Craig Barrow, III v. Richard E. Dunn, Director, Epd, Georgia Dept of Natural Resources , 812 S.E.2d 63 ( 2018 )

  •                               FIRST DIVISION
    BARNES, P. J.,
    NOTICE: Motions for reconsideration must be
    physically received in our clerk’s office within ten
    days of the date of decision to be deemed timely filed.
    February 27, 2018
    In the Court of Appeals of Georgia
    A17A1385. CRAIG BARROW, III v. RICHARD E. DUNN et al.
    BARNES, Presiding Judge.
    Craig Barrow, III appeals the superior court’s judgment entered against him
    in this case, wherein he challenged the propriety of a permit issued by Georgia’s
    Department of Natural Resources, Environmental Protection Division (“EPD”) to the
    City of Guyton (“City”) for a wastewater treatment facility. For reasons that follow,
    we reverse the judgment and remand the case for proceedings not inconsistent with
    this opinion.
    On October 18, 2013, the EPD (acting through its Director1) issued a permit
    to the City, authorizing the City to build and operate a land application system facility
    (“LAS”) upon a 265-acre tract of land located in Effingham County (“Site”). In
    connection therewith, wastewater collected in the City’s sewer system would enter
    Since the permit was issued, (appellee) Richard E. Dunn has become the
    Director of the EPD.
    the facility and undergo a series of treatments,2 after which the treated wastewater
    would be applied to fields at the Site using spray irrigation. Approximately 44 acres
    of the Site will be devoted to sprayfield usage, and the sprayfield will operate up to
    five days each week.
    The Site is bound on one side by a dirt road, across from which lies Barrow’s
    2,400-acre farm. (On the other side of Barrow’s farm is the Ogeechee River.) Barrow
    uses his farm for pine forestry and recreation; he also promotes wildlife on his
    property by growing food plots for animals such as turkey and deer. One section of
    Barrow’s farmland (that lies next to the dirt road) is comprised of wetlands that
    provide a habitat for, among other things, frogs, toads, salamanders, and turtles.
    Complaining that surface water and groundwater traveling from the Site would
    pollute and degrade the waters on his property and harm the wetlands and various
    plant and animal life, Barrow administratively appealed the EPD’s issuance of the
    permit.3 Among the grounds asserted, Barrow claimed that the EPD had issued the
    See further footnote 13, infra.
    See OCGA § 12-2-2 (c) (2) (A) (“[A]ny person who is aggrieved or adversely
    affected by any order or action of the director shall . . . have a right to a hearing
    before an administrative law judge of the Office of State Administrative Hearings .
    . . acting in the place of the Board of Natural Resources.”).
    permit without complying with Georgia’s antidegradation rule, 
    Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 391-3-6
    -.03 (2) (b). The EPD, and the City as intervenor, claimed that issuance of the
    permit was not in violation of the antidegradation rule, citing further internal EPD
    Following a determination that Barrow had standing, an administrative law
    judge (ALJ) conducted an evidentiary hearing on the merits.4 Thereafter, the ALJ
    issued a final decision affirming the EPD’s issuance of the permit based on her
    interpretation of the antidegradation rule. Barrow petitioned for judicial review,
    maintaining before the superior court that the EPD had issued the permit without
    compliance with the antidegradation rule. The superior court affirmed the ALJ’s
    decision, concluding that issuance of the permit was lawful.
    In this discretionary appeal, Barrow contends that the superior court erred in
    affirming the ALJ’s decision.5 In related claims of error, Barrow argues that the
    relevant part of the antidegradation rule is unambiguous; that the ALJ’s and the
    superior court’s interpretation of that rule contradicted the rule’s plain language; and
    Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 616-1-2
    -.21 (1) (providing that the ALJ “shall
    make an independent determination on the basis of the competent evidence presented
    at the hearing”).
