People v. Dent ( 2011 )

  •                                                        FIRST DIVISION
    March 31, 2011
    No. 1-08-3192
    THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS,       )      Appeal from the
    )      Circuit Court
    Plaintiff-Appellee,              )      of Cook County.
    v.                                         )      No. 88 CR 18480
    ARTHUR DENT,                               )      Honorable
    )      James B. Linn,
    Defendant-Appellant.             )      Judge Presiding.
    JUSTICE LAMPKIN delivered the judgment of the court, with
    Presiding Justice Hall and Justice Hoffman concurred in the
    judgment and opinion.
    O P I N I O N
    Defendant, Arthur Dent, was convicted of first degree murder
    and sentenced to 30 years’ imprisonment.       His conviction and
    sentence were upheld on direct appeal.     People v. Dent, 
    230 Ill. App. 3d 238
    595 N.E.2d 18
     (1992).   While his direct appeal was
    pending, defendant filed a postconviction petition pursuant to
    the Post-Conviction Hearing Act (Act) (725 ILCS 5/122-1 et seq.
    (West 1992)).   That petition was dismissed.      Defendant served his
    prison sentence.   After his release and completion of parole,
    defendant filed a successive postconviction petition alleging
    newly discovered evidence demonstrated his actual innocence.     The
    successive petition was dismissed on its merits following second-
    stage review.
    On appeal, defendant contends he has standing to bring the
    successive postconviction petition.     Defendant additionally
    contends the trial court erred in dismissing his petition without
    the benefit of a third-stage evidentiary hearing where he made a
    substantial showing of his actual innocence with an affidavit of
    the shooter.    Based on the following, we affirm.
    The facts were provided in detail in this court’s opinion on
    direct appeal (Dent, 
    230 Ill. App. 3d at 240-41
    ); therefore, we
    briefly summarize only the salient facts taken from that opinion.
    Witnesses testified that defendant and Ralph James
    approached a group of rival gang members on a porch at 820 East
    Bowen, Chicago, Illinois, and fired shots from a distance of
    three or four feet in the direction of Andre Porter.     Porter died
    as a result of the shooting.    Defendant testified that he saw the
    victim on the balcony at 820 East Bowen, that he spoke to the
    victim and left, and that as he left he heard shots, but denied
    any involvement in the offense.    Defendant said he was no longer
    a gang member at the time of the shooting.
    On December 5, 1989, defendant was convicted and sentenced
    to a 30-year prison term.    According to defendant, he was paroled
    on December 2, 2003.
    After completing his sentence for the Porter murder,
    defendant filed a successive postconviction petition on February
    28, 2008.    Defendant alleged newly discovered evidence
    demonstrated his actual innocence.      In particular, defendant
    alleged James, who had entered a blind guilty plea for the murder
    of Porter and had served his sentence and completed parole,
    provided an affidavit in which he averred that defendant “did not
    participate in the planning and execution of [Porter’s]
    shooting.”    The State filed a motion to dismiss the petition.
    The trial court dismissed the successive petition on its
    merits based upon James’s affidavit and the trial record.      In so
    doing, the trial court noted that James’s affidavit recognized
    defendant was aware James intended to commit the shooting prior
    to the offense taking place.    The court further provided that the
    trial evidence demonstrated defendant told the investigating
    detective that he was a high ranking member of the King Cobras
    and he would order “hits,” not carry them out.      The court relied
    on the fact that defendant admitted he was on the balcony at 820
    East Bowen to purchase marijuana from the victim.      The court
    found that James’s affidavit was inconsistent with defendant’s
    version of the events at trial.    In light of the trial testimony
    of the witnesses and the contradictory stories raised in the
    postconviction petition, the trial court concluded “there is
    nothing presented here to cause this to go to a further
    evidentiary hearing.”
    Although not addressed by the trial court in dismissing
    defendant’s successive postconviction petition on the merits, we
    first address whether defendant has standing to pursue
    postconviction relief where he served his sentence on the
    challenged conviction prior to filing the successive
    postconviction petition.
