Best v. Best ( 2006 )

  •                        Docket No. 101135.
    IN THE
    BEST, Appellant.
    Opinion filed September 21, 2006.
    CHIEF JUSTICE THOMAS delivered the judgment of the court,
    with opinion.
    Justices Freeman, Fitzgerald, Kilbride, Garman, and Karmeier
    concurred in the judgment and opinion.
    Justice Burke took no part in the decision.
    In this case, we are asked to determine the proper standard of
    review for findings of abuse made under the Illinois Domestic
    Violence Act of 1986 (750 ILCS 60/101 et seq. (West 2004)).
    Respondent, Steven R. Devore Best, requests an abuse of discretion
    standard. Petitioner, Angela K. Farlow Best, argues that a manifest
    weight standard is warranted. We agree with petitioner.
    On February 4, 2004, petitioner filed a verified petition for an
    emergency order of protection against respondent. In it, petitioner
    alleged that, on February 3, 2004, she and respondent had argued
    about the terms of their divorce. During the argument, respondent
    grabbed petitioner by the neck and slammed her into a door. Petitioner
    dialed 911, and a police search of the house revealed several guns.
    The police also found, under respondent’s side of the bed, a loaded
    gun that had not been present a few days earlier and “a large number
    of prescription pills, including [O]xycontin and [V]alium, in bottles
    without labels.” The trial court granted the petition and issued an
    emergency order, which was later extended by agreement of the
    At the plenary order hearing, petitioner testified that, after arriving
    home on the evening of February 3, 2004, respondent came into the
    master bedroom where petitioner was watching television. After
    asking petitioner some questions concerning the couple’s pending
    divorce, respondent ordered petitioner to leave the house. The two of
    them then left the master bedroom and entered the hallway, where
    respondent grabbed petitioner by the throat and squeezed. Petitioner
    felt unable to breathe and tried to scream. Respondent then forced
    petitioner backwards against a door. Petitioner’s head hit first and
    bounced several times, cracking the door. Petitioner then dialed 911.
    Petitioner recalled feeling as though her trachea “had a dent in it” and
    as though she could not swallow. Petitioner looked at herself in the
    mirror and noticed that her throat appeared red and that her head “had
    a huge lump on it.” Petitioner explained that respondent is strong and
    athletic, despite an above-the-knee amputation of his left leg.
    Petitioner then described several guns that respondent owns and
    stores in various places throughout the house.
    On cross-examination, respondent’s counsel asked petitioner
    about a 1995 shoplifting conviction that she had disclosed in written
    discovery. Petitioner responded by denying that the prosecution
    resulted in an actual conviction. Petitioner then admitted that, on at
    least one occasion, she had taken drugs from respondent’s office
    without respondent’s permission or knowledge. Petitioner also
    admitted that she had given a false address on her driver’s license
    application, though she insisted that it was respondent’s idea and
    solely so that their daughter could attend a particular school. Finally,
    petitioner confirmed that, at the time of the February 3, 2004,
    altercation, she was under the care of both a psychotherapist and a
    psychiatrist and was taking medication in accordance with that care.
    Rheanna Hall, a Deerfield police officer, testified next. Hall
    explained that she responded to petitioner’s 911 call. At the scene,
    Hall interviewed petitioner and respondent. Respondent told Hall that
    he and petitioner had argued over their divorce, that petitioner was
    mentally unstable and needed psychiatric help, and that petitioner had
    attacked him with knitting needles. Hall recalled seeing a small red
    mark on petitioner’s neck, though she could not describe the mark in
    detail or explain its origin. She could not recall whether petitioner had
    a bump on the back of her head. Hall took photographs of petitioner
    at the scene, but conceded that the red mark on petitioner’s neck was
    not visible in those photographs. Hall confirmed that she and her
    colleagues discovered many firearms in the house, including a loaded
    handgun stored with the safety off under the bed in the master
    Following closing arguments, the trial court agreed to enter the
    plenary order of protection. Before doing so, however, the trial court
    expressed some skepticism concerning petitioner’s credibility:
    “I do have some question as to the credibility of the
    Petitioner. She’s been adequately impeached–though not, I
    don’t want to say substantially–by some prior indiscretions on
    her part.
    I think she was a well coached witness. I noticed that
    before she answered any question, she thought long and hard
    about the answer. Rather than really telling me what the truth
    was, I think that she was searching for the right answer.
