State v. Darren Carmouche , 155 Idaho 831 ( 2013 )

    Docket No. 38554
    STATE OF IDAHO,                           )
    )             2013 Opinion No. 62
    Plaintiff-Appellant-Cross-Respondent, )
    )             Filed: November 21, 2013
    v.                                        )
    )             Stephen W. Kenyon, Clerk
    DARREN DUSTIN CARMOUCHE,                  )
    Defendant-Respondent-Cross-           )
    Appellant.                            )
    Appeal from the District Court of the Third Judicial District, State of Idaho,
    Canyon County. Hon. James C. Morfitt, District Judge.
    Appeal      challenging    acquittal    on   persistent    violator   sentence
    enhancement, dismissed. Appeal from judgment of conviction for attempted
    strangulation, second degree kidnapping, aggravated battery by use of a deadly
    weapon, and domestic battery, affirmed.
    Hon. Lawrence G. Wasden, Attorney General; Kenneth K. Jorgensen, Deputy
    Attorney General, Boise, for appellant. Kenneth K. Jorgensen argued.
    Sara B. Thomas, State Appellate Public Defender; Sarah E. Tompkins, Deputy
    Appellate Public Defender, Boise, for respondent. Sarah E. Tompkins argued.
    LANSING, Judge
    The State appeals from the district court’s judgment, entered after a bench trial,
    acquitting Darren Dustin Carmouche on an allegation that he was subject to a sentence
    enhancement for being a persistent violator of the law. The State asserts primarily that the
    district court erred in a sua sponte post-trial ruling that evidence that had been admitted at trial
    without objection was inadmissible hearsay and would not be considered in determining whether
    Carmouche was a persistent violator. Carmouche responds that the State’s claims of error are
    rendered moot by constitutional prohibitions against double jeopardy. Carmouche also cross-
    appeals from the judgment of conviction on the underlying charges. He contends that the
    prosecutor impermissibly presented evidence of and commented on Carmouche’s refusal to give
    consent to a search of his residence, and that this misconduct requires that his convictions be
    reversed. We find the State’s claims of error to be moot and therefore dismiss its appeal. On the
    cross-appeal, we affirm the judgment of conviction.
    After Carmouche attacked his girlfriend, he was charged with four felonies: attempted
    strangulation, Idaho Code § 18-923; second degree kidnapping, I.C. §§ 18-4501, 18-4503;
    aggravated battery by use of a deadly weapon, I.C. §§ 18-907(1)(b), 18-903(b); and domestic
    battery, I.C. §§ 18-918(2)(a), 18-903(b). Part II of the indictment alleged that Carmouche was
    subject to a sentence enhancement as a persistent violator of the law, I.C. § 19-2514, with respect
    to each of the four felony charges. The matter proceeded to a bifurcated trial with the criminal
    charges tried before a jury, which found Carmouche guilty of all four offenses, and the persistent
    violator sentencing enhancements tried to the court by consent of the parties.
    The only issue to be determined at the bench trial was whether Carmouche had been
    convicted of felony offenses on at least two prior occasions. See I.C. § 19-2514. The State
    placed into evidence certified copies of two prior felony judgments that named the defendant as
    Darren Dustin Carmouche and stated identical dates of birth and social security numbers for the
    defendant. The State then sought to establish that Carmouche had the same date of birth and
    social security number as those shown on the judgments in order to establish that he was the
    same person named in the judgments. A copy of Carmouche’s Idaho driver’s license, bearing the
    same date of birth as the judgments, was admitted into evidence without objection. The State
    also called a detective who testified that she had read and printed a report from an “ILETS
    machine” that contained Carmouche’s social security number. Without defense objection, she
    then testified to the social security number shown on the report, which matched the social
    security number on the judgments. When the prosecutor offered the report itself into evidence,
    however, the defense objected on hearsay grounds. The prosecutor, when asked by the court,
    was unable to identify an applicable hearsay exception, and he eventually withdrew his request
    for admission of the document. At the close of the evidence, the parties and the court discussed
    the admissibility of the detective’s testimony in which she read the social security number from
    the ILETS report and the weight to be afforded that testimony. The defense did not, however,
    move to strike this testimony as hearsay or on any other ground.
