Denis Weickert v. Home Depot U.S.A., Inc. , 347 Ga. App. 889 ( 2018 )

  •                              FOURTH DIVISION
    DILLARD, C. J.,
    DOYLE, P. J., and MERCIER, J.
    NOTICE: Motions for reconsideration must be
    physically received in our clerk’s office within ten
    days of the date of decision to be deemed timely filed.
    October 30, 2018
    In the Court of Appeals of Georgia
    A18A0904. WEICKERT v. HOME DEPOT U.S.A., INC.                                 DO-031
    DOYLE, Presiding Judge.
    Denis Weickert filed a negligence action against Home Depot U. S. A., Inc.,
    after he slipped and fell in water on the floor of the garden center in one of its stores.
    Weickert appeals the trial court’s grant of summary judgment to Home Depot,
    arguing that (1) he lacked knowledge of the “specific hazard” that caused his fall, and
    (2) he was distracted by a Home Depot employee, such that he was prevented from
    seeing the hazardous condition. For the reasons that follow, we affirm.
    Viewed in the light most favorable to Weickert,1 the record shows that he was
    a frequent patron of a Home Depot store in Suwanee for almost a decade. Each
    morning, the live plants in the store’s garden center are watered, and “caution” signs
    See Shekhawat v. Jones, 
    293 Ga. 468
    , 469 (746 SE2d 89) (2013).
    are placed on the floor in areas that are wet. On May 21, 2014, Weickert visited the
    garden center, which he had done on many occasions, to purchase a timer for his
    sprinkler. On the date in question, Weickert entered the store through the garden
    center, immediately approached an employee at the cashier stand, and requested
    assistance. The employee told Weickert to follow him, and Weickert began walking
    behind the employee. In Weickert’s own words, when the employee came from
    behind the register, “I was talking to him and fell right in behind him. . . .” Within
    five to ten steps, Weickert realized that he was slipping in water, and he fell on his
    right leg, resulting in serious injuries and, ultimately, amputation of the leg.
    Thereafter, Weickert sued Home Depot to recover damages, including medical
    expenses and lost wages, that he allegedly incurred as a result of his fall. Home Depot
    answered, and discovery ensued. The store manager prepared an affidavit, explaining
    that on the day of the incident the floor in the garden center was “noticeably and
    visibly wet, and it was surrounded by wet floor signs, including one not more than
    five feet from” where Weickert fell. Attached to the affidavit were photographs taken
    just after his fall depicting water on the floor and several “caution” signs.
    In his deposition, Weickert acknowledged that plants need to be watered, and
    some of that water will inevitably end up on the floor. He also agreed that the garden
    center has a significant amount of natural light and that there were no visibility issues
    on the day he fell. Finally, Weickert conceded that he might have seen water on the
    floor had he looked down. Nevertheless, Weickert explained that he did not glance
    down at the floor before he slipped and fell because he was looking at and following
    the cashier. According to Weickert, he was “more concerned in following” the
    employee as instructed, stating, “I wanted to get in and get out. So when [the
    employee] said follow me[,] I followed him.” Similarly, he did not see any signs on
    the floor because he was “talking to [the employee] and fell right in behind him,”
    such that he did not “have time to look around and stuff.” Weickert also claimed that
    he walked three to four steps behind the employee, such that he could not see the
    water or path in front of him, and he did not anticipate that the employee would lead
    him through water. But during his deposition, Weickert admitted that in the
    photographs taken just after his fall, he could see which areas of the floor were wet
    and which were dry, as well as the caution signs.
    Home Depot moved for summary judgment on the basis that Weickert had
    constructive knowledge of the hazardous condition, arguing that he slipped and fell
    in water that was (1) in plain view, (2) surrounded by “caution” signs, and (3) located
    in an area where he should have anticipated the presence of standing water. In
    response, Weickert argued that there was a genuine issue of material fact as to
    whether he was distracted by the Home Depot employee at the time of his fall.
