Luis Galvan v. State , 330 Ga. App. 589 ( 2015 )

  •                                THIRD DIVISION
    BARNES, P. J.,
    NOTICE: Motions for reconsideration must be
    physically received in our clerk’s office within ten
    days of the date of decision to be deemed timely filed.
    February 4, 2015
    In the Court of Appeals of Georgia
    A14A1758. GALVAN v. THE STATE.
    BARNES, Presiding Judge.
    Based on allegations that he sexually abused his stepdaughter, a jury convicted
    Luis Galvan of two counts of aggravated child molestation and four counts of child
    molestation. Galvan filed a motion for a new trial, which the trial court denied. On
    appeal, Galvan contends that the evidence was insufficient to support his convictions
    because his stepdaughter recanted her allegations; that the trial court erred in allowing
    a rebuttal witness called by the State to testify to matters that went beyond rebuttal;
    and that the trial court erred in overruling his objections to allegedly improper
    comments made by the prosecutor during closing argument. Upon our review, we
    Because Galvan was tried in 2011, the new Georgia Evidence Code does not
    apply to any evidentiary issues discussed in this case. See Ga. Laws 2011, Act 52, §
    “Following a criminal conviction, the defendant is no longer presumed
    innocent, and we view the evidence in the light most favorable to sustain the verdict.”
    Anthony v. State, 
    317 Ga. App. 807
    (732 SE2d 845) (2012). So viewed, the evidence
    showed that on the morning of April 23, 2009, Galvan dropped off the 11-year-old
    victim, his stepdaughter, at her elementary school. As the victim got out of the car,
    Galvan tried to kiss her, but she refused to let him do so. Upset over the attempted
    kiss and because she did not want Galvan to pick her up from school that afternoon,
    the victim began to cry and approached a teacher she knew. The victim told the
    teacher that she was afraid and needed to speak with the school counselor. When
    asked why she was afraid, the victim disclosed for the first time that Galvan had been
    touching her inappropriately at her home. Following school procedure, the teacher did
    not ask for further details and instead took the victim to see the school counselor. The
    school counselor spoke with the victim and then with the school principal, who called
    the police.
    Later that same day, the victim was taken to a child advocacy center where a
    recorded forensic interview was conducted. The victim disclosed to the forensic
    interviewer that Galvan had sexually abused her on several occasions beginning when
    she was eight or nine years old and continuing until shortly before her disclosure of
    the abuse at school that morning. The victim stated that the sexual abuse included
    instances where Galvan kissed her on the mouth and neck, touched her
    inappropriately, placed his mouth on her genitals, placed her hand on his penis,
    digitally penetrated her vagina with his finger, and had vaginal and anal intercourse
    with her. According to the victim, her mother had inadvertently walked into the room
    and witnessed two incidents in which Galvan had been touching her in a sexual
    manner. However, the mother did not report the sexual abuse to the police, the abuse
    continued, and the victim did not tell anyone else about it until her disclosure at
    After the forensic interview, a nurse at the child advocacy center performed a
    physical examination of the victim and photographed the injuries that she observed.
    The victim told the nurse that she was at the child advocacy center because her
    stepfather had vaginally and anally raped her on several occasions and had touched
    her genitals, chest, and neck. During the vaginal examination, the nurse noted that the
    victim reported extreme discomfort when touched in her vagina with a Q-tip, which
    prevented the nurse from completing her evaluation of the hymen area for injuries.
    But the nurse did note that the victim had a wound that was healing in another area
    of her vagina consistent with vaginal penetration. Additionally, during her rectal
    examination of the victim, the nurse observed anal dilation, or anal laxity, which was
    consistent with repeated anal penetration, given that the victim did not have a medical
    history of any bowel problems.
    After the nurse completed the physical examination, a police investigator
    conducted a recorded interview with the victim. The victim repeated to the police
    investigator the allegations of sexual abuse that she had made to the forensic
    interviewer earlier that day. The investigator also confirmed that the abuse had
    occurred in several residences where the victim had lived with her family in
    Dougherty County. Additionally, the investigator spoke with the victim’s mother,
    who admitted to him that she installed a lock on her children’s bedroom door in an
    effort to keep Galvan out of the room so that the victim and her sisters could sleep at
    Galvan was arrested and indicted on two counts of aggravated child
    molestation and four counts of child molestation for sexually abusing the victim. At
    the ensuing jury trial, the State introduced and showed to the jury a video recording
    of the victim’s forensic interview, an audio recording of the victim’s interview with
    the police investigator, and pictures taken during the nurse’s physical examination of
    the victim. Additionally, the elementary school teacher, the forensic interviewer, and
    the police investigator testified about the victim’s disclosures to them about how
    Galvan sexually abused her, and the nurse testified about her physical examination
    of the victim.