    At the close of the proceeding, the district court found the State had proved the persistent
    violator allegation. The court stated:
    The same date of birth of May 17, 1980 is the same on both [admitted
    judgments of conviction]. The unobjected to and unrebutted testimony of [the
    detective] was that ILETS reflected the Social Security number of [reading Social
    Security number]. The ILETS report was--the State then sought to admit that
    [report]. And that was objected to, and the objection was sustained about the
    basis of hearsay and not falling within any of the exceptions to the hearsay rule.
    However, the testimony as to what Social Security number reflected for
    the driver’s license which was admitted into evidence as [Exhibit] 62A related to
    that Social Security number.
    The court thus finds, barely, that the State has met their burden of
    establishing the prior convictions beyond a reasonable doubt as to each of the two
    prior convictions set out as State’s Exhibits 63 and 64 as alleged in Part II of the
    information with respect to each of the four counts. And I will enter judgment
    Thereafter, however, the court filed written findings of fact and conclusions of law
    acquitting Carmouche on the persistent violator allegation. The court recounted its ruling that
    the ILETS report was hearsay and then concluded that the detective’s testimony as to what the
    ILETS report stated--Carmouche’s social security number--was also hearsay. The court then
    The Court is required to make its findings as to Part II of the Amended
    Superceding Indictment upon admissible evidence. When the Court is the trier of
    fact, the Court may disregard any inadmissible evidence in making its findings.
    The mere fact that a witness testifies as to inadmissible hearsay without objection
    or without a motion to strike does not require the Court to ignore that the evidence
    is inadmissible. The Court thus finds and concludes that the State presented no
    admissible evidence as to the social security number of the defendant at trial in
    this case.
    The district court further wrote that it “finds and concludes that this Court erred in considering
    the hearsay testimony as to the defendant’s social security number in making its oral ruling at the
    conclusion of the Court trial on Part II of the Amended Superceding Indictment.” The court then
    found that the remaining evidence was insufficient to prove that Carmouche was the defendant
    named in the prior judgments of conviction, and thus held that the State had not proven
    Carmouche to be a persistent violator.
    The State filed a motion for reconsideration of this finding. It argued that given the
    court’s determination that the testimony as to Carmouche’s social security number was
    inadmissible, the proper remedy was a new trial on the persistent violator enhancement rather
    than an acquittal for insufficient evidence. The district court denied the motion and imposed
    sentences without a persistent violator enhancement.
    The State appeals, challenging the district court’s acquittal of Carmouche on the
    persistent violator enhancement, and Carmouche cross-appeals from his judgment of conviction.
    A.     State’s Appeal--Double Jeopardy
    1.      State’s argument that the district court erred by disregarding the social
    security number testimony
    The State’s first claim of error is that “the district court erred by sua sponte reviewing the
    trial for evidentiary error to which no objection had been made and then declining to consider the
    inadmissible evidence in arriving at the district court’s ultimate findings. The State relies upon
    the general rule that “where hearsay evidence is admitted without objection, it may properly be
    considered in determining the facts; the important question being the weight to be given such
    evidence.” Phillips v. Erhart, 
    151 Idaho 100
    , 105, 
    254 P.3d 1
    , 6 (2011) (quoting Gem-Valley
    Ranches, Inc. v. Small, 
    90 Idaho 354
    , 371, 
    411 P.2d 943
    , 953 (1966)). The State argues that the
    district court’s statement that it was “required” to make its findings upon admissible evidence “is
    the opposite of the applicable law.” Presumably, the State means that Phillips’ statement that the
    trier of fact “may” consider the evidence connotes discretion, while the district court may not
    have recognized the matter as one of discretion because it mistakenly thought that it was
    “required” to consider only admissible evidence.
    Carmouche responds that this claim of error is moot because constitutional prohibitions
    against double jeopardy require that the district court’s ultimate judgment of acquittal, even if
    erroneous, must stand.
