Gregory S. McAmis v. State , 155 Idaho 796 ( 2013 )

    Docket No. 40417
    GREGORY SCOTT McAMIS,                           )
    )     2013 Opinion No. 66
    Petitioner-Appellant,                    )
    )     Filed: December 12, 2013
    v.                                              )
    )     Stephen W. Kenyon, Clerk
    STATE OF IDAHO,                                 )
    Respondent.                              )
    Appeal from the District Court of the Third Judicial District, State of Idaho,
    Adams County. Hon. Bradly S. Ford, District Judge.
    Judgment granting post-conviction relief, affirmed.
    Greg S. Silvey, Star, for appellant.
    Hon. Lawrence G. Wasden, Attorney General; Kenneth K. Jorgensen, Deputy
    Attorney General, Boise, for respondent.
    LANSING, Judge
    In this appeal from a judgment granting him post-conviction relief, Gregory Scott
    McAmis argues that although the district court properly determined that he was entitled to post-
    conviction relief, it erred in ordering resentencing as a remedy rather than permitting him to
    withdraw his guilty plea.
    McAmis was charged with grand theft, felony, Idaho Code §§ 18-2403, 18-2407, and the
    State alleged that he was subject to a persistent violator sentence enhancement, I.C. § 19-2514.
    The parties reached a plea agreement under which McAmis would plead guilty to grand theft. In
    exchange, the State agreed, inter alia, to dismiss the persistent violator enhancement and
    recommend a unified sentence of five years in prison with two years determinate, suspended in
    favor of probation. The State did not make that recommendation. Instead, the prosecutor
    recommended incarceration, consistent with a recommendation of the presentence investigator.
    McAmis’s counsel did not object but instead commented that he “apparently . . . misunderstood
    the nature of the plea discussions with the State.” The trial court imposed a unified eleven-year
    sentence with five years determinate. This sentence is running concurrently with McAmis’s
    sentence in another case.
    McAmis took an appeal, and this Court affirmed his sentence and the district court’s
    denial of a motion by McAmis for reduction of the sentence. State v. McAmis, Docket No. 35945
    (Ct. App. Sept. 29, 2009) (unpublished). No claim of a breach of the plea agreement was raised on
    the direct appeal.
    McAmis then filed a petition for post-conviction relief alleging that he was entitled to
    relief because the prosecutor breached the plea agreement and because his defense counsel was
    ineffective in not objecting to the breach. After conducting an evidentiary hearing, the district
    court determined that the State did breach the plea agreement and that McAmis was entitled to
    relief. That determination has not been challenged in this appeal.
    At the evidentiary hearing, McAmis was repeatedly asked what remedy he was seeking.
    He responded in various ways, but ultimately asked to receive a specific sentence (a prison
    sentence of five years with credit for the five years he had served, followed by probation), and if
    the court could not guarantee that sentence, then he wanted to be permitted to withdraw his
    guilty plea. The district court informed McAmis that the available options were limited: the
    court would either permit McAmis to withdraw his guilty plea or order that he be resentenced in
    a proceeding where the State would be required to make the recommendation it had agreed to
    make.    After the district court explained these options, McAmis stated that he wanted to
    withdraw his guilty plea. Likewise, McAmis’s attorney requested that McAmis be allowed to
    withdraw the plea. The district court did not permit withdrawal of the guilty plea, but instead
    ordered specific performance of the plea bargain in a new sentencing proceeding.
    McAmis appeals, arguing that the district court erred when it ordered specific
    performance instead of permitting withdrawal of his plea. He argues that the district court had
    discretion to order either remedy and abused that discretion because the trial court’s analysis of
    the remedy issue was based on a single erroneous consideration and because specific
    performance is an insufficient remedy as a matter of law.
    It has long been established that the prosecution’s breach of a plea agreement violates a
    defendant’s rights and entitles the defendant to a remedy, Santobello v. New York, 
    404 U.S. 257
    262-63 (1971), but the United States Supreme Court’s analysis concerning the precise effect of
    the breach has changed over time. In Mabry v. Johnson, 
    467 U.S. 504
    (1984), the Supreme
    Court stated that a breach by the prosecutor invalidates the plea agreement:
    [A guilty] plea must, of course, be voluntary and knowing and if it was induced
    by promises, the essence of those promises must in some way be made known. It
    follows that when the prosecution breaches its promise with respect to an
    executed plea agreement, the defendant pleads guilty on a false premise, and
    hence his conviction cannot stand.
