Jeffery E. Martin v. State ( 2013 )

    Docket No. 39419
    JEFFERY E. MARTIN,                                 )   2013 Unpublished Opinion No. 796
    Petitioner-Appellant,                       )   Filed: December 20, 2013
    v.                                                 )   Stephen W. Kenyon, Clerk
    STATE OF IDAHO,                                    )   THIS IS AN UNPUBLISHED
    Respondent.                                 )   BE CITED AS AUTHORITY
    Appeal from the District Court of the Fourth Judicial District, State of Idaho, Ada
    County. Hon. Timothy Hansen, District Judge.
    Judgment denying post-conviction relief, affirmed.
    Nevin, Benjamin, McKay & Bartlett, LLP; Deborah A. Whipple, Boise, for
    Hon. Lawrence G. Wasden, Attorney General; Kenneth K. Jorgensen, Deputy
    Attorney General, Boise, for respondent.
    LANSING, Judge
    Jeffrey E. Martin appeals from the district court’s judgment denying his petition for post-
    conviction relief after an evidentiary hearing.
    In a previous appeal, we described the background of Martin’s criminal case:
    Following a traffic stop of a vehicle driven by Martin, a Boise police
    officer frisked Martin for weapons. A number of unused syringes were found in
    his pocket. Thereafter, Martin’s vehicle was searched with his consent, and the
    officer found a small amount of a substance suspected to be methamphetamine,
    another syringe, and other paraphernalia. Martin was arrested and charged with
    possession of methamphetamine, Idaho Code § 37-2732(c)(1), and possession of
    drug paraphernalia, I.C. § 37-2734A(1).
    Prior to trial, Martin discharged his public defender and was allowed to
    represent himself. He then filed a motion to suppress the physical evidence found
    in his pocket and vehicle and the statements he made during the detention,
    contending that his Fourth Amendment rights had been violated when the officer
    frisked him. Martin also filed motions to have the syringe from the vehicle tested
    for DNA at state expense and to have the methamphetamine re-tested at public
    expense. The district court denied the motions. The matter proceeded to trial and
    Martin was convicted on both charges.
    State v. Martin, 
    146 Idaho 357
    , 359, 
    195 P.3d 716
    , 718 (Ct. App. 2008). In that appeal, this
    Court found no error in the denial of Martin’s motions and affirmed the judgment of conviction.
    Thereafter, Martin filed a petition for post-conviction relief asserting various claims for
    relief. The district court granted the State’s motion for summary dismissal of all claims save for
    Martin’s contention that his waiver of counsel prior to trial was not knowing, voluntary, and
    intelligent. The district court determined that there existed genuine issues of material fact
    concerning Martin’s asserted mental health deficiencies and whether the district court’s warnings
    to Martin about the consequences and pitfalls of self-representation were constitutionally
    adequate. The claim proceeded to a trial on the merits.
    Evidence presented to the court included a transcript of the hearing in the criminal case at
    which Martin waived his right to counsel. It showed that the following exchange occurred:
    THE DEFENDANT: Your Honor, I believe the best defense I am going
    to be able to get in this case is if you will name me pro se counsel with assistance
    from another public defender. I better than anyone know that I am innocent, and I
    am committed more than anyone else is going to be to put up a vigorous defense.
    I am not trained as extensively as a good attorney would be. I don’t have
    the experience, but I do have some education in the law. And I honestly believe
    that that’s my best hope for getting a proper defense in this case.
    THE COURT: Well, Mr. Martin, you absolutely have a constitutional
    right to represent yourself in these proceedings. You have listed a number of
    reasons why self-representation is frequently not a desirable thing, but ultimately
    the decision as to who represents you in this litigation as to whether it is yourself
    or appointed counsel is your decision.
    Is it your decision to represent yourself in this litigation?
    THE DEFENDANT: Yes, sir, it is. However, I would request that I be
    appointed a public defender who will assist me because I have never been through
    the jury selection process, and I may be at a severe disadvantage in that area.
    THE COURT: Well, the role of what is frequently referred to as standby
    counsel is to answer questions that the self-represented litigant may have and that
    sort of thing. It isn’t a co-counsel role where appointed counsel handles, for
    example, jury selection and opening statements. And the other individual, the
    defendant himself, represents or handles another portion of the trial.
