People v. Redd ( 1996 )

  •                  Docket No. 76086--Agenda 2--November 1995.


                            Opinion filed May 23, 1996.


        JUSTICE MILLER delivered the opinion of the court:

        Following a jury trial in the circuit court of Cook County, the

    defendant, Frank Redd, was convicted of the murder and the rape of Aretha and

    Leola Bea. At a separate sentencing hearing, the same jury found the

    defendant eligible for the death penalty. The jury further determined that

    there were no mitigating circumstances sufficient to preclude imposition of

    that sentence. The judge sentenced defendant to death for the murders and to

    a term of 60 years' imprisonment for each of the rape convictions. The

    defendant's execution has been stayed pending direct review by this court.

    Ill. Const. 1970, art. VI, §4(b); 134 Ill. 2d Rs. 603, 609(a). For the

    reasons that follow, we affirm the judgment of the circuit court.

        In 1985, at the close of defendant's first jury trial on the offenses

    charged here, he was convicted of two counts of murder and two counts of rape

    and sentenced to death. On direct appeal, this court reversed defendant's

    conviction and sentence and remanded the cause to the circuit court for a new

    trial and sentencing hearing. People v. Redd, 135 Ill. 2d 252 (1990). On

    remand, the defendant waived his right to the assistance of counsel and

    proceeded pro se at both the trial and the capital sentencing hearing.

    Against defendant's wishes, a public defender was assigned to be present in

    the courtroom as standby counsel throughout both phases of defendant's trial.

        Defendant's convictions stem from events that occurred in the early

    morning hours of March 4, 1984. Evidence at trial revealed that on March 3,

    1984, Ruby Bea went shopping and left her three daughters, Aretha, age five,

    Leola, age three, and Robertrese, age two, in the care of defendant's mother,

    Earceaner Washington, at Mrs. Washington's apartment. When Ruby returned,

    defendant and several other acquaintances were present at Mrs. Washington's.

    Ruby stayed for awhile and visited. That evening, at Ruby's request,

    defendant accompanied Ruby and her three children to Ruby's apartment located

    at the rear of the third floor of 6712 South Halstead in Chicago.

        Defendant was with Ruby in her apartment when later that evening all

    three children went to sleep in one bed, fully clothed. After the children

    were asleep, Ruby and defendant left the children and went downstairs to the

    second-floor apartment where defendant's sister, Gloria Stewart, and Ruby's

    brother-in-law, Leslie Bea, lived. When Ruby went downstairs, she did not

    lock her apartment door because she knew that the street-level entrance to

    the building was locked. In Gloria's apartment, everyone sat at the table

    talking, except defendant, who paced the floor. Defendant left briefly, but

    soon returned and began pacing again.

        After defendant left a second time Ruby looked down the steps to see

    that the street-level entrance remained locked. She did not see defendant as

    she looked down the stairs. She assumed he had gone into one of the other

    apartments in the building because insufficient time had passed for someone

    to leave the building. Ruby was aware that defendant knew the occupant of the

    apartment across the hall from Gloria's.

        After approximately one hour, defendant returned to Gloria's apartment

    and went directly to the bathroom. At trial, Leslie Bea testified that when

    defendant returned the second time he had dark red spots on his shirt and red

    spots on his hand. Defendant conversed with Gloria and Leslie in the bathroom

    and then left again.

        Ruby remained with Gloria and Leslie, and then later returned to her

    third-floor apartment. When Ruby entered her apartment, she went to the

    bedroom. She believed she saw two of her daughters, but not Aretha, sleeping

    in the bed. As she looked for Aretha, Ruby saw blood on the kitchen floor by

    the back door. Ruby ran down to the second floor, seeking Gloria's help to

    find Aretha. After asking for help, but without finding Aretha, Ruby returned

    to her apartment. When she went back into the bedroom to check on Leola and

    Robertrese, Ruby discovered that Leola was dead.

        Betty Gray, the occupant of the apartment opposite Ruby's apartment,

    looked out of her door at about 1:30 a.m. on March 4, 1984, and saw that the

    door to Ruby's apartment was open. Gray entered Ruby's apartment and heard

    Ruby crying. Percy Hamilton, another apartment occupant in the same building,

    was with Ruby. Gray ran back to her own apartment and telephoned the police.

    She then returned to Ruby's apartment, where she found Robertrese sitting

    unharmed at the end of the bed. Leola was under the covers, with her mouth

    open and a garment twisted around her neck. Hamilton moved Leola into the

    living room and attempted resuscitation. Gray unsuccessfully tried to remove

    the item from around the child's neck.

        Police arrived at Ruby's apartment at approximately 2 a.m. on March 4,

    1984. When they entered they saw Leola's body on a small couch. The child was

    naked from the waist down, had a cloth wrapped around her throat and had

    blood coming from her vaginal area. In the dining room police found a child's

    shoe, a pair of panties, a pair of small jeans and blood on a piece of

    furniture. In the kitchen, the back door was ajar about 12 inches and had a

    nonworking refrigerator lodged against it. Ruby testified that the door was

    ordinarily secured shut with nails with the refrigerator pushed against the

    door. A pane of glass was broken out of the same door and glass was scattered

    on the kitchen floor.

        A police officer walked out the back door, and from the third-floor

    landing saw Aretha's body lying in the back yard. The child was naked from

    the waist down and had a cloth wrapped around her throat. About 10 feet from

    the body was a pair of panties. Other than the footprints the police officer

    made when he approached the body, no other footprints were found within a 10-

    foot radius around the body.

        Lydia Booth testified that in March of 1984, she lived next door to

    defendant's mother's apartment in a building approximately five blocks from

    where Ruby and her family lived. At approximately 12:30 or 1 a.m. on March 4,

    1984, Booth was standing on the landing, near the entrances to her and

    defendant's mother's apartment. As Booth saw defendant come up the stairs,

    she noticed he was wearing blue jeans with blood on them. Booth asked

    defendant what had happened and defendant replied that he had fallen. He then

    he went into his mother's apartment. Defendant left approximately 20 minutes

    later. He wore a different pair of pants and he carried a bag. Booth asked

    defendant why he had changed his clothes, but defendant did not answer. Booth

    then asked defendant if he was going to the lounge where his brother worked.

    Defendant replied that he was going to the lounge but "he had to make a run


         Several witnesses, including people from the apartment building,

    defendant, and his mother, were questioned at police headquarters on the

    morning of March 4, 1984. When police first interviewed defendant, he

    admitted he had been with Ruby Bea on March 3, but stated that he went home

    after partying for awhile.

        After their initial interview with defendant at the police station,

    police went to defendant's mother's home and recovered a jacket, a sweater

    with a wet front and a pair of undershorts they found hanging in the bathroom

    with the sweater. The sweater and jacket matched the description of the

    clothing defendant was seen wearing at the victims' apartment building on the

    evening of the offenses. After police recovered the clothing, they gave

    defendant Miranda warnings. Defendant then gave police an account of his

    activities on the evening of March 3 that differed from his original story,

    but he continued to deny any involvement in the offenses.

        Late in the evening of the March 4, police recovered a pair of bloody

    blue jeans from the dumpster in the alley behind the lounge where defendant's

    brother worked. Police again advised defendant of his rights, confronted him

    with the evidence and the witnesses' statements. Defendant denied any

    involvement, but then stated that he remembered being alone with the three

    children and that one was dead on the couch, but that was all that he could


        At approximately 9:30 p.m. that day, defendant confessed to having had

    intercourse with the victims and then strangling them. Defendant wrote a

    statement in his own hand that was witnessed and initialed by two assistant

    State's Attorneys. Defendant also told police that he wore blue jeans during

    the offenses, and identified the blue jeans that police recovered from the

    dumpster as the same pants he wore on the night of the murders.

        The autopsy performed on Leola revealed 11 instances of external injury,

    including a ligature impression and abrasions on the neck, abrasions on the

    chest, and abrasions on the forehead. An internal exam of Leola revealed she

    had an extensive laceration or tear of the posterior wall of the vagina

    extending to the border with the rectum. All injuries were recent, and the

    doctor who performed the autopsy determined that Leola was alive at the time

    she sustained the injury to her vaginal wall. The doctor also concluded that

    the cause of Leola's death was strangulation.