    The City, as intervenor, has also filed an appellate brief, siding with the EPD.
    that the EPD’s cited guidelines provided no authority to avoid the clear mandates of
    that rule.
    “[T]his Court conducts a de novo review of claimed errors of law in the
    superior court’s appellate review of an ALJ’s decision. Furthermore, the
    interpretation of a statute or regulation is a question of law and, thus, is also reviewed
    de novo on appeal.” (Punctuation and footnotes omitted.) Upper Chattahoochee
    Riverkeeper v. Forsyth County, 
    318 Ga. App. 499
    , 502 (734 SE2d 242) (2012). With
    these guiding principles in mind, we review first the statutory scheme and rule at
    issue here.
    Pursuant to the Federal Clean Water Act, the individual states are permitted to
    enact and administer their own water-quality programs, subject to certain federal
    minimum standards. See 
    33 USC § 1313
    ; see also Upper Chattahoochee Riverkeeper,
    318 Ga. App. at 502 (1). Toward that end, the Georgia Water Quality Control Act
    (Act), OCGA § 12-5-20 et seq., has as a central purpose the prevention of
    unnecessary degradation of current water quality. Hughey v. Gwinnett County, 
    278 Ga. 740
    , 742 (3) (609 SE2d 324) (2004) (interpreting OCGA § 12-5-21 (a), which
    declares the policy on the State’s water resources).
    Particularly pertinent here, OCGA § 12-5-30 (b) of the Act sets out:
    Any person desiring to erect or modify facilities or commence or alter
    an operation of any type which will result in the discharge of
    pollutants[6] from a nonpoint source[7] into the waters of the state, which
    will render or is likely to render such waters harmful to the public
    health, safety, or welfare, or harmful or substantially less useful for
    domestic, municipal, industrial, agricultural, recreational, or other lawful
    uses, or for animals, birds, or aquatic life, shall obtain a permit from the
    director to make such discharge. . . . The director may, after public
    notice and opportunity for public hearing, issue a permit which
    authorizes the person to make such discharge upon condition that such
    discharge meets or will meet, pursuant to any schedule of compliance
    included in such permit, all water quality standards, effluent limitations,
    and all other requirements established pursuant to this article.[8]
    Under the Act, “‘[p]ollutant’ means dredged spoil, solid waste, incinerator
    residue, sewage, garbage, sewage sludge, munitions, chemical wastes, biological
    materials, radioactive materials, heat, wrecked or discarded equipment, rock, sand,
    cellar dirt, industrial wastes, municipal waste, and agricultural waste discharged into
    the waters of the state.” OCGA § 12-5-22 (9). See also OCGA § 12-5-22 (10) - (13).
    The Act defines “nonpoint source” as “any source which discharges pollutants
    into the waters of the state other than a point source.” OCGA § 12-5-22 (5). The Act
    further defines “point source” as “any discernible, confined, or discrete conveyance,
    including, but not limited to, any pipe, ditch, channel, tunnel, conduit, well, discrete
    fissure, container, rolling stock, concentrated animal feeding operation, or vessel or
    other floating craft, from which pollutants are or may be discharged.” OCGA § 12-5-
    22 (8). The ALJ found, and the parties agree, that the LAS is a “nonpoint source” of
    (Emphasis supplied.) In its brief, the EPD concedes, “In the case of an LAS,
    Georgia does require a permit which by its terms would be protective of the waters
    (Emphasis supplied.)
    Georgia’s Board of Natural Resources is the agency responsible for
    promulgating rules and regulations governing the issuance of permits for constructing
    and operating facilities that discharge pollutants into Georgia’s waters. See OCGA
    § 12-5-23 (a) (1) (C), (J).9 And pursuant to that responsibility, the Board has
    promulgated a rule pertaining to the antidegradation of water-quality standards. Ga.
    Comp. R. & Regs. r. 391-3-6-.03. See Upper Chattahoochee, 318 Ga. App. at 503 (1).