    We first address Carmouche’s argument that the State’s appeal is rendered moot by
    constitutional prohibitions against double jeopardy. 1 The Fifth Amendment of the United States
    Idaho law and federal law treat slightly differently the ability of a prosecutorial entity to
    appeal where double jeopardy bars a remedy. In the federal system, no appeal lies in such an
    Constitution directs that no person shall be “twice put in jeopardy of life or limb” for the same
    offense. Article I, § 13 of the Idaho Constitution similarly specifies that “[n]o person shall be
    twice put in jeopardy for the same offense.” When a trial court enters a judgment of acquittal
    based on a determination that the evidence is factually insufficient to support a charge, the
    prohibition against double jeopardy bars retrying the individual for the same offense. Smalis v.
    476 U.S. 140
    , 144-46 (1986); State v. Lewis, 
    96 Idaho 743
    , 750, 
    536 P.2d 738
    745 (1975).
    Under Idaho law, when alleged for purposes of a persistent violator sentence
    enhancement, the fact of the defendant’s prior convictions must be proved to the trier of fact at
    the trial of the primary charge. I.C.R. 7(c); State v. Johnson, 
    86 Idaho 51
    , 59-62, 
    383 P.2d 326
    330-333 (1963); State v. Scheminisky, 
    31 Idaho 504
    , 507, 
    174 P. 611
    , 611-12 (1918). The State
    does not dispute that the constitutional prohibition against a second trial after acquittal applies to
    trials of persistent violator sentence enhancements. See, e.g., United States v. Blanton, 
    476 F.3d 767
    , 769-71 (9th Cir. 2007); State v. Sawatzky, 
    125 P.3d 722
    , 726 (Or. 2005).
    The Double Jeopardy Clause prohibits reexamination of a court-decreed acquittal to the
    same extent that it prohibits reexamination of acquittal by a jury. Smith v. Massachusetts, 
    543 U.S. 462
    , 467 (2005); State v. Howard, 
    150 Idaho 471
    , 478, 
    248 P.3d 722
    , 729 (2011). This
    prohibition generally precludes the State from obtaining a new trial through the pursuit of an
    appeal after a defendant has been acquitted of a charged offense. See, e.g., United States v.
    Martin Linen Supply Co., 
    430 U.S. 564
    , 571 (1977). As stated by the United States Supreme
    Court, “it is one of the elemental principles of our criminal law that the government cannot
    secure a new trial by means of an appeal even though an acquittal may appear to be erroneous.”
    instance, 18 U.S.C. § 3731; United States v. Wilson, 
    420 U.S. 332
    , 344-45 (1975), and the appeal
    must be dismissed. In Idaho, however, Idaho Appellate Rule 11(c)(4) provides that the State
    may appeal as a matter of right from: “Any order or judgment, whenever entered and however
    denominated, terminating a criminal action, provided that this provision shall not authorize a
    new trial in any case where the constitutional guarantee against double jeopardy would otherwise
    prevent a second trial.” Thus, it seems that in Idaho the State may appeal, but if double jeopardy
    bars a remedy, the issues raised by the State are moot and need not be addressed on the merits
    because no relief is available to the State. See State v. Long, 
    153 Idaho 168
    280 P.3d 195
    App. 2012).
    Green v. United States, 
    355 U.S. 184
    , 188 (1957). “[T]he Double Jeopardy Clause bars a
    postacquittal appeal by the prosecution not only when it might result in a second trial, but if
    reversal would translate into further proceedings of some sort, devoted to the resolution of
    factual issues going to the elements of the offense charged.” 
    Smalis, 476 U.S. at 145-46
    and internal quotation marks omitted). See also Arizona v. Rumsey, 
    467 U.S. 203
    , 211-12
    (1984); United States v. Jenkins, 
    420 U.S. 358
    , 370 (1975).
