People v. Bunning , 103 N.E.3d 864 ( 2018 )

    2018 IL App (5th) 150114
    Decision filed 05/17/18. The
    text of this decision may be              NO. 5-15-0114
    changed or corrected prior to
    the filing of a Peti ion for
    Rehearing or the disposition of
    IN THE
    the same.
    THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS,            )     Appeal from the
    )     Circuit Court of
    Plaintiff-Appellee,                       )     Christian County.
    v.                                              )     No. 13-CF-59
    JERRY H. BUNNING,                               )     Honorable
    )     Bradley T. Paisley,
    Defendant-Appellant.                      )     Judge, presiding.
    JUSTICE GOLDENHERSH delivered the judgment of the court, with opinion.
    Justices Moore and Overstreet concurred in the judgment and opinion.
    ¶1       After a jury trial in the circuit court of Christian County, defendant, Jerry H. Bunning,
    was convicted of aggravated criminal sexual abuse (720 ILCS 5/11-1.60(c)(1)(i) (West 2012))
    and was sentenced to five years in the Department of Corrections to be followed by two years of
    mandatory supervised release. Defendant appeals the denial of his motion to reconsider his
    sentence. The issue raised in this direct appeal is whether the trial court erred by considering in
    aggravation the psychological harm or threat thereof suffered by the minor victim in sentencing
    defendant. We affirm.
    ¶2                                            FACTS
    ¶3       Defendant was charged by information with a single count of aggravated criminal sexual
    abuse for having the victim, M.B., who was under 13 years of age, “touch his penis over his
     M.B. is defendant’s step-granddaughter. At trial, M.B., age nine, testified that
    approximately two years earlier defendant showed her pornography on a computer and made her
    touch him on “his bad spot” over his clothes. She pointed to the bad spot on a diagram. M.B. said
    it happened in the computer room at her grandparents’ house. M.B. estimated that it happened
    approximately four times, usually at night while her grandmother was asleep.
    ¶4     After hearing all the evidence, the jury found defendant guilty. The trial court ordered a
    sex offender evaluation and presentence investigation (PSI) prior to sentencing. The sex offender
    evaluation showed that defendant is at a low risk for recidivism. The evaluator recommended
    defendant undergo “[s]ex offender-specific treatment utilizing group-centered, cognitive-
    behavioral techniques as recommended by the Illinois Sex Offender Management Board” and
    “[s]ex offender-specific guidelines/requirements and specialized monitoring if [defendant] is at
    some point placed/released under community supervision via probation or parole.”
    ¶5     The presentence investigation showed defendant has one 1977 conviction for disorderly
    conduct. It also showed that defendant was gainfully employed as a truck driver by the same
    employer for 18 years. With regard to a proposed plan of supervision, the report concluded:
    “Due to the severity of the current offense and the defendant’s failure to take full
    responsibility for the offense, it appears the defendant lacks empathy for others. In
    addition, the defendant lacks involvement in an organized group or activity. If the court
    were to sentence the defendant to a term of probation, the targeted interventions and
    supervision strategies listed above as well as maximum level of supervision, would be
    priorities in a supervision case plan.”
    A revised level of service inventory suggested that defendant receive a “medium level of
    supervision/service” and placed defendant’s probability of recidivism at 23%.
    ¶6     M.B.’s mother submitted a victim impact statement in which she set forth the ways in
    which she, M.B., and her family had been impacted by defendant’s abuse of M.B. In her letter,
    she discussed how, over the course of the previous two years, her family members’ lives have
    “been turned upside down.” She explained how the family has “had to rearrange our lives to
    keep all of the counseling appointments, court dates, and advocate meetings.” She said she and
    her husband missed more than 30 days of work because of such appointments, causing them to
    lose money because neither has a job that gives them paid time off for such matters. She also
    noted that the victim “has had to miss many days of school and some fun activities with her
    friends.” She believes M.B. “is not the same girl she used to be” and defendant “took her
    childhood away.”
    ¶7     A sentencing hearing was conducted on July 31, 2014. The State did not offer any
    additional evidence in aggravation. The defense called defendant’s wife and defendant to testify.
    Both testified about the hardships it would cause their family if defendant were incarcerated.
    ¶8     In sentencing defendant, the trial court said it considered the PSI; the history, character,
    and attitude of the defendant; and the evidence and arguments that were presented by the parties.