        The autopsy of Aretha revealed 22 evidences of external injury,

    including 14 on the face. The doctor who performed the autopsy said the

    injuries were recent in origin, and were consistent with someone punching

    Aretha in the face. The internal exam revealed that the entrance to Aretha's

    vagina was bloody, and her hymen was completely obliterated. The doctor

    stated that these injuries were consistent with her being subjected to

    intercourse by an adult male while Aretha was alive. The autopsy on Aretha

    also revealed head trauma, most significantly a hemorrhage and a fractured

    skull, consistent with her head being struck by a hard object. The doctor

    concluded that Aretha died as the result of strangulation with injuries to

    the brain and skull as significant contributing conditions.

        Forensic testing on semen found in Leola's vagina revealed that the

    genetic markers in the semen were consistent with defendant's. No semen was

    present in Aretha's vagina, but blood was present.

        Panties found at the scene and identified as Leola's were stained with

    semen containing genetic markers consistent with defendant's. Blood samples

    collected from the kitchen floor were consistent with Aretha's blood.

        Forensic testing revealed a semen stain on the inside fly panel of the

    blue jeans recovered from the dumpster behind the lounge where defendant's

    brother worked. Diffuse bloodstains on the jeans were consistent with the

    blood of Leola Bea. Hair samples found in the rear pocket of the jeans were

    consistent in all morphological characteristics with a hair sample taken from

    the defendant after he was arrested. In addition, flakes of glass scraped

    from the jeans were found to have a common origin with samples of glass taken

    from the rear door window of Ruby's kitchen. Glass fragment taken from the

    kitchen were marked with human blood consistent with that of Aretha and


        A bloodstain was found on the sleeve of the sweater recovered from

    defendant's mother's house, but it was too minute to determine its origin.

    Clippings from defendant's fingernails tested positive for traces of blood;

    however, the amount of blood was insufficient to determine the type.

        The defendant called only one witness, Howard Anderson, president of the

    Midwest Association for Sickle Cell Anemia. Defendant apparently called

    Anderson in an attempt to rebut forensic evidence regarding the

    characteristics of samples of defendant's blood. However, Anderson's

    testimony consisted only of his acknowledgement that in response to a letter

    from defendant, Anderson provided defendant with literature and information

    regarding certain blood characteristics.

        Defendant declined to testify on his own behalf. Before the defense

    rested, the State and defendant agreed to several stipulations. The State

    stipulated to the fact that blood had been withdrawn from defendant and that

    in July 1992 defendant's blood sample was analyzed to determine the presence

    of certain characteristics and sickle cell anemia. The State also stipulated

    to the fact that defendant had been strip-searched at the police station.

        At the close of evidence, the jury returned a verdict finding defendant

    guilty of the rape and murder of both Aretha and Leola Bea. Ill. Rev. Stat.

    1983, ch. 38, par. 9--1(a); Ill. Rev. Stat. 1983, ch. 38, par. 11--1(a). The

    following day, the matter proceeded to a capital sentencing hearing before

    the same jury.

        At the first stage of the sentencing hearing, the State presented

    evidence that defendant was over the age of 18 at the time of the offenses

    charged. The courtroom clerk testified that the previous day's verdict forms

    reflected defendant's convictions of rape and murder in this case. The jury

    found defendant eligible for the death penalty on the basis of defendant's

    convictions for murder of an individual under 12 years of age whose death

    resulted from exceptionally brutal or heinous behavior indicative of wanton

    cruelty (Ill. Rev. Stat. 1983, ch. 38, par. 9--1(b)(7)), defendant's

    convictions for multiple murders (Ill. Rev. Stat. 1983, ch. 38, par. 9--

    1(b)(3)), and the murder-in-course-of-felony aggravating factor (Ill. Rev.

    Stat. 1983, ch. 38, par. 9--1(b)(6)).

        At the second stage of the sentencing hearing, the doctor who performed

    the autopsies on Aretha and Leola testified again and described the victims'

    injuries, their causes of death and his conclusions regarding the extent of

    pain each victim suffered.

        The prosecution also presented evidence of defendant's prior offenses.

    Iola Warren testified that in 1979 defendant strangled and stabbed her mother

    and raped Iola. Geraldine Warren testified regarding the same events. Henry

    Van Tholen testified that defendant stole his car in 1973, and that defendant

    received a sentence of three years' probation for that offense. Renard

    McCray, testified that while he and defendant were both inmates at Pontiac

    Penitentiary in 1980, defendant forcibly subjected McCray to anal

    intercourse, threatened to kill him, and stabbed him in the neck with a

    shank. McCray acknowledged that he had a lengthy criminal record, and was

    presently in custody while charges were pending against him for possession of

    a stolen auto and theft.

        The State also presented certified copies of defendant's prior

    convictions. The evidence established that defendant had previously been

    convicted of and was sentenced to probation for burglary in 1973, theft in

    1974, and sentenced to prison for grand larceny in 1976 and rape and

    attempted murder in 1979.

        The State stipulated to the contents of a medical report from Pontiac

    Penitentiary. The report stated that the resident (McRay) was examined on

    August 30, 1980, and no objective physical evidence of anal rape was

    observed. The State further stipulated to the contents of an emergency room

    report regarding Geraldine Warren and offered by the defense. The date of the

    report was not contained in the record, but the contents essentially did not

    contradict Geraldine Warren's testimony except that the report stated she did

    not know her attacker.

        Defendant declined to present witnesses in mitigation, but did make a

    closing argument. At the conclusion of the sentencing hearing, the jury found

    that there were no mitigating circumstances sufficient to preclude imposition

    of the death penalty. In a subsequent hearing, the trial judge sentenced

    defendant to death for the murders of Leola and Aretha Bea and to a term of

    60 years' imprisonment for each of the rape convictions. Defendant seeks

    review of his convictions and sentence in this court. Ill. Const. 1970, art.

    VI, §4(b); 134 Ill. 2d Rs. 603, 609(a).


                                   I. TRIAL ISSUES

                            A. Waiver of Right to Counsel

        In his first trial on the present charges, defendant was represented by

    the office of the public defender. In this trial on remand, defendant

    represented himself at both the guilt and sentencing phases with appointed

    standby counsel from the public defender's office. The pretrial period in

    this case extended over three years due largely to the defendant's voluminous

    motions and his requests for continuances.

        In his initial court appearance on remand defendant told the court he

    did not want the public defender to represent him, but he wished to hire a

    private attorney. Approximately two weeks later defendant told the court that

    he was unable to hire a private attorney and filed a motion to proceed pro

    se. The judge admonished defendant of the charges against him and the

    possible penalties, including the death penalty. When the judge asked

    defendant whether he had been represented by counsel at his first trial,

    defendant named the assistant public defenders who had previously represented

    him. The judge then told defendant he had a right to counsel and a right to

    appointed counsel if he was indigent. The judge warned defendant that self-

    representation was unwise. Each time the judge asked defendant if he

    understood, defendant answered affirmatively. Several times the defendant

    interjected that he did not want the public defender to represent him and

    that he or his family would be hiring a lawyer. Defendant repeated his desire

    to represent himself until he hired an attorney.

        The trial judge found that defendant understood the nature of the

    charges against him, the possible penalties, and his right to counsel. The

    judge stated that he found that defendant had freely and intelligently waived

    his right to counsel. The judge noted, however, that defendant was continuing

    his efforts to hire private counsel.

        One month later, defendant's motion for substitution of judge was

    granted. During the next six months, defendant appeared before several

    judges, one of whom subsequently left the bench and another judge who was

    temporarily assigned to the call. Defendant introduced himself as, "Frank

    Redd, pro se" to each judge. Both judges questioned defendant about his pro

    se status, and several times defendant told the court that he was

    representing himself while he attempted to hire an attorney. Defendant was

    granted numerous continuances at his request.

        When defendant's case was permanently assigned to the next judge, she

    inquired about his pro se status. During the discussion, defendant told the

    judge he was representing himself and was trying to hire a lawyer. In his

    next court appearance, defendant told the judge he could not hire an attorney

    and he told her that he "rejected the public defender." The judge advised

    defendant against proceeding pro se and urged him to accept an appointed

    attorney as standby counsel. The judge asked defendant about his level of

    education. She also inquired who the private attorneys were that defendant

    spoke with and offered to try and have one of them appointed to represent

    defendant. Defendant refused to divulge the attorneys' names. The trial judge

    repeatedly advised defendant against representing himself. She also told

    defendant that if he did not hire a private attorney or allow the public

    defender to represent him and he proceeded pro se, she would appoint standby

    counsel to advise defendant. She then granted a continuance to allow

    defendant to make further attempts to secure private counsel.