    A new trial will be barred even where the acquittal resulted from an error of law by the
    trial court. This is illustrated in 
    Rumsey, 467 U.S. at 211
    , where the United States Supreme
    Court said:
    In making its findings, the trial court relied on a misconstruction of the
    statute defining the pecuniary gain aggravating circumstance. Reliance on an
    error of law, however, does not change the double jeopardy effects of a judgment
    that amounts to an acquittal on the merits. “[T]he fact that ‘the acquittal may
    result from erroneous evidentiary rulings or erroneous interpretations of
    governing legal principles’ . . . affects the accuracy of that determination, but it
    does not alter its essential character.” United States v. Scott, 
    437 U.S. 82
    , 98, 
    98 S. Ct. 2187
    , 2197, 
    57 L. Ed. 2d 65
    (1978) (quoting 
    id., at 106,
    98 S. Ct., at 2201
    (BRENNAN, J., dissenting)). Thus, this Court’s cases hold that an acquittal on
    the merits bars retrial even if based on legal error.
    See also 
    Smalis, 476 U.S. at 144
    n.7 (holding double jeopardy bars a retrial even if the trial
    court’s acquittal was based upon a mistake in determining the degree of recklessness necessary
    to sustain a conviction); Sanabria v. United States, 
    437 U.S. 54
    , 64 (1978) (“[W]hen a defendant
    has been acquitted at trial he may not be retried on the same offense, even if the legal rulings
    underlying the acquittal were erroneous.”); Martin Linen Supply 
    Co., 430 U.S. at 571
    (same). A
    retrial is precluded even if the acquittal was based on the trial court’s reasoning that the State
    lacked proof on an element that was not actually an element of the crime. See Evans v.
    Michigan, ___ U.S. ___, 
    133 S. Ct. 1069
    (2013). 2
    The United States Supreme Court’s Evans opinion expressly abrogated lower court
    decisions holding otherwise, including the Idaho Supreme Court’s decision in State v. Korsen,
    138 Idaho 706
    , 716-17, 
    69 P.3d 126
    , 136-37 (2003), and the case on which it relied, United
    States v. Maker, 
    751 F.2d 614
    , 624 (3rd Cir. 1984). See Evans, ___ U.S. at ___ 
    n.3, 133 S. Ct. at 1074
    n.3. The Idaho Supreme Court’s decision in State v. Howard, 
    150 Idaho 471
    , 479, 
    248 P.3d 722
    , 730 (2011), which followed Korsen, is likewise abrogated.
    There is an exception, however, to this bar to appellate relief for the State. Double
    jeopardy does not prohibit the appeal of a court-ordered acquittal entered after a jury has first
    returned a guilty verdict, because reversal of the court’s acquittal will not require a new trial. In
    Smith, 543 U.S. at 467
    , the United States Supreme Court explained:
    When a jury returns a verdict of guilty and a trial judge (or an appellate
    court) sets aside that verdict and enters a judgment of acquittal, the Double
    Jeopardy Clause does not preclude a prosecution appeal to reinstate the jury
    verdict of guilty. United States v. Wilson, 
    420 U.S. 332
    , 352-353 [
    95 S. Ct. 1013
    43 L. Ed. 2d 232
    , 246-247] (1975). But if the prosecution has not yet
    obtained a conviction, further proceedings to secure one are impermissible:
    “[S]ubjecting the defendant to postacquittal factfinding proceedings going to guilt
    or innocence violates the Double Jeopardy Clause.” Smalis v. Pennsylvania, 
    476 U.S. 140
    , 145 [
    106 S. Ct. 1745
    , 1749, 
    90 L. Ed. 2d 116
    , 122] (1986).
    It is on this proposition of law that the State rests its contention that its appeal is not
    moot. The State argues that the double jeopardy bar does not preclude relief for the State
    because the district court’s oral finding at the end of the trial that “the State has met their burden
    of establishing the prior convictions beyond a reasonable doubt as to each of the two prior
    convictions” was a finding of guilt, requiring no further district court proceedings in order for it
    to be reinstated if we find error in the entry of the subsequent acquittal.
