a speedy trial—
    which was “an assertion that the defense [was] ready for trial”—and
    then immediately filing for discovery. The prosecutor asserted that
    the State’s discovery was “timely” and “in excess” of the ten days
    required by statute, having been turned over 13 days before trial.
    See OCGA § 17-16-4 (a) (3) (A).6 The prosecutor also argued that
    Blalock’s “filing [of] a speedy trial demand and withdrawing [it] at
    the last minute” was a “strategic maneuver” Blalock should not be
    allowed to use to “force the State into a position of [] hurrying up
    and getting ready and going out and subpoenaing witnesses,” to only
    be informed “at the last minute” that a speedy trial was “not really
    what [the defense] want[ed].”          The prosecutor emphasized that
    Blalock had been in possession of the State’s timely discovery “for
    the better part of almost a week now” and reiterated that the State
    was “ready for trial.”
    In response, defense counsel argued that “[t]he State
    essentially want[ed] to punish Mr. Blalock for exercising his right to
    6 Pursuant to OCGA § 17-16-4 (a) (3) (a),
    the prosecuting attorney shall, no later than ten days prior to trial,
    or as otherwise ordered by the court, permit the defendant at a
    time agreed to by the parties or ordered by the court to inspect and
    copy or photograph books, papers, documents, photographs,
    tangible objects, audio and visual tapes, films and recordings, or
    copies or portions thereof and to inspect and photograph buildings
    or places which are within the possession, custody, or control of the
    state or prosecution and are intended for use by the prosecuting
    attorney as evidence in the prosecution’s case-in-chief or rebuttal
    at the trial or were obtained from or belong to the defendant.
    file a speedy demand for trial,” and that defense counsel did not
    “have time to prepare” and “need[ed] a continuance.” The trial court
    observed that it “thought this might be what [Blalock] might
    attempt to do, but [the trial court’s staff] moved Heaven and Earth
    to get the case tried next week.” The trial court denied the motion
    for continuance and advised that trial would proceed on June 19.
    The trial proceeded as scheduled.
    In denying Blalock’s motion for new trial, the trial court held
    that it did not abuse its discretion in denying Blalock’s motion for
    continuance because: (1) there was no discovery violation by the
    State given that the State provided all of its discovery to Blalock
    more than ten days prior to trial; (2) Blalock’s argument that he did
    not have adequate time to review the discovery or prepare for trial
    was “belied by the entirely reasonable strategy that [Blalock] was
    able to employ during the trial and by the excellent performance of
    his well-seasoned trial counsel, who had decades of experience and
    who had tried hundreds of felony criminal jury trials”; (3) Blalock
    was required to show that he was harmed by the denial of the motion
    for continuance and failed to do so; and (4) the gang expert and the
    crime scene expert Blalock presented at the motion for new trial
    hearing did not proffer any testimony which, had it been offered at
    trial, would have affected the outcome of the trial with any
    “reasonable probability,” especially in light of “the overwhelming
    evidence” of Blalock’s guilt. 7
    On appeal, Blalock contends that the trial court abused its
    discretion by refusing to grant his motion for continuance, asserting
    the following: (1) Blalock exercised due diligence “in consistently
    bringing the issue of no discovery before the trial court” and
    “confront[ing]” the trial court with “the dire situation regarding the
    discovery,” but the trial court denied Blalock’s motion to compel
    discovery and his motion for continuance, improperly relying solely
    7   At the motion-for-new-trial hearing, the gang expert stated that he
    would have testified at trial that Blalock’s gang-related tattoos looked faded
    and did not necessarily indicate that Blalock was a gang member at the time
    the crimes were committed. The crime scene expert stated that he would have
    testified that Morrow, the passenger in Wright’s car, was likely the second
    shooter. In denying Blalock’s motion for new trial, the trial court noted that
    the gang expert’s testimony was “common sense” and that Blalock “was able to
    present a cogent, reasonable defense even without the crime scene expert’s
    on Blalock’s speedy-trial demand; (2) while “the State did comply
    with the letter of the law” in turning over discovery, the State
    “outwardly refused to give discovery for months” and “waited until
    the last minute to provide this massive amount of discovery”; (3)
    because of the State’s “intentional delay,” the defense was “tactically
    prevented” from conducting important deliberation and preparation
    for trial; and (4) if Blalock had been given more time to prepare, he
    would have consulted a gang expert and ballistics expert to testify
    for the defense at trial, and he was “greatly harmed” by being
    precluded from doing so.