        During the next several months, despite the judge's admonishments

    against proceeding without an attorney, defendant continually asserted his

    desire to represent himself. He participated in discovery and filed numerous

    motions. When the judge stated that she would appoint counsel, defendant

    cited case law and advised the court that he would consider appointed counsel

    as only standby counsel.

        A few months later, the judge appointed a member of the public

    defender's office to consult with defendant concerning his case. Defendant

    agreed to discuss with the assistant public defender the role defendant

    wished counsel to assume in his case. When defendant next appeared before the

    judge, the representative of the public defender's office with whom defendant

    met was also present. The judge articulated the limits of standby counsel's

    participation. The assistant public defender also addressed the court and

    stated that he would only function as an advisor and would not actively

    assist in preparing the defense. Defendant stated several more times that he

    did not want a lawyer and that he wanted to represent himself. Defendant

    indicated that he would need to talk to the assistant public defender again,

    but the record does not contain anymore discussion regarding appointed

    counsel's role.

        Over one year before trial, the judge took a leave of absence.

    Defendant's case was assigned to another judge, who later became the trial

    judge. In his first appearance before the trial judge, defendant stated that

    he was representing himself. The judge inquired if the public defender had

    been appointed for consultation. The judge also asked if defendant had been

    advised "in detail about the perils of going pro se." The assistant public

    defender, acting as standby counsel, answered "yes" to both questions.

        In subsequent court appearances defendant continued to file and argue

    numerous motions. The trial judge also asked defendant if he was exercising

    his right to defend himself, and defendant said yes. The trial judge advised

    defendant that the State was seeking the death penalty. He also told

    defendant that he could have an attorney represent him "free of charge," and

    strongly advised defendant not to represent himself. The judge asked

    defendant the extent of his education. The judge also noted on the record

    that he was aware that defendant had previously been through a criminal

    trial. The judge told defendant that if he chose to represent himself he

    would be treated as an attorney, without "special privileges." The judge then

    allowed defendant to consult with standby counsel. After the recess defendant

    requested that the court appoint counsel to represent him, but he specified

    that he did not want the public defender appointed. The judge agreed and

    appointed an attorney from the private bar.

        Defendant's case was continued repeatedly to allow appointed counsel to

    prepare. However, defendant continued to file pro se motions, and eventually

    asked the court to dismiss his appointed counsel, stating that he only wanted

    the private attorney to function as standby counsel. The court dismissed the

    private counsel and then reappointed standby counsel from the public

    defender's office. Defendant represented himself at trial with the public

    defender as standby counsel.

        Defendant's first allegation of error on appeal is that his waiver of

    sixth amendment right to counsel (U.S. Const., amend. VI) was not knowingly

    and understandingly made, warranting reversal of his convictions and


        As a preliminary matter, we address the State's argument that defendant

    waived the issue of the validity of his waiver of counsel because it was not

    raised in the post-trial motions. People v. Enoch, 122 Ill. 2d 176, 186


        Immediately after sentencing, the State Appellate Defender was appointed

    to represent defendant on appeal. Four days later, appellate counsel filed a

    notice of appeal. After appellate counsel filed the notice of appeal,

    defendant filed a pro se motion for a new trial. The trial court never ruled

    on the pro se motion. However, one year after the notice of appeal was filed,

    and while defendant's case was on direct appeal to this court, appellate

    counsel motioned for a limited remand to the trial court for the purpose of

    filing and disposing of post-trial motions. We granted the motion and counsel

    filed a post-trial motion and a post-sentencing motion, both of which the

    trial court denied after a hearing.

        The issue of defendant's waiver of counsel was not contained in

    defendant's pro se motion for a new trial. It was, however, timely raised in

    the motions appellate counsel filed on remand. Accordingly, the issue is

    preserved for review.

        Defendant argues that his waiver of counsel was not valid because the

    trial court failed to adequately assess his ability to understand the choice

    he was making. Defendant claims that the trial court was obligated to

    specifically ask defendant his level of education, his prior legal

    experience, and probe his mental and emotional capacity to represent himself.

        In Faretta v. California, the Supreme Court held that the sixth

    amendment right to counsel (U.S. Const., amend. VI) implicitly provides for

    the right of self-representation in criminal proceedings. Faretta v.

    California, 422 U.S. 806, 821, 45 L. Ed. 2d 562, 574, 95 S. Ct. 2525, 2534

    (1975). However, the defendant's waiver of counsel must be voluntarily,

    knowingly, and understandingly made. See People v. Baker, 94 Ill. 2d 129, 136

    (1983); People v. Baker, 92 Ill. 2d 85, 91 (1982); People v. Hessenauer, 45

    Ill. 2d 63, 68 (1970). Before a criminal defendant's waiver of counsel will

    be deemed valid the trial court must determine that defendant has the ability

    to understand the proceedings, that he knows the significance and

    consequences of his decision, and that his waiver was not coerced. See

    Godinez v. Moran, 509 U.S. 389, 401 n. 12, 125 L. Ed. 2d 321, 333 n. 12, 113

    S. Ct. 2680, 2685 n. 12 (1993). The entire record should be considered in

    determining whether the waiver was knowingly and understandingly made. People

    v. Barker, 62 Ill. 2d 57, 59 (1975).

        We believe that the court sufficiently assessed defendant's ability to

    understand his waiver of counsel and appropriately found that defendant's

    waiver of counsel was knowingly and understandingly made. A defendant's

    background, experience and conduct are all factors to consider when

    determining if a valid waiver of counsel has been made. Johnson v. Zerbst,

    304 U.S. 458, 464, 82 L. Ed. 1461, 1466, 58 S. Ct. 1019, 1023 (1938). Two

    different judges, on separate occasions, specifically asked defendant on the

    record what level of education he had achieved. In addition, the court was

    able to observe defendant's demeanor, appearance, and statements to otherwise

    evaluate whether defendant had the ability to understand the choice he was

    making in choosing to proceed pro se.

        Defendant's experience with the legal system is also readily apparent

    from the record. In an early pretrial appearance, defendant interrupted the

    judge's preliminary admonishments and recited Rule 401(a) verbatim. 134 Ill.

    2d R. 401(a). When the same judge warned defendant that if he was convicted,

    he could be eligible for an extended term of imprisonment, defendant informed

    the court himself that he had a prior Class X offense. The record also

    indicates that at least two of the judges defendant appeared before were made

    aware through the discovery process of defendant's previous convictions. Each

    judge that defendant appeared before was aware that defendant had a previous

    capital trial in this matter and that he was represented by appointed counsel

    at that trial. On this record, we conclude that the trial court considered

    defendant's demonstrated familiarity with the legal system and properly

    concluded that defendant could understand the significance and consequences

    of his decision to waive counsel.

        Defendant's argument that no initial determination of his mental

    capacity to knowingly waive counsel was made is also inaccurate.

    Specifically, the record demonstrates that the judge who initially admonished

    defendant had adequate opportunity to observe defendant and determine his

    ability to make a knowing waiver of the right to counsel. Defendant

    demonstrated a rational understanding of the charges against him and the

    possible penalties. Moreover, defendant coherently participated in all phases

    of the pretrial and trial proceedings and responded lucidly to each judge's

    inquiries. Defendant filed numerous motions, examined witnesses and actively

    presented a defense.

        Defendant further contends that the trial judge erred when he did not

    specifically question defendant's mental capacity to waive counsel after

    defendant told the judge that at defendant's first trial his counsel raised

    the general issue of defendant's sanity.

        Three years into the pretrial period in this trial defendant filed a

    motion for appointment of standby counsel other than the public defender.

    When discussing the motion for new standby counsel, defendant informed the

    trial judge that the basis of defendant's dissatisfaction with the public

    defender was that in his first trial on these charges defendant's appointed

    counsel from the public defender's office filed a motion on defendant's

    behalf requesting that defendant be examined to determine his sanity at the

    time of the offenses, his fitness to stand trial and any mitigating factors

    as to the death penalty. Defendant contends that the failure of the trial

    judge in this case to make appropriate inquiries regarding defendant's mental

    capacity to waive counsel warrants reversal of his convictions and a new


        We disagree. Competence to waive counsel is measured by the same

    standard as competence to stand trial. People v. Mahaffey, 166 Ill. 2d. 1, 19

    (1995), citing Godinez v. Moran, 509 U.S. 389, 125 L. Ed. 2d 321, 113 S. Ct.

