Dominique Wiggins v. State , 334 Ga. App. 54 ( 2015 )

  •                               THIRD DIVISION
    NOTICE: Motions for reconsideration must be
    physically received in our clerk’s office within ten
    days of the date of decision to be deemed timely filed.
    September 30, 2015
    In the Court of Appeals of Georgia
    A15A1607. WIGGINS v. THE STATE.
    ELLINGTON, Presiding Judge.
    A Dougherty County jury found Dominique Wiggins guilty of armed robbery,
    OCGA § 16-8-41 (a); two counts of aggravated assault, OCGA § 16-5-21 (a) (1)
    (2011); and possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony, OCGA § 16-
    11-106. Wiggins appeals, contending that the State failed to present sufficient
    evidence to support the jury’s finding of guilt beyond a reasonable doubt. For the
    reasons which follow, we affirm.
    [O]n an appeal following a conviction, the evidence must be viewed in
    a light most favorable to the verdict, and appellant no longer enjoys a
    presumption of innocence; moreover, on appeal this Court determines
    evidence sufficiency, and does not weigh the evidence or determine
    witness credibility.
    (Citation and punctuation omitted.) Webb v. State, 
    228 Ga. App. 624
    , 625 (2) (
    492 S.E.2d 312
    ) (1997); see also Jackson v. Virginia, 
    443 U.S. 307
     (99 SCt 2781, 61
    LE2d 560) (1979).
    So viewed, the evidence shows the following. On December 8, 2011, around
    9:00 a.m., Wiggins and another man,1 both clothed so as to cover their faces, ran into
    the Havmor store, pointed their handguns at the store clerk, and demanded money
    along with Newport cigarettes. After being handed approximately $300 and the
    cigarettes, the two men fled the store. Upon the arrival of the police, the victim
    identified Wiggins, a daily customer, as one of the robbers. Several months later,
    when presented with a photographic lineup, the victim, yet again, identified Wiggins.
    The robbery was recorded by the store’s surveillance video, which was published to
    the jury at trial.
    Shortly after Wiggins was initially identified, officers went to Wiggins’s
    residence, where he lived with four other family members, and they were allowed in
    to search the premises. Although the officers entered to determine whether Wiggins
    and his accomplice were hiding therein, they noticed clothing, in plain view, that
    The State indicted Toddrick Mills as the second gunman, and Mills was tried
    jointly with Wiggins. The jury found Wiggins guilty of all charges but were unable
    to reach a unanimous verdict as to Mills.
    matched the description given by the victim. A search warrant was obtained. After a
    more thorough search of the residence, the officers found two handguns, one black
    and the other silver and black, later identified by the victim as having been in
    possession of the robbers, and various items of clothing. They seized clothing
    including a jacket depicting a lion or tiger across the back. The victim testified that
    Wiggins wore that jacket during the robbery.
    During the investigation, fingerprint evidence was collected from the crime
    scene. Officers were not able to lift prints from the two handguns recovered from
    Wiggins’s residence. An officer testified that out of the 21 fingerprints recovered
    from the crime scene, only four were identifiable, none of which were a match for
    During trial, Wiggins presented an alibi defense through the testimony of his
    girlfriend, Shakilla Cleveland. Cleveland testified that she was with Wiggins at her
    home from 8:00 a.m. until around 10:30 a.m. on the day of the robbery.
    The State indicted Wiggins on four counts, charging him with the following
    offenses: in Count 1, committing armed robbery in that he “did unlawfully take U. S.
    currency . . . from the person of the [victim] by the use of a certain handgun, an
    offensive weapon”; in Count 2, committing aggravated assault in that he “did make
    an assault upon the person of [the victim], with the intent to rob”; in Count 3,
    committing aggravated assault in that he “did make an assault upon the person of [the
    victim] with a certain handgun, a deadly weapon”; and in Count 4, committing the
    offense of possession of a firearm during the commission of a felony in that he “did
    unlawfully have on his person a certain handgun. . . during the commission of the
    crime of [a]ggravated [a]ssault[.]” The jury found Wiggins guilty beyond a reasonable
    doubt on all four counts.
    On appeal, Wiggins contends that the evidence presented was insufficient to
    prove guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.
    [T]he critical inquiry on review of the sufficiency of the evidence to
    support a criminal conviction must be not simply to determine whether
    the jury was properly instructed, but to determine whether the record
    evidence could reasonably support a finding of guilt beyond a
    reasonable doubt. But this inquiry does not require a court to ask itself
    whether it believes that the evidence at the trial established guilt beyond
    a reasonable doubt. Instead, the relevant question is whether, after
    viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to the prosecution, any
    rational trier of fact could have found the essential elements of the crime
    beyond a reasonable doubt.