    The court noted mitigating factors, including no prior history of delinquency, albeit one
    conviction years earlier, the sex offender report which indicated a low risk of recidivism, and the
    excessive hardship on defendant’s dependents which would be caused by defendant’s
    incarceration. The trial court also pointed out that even though defendant indicated in the PSI and
    in court that he was willing to comply with sex offender treatment, such treatment is not usually
    successful unless a defendant is willing to admit guilt.
    ¶9     As to factors in aggravation, the trial court noted that one of the factors to be considered
    is whether the offense caused or threatened serious harm. The court noted that this does not mean
    only physical harm, specifically stating as follows:
    “[I]n cases like this, physical harm is often not the issue. The issue is, emotional
    psychological harm that may, obviously has occurred at least in some respects because
    the child has apparently been in treatment for some time. I think the evidence I heard in
    this case in a pretrial hearing was that she was. I think that is one of the first things that
    was done even before the police were involved is that the mother took her to some type
    of counseling. Uh, and unfortunately for us, we’re not going to know the nature and
    extent of the harm caused by this act, these acts probably for quite some time. There is a
    real danger that [M.B.] is going to have a lot of issues in the future dealing with trust,
    dealing with relationships with other men, whether it is, you know, paramours or
    otherwise. Uh, it is just part of what happens in these kinds of unfortunate situations.”
    The trial court further found in aggravation that defendant held a position of supervision and
    trust with regard to M.B. by virtue of the fact that he was the only grandfather she ever knew.
    ¶ 10   The trial court pointed out that the abuse happened more than once and was well
    orchestrated by defendant in that defendant waited until his wife was asleep before abusing M.B.
    The trial court also pointed out that even though defendant denied committing any acts of abuse,
    he was caught in repeated lies about the incidents:
    “And what I have seen in the past with sexual offenders is what I have seen with
    [defendant]. And that is, it starts out like this. This is what happened in this case. They
    find, they accuse him of having pornography on the computer. He says, no, I don’t; no, I
    didn’t, I didn’t have. He didn’t know anything about computers. His wife found the porn
    on the computer relatively quickly. I don’t know how it got there. I didn’t put it there. Lie
    number two. Uh, well we don’t believe that. There has got to be a way that that got there.
    Well, maybe I accidentally got it there. And then it was, okay, fine; and then give up just
    a little bit more every time, but falling short of actually coming clean and admitting what
    he did. Then he would say, well, okay, yeah, I was watching pornography and I didn’t
    know [M.B.] was there. When I found out that she was there, I told her that this is what
    adults do, it wasn’t appropriate for her, and I shut it down. Uh, of course, we don’t want
    to tell anybody though, which is another hallmark of sexual—We can’t tell anybody
    because, I think the words were, grandma would kill me. And then it is, well, the
    accusation is that she touched your penis. Well, that didn’t happen. Well, wait, let me
    think about that. Well, there was this time that I got out of the shower, and she came
    running into the bathroom and smacked me in the penis; and I told her, you know, that is
    not appropriate, don’t do that. But again, I won’t tell, if you won’t tell. Concealment. So
    it is just give you just enough each time, but the lies just compound and compound. And
    so if you are asking what differentiates a probationable case from a nonprobationable
    case, I think these facts and circumstances certainly do.”
    The trial court went on to state that probation would not only “deprecate the seriousness of this
    particular crime” but also “would be inconsistent with the ends of justice.” The trial court then
    sentenced defendant to five years in prison to be followed by two years of mandatory supervised
    ¶ 11   Defendant filed a pro se motion to reduce sentence, arguing that the State failed to
    present any evidence of physical or emotional harm to M.B. Appointed counsel later filed an
    amended petition to reduce sentence in which he incorporated the allegations in defendant’s
    pro se motion “by reference” and added some additional arguments. The motion to reduce
    sentence alleged that the trial court failed to give proper weight to the factors in mitigation, failed
    to give appropriate weight to defendant’s sex offender evaluation, and gave improper weight to
    the seriousness of harm to the victim when there was “no indication in the record from
    counselors or otherwise that there was serious harm done to the victim.”
    ¶ 12   After a hearing, the trial court denied the motion to reduce sentence. The trial court said it
    considered both the factors in aggravation and in mitigation in sentencing defendant and noted
    that one of the factors it considered in aggravation was whether there was actual or threatened
    serious harm. The trial court found that any time a child is sexually abused by someone that is
    close to them, “there is a possibility that could threaten serious harm.” The trial court believed
    there was harm to M.B. “because she was in treatment for it. There was no question about that.”