    Following a hearing, the trial court concluded that Home Depot had actual or
    constructive knowledge of the hazard, but exercised ordinary care by placing
    multiple, visible caution signs on the floor. With regard to Weickert’s claim of
    distraction, the trial court found that the employee’s statement to Weickert to follow
    him and Weickert’s act of following the employee did not constitute distractions, nor
    did they relieve Weickert of his obligation to exercise ordinary care. This appeal
    On appeal from a grant or denial of summary judgment, we
    conduct a de novo review, and we view the evidence and the inferences
    drawn from it in the light most favorable to the nonmoving party. A
    defendant demonstrates entitlement to summary judgment by showing
    that the record lacks evidence sufficient to create a jury issue on at least
    one essential element of the plaintiff’s case. The defendant does not
    need to affirmatively disprove the plaintiff’s case, but may prevail
    simply by pointing to the lack of evidence. If the defendant does so, the
    plaintiff cannot rest on his pleadings, but must point to specific evidence
    that gives rise to a triable issue of fact.2
    (Punctuation omitted.) Keisha, LLC v. Dundon, 
    344 Ga. App. 278
     (809 SE2d
    835) (2018). See also OCGA § 9-11-56 (c) (Summary judgment is proper if “the
    pleadings, depositions, answers to interrogatories, and admissions on file, together
    With regard to premises liability cases, our Supreme Court has held that “as a
    general proposition[,] issues of negligence, contributory negligence[,] and lack of
    ordinary care for one’s own safety are not susceptible of summary adjudication[,] but
    should [instead] be resolved by trial in the ordinary manner.”3 In Georgia, a proprietor
    has a statutory duty to exercise ordinary care to keep its premises safe.4 Nevertheless,
    proof that an invitee tripped or fell, without more, “does not establish liability on the
    part of the property owner or occupier.”5 Rather, in order for a plaintiff to recover
    damages for injuries sustained in a slip-and-fall action, an invitee must prove “(1) that
    the defendant had actual or constructive knowledge of the hazard; and (2) that the
    plaintiff lacked knowledge of the hazard despite the exercise of ordinary care due to
    with the affidavits, if any, show that there is no genuine issue as to any material fact
    and that the moving party is entitled to judgment as a matter of law.”).
    (Punctuation omitted.) Robinson v. Kroger Co., 
    268 Ga. 735
    , 739 (1) (493
    SE2d 403) (1997).
    See OCGA § 51-3-1. As a customer of Home Depot, Weickert was an invitee,
    to whom Home Depot owed this duty. See Robinson, 
    268 Ga. at 740
     (1) (“The
    owner/occupier owes persons invited to enter the premises a duty of ordinary care to
    have the premises in a reasonably safe condition and not to expose the invitees to
    unreasonable risk or to lead them into a dangerous trap.”).
    Witt v. Ben Carter Properties, LLC, 
    303 Ga. App. 107
    , 109 (692 SE2d 749)
    actions or conditions within the control of the owner/occupier.”6 A plaintiff’s
    evidentiary burden of proof concerning the second prong of this test is not
    shouldered, however, “until the owner establishes that the plaintiff was negligent, that
    is, [he] intentionally and unreasonably exposed [him]self to a hazard of which [he]
    knew or, in the exercise of reasonable care, should have known existed.”7
    1. Weickert argues that the trial court erred by granting Home Depot’s motion
    for summary judgment because he lacked knowledge of the “specific hazard” he faced
    despite his exercise of ordinary care. Specifically, Weickert contends that he did not
    see the water on the floor, and, thus, he had no knowledge of the “specific hazard”
    which caused his fall, therefore creating an issue for the jury. He also contends that
    the “plain view” doctrine only applies to large objects, and that his frequent visits to
    the Home Depot store, without more, did not create constructive knowledge on his
    part of the particular standing water in which he slipped.
    Weickert did not, however, make these arguments to the trial court. To the
    contrary, in his response to Home Depot’s motion for summary judgment, he asserted
    only two arguments: (1) Home Depot had actual and constructive knowledge of the
    6 Robinson, 268
     Ga. at 748-49 (2) (b).
    LeCroy v. Bragg, 
    319 Ga. App. 884
    , 885 (1) (739 SE2d 1) (2013).
    hazard, and (2) under the particular facts of this case, the application of the distraction
    doctrine precluded summary judgment. Similarly, at the summary judgment motion
    hearing, Weickert focused on the distraction doctrine. We will not consider an issue
    raised for the first time on appeal “because the trial court has not had the opportunity
    to consider it.”8 Consequently, we do not address these new arguments.
    2. Weickert contends that the trial court erred by granting summary judgment
    to Home Depot because he presented some evidence that he was acting with ordinary
    care at the time of his fall but was distracted by Home Depot’s employee. We
    The distraction doctrine holds that one is not bound to the same
    degree of care in discovering or apprehending danger in moments of
    stress or excitement or when the attention has been necessarily diverted.