    Do you understand that if standby counsel, if any attorney is placed as a
    standby counsel, they would simply be in a position to answer questions you may
    have rather than to conduct portions of the trial?
    THE DEFENDANT: Yes, sir, but would he be present during the trial?
    THE COURT: Absolutely.
    THE DEFENDANT: Then I feel that is what I would rather do.
    THE COURT: Why is it that [current counsel] could not be put in a
    standby position? He is an extraordinarily experienced trial attorney and he
    certainly has a great understanding of the rules of evidence and procedure.
    THE DEFENDANT: Sir, I would have no problem with that.
    THE COURT: Well, it is ultimately your decision as to whether he plays
    the role of sitting there answering questions you may have or alternatively
    representing you in this litigation. I don’t want to try to steer you towards a
    decision toward self-representation because, frankly, I think it is an ill-advised
    course. But it is the constitutional right that people have to make decisions that
    are not always in their best interest.
    Following the trial in the post-conviction action, the district court denied post-conviction
    relief, finding that Martin was aware of the dangers of representing himself, that there was no
    indication that his waiver of his right to counsel was involuntary, and that he had not met his
    burden to prove that his waiver of counsel was not knowingly, voluntarily, and intelligently
    made. Martin appeals from the subsequent judgment.
    In order to prevail in a post-conviction proceeding, the petitioner must prove the
    allegations by a preponderance of the evidence. I.C. § 19-4907; Stuart v. State, 
    118 Idaho 865
    801 P.2d 1216
    , 1220 (1990). When reviewing a decision denying post-conviction relief
    after an evidentiary hearing, an appellate court will not disturb the lower court’s factual findings
    unless they are clearly erroneous. I.R.C.P. 52(a); Russell v. State, 
    118 Idaho 65
    , 67, 
    794 P.2d 654
    , 656 (Ct. App. 1990). The credibility of the witnesses, the weight to be given to their
    testimony, and the inferences to be drawn from the evidence are all matters solely within the
    province of the district court. Larkin v. State, 
    115 Idaho 72
    , 73, 
    764 P.2d 439
    , 440 (Ct. App.
    1988). We exercise free review of the district court’s application of the relevant law to the facts.
    Nellsch v. State, 
    122 Idaho 426
    , 434, 
    835 P.2d 661
    , 669 (Ct. App. 1992).
    The Sixth Amendment guarantees indigent criminal defendants the right to appointed
    counsel. Gideon v. Wainwright, 
    372 U.S. 335
    , 339-40 (1963); Pharris v. State, 
    91 Idaho 456
    424 P.2d 390
    , 392 (1967). A defendant may reject a court-appointed attorney, however,
    and conduct his own defense. Faretta v. California, 
    422 U.S. 806
    , 835 (1975). If the defendant
    seeks to proceed without counsel, the waiver of counsel must be knowing, voluntary, and
    intelligent. Id.; State v. Anderson, 
    144 Idaho 743
    , 746, 
    170 P.3d 886
    , 889 (2007); State v.
    140 Idaho 53
    , 64, 
    90 P.3d 278
    , 289 (2003). Where a defendant waived counsel and
    represented himself at trial, appellate review of the validity of the waiver includes consideration
    of the adequacy of warnings by the trial court to the defendant concerning “the dangers and
    disadvantages of self-representation” so that the defendant “knows what he is doing and his
    choice is made with eyes open.” 
    Faretta, 422 U.S. at 835
    In this appeal, Martin contends that the trial court’s Faretta warnings at the hearing at
    which he waived counsel and elected to defend himself at trial were inadequate and that his
    waiver of counsel was therefore constitutionally infirm. Before we reach the merits of this
    claim, we consider the State’s contention that Martin’s claim of error should not be addressed
    because he did not plead a claim of inadequate Faretta warnings in his petition for post-
    conviction relief.