    2680 (1993). In Illinois, a defendant is presumed competent to stand trial.

    725 ILCS 5/104--10 (West 1992). The presumption is rebutted by evidence that

    defendant is unable to understand the nature and purpose of the proceedings

    against him or assist in his defense. 725 ILCS 5/104--10 (West 1992).

        In this case, defendant's conduct demonstrates an ability to understand

    the proceedings and to assist in his own defense. Our review of the record

    reveals that defendant's interactions with the court before and during trial

    did not raise a bona fide doubt of his fitness. As noted previously,

    defendant vigorously presented his defense. Further, the trial judge stated

    on the record that defendant "seemed very, very lucid." On this record we

    believe that the court evaluated defendant's mental capacity to waive counsel

    and properly granted defendant's motion to proceed pro se.

        We also reject defendant's allegation that the numerous rambling motions

    he filed during the three year pretrial period should have caused the court

    to question his mental competency to waive counsel. Our review of the record

    indicates that defendant's motions arguably exhibit a lack of comprehensive

    knowledge of the law and principles of criminal procedure. Nonetheless,

    neither the written motions nor the record of defendant's defense of the

    motions demonstrate irrationality. Defendant's ability to articulate his case

    or to precisely motion the court are merely measures of his proficiency or

    lack thereof as a lawyer. His ability to represent himself is not indicative

    of his competence to choose self-representation. Godinez, 509 U.S. at 400,

    125 L. Ed. 2d at 333, 113 S. Ct. at 2687. Therefore, defendant's numerous and

    voluminous motions or his imprecision in expressing himself as an attorney do

    not demonstrate here that defendant lacked the mental capacity to waive


        Defendant next argues that his waiver of counsel was invalid at

    sentencing where the trial court failed to readmonish him of his right to

    counsel after the verdict and before sentencing. This court has repeatedly

    upheld the "continuing waiver" rule (People v. Johnson, 119 Ill. 2d 119, 147

    (1987); People v. Baker, 92 Ill. 2d 85, 95 (1982)), which provides that

    absent significantly changed circumstances or a later request for counsel, an

    intelligently and knowingly made waiver of counsel applies to all phases of

    trial. Baker, 92 Ill. 2d at 95.

        Defendant first argues that the court should have readmonished him prior

    to sentencing because the admonishments he received regarding waiver of

    counsel prior to trial were inadequate. As we have stated, we believe the

    court properly evaluated defendant's ability to make a knowing and

    understanding waiver of his right to counsel and find that the admonishments

    given him before accepting defendant's waiver of counsel were sufficient.

        Defendant next claims that the mere nature of capital sentencing compels

    readmonishment of pro se capital defendants before sentencing. However,

    defendant offers no support for his argument. Defendant's brief citation to

    Woodson v. North Carolina, 428 U.S. 280, 49 L. Ed. 2d 944, 96 S. Ct. 2978

    (1976), is unpersuasive. In Woodson, the Supreme Court held that a North

    Carolina statute imposing a mandatory death sentence on persons convicted of

    first degree murder was unconstitutional because it allowed unbridled jury

    discretion. Woodson, 428 U.S. at 305, 49 L. Ed. 2d at 961-62, 96 S. Ct. at

    2991-92. In reaching its conclusion, the Court emphasized the qualitative

    difference of the death penalty from a sentence of imprisonment. Woodson, 428

    U.S. at 304-05, 49 L. Ed. 2d at 961, 96 S. Ct. at 2991. We agree that the

    statement in Woodson reflects the need for individualized sentencing

    determinations, but this general distinction does not support defendant's

    specific argument that all pro se capital defendants must be readmonished

    before sentencing. We have previously upheld the "continuing waiver rule" in

    capital cases (People v. Simpson, No. 76889 (March 21, 1996); People v.

    Johnson, 119 Ill. 2d 119 (1987)) and defendant offers no persuasive reason to

    reexamine these holdings. We also note that defendant was subjected to a

    capital sentencing hearing in his first trial on these charges and was

    therefore aware of both the process and his right to counsel at sentencing.

        Defendant's next contention is that the issue of defendant's sanity,

    raised by his appointed counsel in his first trial, coupled with his behavior

    in this trial were circumstances that should have caused the court to

    reexamine his capacity to proceed pro se at sentencing. We have noted,

    however, that there is no suggestion in the record that defendant was

    suffering from any condition that would impair his ability to knowingly and

    understandingly waive counsel for the purposes of this trial. Defendant's

    suggestion that his sanity may have been questioned in a previous trial is

    not a circumstance that would require the court to reexamine defendant's

    waiver of counsel before sentencing, absent indications of irrationality at

    the present trial.

        Defendant also argues that the lapse of time between the beginning of

    the trial period in this case and sentencing required that he be

    readmonished. A lengthy delay between trial phases is one circumstance that

    would possibly necessitate readmonishment of a pro se defendant prior to

    sentencing. People v. Baker, 92 Ill. 2d 85, 93-94 (1982), citing Davis v.

    United States, 226 F.2d 834, 840 (8th Cir. 1955). Here, defendant's pretrial

    period stretched over three years, largely as a result of defendant's

    requests for continuances. However, the court's admonitions and efforts to

    have defendant accept appointed counsel continued until two months before

    trial. Further, once the trial commenced no delay occurred between the guilt

    phase and sentencing, which was held the day following the guilty verdict.

    Defendant's reliance on Schell v. United States, 423 F.2d 101 (7th Cir.

    1970), is distinguishable because the six-month delay in Schell occurred

    between trial and sentencing, unlike the instant case where sentencing

    immediately followed defendant's conviction.

        We also reject defendant's contention that he should have been

    readmonished prior to sentencing because the court's initial admonishment did

    not literally warn him that the waiver of counsel extended to "all phases of

    the proceedings." The continuing waiver rule does not rest on the trial

    court's use of specific language in the initial admonishment. People v.

    Johnson 119 Ill. 2d 119, 145-46 (1987). Here, the court's admonitions prior

    to accepting defendant's waiver of counsel included a warning that defendant

    could face the death penalty. Defendant had also been represented by

    appointed counsel during the capital sentencing hearing of his first trial on

    these charges. Defendant cannot now argue that he is not familiar with his

    right to counsel at sentencing.


                               B. Testimony of Ruby Bea

        Defendant next claims that he was denied a fair trial because the

    prosecutor was allowed to elicit from the mother of the two victims remarks

    that defendant believes were prejudicial. Although this issue was raised in

    defendant's post-trial motion, he failed to offer a contemporaneous objection

    at trial and has therefore waived the claim. It is well established that both

    a trial objection and a written post-trial motion raising an issue are

    required to preserve for review matters that could have been raised at trial.

    People v. Mahaffey, 166 Ill. 2d 1, 27 (1995).

        Although issues not properly preserved may be considered on review under

    the doctrine of plain error, we do not believe that the plain error doctrine

    will defeat the waiver here. 134 Ill. 2d R. 615(a). Plain error may be

    invoked in criminal cases where the evidence was closely balanced or the

    error was of such magnitude that the accused was denied a fair trial. People

    v. Bean, 137 Ill. 2d 65, 80 (1990). Neither element has been satisfied in the

    case before us. The evidence of defendant's guilt was overwhelming, including

    defendant's detailed confession which was corroborated by accounts of events

    given by several witnesses. Additionally, substantial physical and

    circumstantial evidence was presented and uncontradicted at trial.

        Nor do we believe the alleged error can be described as substantial. The

    prosecutor asked Ruby Bea if she had problems since the death of her

    children. Ruby responded that she was diagnosed with post-traumatic syndrome

    and alcoholism. The prosecutor then asked if these problems were the reason

    Ruby had difficulty remembering events, and Ruby answered yes. We do not

    believe this isolated comment from the victims' mother, in response to a

    query about her memory difficulties, was so substantial as to deprive

    defendant of a fair trial.


                               C. Prosecutorial Remarks

        Defendant next claims that numerous remarks made by the prosecutor

    during the guilt phase of the trial were improper. Defendant believes that

    the remarks deprived him of a fair trial and warrant reversal of his


        During defendant's pro se examination of one of the investigating police

    officers, defendant probed the witness' knowledge of defendant's interactions

    with the victims' family on the night of the offenses. The colloquy was

    confusing, and the prosecutor objected, in an apparent attempt to clarify the

    time period to which defendant was referring. The following exchange then


                  "PROSECUTOR: Objection. Is he talking about before or after he

             killed the children?

