Dewey Davis v. State , 347 Ga. App. 757 ( 2018 )

  •                                  FIFTH DIVISION
    MCFADDEN, P. J.,
    RAY and RICKMAN, JJ.
    NOTICE: Motions for reconsideration must be
    physically received in our clerk’s office within ten
    days of the date of decision to be deemed timely filed.
    October 24, 2018
    In the Court of Appeals of Georgia
    A18A0901. DAVIS v. THE STATE.
    RAY, Judge.
    Dewey Davis appeals the trial court’s partial denial of his plea in bar, arguing
    that the State may not prosecute him for certain 1996 crimes because the statute of
    limitation has run. We find, however, that a plea in bar is not the proper mechanism
    for Davis to challenge his pre-indictment detention and, thus, we affirm.
    When we review “a trial court’s decision on a plea in bar, we conduct a de
    novo review of the legal issues. Further, we must accept the trial court’s findings on
    disputed facts and witness credibility unless those findings are clearly erroneous.”
    State v. Bair, 
    303 Ga. App. 183
     (692 SE2d 806) (2010) (citations omitted).
    The trial court found that in 1996, a woman was the victim of a rape,
    aggravated sodomy, aggravated assault, and burglary. Although the trial court did not
    so find, Davis and the State agree that the crimes occurred on June 4, 1996. . The
    alleged perpetrator was unknown until March 2009, when Davis was identified by
    DNA evidence. The parties agree that Davis was incarcerated when he was identified,
    but that he was released from prison in June 2016, and since then has been held on
    these subsequent charges in the Muscogee County Jail. He has not been indicted.
    Davis filed a plea in bar, alleging that the state was barred from prosecuting
    him for any charges arising from the 1996 crime because the statute of limitation had
    run. The superior court ruled that the state could not prosecute Davis for aggravated
    assault or burglary because the four-year statute of limitation had run, but that the
    state could prosecute Davis for rape and aggravated sodomy because the statute of
    limitation on those charges had not run.1 We granted Davis’ application for
    interlocutory appeal, and this appeal followed.
    In related enumerations of error, Davis contends that the trial court erred in
    denying his plea in bar as to the rape and aggravated sodomy charges. We disagree.
    A special plea in bar is “[a] plea that, rather than addressing the merits and
    denying the facts alleged, sets up some extrinsic fact showing why a criminal
    The State did not cross-appeal the dismissal of the aggravated assault and
    burglary charges against Davis, so the propriety of that dismissal is not before this
    defendant cannot be tried for the offense charged.” (Emphasis supplied.) Black’s Law
    Dictionary (10th ed. 2014). OCGA § 17-7-110 provides, “[a]ll pretrial motions,
    including demurrers and special pleas, shall be filed within ten days after the date of
    arraignment, unless the time for filing is extended by the court.” (Emphasis supplied).
    Here, there has been no arraignment. Although Uniform Superior Court Rule 31.1
    states that “special pleas shall be made and filed at or before the time set by law[,]”
    the fact remains that there can be no challenge to an indictment through a special plea
    in bar until there is an indictment filed. (Emphasis supplied).
    That is not to say that individuals who allege they are being illegally detained
    are without recourse to challenge the actions of the State prior to being indicted. A
    writ of habeas corpus is employed “to ensure that [a] person’s imprisonment or
    detention is not illegal.” Black’s Law Dictionary (10th ed. 2014). See OCGA § 9-14-
    1 (a) (“Any person restrained of his liberty under any pretext whatsoever . . . may
    seek a writ of habeas corpus to inquire into the legality of the restraint.”). The
    purpose of a petition for writ of habeas corpus is not to correct errors of fact, but to
    determine whether a petitioner’s constitutional rights have been violated. Herrera v.
    506 U. S. 390
    , 400 (113 SCt 853, 122 LE2d 203) (1993). Habeas corpus is
    a civil proceeding and does not function “to determine the guilt or innocence of one
    accused of crime.” (Citations and punctuation omitted.) Paulk v. Sexton, 
    203 Ga. 82
    82 (2) (45 SE2d 768) (1947). Instead, “[a] writ of habeas corpus looks only to the
    lawfulness of the present confinement.” Balkcom v. Hurst, 
    220 Ga. 405
    , 405 (139
    SE2d 306) (1964).
