RG Construction Services v. The Illinois Workers' Compensation Commission , 2014 IL App (1st) 132137WC ( 2015 )

  •                              Illinois Official Reports
    Appellate Court
    RG Construction Services v. Illinois Workers’ Compensation Comm’n,
    2014 IL App (1st) 132137WC
    Appellate Court         RG CONSTRUCTION SERVICES, Plaintiff-Appellant, v. THE
    Caption                 ILLINOIS WORKERS’ COMPENSATION COMMISSION et al.
    (Alfredo Martinez, Appellee).
    District & No.          First District, Workers’ Compensation Commission Division
    Docket No. 1-13-2137WC
    Filed                   December 31, 2014
    Rehearing denied        February 3, 2015
    Decision Under          Appeal from the Circuit Court of Cook County, No. 12-L-51429; the
    Review                  Hon. Robert Lopez-Cepero, Judge, presiding.
    Judgment                Affirmed and remanded.
    Counsel on              Julie A. Garrison, of Maciorowski, Sackmann, & Ulrich, of Chicago,
    Appeal                  for appellant.
    Richard Aleksy, of Law Offices of Corti and Aleksy, of Chicago, for
    Panel                    JUSTICE HARRIS delivered the judgment of the court, with opinion.
    Presiding Justice Holdridge and Justices Hoffman, Hudson, and
    Stewart concurred in the judgment and opinion.
    ¶1         On June 12, 2009, claimant, Alfredo Martinez, filed an application for adjustment of claim
    pursuant to the Workers’ Compensation Act (Act) (820 ILCS 305/1 to 30 (West 2008)),
    seeking benefits from the employer, RG Construction Services, for alleged work-related
    injuries to both knees. Following a hearing, the arbitrator determined claimant sustained
    injuries arising out of and in the course of his employment on December 15, 2008, to only his
    right knee and awarded him (1) 1074/7 weeks’ temporary total disability (TTD) benefits and (2)
    medical expenses associated with claimant’s right knee/leg condition. Additionally, the
    arbitrator rejected the employer’s contention that its fourteenth amendment (U.S. Const.,
    amend. XIV) due process rights were violated by the admission of medical records that
    contained the medical opinions of two of claimant’s treating physicians.
    ¶2         On review, the Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission (Commission) modified the
    arbitrator’s award, finding claimant injured both knees at work on December 15, 2008, and the
    current condition of ill-being in claimant’s left knee was also causally connected to his work
    accident. The Commission determined claimant was entitled to (1) prospective medical
    expenses for the left knee arthroscopic surgery recommended by one of claimant’s doctors, (2)
    an additional 173/7 weeks’ TTD benefits, and (3) outstanding medical expenses related to both
    his left and right knees. Although in agreement with the arbitrator’s rejection of the employer’s
    due process argument, the Commission further addressed the issue, finding no due process
    violation and stating claimant’s medical records were properly admitted at arbitration pursuant
    to section 16 of the Act (820 ILCS 305/16 (West 2008)). The Commission otherwise affirmed
    and adopted the arbitrator’s decision. It also remanded the matter to the arbitrator for further
    proceedings pursuant to Thomas v. Industrial Comm’n, 
    78 Ill. 2d 327
    399 N.E.2d 1322
    ¶3         On judicial review, the circuit court of Cook County confirmed the Commission’s
    decision. The employer appeals, arguing (1) it was denied its due process right to
    cross-examine witnesses and present rebuttal evidence by the admission into evidence of
    claimant’s medical records, which contained the opinions of two of claimant’s treating
    physicians; (2) the Commission’s finding that claimant’s left knee condition of ill-being was
    causally connected to his December 2008 work accident was against the manifest weight of the
    evidence; (3) the Commission’s TTD award was against the manifest weight of the evidence;
    and (4) the Commission’s award of medical expenses was against the manifest weight of the
    evidence. We affirm.
    ¶4                                         I. BACKGROUND
    ¶5         On October 18, 2011, an arbitration hearing was conducted in the matter. Prior to the
    presentation of evidence, the employer asked that the matter not proceed with a hearing on that
    day. It asserted that, pursuant to the fourteenth amendment to the U.S. Constitution (U.S.
    Const., amend. XIV), it was entitled to cross-examine two of claimant’s treating physicians,
    orthopedic specialists Dr. Ellis Nam and Dr. Ronald Silver, with respect to opinions contained
    in their medical records, which claimant wanted to have admitted into evidence.
    ¶6       With respect to the employer’s due process argument, the arbitrator stated as follows:
    “We had a long discussion about this before we went on the record here. We talked
    about it. I offered the compromise of allowing [the employer’s counsel] to–I thought at
    that time it was just Dr. Silver’s deposition, but now we have Dr. Nam’s and Dr.
    Silver’s. But I would be willing to allow a continuance here, but I had asked since it
    was at the [employer’s] request and given that [claimant] is here and they have also
    rights and they also have fully conformed with the Statute with respect to the Section
    19(b) request for immediate hearing, I had requested that [the employer] pay for the
    deposition ***. [The employer’s counsel] *** has indicated he didn’t feel it’s his
    obligation to pay for the deposition of the treating witness.
    It’s my opinion we have certain provisions under the Act, this is an administrative
    agency, it’s supposed to be simple and summary proceedings. This is the second setting
    for this case for an individual who has properly filed a motion for immediate hearing. I
    offered the opportunity to take this deposition, but I felt it only fair that the [employer]
    pay for it since I think under the Act the only thing that [claimant] needs to do is have a
    certified record or have these records via subpoena which I understand [he has] adhered
    to those requirements.”
