Lacey v. Village of Palatine ( 2009 )

  •                 Docket Nos. 106353, 106359 cons.
    IN THE
    SUSAN H. LACEY, Special Adm’r of the Estate of Mary E. Lacey,
    Deceased, Appellee, v. THE VILLAGE OF PALATINE et al.,
    Opinion filed February 20, 2009.
    JUSTICE GARMAN delivered the judgment of the court, with
    Chief Justice Fitzgerald and Justices Freeman, Thomas, Kilbride,
    Karmeier, and Burke concurred in the judgment and opinion.
    Plaintiff, the special administrator of the estate of decedent Mary
    Lacey, brought this action in the circuit court of Cook County against
    the Village of Glenview, the Village of Palatine, and individual police
    officers employed by the villages (defendants). Plaintiff’s complaint
    alleges that defendants willfully and wantonly breached duties owed
    to Lacey under the Illinois Domestic Violence Act of 1986 (Act) (750
    ILCS 60/101 et seq. (West 2002)). Defendants moved to dismiss
    plaintiff’s complaint pursuant to section 2–619(a)(9) of the Code of
    Civil Procedure (735 ILCS 5/2–619(a)(9) (West 2006)) on the basis
    that they were not enforcing the Act and, therefore, were not subject
    to the limitations on immunity provided in section 305 of that statute
    (750 ILCS 60/305 (West 2002)). The circuit court of Cook County
    granted defendants’ motions and dismissed the case, holding that
    defendants were not enforcing the Act and were, therefore, immune
    from liability under sections 4–102 and 4–107 of the Local
    Governmental and Governmental Employees Tort Immunity Act (Tort
    Immunity Act) (745 ILCS 10/4–102, 4–107 (West 2002)).
    Plaintiff appealed and the appellate court reversed, finding that
    questions of material fact precluded dismissal of the case. 
    379 Ill. App. 3d 62
    . Defendants sought leave to appeal to this court pursuant
    to Supreme Court Rule 315 (210 Ill. 2d R. 315). We granted
    defendants’ petitions and consolidated the appeals. We also permitted
    the Chiefs of Police of the Intergovernmental Risk Management
    Agency and the South Suburban Chiefs of Police to file a brief as
    amici curiae. 210 Ill. 2d R. 345. We now reverse the decision of the
    appellate court and affirm the circuit court’s dismissal of plaintiff’s
    The decedent, Mary Lacey, began living with Steven Zirko in June
    1995. Plaintiff alleges that in December of the following year, Zirko
    began physically and emotionally abusing Lacey. Zirko was allegedly
    arrested on several occasions both for domestic battery and for
    violating various orders of protection that Lacey received between
    December 2002 and December 2003.
    On December 9, 2003, Lacey received a two-year plenary order
    of protection (order) against Zirko. This order was to be in effect until
    December 9, 2005. It was, therefore, in full force and effect during all
    times relevant to this opinion. The order prohibited Zirko from
    physically abusing, harassing, or interfering with Lacey’s personal
    liberty. The order also required Zirko to stay away from Lacey. The
    order was, pursuant to statute, entered into the Law Enforcement
    Automated Data System. See 750 ILCS 60/302(a) (West 2002). As
    a result, defendant police officers, their respective departments, the
    villages, and other unnamed individuals had knowledge of Lacey’s
    In October 2004, Chad Larsen, Zirko’s chiropractor of five years,
    contacted Detective Daily of the Chicago police department.1 Larsen,
    whose practice was located in Palatine, contacted the Chicago police
    because he had heard Zirko, a Chicago resident, make a number of
    threatening statements toward Lacey. According to plaintiff, Larsen
    stated that in the several months prior, Zirko had commented to him
    that Lacey needed to have her legs broken and had asked Larsen if he
    knew anyone that Zirko could hire to break them. Shortly before
    Larsen contacted Daily, Zirko told Larsen that he no longer needed
    someone to break Lacey’s legs, he needed someone to kill her. Zirko
    then asked Larsen if he knew anyone he could hire to kill Lacey. In
    early October 2004, Zirko allegedly told Larsen that Zirko’s father
    had agreed to kill Lacey. Zirko then requested that Larsen charge
    Zirko’s credit card for chiropractic services on a regular basis to “set
    up a pattern showing that Zirko was at the chiropractor in Palatine on
    certain days and times.”