    In considering a motion for continuance, the trial court
    enjoys broad discretion and may grant or refuse the
    motion as the ends of justice may require. To obtain a
    new trial based upon the denial of a motion for
    continuance, an appellant must show not only a clear
    abuse of discretion on the part of the trial court in denying
    the motion but also that he was harmed by that denial.
    Mann v. State, 
    307 Ga. 696
    , 703 (2) (d) (
    838 SE2d 305
    ) (2020)
    (citations and punctuation omitted). See also Terrell v. State, 
    304 Ga. 183
    , 185 (2) (
    815 SE2d 66
    ) (2018) (“[R]equests for continuances
    are addressed to the sound discretion of the trial court, and this
    Court will not interfere unless there was a clear abuse of discretion.”
    (citing OCGA § 17-8-22 8)). Blalock has not met this burden.
    Our review of the record demonstrates that the trial court
    considered several factors in denying Blalock’s request for a
    continuance, including the trial court’s special setting of the trial
    date (and the efforts of its staff to accommodate that setting) to
    comply with Blalock’s speedy-trial demand under OCGA § 17-7-
    171—which Blalock did not withdraw until a few days before trial
    and which was the impetus behind the shortened timeframe for
    trial—as well as the fact that Blalock’s demand for a speedy trial
    was an assertion that he was ready for trial.                 See Higuera-
    Hernandez v. State, 
    289 Ga. 553
    , 559 (3) (
    714 SE2d 236
    ) (2011)
    (concluding that “it was apparent by his demand for trial [that]
    Appellant had shortened the time for trial[,] which constituted a
    factor for the trial court to consider when setting the trial date,” and
    8 OCGA § 17-8-22 provides in pertinent part: “All applications for
    continuances are addressed to the sound legal discretion of the court and, if
    not expressly provided for, shall be granted or refused as the ends of justice
    may require.”
    the trial court’s prompt setting of the trial date was its attempt “to
    comply with the demand for trial” (citation and punctuation
    omitted)). See also Dalton v. State, 
    269 Ga. 138
    , 140 (
    429 SE2d 89
    (1993) (noting that, when the defendant filed a speedy-trial demand,
    the trial court’s special setting of “the date of trial such that it would
    be timely held” was the trial court’s “scrupulous[] attempt[] to
    comply with the defendant’s demand that he be brought to trial
    expeditiously,” and the defendant’s subsequent “motion for
    continuance of this trial date” was an “affirmative action to ensure
    that his trial could not be held within two terms of his demand for a
    speedy trial”). The trial court also determined that the State timely
    provided discovery to Blalock in accordance with OCGA § 17-6-4 (a)
    (3) (A). “Given these facts, we cannot say that the trial court abused
    its discretion in denying” Blalock’s “motion for continuance.” Mann,
    307 Ga. at 703 (2) (d).
    Moreover, in considering the issue of the continuance at
    Blalock’s motion for new trial hearing, the trial court assessed the
    expert testimony that Blalock argued he would have introduced at
    trial had a continuance been granted and concluded that Blalock
    failed to show that he was harmed by the trial court’s denial of his
    request for a continuance or that the outcome of his trial would have
    been different had this evidence been admitted. See Mann, 307 Ga.
    at 703 (2) (d). We agree.
    As noted above, “to be entitled to a new trial based upon the
    denial of a motion for a continuance, a defendant has the burden to
    show that he was harmed by that denial.” Phoenix v. State, 
    304 Ga. 785
    , 788 (2) (
    822 SE2d 195
    ) (2018) (citation and punctuation
    omitted). Here, even if the trial court had abused its discretion in
    denying the motion for continuance, Blalock has “made no showing
    that this was harmful error.” 
     Although Blalock argues that a
    continuance was necessary to give his counsel an opportunity to
    consult experts to potentially testify on his behalf at trial, Blalock
    has not shown that this testimony would have helped him
    “formulate an effective defense” or “how the testimony would
    [otherwise have] benefit[ed] him” had it been presented at trial. 
    Under these circumstances, even if the trial court abused its
    discretion in denying the requested continuance, the denial was not
    harmful to Blalock.