    The arbitrator noted the employer declined his offer and he would allow the matter to proceed.
    He further stated he did not believe the employer’s fourteenth amendment rights were being
    impinged, noting the employer would have the ability to provide rebuttal evidence in the form
    of reports from its examining physicians.
    ¶7       The matter next proceeded with the arbitration hearing and the record reflects the parties
    agreed claimant sustained accidental injuries that arose out of and in the course of his
    employment on December 15, 2008. Claimant, who testified with the aid of an interpreter,
    stated he worked for the employer as a drywall finisher. On the date of his accident, he was
    performing his work on stilts, which were affixed to his feet and lifted him approximately four
    feet off the ground. While on the stilts, claimant stepped on a pipe or piece of trash and slipped
    and fell. He testified he struck the ground with both of his knees and his right shoulder.
    ¶8       Claimant testified he reported his accident and, the following day, the employer sent him to
    Concentra Medical Center (Concentra). Medical records reflect claimant was seen at
    Concentra on December 16, 2008. He reported falling at work from a height of five feet,
    “hit[ting] his knees,” and “hurt[ing] [his] right shoulder and right knee.” Records note claimant
    described mild pain in his shoulders but that his prominent pain was in his right knee. He
    underwent an X-ray of the right knee and was diagnosed with a knee contusion and shoulder
    pain. Claimant was given ibuprofen and modified activity restrictions of no prolonged standing
    or walking longer than tolerated, no climbing stairs or ladders, no squatting, and no kneeling.
    He returned to work for the employer in a light-duty capacity. Claimant continued to follow up
    at Concentra and, pursuant to recommendation, underwent physical therapy.
    ¶9       On December 22, 2008, Concentra records reflect claimant was progressing with therapy
    and reported “resolution of symptoms and restoration of pre-injury status.” On January 2,
    2009, records show claimant reported improvement but that he had “persiste[nt] pain of the
    medial side of the knee which [was] worse and severe with crossing [his] leg and walking.”
    Claimant described his pain as moderate and aching and stated it radiated to his right thigh. He
    was again assessed as having a knee contusion and given modified activity restrictions of no
    prolonged standing or walking for longer than tolerated. A magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)
    was recommended. On January 20, 2009, an MRI was performed on claimant’s right knee,
    which showed “[s]oft tissue edema at the infrapatellar fat pad with suggestion of calcification
    or possibly foreign body at the inferomedial aspect of the infrapatellar fat pad.”
    ¶ 10       At a follow-up appointment on January 27, 2009, claimant reported his symptoms were the
    same and denied any knee pain or problem prior to his work accident. His doctor encouraged
    him to increase his activity level progressively but continued claimant’s modified activity
    restrictions. He also referred claimant to an orthopedic surgeon.
    ¶ 11       On February 11, 2009, claimant returned to Concentra and saw Dr. James Cohen. Dr.
    Cohen recorded claimant’s accident history as walking on stilts at work and falling “directly
    onto both knees.” He noted claimant reported pain “at the anterior aspect of his knees” and that
    claimant had recently been laid off by the employer. Dr. Cohen examined both of claimant’s
    knees and reviewed his X-ray and MRI, the latter of which he found to be “essentially normal
    except for some edema in the patellar tendon fat pad area.” His impression was that claimant
    “had a contusion to both knees and *** some mild chondromalacia patella.” Dr. Cohen
    released claimant to return to full-duty work and recommended ibuprofen. Claimant testified
    he did not return to work because he had been laid off. He described his condition at that time,
    stating both of his knees “were hurting *** a lot.” He asserted he could not go up stairs because
    he experienced too much pain and his knees hurt more at night.
    ¶ 12       Claimant testified he did not seek medical treatment again until June 13, 2009, when he
    began seeing Dr. Nam. Then, beginning November 24, 2009, he sought treatment from Dr.
    Silver. At arbitration, claimant sought to admit exhibits containing both doctors’ medical
    records. The record reflects the employer objected, raising the same arguments it raised at the
    outset of the arbitration hearing regarding its inability to cross-examine either doctor with
    respect to medical opinions contained within those records. The arbitrator overruled the
    employer’s objections and the doctors’ medical records were admitted into evidence.
    ¶ 13       Dr. Nam’s records reflect he saw claimant on June 13, 2009, for a chief complaint of right
    knee pain. Claimant reported he fell onto his right knee at work in December 2008, and
    experienced persistent pain on a daily basis. Dr. Nam noted that, although he did not have the
    report from claimant’s January 2009 MRI and the MRI was poor in quality, he did feel
    claimant had “evidence of abnormal medial meniscus.” His impression was “[r]ight knee rule
    out medial meniscus tear.” Dr. Nam stated claimant needed a better imaging study. He
    recommended an MRI arthrogram of claimant’s right knee. Dr. Nam also determined claimant
    was unable to work “until further notice.” On August 15, 2009, claimant underwent an MRI
    ¶ 14       On August 22, 2009, claimant returned to Dr. Nam, who noted claimant continued to have
    persistent pain in his right knee “with some catching and giving away symptoms.” Dr. Nam
    stated he reviewed claimant’s August 2009 MRI and noted as follows:
    “As I pointed out to [claimant], he does have abnormal appearance of the medial
    meniscus and I am not sure if this represents a true medial meniscus tear. He also has
    some abnormal appearance of patellofemoral joint representing a possible chondral
    lesion of the patellofemoral joint.”