    The distraction doctrine is not an independent theory of recovery but
    may operate to excuse or negate a plaintiff’s failure to discover the
    hazard when the source of the distraction is attributable to the
    defendant. Thus, the distraction doctrine is relevant only if the plaintiff
    White Oak Homes, Inc. v. Cmty. Bank & Trust, 
    314 Ga. App. 502
    , 504 (2)
    (724 SE2d 810) (2012) (punctuation omitted). See also Banks v. Echols, 
    302 Ga. App. 772
    , 778 (2) (691 SE2d 667) (2010) (“This Court is for the correction of errors of
    law, and where the trial court has not ruled on an issue, we will not address it.”)
    (punctuation omitted).
    has established that a hazard exists and that the defendant had superior
    knowledge of that hazard.9
    (a) Here, there is no dispute that Home Depot had actual knowledge of the
    water on the floor of its garden center, and at summary judgment, Weickert conceded
    that Home Depot had arguably produced evidence that his “injury was a result of his
    own causal negligence.” Therefore, the “the burden of production shift[ed] back to
    [him] to come forward with evidence that creates a genuine dispute of fact on the
    question of voluntary or causal negligence by [Weickert] or tends to show that any
    such negligence resulted from [Home Depot’s] own actions or conditions under its
    control.”10 Thus, the sole issue on appeal is whether Weickert met his burden to put
    forth evidence that he was excused from discovering the open and obvious water on
    the floor of the garden shop because he was distracted by “something in the control
    of [Home Depot], which purported distraction is of such a nature that [Home Depot]
    might have anticipated that it would divert [a customer’s] attention.”11
    (Citations and punctuation omitted; emphasis supplied.) Bartenfeld v. Chick-
    fil-A, Inc., 346 Ga App. 759, 768 (3) (815 SE2d 273) (2018).
    American Multi-Cinema, Inc. v. Brown, 
    285 Ga. 442
    , 445 (2) (679 SE2d 25)
    (Emphasis supplied.) Robinson, 
    268 Ga. at 746
     (2) (a).
    Weickert claims that his failure to see the water was excused because after he
    asked a store employee for assistance, the employee told him to “follow [him],” and
    Weickert followed so closely behind the employee that he could not see around him
    to see the water or the warning sign.
    As explained by the Supreme Court of Georgia in Robinson pursuant to the
    distraction doctrine:
    [O]ne is not bound to the same degree of care in discovering or
    apprehending danger in moments of stress or excitement or when the
    attention has been necessarily diverted. Application of the doctrine has
    the effect of excusing an invitee from exercising the otherwise required
    degree of care because of the circumstances created by the purported
    distraction. This is particularly true where the distraction is placed there
    by the defendant or where the defendant in the exercise of ordinary care
    should have anticipated that the distraction would occur. Thus, when an
    invitee asserts that the hazard was not seen before the injury because the
    invitee’s attention was diverted, the examination of whether the invitee
    exercised ordinary care for personal safety must take into account the
    circumstances surrounding the presence of the diversion. If the
    distraction has as its source the invitee, the invitee can no more take the
    benefit of it to excuse his lack of care for his own safety than one who
    creates an emergency can excuse himself because of its existence. . . .
    However, where the distraction comes from without, and is of such
    nature as naturally to divert the [invitee], and also of such nature that the
    defendant might naturally have anticipated it, the result is different.12
    Here, Weickert approached the cashier and asked about a specific item, to
    which the employee responded “follow me.” There is no evidence that the Home
    Depot employee continued to engage Weickert in conversation while walking him to
    the particular store aisle. Weickert then voluntarily chose to follow the employee so
    closely that he could not see around him. And while the employee walked through the
    water without pointing it out,13 the pictures show, and Weickert admits, that there was
    a “wet floor” warning sign in the area where he fell, the expanse of water in the
    garden center was large, and Weickert knew from his numerous previous trips to the
    Home Depot that water collected in that area after the plants were watered.
    Weickert’s argument that he was “distracted” by an employee who was helping
    him at his request, when analyzed in the context of the specific circumstances here,
    (Citations and punctuation omitted; emphasis supplied.) 
    Id. at 744-745
    There is no duty to warn of an open and obvious hazard. See McLemore v.