                  THE COURT: Objection sustained.

                  DEFENDANT: Object to that statement.

                  THE COURT: The question posed by the State is stricken and

             disregarded by you. Go ahead. Move on."

        Defendant contends that the prosecutor's remarks inflamed the jury's

    passion and prejudiced the jury against the defendant, depriving him of a

    fair trial. We agree that the assistant State's Attorney's remark was

    improper. However, the prompt sustaining of an objection by a trial judge is

    ordinarily sufficient to cure any error in a question or answer before the

    jury (People v. Hobley, 159 Ill. 2d 272, 315 (1994); People v. Baptist, 76

    Ill. 2d 19, 30 (1979)), and we believe the same is true of the prosecution's

    remark. The trial judge cured any prejudicial impact the comment may have had

    on the jury by sustaining the defendant's objection and ordering the comment

    stricken. People v. Enis, 163 Ill. 2d 367, 409 (1994).

        Defendant next argues that the prosecution misstated the evidence in his

    closing remarks when he told the jury that defendant had made a confession to

    a neighbor of the victims.

        At trial, Betty Gray testified that on March 4, 1984, at approximately

    1:30 a.m., she was leaving Ruby Bea's apartment after Leola had been

    discovered dead, but before Aretha's body had been found. Gray was in the

    hallway when defendant charged up the stairs and asked where the individual

    was that "killed the kids." Gray, who at that time was aware of only one

    child's death, asked defendant how he knew what had happened. Defendant did

    not respond and then left the building. On cross-examination, Gray stated

    that she did not know whether anyone had informed defendant that something

    had happened to the children.

        In his rebuttal argument at the close of the guilt-innocence phase of

    trail, the prosecutor referred to this comment as defendant's confession to

    Betty Gray. The court overruled defendant's objection to the comment.

    Defendant alleges that the prosecutor mischaracterized defendant's statement

    to Gray as a confession and thereby improperly limited the jury's

    consideration that defendant's knowledge of the murders could have come from

    another source.

        We agree with defendant that the prosecutor's description of defendant's

    statement to Betty Gray as a confession is inaccurate. A confession is a

    direct acknowledgment of guilt after the perpetration of an offense, and does

    not embrace mere statements or declarations of independent fact from which

    guilt may be inferred. People v. Stanton, 16 Ill. 2d 459, 466 (1959).

    Defendant's comments to Gray did not directly acknowledge his commission of

    the offenses; therefore, the prosecutor's characterization of the comment was

    incorrect. However, prosecutors are afforded wide latitude in closing

    argument and improper remarks will not merit reversal unless they result in

    substantial prejudice to the accused. People v. Thompkins, 121 Ill. 2d 401,

    445 (1988). Here, defendant's statement to Gray, coupled with other evidence

    adduced at trial, allowed the reasonable inference that defendant possessed

    guilty knowledge of the offenses. This was but one phrase in the

    prosecution's lengthy closing argument. The jurors had heard Gray's testimony

    and could weigh the implications of defendant's statement to Gray themselves.

    Moreover, at the time of the prosecutor's remark, defendant's written

    statement confessing to the crimes already had been read to the jury.

    Therefore, we do not believe the prosecutor's mischaracterization of

    defendant's comment to Gray was so substantial that it prejudiced defendant

    and deprived him of a fair trial.

        In his final group of arguments pertaining to the guilt-innocence phase

    of trial, defendant complains of a number of comments made by the prosecution

    in summation and rebuttal. However, we need not consider the merits of

    defendant's arguments regarding these prosecutorial statements. Although the

    complained of closing remarks were raised in counsel's post-trial motion,

    defendant did not object to any of the challenged remarks at trial, and we

    therefore consider these issues waived. Mahaffey, 166 Ill. 2d 1, 27 (1995).

        We also believe that the complained-of remarks do not constitute plain

    error. As noted, the prosecution presented substantial evidence of

    defendant's guilt. Moreover, our review of the remarks indicates that none of

    the comments was of the magnitude that it would have deprived defendant of a

    fair trial. People v. Carlson, 79 Ill. 2d 564, 576-77 (1980).

        In his closing argument the prosecutor commented that the jurors should

    not let defendant's decision to represent himself enter into their verdict.

    He stated that defendant had a right to represent himself and that the jurors

    should not feel sorry for defendant if "things didn't go exactly perfectly

    for him." The prosecutor continued:

             "At any rate, he had each and every right that he had as a

             defendant. He did not lose any rights whatsoever as a defendant

             when he chose to represent himself. He retained those rights. In

             fact he gained rights. He had normal defendant's rights plus all

             the rights a lawyer had and was able to [sic] personally to

             question witnesses themselves and subpoena each and every witness

             he may want to and put anybody at all on the witness stand and

             elicit testimony about anything from anyone as long of course as he

             followed the Rules of Evidence that is relevant to this case."

        We do not agree with defendant's unsupported allegation that the jurors

    would have understood the preceding comments as diminishing the burden of

    proof or as suggesting that defendant bore the burden of proving his

    innocence. The prosecutor was urging the jurors not to allow defendant's pro

    se status to influence their verdict. The prosecutor was explaining that in

    contrast to defendants who have counsel represent them, defendant had been

    able to personally call and question witnesses. As we have stated, the

    evidence was not closely balanced and we do not believe that the prosecutor's

    brief statement regarding defendant's rights was of such a magnitude that it

    prejudiced the jury's deliberation and deprived defendant of a fair trial.

        Defendant further claims that the prosecutor erred when he told the

    jurors that if they found defendant guilty, they would have an opportunity to

    learn more about the defendant at the next stage of trial. The comment came

    at the end of the State's summation. The prosecutor stated that if the jury

    found the defendant guilty, the trial would proceed to the next stage where

    the jury would have opportunity to learn more "from both sides." He then

    stated that if the jury did not find defendant guilty he would "walk out the


        Construing the comment in context (People v. Cisewski, 118 Ill. 2d 163,

    175-76 (1987)), we find no error. Earlier in the trial, during voir dire, the

    judge had informed the jury that if there was a finding of guilty in this

    case, a separate hearing would be held to determine if the death penalty

    should be imposed. The comments challenged here were the prosecutor's final

    plea to the jurors that they not allow the defendant to "go free." The

    statement that the jurors would learn more if a guilty verdict was returned

    simply reminded the jurors that if they returned a guilty verdict, a penalty

    would be imposed, but a separate proceeding would be held to determine what

    that penalty would be.

        Finally, defendant challenges the prosecutor's statement during his

    rebuttal statement that "it is not too often the People of the State of

    Illinois have a case with this much evidence." The prosecutor also stated

    that the State's burden was "just proof beyond a reasonable doubt." The

    comment was made after defendant's closing argument where he urged the jury

    to find that the evidence was insufficient to convict him. The prosecutor's

    comment was a response to defendant's own comments, and therefore was not

    error. People v. Mahaffey, 128 Ill. 2d 388, 425 (1989).



        Defendant next alleges that the trial court committed reversible error

    when it denied defendant's motion for appointment of a mitigation specialist.

        Eighteen months before trial, defendant presented a motion to the court

    titled "Petition For Funds To Be Provided For An Investigator *** Which Would

    Include, But Not Be Limited To Interviews With Potential Witnesses and

    Character Witnesses For The Defense." The motion sought court appointment of

    a specific individual to assist defendant regarding "potential witnesses and

    character witnesses for the defense." The judge initially denied the motion.

    The basis for denial was that the public defender was equipped to perform

    such interviews and it was defendant's choice to decline such assistance.

    After the initial denial, the prosecutor suggested to the judge that

    defendant was seeking more than routine investigative services. The judge

    asked defendant to elaborate, and he responded that he was seeking "character

    witnesses." The judge asked defendant if he wanted witnesses for the purpose

    of a sentencing hearing. Defendant answered "in the event." The judge then

    told defendant that she would defer a ruling on the motion.

        Four months later, before any ruling was made on the motion, the judge

    took a leave of absence and defendant's case was transferred to the trial

    judge. After 10 more months of pretrial proceedings, the trial judge

    attempted to set a trial date and gave defendant a deadline to resolve the

    issue of any outstanding motions. Before the hearing was held to dispose of

    the motions, the judge and defendant again discussed contacting witnesses.