    The State’s contention that the claimed error could be corrected by simply reinstating the
    prior finding of guilt requires that we consider whether the district court’s initial oral finding was
    sufficiently final to constitute the equivalent of a jury’s guilty verdict. The necessity of finality
    in a verdict, for application of double jeopardy principles, was highlighted by the United States
    Supreme Court’s recent decision in Blueford v. Arkansas, ___ U.S. ___, 
    132 S. Ct. 2044
    The defendant there was charged with capital murder. That charge included the lesser offenses
    of first degree murder, manslaughter, and negligent homicide.                 Before the start of jury
    deliberations, the trial court gave an “acquittal first” instruction directing the jury to first
    consider the offense of capital murder and resolve that charge unanimously before considering
    the next lesser offense of first degree murder, and so on down the line. After deliberating for a
    few hours, the jury foreperson reported that the jury was unanimous against guilt on the charges
    of capital murder and first degree murder, but was deadlocked on manslaughter and had not yet
    reached the charge of negligent homicide. The court directed the jury to continue to deliberate.
    The jury did so but still could not reach a verdict, and a mistrial was declared. When the state
    subsequently sought to retry Blueford, he moved to dismiss the capital and first degree murder
    charges because, he contended, he had already been acquitted on these charges at the first trial
    and the double jeopardy bar prevented his retrial for those offenses. The trial court denied the
    motion, and the Supreme Court of Arkansas affirmed.
    Before the United States Supreme Court Blueford contended the foreperson’s
    announcement of the jury’s unanimous votes on capital and first degree murder was an acquittal
    on the two charges because it represented a resolution of some or all of the elements of those
    offenses in his favor. The Supreme Court disagreed. It held that no acquittal had occurred,
    The foreperson’s report was not a final resolution of anything. When the
    foreperson told the court how the jury had voted on each offense, the jury’s
    deliberations had not yet concluded. The jurors in fact went back to the jury room
    to deliberate further, even after the foreperson had delivered her report. When
    they emerged a half hour later, the foreperson stated only that they were unable to
    reach a verdict. She gave no indication whether it was still the case that all 12
    jurors believed Blueford was not guilty of capital or first-degree murder, that 9 of
    them believed he was guilty of manslaughter, or that a vote had not been taken on
    negligent homicide. The fact that deliberations continued after the report deprives
    that report of the finality necessary to constitute an acquittal on the murder
    Id. at ___, 132 S. Ct. at 2050. In response to Blueford’s argument that any possibility that the
    jurors revisited the murder offenses was foreclosed by the instructions given to the jury, the
    Supreme Court held that the instructions did not preclude the jury from reconsidering, and then
    It was therefore possible for Blueford’s jury to revisit the offenses of
    capital and first-degree murder, notwithstanding its earlier votes. And because of
    that possibility, the foreperson’s report prior to the end of deliberations lacked the
    finality necessary to amount to an acquittal on those offenses, quite apart from
    any requirement that a formal verdict be returned or judgment entered.
    Id. at ___, 132 S. Ct. at 2051.
    The question presented to this Court is whether the district court’s initial finding that the
    State had “barely” met its burden to prove Carmouche’s prior convictions beyond a reasonable
    doubt constituted a final finding of guilt that may be reinstated if we conclude that the district
    court erred by subsequently sua sponte excluding the social security testimony; or was the trial
    court, like the jury in Blueford, free to reconsider its initial finding until a formal written finding
    was entered as a matter of record or the defendant was sentenced and judgment entered.
    We conclude that the judge’s initial oral finding cannot be deemed “final,” for nothing in
    the law precluded the trial judge from reconsidering and amending that initial oral finding. The
    Double Jeopardy Clause does not protect the State, and we know of no other principle of law3
    that would preclude a trial court from continuing to ponder the trial evidence and changing its
    decision after orally stating an initial finding of guilt. 4 In the present case, the oral finding itself,
    by indicating that the State had “barely” met its burden of proof, discloses that the court was
    ambivalent about this disposition.
    Thus, the district court’s initial finding of guilt here does not constitute a final resolution
    of the factual issues that could be reinstated if this Court were to find error in the district court’s
    subsequent disregard of the detective’s testimony about Carmouche’s social security number.