    Genuine Parts Co., 
    313 Ga. App. 641
    , 644 (722 SE2d 366) (2012).
    cannot save his claim from summary adjudication.14 The conversation was induced
    by and anticipated by Weickert. Robinson made clear that if the purported distraction
    has as its source the invitee, the invitee cannot benefit from it.15 Further, Weickert’s
    decision to follow the employee through the store to find a specific item does not
    convert the employee into a distraction or an obstruction of the alleged hazard. The
    employee did not instruct Weickert to follow him in any particular manner; rather, it
    The store employee leading Weickert to the sprinkler timer was furthering
    the purpose of Weickert’s visit to the store and was not “of such a nature” that Home
    Depot “might have anticipated that it would divert [Weickert’s attention[.]” Robinson,
    268 Ga. at 746
     (2) (a) (citation omitted). See Bartlett v. McDonough Bedding Co.,
    313 Ga. App. 657
    , 660 (722 SE2d 380) (2012) (rejecting the plaintiff’s claim
    regarding the distraction doctrine because “the sole distraction Bartlett asserts,
    looking at merchandise, cannot be accepted under the distraction theory because that
    was the very activity that brought him to [the store]”) (citation, punctuation and
    footnote omitted).
    See Robinson, 
    268 Ga. at 744-745
     (2). See Federated Dept. Stores v. Clum,
    205 Ga. App. 798
    , 799 (423 SE2d 716) (1992) (a customer’s reliance on the
    distraction doctrine was misplaced because the conversation with the employee was
    self-induced, not created by the defendant, and could not have been reasonably
    anticipated by the defendant). Compare Wallace v. Nissan of Union City, 
    240 Ga. App. 658
    , 659 (524 SE2d 542) (1999) (reversing the grant of summary judgment to
    the defendant because the customer slipped and fell on ice in an area that lacked
    warning cones and had not been salted after an employee approached the customer,
    directed him to accompany him to the opposite side of the building, and engrossed
    him in conversation during the walk); Jackson Atlantic, Inc. v. Wright, 
    129 Ga. App. 857
    , 859-861 (1) (201 SE2d 634) (1973) (physical precedent only) (affirming a jury
    verdict in favor of the plaintiff who fell into a hole created by an open floor safe after
    the store manager asked her to “move back”).
    was Weickert’s choice to follow so closely that he could not see his surroundings. In
    short, none of Weickert’s conduct or choices was in the control of Home Depot, nor
    was the conduct of its employee of “such a nature” that Home Depot could have
    anticipated that Weickert’s attention would “necessarily” be diverted.16
    This is the linchpin of this and every distraction doctrine case. Not just any
    conduct of an employee becomes a distraction because a customer claims it is so. The
    distracting conduct must be in the control of the store owner and be of such a nature
    that it would necessarily divert a customer’s attention. Necessarily means “[a]s a
    necessary result,” “inevitably.”17 It is synonymous with “automatically” and
    “unavoidably.”18 To hold otherwise results in virtually everything that happens at a
    premises becoming a distraction in the eye of the customer.19 The distraction doctrine
    16 Robinson, 268
     Ga. at 746 (2) (a). There is no evidence that the employee
    engaged in any out of the ordinary conduct. Instead, the evidence is that he simply
    walked through the store.
    1 7
    Oxford       English       Dictionary,        OED                Online (October 18, 2018).
    Robinson, 268
     Ga. at 744 (2) (a) (“[l]ooking at displayed merchandise or a
    store’s aisle signage has been repeatedly found to constitute a self-induced
    distraction”) (collecting cases); Bartlett, 313 Ga. App. at 660 (“the sole distraction
    [plaintiff] asserts, looking at merchandise, cannot be accepted under the distraction
    contemplates “moment[s] of stress or excitement,” not everyday commonplace
    Accordingly, the trial court properly granted summary judgment to Home
    Depot in this case.
    (b) The dissent relies on Barentine v. Kroger Co.21 However, Barentine was not
    a distraction doctrine case.22 Instead, the Supreme Court of Georgia granted certiorari
    “to consider whether the Court of Appeals correctly applied the rules applicable to
    the contradictory testimony of a party witness.”23 The Court of Appeals reversed the
    trial court’s denial of Kroger’s motion for a directed verdict, construing Barentine’s
    theory because that was the very activity that brought him to [the premises]”); Long
    John Silver’s v. Coleman, 
    223 Ga. App. 864
    , 865-866 (479 SE2d 141) (1996) (“Any
    distraction was self-induced by [the plaintiff’s] decision to read the sign while
    walking rather than stop to read it, preventing recovery.”).
    20 Robinson, 268
     Ga. at 746 (2) (a).
    264 Ga. 224
     (443 SE2d 485) (1994).
