People v. Wesley ( 2008 )

  •                                                    FIRST DIVISION
    May 12, 2008
    No. 1-06-3172
    THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS,     )    Appeal from the
    )    Circuit Court of
    Plaintiff-Appellee,                 )    Cook County.
    v.                             )
    ANDREW WESLEY,                           )    Honorable
    )    Michael Brown,
    Defendant-Appellant.                )    Judge Presiding.
    JUSTICE WOLFSON delivered the opinion of the court:
    Following a jury trial, defendant Andrew Wesley was
    convicted of two counts of first-degree murder and sentenced to a
    55-year prison term.   On appeal, he contends: (1) the State
    failed to prove its case beyond a reasonable doubt; (2) his
    constitutional right to confrontation was violated; and (3) one
    of his convictions for first degree murder must be vacated under
    the one-act, one-crime rule.   We affirm, but amend the mittimus
    to reflect only one conviction of first-degree murder.
    On May 15, 2005, Leroy Graham and the victim, Malik Jones,
    began arguing over whether Jones could continue to sell marijuana
    at the parking lot of the Three Stooges liquor store.    While the
    two men argued, a group of people gathered around them.    When
    Jones turned and started to walk away, a black man wearing a
    black “hoodie” with braids in his hair stepped out of the crowd
    and shot Graham five to six times.    Jones died as a result of the
    gunshot wounds.   Four eyewitnesses subsequently identified
    defendant as the shooter.
    On July 11, 2005, defendant was arrested for Jones’ murder.
    Detective Patrick Golden interviewed defendant on July 12, 2005.
    After waiving his Miranda rights, defendant told Detective Golden
    that he was not Graham’s friend and that he was not at the Three
    Stooges liquor store when defendant was shot.    During his second
    interview, defendant again denied any knowledge regarding Jones’
    shooting.   Following Deborah Johnson’s and Gregory Jenkins’ line-
    up identification of defendant as the shooter, Detective Golden
    re-interviewed defendant.   Detective Golden testified that during
    the third interview, he “advised [defendant] that several
    individuals had identified him as the shooter.”    At that point,
    defendant admitted he was untruthful in his first two initial
    Defendant admitted to Detective Golden that he was present
    at the Three Stooges liquor store and witnessed the fight between
    Graham and Jones.   Defendant was standing next to Graham until he
    went into the liquor store twice.     When defendant came out of the
    liquor store for the second time, he saw Deborah Johnson
    attempting to get Jones to leave the crowd “when an unknown
    individual approached out of the crowd who had a black hoodie
    sweatshirt on, raised his arm, produced a handgun, and shot [the
    victim] five to six times.”   Defendant told everyone to leave the
    parking lot before the police arrived.    Defendant denied he shot
    Jones.   Defendant admitted he wore braids in his hair at the time
    of the murder.
    Assistant State’s Attorney Bryan Hofeld also interviewed
    defendant.   Defendant told ASA Hofeld that he was at the Three
    Stooges liquor store when the shooting occurred.    Defendant was
    unable to see who the shooter was.    When ASA Hofled asked why
    defendant would lie to the police if he was not involved in the
    shooting, and why people would identify defendant as the shooter
    if he was not the shooter, defendant was unable to offer an
    The jury found defendant guilty of murder.    He was sentenced
    to a 55-year prison term.
    I. Reasonable Doubt
    Defendant contends the State failed to prove him guilty of
    first degree murder beyond a reasonable doubt.    Specifically,
    defendant contends the State’s eyewitnesses were incredible and
    provided inconsistent and contradictory testimony regarding the
    events surrounding the shooting.