    A petition for post-conviction relief must specifically set forth the grounds upon which
    the petition is based and clearly state the relief desired. I.C. § 19-4903. All grounds for relief
    must be raised in the original, supplemental, or amended petition. I.C. § 19-4908. The State is
    correct in its current assertion that Martin pleaded only a claim that his waiver of counsel was
    not knowing, voluntary, and intelligent because of his untreated psychological disorders and that
    Martin’s amended petition makes no reference to the adequacy of the district court’s warnings at
    the time of his waiver of counsel. We conclude, however, that Martin’s Faretta warnings claim
    must be considered by this Court because it was tried by consent.
    Post-conviction petitions are governed by the Idaho Rules of Civil Procedure. Dunlap v.
    141 Idaho 50
    , 57, 
    106 P.3d 376
    , 383 (2004); Cole v. State, 
    135 Idaho 107
    , 110, 
    15 P.3d 820
    , 823 (2000). Idaho Rule of Civil Procedure 15(b) addresses the circumstance when a cause
    of action or issue, though not pleaded, is nevertheless presented at trial. It says:
    When issues not raised by the pleading are tried by express or implied
    consent of the parties, they shall be treated in all respects as if they had been
    raised in the pleadings. Such amendment of the pleadings as may be necessary to
    cause them to conform to the evidence and to raise these issues may be made
    upon motion of any party at any time, even after judgment; but failure so to
    amend does not affect the result of the trial of these issues.
    The purpose of Rule 15(b) is to allow, in appropriate circumstances, cases to be decided on the
    merits rather than upon technical pleading requirements. Noble v. Ada Cnty. Elections Bd., 
    135 Idaho 495
    , 500, 
    20 P.3d 679
    , 684 (2000). Implied consent to the trial of an unpleaded issue is
    not established merely because evidence relevant to that issue was introduced without objection.
    M.K. Transport, Inc. v. Grover, 
    101 Idaho 345
    , 349, 
    612 P.2d 1192
    , 1196 (1980). It must at least
    appear that the parties understood evidence presented at trial to be aimed at the unpleaded issue.
    Id. Here, the
    record shows that the State clearly understood that a Faretta warnings claim
    was being tried. In its order denying summary dismissal of Martin’s waiver of counsel claim, the
    district court stated, in clear terms, its belief that Martin was asserting not only that his waiver
    was constitutionally infirm because of his untreated psychological disorders but also because of
    alleged inadequacy of the trial court’s Faretta warnings. At the subsequent trial, substantial
    evidence relevant to the Faretta issue was introduced. At the close of the evidence, both parties
    made arguments to the court concerning whether the trial court’s warnings had been
    constitutionally adequate. And in its final order denying post-conviction relief, the district court
    specifically addressed the issue in some detail, ultimately deciding the issue against Martin.
    Because the State knew prior to trial that a Faretta warnings claim would likely be pursued and
    because the State participated without objection in a trial at which evidence and argument was
    directed to that claim, the Faretta warnings claim currently advanced by Martin in this appeal
    was tried by the State’s implied consent. The State’s current position that the issue should not be
    addressed in this appeal is therefore erroneous, and we will consider whether this claim was
    correctly denied by the district court.
    In Iowa v. Tovar, 
    541 U.S. 77
    (2004), the United States Supreme Court outlined some of
    the applicable factors to be considered when a criminal defendant seeks to waive counsel and
    proceed pro se:
    We have described a waiver of counsel as intelligent when the defendant
    “knows what he is doing and his choice is made with eyes open.” 
    Adams, 317 U.S., at 279
    63 S. Ct. 236
    . We have not, however, prescribed any formula or
    script to be read to a defendant who states that he elects to proceed without
    counsel. The information a defendant must possess in order to make an intelligent
    election, our decisions indicate, will depend on a range of case-specific factors,
    including the defendant’s education or sophistication, the complex or easily
    grasped nature of the charge, and the stage of the proceeding. See 
    Johnson, 304 U.S., at 464
    58 S. Ct. 1019
    As to waiver of trial counsel, we have said that before a defendant may be
    allowed to proceed pro se, he must be warned specifically of the hazards ahead.
    Faretta v. California, 
    422 U.S. 806
    95 S. Ct. 2525
    45 L. Ed. 2d 562
    (1975), is
    instructive. The defendant in Faretta resisted counsel’s aid, preferring to
    represent himself. The Court held that he had a constitutional right to self-
    representation. In recognizing that right, however, we cautioned: “Although a
    defendant need not himself have the skill and experience of a lawyer in order
    competently and intelligently to choose self-representation, he should be made
    aware of the dangers and disadvantages of self-representation, so that the record
    will establish that he knows what he is doing . . . .” 