    Dr. Nam’s impression was “[r]ight knee possible medial meniscus tear with possible chondral
    lesion of the patellofemoral joint.” He discussed his findings with claimant, whom he noted
    was “still having persistent pain despite physical therapy.” Claimant and Dr. Nam discussed
    nonoperative management but elected to proceed with surgery. Dr. Nam recommended “a
    right knee arthroscopy, possible partial medial meniscectomy, and possible
    chondroplasty/abrasion arthroplasty.” Further, he continued claimant’s work restrictions.
    ¶ 15       The exhibit containing Dr. Nam’s medical records also contains a letter dated October 5,
    2009, which was authored by Dr. Nam and directed to “To Whom It May Concern.” In the
    letter, Dr. Nam summarized his contact with claimant and additionally stated as follows:
    “To a reasonable degree of medical and surgical certainty, although I did not treat nor
    see [claimant] from January 27, 2009[,] up until June 13, 2009, given that [claimant]
    was suffering from the same magnitude of pain involving his right knee secondary to
    his injury from December 2008, I do feel that [claimant] would have not been able to
    work in a full duty capacity at that time.”
    ¶ 16       On November 24, 2009, claimant began seeing Dr. Silver, who documented each one of
    claimant’s visits in the form of a letter directed to the attention of Steven Borgstrom at
    “Employers Claim Services.” In the letter dated November 24, 2009, Dr. Silver noted claimant
    was injured “when he fell off stilts while doing dry walling [in December 2008,] injuring both
    knees.” He stated claimant’s right knee was “much worse” and “[t]he left one ha[d]
    recovered.” Dr. Silver noted upon examination that claimant had “patellofemoral crepitation
    and medial joint line tenderness.” His impression was that claimant had “damaged the articular
    cartilage of the patella due to his work injury and ha[d] a loose body in the right knee due to the
    *** work injury.” Dr. Silver recommended arthroscopic surgery “[b]ecause of claimant’s
    persistent symptoms of almost one years [sic] time.” He stated he believed claimant was
    temporarily disabled. Dr. Silver’s records show he took claimant off work pending surgery.
    ¶ 17       On August 10, 2010, claimant was examined by Dr. Charles Bush-Joseph at the request of
    both parties. Claimant reported falling on December 15, 2008, while wearing stilts and
    “suffering injuries to his back, both knees, [and] left shoulder and arm region.” Dr.
    Bush-Joseph noted: “Apparently all symptoms have resolved except for residual pain of the
    right knee. He clearly, on repeated questioning stated that he had no residual symptoms of his
    back, left knee[,] or left arm and shoulder.” Following an examination and review of
    claimant’s medical records and previous diagnostic tests, Dr. Bush-Joseph’s impression was
    “[r]esidual patellofemoral contusion, possible chondral injury with possible medial meniscal
    tear, right knee.” He opined claimant suffered a work-related injury to his right knee in
    December 2008 with residual symptoms that warranted further treatment. Dr. Bush-Joseph
    found “[i]njuries to [claimant’s] left shoulder and left knee ha[d] resolved with no residual.”
    He further believed, “given the length and duration of symptoms,” diagnostic arthroscopy was
    warranted. Finally, he stated as follows:
    “I believe that based on the initial reports of Dr. *** Cohen and current physical
    examination findings, [claimant] was most likely able to work on a full-duty basis with
    only limitations of kneeling in the interval. Certainly, his current examination would
    allow such work tolerance.”
    ¶ 18       On November 13, 2010, approximately one year after their first meeting, Dr. Silver
    performed surgery on claimant’s right knee in the form of an arthroscopic partial lateral
    meniscectomy and arthroscopic debridement. Surgical records reflect claimant’s postoperative
    diagnoses were a “[t]orn lateral meniscus” and “[a]rticular cartilage fragmentation of the
    patellofemoral joint and medial femoral condyle.” On November 23, 2010, Dr. Silver
    prescribed claimant physical therapy three times a week for 12 to 16 weeks. He also restricted
    claimant from working.
    ¶ 19       After his surgery, claimant underwent physical therapy and continued to follow up with Dr.
    Silver. He testified he also began to notice pain in his left knee. An initial physical therapy
    evaluation report, dated November 30, 2010, shows claimant provided a history of his work
    accident, stating “he was at work on stilts when he fell, landing directly on both knees.” In
    addition to right knee symptoms, claimant complained “of left knee pain which he relate[d] to
    overuse since the time of injury.”
    ¶ 20       In a letter directed to Borgstrom and dated December 21, 2010, Dr. Silver noted claimant
    “continue[d] to improve with regard to his right knee after arthroscopic surgery.” However, he
    stated claimant’s left knee was “deteriorating with medial joint line pain and peripatellar pain.”
    Dr. Silver noted claimant also injured his left knee as a result of his December 2008, work
    accident and recommended an MRI of the left knee. He recommended claimant continue with
    physical therapy for his right knee and limited him “to sedentary work only.”
    ¶ 21       On January 6, 2011, claimant underwent an MRI of his left knee, which revealed as
    “1. A small joint effusion.
    2. Large horizontal tear involving the midbody and posterior horn of the medial
    3. Intact lateral meniscus, collateral and cruciate ligaments.”
    In a letter to Borgstrom dated January 22, 2011, Dr. Silver stated claimant’s right knee
    continued to improve and his left knee MRI demonstrated what appeared to be a torn meniscus.