    As noted in Robinson, the Barentine Court did not mention the distraction
    doctrine. See Robinson, 
    268 Ga. at 745
     (2) (a).
    264 Ga. at 224
    contradictory testimony against him.24 The Supreme Court agreed that portions of
    Barentine’s contradictory testimony should have been construed against him, but
    reversed this Court because the favorable portion thereof was not the only evidence
    that Barentine exercised reasonable care for his own safety.25
    Nonetheless, after Barentine was decided, certain opinions of the Court of
    Appeals treated it as a distraction doctrine case. As the Supreme Court explained in
    [s]ince the Barentine decision, the Court of Appeals has taken divergent
    paths when discussing the distraction theory in conjunction with an
    invitee’s exercise of ordinary care for personal safety. When an
    employee-generated conversation is proffered as the reason why the
    invitee was not looking at the floor, the plaintiff has been found, citing
    Barentine, to have presented evidence of the exercise of reasonable care
    and thereby precluded summary judgment for the defendant. Recently,
    [in Carr v. Sears, Roebuck & Co,26] the Court of Appeals determined
    id. at 225
    226 Ga. App. 768
    , 770 (487 SE2d 415) (1997) (“Even though [the plaintiff]
    testified that she was not distracted by anything . . . , in fact, she was responding to
    the sales associate’s request that she move to the front of the counter at the time she
    tripped over the box. . . . Until further clarification of Barentine, we are constrained
    to hold that any communication with a store employee under circumstances such as
    those presented here, whether initiated by the customer or the employee, is ‘some
    that any conversation between a customer and an employee, regardless
    of who initiated communication, is some evidence of the invitee’s
    exercise of ordinary care.
    On the other hand, the appellate court took a more expansive view of
    Barentine in Ferguson v. Scadron,[27] and ruled that the [plaintiff’s]
    offer of a specific reason for not looking where he was going, regardless
    of the involvement of a store employee, created a jury question, since it
    was a circumstance where the exercise of reasonable care demands a
    focus away from the floor. But in [two other Court of Appeals cases28],
    . . . the proffer of a plausible reason why the invitee was not looking at
    the floor did not preclude summary judgment in favor of the defendant.29
    Thus, to rectify the confusion caused by this Court’s decisions after Barentine,
    the Robinson Court clarified its holding:
    evidence’ that a plaintiff was exercising reasonable care for his own safety, thus
    precluding summary judgment.”) (emphasis supplied).
    227 Ga. App. 614
    , 616 (489 SE2d 873) (1997).
    See Freyer v. Silver, 
    227 Ga. App. 253
     (488 SE2d 728) (1997) (McMurray,
    J., dissenting); Parks-Nietzold v. J. C. Penney, 
    227 Ga. App. 724
     (490 SE2d 133)
    (1997) (McMurray, J., dissenting),
    (Citation and punctuation omitted; emphasis supplied.) Robinson, 
    268 Ga. at 745-746
     (2) (a).
    [W]hen an invitee explains that he was not looking at the location of the
    hazard which caused injury because of something in the control of the
    owner/occupier, which purported distraction is of such a nature that the
    defendant might have anticipated that it would divert an invitee’s
    attention, e.g., the conduct of a store employee,30 the premises
    construction or configuration, or a merchandise display of such a nature
    that its presence would not have been anticipated by the invitee, the
    invitee has presented some evidence that [the invitee] exercised
    reasonable care for [the invitee’s] own safety. It will then be for the
    fact-finder to determine if the injury sustained was proximately caused
    by the defendant’s negligence and whether the plaintiff failed to exercise
    reasonable care for personal safety.31
    While there are certainly instances where “the conduct of a store employee”
    is “of such a nature that the defendant might ... anticipate[] that it would divert an
    invitee’s attention,” the plain, palpable, and undisputed facts in this particular case
    demonstrate that the Home Depot employee was not a distraction. See Robinson, 
    268 Ga. at 746
     (2) (a) (citation omitted); OCGA § 9-11-56(c).
    (Citation and punctuation omitted). Id. at 746 (2) (a).
    Thus, Barentine and cases such as Carr and Ferguson were clarified to ensure that
    distractions caused by or within the control of the invitee are insufficient to meet the
    plaintiff’s burden of production on summary judgment.32
    Judgment affirmed. Mercier, J., concurs. Dillard, C. J, concurs in part and
    dissents in part.*
    OF APPEALS RULE 33.2(a).
    See id. at 748 (2) (b).
    DILLARD, Chief Judge, concurring in part and dissenting in part.