    However, the victim took the stand and recanted her allegations of sexual
    abuse. The victim testified that she had fabricated the allegations of abuse because
    she was mad that Galvan drove her to school and would not let her walk to school
    with her friends. According to the victim, she came up with the details of the sexual
    abuse based on what she had seen on a television show that she watched on the
    weekends. The prosecutor did elicit from the victim that she continued to live with
    her mother, who still was married to Galvan, and that her mother told her that she
    wanted the case to be “over” because the family had too many other problems in their
    The victim’s mother and one of her sisters also took the stand and denied ever
    having seen any instances of sexual abuse. The mother and sister further testified that
    shortly after her initial disclosure of abuse, the victim told them that she had lied.
    According to the mother and sister, they and the victim had been ready to explain to
    the police that the allegations had been fabricated, but the police had not given them
    an opportunity to do so and at one point told them it was “too late” for a recantation.
    After the defense rested, the State called a former assistant district attorney and
    a deputy sheriff as rebuttal witnesses. The former assistant district attorney testified
    that he was initially assigned the case and met with the victim in September 2009 to
    speak with her about the abuse allegations.2 The victim’s mother and sister came with
    her to the interview and sat outside in the lobby, where the attorney spoke with them
    apart from the victim. According to the attorney, the victim, her mother, and her sister
    never suggested to him that the victim had fabricated her sexual abuse allegations
    against Galvan. Rather, the victim repeated to the attorney the same essential
    allegations of sexual abuse that she had told the forensic interviewer and the police
    detective in April 2009. The victim noted to the detective, however, that her family
    wanted Galvan “to come home.”
    The deputy sheriff testified that he had spoken with the victim’s mother earlier
    in the week of trial when she had initially failed to show up at court. According to the
    sheriff, he discussed with the mother the facts surrounding the case, but she never
    By the time of trial, the attorney had left the district attorney’s office for
    private practice, and the case had been reassigned to a different assistant district
    suggested during the course of their discussion that the victim had lied about the
    sexual abuse.
    After hearing the conflicting testimony, the jury found Galvan guilty of the
    charged offenses, and the trial court subsequently denied his motion for a new trial.
    This appeal followed.
    1. Galvan contends that there was insufficient evidence to support his
    aggravated child molestation and child molestation convictions because the victim
    testified that her allegations of sexual abuse were a lie, and her mother and sister
    testified that the victim told them she had fabricated the allegations. We disagree in
    light of the other evidence presented at trial that supported Galvan’s conviction for
    the charged offenses.
    When a criminal defendant challenges the sufficiency of the
    evidence supporting his . . . conviction, the relevant question is whether,
    after viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to the prosecution,
    any rational trier of fact could have found the essential elements of the
    crime beyond a reasonable doubt. The jury, not this Court, resolves
    conflicts in the testimony, weighs the evidence, and draws reasonable
    inferences from the evidence. As long as there is some competent
    evidence, even though contradicted, to support each fact necessary to
    make out the State’s case, the jury’s verdict will be upheld.
    (Citations and punctuation omitted.) Griffin v. State, 
    262 Ga. App. 87
    (1) (585 SE2d
    145) (2003). See Jackson v. Virginia, 
    443 U.S. 307
    , 319 (99 SCt 2781, 61 LE2d 560)
    A person commits the offense of child molestation when he “[d]oes any
    immoral or indecent act to or in the presence of or with any child under the age of 16
    years with the intent to arouse or satisfy the sexual desires of either the child or the
    person.” OCGA § 16-6-4 (a). The person commits the offense of aggravated child
    molestation when he commits an act of child molestation involving an act of sodomy.
    OCGA § 16-6-4 (c). The allegations of aggravated child molestation and child
    molestation contained in the indictment in this case were predicated on the multiple
    acts of sexual abuse previously discussed.