    He recommended left knee arthroscopic surgery once claimant’s right knee had recovered. Dr.
    Silver continued claimant’s work restrictions.
    ¶ 22       On January 25, 2011, Dr. Silver authored a letter to Borgstrom’s attention, stating
    claimant’s MRI demonstrated a large tear of the medial meniscus, which was “due to his work
    injury of [December 2008].” He further stated as follows:
    “As you know [claimant] injured both of his knees at that time. The right one was
    initially mores [sic] severely painful and underwent arthroscopic surgery and slowly
    the left knee pain has persisted to the point where he can no longer tolerate it. He will
    require arthroscopic surgery of his left knee.”
    On February 22, 2011, Dr. Silver authored a letter directed to Borgstrom’s attention. He
    reiterated claimant’s need for left knee surgery and stated claimant was limited to sedentary
    work with occasional walking and standing.
    ¶ 23       Claimant continued to follow up with Dr. Silver while awaiting approval for surgery. Dr.
    Silver continuously noted improvement in claimant’s right knee. He also recommended
    continued physical therapy for claimant’s right knee, surgery for claimant’s left knee, and that
    claimant remain off work. In a letter dated March 24, 2011, Dr. Silver stated claimant was
    temporarily disabled “[b]ecause of the tearing situation with regard to his left knee.” Further,
    he consistently reiterated his belief that claimant’s left knee condition was connected to his
    December 2008, work accident. On October 6, 2011, Dr. Silver authored a final letter directed
    to Borgstrom, stating as follows:
    “We are still awaiting approval for [claimant’s] arthroscopic surgery of his left
    knee related to his work injury of December *** 2008[,] when he injured both knees
    causing torn medial meniscus in the left knee. Lacking appropriate arthroscopic
    surgery he will be permanently disabled.”
    ¶ 24        On June 23, 2011, claimant was evaluated by Dr. Troy Karlsson at the employer’s request.
    The employer submitted Dr. Karlsson’s report, dated June 28, 2011, into evidence at
    arbitration. That report shows claimant provided a history of falling on stilts at work and
    “landing onto both knees, more so on the right than the left.” Claimant reported having some
    pain in his left knee initially but that his left knee pain “got much worse after [his] right knee
    surgery when he favored that leg somewhat.” He stated physical therapy made his left knee
    worse. Dr. Karlsson’s report states claimant reported “no problems with the right knee at
    present” but that he complained of swelling in his left knee and pain “around the kneecap as
    well as medially.” Claimant asserted his pain increased with walking or physical therapy.
    ¶ 25        Dr. Karlsson diagnosed claimant with right knee osteoarthritis, lateral meniscal tear, and
    chondral fissuring. He determined claimant’s left knee had a medial meniscal tear that was
    degenerative in nature. Dr. Karlsson opined that “at least a portion” of claimant’s right knee
    problems were caused by his work accident and his right knee arthroscopic surgery was also
    “related to the occurrence of December 15, 2008.” However, he did not believe the condition
    of ill-being in claimant’s left knee “to be in any way related to that single fall.” In particular,
    Dr. Karlsson noted claimant initially complained only of symptoms in his right knee and made
    no left knee complaints. Additionally, he noted claimant expressly denied experiencing any
    symptoms in his left knee to Dr. Bush-Joseph in August 2010. Dr. Karlsson found there was
    “simply too wide a period of symptom-free times with the left knee and normal exams of the
    left knee to relate it to” claimant’s work accident. Rather, he opined claimant likely had “a
    degenerative tear of the medial meniscus in his left knee, unrelated to his action of December
    15, 2008.”
    ¶ 26        Dr. Karlsson further opined claimant was at maximum medical improvement (MMI) and
    could return to regular-duty work. He stated he would not recommend any restrictions for
    claimant whatsoever “other than times he may need off following arthroscopy of the left knee
    which is unrelated to the work injury.”
    ¶ 27        Claimant testified that after Dr. Nam restricted him from working in June 2009, no doctor
    released him to return to work and he had not returned to work in any capacity. He was also
    continuing to wait for authorization for the left knee surgery recommended by Dr. Silver.
    Claimant testified he felt a lot of pain in his left knee, especially when ascending a staircase.
    ¶ 28        On December 28, 2011, the arbitrator issued his decision in the matter. He determined
    claimant sustained accidental injuries to his right knee that arose out of and in the course of his
    employment on December 15, 2008. However, relying on Dr. Karlsson’s opinions, the
    arbitrator determined the condition of ill-being in claimant’s left knee was not causally related
    to his work accident. He found claimant entitled to medical expenses “relating solely to the
    right knee condition.” The arbitrator also awarded claimant 1074/7 weeks’ TTD benefits,
    finding claimant was temporarily totally disabled from February 5 to February 11, 2009, and
    from June 13, 2009, when he first saw Dr. Nam, “through June 28, 2011, or the date Dr.
    Karlsson found [claimant] had reached MMI with respect to his work[-]related right knee
    injury.” Finally, the arbitrator’s decision addressed the employer’s due process argument,
    finding its rights had not been violated or abridged.