    Defendant continued to object to the services of the public defender in any

    capacity, including to help him locate and subpoena witnesses. The judge

    nonetheless explained to defendant that although defendant was representing

    himself, he could use standby counsel to locate and subpoena witnesses.

    Defendant did not mention his motion for funds to hire an investigator at

    that time.

        Soon thereafter, a hearing was held to dispose of all of defendant's

    outstanding motions. Defendant did not reintroduce the request for

    appointment of an investigator or seek a ruling on the previously filed

    motion. When the trial judge declared that he had disposed of all of the

    motions, defendant objected. Defendant then mentioned a motion to dismiss,

    but still did not call the judge's attention to his request for investigative

    assistance. Between the date of the hearing during which all motions were to

    be disposed of and the trial date, defendant was allowed to file additional

    motions. None of the motions, however, revisited the issue of appointment of

    an investigator.

        On these facts it is not clear that defendant ever requested a

    mitigation specialist. Defendant admits that his request for an investigator

    was "broadly written" and that he never defined the purpose of his request

    other than to facilitate investigation of "character witnesses." Defendant

    argues that by naming a particular individual who is a mitigation expert in

    his written request, defendant properly defined the particular expertise he

    sought. The written motion seeks "to employ the services of David Randall and

    Associates, Psychosocial and Forensic Consultation [address]." The request

    does not discuss the functions the expert would perform. The judge queried

    defendant when he tendered the request but defendant did not expound his

    reasons for the request.

        Because defendant failed to explain to the judge why he sought funds to

    hire the expert, we believe defendant did not sufficiently advise the court

    that he was requesting assistance to obtain mitigation evidence.

        Further, defendant has waived his claim. A movant has the responsibility

    to obtain a ruling from the court on his motion to avoid waiver on appeal.

    People v. Schmitt, 131 Ill. 2d 128, 137 (1989). Although defendant appeared

    before more than one judge, as his own counsel he was burdened with the

    responsibility to track the motions and to monitor their disposition, which

    he did not do. The judge to whom defendant initially tendered his request

    made it clear on the record that she was reserving a ruling on the motion.

    Subsequently, when the next judge asked defendant if he had other outstanding

    motions, defendant failed to preserve this issue when he did not call to the

    attention of the court his outstanding request for appointment of an


        Plain error will also not defeat the waiver. The State presented

    extensive evidence of a gruesome crime in aggravation. No witnesses testified

    in mitigation. The State's evidence included expert testimony regarding the

    extreme pain and suffering of the child victims. For example, the expert

    witness commented that the pain Leola would have experienced from her vaginal

    injuries would be "one of the worst kinds of pain you could experience." The

    State also introduced defendant's lengthy criminal record, including his

    previous convictions for sexual assault and attempted murder.

        We also believe that defendant's lack of funds for a mitigation expert

    did not result in an unfair sentencing hearing. The mitigation evidence

    defendant suggests an expert would have presented is purely speculative.

    Defendant contends that had an expert been appointed, there were several

    avenues of "potentially fruitful" mitigation which could have been pursued.

    However, the record contains no evidence of what mitigating evidence

    defendant would have introduced or might have argued. While defendant argues

    that his lengthy incarceration generally made contacting witnesses difficult,

    he does not explain his failure to present the testimony of his family

    members, whom he claimed to have spoken with repeatedly about obtaining a

    private attorney. Moreover, defendant's allegation that a mitigation witness

    could have investigated his psychiatric background is questionable.

    Defendant's decision to reject assistance of the public defender was based on

    his objection to any portrayal of him as a person with psychiatric problems.

    We find inconsistent defendant's argument that he would have been willing to

    have anyone present such evidence if it were available. Accordingly,

    defendant has not demonstrated that even if a mitigation expert had been

    appointed, there was a reasonable probability that defendant's sentence would

    have been different. See People v. Hall, 157 Ill. 2d 324, 340 (1993).


                                III. SENTENCING ISSUES

                              A. Pathologist's Testimony

        Defendant claims that he was denied a fair sentencing hearing because

    the court allowed the State to present cumulative and prejudicial testimony

    of an expert, Dr. Donoghue, in aggravation. Defendant acknowledges that Dr.

    Donoghue's testimony was relevant, but alleges that it was duplicative of

    testimony at the guilt phase and was therefore inflammatory and prejudicial.

    However, we do not reach the merits of this issue. Although defendant raised

    the issue in his post-trial motion, he did not object to Dr. Donoghue's

    testimony at sentencing and thereby has waived the issue for review. People

    v. Enoch, 122 Ill. 2d 176, 186 (1988).

        We also reject defendant's argument that the plain error doctrine will

    overcome the procedural default. 134 Ill. 2d R. 615(a). As we have already

    noted, the evidence against defendant in aggravation was overwhelming and

    uncontroverted. Therefore, we need only examine if the alleged error was of

    such a magnitude that it deprived defendant of a fair trial. People v. Bean,

    137 Ill. 2d 65, 80 (1990).

        At the guilt phase of trial, Dr. Donoghue related the number and

    characteristics of the injuries each victim suffered. At sentencing, Donoghue

    repeated a description of the injuries of each of the victims. However, Dr.

    Donoghue's testimony also concerned the degree of pain and suffering of each

    victim and the time of death relative to the rape and injury of each victim.

    Our review of the record indicates that the repetitive testimony was

    contextually appropriate to frame Dr. Donoghue's testimony regarding the

    victims' pain and time of death.

        The nature of the contested evidence here contrasts with that in People

    v. Williams, 161 Ill. 2d 1 (1994), relied on by defendant. In Williams, the

    defendant was deprived of a fair sentencing hearing where the prosecutor was

    allowed to use an oversized demonstrative aid to unnecessarily memorialize

    clearly understandable testimony of defendant's criminal history. Williams,

    161 Ill. 2d at 68. The contested evidence in Williams was wholly cumulative,

    where here the pathologist's testimony during the penalty phase of the

    proceeding put before the jury evidence of the nature of the crime and the

    pain suffered by the victims. Accordingly, the trial court did not err in

    admitting Dr. Donoghue's testimony which was relevant to the nature of the

    crimes and the harm inflicted on the victims, issues relevant to the

    sentencing proceeding. People v. Hobley, 159 Ill. 2d 272, 317 (1994).


                         B. Participation of Standby Counsel

        In the aggravation phase of sentencing, Iola Warren testified for the

    prosecution that in 1979 defendant raped her and strangled and stabbed her

    mother. Iola's mother, Geraldine Warren, also testified. Before defendant

    cross-examined Geraldine Warren, he was granted a recess to consult with

    standby counsel. When the hearing resumed, defendant asked the court to allow

    standby counsel to examine the witness because defendant did not "want to add

    to her anxiety, frustration of [sic] me." The prosecutor offered the opinion

    that he did not think defendant was entitled to have standby counsel examine

    the witness. The trial judge reminded defendant that he had made a choice to

    defend himself and therefore would defend himself "all of the way through."

    The trial judge then denied the request on the basis that standby was not the

    attorney of record, but was only present in a standby capacity. Defendant

    proceeded to cross-examine the witness without disruption or outburst.

        Defendant contends that the trial judge abused his discretion when he

    denied defendant's request to allow standby counsel to cross examine

    Geraldine Warren. Defendant alleges that his constitutional right to counsel

    (U.S. Const., amend. VI) was denied when the court first appointed standby

    counsel and then denied defendant's request to allow standby a more active


        The right of self-representation does not carry with it a corresponding

    right to legal assistance; one choosing to represent himself must be prepared

    to do just that. People v. Gibson, 136 Ill. 2d 362, 383 (1990). However, the

    trial court has broad discretion to appoint counsel for advisory or other

    limited purposes (People v. Allen, 37 Ill. 2d 167, 172 (1967)) and to

    determine the nature and extent of standby counsel's involvement (see People

    v. Smith, 249 Ill. App. 3d 460, 470-71 (1993)). Even where a trial court

    appoints standby counsel, the constitutional right to self-representation

    does not require a court to permit a "hybrid" representation in which a

    defendant alternates between representing himself and having counsel

    represent him. Cain v. Peters, 972 F.2d 748, 750 (7th Cir. 1992), citing

    McKaskle v. Wiggins, 465 U.S. 168, 183, 79 L. Ed. 2d 122, 136, 104 S. Ct.