    It is true, as Galvan emphasizes on appeal, that the victim recanted her
    allegations of abuse at trial and her mother and sister testified that she told them her
    allegations were fabricated. But the State introduced the victim’s prior inconsistent
    statements detailing the abuse through the video recording of her forensic interview,
    the audio recording of her interview with the police investigator, and the testimony
    of the elementary school teacher, the forensic interviewer, the police investigator, the
    nurse, and the former assistant district attorney. Moreover, the nurse testified
    regarding her physical examination of the victim, which reflected injuries to the
    victim that were consistent with vaginal and anal penetration, and the State
    introduced photographs of the injuries taken during the examination.
    The jury was entitled to rely on the victim’s prior inconsistent statements and
    the nurse’s observations from the physical examination, disbelieve the victim’s
    recantation on the stand and the testimony of her mother and sister, and find that
    Galvan had sexually abused the victim as alleged in the indictment. See Miller v.
    300 Ga. App. 652
    , 655 (686 SE2d 302) (2009) (“[A] victim’s prior inconsistent
    statements are admissible as substantive evidence for the jury’s consideration. Thus,
    a jury is authorized to believe the victim’s pre-trial statements rather than her in-court
    disavowal.”) (footnote omitted); 
    Griffin, 262 Ga. App. at 88
    (1) (“The fact that at trial
    the victim disavowed her prior statements went to the weight and credibility that the
    jury wished to assign to the State’s otherwise sufficient evidence and presents no
    basis for reversal.”) (citation and punctuation omitted). Accordingly, we conclude
    that the evidence in this case was sufficient to authorize a rational jury to find Galvan
    guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of the charged offenses. See 
    Jackson, 443 U.S. at 319
    2. Galvan next contends that the trial court erred in allowing the former
    assistant district attorney to testify to matters that went beyond rebuttal. We are
    A trial court’s rulings concerning the scope of rebuttal testimony are subject
    to review only for an abuse of discretion. See Smith v. State, 
    260 Ga. 746
    , 748 (1)
    (399 SE2d 66) (1991). Here, the former assistant district attorney’s testimony
    regarding his conversations with the victim and her family in September 2009 was
    properly introduced to impeach the victim’s recantation with her prior inconsistent
    statement to the attorney, and to impeach the testimony of the mother and sister that
    they and the victim had been ready to explain that the allegations had been fabricated,
    but had not been given an opportunity to do so.
    Furthermore, even if the attorney’s testimony at times went beyond rebuttal of
    the victim and her mother and sister’s testimony, it is well-established that a trial
    court may exercise its discretion to permit the State to introduce “evidence after the
    defendant has closed his testimony, even if it was not strictly in rebuttal” and could
    have been introduced during the State’s case-in-chief. (Citation and punctuation
    Smith, 260 Ga. at 748
    (1). See Thompson v. State, 
    237 Ga. App. 91
    , 93 (2)
    (514 SE2d 870) (1999); Braddock v. State, 
    208 Ga. App. 843
    , 844 (1) (432 SE2d 264)
    (1993). As we have explained, “[a] trial court has discretion to allow relevant
    evidence even if such evidence tends to bolster the State’s case more than to directly
    impeach defense evidence.” Evans v. State, 
    225 Ga. App. 589
    , 591 (3) (484 SE2d
    320) (1997). We thus discern no abuse of discretion by the trial court in this case.
    3. Lastly, Galvan contends that the trial court erred by overruling his objections
    to the prosecutor’s closing argument. He maintains that the trial court should have
    sustained his objection (a) to the prosecutor’s argument that “there could have been”
    injury to the victim’s hymen, and (b) to the prosecutor’s comment that he usually
    handled “gangs and murders” and that this was the first child molestation case he had
    tried.3 We conclude that the trial court did not commit reversible error in failing to
    sustain Galvan’s objections.
    In his appellate brief, Galvan makes reference to additional comments that the
    prosecutor made during closing argument to which he did not contemporaneously
    object. By failing to make such an objection, Galvan has waived appellate review of
    any claims of error relating to those additional comments. See Peoples v. State, 
    295 Ga. 44
    , 58 (5) (a) (757 SE2d 646) (2014); Ellington v. State, 
    292 Ga. 109
    , 143 (10)
    (b) (735 SE2d 736) (2012). Although not applicable here, see supra footnote 1, we
    note that the new Georgia Evidence Code allows for plain error review in the absence
    of an objection at trial. See OCGA § 24-1-103 (d) (allowing appellate courts to
    consider “plain errors affecting substantial rights although such errors were not
    brought to the attention of the court”); Durham v. State, 
    292 Ga. 239
    , 240 (2) (734
    SE2d 377) (2012) (comparing old and new law regarding plain error review); Moses
    v. State, 
    328 Ga. App. 625
    , 632 (4) (760 SE2d 217) (2014) (same).