    We review the second-stage dismissal of a postconviction
    petition de novo.    See People v. Pack, 
    224 Ill. 2d 144
    , 147, 
    862 N.E.2d 938
    Pursuant to the Act, “[a]ny person imprisoned in the
    penitentiary may institute proceedings under this Article.”    725
    ILCS 5/122-1(a) (West 2008).   The supreme court, in upholding the
    constitutionality of the Act, ruled that the Act makes the remedy
    available “only to persons actually being deprived of their
    liberty and not to persons who had served their sentences and who
    might wish to purge their records of past convictions.”     People
    v. Dale, 
    406 Ill. 238
    , 246, 
    92 N.E.2d 761
     (1950), overruled in
    part on other grounds, People v. Warr, 
    54 Ill. 2d 487
    , 298 N.E.2d
    164 (1973).
    Distinguishing Dale, our supreme court has since held that,
    where a defendant was on mandatory supervised release at the time
    his postconviction petition was filed and therefore the
    Department of Corrections still retained “custody” of the
    defendant, he had standing to file a postconviction petition.
    People v. Correa, 
    108 Ill. 2d 541
    , 546-47, 
    485 N.E.2d 307
    Other cases have also interpreted the phrase “imprisoned in the
    penitentiary” to allow standing for postconviction review where a
    defendant was on probation when his petition was filed (People v.
    90 Ill. App. 3d 356
    412 N.E.2d 1363
     (1980)); where a
    defendant was released on an appeal bond when his petition was
    filed (People v. Martin-Trigona, 
    111 Ill. 2d 295
    489 N.E.2d 1356
    (1986)); and where a defendant was serving consecutive sentences
    while his petition was pending (Pack).   Cf. People v. Davis, 
    39 Ill. 2d 325
    235 N.E.2d 634
     (1968) (where a prisoner was released
    from prison after timely filing his petition, which demonstrated
    that he was convicted in a jury trial without ever being present
    or represented by counsel).   The common thread in these examples
    is that the defendants were pursuing a liberty interest, which is
    the deciding factor in determining who is “imprisoned” for
    purposes of the Act, and that invalidating the challenged
    convictions would advance the defendants’ release dates from the
    constraints affecting their liberty.
    Defendant contends he has standing to challenge his
    conviction under the Act because he is imprisoned for natural
    life as a result of the Porter murder conviction where it was
    used as an element in sentencing him in a subsequent murder
    The supreme court has spoken on a defendant’s ability to
    challenge a conviction under the Act when his sentence has been
    successfully discharged.   In People v. West, 
    145 Ill. 2d 517
    584 N.E.2d 124
     (1991), the supreme court held that the defendant was
    not eligible for postconviction relief for a sentence that had
    been fully served even though that sentence was used as an
    aggravating factor in an out-of-state death sentence.   West, 
    145 Ill. 2d at 518
    .   Reasoning that “[t]he person must be in prison
    for the offense he is purporting to challenge,” the supreme court
    concluded the defendant’s out-of-state incarceration was not
    imprisonment within the meaning of the Act because his Illinois
    sentence and mandatory supervised release period had been
    completed before he filed his petition for postconviction relief.
    Id. at 519
    ; see also People v. Thurman, 
    334 Ill. App. 3d 286
    777 N.E.2d 971
     (2002) (the defendant did not have standing under the
    Act to challenge a conviction for which he completed the
    probation sentence where that conviction was later used as a
    sentencing enhancement in an unrelated federal case); People v.
    161 Ill. App. 3d 285
    514 N.E.2d 499
     (1987) (the
    defendant did not have standing under the Act to challenge a
    conviction for which he completed his probationary period where
    that conviction was later used as a basis for an extended-term
    sentence in an unrelated case).
    In contrast, in Pack, the supreme court, partially relying
    on Garlotte v. Fordice, 
    515 U.S. 39
    , 46 (1995) (consecutive
    sentences are to be viewed in the aggregate in construing the
    statutory term “in custody”), held that the defendant serving
    consecutive sentences of 7 and 60 years could challenge the
    conviction on which he was sentenced to 7 years after already
    having served nearly 13 years’ imprisonment.   Pack, 
    224 Ill. 2d at 148
    .   The supreme court reasoned that, where the Department of
    Corrections treated consecutive sentences in the aggregate, the
    defendant was pursuing a liberty interest because an invalidation
    of his first conviction would advance his release date.     