    This case is the poster child for the difficulty often faced by both trial and
    appellate courts in applying the “distraction doctrine.”1 Indeed, to say that this
    doctrine is imprecise is the height of charity. Nevertheless, this Court must determine
    if there is a genuine issue of material fact as to whether Weickert was distracted to
    such a degree that he is “not bound to the same degree of care in discovering or
    I concur fully in Division 1 of the majority’s opinion. As a result, this division
    of the opinion may be cited as binding precedent. See Court of Appeals Rule 33.2 (a)
    apprehending danger” because his “attention [was] necessarily diverted.”2 In doing
    so, we are asked to consider whether the circumstances surrounding Weickert’s tragic
    injury—which resulted in amputation of his leg —are such that Home Depot should
    have anticipated Weickert being distracted by an employee directing him to follow
    along while they were carrying on a conversation. The majority answers this question
    in the negative, claiming Weickert “induced and anticipated” the conversation that
    ultimately caused his distraction and injury, and thus he cannot benefit from a
    distraction of his own making. But if the majority is correct, then injured plaintiffs
    may never be able to avail themselves of the distraction doctrine when they are
    injured shortly after seeking assistance from an employee. In my view, this stretches
    the reasoning of Robinson v. Kroger Co.3 beyond the breaking point. Employees are
    there to serve customers. Weickert was a customer who needed help. An employee
    offered assistance, directed Weickert to follow him, engaged in conversation with
    Weickert, and then led him through pooled water. Is this enough to constitute a
    distraction within the meaning of the doctrine? I have my doubts. But I do think there
    Robinson v. Kroger Co., 
    268 Ga. 735
    , 744 (2) (a) (493 SE2d 403) (1997)
    (citation and punctuation omitted).
    268 Ga. 735
     (493 SE2d 403) (1997).
    is a genuine issue of material fact as to whether these circumstances are such that
    Weickert can avail himself of the distraction doctrine, so I respectfully dissent.
    In Robinson v. Kroger Co., the Supreme Court of Georgia clarified the scope
    of the distraction doctrine, holding that “when an invitee explains that he was not
    looking at the location of the hazard which caused injury because of something in the
    control of the owner/occupier, which purported distraction is of such a nature that the
    defendant might have anticipated that it would divert an invitee’s attention” (e.g., “the
    conduct of a store employee”), then “the invitee has presented some evidence of the
    exercise of reasonable care for the invitee’s own safety.”4 And it is then up to a jury
    to determine if “the injury sustained was proximately caused by the defendant’s
    negligence and whether the plaintiff failed to exercise reasonable care for personal
    safety.”5 Moreover, in applying the distraction doctrine, this Court has held that when
    an invitee presents evidence of a conversation or interaction with an employee, which
    allegedly distracted the invitee from noticing a hazard, a jury must determine whether
    the distraction doctrine applies.6
    Id. at 746
     (2) (a).
    See Wallace v. Nissan of Union City, Inc., 
    240 Ga. App. 658
    , 661 (2) (524
    SE2d 542) (1999) (holding that when the defendant’s employee and invitee were
    Here, the majority concludes that Home Depot is entitled to judgment as a
    matter of law because the conversation between Weickert and its employee was
    induced and anticipated by Weickert. But to hold that a customer forfeits the possible
    protection of the distraction doctrine by asking for help from an employee ignores the
    duty owed by an owner/occupier to an invitee. As our Supreme Court explained in
    Robinson, by encouraging others to enter their premises “to further the
    owner/occupier’s purpose, the owner/occupier makes an implied representation that
    reasonable care has been exercised to make the place safe for those who come for that
    engrossed in conversation, the jury was required to decide whether the employee
    distracted the invitee from discovering the hazard); Laffoday v. Winn Dixie Atlanta,
    235 Ga. App. 832
    , 833-834 (510 SE2d 598) (1998) (holding that the invitee
    presented some evidence she exercised reasonable care for her own safety when,
    although she had been warned to be careful about water in the area, she had no actual
    knowledge of the particular water which caused her to slip while she was startled by
    and “responding to a page over the intercom from the store manager requesting that
    [she] report to the front of the store”); Carr v. Sears, Roebuck & Co., 
    226 Ga. App. 768
    , 770 (487 SE2d 415) (1997) (holding that even when the hazard was “a large
    object in plain view” and the invitee “testified that she was not ‘distracted’ by
    anything[,]” evidence that “she was responding to the sales associate’s request that
    she move to the front of the counter at the time she tripped . . . . was some evidence
    that she was exercising reasonable care for her own safety”); cf. Bartlett v.