    ¶ 29        Both parties sought review of the arbitrator’s decision with the Commission, which issued
    its decision in the matter on October 18, 2012. The Commission modified the arbitrator’s
    decision to find the current condition of ill-being in claimant’s left knee was causally
    connected to the work injury he sustained on December 15, 2008, and claimant was entitled to
    prospective medical expenses in the form of the arthroscopic left knee surgery recommended
    by Dr. Silver. It found claimant “sustained injuries to both knees” when he fell at work in
    December 2008. The Commission noted claimant’s right knee arthroscopy, which had been
    recommended by two of claimant’s treating physicians, was not authorized “for almost two
    years from the date of accident” and following “an agreed third opinion by Dr. Bush-Joseph”
    that “was favorable to [claimant].” It stated it also relied “on the credible record and the
    opinion of Dr. Silver that [claimant’s] left knee injury from December 15, 2008[,] progressed
    with the overuse of his left leg over several years of right knee impairment, and that he now
    requires the left knee surgical treatment recommended by Dr. Silver.”
    ¶ 30       As stated, the Commission awarded claimant an additional 173/7 weeks’ TTD,
    “representing the time period [of] June 30, 2011 through October 18, 2011, during which time
    [claimant] remained temporarily totally disabled per Dr. Silver.” Further, it stated as follows:
    “While we are in agreement with the decision of the Arbitrator on this issue, we
    further address [the employer’s] constitutional argument. We find no violation [of the
    employer’s] Fourteenth Amendment right to due process. The Arbitrator offered to
    continue the hearing if [the employer] elected to obtain the depositions of the Drs. Nam
    and Silver, but [the employer] declined. The treatment records were therefore properly
    admitted pursuant to Section 16 of the Act [(820 ILCS 305/16 (West 2008))].”
    One commissioner issued a concurring opinion, stating as follows:
    “I agree with the majority result; however, I do not agree that [the employer] is required
    to take depositions of [claimant’s] witnesses at its own expense in order to protect its
    right to cross[-]examine these witnesses on opinions that go beyond treatment. The
    records should have been admitted only for those purposes permissible under Section
    16 of the Act. I, nevertheless, concur in the result because the Commission could reach
    the same result without reliance on the objectionable opinions in the records of Drs.
    Silver and Nam.”
    ¶ 31       On June 13, 2013, the circuit court confirmed the Commission’s decision. This appeal
    ¶ 32                                           II. ANALYSIS
    ¶ 33       On appeal, the employer first argues the Commission erred in finding its due process rights
    had not been violated. It notes the medical records of Dr. Nam and Dr. Silver were admitted
    into evidence at arbitration and argues those records improperly included the doctors’ opinions
    with respect to claimant’s ability to work and causation. The employer contends allowing such
    medical opinions into evidence, when the doctors rendering the opinions had not first been
    subject to cross-examination, constituted a due process violation.
    ¶ 34       “Due process includes the right to present evidence and argument in one’s own behalf, a
    right to cross-examine adverse witnesses, and impartiality in rulings upon the evidence that is
    offered.” W.B. Olson, Inc. v. Illinois Workers’ Compensation Comm’n, 
    2012 IL App (1st) 113129WC
    , ¶ 49, 
    981 N.E.2d 25
    . In the context of administrative proceedings, “[d]ue process
    of law requires that all parties *** have an opportunity to cross-examine witnesses and to offer
    evidence in rebuttal.” Freeman United Coal Mining Co. v. Industrial Comm’n, 297 Ill. App. 3d
    662, 667, 
    697 N.E.2d 934
    , 937 (1998) (citing Paoletti v. Industrial Comm’n, 
    279 Ill. App. 3d 988
    , 998, 
    665 N.E.2d 507
    , 513 (1996)). “[A] party claiming that a due process violation has
    occurred must establish that it was prejudiced by the alleged violation [citation].” All American
    Title Agency, LLC v. Department of Financial & Professional Regulation, 
    2013 IL App (1st) 113400
    , ¶ 36, 
    994 N.E.2d 636
    ¶ 35       Additionally, “[e]xcept when the Act provides otherwise, the Illinois rules of evidence
    govern proceedings before the Commission or an arbitrator.” National Wrecking Co. v.
    Industrial Comm’n, 
    352 Ill. App. 3d 561
    , 566, 
    816 N.E.2d 722
    , 726 (2004). “Evidentiary
    rulings made during a workers’ compensation proceeding will not be disturbed on review
    absent an abuse of discretion.” National 
    Wrecking, 352 Ill. App. 3d at 566
    , 816 N.E.2d at 726.
    ¶ 36       To support its position in this case, the employer relies heavily on 
    Paoletti, 279 Ill. App. 3d at 999
    , 665 N.E.2d at 514, wherein this court determined the Commission committed
    reversible error by refusing to allow the claimant to present rebuttal evidence to a video
    surveillance tape. Although we agree with the propositions set forth in Paoletti regarding due
    process and the holding in that case, we find neither that case nor the other cases cited by the
    employer speak to the precise issues presented here. Initially, we note the record shows the
    employer was permitted to cross-examine the only witness to testify at arbitration–claimant.
    Neither Dr. Nam nor Dr. Silver was called as a witness at arbitration. Rather, the doctors’
    medical records were admitted into evidence. The record further reflects the employer had the
    opportunity to present evidence to rebut claimant’s case and the employer does not assert
    ¶ 37       The Commission found the employer’s due process rights were not violated and the
    treatment records of Dr. Nam and Dr. Silver were properly admitted pursuant to section 16 of
    the Act (820 ILCS 305/16 (West 2008)). We agree. The Act provides:
    “The records, reports, and bills kept by a treating hospital, treating physician, or
    other treating healthcare provider that renders treatment to the employee as a result of
    accidental injuries in question, certified to as true and correct by the hospital,
    physician, or other healthcare provider or by designated agents of the hospital,
    physician, or other healthcare provider, showing the medical and surgical treatment
    given an injured employee by such hospital, physician, or other healthcare provider,
    shall be admissible without any further proof as evidence of the medical and surgical
    matters stated therein, but shall not be conclusive proof of such matters. There shall be
    a rebuttable presumption that any such records, reports, and bills received in response
    to Commission subpoena are certified to be true and correct. This paragraph does not
    restrict, limit, or prevent the admissibility of records, reports, or bills that are otherwise
    admissible. This provision does not apply to reports prepared by treating providers for
    use in litigation.” (Emphasis added.) 820 ILCS 305/16 (West 2008).