    Based on Larsen’s statements, Daily began an investigation of
    Zirko’s alleged solicitation of someone to murder Lacey. On October
    14, 2004, Daily contacted the Palatine police department, presumably
    because Larsen’s practice was located in Palatine. Daily discussed the
    investigation with Detectives Bertnik and Tulley of the Palatine police
    On October 15, 2004, Palatine police Detectives Bertnik and
    Kraeger went to the Wilmette police department. Lacey had lived in
    Wilmette from February 2002 to July 2003, when she moved to
    Glenview. While in Wilmette, Bertnik and Kraeger learned of Zirko’s
    “significant history of domestic battery and violations of orders of
    protection.” Bertnik and Kraeger were also supplied with all the police
    reports involving Lacey and Zirko during this period.
    Following their trip to Wilmette, Bertnik and Kraeger reported
    their investigation to Sergeant Johnson and Detective Mazurkiewicz
    of the Glenview police department.
    Detective Dailey and the City of Chicago were originally named as
    defendants in this case. Plaintiff subsequently dismissed her claims against
    these defendants.
    That same day, Bertnik telephoned Lacey and told her she was in
    “immediate danger” and requested that she “come to the Glenview
    Police Department Station immediately.” Lacey complied with this
    request and went to the Glenview police department.
    At the Glenview police department, Lacey met with Bertnik and
    Kraeger, who informed Lacey of Zirko’s alleged plot to murder her.
    Lacey informed Bertnik and Kraeger that Zirko was capable of hurting
    her and her family. During this discussion, Bertnik and Kraeger
    informed Lacey that Zirko would not be arrested at that time.
    Following the meeting at the Glenview police department, Palatine
    and Glenview officers, including Mazurkiewicz, went to Lacey’s
    Glenview home to further discuss Zirko’s alleged murder plot.
    Plaintiff alleges that at this meeting, both Palatine and Glenview
    officers reiterated that Zirko would not be arrested, but assured Lacey
    that they would protect her by placing a 24-hour watch over her.
    Plaintiff alleges that this 24-hour watch was to include an officer
    posted outside Lacey’s home when she was there, and an officer to
    follow Lacey when she left her house.2
    On October 21, 2004, Bertnik interviewed Zirko. Zirko attended
    the interview with his attorney. Zirko’s attorney told Bertnik that
    Zirko would not answer any questions and would not make any
    statements. However, the attorney did tell Bertnik that Zirko had no
    intention of harming Lacey or hiring anyone to harm Lacey.
    Plaintiff alleges that on or about October 22, 2004, defendants
    closed their investigation into Zirko’s murder-for-hire plot. Zirko was
    never detained or arrested.
    Plaintiff alleges that from October 22, 2004, through December
    13, 2004, Lacey called the Palatine and Glenview police departments
    multiple times requesting that defendants either arrest Zirko or
    provide the supervision and protection they promised. It is undisputed
    that defendants did not provide Lacey with police protection between
    October 22 and December 13, 2004.
    There are no facts alleged in plaintiff’s complaint regarding whether
    defendants ever extended this protection to Lacey. Neither are there any
    allegations of when this protection was terminated if, in fact, it had ever
    Plaintiff alleges that on December 13, 2004, Zirko brutally
    attacked and murdered Lacey and her mother, Margaret Ballog, 3 while
    the two were present in Lacey’s Glenview home.
    Thereafter, the special administrator of Lacey’s estate brought
    suit. Plaintiff’s second amended complaint contained 76 separate
    counts against the various defendants.4 However, this appeal is
    concerned only with those claims that were brought on behalf of
    Lacey’s estate under the Act. Further, the defendants who are parties
    to the present appeal are the Village of Palatine and its employees
    Detective Bertnik, Detective Tulley, and Officer Kraeger (Palatine
    defendants) and the Village of Glenview and its employees Sergeant
    Johnson and Detective Mazurkiewicz (Glenview defendants).
    The claims relevant to this appeal are plaintiff’s allegations that
    Palatine defendants and Glenview defendants (collectively referred to
    as defendants) willfully and wantonly breached a duty owed to Lacey
    under the Act. Plaintiff filed two relevant counts against each of the
    police officer defendants. The first count alleged wrongful death under
    the Act. The second count was a survival claim under the Act. The
    factual assertions and alleged breaches are identical in both the
    wrongful-death and the survival counts. The counts are identical as to
    all the police officer defendants.