    McDonough Bedding Co., 
    313 Ga. App. 657
    , 660 (722 SE2d 380) (2012) (noting that
    the plaintiff’s assertion he was distracted by looking at merchandise could not be
    accepted under the distraction theory). In stark contrast to this case, there was no
    interaction between the plaintiff and any employee in Bartlett.
    purpose[.]”7 It is this very representation that forms “the basis of the liability of the
    owner/occupier for an invitee’s injuries sustained in a ‘slip-and-fall.’”8 And it is in
    this light that “an invitee’s exercise of ordinary care for personal safety must be
    examined.”9 So, even though Weickert asked for assistance from an employee (as
    customers often do), there can still be genuine issues of material fact as whether the
    employee distracted him and whether he exercised reasonable care for his own
    It is true, of course, that if the distraction has as its source the invitee, “the
    invitee can no more take the benefit of it to excuse his lack of care for his own safety
    than one who creates an emergency can excuse himself because of its existence.”11
    7 Robinson, 268
     Ga. at 741 (1).
    Wallace, 240 Ga. App. at 659, 661 (2) (finding genuine issue of material fact
    as to application of distraction doctrine when employee offered help, customer
    expressed an interest in a used car, and employee suggested customer “accompany
    him to walk toward the opposite side of the sales building[,]” and customer slipped
    and fell in ice while they were “engrossed in conversation”).
    11 Robinson, 268
     Ga. at 744 (2) (a) (punctuation omitted); see 
     (noting that
    self-induced distractions may include “a plaintiff’s release of a cart[,]” a
    “conversation with companions[,]” or “[l]ooking at displayed merchandise or a store’s
    aisle signage”).
    And the majority certainly embraces this principle, holding that, under the specific
    circumstances presented, Weickert was the source of the distraction. I disagree. A
    trial court can only conclude as a matter of law that “the facts do or do not show
    negligence on the part of the defendant or the plaintiff . . . where the evidence is
    plain, palpable and undisputable.”12 And when “reasonable minds” can differ as to the
    conclusion to be reached “with regard to questions of whether an owner/occupier
    breached the duty of care to invitees and whether an invitee exercised reasonable care
    for personal safety, summary adjudication is not appropriate.”13
    Here, Weickert testified that the accident happened quickly, and he did not
    glance down at the floor before he slipped and fell because he was looking at and
    speaking with the employee. According to Weickert, he was “more concerned in
    following” the employee as instructed because he “wanted to get in and get out.” And
    Weickert did not see any signs on the floor because he was “talking to [the employee]
    and fell right in behind him,” such that he did not “have time to look around and
    Id. at 739 (1) (quoting Ellington v. Tolar Const. Co., 
    237 Ga. 235
    , 237 (II)
    (227 SE2d 336) (1976)); accord Landings Ass’n, Inc. v. Williams, 
    291 Ga. 397
    , 399
    (728 SE2d 577) (2012).
    13 Robinson, 268
     Ga. at 740 (1) (emphasis supplied); accord Duff v. Bd. of
    Regents of Univ. Sys. of Ga., 
    341 Ga. App. 458
    , 461 (800 SE2d 640) (2017).
    stuff.” As Weickert explained in his affidavit, because he was following three to four
    steps behind the employee, he was unable to see obstacles or hazards directly in front
    of the employee, including the water in which he slipped. Thus, Weickert presented
    some evidence that he did not see water on the floor because he was speaking with
    and following behind the employee as instructed, and this Court should not disregard
    that evidence.14 It is not our role to “sort through the evidence, resolve conflicts, and
    make findings of fact based on the evidence it finds credible,”15 and the majority
    comes close to doing just that by characterizing Weickert as “voluntarily [choosing]
    to follow the employee so closely that he could not see around him.” In my view,
    whether Home Depot might have anticipated that its employee’s instruction to
    Weickert to follow him and their ensuing conversation would divert Weickert’s
    Cowart v. Widener, 
    287 Ga. 622
    , 633 (3) (c) (697 SE2d 779) (2010) (“[A]
    witness’s uncontradicted testimony [cannot] simply be disbelieved in order to
    eliminate the evidence it provides.”); accord Elder v. Hayes, 
    337 Ga. App. 826
    , 831
    (1) (788 SE2d 915) (2016).