    Id., at 835,
    95 S. Ct. 2525
           (internal quotation marks omitted).
    Later, in Patterson v. Illinois, 
    487 U.S. 285
    108 S. Ct. 2389
    101 L. Ed. 2d 261
    (1988), we elaborated on “the dangers and disadvantages of self-
    representation” to which Faretta referred. “[A]t trial,” we observed, “counsel is
    required to help even the most gifted layman adhere to the rules of procedure and
    evidence, comprehend the subtleties of voir dire, examine and cross-examine
    witnesses effectively . . . , object to improper prosecution questions, and much
    more.” 487 U.S., at 299
    , n.13, 
    108 S. Ct. 2389
    . Warnings of the pitfalls of
    proceeding to trial without counsel, we therefore said, must be “rigorous[ly]”
    Id., at 298,
    108 S. Ct. 2389
    . We clarified, however, that at earlier
    stages of the criminal process, a less searching or formal colloquy may suffice.
    Id., at 299,
    108 S. Ct. 2389
    Tovar, 541 U.S. at 88-89
    The Idaho Supreme Court has directed that in determining the validity of a defendant’s
    waiver of trial counsel the inquiry is whether, as ascertained from the record as a whole, the
    defendant was aware of the dangers and disadvantages of trial self-representation, not whether
    that awareness was gained solely from the warnings expressed by the trial court at the time of
    waiver. In State v. Dalrymple, 
    144 Idaho 628
    167 P.3d 765
    (2007), our Supreme Court stated:
    To determine if Dalrymple’s waiver was constitutionally valid, we view
    the record as a whole, not just at the particular moment of waiver. The Faretta
    Court stated the defendant must “be made aware of the dangers and disadvantages
    self-representation.” 422 U.S. at 835
    , 95 S. Ct. at 
    2541, 45 L. Ed. 2d at 582
    Faretta warnings, however, do not need to be given contemporaneously to the
    defendant’s waiver. Instead, such warnings must be given “so that the record will
    establish that ‘he knows what he is doing and his choice is made with eyes open.’
    “Id. (quoting Adams v. United States ex. rel. McCann, 
    317 U.S. 269
    , 279, 
    63 S. Ct. 236
    , 242, 
    87 L. Ed. 268
    , 275 (1942)). Therefore, the district court at a
    minimum must be satisfied that Dalrymple understood the inherent risks involved
    in waiving the right to counsel. [State v. Hunnel, 
    125 Idaho 623
    , 626, 
    873 P.2d 877
    , 880 1994.] While contemporaneous Faretta warnings are perhaps the most
    prudent means to ensure the defendant’s grasp of the disadvantages of self-
    representation, we look to the record as a whole to determine if Dalrymple
    knowingly, intelligently, and voluntarily waived his constitutional right. [State v.
    140 Idaho 53
    , 64, 
    90 P.3d 278
    , 289 (2003).]
    Dalrymple, 144 Idaho at 634
    , 167 P.3d at 771.
    On the record here, Martin has not shown that the district court erred in denying Martin’s
    claim that his waiver of counsel was not knowing, intelligent, and voluntary. Although the trial
    court’s cautionary words in this case are perhaps not exemplary warnings of the hazards faced by
    a pro se defendant at trial, the record as a whole shows that Martin made his election to waive
    counsel voluntarily, with awareness of the perils of self-representation. In his colloquy with the
    court, Martin expressed that he was already aware that his choice to represent himself was risky
    because he lacked the training or experience of an attorney. Martin expressly acknowledged that
    he was unaware of how to conduct the jury selection process, and he was then informed that he
    would have to handle the jury selection and all other parts of the trial, with standby counsel
    available only to answer questions.      The court mentioned that an attorney would have an
    understanding of the rules of evidence and procedure, implicitly pointing out areas of knowledge
    that Martin would not possess. The court also told Martin that self-representation is “not a
    desirable thing” and that the court viewed it as “an ill-advised course.”          Given the Idaho
    Supreme Court’s directive in Dalrymple that we look to the entire record to determine whether
    the defendant understood the risk involved in waiving the right to counsel, we conclude that the
    record here sufficiently demonstrates that Martin’s waiver of counsel was knowing, voluntary,
    and intelligent.