    Blalock also contends that the trial court’s denial of his motion
    for continuance violated his right to due process of law by “forcing
    the case to trial” too quickly and denying Blalock the “effective
    representation of defense counsel” as a result. We disagree.
    As noted above, approximately one month after he was
    indicted, Blalock filed a demand for a speedy trial, which meant he
    was ready for trial and the State was required to try him within the
    requisite timeframe. See OCGA § 17-7-171 (b) (providing that “[i]f
    more than two regular terms of court are convened and adjourned
    after the term at which the demand for speedy trial is filed and the
    defendant is not given a trial, then the defendant shall be absolutely
    discharged and acquitted of the offense charged in the indictment”).
    See also State v. Varner, 
    277 Ga. 433
    , 434 (
    589 SE2d 111
    ) (2003)
    (explaining that “[t]he demand for trial statutes, OCGA §§ 17-7-170
    and 17-7-171, are regarded as in aid and implementation of the
    State constitutional right to a speedy trial,” and “[w]hen the State is
    unable to meet its statutory requirement to try a defendant who has
    timely filed a compliant demand, the statute exacts a heavy toll—
    the absolute discharge and acquittal of that defendant”). During
    Blalock’s formal arraignment hearing, the trial court specially set
    Blalock’s trial to comply with his speedy-trial demand, and the State
    advised that it would likely be filing a superseding indictment with
    additional “gang act” charges, which would not interfere with the
    scheduled trial date. The trial court then inquired whether Blalock
    would be withdrawing his speedy-trial demand on this basis, and
    Blalock indicated he would not be doing so. Over the next several
    weeks, even after the superseding indictment was filed, Blalock did
    not withdraw his speedy-trial demand, waiting until a few days
    before the specially-set trial to do so. Accordingly, given that Blalock
    chose not to withdraw his speedy-trial demand when given the
    opportunity to do so and his delay in withdrawing the demand until
    shortly before his trial was scheduled to commence, we see no
    violation of Blalock’s due process rights in the trial court’s denial of
    his motion for continuance.        For this additional reason, this
    enumeration of error fails. 9
    2.   Blalock also contends that his trial counsel rendered
    ineffective assistance by failing to argue that the discovery statute,
    see OCGA § 17-16-4 (a) (3) (A), was unconstitutional as applied in
    this case. We conclude that Blalock failed to demonstrate that his
    trial counsel was constitutionally ineffective.
    “To prevail on a claim of ineffective assistance of counsel, a
    defendant generally must show that counsel’s performance was
    deficient, and that the deficient performance resulted in prejudice to
    the defendant. Moss v. State, 
    311 Ga. 123
    , 126 (2) (
    856 SE2d 280
    (2021) (citing Strickland v. Washington, 
    466 U.S. 668
    , 687-695 (104
    SCt 2052, 80 LE2d 674) (1984)). “To prove deficient performance,”
    a defendant “must show that his counsel performed in an objectively
    9  While we recognize that, in a criminal case like this one, there may be
    valid strategic reasons for delayed action, we remind defense attorneys and
    prosecutors alike that trial strategy need not, and should not, require counsel
    to compromise their ethical obligations to practice law with a high degree of
    professionalism. See King v. State, 
    262 Ga. 477
    , 478 (
    421 SE2d 708
    ) (1992)
    (Benham, J., concurring) (“We have sought to raise the level of consciousness
    of all those who participate in court proceedings to encourage them to adhere
    to principles of honesty, truthfulness, trustworthiness, integrity, fairness and
    unreasonable way considering all the circumstances and in light of
    prevailing professional norms.” Ward v. State, 
    313 Ga. 265
    , 273 (4)
    869 SE2d 470
    ) (2022) (citation and punctuation omitted).
    The reasonableness of counsel’s conduct is examined from
    counsel’s perspective at the time of trial and under the
    particular circumstances of the case, and decisions
    regarding trial tactics and strategy may form the basis for
    an ineffectiveness claim only if they were so patently
    unreasonable that no competent attorney would have
    followed such a course.