    (a) During closing argument, the prosecutor referred to the testimony of the
    nurse who performed the physical examination of the victim. The prosecutor noted
    that the nurse had been unable to dilate the victim’s hymen to evaluate it for injuries,
    and then stated to the jury,
    And I asked [the nurse,] I said, so does that mean you could see injuries
    or couldn’t? She said I don’t know. Could there have been? There could
    have been, if I would have been able to see, but I wasn’t going to
    traumatize this girl anymore.
    Galvan then objected on the ground that the prosecutor was misstating the facts, but
    the trial court overruled his objection.
    As a general rule, prosecutors are granted wide latitude in
    conducting closing argument, and defining the bounds of such argument
    is within the trial court’s discretion. This wide latitude encompasses the
    prosecutor’s ability to argue reasonable inferences raised by the
    (Punctuation and footnote omitted.) Wingfield v. State, 
    297 Ga. App. 476
    , 477-478
    (2) (677 SE2d 704) (2009).
    Here, the nurse testified that the victim expressed extreme discomfort when
    touched in her vagina with a Q-tip, preventing the nurse from completing her
    examination of the hymen area for injuries. The nurse further testified that while she
    did not see any injuries to the hymen, she could not say whether or not injuries to the
    hymen had occurred because she was unable to complete her exam. The nurse did
    note an injury to a different area of the victim’s vagina that was consistent with
    vaginal penetration.
    Having reviewed the nurse’s testimony, we cannot say that the prosecutor
    misstated the testimony or drew an inference from it that was unreasonable.
    Accordingly, the trial court acted within its discretion in permitting the prosecutor’s
    argument and overruling Galvan’s objection.
    (b) During closing argument, the prosecutor also remarked to the jury that he
    had tried 117 cases, but that he usually handled “gangs and murders” and that this
    was the first child molestation case he had tried. Galvan objected to the prosecutor’s
    remarks, but the trial court overruled the objection, stating that the court was “going
    to give [the prosecutor] some latitude . . . [because] lawyers have an opportunity to
    talk about the process.”
    Even if the trial court abused its discretion in overruling Galvan’s objection to
    the prosecutor’s remarks about his prior experience handling criminal cases, we
    conclude that any error was harmless and thus does not entitle Galvan to a new trial.
    See Lewis v. State, 
    317 Ga. App. 218
    , 223 (3) (735 SE2d 1) (2012) (trial court should
    have sustained objection to prosecutor’s arguments regarding her prior criminal
    experience, but error was harmless). Error in a trial court’s failure to sustain an
    objection to improper closing argument is subject to harmless error analysis. See
    Arrington v. State, 
    286 Ga. 335
    , 345 (15) (a) (687 SE2d 438) (2009). In conducting
    such an analysis, we must determine whether it is highly probable that the trial court’s
    error did not contribute to the verdict. 
    Id. See Lewis,
    317 Ga. App. at 223 (3).
    In this case, we fail to see how the prosecutor’s extraneous remarks about his
    experience trying gang and murder cases and lack of experience trying child
    molestation cases could have had any impact on the jury’s assessment of Galvan’s
    guilt or innocence. Moreover, although the victim recanted her allegations at trial, the
    State had strong evidence supporting her prior allegations of abuse, namely, medical
    evidence reflecting injuries to her vagina and anus that were consistent with vaginal
    and anal penetration. Additionally, the trial court charged the jury fully as to what
    constituted evidence, including instructing them that the evidence did not include the
    attorneys’ closing arguments. Under these circumstances, we conclude that it is
    highly probable that any error in the trial court’s failure to sustain Galvan’s objection
    to the prosecutor’s remarks did not contribute to the verdict. See 
    Lewis, 317 Ga. App. at 223
    Judgment affirmed. Boggs and Branch, JJ., concur.

Document Info

Docket Number: A14A1758

Citation Numbers: 330 Ga. App. 589, 768 S.E.2d 773

Filed Date: 2/5/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023