    Because Davis alleges that he is being unlawfully detained before the
    indictment against him has been filed, the proper remedy is to file a petition for writ
    of habeas corpus. See Edvalson v. State, 
    339 Ga. App. 348
    , 352 (793 SE2d 545)
    (2016) (“[I]t is the Fifth Amendment’s Due Process Clause . . . that protects a
    defendant from pretrial punishment. Thus, the appropriate remedy for pretrial
    punishment . . . is to bring a petition for habeas corpus or other proceeding under the
    Due Process Clause.”). See e. g. Jones v. Grimes, 
    219 Ga. 585
    , 587 (1) (b) (134 SE2d
    790) (1964) (the appropriate remedy for excessive bail is a petition for writ of habeas
    corpus). That is not the avenue taken by Davis so far; consequently, the trial court did
    not err in denying Davis’s plea in bar because that was not the proper mechanism to
    challenge his detention. In so holding, we express no opinion as to the legality of
    Davis’ detention or the merits of his argument that the statute of limitations has
    expired on the prosecution at issue here.
    Judgment affirmed. Rickman, J., concurs. McFadden, P.J., dissents.*
    APPEALS RULE 33.2.
    A18A0901. DAVIS v. THE STATE.
    MCFADDEN, Presiding Judge, dissenting.
    I respectfully dissent. Davis is being held — but has not been indicted for —
    a rape and aggravated sodomy that occurred in 1996. The seven-year statute of
    limitation has expired. His plea in bar was a proper way to challenge his incarceration
    and was not premature. So the trial court erred in denying it.
    1. Plea in bar.
    I agree with the majority that the Black’s Law Dictionary’s definition of “plea
    in bar” is on point: A plea in bar is a plea “that seeks to defeat the . . . prosecutor’s
    action completely and permanently.” Black’s Law Dictionary (10th ed. 2014). More
    particularly, a special plea in bar is “[a] plea that, rather than addressing the merits
    and denying the facts alleged, sets up some extrinsic fact showing why a criminal
    defendant cannot be tried for the offense charged.” 
     (Emphasis added.)
    So the issue before us turns on whether Davis has been “charged.” He has. A
    person who has been arrested has been “charged.” See OCGA § 17-4-41 (“It is the
    intent of these requirements [regarding affidavits for arrest warrants] that the accused
    person shall be informed of the specific charge against him and of all basic pertinent
    particulars pertaining thereto.”) (emphasis added); OCGA § 17-7-23 (b) (“Any court,
    other than a superior court or a state court, to which any charge of a violation of Code
    Section 16-11-126[, concerning possessing and carrying firearms,] is referred for the
    determination [of probable cause] shall thereafter have and exercise only the
    jurisdiction of a court of inquiry with respect to the charge and with respect to any
    other criminal violation arising from the transaction on which the charge was based
    and shall not thereafter be competent to try the accused for the charge or for any other
    criminal violation arising from the transaction on which the charge was based,
    irrespective of the jurisdiction that the court otherwise would have under any other
    law.”) (emphasis added); Jackson v. State, 
    225 Ga. 39
    , 42-43 (165 SE2d 711) (1969)
    (“the purpose of a commitment hearing is simply to determine whether there is
    probable cause to believe the accused guilty of the crime charged, and if so, to bind
    him over for indictment by the grand jury”).
    According to the majority, Davis’s sole remedy is habeas corpus. I agree that
    habeas is an available remedy. But it is only a partial remedy.
    Because the statute of limitation has expired, Davis is entitled to a permanent
    bar against prosecution of him for these crimes. That is what a plea in bar is for. See
    Jenkins v. State, 
    278 Ga. 598
     (604 SE2d 789) (2004) (addressing the procedure for
    litigating a plea in bar based upon the statute of limitation).
    Contrary to the majority, the writ of habeas corpus is not a sufficient remedy.
    Such a writ would not address the legality of future prosecutions. Habeas corpus “is
    instituted for the sole purpose of having the person restrained of his liberty produced
    before the judge, in order that the cause of his detention may be inquired into and his
    status fixed.” Simmons v. Ga. Iron & Coal Co., 
    117 Ga. 305
    , 310 (
    43 SE 780
    ) (1903).
    “The sole question to be decided in the habeas corpus proceeding [is] whether the
    confinement of the prisoner was legal at the time of the hearing. Habeas corpus
    proceedings cannot be used to test the legality of possible future imprisonment.”