    Taylor v. State, 
    312 Ga. 1
    , 15-16 (6) (
    860 SE2d 470
    ) (2021) (citations
    and punctuation omitted). See also Robinson v. State, 
    278 Ga. 31
    36 (2) (d) (
    597 SE2d 386
    ) (2004) (“As a general rule, matters of
    reasonable trial tactics and strategy, whether wise or unwise, do not
    amount to ineffective assistance of counsel,” and “[a] reviewing court
    evaluates trial counsel’s performance from counsel’s perspective at
    the time of trial.”). “To satisfy the prejudice prong, a defendant must
    establish a reasonable probability that, in the absence of counsel’s
    deficient performance, the result of the trial would have been
    different.” Moss, 311 Ga. at 126 (2). “If an appellant fails to meet
    his or her burden of proving either prong of the Strickland test, the
    reviewing court does not have to examine the other prong.” Id.
    (citation and punctuation omitted).
    On appeal, Blalock contends that the “timing of the receipt of
    the [State’s] discovery was the central issue throughout pre-trial
    motions” in this case, and while he does not dispute that the State’s
    production of discovery was timely under OCGA § 17-16-4 (a) (3) (A),
    he argues that his experienced trial counsel was nevertheless
    deficient for failing to take the “necessary step of arguing that the
    statute itself was unconstitutional” as applied in this case. Blalock
    further contends that “[t]he issue of the constitutionality of OCGA §
    17-16-4 is a critical argument” that this Court needs to address—in
    light of the increase in the amount of discovery over the last decade
    which negatively impacts “criminal defendants’ ability to prepare a
    meaningful defense”—and thus, the failure of his trial counsel to
    properly assert and preserve this issue prevented Blalock from
    seeking a ruling thereon and prejudiced him in this case.
    Blalock has not cited any case addressing a constitutional
    challenge to OCGA § 17-16-4 (a) (3) (A), either on its face or as
    applied, and given that we have found no authority even suggesting
    that the statute’s constitutionality might be doubted, “trial counsel’s
    failure to raise a novel legal argument does not constitute ineffective
    assistance of counsel.” Griffin v. State, 
    309 Ga. 516
    , 520 (2) (
    847 SE2d 168
    ) (2020) (quotation and punctuation omitted). See also
    Esprit v. State, 
    305 Ga. 429
    , 438 (2) (c) (
    826 SE2d 7
    ) (2019) (“A
    criminal defense attorney does not perform deficiently when he fails
    to advance a legal theory that would require an extension of existing
    precedents and the adoption of an unproven theory of law.” (Citation
    and punctuation omitted.)). Because Blalock has not demonstrated
    that his trial counsel performed deficiently by failing to raise a
    constitutional challenge to OCGA § 17-16-4 (a) (3) (A), his claim of
    ineffective assistance fails.
    3. In Blalock’s final contention, he asserts that the trial court
    erred in permitting one of the State’s witnesses to comment on
    Blalock’s post-arrest silence, which was “a violation of his
    constitutional rights.” We conclude that, even if the trial court
    abused its discretion in allowing this evidence to be admitted, any
    such abuse of discretion was harmless error.
    During   defense    counsel’s   cross-examination    of   Agent
    Reynolds, the State’s gang expert, the following exchange occurred:
    DEFENSE COUNSEL: “What chapter of Bloods or set or
    whatever you want to call it does Mr. Blalock belong to?”
    AGENT REYNOLDS: “I don’t know. He wouldn’t talk to
    me about it.”
    DEFENSE COUNSEL: “What were his local hangouts?”
    AGENT REYNOLDS: “I don’t know. He wouldn’t talk to
    At the conclusion of the prosecutor’s redirect examination of this
    witness, defense counsel moved for a mistrial. At that point, the
    trial court inquired as to the basis for the motion, and the following
    exchange occurred:
    DEFENSE COUNSEL: “The fact that this officer twice
    testified and violated the Defendant’s right to remain
    silent when he said that the Defendant refused to talk to
    PROSECUTOR: “That was responsive to her question.”
    COURT: “It was responsive to her question. So I will
    overrule the objection. You asked him specifically what
    chapter does he belong to. He said, I don’t know; he
    wouldn’t talk to me.”
    DEFENSE COUNSEL: “He could have said, ‘I don’t
    know.’ I didn’t ask him—I said what chapter does he
    belong to. He is qualified as a gang expert, your Honor.
    All of those questions that I asked about all of the
    research that he can do to determine what chapter he’s a
    gang member of, he didn’t do. That is the answer to the
    question, not that Defendant didn’t talk to me. There are
    a million other ways to figure out what chapter he is a
    member of, other than asking the Defendant a pointed
    COURT: “Do you have anything else?”