    Id. at 509
    (citations omitted). This position that a prosecutor’s breach at the sentencing hearing
    automatically voids a plea agreement was repudiated, however, in Puckett v. United States, 
    556 U.S. 129
    (2009), where the Court said:
    [T]here is nothing to support the proposition that the Government’s breach of a
    plea agreement retroactively causes the defendant’s agreement to have been
    unknowing or involuntary. Any more than there is anything to support the
    proposition that a mere breach of contract retroactively causes the other party’s
    promise to have been coerced or induced by fraud. Although the analogy may not
    hold in all respects, plea bargains are essentially contracts. When the
    consideration for a contract fails--that is, when one of the exchanged promises is
    not kept--we do not say that the voluntary bilateral consent to the contract never
    existed, so that it is automatically and utterly void; we say that the contract was
    broken. The party injured by the breach will generally be entitled to some
    remedy, which might include the right to rescind the contract entirely, but that is
    not the same thing as saying the contract was never validly concluded.
    Id. at 137
    (citations omitted). The Court went on to say, “We disavow any aspect of the Mabry
    dictum that contradicts our holding today.” 
    Id. at 138
    Thus, Puckett abrogated the reasoning in Mabry concerning the effect of a breach.
    According to Puckett, a plea agreement is not retroactively rendered invalid because it has been
    breached. 1 Puckett does not diminish, however, the essential holdings of Mabry and Santobello
    Unfortunately, Idaho appellate courts have not always recognized Puckett’s repudiation
    of the Mabry analysis. In two opinions concerning the scope of a plea agreement, this Court and
    the Idaho Supreme Court explained the prejudice caused by breaching a plea agreement and
    that a prosecutorial breach of a plea agreement violates a defendant’s rights and entitles a
    defendant to some remedy.
    When a breach by the State has occurred, the trial court has discretion to either permit the
    withdrawal of the defendant’s guilty plea or order specific performance of the plea agreement
    through resentencing before a different judge. See 
    Santobello, 404 U.S. at 263
    ; State v. Stocks,
    153 Idaho 171
    , 174, 
    280 P.3d 198
    , 201 (Ct. App. 2012); State v. Jones, 
    139 Idaho 299
    , 302, 
    77 P.3d 988
    , 991 (Ct. App. 2003); State v. Seaman, 
    125 Idaho 955
    , 957, 
    877 P.2d 926
    , 928 (Ct.
    App. 1994); State v. Rutherford, 
    107 Idaho 910
    , 916, 
    693 P.2d 1112
    , 1118 (Ct. App. 1985). In
    selecting a remedy, the court may consider the defendant’s preference. See 
    Santobello, 404 U.S. at 267
    (Douglas, J., concurring); 
    Rutherford, 107 Idaho at 916
    , 693 P.2d at 1118. It is also
    appropriate to consider which remedy best returns the parties to their bargained-for positions.
    See Lafler v. Cooper, ___ U.S. ___, 
    132 S. Ct. 1376
    , 1388-89 (2012) (holding, in another
    context, “a remedy must ‘neutralize the taint’ of a constitutional violation, while at the same time
    not grant a windfall to the defendant.” (quoting United States v. Morrison, 
    449 U.S. 361
    , 365
    (1981))); United States v. VanDam, 
    493 F.3d 1194
    , 1206 (10th Cir. 2007) (describing specific
    performance as the “typical remedy” and the “less drastic remedy”); United States v. Palladino,
    347 F.3d 29
    , 35 (2d Cir. 2003) (permitting the withdrawal of a guilty plea where specific
    performance would create significant practical difficulties and prejudice a party); Margalli-
    Olvera v. I.N.S., 
    43 F.3d 345
    , 355 (8th Cir. 1994) (describing specific performance as the
    “preferred remedy,” but holding that a party’s detrimental reliance is a critical consideration in a
    case applying Santobello in the immigration context). The trial court may also consider certain
    equitable factors. For example, a court may deny the remedy of withdrawal of the plea if either
    properly cited Puckett. See State v. Peterson, 
    148 Idaho 593
    , 595, 
    226 P.3d 535
    , 537 (2010);
    State v. Schultz, 
    150 Idaho 97
    , 99, 
    244 P.3d 241
    , 243 (Ct. App. 2010). And in State v. Pierce,
    150 Idaho 725
    , 729, 
    249 P.3d 1180
    , 1184 (Ct. App. 2011), we recognized that portions of Mabry
    had been abrogated by Puckett. In other cases, however, this Court and the Idaho Supreme Court
    have inadvertently continued to rely on the Mabry reasoning. For example, in State v. Gomez,
    153 Idaho 253
    , 256, 
    281 P.3d 90
    , 93 (2012), the Supreme Court stated that “a claim that the State
    breached a plea agreement affects whether the agreement was knowingly or voluntarily entered”
    while also quoting Puckett’s statement to the contrary. The Supreme Court heard Gomez on a
    petition for review from this Court’s decision where we also cited both the Mabry and the
    Puckett view without acknowledging that the views are contradictory. State v. Gomez, Docket
    No. 36545 (Ct. App. March 25, 2011) (unpublished).
    party’s ability to try the case has been impeded by the passage of time, Kingsley v. United States,
    968 F.2d 109
    , 113 (1st Cir. 1992). Likewise, if a defendant completes a task in reliance upon the
    plea agreement, withdrawal of the guilty plea could cause him to lose both the benefit of his
    bargain and his reliance interest. State v. Doe, 
    138 Idaho 409
    , 411, 
    64 P.3d 335
    , 337 (Ct. App.