    The specific question presented to the ALJ that remains contested at this
    juncture is whether the EPD’s issuance of the City’s permit was in violation of
    Georgia’s antidegradation rule. In relevant part, that rule provides:
    Where the quality of the waters exceed[s] levels necessary to support
    propagation of fish, shellfish, and wildlife and recreation in and on the
    water, that quality shall be maintained and protected unless the division
    finds, after full satisfaction of the intergovernmental coordination and
    public participation provisions of the division’s continuing planning
    process, that allowing lower water quality is necessary to accommodate
    important economic or social development in the area in which the
    waters are located. In allowing such degradation or lower water quality,
    of the state.”
    See generally, e.g., OCGA §§ 12-5-29 (a), (b); 12-5-30.
    the division shall assure water quality adequate to protect existing uses
    fully. Further, the division shall assure that there shall be achieved the
    highest statutory and regulatory requirements for all new and existing
    point sources and all cost-effective and reasonable best management
    practices for nonpoint source control.
    (Emphasis supplied.) 
    Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 391-3-6
    -.03 (2) (b) (ii).10 See 
    Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 391-3-9
    -.01 (2) (e) (defining “division” as “the Division of Environmental
    Protection of the Department of Natural Resources, State of Georgia”).
    Barrow argued below that, under the plain language of the antidegradation rule,
    a permit that allows the lowering of water quality requires that the EPD first find that
    such degrading of the water is “necessary to accommodate important economic or
    social development in the area in which the waters are located.” 
    Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 391-3-6
    -.03 (2) (b) (ii). Barrow complained that the EPD failed to conduct the
    requisite antidegradation analysis in issuing the permit to the City, and consequently
    failed to make such mandatory finding.
    In defending the issuance of the permit, the EPD and the City reminded the
    ALJ of principles such as:
    The parties do not dispute that the quality of the waters at issue here exceeds
    levels necessary to support propagation of fish, shellfish, and wildlife and recreation
    in and on the water.
    When an administrative agency decision is the subject of judicial
    review, judicial deference is to be afforded the agency’s interpretation
    of statutes it is charged with enforcing or administering and the agency’s
    interpretation of rules and regulations it has enacted to fulfill the
    function given it by the legislative branch.
    Pruitt Corp. v. Ga. Dept. of Community Health, 
    284 Ga. 158
    , 159 (2) (664 SE2d 223)
    (2008). Additionally, they relied upon the EPD’s Antidegradation Analysis
    Guidelines (the “Guidelines”). In particular, the EPD pointed out, while the
    Guidelines specified that the antidegradation analysis is triggered when a new or
    expanded point source discharge could degrade water quality, the Guidelines did not
    specify that an antidegradation analysis process is required for nonpoint source
    discharges (such as the LAS). Rather, the EPD and the City emphasized that the
    EPD’s Guidelines expressly provided that “[a]n antidegradation analysis is not
    required for . . . Land Application Systems (LAS).” (Emphasis supplied.)
    In upholding the permit, the ALJ interpreted the antidegradation rule as not
    requiring the EPD to undertake an antidegradation analysis for “nonpoint source”
    discharges such as the LAS. Such interpretation, the ALJ expressly reasoned, was
    consistent with explicit language cited in the EPD’s Guidelines. In thus adopting the
    EPD’s and the City’s position, the ALJ quoted Bentley v. Chastain, 
    242 Ga. 348
    SE2d 38) (1978), for the proposition that “agencies provide a high level of expertise
    and an opportunity for specialization unavailable in the judicial or legislative
    Id. at 350-351
    We agree, however, with Barrow that the ALJ and the superior court erred as
    a matter of law in interpreting the antidegradation rule in such manner. The proper
    interpretation of the antidegradation rule, which adheres to its plain language, is that
    before a permit can be issued that allows lower water quality, the EPD must find that
    degradation of the water quality is necessary to accommodate important economic or
    social development in the relevant area. See 
    Ga. Comp. R. & Regs. 391-3-6
    -.03 (2)
    (b) (ii). Notably, the antidegradation rule does not limit its application to point source
    discharges. And the Supreme Court of Georgia has already held that, pursuant to
    Georgia’s antidegradation rule, a permit that will degrade the high quality of water
    cannot be granted unless the applicant meets substantive requirements, one of which
    is that the degradation be justifiable as “provid[ing] necessary social or economic
    development.” (Punctuation and footnote omitted.) Hughey v. Gwinnett County, 
    278 Ga. 740
    , 742 (3) (609 SE2d 324) (2004).11
    As detailed in Upper Chattahoochee, 318 Ga. App. at 506 (3), a portion of
    the antidegradation rule was revised since Hughey was decided. That revision,
    however, is not implicated in this case.
