  •                           FIFTH DIVISION
    RICKMAN, C. J.,
    NOTICE: Motions for reconsideration must be
    physically received in our clerk’s office within ten
    days of the date of decision to be deemed timely filed.
    February 11, 2022
    In the Court of Appeals of Georgia
    A21A1348. IN THE INTEREST OF M. B. et al., children.
    PHIPPS, Senior Appellate Judge.
    The mother of eleven-year-old M. B. and her nine-year-old brother, P. B.,
    appeals from a juvenile court order modifying the disposition of M. B. and P. B., who
    had previously been determined to be dependent. The mother contends that the
    Whitfield County Juvenile Court (“Whitfield Court”) erred by finding that the
    evidence was sufficient to support the placement of custody of the children with the
    Whitfield County Department of Family and Children Services (“Whitfield DFCS”).
    For the reasons that follow, we affirm.
    M. B. and P. B. were found to be dependent by the Chatham County Juvenile
    Court (“Chatham Court”) in 2017. The Chatham Court found that the mother suffered
    from a mental health condition that impairs her ability to provide proper parental care,
    that she received social security benefits as a result of a depression diagnosis, and that
    she acknowledged she needs a higher level of mental health care than she was
    receiving through her then-current counseling. The Chatham Court also noted that the
    Chatham County Department of Family and Children Services (“Chatham DFCS”)
    had conducted a parental fitness assessment of the mother and recommended a
    psychological evaluation, including personality testing for the condition of factitious
    disorder imposed on another. Although the Chatham Court found the children to be
    dependent, the court ordered custody and control of the children to remain with the
    mother subject to conditions placed upon her by the court. One such condition was
    that the mother undergo a psychological evaluation and comply with any
    recommendations arising out of the evaluation.
    After the mother relocated to Whitfield County, the Whitfield DFCS filed a
    dependency complaint in February 2020 alleging that M. B. had not been to school
    in approximately six weeks and that the mother had reported to school and medical
    providers that M. B. had been injured while the family was running from a tornado.1
    The complaint also alleged that P. B. had been hospitalized over ten times for
    At the preliminary protective hearing, a supervisor with the Whitfield DFCS
    testified that there had been no tornado in the area on the date the mother claimed M.
    B. was injured.
    suicidal/homicidal thoughts or actions, was at that time hospitalized in Savannah, and
    had not been receiving any mental health treatment or medication prior to his
    hospitalization. The Whitfield Court removed the children from the custody of the
    mother and placed the children in the custody of the Whitfield DFCS. Following a
    preliminary protective hearing, the Whitfield DFCS filed a petition alleging
    dependency in March 2020. The Whitfield DFCS also filed a motion requesting the
    court to order the mother to undergo a psychological evaluation. After a hearing, the
    Whitfield Court granted the Whitfield DFCS’s motion.
    On September 25, 2020, the Whitfield Court held a hearing to determine
    whether to modify the Chatham Court’s disposition order.2 During the hearing, with
    the agreement of the parties, the Whitfield Court dismissed the dependency petition
    filed in that court (because the children had already been determined to be dependent
    by the Chatham Court) but moved forward with the hearing on the issue of whether
    the disposition of custody should be changed.
    At the September 25 hearing, an expert in the field of forensic psychology
    testified that she evaluated the mother and that her evaluation included reviewing
    In March 2020, the Chatham Court dependency proceedings were transferred
    to the Whitfield Court.
    documents provided to her by the Whitfield DFCS and examining the mother, who
    provided additional documents. According to the expert, she performed various tests
    with the mother, including a basic personality assessment inventory, a child abuse
    potential inventory, a parenting stress inventory for both M. B. and P. B., and a
    psychopathic personality inventory. The expert also completed a mental status exam
    and an extensive interview of the mother.
    The expert concluded that the mother has the condition known as factitious
    disorder imposed on another (“FDIA”), which was previously known as Munchausen
    syndrome by proxy. The expert’s written evaluation described the disorder as follows:
    In this mental illness, a person acts as if an individual he or she is caring
    for has a physical or mental illness when the person is not really sick.
    The adult perpetrator who has the diagnosis (FDIA) directly produces
    or lies about illness in another person under his or her care, usually a
    child under 6 years of age. . . . People with FDIA have an inner need for
    the other person (often his or her child) to be seen as ill or injured. It is
    not usually done to achieve a concrete benefit, such as financial gain,
    although that may occur in some cases. People with FDIA are even
    willing to have the child or patient undergo painful or risky tests and
    operations in order to get the sympathy and special attention given to
    people who are truly ill and their families. Factitious disorders are
    considered mental illnesses because they are associated with severe
    emotional difficulties.