    Martin argues, however, that the trial court’s warnings were inadequate because the court
    “never told [him] that he would be held to the same standard as an attorney.” We disagree. At
    the hearing, the district court told Martin that he alone would be responsible for conducting his
    own trial; that he must file, give notice of, and argue pretrial motions in the ordinary course; that
    Martin must file a list of any witnesses he wished to call at trial, and that an attorney would be
    knowledgeable about the rules of evidence and procedure. Thus, the trial court did communicate
    that Martin would be held to the standards of an attorney, albeit not in those specific words.
    Martin also complains that the trial court did not warn him of specific self-representation
    challenges he ultimately faced because of his pretrial incarceration, including difficulties in
    finding and subpoenaing witnesses, limited access to a law library, and lack of money for
    postage and copying.
    All of these complaints are specific consequences that Martin experienced due to his
    personal circumstances, including his pretrial incarceration. As far as we have found, neither the
    United States Supreme Court nor Idaho courts have required such anticipatory, particularized
    warnings tailored to the defendant’s individual circumstances. In addressing a defendant’s
    argument that although Miranda 1 warnings he received were adequate to protect his Fifth
    Amendment right during post-indictment questioning, they did not adequately inform him of his
    Sixth Amendment right to counsel, the United States Supreme Court observed, “If [the
    defendant] . . . lacked a full and complete appreciation of all of the consequences flowing from
    his waiver, it does not defeat the State’s showing that the information it provided to him satisfied
    the constitutional minimum.” Patterson v. Illinois, 
    487 U.S. 285
    , 294 (1988) (internal quotation
    marks omitted).     In most cases, it likely would be impossible for any court to specifically
    anticipate every obstacle, impediment, or disadvantage that might be encountered by a pro se
    defendant. Therefore, we reject Martin’s assertion that the warnings here were insufficient
    because they did not identify certain specific challenges that he ultimately encountered in the
    course of his self-representation.
    Martin also contends that his situation is “remarkably similar” to that of the defendant in
    State v. Jackson, 
    140 Idaho 636
    97 P.3d 1025
    (Ct. App. 2004), where this Court reversed the
    defendant’s conviction because of inadequacy of the trial court’s waiver warnings. Although the
    underlying facts of the two cases are similar in that both Martin and Jackson were charged with
    possession of methamphetamine, with respect to the facts relevant to the validity of their waivers
    of counsel, the cases are dissimilar. In 
    Jackson, 140 Idaho at 638
    , 97 P.3d at 1027, the trial court
    gave no warnings whatsoever of the hazards of self-representation, and the record as a whole did
    not otherwise disclose that the defendant appreciated the risks of proceeding pro se. See 
    id. at 641,
    97 P.3d at 1030. Here, in contrast, the trial court gave several warnings, and Martin himself
    made statements showing that he understood many of the dangers and disadvantages of self-
    Lastly, Martin complains that the trial court did not tell him that by electing self-
    representation he would forfeit claims of ineffective assistance of counsel (claims that he
    unsuccessfully attempted to pursue in the instant action). This contention is based upon an
    See Miranda v. Arizona, 
    384 U.S. 436
    incorrect premise, that Martin was somehow deprived of his ability to make claims of ineffective
    assistance of counsel for the work that his defense attorney did before Martin elected to defend
    himself. Martin did in fact assert in this post-conviction action claims of ineffective assistance of
    counsel and those claims were addressed on the merits. They were not rejected because he had
    elected to later waive counsel, but because he had not met his burden to prove either deficient
    performance by his prior defense attorney or prejudice from the alleged deficiencies.
    We conclude that the Faretta warnings given by the trial court in this case were
    constitutionally adequate and that Martin has not shown that his waiver of counsel was not
    knowing, voluntary, and intelligent.
    The district court’s judgment denying post-conviction relief is affirmed.
    Chief Judge GUTIERREZ and Judge GRATTON CONCUR.