    Rather, it is analogous to the Blueford jury’s initial findings that did not bear the finality
    necessary to constitute a verdict for double jeopardy purposes. Therefore, if we were to find
    error in the district court’s subsequent written findings, it would be necessary to remand for new
    findings on the persistent violator charge. The district court would be required to make new
    findings while properly recognizing that it possesses discretion to consider the hearsay testimony
    about Carmouche’s social security number and discretion regarding the weight to accord such
    testimony. However, the double jeopardy bar prohibits subjecting Carmouche to this additional
    fact-finding proceeding. Therefore, because no remedy is available to the State, its claim of error
    is moot.
    2.      Sufficiency of the evidence
    The State’s briefing also asserts that the district court erred by acquitting Carmouche on
    the persistent violator enhancement because the evidence was sufficient to convict even absent
    Idaho Criminal Rule 23 authorizes bench trials in criminal cases, but neither this rule nor
    any other directs how or when bench trial verdicts are to be entered.
    We caution, however, that a trial court should not routinely determine, post-trial and sua
    sponte, that evidence admitted without objection was inadmissible and for that reason disregard
    the evidence. Such post-trial “exclusion” of evidence may occur without the proponent of the
    evidence receiving an opportunity to address the admissibility issue. Additionally, the proponent
    may have relied upon the admission of the evidence by foregoing the presentation of other,
    admissible evidence that could have been proffered on the same issue.
    the detective’s testimony stating Carmouche’s social security number. According to the State,
    “overwhelming evidence proves the enhancement beyond a reasonable doubt.” Thus, the State’s
    briefing contends that even if the district court did not err in disregarding the social security
    number testimony, it erred in acquitting based on the remaining evidence, and this error can be
    remedied by reinstating the district court’s initial finding of guilt.
    At oral argument, the State modified its position on this issue, acknowledging that this
    Court possesses no authority to simply substitute its view of the weight or credibility of the
    evidence for that of the trial court. The State clarified that it was arguing that if this Court were
    to hold that the district court did not err in disregarding the social security number testimony, and
    if an issue somehow arose regarding the sufficiency of the remaining evidence to prove that
    Carmouche was the defendant in the prior convictions, then it would be the State’s position that
    the nonhearsay evidence was sufficient.
    The circumstance posited by the State at oral argument has not arisen and will not arise,
    for this Court has declined to address the propriety of the district court’s sua sponte post-trial
    exclusion of the hearsay testimony because double jeopardy principles render that issue moot.
    Therefore, we do not further discuss the State’s contention that the evidence presented, even
    absent the social security number testimony, was sufficient to prove that Carmouche was a
    persistent violator. 5
    B.      Cross-Appeal--Prosecutorial Misconduct
    Carmouche cross-appeals from the judgment of conviction entered upon the jury verdict
    finding him guilty of four felonies. He contends that testimony elicited by the State and a
    statement in the prosecutor’s closing argument violated his Fourth Amendment rights and require
    that his convictions be reversed.
    The charges against Carmouche stemmed from an attack on his girlfriend. Two officers
    responded to a residence shared by Carmouche and his girlfriend after Carmouche called a
    suicide hotline. During the State’s case-in-chief at trial, one of the officers testified that when he
    and another officer arrived at the scene, Carmouche initially refused to exit the residence. When
    At oral argument in this case, the State withdrew a third issue that was raised in its
    briefing--that even if the district court’s post-trial decision to disregard the social security
    number testimony was not error, the correct remedy would have been a new trial on the
    persistent violator enhancement.
    he did, said the officer, Carmouche shut the door behind him. In response to questions by the
    officers, Carmouche insisted that everything was fine but admitted that his girlfriend was still
    inside the apartment. The officer testified that Carmouche refused to give consent for the officers
    to enter the apartment to check on his girlfriend. According to the officer, Carmouche stated that
    “he knew his rights.” The officer knocked repeatedly and yelled into the house. When the
    girlfriend eventually emerged, she had visible injuries to her face and body.
    Carmouche contends that the prosecutor committed misconduct by presenting the
    officer’s testimony about Carmouche’s refusal to allow entry 6 and by making the following
    statement during closing argument:
    When they asked about his girlfriend he had a fight with, well, she’s
    asleep. You can’t see her. I know my rights. You can’t go in. Why? Why, if he
    came home and found her beaten this way and heard these stories?[7] Would that
    be your response?