    Plaintiff specifically alleges that Lacey was a member of the class
    of persons protected by the Act and had been “so found by virtue of
    the Order of Protection she obtained on December 9, 2003.” Plaintiff
    further alleges that because Lacey was protected under the Act, she
    was owed a duty under the Act and that defendants willfully and
    Originally, the special administrator of Ballog’s estate was also a
    plaintiff in this case. The circuit court dismissed Ballog’s claim along with
    Lacey’s claim. The appellate court affirmed the dismissal with regard to
    Ballog’s estate. The appellate court’s ruling with regard to Ballog is not
    before this court.
    The original defendants of the case were: the City of Chicago and its
    employee, Detective Dailey; the Village of Palatine and its employees,
    Detective Bertnik, Detective Tulley, and Officer Kraeger; the Village of
    Glenview and its employees Sergeant Johnson and Detective Mazurkiewicz;
    and Steven Zirko.
    wantonly breached that duty. Plaintiff alleges that Bertnik, Tulley, and
    Kraeger of Palatine and Johnson and Mazurkiewicz of Glenview were
    aware of the order of protection, knew that Zirko was in violation of
    that order, had been informed of all facts necessary to take immediate
    action against Zirko, and had probable cause to arrest Zirko based on
    the information they received in October 2004. Plaintiff argues that
    defendants had a “duty under the [Act] to immediately use all
    reasonable means to prevent further abuse, harassment or exploitation,
    including but not limited to arresting Zirko or providing police
    supervision and protection.” Plaintiff alleges that defendants violated
    this duty by:
    “a) Failing to arrest Zirko in light of his violation of an
    order of protection;
    b) Failing to detain and/or arrest Zirko despite learning of
    his plan to murder Mary Lacey;
    c) Failing to provide police supervision and protection
    after learning of the Zirko plan to murder Mary Lacey, after
    deciding not to arrest Zirko, and after promising 24-hour
    surveillance and protection of Mary Lacey;
    d) Failing to further investigate the murder plan;
    e) Knowingly rejecting Mary Lacey’s pleas for help to
    respond to complaints that she feared for her life;
    f) Failing to arrange for Mary Lacey’s transportation to a
    safe place when informed that Mary Lacey was in need of
    protection; and
    g) Failing to intervene after learning that Mary Lacey was
    in need of protection.”
    Plaintiff alleges that as a direct and proximate result of this willful and
    wanton conduct, Lacey was murdered on December 13, 2004.
    Plaintiff further alleges that the villages of Palatine and Glenview are
    liable for the breaches of their officers.
    Defendants filed separate motions to dismiss the case under
    section 2–619(a)(9) of the Code of Civil Procedure (735 ILCS
    5/2–619(a)(9) (West 2006)). The circuit court dismissed the case,
    finding that defendants had not been engaged in the enforcement of
    the Act and, thus, the absolute immunity provided defendants by
    sections 4–102 and 4–107 of the Tort Immunity Act (745 ILCS
    10/4–102, 4–107 (West 2002)) controlled over the limited immunity
    in section 305 of the Act (750 ILCS 60/305 (West 2002)).
    Plaintiff appealed the dismissal arguing that section 305 of the Act
    trumps the absolute immunity of sections 4–102 and 4–107. The
    appellate court reversed, holding that material questions of fact
    precluded dismissal under section 2–619(a)(9). In doing so, the
    appellate court noted that Lacey was a protected person under the Act
    and that, as a result, the Act imposed specific duties on defendants.
    The disputed material facts identified by the appellate court
    included whether defendants had probable cause to arrest Zirko,
    whether defendants adequately investigated the murder-for-hire
    scheme, whether Lacey called defendants on the day of her murder,
    and whether defendants were enforcing the Act during the
    investigation and/or at the time of the murder. 
    379 Ill. App. 3d 62
    Despite the complex procedural history of this case, the question
    before this court is relatively straightforward. Defendants assert that
    the appellate court erred in reinstating plaintiff’s claim, because they
    were not enforcing the Act and, therefore, enjoy blanket immunity
    under sections 4–102 and 4–107 of the Tort Immunity Act (745 ILCS
    10/4–102, 4–107 (West 2002)).