    944, 953 (1984); People v. Taggart, 233 Ill. App. 3d 530, 557 (1992).

        We cannot say here that the trial court's refusal to allow standby

    counsel to cross-examine a witness was an abuse of discretion. In the

    pretrial phase, defendant adamantly resisted the court's repeated offers of

    appointed counsel. Defendant strongly resisted the appointment of standby

    counsel and ultimately accepted standby counsel only after the trial judge

    explained that standby counsel's role would be strictly limited. Moreover,

    the trial judge repeatedly informed defendant that the scope of standby

    counsel's participation would be very narrow and that if defendant chose

    self-representation, he would be bound by that decision throughout the trial.

    Defendant represented himself throughout the guilt phase and the eligibility

    hearing without seeking the active participation of standby counsel. The

    trial judge reasonably exercised its discretion in limiting standby counsel's

    participation to an advisory role.

        People v. Lindsey, 17 Ill. App. 3d 137 (1974), on which defendant

    relies, is distinguishable. In Lindsey, the trial court allowed defendant to

    act as his own counsel with appointed counsel in a "co-counsel" role. The

    court stated that defendant would be proceeding pro se with counsel to

    "assist him." Counsel participated and objected during the examination of the

    State's first two witnesses. Later, the trial court refused to allow counsel

    to question several witnesses or to make objections. The appellate court held

    that it was an abuse of discretion to initially allow counsel to actively

    participate and then later restrict the availability of counsel to assist the

    defendant. Lindsey, 17 Ill. App. 3d at 143-44.

        In this case, the trial judge and the other pretrial judges consistently

    warned defendant that standby counsel's role would be very limited. Defendant

    was never led to believe that standby would be allowed to actively

    participate at trial. Unlike the defendant in Lindsey, here defendant cannot

    say that he reasonably held an expectation that standby counsel would be

    available to make objections or examine witnesses.

        We do not agree with defendant that because his request was "reasonable

    under the circumstances" it should have been granted. Defendant fails to

    demonstrate any change in circumstances that necessitated a change in the

    level of standby counsel's participation. The record does not reflect that

    examination of Geraldine Warren posed any more difficulty than cross-

    examination of other witnesses, including Ruby Bea, the mother of the

    victims, Iola Warren, a victim of defendant's prior crime, or Reynard McRay,

    an inmate allegedly raped by defendant.

        Even if we accepted defendant's contention that the court's refusal to

    acquiesce in defendant's desire for a hybrid representation violated his

    right to counsel, we believe that it was harmless error beyond a reasonable

    doubt. Defendant's characterization of Geraldine Warren's testimony as a

    "linchpin" of the prosecution's case in aggravation is unfounded. In the

    event that Geraldine Warren's testimony had been impeached, substantial

    evidence of the rape of Iola and the stabbing of Geraldine would nonetheless

    be before the jury. Iola gave a detailed description of the crimes, and the

    State later offered a certified copy of defendant's conviction for the rape

    of Iola Warren and the attempted murder of Geraldine Warren.

        We note that after the court denied defendant's request to have counsel

    question the witness, defendant cross-examined Geraldine Warren. The record

    does not reflect any overt antagonism that infected defendant's ability to

    elicit answers to his questions. Defendant explored inconsistencies between

    Geraldine's testimony and a hospital report. Defendant's contention that the

    witness was upset and that a different result "probably" would have obtained

    is purely speculative. On these facts, we cannot say that had standby counsel

    cross-examined Geraldine Warren the sentencing jury would have reached a

    different result.


                                 C. Jury Instruction

        At sentencing, the jury was properly instructed that defendant could be

    sentenced only to natural life imprisonment without parole if the jury did

    not impose the death sentence. Ill. Rev. Stat. 1983, ch. 38, par. 1005--8--

    1(a)(1)(c); Illinois Pattern Jury Instructions, Criminal, No. 7C.05 (3d ed.

    1992) (hereinafter IPI Criminal 3d). After the court gave IPI Criminal 3d No.

    7C.05, the court then instructed the jury on issues in aggravation and

    mitigation. The final paragraph of the instruction told the jurors that if

    they did not find mitigating factors sufficient to preclude imposition of the

    death penalty, then they should sign the verdict requiring the court to

    "impose a sentence other than death." IPI Criminal 3d No. 7C.06.

        Defendant contends that the language of IPI Criminal 3d No. 7C.06,

    coupled with that of IPI Criminal 3d No. 7C.05, created confusion and allowed

    the jury to believe that defendant was eligible to receive a prison term of

    years and that he could be paroled. Defendant argues that he is entitled to

    a new sentencing hearing because the contradictory instructions deprived him

    of a fair hearing.

         Defendant has waived this issue because he neither objected to the

    challenged instruction at trial nor offered an alternative instruction. It is

    well established that a defendant generally cannot challenge an instruction

    on appeal unless he made a contemporaneous objection at trial and, where

    appropriate, tendered an alternative instruction. People v. Rissley, 165 Ill.

    2d 364, 406 (1995).

        Under an exception to the waiver rule, substantial defects in

    instructions are not waived by failure to make timely objections thereto, if

    the interest of justice so requires. 134 Ill. 2d R. 451(c). The plain error

    rule applies when the evidence is closely balanced or when the error is of

    such a magnitude that it deprives the defendant of a fair trial. Carlson, 79

    Ill. 2d at 576-77. As previously noted, the evidence against defendant in

    aggravation was substantial and defendant offered no evidence in mitigation.

    We need only consider if the alleged error in instructions deprived defendant

    of a fair trial.

        In People v. Gacho, 122 Ill. 2d 221 (1988), this court held that where

    a defendant has been found guilty of multiple murder, it is an incomplete

    statement of the law to instruct the jurors that if they find sufficient

    mitigating factors to preclude imposition of the death penalty, "the court

    shall sentence the defendant to imprisonment." Gacho, 122 Ill. 2d at 262;

    Illinois Pattern Jury Instructions, Criminal, No. 7A.15 (2d ed. 1981)

    (hereinafter IPI Criminal 2d). This court found that such an incomplete

    statement of sentencing alternatives could lead the jury to erroneously

    believe the only way of keeping the defendant from society would be to impose

    the death penalty. Gacho, 122 Ill. 2d at 262.

        Following this court's opinion in Gacho, trial courts must specifically

    instruct the jurors in cases involving a defendant convicted of multiple

    murders that if "they find mitigating factors sufficient to preclude

    imposition of the death penalty, defendant will be sentenced to natural life

    imprisonment, and no person serving a term of natural life imprisonment can

    be paroled or released except through executive clemency." Gacho, 122 Ill. 2d

    at 262.

        As defendant points out, IPI Criminal 2d No. 7C.06 was formulated before

    this court's decision in Gacho. Illinois Pattern Jury Instructions, Criminal,

    No. 7C.06 (2d ed. Supp. 1987). When IPI Criminal 2d No. 7C.06 was later

    revised, it did not include language applicable to sentencing a defendant

    convicted of multiple murder. Defendant argues that the unrevised language of

    IPI Criminal 3d No. 7C.06 conflicts with IPI Criminal 3d No. 7C.05 and

    cancels the effectiveness of the Gacho instruction which was given in this


        We disagree. Standing alone IPI Criminal 3d No. 7C.06 could lead the

    jury to incorrectly believe that defendant could be sentenced to a term of

    imprisonment which could lead to parole. However, when the complained-of

    instruction is reviewed in context (People v. Terry, 99 Ill. 2d 508, 516

    (1984)) with IPI Criminal 3d No. 7C.05, it is clear that only two

    alternatives existed for defendant's sentence: (1) the death penalty or (2)

    natural life imprisonment. The complained-of instruction, IPI Criminal 3d No.

    7C.06, told the jurors that based on their weighing of aggravating and

    mitigation factors, the court would either impose the death sentence or a

    sentence "other than death." That instruction, coupled with IPI Criminal 3d

    No. 7C.05, also given in this case, correctly instructs the jury that the

    "other than death" sentence will be natural life imprisonment without the

    possibility of parole or release except through executive clemency. Unlike

    Gacho, where the jury was given incomplete information regarding the range of

    sentencing alternatives the defendant might receive, the jury here was given

    the precise sentencing alternatives statutorily available.