    The trial court also pointed to the factors in aggravation in this case, which include
    (1) defendant’s position of trust relative to the victim, (2) lack of remorse on the part of
    defendant, and (3) multiplicity of incidents of abuse. The trial judge said nothing new had been
    presented that would cause him to change his mind and reduce defendant’s sentence. Defendant
    now appeals.
    ¶ 13                                        ANALYSIS
    ¶ 14   The issue raised in this appeal is whether the trial court erred by considering in
    aggravation the psychological harm or threat thereof suffered by M.B. in sentencing defendant.
    Defendant argues that the trial court improperly considered in aggravation that defendant’s
    conduct caused or threatened serious psychological harm because the record fails to show either
    evidence of actual harm caused or circumstances that would be expected to cause harm beyond
    that inherent in the charge of aggravated criminal sexual abuse. The State replies that the trial
    court did not rely on an improper sentencing factor because the record sufficiently demonstrates
    that M.B. suffered psychological harm or, at the very least, the threat thereof, as a result of
    defendant’s abuse. We agree with the State.
    ¶ 15   We are aware of the general rule that a factor inherent in the offense for which a
    defendant has been convicted cannot also be used as an aggravating factor in determining his
    sentence. People v. Phelps, 
    211 Ill. 2d 1
    , 11 (2004). The rationale for this prohibition against
    “double enhancement” is premised on the assumption that our General Assembly considered the
    factors inherent in the offense in designating the range of punishment. 
    Id. at 12
    . However, the
    rule that a court may not consider a factor inherent in the offense should not be applied rigidly
    because sound public policy demands that a sentence be varied according to the circumstances of
    the offense. People v. Spicer, 
    379 Ill. App. 3d 441
    , 468 (2007). In determining whether the trial
    court based its sentence on proper aggravating and mitigating factors, a reviewing court should
    consider the record as a whole rather than focusing on a few words or statements by the trial
    court. People v. Dowding, 
    388 Ill. App. 3d 936
    , 943 (2009).
    ¶ 16   If a sentence falls within the statutory limits, it will not be overturned on appeal absent an
    abuse of discretion. People v. Perruquet, 
    68 Ill. 2d 149
    , 153 (1977); People v. Stroup, 
    397 Ill. App. 3d 271
    , 274 (2010). An abuse of discretion occurs only if a sentence greatly varies from the
    spirit and purpose of the law or where it is manifestly disproportionate to the nature of the
    offense. People v. Stacey, 
    193 Ill. 2d 203
    , 210 (2000). A trial court is granted deference because
    it is generally in a superior position to weigh such factors as defendant’s credibility, demeanor,
    general moral character, mentality, social environment, habits, and age. People v. Streit, 
    142 Ill. 2d 13
    , 19 (1991).
    ¶ 17    We first note that defendant’s conviction for aggravated criminal sexual abuse is a Class
    2 felony. See 720 ILCS 5/11-1.60(g) (West 2012). A Class 2 felony carries a statutory limit of
    not less than three years and not more than seven years. See 730 ILCS 5/5-4.5-35(a) (West
    2012). Consequently, the sentence imposed upon defendant by the trial court was within the
    statutory limits.
    ¶ 18    Contrary to defendant’s argument, many cases have held that the psychological harm
    inflicted upon a child victim of a sex crime is a proper factor to consider in aggravation. For
    example, in People v. Kerwin, 
    241 Ill. App. 3d 632
    , 636 (1993), this court rejected the
    defendant’s argument that harm is inherent in the offense of aggravated criminal sexual assault
    and found it proper that the trial court considered the emotional harm to the nine-year-old victim
    as an aggravating factor. In People v. Fisher, 
    135 Ill. App. 3d 502
    , 506 (1985), our colleagues in
    the Third District specifically stated, “Proof of medically diagnosed psychological harm is
    unnecessary.” In that case, the defendant, who was charged with inter alia two counts of
    indecent liberties with a child, argued that psychological harm could not be considered where it
    was not proven. The court rejected that argument, finding that the defendant’s acts “created a
    strong probability of permanent psychological harm” and was therefore properly considered. 
    ¶ 19    In People v. Huddleston, 
    212 Ill. 2d 107
    , 134 (2004), our supreme court reviewed “[t]he
    vulnerability of children to sexual predation” and “the psychological damage that results to the
    developing psyches of these young victims.” The court found that long-term follow-up studies of
    child sexual abuse victims show the sexual abuse is “grossly intrusive” in their lives “and is
    harmful to their normal psychological, emotional and sexual development.” (Internal quotation
    marks omitted.) 