    Stynchcombe v. Hardy, 
    228 Ga. 130
    , 131 (1) (184 SE2d 356) (1971) (citations
    omitted; emphasis added). “[T]he judgment does not fix the rights of any one
    interested, further than to declare that the person detained must be restored to liberty.”
    117 Ga. at 310
    2. The plea in bar was not fatally premature.
    In declaring Davis’s plea in bar premature, the majority invents a requirement
    not supported by existing law. OCGA § 17-7-110 says nothing about a date before
    which a motion may not be filed. It provides, “All pretrial motions, including
    demurrers and special pleas, shall be filed within ten days after the date of
    arraignment, unless the time for filing is extended by the court.” Neither does
    Uniform Superior Court Rule 31. It provides, “All motions, demurrers, and special
    pleas shall be made and filed at or before the time set by law unless time therefor is
    extended by the judge in writing prior to trial.” (emphasis added).
    I have found no cases suggesting that a plea in bar is premature if filed before
    indictment. On the contrary, in State v. Dempsey, 
    290 Ga. 763
    , 765 (1) (727 SE2d
    670) (2012), our Supreme Court held that “[u]nder the plain language of [OCGA §
    17-7-110], any pretrial motion will be considered timely if made before ten days after
    the date of the arraignment.” (Emphasis added). OCGA § 17-7-110 establishes the
    deadline by which a pretrial motion must be filed; it does not establish a starting point
    before which a pretrial motion may not be filed.
    And before OCGA § 17-7-110 was enacted, certain challenges had to be filed
    prior to indictment. See, e.g., Thomas v. State, 
    239 Ga. 734
     (1) (238 SE2d 888)
    (1977) (“Generally, a challenge to the grand jury composition must arise prior to
    indictment.”) (citation omitted); Wisdom v. State, 
    234 Ga. 650
    , 659 (217 SE2d 244)
    (1975) (“Problems regarding preliminary hearings, including a denial of a preliminary
    hearing, should be raised before indictment and trial to preserve the issues for review
    on appeal.”); Cornelious v. State, 
    193 Ga. 25
    , 31 (17 SE2d 156) (1941) (“These
    grounds of objection so raised, in order to present any question for decision, should
    have been urged before indictment if known, or by plea in abatement after indictment
    and before final trial.”). See also Dempsey, 
    290 Ga. at 764-766
    In short, there is no authority for the proposition that an accused must await
    indictment to file motions.
    Moreover, given the nature of a statute-of-limitation defense — which asserts
    that an accused may not be prosecuted under the law — it is appropriate to file a plea
    in bar before indictment. Our Supreme Court in Heard v. State, 
    295 Ga. 559
    , 564 n.3
    (2) (c) (761 SE2d 314) (2014), implied just that when it quoted a United States
    Supreme Court case, United States v. Macdonald, 
    456 U.S. 1
    , 6-8 (102 SCt 1497, 71
    LE2d 696) (1982), that contrasted the accrual of a Sixth Amendment speedy trial
    right with a claim under a statute of limitation: “Although delay prior to arrest or
    indictment may give rise . . . to a claim under any applicable statutes of limitation[],
    no Sixth Amendment right to a speedy trial arises until charges are pending.” 
    (citations and punctuation omitted; emphasis added). “[T]he applicable statute of
    limitation[] is the primary guarantee against bringing overly stale criminal charges
    and so guards against prejudicial pre-accusation delays.” Andrews v. State, 
    175 Ga. App. 22
    , 23-24 (332 SE2d 299) (1985) (citation and punctuation omitted; emphasis
    added). Its purpose “is to limit exposure to criminal prosecution to a certain fixed
    period of time following the occurrence of those acts the legislature has decided to
    punish by criminal sanctions.” United States v. Marion, 
    404 U.S. 307
    , 323 (III) (92
    SCt 455, 30 LE2d 468) (1971) (citation omitted).
    Given that Davis’ motion sought to permanently defeat any prosecution of him
    arising from the 1996 charges, that he was arrested on the charges, that he became
    aware of the potential statute-of-limitation bar before indictment, and that there is no
    statutory or case law saying otherwise, there is no reason to require him to await
    indictment to proceed with his challenge to criminal exposure. So I would reach the
    3. The aggravated sodomy and rape charges are barred.
    I am constrained to conclude that the plain language of certain 2012
    comprehensive criminal justice reform legislation mandates that the seven-year
    statute of limitation in effect at the time of the offenses governs. So both the
    aggravated assault prosecution and the rape prosecution are barred.
