Office of Disciplinary Counsel v. Tagupa ( 2016 )

  •                                                       Electronically Filed
    Supreme Court
    01:54 PM
    NO. 26762
    (ODC CASE NO. 14-020-9163)
    (By: Recktenwald, C.J., Nakayama, McKenna, Pollack, and Wilson, JJ.)
    Upon review of the report and recommendation submitted
    by the Disciplinary Board of the Supreme Court of the State of
    Hawai'i on July 29, 2015 in this matter, we find and conclude,
    based upon clear and convincing evidence, that this court’s
    March 3, 2005 order of suspension, enjoining Respondent
    William Tagupa from the practice of law, remains valid and
    continues to prohibit Respondent Tagupa from practicing law in
    this jurisdiction, and further find and conclude, in the first
    matter before the court, that in August, 2010 Respondent Tagupa
    formed an attorney-client relationship with Mr. K, a distant
    relative, and thereafter assisted Mr. K, through January, 2014,
    with a civil rights proceeding and subsequent litigation
    regarding a wrongful discharge claim, by discussing the legal
    aspects of the claim, including interpreting relevant statutes
    and case law, performing legal analysis and developing legal
    strategies, including, inter alia, arguments based upon statutes
    of limitation, the doctrine of preemption, rational
    relationships, and disparate impact, advising Mr. K on deposition
    and discovery strategies, providing legal arguments for
    responding to a motion for summary judgment, drafting legal
    memoranda for use in the litigation, discussing settlement
    strategy and the characteristics of a valid settlement agreement,
    drafting a legal memorandum for Mr. K to use in a settlement
    conference in the federal litigation, advising Mr. K on an appeal
    to the United States Court of Appeals for the Ninth Circuit,
    drafting an opening brief for use by Mr. K and his formal
    counsel, and drafting a reply brief which Mr. K submitted to the
    Ninth Circuit under his own name on January 14, 2014.
    We decline to address the second matter in the Board’s
    report, involving an application for a writ of certiorari to this
    court, as the matter was not alleged in the original petition.
    Upon review of the above conduct, we conclude
    Respondent Tagupa engaged in the practice of law, in violation of
    this court’s injunction.   See ODC v. Gould, 
    119 Hawai'i 265
    , 270,
    195 P.3d 1197
    , 1202 (2008) and Fought & Co., Inc. v. Steel
    Engineering and Erection, Inc., 
    87 Hawai'i 37
    , 45, 
    951 P.2d 487
    495 (1998); see also Gould, 119 Hawai'i at 271, 
    195 P.3d at 1203
    Attorney Grievance Comm’n of Maryland v. Brisbon, 
    31 A.3d 110
    118 (Md. 2011); In re Chavez, 
    1 P.3d 417
    , 424 (N.M. 2000);
    Disciplinary Counsel v. Coleman, 
    724 N.E.2d 402
    , 404 (Ohio 2000);
    In re Conduct of Devers, 
    974 P.2d 191
    , 196 (Or. 1999); Kansas v.
    519 P.2d 1116
    , 1121 (Kan. 1974); Edwards, Inc. v.
    504 P.2d 407
    , 416 (Okla. 1972); Cf. Matter of Discipline of
    391 N.W.2d 822
    , 825 (Minn. 1986).    A suspended attorney
    is, indeed, under greater strictures than a layperson with
    regards to conduct that may constitute the practice of law.     See
    Gould, 119 Hawai'i at 268-69, 
    195 P.3d at 1200-01
    ; see also In re
    400 F.3d 836
    , 843 (10th
    Cir.2005);   In re Disciplinary
    Action Against Larson, 
    485 N.W.2d 345
    , 349 (N.D. 1992); State of
    Nebraska ex rel. Nebraska State Bar Ass’n v. Butterfield, 
    111 N.W.2d 543
    , 546-47 (Neb. 1961); Schumacher, 519 P.2d at 1122,
    1125.   This is because, in contrast to a lay person, a suspended
    attorney applying legal skills to a matter gives the appearance
    of, and equates to, engagement in the practice of law.      See Comm.
    on Prof’l Ethics & Conduct of Iowa State Bar Ass’n v. Gartin, 
    272 N.W.2d 485
    , 491-92 (Iowa 1978)).
    Finally, we concur with the Hearing Officer’s
    characterization of Respondent Tagupa as “intelligent and
    competent” with “legal research skills and analysis [which] are
    certainly quite good, if not superior,” and, hence, concur
    Respondent Tagupa was “certainly quite capable of accurately
    researching the existing case law about what constitutes the
    practice of law . . . in Hawai'i and in other jurisdictions, as
    well as any attorney,” but, nevertheless, despite that ability,
    and the Gould holding provided him by the Hawai'i Civil Rights
    Commission, Tagupa never sought advice of counsel from ODC or any
    other party concerning whether his activities were permitted as a
    suspended attorney.
    We conclude Respondent Tagupa’s conduct violated Rules
    3.4(e) and 5.5(a) of the Hawai'i Rules of Professional Conduct by
    violating RSCH Rules 2.16(c) and 2.17(a) and the standing
    injunction against him imposed by this court on March 3, 2005,
    though we also note Respondent Tagupa did not gain financially
    from any of the assistance provided to his distant relative.
    IT IS HEREBY ORDERED that Respondent William Tagupa is
    suspended from the practice of law for a further two years.    In
    light of Respondent Tagupa’s long-standing suspension, the
    instant suspension is effective upon entry of this order.
    Respondent Tagupa, therefore, may not apply for reinstatement
    until the passage of at least one year from the entry date of
    this order, pursuant to RSCH Rule 2.17(b)(3).
    IT IS FURTHER ORDERED that Respondent Tagupa shall bear
    the costs of the disciplinary proceedings, upon the timely
    submission of a verified bill of costs by the Office of
    Disciplinary Counsel, pursuant to RSCH Rule 2.3(c).
    IT IS FINALLY ORDERED that Respondent Tagupa is hereby
    notified that any further misconduct that can be established as
    the unauthorized practice of law under either the Hawai'i or
    foreign case law cited above may be grounds for a criminal
    contempt proceeding against him, pursuant to HRS §§ 710­
    1077(1)(c), 710-1077(1)(g), and 710-1077(3)(b) (Supp. 2008), as a
    knowing violation of a valid order of this court enjoining him
    from the practice of law.
    DATED: Honolulu, Hawai'i, March 24, 2016.
    /s/ Mark E. Recktenwald
    /s/ Paula A. Nakayama
    /s/ Sabrina S. McKenna
    /s/ Richard W. Pollack
    /s/ Michael D. Wilson