    On review, the relevant question is whether, viewing the
    evidence in the light most favorable to the prosecution, any
    rational trier of fact could have found the defendant guilty
    beyond a reasonable doubt.    People v. Cunningham, 
    212 Ill. 2d 274
    , 278, 
    818 N.E.2d 304
     (2004); People v. Ornelas, 
    295 Ill. App. 3d 1037
    , 1049, 
    693 N.E.2d 1247
     (1998).    It is the responsibility
    of the trier of fact to determine the credibility of witnesses
    and the weight to be given their testimony, to resolve conflicts
    in the evidence, and to draw reasonable inferences from the
    evidence.    People v. Williams, 
    193 Ill. 2d 306
    , 338, 
    739 N.E.2d 455
     (2000).    A criminal conviction will not be reversed unless
    the evidence is so improbable or unsatisfactory that a reasonable
    doubt of defendant’s guilt is justified.    People v. Moore, 
    171 Ill. 2d 74
    , 94, 
    662 N.E.2d 1215
    At trial, Deborah Johnson, the victim’s girlfriend,
    testified she heard Graham say to defendant “gun that [expletive]
    down.”    Defendant was standing next to Graham.   After Graham made
    the statement, Johnson saw defendant pull a gun from his
    waistband and shoot Jones six times.    Johnson testified that
    after defendant shot Jones, she heard Graham say to him, “kill
    the rest of these [expletive].”    Defendant did not shoot anyone
    else.    Johnson denied Graham made any sort of gesture indicating
    defendant should shoot Jones, and denied that Graham pointed the
    gun.    On cross-examination, however, Johnson said Graham “guided
    [defendant’s] hand to the level where Malik Jones was walking”
    but by the time defendant fired, Graham’s hand was no longer on
    the gun.    Johnson also admitted on cross-examination that she had
    initially told the police that her eight-year-old son was present
    when the shooting occurred, and that she lied to police when she
    told them she did not know what Graham and Jones were arguing
    about.   Johnson did not hear Graham ask defendant whether
    defendant had his gun.
    Demetrius Clair, a friend of the victim, testified he was
    standing next to Jones during Jones’ argument with Graham.
    During the argument, “Leroy had his head down, and he looked at
    the guy with the black hoodie on, and he did a hand motion.”
    Clair then saw defendant fade off into the crowd.    Clair told
    Jones the defendant was “fittin’ to go get a gun.”    Clair turned
    around, walked three step, and then heard 4 to 5 gunshots.
    Gregory Jenkins testified that on May 28, 2005, he was
    arrested for possession of a controlled substance.    Following his
    arrest, he was interviewed by Detective Kevin Bor and ASA Hofeld.
    Jenkins said he gave the police information regarding the
    victim’s murder so the charge would be dismissed.    Although
    Jenkins acknowledged he gave a written statement regarding the
    murder, he said the statements contained in his handwritten
    statement were not true.
    The State was allowed to read Jenkins prior statement into
    evidence.   According to his statement, Jenkins was in Marcus
    Scott’s car drinking when he saw Jones and Graham arguing across
    the parking lot.   Jenkins heard Graham turn to defendant and say,
    “Go get that.”   Jenkins saw defendant walk towards the liquor
    store while Jones and Graham continued to argue.     When Jones
    turned and began walking away, defendant walked out of the liquor
    store and Graham pointed at Jones.     Defendant then pulled a gun
    out of his waistband and shot Jones six to seven times.     Jenkins
    testified to the same facts before the grand jury.     During his
    grand jury testimony, Jenkins also testified that “[Jones] told
    Andrew to do something, and he did so by making a hand movement
    and that’s when Drew walked somewhere around the liquor store.”
    Jenkins was serving a two-year sentence for delivery of a
    controlled substance at the time of his testimony.
    Marcus Scott testified that he was arrested for drug
    conspiracy on September 14, 2005.     Following his arrest, Scott
    met with the police and Assistant State’s Attorney Kim Ward.
    Although Scott denied he was present at the shooting during
    defendant’s trial, he admitted he signed each page of the
    statement he made to the police.
    The State was allowed to read Scott’s prior statement into
    evidence.   According to his statement, Scott saw defendant come
    out of the liquor store and shoot Jones numerous times.      Marcus
    admitted he testified to the same facts before the grand jury.
    Marcus said that Assistant State’s Attorney Shelly Keane told him
    to testify to these facts and if he did, his drug conspiracy
    charge would be dismissed.
    Contrary to defendant’s contention, we find the eyewitnesses
    testimony presented by the State identifying defendant as the
    shooter, mixed with defendant’s acknowledgment that he was
    present when the murder occurred, could establish defendant’s
    guilt beyond a reasonable doubt.   Although the witnesses’
    accounts of the location of the shooter and what Graham said
    prior to the shooting varied slightly, the witnesses were
    consistent in identifying defendant as the shooter.   “Minor
    inconsistencies in testimony do not, by themselves, create a
    reasonable doubt.”   People v. Cunningham, 
    309 Ill. App. 3d 824
    827 (1999).   Viewing the evidence in the light most favorable to
    the prosecution, we cannot say the evidence is so improbable or
    unsatisfactory that a reasonable doubt of defendant’s guilt
    remains as a matter of law.
    II.   Right to Confrontation
    Defendant contends his conviction must be reversed and
    remanded for a new trial because the State introduced
    inadmissible hearsay evidence, in violation of his sixth
    amendment right to confrontation.     Specifically, defendant
    contends Marcus Scott’s, Detective Golden’s, and ASA Hofeld’s
    testimony that “several individuals” identified defendant as the
    shooter amounted to inadmissible hearsay evidence in violation of
    his right to confrontation.