    (Citations, punctuation, and emphasis omitted.) Jackson v. Virginia, 
    443 U. S. 307
    318-319 (III) (B) (1979). Thus, our concern here is whether, applying the foregoing
    standard, the evidence presented supported Wiggins’s convictions.
    1. Wiggins contends that the evidence was insufficient to support his
    convictions because the victim’s identification was mistaken. However, the credibility
    of the victim’s identification was a matter to be determined by the jury.2 As this court
    has previously held, on appeal “we do not weigh the evidence nor judge the
    credibility of the witnesses. Further, we do not speculate which evidence the jury
    chose to believe or disbelieve.” (Citation and punctuation omitted.) Thompson v.
    210 Ga. App. 655
    , 656 (1) (436 SE2d 799) (1993). The evidence shows that,
    even though Wiggins was covered from head to toe in clothing with only his eyes
    visible, the victim was able to identify Wiggins, who spoke during the robbery,
    because Wiggins was a regular customer and the victim had watched Wiggins grow
    up. Similarly, in Roberts v. State, 
    317 Ga. App. 385
    , 386-387 (1) (730 SE2d 753)
    (2012), evidence sufficient to support the appellant’s armed robbery conviction
    included the victim’s identification of the appellant, who, although masked during the
    See OCGA § 24-6-620 (“The credibility of a witness shall be a matter to be
    determined by the trier of fact, and if the case is being heard by a jury, the court shall
    give the jury proper instructions as to the credibility of a witness.”).
    robbery, had been a customer at the victim’s stores since the appellant was a child.
    “Contrary to [Wiggins’s] assertion on appeal, the combined evidence set out above
    was sufficient to authorize a rational jury to find him guilty beyond a reasonable
    doubt of the charged offenses.” (Citation omitted.) Id.
    2. Wiggins argues that it was impossible for him to have committed the charged
    offenses because he was at Cleveland’s home at the time of the crime. In support of
    this argument, Wiggins points to selected language from Hightower v. State, 
    224 Ga. App. 703
    , 705 (2) (481 SE2d 867) (1997), particularly our statement that “[a]n alibi
    defense creates a reasonable doubt on behalf of the accused[.]”
    To the extent Wiggins suggests that, having presented an alibi defense, he
    necessarily established reasonable doubt, he is mistaken. As we also explained in
    Hightower, evidence of alibi “is simply evidence in support of a defendant’s plea of
    not guilty, and should be treated merely as evidence tending to disprove one of the
    essential factors in the case of the prosecution, that is, presence of the defendant at
    the time and place of the alleged crime.” (Citation and punctuation omitted.) 
    Id. at 704-705
     (2). Although Cleveland’s testimony provided an alibi for Wiggins and so
    was inconsistent with the testimony of the victim, it was for the jury to assess the
    credibility of these witnesses. See, e.g., Newberry v. State, 
    182 Ga. App. 857
     (1) (357
    SE2d 309) (1987) (The evidence was sufficient to support the appellant’s armed
    robbery conviction even though the appellant presented evidence of an alibi which
    was corroborated by two others.).
    3. Wiggins further claims that because certain evidence, including items seized
    from his home, does not prove his guilt beyond a reasonable doubt, such “confirm[s]
    [the] insufficiency of the evidence.” More specifically, Wiggins contends that various
    items seized from his home, such as red hats not shown to be used in the robbery; a
    black handgun which, he maintains, was not consistent with the handgun used in the
    robbery;3 unremarkable gloves; and a graphic tee shirt, were irrelevant and immaterial
    to the case. He argues that although Wiggins’s DNA was found on a red hat seized
    from his home, this did not connect him with the robbery inasmuch as the victim
    testified that the perpetrators had not worn red hats. He points to testimony that the
    black handgun and the “lion” design jacket seized by the police were not owned by
    Wiggins, but by Wiggins’s brother. And Wiggins shows that there was a lack of
    fingerprint evidence connecting him to the crime, notwithstanding that officers
    recovered several prints from the crime scene.
    Evidence showed that the black handgun used in the robbery was equipped
    with a laser pointer, but that the black handgun seized from Wiggins’s residence was
    not equipped with a laser pointer.
    All the same, “as long as there is some evidence, even though contradicted, to
    support each fact necessary for the state’s case, the verdict will be upheld.” Askew v.
    248 Ga. App. 230
     (1) (546 SE2d 15) (2001). Thus, we need not determine if all
    of the evidence supported the State’s case. Rather, the State presented evidence from
    which the jury could conclude that Wiggins was one of the two men who took cash
    from the victim by the use of a handgun. Accordingly, we find that any rational trier
    of fact could have found Wiggins guilty beyond a reasonable doubt of the crimes for
    which he was convicted.
    Judgment affirmed. Dillard and McFadden, JJ., concur.

Document Info

Docket Number: A15A1607

Citation Numbers: 334 Ga. App. 54, 778 S.E.2d 60

Filed Date: 10/6/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023