    Plaintiff counters that she has alleged facts that implicate the Act
    and demonstrate that defendants were enforcing the Act. Plaintiff
    further alleges that defendants owed a duty to Lacey under the Act
    and that this duty was willfully and wantonly breached. Plaintiff notes
    that where the Act is being enforced, the limited immunity found in
    section 305 of the Act controls over the absolute immunity found in
    sections 4–102 and 4–107 of the Tort Immunity Act. Therefore,
    plaintiff argues that the appellate court should be affirmed and the
    case remanded to the circuit court for further proceedings.
    All parties agree that if the Act was not being enforced, defendants
    enjoy absolute immunity and the case was properly dismissed.
    Therefore, as defendants made clear at oral argument, the question in
    this case is not whether the immunity of sections 4–102 and 4–107
    applies over the limited immunity of the Act, but whether the Act is
    implicated in the first instance.
    This case comes to us following the circuit court’s granting
    defendants’ section 2–619(a)(9) motions to dismiss. See 379 Ill. App.
    3d at 64. We review the dismissal of a complaint pursuant to section
    2–619(a)(9) de novo. Glisson v. City of Marion, 
    188 Ill. 2d 211
    , 220
    However, we also note that this case involves interpretation of the
    Act. Questions of statutory interpretation are, likewise, subject to de
    novo review. Barnett v. Zion Park District, 
    171 Ill. 2d 378
    , 385
    (1996); Smith v. Waukegan Park District, 
    231 Ill. 2d 111
    Ordinarily, a public entity or public employee enjoys absolute
    immunity for a failure to provide police protection, prevent the
    commission of a crime, or to make an arrest. See 745 ILCS 10/4–102,
    4–107 (West 2002). Section 4–102 of the Tort Immunity Act
    “Neither a local public entity nor a public employee is
    liable for failure to establish a police department or otherwise
    provide police protection service or, if police protection
    service is provided, for failure to provide adequate police
    protection or service, failure to prevent the commission of
    crimes, failure to detect or solve crimes, and failure to identify
    or apprehend criminals.” 745 ILCS 10/4–102 (West 2002).
    Section 4–107 further builds on this immunity by stating that
    “[n]either a local public entity nor a public employee is liable for an
    injury caused by the failure to make an arrest or by releasing a person
    in custody.” 745 ILCS 10/4–107 (West 2002). Both sections provide
    defendants with absolute immunity.
    However, the Illinois Constitution of 1970 established that the
    immunity enjoyed by public entities and employees applies only to the
    extent provided for by the General Assembly. See Ill. Const. 1970, art.
    XIII, §4; Moore v. Green, 
    219 Ill. 2d 470
    , 478 (2006). Thus, the
    General Assembly may both grant and limit the immunity of
    defendants. Section 305 of the Act is a grant of limited immunity to
    In contrast to the grant of absolute immunity of sections 4–102
    and 4–107, section 305 of the Act provides:
    “Any act of omission or commission by any law
    enforcement officer acting in good faith in rendering
    emergency assistance or otherwise enforcing this Act shall not
    impose civil liability upon the law enforcement officer or his
    or her supervisor or employer, unless the act is a result of
    willful or wanton misconduct.” 750 ILCS 60/305 (West
    In Moore, this court held that when the Act is implicated, the
    limited immunity of section 305 of the Act takes precedence over the
    blanket immunity of sections 4–102 and 4–107. This court specifically
    noted that this interpretation of the Act was consistent with the
    General Assembly’s intention to create “a comprehensive statutory
    scheme for reform of the legal system’s historically inadequate
    response to domestic violence.” Moore, 
    219 Ill. 2d at 489
    . However,
    as we have noted, the question in this case is whether the Act applies
    in the first instance.
    In order for the limited immunity provided for in section 305 to
    apply, the officer’s act of omission or commission must occur while
    the officer is rendering “emergency assistance or otherwise enforcing”
    the Act. 750 ILCS 60/305 (West 2002). In Calloway v. Kinkelaar,
    this court noted that “the legislature unambiguously intended to limit
    the liability of law enforcement personnel to willful and wanton acts
    or omissions in enforcing the [Act].” Calloway v. Kinkelaar, 
    168 Ill. 2d 312
    , 326 (1995).
    In the present case, there is no claim that defendants were
    rendering “emergency assistance” to Lacey. Therefore, the question
    is whether defendants were “otherwise enforcing” the Act between
    October and December 2004.