    2003). Additionally, the trial court may consider whether specific performance would require
    the State to recommend an impractical or illegal sentence. See, e.g., United States v. Garcia, 
    698 F.2d 31
    , 37 (1st Cir. 1983). These examples are not exhaustive. Rather, they illustrate a host of
    factors may be relevant to the trial court’s determination.
    The district court here ordered specific performance through a new sentencing hearing at
    which the State would be required to adhere to the plea agreement. The district court found no
    basis to permit McAmis to withdraw his guilty plea. In reaching this decision, the trial court
    noted that McAmis’s guilty plea was validly entered. McAmis focuses on this language and
    argues that it discloses that the trial court misunderstood the law, believing that the validity of
    the plea excluded withdrawal of the plea as a remedy. McAmis avers that such reasoning is
    exactly contrary to the United States Supreme Court’s explanation in Puckett that “it is precisely
    because the plea was knowing and voluntary (and hence valid) that the Government is obligated
    to uphold its side of the bargain.” 
    Puckett, 556 U.S. at 138
    . McAmis reasons that because of
    this misunderstanding, the district court could not have properly exercised its discretion since it
    did not realize that withdrawal of the plea could be an appropriate remedy.
    We do not find that the record supports McAmis’s interpretation of the district court’s
    comments. The district court’s memorandum decision specifically recognizes that “a defendant
    who successfully shows a breach of a plea agreement may be entitled to either specific
    performance of the agreement, or the court may allow the defendant to withdraw his plea of
    guilt.” The court thus recognized the scope of its discretion. The district court also discussed
    factors that might guide its discretion, which did not include the original validity of the plea.
    Contrary to McAmis’s argument, the district court’s comment that the guilty plea was validly
    entered appears to be a recognition that, as the United State Supreme Court said in Puckett, a
    prosecutor’s breach of a plea agreement at the sentencing hearing does not render the agreement
    itself invalid.
    Rather than showing that the district court misunderstood the scope of its discretion, the
    district court’s language, when considered in context, shows that it properly exercised its
    discretion. The district court specifically discussed the manner in which it believed McAmis was
    prejudiced, weighed the likelihood that McAmis would have been permitted to withdraw his plea
    against the likelihood he would have received specific performance if his attorney had made a
    proper objection at the sentencing hearing, and considered the possibility that the original
    sentencing judge would have imposed a shorter sentence if the prosecutor had not breached the
    plea agreement. These considerations show that the district court was examining precisely how
    McAmis was prejudiced--a determination that was the basis of its conclusion that specific
    performance was the proper remedy. The district court referenced the valid plea agreement as it
    sought to craft a remedy that best maintained the benefits both parties had bargained for in the
    plea agreement.    McAmis has not shown that the district court based its ruling upon a
    misunderstanding or misapplication of governing law.
    McAmis also argues that specific performance is an insufficient remedy for two reasons.
    First, he asserts it was possible that he would have been permitted to withdraw his guilty plea if
    his attorney had objected at the sentencing hearing. As stated above, the trial court considered
    this possibility and McAmis has not shown that the court’s analysis was defective. Second,
    McAmis argues that specific performance is unlikely to function as a remedy because the plea
    agreement required the State to recommend probation and, given McAmis’s incarceration on
    these charges and similar criminal charges at the time of disposition of his post-conviction
    claims, he was not likely to be sentenced to probation. We acknowledge that a new sentencing
    hearing cannot put McAmis back in the position that he would have occupied if the State had
    properly adhered to the plea agreement at the original sentencing hearing. That does not compel
    a conclusion, however, that a more suitable remedy would be to allow withdrawal of his guilty
    plea. Neither withdrawal of the plea nor a new sentencing hearing can restore McAmis to the
    position he would have occupied if the State had adhered to its agreement. 2 McAmis has not
    shown that the remedy selected by the district court constituted an abuse of its discretion. The
    record shows that the trial court considered the appropriate facts, applied the correct legal
    standard to those facts, and granted McAmis a permissible remedy.
    Any notion that McAmis would have received a suspended sentence and been placed on
    probation if the State had so recommended may have been little more than wishful thinking
    given the charging instrument’s allegation that he was a persistent violator, which indicates that
    he had at least two prior felony convictions, and given that another grand theft charge was
    pending against McAmis in another county at the time of his sentencing in this case.
    Accordingly, the judgment of the trial court is affirmed.
    Chief Judge GUTIERREZ and Judge MELANSON CONCUR.