    Defendant does not contend the allegedly inappropriate
    hearsay statements admitted at trial violated Crawford v.
    541 U.S. 36
    124 S. Ct. 1354
    158 L. Ed. 2d 177
    (2004).   Instead, he contends the hearsay statements simply
    violated his right of confrontation.     Recently, however, the U.S.
    Supreme Court clarified that the rule delineated in Crawford is
    the only rule governing Confrontation Clause protection.     See
    Whorton v. Bockting, __ U.S. __, 127 S. Ct 1173, 113, 
    167 L. Ed. 2d 1
     (2007)(“But whatever improvement in reliability Crawford
    produced in this respect must be considered together with
    Crawford’s elimination of Confrontation Clause protection against
    the admission of unreliable out-of-court nontestimonial
    statements.   Under Roberts, an out-of-court nontestimonial
    statement not subject to prior cross-examination could not be
    admitted without a judicial determination regarding reliability.
    Under Crawford, on the other hand, the Confrontation Clause has
    no application to such statements and therefor permits their
    admission even if they lack indicia of reliability.”)     Because
    defendant chose not to challenge the statements under Crawford,
    we find the Confrontation Clause has no application to the
    statements challenged in this case.
    We also find defendant forfeited his contention that the
    witnesses’ testimony regarding “several individuals” identifying
    defendant as the shooter amounted to inadmissible hearsay.
    Defendant admits he did not object to the witnesses’ complained
    of testimony at trial, and he did not raise the issue in his
    post-trial motion.
    Defendant attempts to circumvent forfeiture by contending
    the inadmissible hearsay testimony admitted in this case amounted
    to plain error.   The plain error doctrine allows a court to
    address a forfeited error affecting substantial rights in two
    instances: (1) where the evidence in the case is so closely
    balanced that the jury’s guilty verdict may have resulted from
    the error, and not the evidence; or (2) where the error is so
    serious that the defendant was denied a substantial right, and
    thus a fair trial.   People v. Herron, 
    215 Ill. 2d 167
    , 178-79,
    830 N.E.2d 467
     (2005).   The evidence in this case was not closely
    balanced, however.   Four eyewitnesses identified defendant as the
    shooter, and defendant admitted he was present when the murder
    occurred.   Moreover, the alleged evidentiary errors were not so
    serious as to deny defendant a right to a fair trial.
    Alternatively, defendant contends his trial counsel was
    ineffective for failing to properly preserve the alleged errors.
    See People v. Jura, 
    352 Ill. App. 3d 1080
    , 1093-94, 
    817 N.E.2d 968
     (2004) (defense counsel’s failure to challenge the
    admissibility of the various hearsay statements prejudiced the
    defendant and deprived him of a fair trial).
    The only complained of testimony we take issue with in this
    case is the allegedly improper hearsay statement contained in
    Marcus Scott’s handwritten statement.   In the handwritten
    statement, Scott said Brandon Foster, who was Graham’s “right
    hand man,” approached him and said that three people had
    identified defendant as the shooter, and that “they better hope
    that [Graham] doe[sn’t] find out” who identified defendant.    The
    complained of portion of Scott’s statement is inadmissible
    hearsay.    The trial court, however, decided to allow that portion
    of the statement into evidence with a limiting instruction
    informing the jury that they were to consider it only “for the
    limited purpose of what was on [sic] the witness’s state of mind
    and his motive for testifying and any interest or bias he has for
    the testimony that he has in the courtroom,” and “not to take it
    as fact that Graham set these things in motion, but only the
    limited purpose of the witnesses credibility on the stand.”    We
    find any prejudice caused by the statement was cured by the trial
    court’s limiting instruction.    People v. Simms, 
    285 Ill. App. 3d 598
    , 609, 
    673 N.E.2d 1119
    III. Mittimus
    Defendant contends, and the State agrees, his mittimus
    should be corrected to reflect only one conviction for first
    degree murder.   Pursuant to the one act, one crime rule,
    defendant could only be convicted once for the murder of Malik
    Jones.    See People v. Kuntu, 
    196 Ill. 2d 105
    , 130, 
    752 N.E.2d 380
    (2001).   Accordingly, we amend the mittimus to reflect only one
    conviction for first degree murder.    People v. Bishop, 
    218 Ill. 2d 232
    , 249, 
    843 N.E.2d 365
    We affirm the circuit court’s judgment, but amend the
    mittimus to reflect only one conviction of murder.
    Affirmed; mittimus amended.
    CAHILL, P.J., and GARCIA, J., concur.