    The meaning of the phrase “otherwise enforcing” presents a
    question of statutory interpretation. The primary objective of statutory
    interpretation is to give effect to the intent of the legislature. Illinois
    Department of Healthcare & Family Services v. Warner, 
    227 Ill. 2d 223
    , 229 (2008). In determining the intent of the legislature, we begin
    with the language of the statute, which is the most reliable indicator
    of the legislature’s objectives in enacting a particular law. Michigan
    Avenue National Bank v. County of Cook, 
    191 Ill. 2d 493
    , 504
    (2000). Further, a statute should be read “as a whole, considering all
    relevant parts.” Harshman v. DePhillips, 
    218 Ill. 2d 482
    , 493 (2006).
    In addition, a court “should look to the evil that the legislature sought
    to remedy or the object it sought to attain in enacting the legislation.”
    Stern v. Northwest Mortgage, Inc., 
    179 Ill. 2d 160
    , 164 (1997).
    The purpose of the General Assembly in enacting the Act is
    apparent from the face of the Act. The purposes of the Act are, in
    part, to:
    “(1) Recognize domestic violence as a serious crime
    against the individual and society which produces family
    disharmony in thousands of Illinois families, promotes a
    pattern of escalating violence which frequently culminates in
    intra-family homicide, and creates an emotional atmosphere
    that is not conducive to healthy childhood development;
    (3) Recognize that the legal system has ineffectively dealt
    with family violence in the past, allowing abusers to escape
    effective prosecution or financial liability, and has not
    adequately acknowledged the criminal nature of domestic
    violence; that, although many laws have changed, in practice
    there is still widespread failure to appropriately protect and
    assist victims;
    (4) Support the efforts of victims of domestic violence to
    avoid further abuse by promptly entering and diligently
    enforcing court orders which prohibit abuse and, when
    necessary, reduce the abuser’s access to the victim and
    address any related issues of child custody and economic
    support, so that victims are not trapped in abusive situations
    by fear of retaliation, loss of a child, financial dependence, or
    loss of accessible housing or services;
    (5) Clarify the responsibilities and support the efforts of
    law enforcement officers to provide immediate, effective
    assistance and protection for victims of domestic violence,
    recognizing that law enforcement officers often become the
    secondary victims of domestic violence, as evidenced by the
    high rates of police injuries and deaths that occur in response
    to domestic violence calls; and
    (6) Expand the civil and criminal remedies for victims of
    domestic violence; including, when necessary, the remedies
    which effect the physical separation of the parties to prevent
    further abuse.” 750 ILCS 60/102 (West 2002).
    See also Moore, 
    219 Ill. 2d at 480-81
    . The Act provides that it is to
    be “liberally construed and applied to promote” the foregoing
    purposes. 750 ILCS 60/102 (West 2002).
    The phrase “otherwise enforcing” is not defined by the Act. See
    750 ILCS 60/103 (West 2002). Nor has the phrase ever been
    interpreted by this court within the context of the Act. However, the
    meaning of the phrase is easily comprehended when the definitions of
    the two terms are examined. Where a term is undefined within a
    statute, “[i]t is entirely appropriate to employ the dictionary as a
    resource to ascertain the meaning of undefined terms.” Price v. Philip
    Morris, Inc., 
    219 Ill. 2d 182
    , 243 (2005).
    The word “enforce” is defined as “to give force to” or to “put in
    force : cause to take effect : give effect to.” Webster’s Third New
    International Dictionary 751 (2002). Black’s Law Dictionary further
    defines “enforce” as “[t]o give force or effect to (a law, etc.); to
    compel obedience.” Black’s Law Dictionary 569 (8th ed. 2004). The
    word “otherwise” simply means “different” or “in different
    circumstance : under other conditions.” Webster’s Third New
    International Dictionary 1598 (2002).
    Therefore, in context, the phrase “otherwise enforcing” means that
    the police are giving effect to some portion of the Act under
    circumstances that cannot be considered an emergency.
    Though this court has never been previously called on to interpret
    the meaning of “otherwise enforcing” within the Act, this court has
    had the opportunity to interpret a similar phrase in the Tort Immunity
    Act. Section 2–202 of the Tort Immunity Act uses similar language to
    section 305 of the Act. See Moore, 
    219 Ill. 2d at 489
    . Section 2–202
    states that an officer is liable if they commit a willful and wanton act
    or omission “in the execution or enforcement of any law.”