        Further, the instruction regarding the verdict forms, given shortly

    after the complained-of instruction, and the verdict form itself, accurately

    stated that if the jury found sufficient mitigating evidence "the court shall

    impose the sentence of natural life imprisonment."

        Because IPI Criminal 3d No. 7C.05 and the verdict forms explain the

    sentence other than death referred to in IPI Criminal 3d No. 7C.06, we

    believe the jurors were correctly instructed regarding the sentencing

    alternatives. Because we find the jury instructions were not improper, we

    need not analyze the issue under the waiver exception.

        Defendant further contends that a prosecutorial remark in closing and a

    jury instruction given at the eligibility phase exacerbated the alleged

    confusion created by the instructions. Defendant has waived consideration of

    these issues for failure to object at trial. Rissley, 165 Ill. 2d at 406.


                       D. Prosecutorial Comments at Sentencing

        Defendant next argues that the prosecutor's comment in his closing

    argument at the aggravation and mitigation phase of sentencing was inaccurate

    and improper.

        In his closing remarks to the jury in the aggravation and mitigation

    phase of the sentencing hearing, the prosecutor discussed defendant's

    criminal history. At the conclusion of his recitation of defendant's previous

    convictions, the prosecutor urged the jury to sentence defendant to death.

    The prosecutor told the jury that the time to impose the death penalty was

    "long, long overdue" for defendant. Defendant did not object to the comment

    during the sentencing hearing, and therefore he has waived the point. People

    v. Fields, 135 Ill. 2d 18, 55 (1990).

        Plain error will not defeat the procedural bar because, as noted

    previously, the evidence in aggravation was uncontroverted and not closely

    balanced. Moreover, we do not believe error occurred. We reject defendant's

    contention that the challenged remark served only to inflame the jury.

    Prosecutor's are afforded wide latitude in closing argument (People v.

    Thompkins, 121 Ill. 2d 401, 445 (1988)), and we believe the State's argument

    that jury could have understood the remark to refer to the nine-year lapse

    between the crime and the sentencing proceeding.



                                 IV. CUMULATIVE ERROR

        Defendant next contends that the cumulative effect of the alleged errors

    at sentencing denied him a fair hearing and warrant reversal of his death

    sentence. Having found no errors, we reject defendant's contention.



        Defendant's final allegations of error challenge the constitutionality

    of certain provisions of the Illinois death penalty statute, section 9--1 of

    the Criminal Code of 1961.

        Defendant first claims that his death sentence must be vacated and

    remanded for a new hearing because it was based in part on an

    unconstitutional provision of our Criminal Code, section 9--1(b)(7) (Ill.

    Rev. Stat. 1983, ch. 38, par. 9--1(b)(7)). Defendant contends that the terms

    used in the statute to define the conduct that will sustain a finding of

    eligibility, "exceptionally brutal or heinous behavior indicative of wanton

    cruelty" (Ill. Rev. Stat. 1983, ch. 38, par. 9--1(b)(7)), are facially vague

    and therefore unconstitutional.

        Relying on the Supreme Court's decisions in Maynard v. Cartwright, 486

    U.S. 356, 100 L. Ed. 2d 372, 108 S. Ct. 1853 (1988), and Shell v.

    Mississippi, 498 U.S. 1, 112 L. Ed. 2d 1, 111 S. Ct. 313 (1990), defendant

    alleges section 9--1(b)(7) fails to provide principled guidance for the

    sentencer's discretion in imposing the death penalty. However, this court has

    previously considered the constitutionality of section 9--1(b)(7) in light of

    Maynard and has held that section 9--1(b)(7) does not suffer from the same

    constitutional infirmity as the statue in Maynard. People v. Odle, 128 Ill.

    2d 111, 138-41 (1988).

        We also find defendant's reliance on Shell v. Mississippi, 498 U.S. 1,

    112 L. Ed. 2d 1, 111 S. Ct. 313 (1990), unpersuasive. In Shell, the Supreme

    Court found the trial court's limiting instruction, defining an aggravating

    factor identical to that in Maynard, to be constitutionally insufficient.

    Shell, 498 U.S. at 4, 112 L. Ed. 2d at 5, 111 S. Ct. at 314. This court's

    decision in Odle, holding that section 9--1(b)(7) was not unconstitutionally

    vague, rested on the distinction between the language of the aggravating

    factor in the Oklahoma statute at issue in Maynard and the more specific

    description which qualifies an accused for the death penalty in Illinois.

    Odle, 128 Ill. 2d at 140. The language of the aggravating factor in the

    Mississippi statute at issue in Shell is identical to the statutory language

    challenged in Maynard, and therefore section 9--1(b)(7) is distinguishable on

    the same basis.

        This court has repeatedly affirmed its holding in Odle that the

    statutory language of section 9--1(b)(7) sufficiently channels the discretion

    of the sentencer. People v. Banks, 161 Ill. 2d 119, 146-47 (1994); People v.

    Lucas, 132 Ill. 2d 399, 443-46 (1989); People v. Kidd, 129 Ill. 2d 432, 454-

    56 (1989). Defendant offers no persuasive ground to support his request that

    we reconsider the holding in Odle, and we decline to do so.

        In a related argument, defendant claims the jury instructions in the

    eligibility phase of the sentencing hearing did not adequately define the

    language of section 9--1(b)(7). At sentencing, over defendant's objections

    the judge instructed the jury on the definition of the words "brutal" and

    "heinous" as contained in section 9--1(b)(7). IPI Criminal 3d Nos. 7B.07A,

    7B.07B. Defendant objected to the instruction because he did not believe the

    jury needed "to be educated as to what is [sic] an aggravating factor."

    Defendant's argument on appeal, that the instructions were too vague to offer

    principled guidance to the jury, is inconsistent with his objection at trial.

    Defendant also failed to submit an alternative instruction. Therefore, we

    find defendant has waived his argument. Rissley, 165 Ill. 2d at 406.

        We also believe that plain error analysis will not defeat the waiver. In

    compliance with this court's holding in People v. Lucas, 132 Ill. 2d 399,

    448-49 (1989), the judge in this case instructed the jury on the definitions

    of the statutory terms at the sentencing hearing. Brutal was defined as

    "grossly ruthless, devoid of mercy or compassion, cruel, and cold-blooded."

    IPI Criminal 3d No. 7B.07A. Heinous was defined as "hatefully or shockingly

    evil, grossly bad, enormously, and flagrantly criminal." IPI Criminal 3d No.

    7B.07B. The instructions gave a sufficient explanation and an adequate

    limiting construction and we believe no error occurred.

        Defendant next argues that the Illinois death penalty statute violates

    the eighth and fourteenth amendments because it places a burden of proof on

    the defendant and precludes meaningful consideration of mitigation. We have

    previously rejected this claim (Rissley, 165 Ill. 2d at 408; People v. Page,

    155 Ill. 2d 232, 283 (1993); People v. Mitchell, 152 Ill. 2d 274, 345-46

    (1992)) and do so again here. We have also held that the death sentencing

    procedure is not unconstitutional where the prosecution is allowed to have

    both initial and rebuttal arguments at the sentencing hearing. Page, 155 Ill.

    2d at 282-83.

        Finally, defendant claims that various aspects of the Illinois death

    penalty statute, in combination, invite the risk of arbitrary or capricious

    imposition of death sentences. Defendant admits that this court has

    previously examined and rejected the constitutional challenges defendant

    raises. See People v. Whitehead, 116 Ill. 2d 425 (1987); People v. Albanese,

    102 Ill. 2d 54 (1984); see also People v. Tenner, 157 Ill. 2d 341, 390

    (1993); Page, 155 Ill. 2d at 284-85. Defendant suggests the previously

    rejected grounds for finding the statute unconstitutional, when considered

    cumulatively, render the statute unconstitutional. However, this court has

    held that if the individual aspects of the statute are constitutional, then

    it follows that the whole is constitutional. People v. Phillips, 127 Ill. 2d

    499, 542-43 (1989).



        For the reasons stated, the judgement of the circuit court of Cook

    County is affirmed. The clerk of this court is directed to enter an order

    setting Tuesday, November 12, 1996, as the date on which the sentence of

    death entered in the circuit court of Cook County is to be carried out. The

    defendant shall be executed in the manner provided by law. 725 ILCS 5/119--5

    (West 1994). The clerk of this court shall send a certified copy of the

    mandate in this case to the Director of Corrections, to the warden of

    Stateville Correctional Center, and to the warden of the institution where

    defendant is confined.