    Thus, pursuant to section 16, the records and reports of a claimant’s treating physician, which
    are certified as true and correct, are admissible “as evidence of the medical and surgical
    matters” contained within the records or reports. 820 ILCS 305/16 (West 2008).
    ¶ 38       Here, both Dr. Nam and Dr. Silver were claimant’s treating physicians. Additionally, on
    appeal, the employer agrees their records were “subpoenaed and certified pursuant to section
    16” of the Act. The employer does assert that “[i]t is undeniable that the doctors’ records
    contain opinions beyond medical and surgical matters admissible pursuant to Section 16.”
    However, it cites no authority for this statement other than section 16 itself. After reviewing
    the statutory language, we find no indication that the legislature intended to exclude a treating
    doctor’s opinion, which was offered during the course of the doctor’s treatment of the
    employee and memorialized in the doctor’s treating records, from the phrase “medical and
    surgical matters.”
    ¶ 39        It stands to reason that the records and reports of a treating physician are likely to contain
    medical opinions relating to a variety of aspects in the care, treatment, and evaluation of the
    employee. As a result, we are not persuaded by the employer’s position that the simple
    inclusion of medical opinions within a treating physician’s records is sufficient to exclude
    them from admission pursuant to section 16. Further, although the employer criticizes the
    arbitrator’s comment that Commission proceedings should be “simple and summary,” we note
    section 16 of the Act actually contains that explicit phrase. That section provides that “[t]he
    process and procedure before the Commission shall be as simple and summary as reasonably
    may be.” 820 ILCS 305/16 (West 2008). The provisions of section 16 at issue in this appeal
    assist in accomplishing that goal by easing the foundational requirements for the admission of
    a treating physician’s records. Shafer v. Illinois Workers’ Compensation Comm’n, 2011 IL
    App (4th) 100505WC, ¶ 50, 
    976 N.E.2d 1
    (stating the 2005 amendments to section 16 were
    meant “to ease the foundational requirements for the admission of medical bills and records”).
    ¶ 40        We note section 16 does not apply to reports prepared by a treating medical provider for
    use in litigation. 820 ILCS 305/16 (West 2008). In a single sentence in its opening brief, the
    employer concludes that some of the opinions in the records of Dr. Nam and Dr. Silver were
    contained within “reports appearing to be prepared in the aid of litigation.” However, the
    employer offers no basis or argument to support its conclusion, nor does it identify or cite to
    the offending “reports.” “The ‘failure to properly develop an argument and support it with
    citation to relevant authority results in forfeiture of that argument.’ ” Compass Group v.
    Illinois Workers’ Compensation Comm’n, 
    2014 IL App (2d) 121283WC
    , ¶ 33 (quoting Ramos
    v. Kewanee Hospital, 
    2013 IL App (3d) 120001
    , ¶ 37, 
    992 N.E.2d 103
    ); Ill. S. Ct. R. 341(h)(7)
    (eff. July 1, 2008) (providing that points not argued in an appellant’s brief are waived). We
    find any arguments by the employer that portions of Dr. Nam’s and Dr. Silver’s records were
    prepared in anticipation of litigation have been forfeited due to the employer’s failure to
    present any reasoned argument to support such a position.
    ¶ 41        Despite the employer’s forfeiture, we note Dr. Nam’s letter, dated October 5, 2009, and
    addressed to “To Whom It May Concern,” is the most suspect document for having been
    prepared in anticipation of litigation. In the letter, Dr. Nam provided an opinion that does not
    appear to have been relevant or necessary to his treatment of claimant as it concerned
    claimant’s inability to work from January to June 2009, a period of time immediately prior to
    when his own treatment and evaluation of claimant began. However, to the extent the
    Commission committed error by allowing the letter into evidence, we find no reversible error
    occurred. The record fails to reflect that either the arbitrator or the Commission relied on this
    particular opinion of Dr. Nam. In fact, although Dr. Nam opined claimant was unable to work
    from January to June 2009, and claimant was off work for much of that time, he was not
    awarded TTD benefits for that time period except for a short period in February 2009, when he
    was under work restrictions at Concentra and had been laid off by the employer. Thus, as Dr.
    Nam’s opinion in his October 5, 2009, letter was not relied upon by the Commission, the
    employer did not suffer prejudice and any error was harmless.
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    ¶ 42       Finally, we note that in the context of hearsay objections to medical records the supreme
    court has held that “under certain circumstances the probability of accuracy and
    trustworthiness [of a document] may serve as a substitute for cross-examination under oath.”