    In interpreting section 2–202, this court has held that the
    determination of whether an officer was enforcing a law is a question
    of fact that must be determined by the trier of fact in light of the
    circumstances in each case. Aikens v. Morris, 
    145 Ill. 2d 273
    , 286
    (1991). Enforcement of the law is “ ‘rarely a single, discrete act, but
    is instead a course of conduct.’ ” Fitzpatrick v. City of Chicago, 
    112 Ill. 2d 211
    , 221 (1986), quoting Thompson v. City of Chicago, 
    108 Ill. 2d 429
    , 433 (1985).
    By bringing all the alleged breaches within a single count, plaintiff
    has tried to establish that defendants were engaged in an uninterrupted
    course of enforcing the Act that began the moment defendants were
    informed of the alleged murder-for-hire plot and only ended upon
    Lacey’s murder. Therefore, as the question has been framed in
    plaintiff’s complaint, the issue is whether defendants were enforcing
    the Act at all times alleged within this time frame. For the reasons that
    follow, we find that defendants were not enforcing the Act at all
    relevant times, and the cause was properly dismissed.
    Plaintiff alleges at least seven ways that defendants breached their
    duty to Lacey under the Act. However, before a plaintiff may recover
    for a breach, they must allege that the breach was related to a duty the
    plaintiff was owed. In Calloway, this court stated that an injured party
    can recover under the Act provided that he or she can “establish that
    he or she is a person in need of protection under the Act, the statutory
    law enforcement duties owed to him or her were breached by the
    willful and wanton acts or omissions of law enforcement officers, and
    such conduct proximately caused plaintiff’s injuries.” Calloway, 
    168 Ill. 2d at 324
    . When plaintiff’s complaint is read as a whole, the duty
    defendants were alleged to owe Lacey was an ongoing, open-ended
    duty to protect Lacey from further abuse. Plaintiff alleges that this
    duty was breached at multiple times.
    The flaw in plaintiff’s claim is that the Act does not impose the
    kind of general, open-ended duty to protect that plaintiff alleges was
    breached. Implicit within the definition of “otherwise enforcing” is
    some police involvement or contact with a protected person or
    someone on his or her behalf. The Act is not implicated merely
    because someone is a protected party under the Act. If this court were
    to hold to the contrary, we would create a generalized duty by all law
    enforcement agencies and personnel toward anyone who has been
    abused by a family or household member regardless of whether the
    police have reason to know that their services may be required.
    While the Act can require police intervention under certain
    circumstances (see Moore, 
    219 Ill. 2d 470
    ; Sneed v. Howell, 
    306 Ill. App. 3d 1149
     (1999); Calloway, 
    168 Ill. 2d 312
    ), there is no
    generalized, open-ended duty to protect victims of domestic violence.
    As this court noted in Aikens v. Morris,
    “A police department’s duty to preserve the well-being of the
    community is owed to the public at large, rather than specific
    individuals. [Citations.] The duty is so limited because of
    strong public policy considerations which seek to avoid
    placing police departments in the untenable position of
    guaranteeing the personal safety of each individual in the
    community.” Aikens v. Morris, 
    145 Ill. 2d 273
    , 278 n.1
    Even though Aikens was not a case that dealt with the Act, we find
    persuasive its logic as to why there can be no general duty to protect.
    Defendants and amici further underscore the impossibility of such
    a generalized duty to protect when they compare the number of orders
    of protection against the number of law enforcement officers in the
    state. Defendants note that there were 64,639 orders of protection
    issued within the St ate of Illinois in 2005, citing (last
    visited December 17, 2008). However, defendants note that,
    excluding the Illinois State Police, there are only 38,611 full-time
    police officers in the state.5 Thus, even assuming that there is only one
    protected person named in each order of protection, it would be
    impossible for the police to provide protection to each of these
    persons at all times.
    Further, the Act makes the necessity of police contact explicit
    through its delineation of law enforcement responsibilities in section
    304. Section 304 of the Act requires a law enforcement officer to
    Defendants cite the “Executive Director’s Office of the Local
    Enforcement Officer’s Training Board” for this figure. This court has not
    been able to verify this figure. However, because the exact number is not
    central to this opinion, and because the parties have given us no reason to
    dispute this figure, we have used it to illustrate the impossibility of a general
    duty to protect all persons protected by the Act at all times.