    Nothing in the cited EPD’s internal Guidelines authorizes a conclusion contrary
    to the antidegradation rule’s plain words or to Hughey’s holding. “[I]n construing
    administrative rules, the ultimate criterion is the administrative interpretation, which
    becomes of controlling weight unless it is plainly erroneous or inconsistent with the
    rule.” (Citation and punctuation omitted; emphasis supplied.) The Atlanta Journal &
    The Atlanta Constitution v. Babush, 
    257 Ga. 790
    , 792 (2) (364 SE2d 560) (1988); see
    Pruitt Corp., 284 Ga. at 159-160 (2) (explaining that it is erroneous for a superior
    court to give full “deference due a statute, rule or regulation to a term in a
    departmental manual, the terms of which ha[ve] not undergone the scrutiny afforded
    a statute during the legislative process or the adoption process through which all rules
    and regulations must pass”). Given the foregoing, the ALJ erroneously interpreted the
    antidegradation rule as inapplicable for the mere reason that the LAS was a nonpoint
    source of discharge.
    Seeking affirmance of their favorable ruling(s) nonetheless, the EPD and the
    City posit that no antidegradation analysis was required in this case for an alternative
    reason. They cite evidence that, as planned, wastewater collected in the City’s sewer
    system and brought to the facility would first undergo a series of treatments,12 next
    be sprayed upon designated fields at the Site, and finally percolate down through soil
    to allow cleansing by the natural process of absorption before ultimately seeping into
    the groundwater. Given such processes, the EPD and the City seemingly claim that
    the planned LAS facility will not discharge pollutants into the waters of the State in
    a harmful manner and thus OCGA § 12-5-30 (b)’s requirement that the discharge
    comply with “all water quality standards” is never triggered. And accordingly, the
    antidegradation rule never comes into play.
    However, the ALJ did not affirm the permit on that alternative, evidentiary
    premise. Because the EPD’s and the City’s alternative argument was not ruled upon
    by the ALJ, it is not considered in this appeal. See generally Ga. Bd. of Dentistry v.
    Regarding such treatments, the ALJ found in her final decision (which
    findings the parties do not dispute):
    Upon arrival [at the Site’s facility], the wastewater [from the City’s
    sewer system] will first pass through screens that will remove solids.
    Next, it will move to aeration ponds, where bacteria will break down the
    organic waste. This treated wastewater . . . will then be transferred to
    storage ponds and eventually applied to fields at the Guyton site using
    spray irrigation.
    223 Ga. App. 603
    , 607 (5) (478 SE2d 437) (1996) (reiterating agency review
    as a prerequisite to judicial review).
    For the reasons explained above, the ALJ’s interpretation of the
    antidegradation rule amounted to plain error; the superior court’s judgment affirming
    the ALJ’s decision is thus reversed. This case is remanded for proceedings not
    inconsistent with this opinion.
    Judgment reversed and case remanded. McMillian and Mercier, JJ., concur.

Document Info

Docket Number: A17A1385

Citation Numbers: 812 S.E.2d 63

Filed Date: 3/15/2018

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023