    Carmouche posits error in both the testimony and the closing argument because, he contends, it
    was improper for the prosecutor to use evidence that Carmouche exercised his Fourth
    Amendment right to refuse consent for police to enter his home.
    Because Carmouche made no trial objection to the officer’s testimony or to the
    prosecutor’s closing argument, he must establish fundamental error. To do so, he must persuade
    this Court that the alleged error: (1) violates one or more of his unwaived constitutional rights;
    (2) the error is clear or obvious without the need for reference to any additional information not
    contained in the appellate record; and (3) the error affected the outcome of the trial proceedings.
    State v. Perry, 
    150 Idaho 209
    , 226, 
    245 P.3d 961
    , 978 (2010).
    In State v. Christiansen, 
    144 Idaho 463
    163 P.3d 1175
    (2007), the Idaho Supreme Court
    determined that an accused’s assertion of his Fourth Amendment right to refuse consent to a
    search may not be used by the State as evidence from which to infer guilt. The Court held that
    The prosecutor did not actually elicit the challenged testimony as the officer’s statement
    was gratuitously offered. Under Idaho law, however, “when an officer of the State gives any
    unsolicited testimony that is gratuitous and prejudicial to the defendant, that testimony will be
    imputed to the State for the purposes of determining prosecutorial misconduct.” State v.
    151 Idaho 53
    , 61, 
    253 P.3d 727
    , 735 (2011); State v. Frauenberger, 
    154 Idaho 294
    297 P.3d 257
    , 264 (Ct. App. 2013).
    Carmouche had testified that he came home and found the victim already beaten by
    someone else, and that he tried to convince her to go to the hospital but she refused.
    the same rationale for excluding evidence of an accused’s invocation of his or her Fifth
    Amendment rights applied to the invocation of an accused’s Fourth Amendment rights. 
    Id. at 470,
    163 P.3d at 1182. We have subsequently held that such misconduct by a prosecutor
    constitutes fundamental error. State v. Betancourt, 
    151 Idaho 635
    , 639-40, 
    262 P.3d 278
    , 282-83
    (Ct. App. 2011).
    We will assume, arguendo, that the presentation of evidence of Carmouche’s refusal to
    consent to entry into his residence, and the prosecutor’s comment on this evidence, constitute
    clear constitutional error, and that Carmouche has thus established the first two prongs of
    fundamental error under Perry. We nevertheless conclude that Carmouche is not entitled to
    relief because he has not established that the error affected the outcome of the trial proceedings
    to his prejudice.
    The improper evidence that Carmouche declined to allow the officer to enter his home
    was but one of many points of testimony elicited by the State to show that he did not want the
    police to see or speak with the victim. The officer also testified that Carmouche initially refused
    to exit the residence but instead wanted to talk through the door. When he did exit, the officer
    said, Carmouche immediately shut the door behind him. In response to questions, Carmouche
    insisted that everything was fine and did not mention the victim’s condition even though, as
    police soon discovered, she had been severely beaten, with visible injuries to her face and body.
    Finally, the victim testified that when the police arrived Carmouche put a blanket over her,
    covering her entire body and head and told her to tell the police, if asked through the door, that
    she was asleep. She also said that during the encounter while she was still inside the house
    Carmouche encouraged her to tell the police that she was okay.
    Thus, because the State showed that Carmouche did not want the police to see or contact
    the victim through a significant body of unobjectionable testimony, Carmouche has not shown
    that the testimony referencing his exercise of his Fourth Amendment rights, and the prosecutor’s
    brief comment on this testimony, affected the outcome of the trial proceedings. We conclude the
    error was harmless beyond a reasonable doubt.
    Because the claims of error raised by the State cannot be remedied without impermissibly
    subjecting Carmouche to double jeopardy, the State’s appeal is moot and is dismissed. On
    Carmouche’s cross-appeal from his judgment of conviction, he has not demonstrated
    fundamental error. Therefore, the judgment of conviction is affirmed.
    Chief Judge GUTIERREZ and Judge MELANSON CONCUR.