    At the hearing, the expert described, in detail, the basis for her conclusion that the
    mother has factitious disorder imposed on another. She explained that there was a
    consistent pattern of the mother finding problems with P. B. from a young age. For
    example, by the time he was three years old, the mother had P. B. put on an attention
    deficit hyperactivity disorder (“ADHD”) medicine, even though it is not usually
    administered to children until about the age of six. According to the expert, every
    time the mother had problems that she could not handle, the mother put P. B. in a
    mental hospital. The expert testified that the records show that each time P. B. was
    assessed by a child psychologist, reading specialist, or other educational evaluator,
    the evaluator described him as a “sweet child” who responded to adult attention and
    calmed down easily if he became upset. The expert noted that P. B. was not accepted
    to one particular program because his behavior was “too good.” Furthermore, the
    expert testified that although P. B. was hospitalized over fifteen times during the five-
    year period he was in the mother’s care, P. B. has not been hospitalized at all since
    he has been in foster care.
    According to the expert, although the mother told her that P. B. “did not have
    a good cognitive level,” a cognitive development assessor described P. B. as
    “demonstrating the cognitive and early academic skills expected of a child of his
    age,” and one of his teachers said P. B. “demonstrates the same level of cognitive
    skills as peers, if not a little more advanced.”
    Similarly, although the mother claimed that P. B. had severe hearing loss and
    needed to wear bilateral hearing aids, the expert testified that in both 2016 and after
    P. B. entered foster care, testing showed normal hearing in one ear and mild hearing
    loss in the other. According to the expert, a report indicated that when P. B. told his
    mother that he did not have hearing loss, she told him that he did. The expert
    characterized this a sign of factitious disorder imposed on another.
    The expert noted that P. B.’s school records indicate that he was “always”
    hungry at school. According to the expert, the school was concerned because the
    mother said P. B. was on a special diet, and she would send lunches to school with
    him in a locked lunch box, explaining that she did not want him eating his food
    before lunchtime. The expert testified that teachers took the locks off the lunch box
    and let P. B. have the food. In fact, school personnel started feeding him more and
    different food, which made the mother very angry. The mother claimed, on the other
    hand, that P. B.’s school requested that she lock his lunch box so he could not sneak
    food on the bus; she explained that she was a food blogger and because he saw her
    taking pictures of his lunch every day, he really looked forward to what he had to eat
    and he started eating his lunch before lunchtime and not having any food after that.
    Notably, when P. B. first arrived in foster care, he hoarded food; his foster parents
    would find hundreds of food wrappers under his bed and in his laundry.
    Consequently, P. B.’s foster family worked hard to teach him that he was going to get
    as much food as he wanted, and P. B.’s food hoarding has subsided in the time that
    he has been in foster care.
    The expert also testified that the mother said P. B. had major allergies,
    including an allergy to peanuts. In fact, at one point, when he got near peanuts, the
    mother injected him with epinephrine, using an auto-injector, and then took him to
    the hospital, but the hospital found no indication of an anaphylactic response.
    According to the expert, after P. B. came into foster care, allergy tests showed that he
    has only mild allergies.
    Regarding M. B., the expert testified that when M. B. was an infant, she was
    diagnosed with an unusual disorder that caused her to “spit up” and “go rigid.” The
    disorder was diagnosed the first time the mother took M. B. to an emergency room,
    but the mother brought M. B. back to the emergency room with similar symptoms
    many times. According to the expert, although the mother reported that M. B.’s
    symptoms were getting worse, hospital personnel detected no worsening of
    The expert determined that the family has five of the seven basic criteria for a
    diagnosis of factitious disorder imposed on another in the mother: (1) a history of
    hospitalizations of the children; (2) worsening of the children’s symptoms as reported
    by the parent but not witnessed during hospital stays; (3) a mismatch between the
    children’s reported conditions and symptoms and the results of testing; (4) one or
    more unusual illnesses or deaths of children in the family; and (5) an improvement
    of the children’s conditions in the hospital, with symptoms reoccuring when they
    return home. The expert found that the other two criteria for a diagnosis of factitious
    disorder imposed on another are not present – blood in lab samples not matching the
    blood of the children, and signs of chemicals in the children’s blood, stool, or urine.