    In criminal cases, generally the period of limitation begins to run from the
    commission of the offense. State v. Boykin, 
    320 Ga. App. 9
    , 10 (1) (739 SE2d 16)
    (2013) (citation omitted). But at all applicable times, OCGA § 17-3-2 (2) has
    provided that the statute of limitation is tolled during any period in which the person
    committing the crime is unknown. Here, the trial court determined that the identity
    of the suspect was unknown until 2009. So the statute of limitation was tolled from
    1996 until 2009, when it began running.
    When the crime was committed on June 4, 1996, the statute of limitation for
    the prosecution of rape and aggravated sodomy was seven years. OCGA § 17-3-1 (b)
    (1995) (“Prosecution for . . . crimes [other than murder] punishable by death or life
    imprisonment [such as rape, OCGA § 16-6-1 (b) (1995), and aggravated sodomy,
    OCGA § 16-6-2 (b) (1995),] must be commenced within seven years after the
    commission of the crime.”). Later that same year the statute of limitation was
    extended to 15 years for the prosecution of rape, OCGA § 17-3-1 (b) (1996), and has
    been eliminated for both aggravated sodomy and rape “when deoxyribonucleic acid
    (DNA) evidence is used to establish the identity of the accused,” provided that “a
    sufficient portion of the physical evidence tested for DNA is preserved and available
    for testing by the accused.” Ga. L. 2002, p. 650, 651, § 1. See former OCGA § 17-3-1
    (c.1). (In 2012, this provision was redesignated as OCGA § 17-3-1 (d). Ga. L. 2012,
    p. 899, § 4-1.)
    So under that 1996 legislation the statute of limitation for the offenses at issue
    was extended to 15 years. See State v. Barker, 
    277 Ga. App. 84
    , 86 (2) (625 SE2d
    500) (2005) (limitation period may be extended until, but only until, it expires). But
    in 2012 that period was shortened to the seven years that had obtained when the crime
    was committed.
    In 2012, the General Assembly enacted comprehensive criminal justice reform
    legislation addressing, among other things, the state’s right to appeal, courts, crimes
    and offenses, and criminal procedure, including the statute of limitation in criminal
    cases. Ga. L. 2012, p. 899, 923 § 4-1. Section 9-1 (a) of the comprehensive legislation
    provided that, but for exceptions not applicable here, its effective date was July 1,
    2012, and that it would apply to offenses that occurred on or after that date. It then
    provided that “[a]ny offense occurring before July 1, 2012, shall be governed by the
    statute in effect at the time of such offense and shall be considered a prior conviction
    for the purpose of imposing a sentence that provides for a different penalty for a
    subsequent conviction for the same type of offense, of whatever degree or level,
    pursuant to this Act.” Ga. L. 2012, p. 949, § 9-1 (a). (Emphasis added). Under this
    plain language, both the rape offense and the aggravated sodomy offense are
    governed by the criminal statute of limitation in effect on June 4, 1996, the time the
    offenses were committed. See Bishop v. State, 
    341 Ga. App. 590
     (802 SE2d 39)
    (2017) (holding that uncodified effective date of statutory amendment had the “force
    of law”).
    That statute of limitation was seven years. OCGA § 17-3-1 (b) (1995). It began
    to run in 2009, and it expired in 2016. Thus, prosecution of both offenses is time
    barred. Compare Lynch v. State, __ Ga. App. __ (1) (a), 
    2018 Ga. App. LEXIS 444
    (Case No. A18A0286, decided June 28, 2018) (applying extended, 15-year statute of
    limitation to prosecution of 1995 rape, in case in which plea in bar was filed and case
    was tried before the enactment of the 2012 comprehensive criminal justice reform
    Given this plain language, I reject the state’s argument that the 2002 DNA
    amendment to the statute of limitation saves the prosecution. (In any event, that
    legislation only applied to the prosecution of crimes “which occur[ed] on or after July
    1, 2002.” Ga. L. 2002, p. 650, § 2.) And I would not reach Davis’ argument that the
    state failed to present any evidence at the plea-in-bar hearings concerning DNA
    evidence. Compare State v. Watson, 
    340 Ga. App. 678
    , 680-682 (1) (798 SE2d 295)
    (2017) (physical precedent only).
    The trial court’s ruling must be reversed.