    That’s telling from a witness. It just doesn’t speak of
    things that are truthful that are coming out of the mouth of a
    witness at any time, and it just doesn’t bode well.”
    Ultimately, though, the trial court concluded that petitioner’s
    allegation of abuse was proven true by a preponderance of the
    “I guess the bottom line that I come down to, though, is
    I have to make a decision, and the decision is not one that is
    beyond a reasonable doubt but by a mere preponderance of
    the evidence in these cases.
    I have to take her testimony which she testified to as
    corroborated by the witnesses, specifically the police officer,
    as by a preponderance of evidence as being true, and I'm going
    to issue the Order of Protection.”
    The trial court subsequently denied respondent’s motion to vacate the
    judgment, and a timely appeal followed.
    The appellate court affirmed. 
    358 Ill. App. 3d 1046
    . In doing so,
    the appellate court first addressed the proper standard of review. After
    reviewing both the plain language of the Domestic Violence Act and
    the relevant case law, the appellate court held that findings of abuse
    must be reviewed under a manifest weight 
    standard. 358 Ill. App. 3d at 1051
    . Applying that standard to the facts of this case, the appellate
    court concluded that the trial court’s abuse finding was not against the
    manifest weight of the 
    evidence. 358 Ill. App. 3d at 1055
    We granted respondent’s petition for leave to appeal. 177 Ill. 2d
    R. 315(a).
    Like the appellate court, we first must determine the proper
    standard of review for findings of abuse made under the Domestic
    Violence Act.1 This turns out to be a simple task, as the Domestic
    Violence Act speaks directly to this issue. In any proceeding to obtain
    an order of protection, the central inquiry is whether the petitioner has
    been abused. Indeed, under section 214(a) of the Domestic Violence
    Act, once the trial court finds that the petitioner has been abused, “an
    order of protection *** shall issue.” (Emphasis added.) 750 ILCS
    60/214(a) (West 2004). Section 205(a) of the Act, in turn, provides
    that proceedings to obtain an order of protection are civil in nature
    and governed by a preponderance of the evidence standard:
    In this court, respondent again argues in favor of the abuse of discretion
    standard, insisting that the manifest weight standard “sets the bar too high
    for a reviewing court.” In fact, the manifest weight standard sets the bar
    lower than the abuse of discretion standard, which this court describes as
    “the most deferential standard of review–next to no review at all.” See, e.g.,
    In re D.T., 
    212 Ill. 2d 347
    , 356 (2004). Thus, if all respondent is seeking is
    the less deferential standard, then the appellate court has already obliged
    him. Nevertheless, we will address the issue.
    “Any proceeding to obtain, modify, reopen or appeal an
    order of protection, whether commenced alone or in
    conjunction with a civil or criminal proceeding, shall be
    governed by the rules of civil procedure of this State. The
    standard of proof in such a proceeding is proof by a
    preponderance of the evidence, whether the proceeding is
    heard in criminal or civil court.” (Emphasis added.) 750 ILCS
    60/205(a) (West 2004).
    Together, then, sections 205(a) and 214(a) establish two things: (1)
    whether the petitioner has been abused is the central issue in order-of-
    protection proceedings, and (2) whether the petitioner has been
    abused is an issue of fact that must be proven by a preponderance of
    the evidence. At this point, the standard of review for findings of
    abuse is self-evident. When a trial court makes a finding by a
    preponderance of the evidence, this court will reverse that finding only
    if it is against the manifest weight of the evidence. See, e.g., In re
    Faith B., 
    216 Ill. 2d 1
    , 13 (2005); People v. Ballard, 
    206 Ill. 2d 151
    177 (2002); In re A.P., 
    179 Ill. 2d 184
    , 204 (1997).
    The decision in A.P. is squarely on point and therefore highly
    instructive. In A.P., the State filed a petition for adjudication of
    wardship pursuant to sections 2–3(2)(ii) and 2–3(2)(iii) of the Juvenile
    Court Act of 1987 (705 ILCS 405/2–3(2)(ii), (2)(iii) (West 1992)).