    “immediately use all reasonable means to prevent further abuse.” 750
    ILCS 60/304(a) (West 2002). The inclusion of the word
    “immediately” is critical to our understanding of this section. It not
    only implies that the officer at the scene cannot delay in implementing
    reasonable means, it also implies that the officer is in a position
    proximate to the victim that can allow the officer to take reasonable
    steps to prevent further abuse. In addition, each of the reasonable
    steps listed in section 304 indicates that the officer is in some
    proximity to a person protected by the Act. For instance, the Act lists,
    inter alia, the following reasonable steps: (1) the officer
    accompanying a victim to his or her place or residence, (2) providing
    the victim with information on the procedures and relief available, (3)
    providing a referral to a service agency, and/or (4) providing
    transportation to a medical facility or a place of shelter. 750 ILCS
    60/304(a)(3), (a)(4), (a)(5), (a)(7) (West 2002). Each of these
    reasonable steps assumes that officers will, at some point, make direct
    in-person contact with the victim.
    However, each of these reasonable steps is also of a limited
    duration, indicating that the Act envisioned some discrete, limited
    involvement by law enforcement officers and not an open-ended,
    general, or long-term duty to protect. In fact, even where the Act
    encourages officers to accompany victims to their homes to remove
    their belongings, the Act notes that this escort should be for a
    “reasonable period of time” to allow the victim an opportunity to
    safely remove “necessary personal belongings and possessions.” 750
    ILCS 60/304(a)(3) (West 2002). If the General Assembly wished for
    a broader interpretation, it would not have used the words “reasonable
    period of time” and “necessary personal belongings.” This underscores
    the fact that the Act does not contemplate a general ongoing duty to
    victims of domestic violence.
    Ordinarily, the determination of whether an officer was enforcing
    the law is a question of fact that must be determined by the trier of
    fact in light of the circumstances in each case. Aikens, 
    145 Ill. 2d at 286
    . However, a court may, as a matter of law, determine whether
    officers were enforcing a law when the facts alleged support only one
    conclusion. Sanders v. City of Chicago, 
    306 Ill. App. 3d 356
    , 361
    In the present case, plaintiff’s complaint is facially inadequate to
    invoke the application of the limited immunity of the Act.
    Plaintiff alleges that defendants were “enforcing” the Act over the
    course of approximately two months. In the present case, defendants
    closed their investigation of Zirko’s murder-for-hire plot on or about
    October 22, 2004. From that date until Lacey’s murder on December
    13, 2004, plaintiff makes no allegation that Lacey reported any new
    incident or information. There was no request for an officer to come
    by Lacey’s home to investigate or respond to any new crime or
    allegation of a potential crime. There was, as stated succinctly by
    amici, “nothing new.”
    In the calls that Lacey allegedly made between October 22 and
    December 13, she expressed a desire that defendants reconsider their
    actions and either arrest Zirko or provide the protection that they had
    previously promised.6 An individual’s request that police reconsider
    an action previously taken is not of a nature that would ordinarily
    require a police response. It does not constitute a call for help, for
    investigation, or to report any new information. A victim’s subjective
    fear, however reasonable it may ultimately prove to have been, does
    not, in itself, provide the police with a basis to take action and
    therefore is insufficient to invoke the Act.
    Even if defendants had been enforcing the Act at the point they
    were informed of the alleged murder-for-hire plot, at some point over
    the following two months, that enforcement was concluded. Were this
    court to hold to the contrary, we would create a situation where once
    officers were aware of the potential for violence, they would remain
    liable for the prevention of that violence for an indefinite period of
    time. Such a result would be contrary to the plain language of the Act.
    Because there is no genuine issue of material fact with regard to
    defendants’ enforcement of the Act, the absolute immunity of sections
    4–102 and 4–107 applies and the case is dismissed.
    In light of the foregoing analysis, we do not need to address the
    merits of the Palatine defendants’ argument that they could not
    Implicit in Lacey’s request for the protection defendants had previously
    promised is an allegation that the protection was not being provided at the
    time the request was made.
    enforce the Act for someone who lived outside their territorial
    Because defendants were not enforcing the Act, the absolute
    immunity of sections 4–102 and 4–107 controls in this case.
    Accordingly, the decision of the appellate court is reversed and the
    judgment of the circuit court is affirmed.
    Appellate court judgment reversed;
    circuit court judgment affirmed.