    PROSECUTOR: “I do not.”
    COURT: “I will overrule the objection. I think it was
    responsive to the question.”
    Later, in denying Blalock’s motion for new trial, the trial court
    concluded that Agent Reynolds’s comments did not require a
    reversal.   In reaching this conclusion, the trial court relied on
    Whitaker v. State, 
    283 Ga. 521
    , 524 (3) (
    661 SE2d 557
    ) (2008), in
    which the Court explained that
    testimony about the defendant remaining silent is not
    deemed to be prejudicial if it is made during a narrative
    on the part of the authorities of a course of events and
    apparently was not intended to, nor did it have the effect
    of, being probative on the guilt or innocence of the
    defendant. Indeed, to warrant a reversal of a defendant’s
    conviction, the evidence of the election to remain silent
    must point directly at the substance of the defendant’s
    defense or otherwise substantially prejudice the
    defendant in the eyes of the jury.
     (citations and punctuation omitted). The trial court held that
    Agent Reynolds’s comments did not directly implicate Blalock’s
    defense and were not directed to any particular statement or defense
    offered by Blalock. The trial court concluded that nothing had been
    presented to show that Agent Reynolds’s comments “were intended
    to, or did, have the effect of being probative on the issue of guilt or
    On appeal, Blalock argues that the trial court erred in
    admitting Agent Reynolds’s testimony commenting on Blalock’s
    post-arrest silence.
    Because this error involves the defendant’s constitutional
    rights, the defendant would be entitled to a new trial
    unless the error is harmless beyond a reasonable doubt.
    The determination of harmless error must be made on a
    case by case basis, taking into consideration the facts, the
    trial context of the error, and the prejudice created
    thereby as juxtaposed against the strength of the
    evidence of the defendant’s guilt.
    Brewer v. Hall, 
    278 Ga. 511
    , 513 (3) (
    603 SE2d 244
    ) (2004). We
    conclude that, even assuming the trial court abused its discretion in
    admitting Agent Reynolds’s testimony, any such abuse of discretion
    was harmless error.
    An examination of the context in which this error occurred
    shows that Agent Reynolds’s testimony was very unlikely to have
    affected the jury’s verdict in any way.      Our review of the record
    shows that the State made no “effort to draw the jury’s attention to
    the officer’s comment,” to “convince the jury to infer guilt from”
    Blalock’s silence, or to exploit the exercise of Blalock’s right to
    remain silent. Brewer, 
    278 Ga. at 513
     (2). “Accordingly, analyzing
    the comment in context, it is very unlikely to have had any impact
    on the jury’s determination of guilt.” 
    Additionally, the evidence of Blalock’s guilt in this case was
    strong. Blalock was charged with malice murder and other crimes
    connected with the fatal shooting of Wright on the night of
    November 13, 2014. The evidence shows that, earlier that night,
    Blalock and Wright spoke on the telephone and arranged to meet in
    the Bellemeade area to conduct a drug deal.            Morrow, who
    accompanied Wright to meet Blalock, testified that he was in the car
    during the shooting, and he identified Blalock as the shooter. Dyer
    testified that Blalock was at his house on Bellemeade Way—
    adjacent to the crime scene—minutes before the shooting took place,
    and saliva matching Blalock’s DNA was found in close proximity to
    the crime scene. Hill and Florence also testified that, shortly after
    the shooting, Blalock admitted that he shot someone on Bellemeade
    Way on the night of November 13. The day after the shooting,
    Florence took Blalock to Hill’s house, and he saw Blalock retrieve a
    bag from an area close to the crime scene. Florence later observed
    Blalock remove a handgun from the bag and dispose of it. Dyer and
    Florence testified that Blalock was known to carry a rare 7-
    millimeter handgun, and 7.62-millimeter shell casings were found
    at the crime scene.
    For these reasons, we conclude that any improper testimony
    from Agent Reynolds regarding Blalock’s silence “was harmless
    beyond a reasonable doubt,” and the outcome of Blalock’s trial was
    not affected by the admission of this testimony. Brewer, 278 Ga. at
    513 (2). Thus, this final enumeration fails.
    Judgment affirmed. All the Justices concur.