    Id. at 135
     (quoting Yale Glazer, Child Rapists Beware! The Death Penalty and
    Louisiana’s Amended Aggravated Rape Statute, 
    25 Am. J. Crim. L. 79
    , 87 (1997), quoting
    Christopher Bagley & Kathleen King, Child Sexual Abuse: The Search for Healing 2 (1990)).
    ¶ 20   Nevertheless, defendant contends that without specific evidence to show that a child
    victim suffered psychological harm, any psychological harm must be limited to that implicit in
    the offense itself. In support of its argument, defendant relies on People v. Calva, 
    256 Ill. App. 3d 865
     (1993). In Calva, the defendant pled guilty to six counts of aggravated criminal sexual
    assault committed against A.G., a six-year-old girl. Id. at 867. At sentencing, the trial court told
    the defendant his actions “psychologically injured and scarred A.G. for life.” Id. at 869. On
    appeal, the court found it was improper for the trial court to consider any psychological harm to
    A.G. because “no evidence was offered to show any psychological harm to A.G.” Id. at 875.
    ¶ 21   Calva is distinguishable from the instant case for at least three reasons. First, in Calva the
    defendant pled guilty, whereas this case went to trial. The trial court was able to observe M.B.
    firsthand as she testified. M.B. specifically testified that she was abused by defendant on four
    different occasions. Second, unlike Calva, the trial court set forth, both at sentencing and in
    denying defendant’s motion to reconsider sentence, that there was evidence of M.B. having been
    “in treatment.” Third, M.B.’s mother submitted a victim impact statement in which she outlined
    the upheaval caused by defendant’s abuse and specifically referred to “counseling
    appointments.” She noted that “[e]ven with the tools the counselors” have given M.B., she is still
    concerned M.B. will be a victim again. She concluded that M.B. “is not the same girl she used to
    ¶ 22   After careful consideration, we find the record before us supports a finding of
    psychological harm to M.B. or at least a reasonable inference that M.B. suffered psychological
    harm. Therefore, the trial court did not err in considering psychological harm as an aggravating
    factor. The record also shows that the trial court properly considered the factors in aggravation
    and mitigation.
    ¶ 23   In addition to psychological harm to M.B., the trial court found other factors in
    aggravation. The trial court specifically found in aggravation: (1) the position of supervision and
    trust defendant held over M.B., (2) the fact the abuse happened more than once, (3) defendant’s
    concealment of the abuse, and (4) defendant’s refusal to take full responsibility for the repeated
    acts of abuse. And, as previously set forth, the trial court’s sentence falls within the statutory
    limits prescribed by the legislature. Under these circumstances, we cannot say the trial court
    erred in sentencing defendant.
    ¶ 24                                    CONCLUSION
    ¶ 25   For the foregoing reasons, we affirm the judgment of the circuit court of Christian
    ¶ 26   Affirmed.
    2018 IL App (5th) 150114
    NO. 5-15-0114
    IN THE
    THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS,            )     Appeal from the
    )     Circuit Court of
    Plaintiff-Appellee,                       )     Christian County.
    v. 	                                            )     No. 13-CF-59
    JERRY H. BUNNING,                               )     Honorable
    )     Bradley T. Paisley,
    Defendant-Appellant.                      )     Judge, presiding.
    Opinion Filed:         May 17, 2018
    Justices:           Honorable Richard J. Goldenhersh, J.
    Honorable James R. Moore, J., and
    Honorable David K. Overstreet, J.,
    Attorneys         Michael J. Pelletier, State Appellate Defender, Ellen J. Curry, Deputy
    for               Defender, Elizabeth M. Crotty, Assistant Appellate Defender, Office of
    Appellant         the State Appellate Defender, Fifth Judicial District, 909 Water Tower
    Circle, Mt. Vernon, IL 62864
    Attorneys         Hon. Michael M. Havera, State’s Attorney, Christian County Courthouse,
    for               101 S. Main Street, Taylorville, IL 62568; Patrick Delfino, Director,
    Appellee          David J. Robinson, Deputy Director, Erin Wilson Laegeler, Staff
    Attorney, Office of the State’s Attorneys Appellate Prosecutor, Fourth
    Judicial District, 725 South Second Street, Springfield, IL 62704

Document Info

Docket Number: 5-15-0114

Citation Numbers: 2018 IL App (5th) 150114, 103 N.E.3d 864

Filed Date: 5/17/2018

Precedential Status: Non-Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023