    United Electric Coal Co. v. Industrial Comm’n, 
    93 Ill. 2d 415
    , 420, 
    444 N.E.2d 115
    , 117
    (1982). In United 
    Electric, 93 Ill. 2d at 417-18
    , 444 N.E.2d at 116, the employer objected to
    two exhibits the employee offered into evidence, each of which contained a physician’s
    audiogram and a letter from the physician to the employee’s attorney, containing the
    physician’s opinions as to the nature and cause of the employee’s condition. The exhibits were
    admitted into evidence over the employer’s objections. United 
    Electric, 93 Ill. 2d at 418
    , 444
    N.E.2d at 116. On review, the employer asserted the exhibits contained hearsay and “should
    not have been admitted because [the employer] had no opportunity to subject [the physician] to
    cross-examination concerning the statements contained in the reports and because [the
    physician’s] statements were not made under oath.” United 
    Electric, 93 Ill. 2d at 420
    , 444
    N.E.2d at 117. In rejecting the employer’s contentions, the supreme court stated as follows:
    “The reports and audiograms at issue here were based on examinations performed upon
    [the employee] by a specialist to whom he had been referred by his family physician for
    evaluation and treatment. There is no challenge to their authenticity. Moreover, the
    audiograms were examined by [the employer’s] medical witness, whose evaluation of
    them, to some extent, formed the basis for his opinion concerning the cause of [the
    employee’s] condition. Under the circumstances we believe the information contained
    in the challenged exhibits was trustworthy and conclude that the arbitrator did not err in
    admitting the exhibits into evidence.” United 
    Electric, 93 Ill. 2d at 420
    -21, 444 N.E.2d
    at 117-18.
    ¶ 43       Here, although the employer did not object to claimant’s exhibits on hearsay grounds, we
    nevertheless find United Electric instructive. In particular, it stands for the proposition that the
    probability of accuracy and trustworthiness of an exhibit may substitute for cross-examination
    under oath. Cross-examination of claimant’s doctors in this case was exactly what the
    employer was seeking. However, like the exhibits in United Electric, claimant’s exhibits in
    this case included the records of physicians he saw for evaluation and treatment; the
    authenticity of the records was not challenged by the employer; and the records were reviewed
    by the employer’s evaluating physician, Dr. Karlsson. The record reflects the employer had a
    sufficient opportunity to rebut claimant’s evidence. Under the circumstances presented, we
    find the employer failed to show its due process rights were violated and the Commission
    committed no error in rejecting the employer’s due process argument.
    ¶ 44       On appeal, the employer next argues the Commission erred in finding claimant’s left knee
    condition of ill-being was causally connected to his December 2008 work accident. It argues
    the evidence overwhelmingly shows claimant injured only his right knee in December 2008.
    The employer points out claimant initially sought and received treatment for only his right
    knee and did not begin making left knee complaints until almost two years later in November
    2010, and the record contains no medical evidence to support claimant’s overuse theory of
    causation with respect to his left knee.
    ¶ 45       Initially, the employer contends the Commission’s decision, which reversed the
    arbitrator’s finding as to causation and claimant’s left knee injury, should be reviewed using an
    “extra degree of scrutiny.” However, this court has previously declined to apply such a
    standard, even when reviewing the Commission’s rejection of the arbitrator’s credibility
    - 11 -
    determinations. Hosteny v. Illinois Workers’ Compensation Comm’n, 
    397 Ill. App. 3d 665
    928 N.E.2d 474
    , 483 (2009); see also R&D Thiel v. Illinois Workers’ Compensation
    398 Ill. App. 3d 858
    , 866, 
    923 N.E.2d 870
    , 877 (2010) (recognizing “the
    Commission exercises original jurisdiction and is not bound by an arbitrator’s findings” and
    stating a reviewing court determines “whether the Commission’s credibility findings that are
    contrary to those of the arbitrator are against the manifest weight of the evidence”). We
    similarly decline to apply the extra-degree-of-scrutiny standard in this case.
    ¶ 46       “Whether a causal connection exists between a claimant’s condition of ill-being and [his]
    work-related accident is a question of fact to be resolved by the Commission, and its resolution
    of the matter will not be disturbed on review unless it is against the manifest weight of the
    evidence.” University of Illinois v. Industrial Comm’n, 
    365 Ill. App. 3d 906
    , 913, 
    851 N.E.2d 72
    , 79 (2006). “It is the Commission’s duty to resolve conflicts in the evidence, particularly
    medical opinion evidence.” Land & Lakes Co. v. Industrial Comm’n, 
    359 Ill. App. 3d 582
    834 N.E.2d 583
    , 592 (2005). “The test is whether the evidence is sufficient to support the
    Commission’s finding, not whether this court or any other tribunal might reach an opposite
    conclusion.” Land & 
    Lakes, 359 Ill. App. 3d at 592
    , 834 N.E.2d at 592. “For the Commission’s
    decision to be against the manifest weight of the evidence, the record must disclose that an
    opposite conclusion clearly was the proper result.” Land & 
    Lakes, 359 Ill. App. 3d at 592
    , 834
    N.E.2d at 592.
    ¶ 47       Here, as stated, the Commission determined claimant’s left knee condition of ill-being was
    causally connected to his December 2008 work accident. The record supports that decision,
    showing claimant fell while working on stilts on December 15, 2008, and landed on both of his
    knees. Prior to that date, he had no history of knee problems. Following his accident, claimant
    immediately began receiving treatment for his right knee where the pain was most prominent
    and, ultimately, underwent right knee surgery. He also consistently reported an accident
    history of falling onto both of his knees and, on February 11, 2009, Dr. Cohen diagnosed
    claimant with “a contusion to both knees.” Claimant testified he experienced pain in both
    knees following his lay off from the employer in February 2009. In November 2010, after his
    right knee surgery, claimant’s medical records show he began reporting worsening symptoms
    in his left knee.