    An adjudicatory hearing was held, and the trial court found that A.P.
    had been abused by the respondent father. On appeal, this court was
    asked to review the trial court’s abuse finding. The court’s analysis
    began with section 2–18(1) of the Juvenile Court Act, which closely
    mirrors sections 205(a) and 214(a) of the Domestic Violence Act:
    “At the adjudicatory hearing, the court shall first consider
    only the question whether the minor is abused, neglected or
    dependent. The standard of proof and the rules of evidence in
    the nature of civil proceedings in this State are applicable to
    proceedings under this Article.” 705 ILCS 405/2–18(1) (West
    In other words, the court explained, an adjudicatory hearing is “civil
    in nature such that a finding of abuse need only be supported by a
    preponderance of the evidence.” 
    A.P., 179 Ill. 2d at 204
    . As a result,
    “[t]he circuit court’s finding on whether abuse or neglect occurred
    will not be disturbed on appeal unless contrary to the manifest weight
    of the evidence.” 
    A.P., 179 Ill. 2d at 204
    ; see also In re Arthur H.,
    212 Ill. 2d 441
    , 463-64 (2004) (State has burden of proving neglect
    by a preponderance of the evidence, and a finding of neglect will be
    reversed only if it is against the manifest weight of the evidence).
    We see no meaningful distinction between this case and A.P. In
    both cases, the trial courts were asked to determine whether abuse
    occurred, and in both cases the controlling statutes imposed a
    preponderance of the evidence standard. In A.P., we reviewed the
    abuse finding under the manifest weight standard, as we do all findings
    made under the preponderance standard. Respondent provides no
    compelling justification for departing from this practice, and we
    therefore adhere to it. A finding of abuse made under the Domestic
    Violence Act of 1986 will be reversed only if it is against the manifest
    weight of the evidence.
    In reaching this result, we acknowledge that the appellate court
    has typically applied an abuse of discretion standard when reviewing
    abuse findings made under the Domestic Violence Act of 1986. See,
    e.g., In re T.H., 
    354 Ill. App. 3d 301
    , 310 (2004); Peck v. Otten, 
    329 Ill. App. 3d 266
    , 268-69 (2002); Shields v. Fry, 
    301 Ill. App. 3d 570
    573 (1998); In re Marriage of Lichtenstein, 
    263 Ill. App. 3d 266
    , 269
    (1994). However, the “[m]ere repetition of a purported rule of law
    does not establish its validity.” In re D.T., 
    212 Ill. 2d 347
    , 357 (2004).
    Uniformly, these cases lack any analytical foundation for use of the
    abuse of discretion standard in this context. More importantly, and as
    the appellate court below noted, these cases wholly ignore the
    statutory language, which expressly mandates the preponderance
    standard for abuse findings in the trial court. These cases are therefore
    of little consequence and are hereby overruled.
    The only remaining question is whether the trial court’s abuse
    finding in this case was against the manifest weight of the evidence.
    Clearly, it was not. A finding is against the manifest weight of the
    evidence only if the opposite conclusion is clearly evident or if the
    finding itself is unreasonable, arbitrary, or not based on the evidence
    presented In re D.F., 
    201 Ill. 2d 476
    , 498 (2002). Under the manifest
    weight standard, we give deference to the trial court as the finder of
    fact because it is in the best position to observe the conduct and
    demeanor of the parties and witnesses. 
    D.F., 201 Ill. 2d at 498-99
    . A
    reviewing court will not substitute its judgment for that of the trial
    court regarding the credibility of witnesses, the weight to be given to
    the evidence, or the inferences to be drawn. 
    D.F., 201 Ill. 2d at 499
    Here, petitioner testified that respondent grabbed her by the throat and
    shoved her against a wall, causing her neck to redden. That testimony
    was at least partially corroborated by Officer Hall, who responded to
    petitioner’s 911 call and recalled seeing a red mark on petitioner’s
    neck. The trial court observed these witnesses and concluded that,
    taken together, their testimony made petitioner’s abuse allegation
    more likely true than not. To be sure, the trial court admitted that
    petitioner was obviously a well-coached witness, and that her
    credibility had been adequately, though not substantially, impeached.
    But on the central issue–whether petitioner was abused by
    respondent–the trial court concluded that Officer Hall’s testimony was
    sufficient to tip the balance in petitioner’s favor. That conclusion was
    neither unreasonable nor arbitrary, and we are in no way convinced
    that the opposite conclusion was clearly evident.
    For the foregoing reasons, the judgment of the appellate court is
    JUSTICE BURKE took no part in the consideration or decision
    of this case.