    Id. at 152-53
    .   Accordingly, the supreme court held that “a prisoner
    serving consecutive sentences is ‘imprisoned’ under any one of
    them for purposes of section 122-1(a).”   
    Id. at 152
    .   The supreme
    court distinguished West based on the fact that the defendant in
    West was seeking to challenge his conviction for purposes of
    purging his record, which is not a remedy available under the
     at 153 (citing Dale, 
    406 Ill. at 246
    The facts of the instant case are more similar to those in
    West than those in Pack.    The Pack defendant had not completed
    his sentence for the challenged conviction because the two
    consecutive sentences were considered as one.    Consequently, the
    invalidation of the challenged conviction would reduce the
    sentence for that offense such that the restraints on his liberty
    could be reduced by seven years.    In contrast, because defendant
    successfully completed his sentence for the challenged
    conviction, his liberty interest for the Porter murder cannot be
    affected.    Rather, defendant effectively requests the ability to
    purge his record.    The supreme court has been clear that a
    defendant may not use the Act to purge his record of a conviction
    for which the sentence has been completed.    Dale, 
    406 Ill. at 246
    Defendant attempts to distinguish West, Thurman, and Collins
    by contending those challenged convictions were used only as
    aggravating factors in the subsequent unrelated sentences whereas
    his challenged conviction was used as an element in his
    subsequent natural life imprisonment.    According to defendant,
    the invalidation of the challenged convictions in West, Thurman,
    and Collins would purge the defendants’ records but still require
    them to raise another claim of error in relation to the
    subsequent sentences, whereas, in contrast, his natural life
    sentence would become void if the Porter conviction were
    invalidated.   We disagree.   Defendant’s conviction, similar to
    the prior convictions of the defendants in West, Thurman, and
    Collins, was a sentencing enhancement.    The underlying
    convictions in all of the cases had to be proven in order for the
    enhancement to be applied to the sentences.
    “[S]tanding does not exist under the Post-Conviction Act
    following the completion of a sentence.”    Thurman, 
    334 Ill. App. 3d at 290
    .   We recognize the Act is to be “liberally construed to
    afford a convicted person an opportunity to present questions of
    deprivation of constitutional rights” (Correa, 
    108 Ill. 2d at 545
    ); however, the Act and its remedies are not available to
    defendants whose sentences have been completed and whose liberty
    interests are no longer restrained.    People v. Rajagopal, 
    381 Ill. App. 3d 326
    , 330, 
    885 N.E.2d 1152
     (2008).    Moreover, case
    law demonstrates that a defendant retains standing so long as he
    is challenging the conviction upon which he continues to serve
    some form of sentence and therefore his liberty interests would
    be directly affected with an invalidation of that conviction.
    Defendant was no longer serving any form of sentence for the
    Porter conviction when he filed his postconviction petition.      We,
    therefore, find defendant did not have standing under the Act to
    challenge the Porter conviction.
    Because we may affirm on any basis provided by the record
    (People v. Anderson, 
    401 Ill. App. 3d 134
    , 138, 
    929 N.E.2d 1206
    (2010)) and we have determined defendant does not have standing
    to challenge the Porter conviction, we need not address the
    merits of his postconviction claim.
    We affirm the judgment of the trial court dismissing
    defendant’s postconviction petition.
    No. 1-08-3192
    Appellate Court of Illinois
    First District, FIRST DIVISION
    March 31, 2011
    JUSTICE LAMPKIN delivered the judgment of the court, with
    Presiding Justice Hall and Justice Hoffman concurred in the
    judgment and opinion.
    Appeal from the Circuit Court of Cook County.
    The Hon. James B. Linn, Judge Presiding.
    Michael J. Pelletier, State Appellate Defender, Chicago, IL 60601
    Patricia Unsinn, Deputy Defender
    OF COUNSEL: Caroline E. Bourland
    Anita Alvarez, Cook County State’s Attorney, Chicago, IL 60602
    OF COUNSEL: Alan J. Spellberg, Mary P. Needham
    and Peter Maltese