    Hardin v. Hardin, 
    301 Ga. 532
    , 536 (801 SE2d 774) (2017) (punctuation
    omitted); accord Montgomery v. Barrow, 
    286 Ga. 896
    , 898 (1) (692 SE2d 351)
    (2010). Similarly, the trial court is not a trier of fact on a motion for summary
    judgment. Hardin, 
    301 Ga. at 537
    ; accord Covington Square Assocs., LLC v. Ingles
    Markets, Inc., 
    287 Ga. 445
    , 448 (696 SE2d 649) (2010).
    attention away from the pooled water on the floor,16 or that Weickert would follow
    close behind the employee and not notice that he was being led through the water, are
    questions for a jury.
    Furthermore, a grant of summary judgment to Home Depot does not comport
    with the holding of Barentine v. Kroger Co.17 In that case, the Supreme Court of
    Georgia pointed to the invitee’s testimony that upon entering the store, he saw the
    nighttime cashier standing away from the only open register; that as he was walking
    toward the check-out line he “saw the cashier standing in the same place”; that he
    looked at the cashier “as he was walking toward the check-out line so that he could
    tell him he was ready to check out; and that as he told the cashier he was ready to
    It was only after the Home Depot employee instructed Weickert to follow
    him that Weickert—talking to and following behind the employee—slipped and fell.
    These facts are distinguishable from those presented in Federated Dep’t Stores, Inc.
    v. Clum, 
    205 Ga. App. 798
     (423 SE2d 716) (1992), upon which the majority relies.
    In Clum, while the invitee watched, a sales associate “unrolled two or three feet of a
    runner in the aisle.” Id. at 799. Then, after declining to make a purchase, the invitee
    “engaged in a conversation with the sales associate which lasted several minutes.” Id.
    She then turned to leave, and, “forgetting about the partially unrolled rug in the aisle,
    tripped” over the rug. Id. Rejecting the claim of distraction, this Court held that “her
    alleged distraction was self-induced, was not created by appellant, and could not have
    been reasonably anticipated by appellant.” Id.
    Barentine v. Kroger Co., 
    264 Ga. 224
     (443 SE2d 485) (1994).
    check out, he slipped and fell.”18 Our Supreme Court held that this testimony—i.e.,
    that the invitee was looking at the cashier—constituted “some evidence” the invitee
    exercised reasonable care for his own safety.19 And if merely looking at a cashier
    constitutes “some evidence” that an invitee exercised reasonable care for his own
    safety, then talking to and following behind an employee (as directed) certainly does.
    Suffice it to say, we are bound by our Supreme Court’s decisions and must faithfully
    apply them in this case.20
    In sum, the majority misapplies Robinson and runs afoul of Barentine. Under
    these binding precedents, a customer who asks for help from an employee and is
    injured shortly thereafter is not necessarily prohibited from availing himself of the
    Id. at 225
    See Ga. Const., art. VI, § VI, ¶ VI (1983) (“The decisions of the Supreme
    Court shall bind all other courts as precedents.”); State v. Smith, 
    308 Ga. App. 345
    352 (1) (707 SE2d 560) (2011) (“[T]he doctrine of stare decisis prohibits this Court
    from ignoring the valid precedent of a higher court.”); see also State v. Jackson, 
    287 Ga. 646
    , 658 (5) (697 SE2d 757) (2010) (“Stare decisis is an important principle that
    promotes the rule of law . . . .”); Kurt T. Lash, Originalism, Popular Sovereignty, and
    Reverse Stare Decisis, 
    93 Va. L. Rev. 1437
    , 1454 (2007) (noting that “[v]ertical stare
    decisis refers to the binding effect of precedent on lower courts[,]” and that “[s]erious
    rule of law costs would follow if lower courts were free to ignore precedent
    established by a higher court of appeal”).
    distraction doctrine. And Weickert’s testimony that he was distracted by talking to
    and looking at the employee he was following through the store when he slipped and
    fell constitutes “some evidence” he exercised reasonable care for his own safety.21 As
    a result, the evidence on the issue of Weickert’s distraction (or lack thereof) was not
    plain, palpable, and undisputed,22 and this case should proceed to a jury trial.23
    See supra note 6.
    See supra notes 12-13 & accompanying text.
    See Ga. Const., art. I, § I, ¶ XI (a) (1983) (providing that the right to a jury
    trial “shall remain inviolate”).

Document Info

Docket Number: A18A0904

Citation Numbers: 821 S.E.2d 110, 347 Ga. App. 889

Filed Date: 11/1/2018

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023