    ¶ 48       Although the record does not support the Commission’s statement that Dr. Silver opined
    claimant’s left knee “progressed with overuse of his left leg over several years of right knee
    impairment,” Dr. Silver’s records do show he believed claimant’s left knee condition was
    causally related to his December 2008 accident. As the employer points out, its examining
    physician offered an opposing opinion as to causation. However, conflicts in the medical
    evidence were for the Commission to resolve. We cannot say an opposite conclusion from that
    of the Commission was clearly apparent from the record. Its decision as to causation was not
    against the manifest weight of the evidence.
    ¶ 49       The employer next challenges the Commission’s TTD award. It argues that because
    claimant’s left knee condition was not causally related to his work accident claimant was only
    entitled to TTD benefits from February 5 to February 10, 2009, and from November 13, 2010,
    the date of claimant’s right knee surgery, to March 24, 2011, when the employer contends
    claimant’s right knee had recovered from surgery and, per Dr. Silver, claimant remained off
    work due to only his left knee condition of ill-being.
    - 12 -
    ¶ 50       “A claimant is temporarily and totally disabled from the time an injury incapacitates him
    from work until such time as he is as far recovered or restored as the permanent character of her
    injury will permit.” Shafer, 
    2011 IL App (4th) 100505WC
    , ¶ 45, 
    976 N.E.2d 1
    . “The issues of
    whether an employee is temporarily totally disabled, as well as the period of such disability,
    are questions of fact for the Commission, and its decision will not be disturbed on review
    unless it is against the manifest weight of the evidence.” Kishwaukee Community Hospital v.
    Industrial Comm’n, 
    356 Ill. App. 3d 915
    , 925, 
    828 N.E.2d 283
    , 293 (2005).
    ¶ 51       Here, the arbitrator awarded claimant 1074/7 weeks’ TTD benefits, representing the time
    periods of (1) February 5, 2009, when claimant was laid off from the employer to February 11,
    2009, when he was released by Dr. Cohen to return to full-duty work and (2) June 13, 2009,
    when Dr. Nam examined claimant and determined him unable to work to June 28, 2011, when
    claimant was evaluated by Dr. Karlsson and found to have reached MMI. After modifying the
    arbitrator’s decision with respect to causal connection, the Commission awarded claimant an
    additional 173/7 weeks’ TTD benefits, representing the time period of June 30, 2011, through
    October 18, 2011, “during which time [claimant] remained temporarily totally disabled per Dr.
    Silver.” The TTD periods awarded by the Commission were supported by the record, which
    contains the off-work restrictions of claimant’s treating physicians. Additionally, the
    employer’s main challenge to the Commission’s TTD award is based on its contention that the
    Commission’s causation decision was against the manifest weight of the evidence. As
    discussed, we disagree with that contention. We find the Commission’s TTD award is
    supported by the record and not against the manifest weight of the evidence.
    ¶ 52       Finally, the employer argues the Commission’s award of medical expenses is against the
    manifest weight of the evidence. “Whether medical expenses are reasonable and necessary is a
    question of fact for the Commission, and the Commission’s determination will not be
    overturned unless it is against the manifest weight of the evidence.” Shafer, 
    2011 IL App (4th) 100505WC
    , ¶ 51, 
    976 N.E.2d 1
    ¶ 53       First, the employer again bases its challenge to the Commission’s medical expenses award
    on the same due process and causation arguments already raised and rejected. For the same
    reasons already stated, its arguments fail. Second, to the extent the employer argues claimant
    was required to present the testimony of his treating physicians to establish the reasonableness
    and necessity of his claimed expenses, we disagree.
    ¶ 54       In Shafer, 
    2011 IL App (4th) 100505WC
    , ¶ 51, 
    976 N.E.2d 1
    , this court rejected a similar
    argument by an employer. Noting the reasonableness and necessity of medical expenses was a
    question of fact for the Commission, we pointed out that the claimant’s medical records
    documented her injuries, symptoms, “and the medical procedures that her doctors believed
    were necessary and appropriate to treat her pain and injuries.” Shafer, 
    2011 IL App (4th) 100505WC
    , ¶ 51, 
    976 N.E.2d 1
    . We then stated as follows:
    “The employer presented no evidence suggesting that these treatments were not
    necessary to cure or relieve the effects of [the] claimant’s injury. Nor did it present any
    evidence showing that these bills were unreasonable in light of what other healthcare
    providers typically charge for the same services in the relevant geographical area.
    Thus, we cannot say that the Commission’s finding that the medical treatments
    performed by the claimant’s doctors and the prospective medical treatments they
    recommended were reasonable and necessary was against the manifest weight of the
    evidence.” Shafer, 
    2011 IL App (4th) 100505WC
    , ¶ 51, 
    976 N.E.2d 1
    - 13 -
    ¶ 55       The same rationale set forth in Shafer applies here. Claimant’s medical records
    documented his injuries, symptoms, and treatment. The employer presented no evidence
    showing the treatments claimant received were unnecessary or that amounts billed were
    unreasonable. As a result, the record contained sufficient evidence to support the
    Commission’s award of medical expenses and its decision was not against the manifest weight
    of the evidence.
    ¶ 56                                   III. CONCLUSION
    ¶ 57      For the reasons stated, we affirm the circuit court’s judgment confirming the
    Commission’s decision and remand for further proceedings pursuant to Thomas, 
    78 Ill. 2d 327
    399 N.E.2d 1322
    ¶ 58      Affirmed and remanded.
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