    The expert explained that treating factitious disorder imposed on another is
    difficult because those with the disorder often deny there is a problem, and successful
    treatment is dependent on catching the person in the act or the person telling the truth.
    The expert testified that the mother’s disorder had harmed the children by subjecting
    them to unnecessary medical procedures, hospitalizations, hunger, potential
    malnutrition, and psychological abuse. According to the expert, the psychological
    harm caused to children by factitious disorder imposed on another is intense and “not
    easily gotten over.”
    The children’s foster parent also testified at the hearing. According to the foster
    parent, “it was rough” when M. B. and P. B. first came to live with his family, but
    they are now “doing pretty well.”
    At the hearing, the mother testified she did not know the medical details related
    to P. B.’s hearing issues because she was in prison when he was born and he was then
    cared for by his father and his grandmother. According to the mother, P. B. failed his
    newborn hearing test, and his diagnoses varied between hearing loss in one ear and
    hearing loss in both ears.
    The mother testified that, when she got out of prison, P. B. was two-and-a-half
    years old and was “delayed language-wise,” “had sensory issues,” and was “kind of
    hyper.” She claimed that P. B. was put on ADHD medication when he was three-and-
    a-half years old based on a doctor’s recommendation. The mother testified that P. B.
    was first hospitalized after he tried to stab M. B. with a pair of scissors in 2016.
    According to the mother, he was hospitalized many times after that for running in
    traffic or jumping out of a car.
    Based on the evidence presented at the hearing, the Whitfield Court found that
    the mother has factitious disorder imposed on another3 and that the disorder has
    adversely affected both children, especially P. B. The Whitfield Court concluded that
    the findings from the mother’s psychological evaluation constituted changed
    circumstances that required a modification of the disposition order. Consequently, the
    Whitfield Court modified the disposition order to vest temporary custody of the
    children in the Whitfield DFCS, with supervised visitation by the mother. This appeal
    We review a juvenile court’s modification of disposition for abuse of
    discretion. See In the Interest of J. N. F., 
    306 Ga. App. 313
    , 315 (701 SE2d 925)
    (2010). “There can be no abuse of discretion if there was any evidence to support the
    ruling of the juvenile court.” 
    In her sole enumeration of error, the mother contends that the Whitfield Court
    erred by finding the evidence sufficient to support the placement of custody of the
    children with the Whitfield DFCS. Specifically, the mother contends that (1) her
    testimony refuted the testimony of the expert, (2) she “loves her children and has
    Although the Whitfield Court’s order used the term “Factitious Disorder,” in
    context, it is clear that the court was referring to factitious disorder imposed on
    taken good care of them,” and (3) she showed “substantial credibility both as a person
    and a mother by the detailed and knowledgeable testimony that she provided.” She
    argues that the Chatham Court did not find the mother a threat to the children and
    allowed them to live with her and that the Whitfield Court “abused [its] discretion in
    failing to allow the children to live with their mom” and making a custody decision
    that was “not in accordance with [the decision of the Chatham Court].”
    The Whitfield Court had the authority to modify the earlier disposition order
    based on changed circumstances if doing so would be in the best interest of M. B. and
    P. B. See OCGA § 15-11-32 (b) (an order of the juvenile court may be “changed,
    modified, or vacated on the ground that changed circumstances so require in the best
    interests of a child[.]”); In the Interest of H. G. D., 
    342 Ga. App. 651
    , 653 (1) (803
    SE2d 788) (2017) (juvenile court had authority to modify custody of dependent
    children where it determined that the safest placement of the children would be in
    DFCS custody). On appeal, this Court does not determine witness credibility but
    instead defers to the factual findings made by the juvenile court. In the Interest of R.
    346 Ga. App. 257
    , 259 (1) (816 SE2d 132) (2018). Despite the mother’s
    argument, the Whitfield Court’s finding that the mother has factitious disorder
    imposed on another and that the disorder has adversely affected both children is
    supported by the record. Furthermore, although the Chatham DFCS had
    recommended that the mother be evaluated for factitious disorder imposed on
    another, the mother had never been diagnosed with the disorder until she was
    evaluated by the expert who testified at the Whitfield Court hearing on modification
    of disposition. Thus, the evidence in the record regarding the mother’s diagnosis and
    her behavior consistent with that diagnosis supports the Whitfield Court’s conclusion
    that changed circumstances require a modification of the disposition order.
    Judgment affirmed. Rickman, C. J., and McFadden, P. J., concur.

Document Info

Docket Number: A21A1348

Filed Date: 2/11/2022

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/11/2022