People v. Garcia ( 2010 )

  •                                                                              FIFTH DIVISION
    November 5, 2010
    THE PEOPLE OF THE STATE OF ILLINOIS,                  )      Appeal from the
    )      Circuit Court of
    Plaintiff-Appellee,                    )      Cook County.
    v.                                             )      92 CR 5788
    DANIEL GARCIA,                                        )      The Honorable
    )      Marcus R. Salone,
    Defendant-Appellant.                   )      Judge Presiding.
    JUSTICE TOOMIN delivered the opinion of the court:
    In the present appeal, we consider a postconviction claim premised, in part, on the
    findings of an allegedly discredited serologist. During the course of second-stage proceedings,
    the State’s motion to dismiss was granted. Defendant appeals contending: (1) an evidentiary
    hearing is required to assess his claims regarding the testing of physical evidence, ineffectiveness
    of counsel, and the availability of testing to support his claim of actual innocence; (2) he made a
    substantial showing of ineffectiveness of appellate counsel and a violation of his due process
    rights; and (3) postconviction counsel’s performance violated the mandate provided under
    Supreme Court Rule 651(c) (134 Ill. 2d R. 651(c)). For the reasons that follow, we affirm.
    In 1997, defendant, Daniel Garcia, was convicted of murder, aggravated kidnaping, and
    robbery following a jury trial and sentenced to terms of imprisonment of 80 years, 15 years, and 7
    years, respectively. His codefendant, Benjamin Kirk, was also convicted in a simultaneous bench
    trial. Defendant appealed contending: (1) the admission of highly inflammatory testimony
    deprived him of a fair trial; (2) the evidence was insufficient to prove his guilt of aggravated
    kidnaping; (3) counsel was ineffective prior to and during trial; and (4) his sentence was
    excessive. We affirmed his conviction and sentence. People v. Garcia, No. 1-97-1049 (1998)
    (unpublished order under Supreme Court Rule 23).
    The facts of defendant’s case are derived from the trial evidence reflected in the summary
    order disposing of defendant’s direct appeal, coupled with our review of the trial record. Here,
    we recite those facts necessary to a resolution of the second-stage dismissal of his postconviction
    petition. On February 8, 1992, the body of Margaret Anderson was found beneath a viaduct near
    the intersection of the 3000 block of North Sacramento Avenue and the John F. Kennedy
    Expressway in Chicago. The 78-year-old victim was found by a passerby beaten almost beyond
    recognition and naked from the waist down.
    Responding officers found Anderson’s body lying on her back atop a ledge beneath the
    expressway. Officers were initially unable to determine either her race or her age due to the
    condition of her face. Although no identification was found near the body, a set of keys was
    located that opened the doors to Anderson’s apartment. Thereafter, the victim’s niece, Mary
    Wentland, identified Anderson’s body at the office of the Cook County medical examiner.
    According to Wentland, Anderson wore eyeglasses. The medical examiner’s testimony revealed
    that Anderson suffered numerous injuries to her face, knees, and thigh. Additionally, evidence of
    brain hemorrhages was identified and it was further determined that Anderson sustained a broken
    neck. Her injuries were consistent, in part, with being struck in the face. The medical examiner
    further opined that the fractured neck resulted from Anderson’s head being forcefully struck
    against the concrete ledge beneath the viaduct.
    Chicago police officers Cruz Reyes and Nathaniel Hill testified to their canvass of the
    surrounding area several days after the discovery of Anderson’s remains. One of the sources they
    spoke with was Rosie Cintron, who was known to the officers as a prostitute and drug user.
    Reyes and Hill met Cintron outside Johnnie’s Grill, a location drug dealers, addicts, and
    prostitutes were known to frequent. The officers described her reaction to their questioning
    about the murder as being “taken aback.” Nevertheless, Cintron voluntarily accompanied the
    officers in their car to discuss the murder. She was taken to police headquarters at Grand and
    Central, where the investigation was turned over to the detectives working the case.
    According to Cintron’s testimony, she knew both defendant and codefendant, Kirk. At
    the time of Anderson’s murder, Cintron was an active drug user, who supported herself by
    prostitution and selling drugs. She testified that on February 7, 1992, she got high with the
    defendants at a crack house on Albany. She claimed she was high throughout the day and into
    the night. Cintron left the crack house with defendant in a cab. Eventually, she exited the cab at
    defendant’s direction because he and codefendant “were going to score.” Later that morning
    Cintron again saw the defendants running past her into the crack house. They did not speak to
    her at that time. Eventually the defendants exited the building and Cintron spoke to defendant.
    When defendant came outside, he showed Cintron rocks of crack cocaine and a “golden
    bracelet.” According to Cintron, defendant indicated that he had to sell the bracelet, “get rid of
    Cintron next saw defendant a few days later at a hotel, when defendant explained how he
    and codefendant, Kirk, had watched a lady from the viaduct. When she walked by, codefendant
    grabbed her and began to beat her. According to Cintron, defendant “said that [codefendant] was
    nothing but an animal and he was brutal.” Defendant claimed they took a gold bracelet from the
    victim, which was the same one he had previously showed Cintron. Defendant described the
    victim as an old lady with glasses. At some point, Kirk threw the glasses onto the expressway.
    Cintron made a voluntary statement concerning the foregoing to police. She identified
    the defendants from police photographs. At trial, Cintron conceded that some of her testimony
    before the grand jury was not truthful.
    Following his arrest on February 14, 1992, defendant gave a written statement to
    Assistant State’s Attorney Theodore Kmiec, which was published to the jury. According to the
    statement, defendant and Kirk were outside Johnnie’s Grill at about 5 a.m. on February 8, 1992.
    They opted to go steal things in order to get money. As they walked along Diversey Avenue,
    they decided to steal audio equipment from a Mazda parked on the street. Kirk was the lookout
    while defendant removed the stereo.
    Defendants continued down Diversey toward Sacramento. Upon turning northbound onto
    Sacramento, they encountered an older woman wearing glasses. Defendants observed jewelry on
    her person, which they believed to be gold. Kirk suggested they steal the woman’s purse, to
    which defendant agreed. In furtherance of this plan, Kirk confronted the woman while defendant
    stood behind her. Kirk attempted to grab her purse. The victim struggled and resisted against his
    efforts. Kirk punched the woman in the face and then demanded the victim’s jewelry. The
    woman refused and asked why she should give it to him. After Kirk struck the woman another
    time, defendant told her to surrender her jewelry in order to avoid being hit again. Defendant
    told Kirk to remove her bracelet and stop striking her. Kirk responded that defendant should
    keep quiet and “keep watching out.” Defendant watched as Kirk grabbed the woman by the hair
    and dragged her up the incline below the viaduct.
    According to defendant, he became frightened by all the cars driving in the area and ran
    back to Johnnie’s Grill. Approximately an hour after defendant departed the viaduct,
    codefendant arrived at Johnnie’s and summoned defendant outside. Defendant exited the
    restaurant and shook hands with Kirk. When he did, he found a gold bracelet on his palm. It was
    the same bracelet they saw the old woman wearing. As he tendered the bracelet to defendant,
    Kirk cautioned, “you did not see anything.”
    The parties also stipulated to the testimony of serologist and microbiologist Pamela Fish.
    At the time of trial she had been employed by the Illinois State Police crime laboratory for
    approximately six months. Before that, Fish worked at the Chicago police crime laboratory,
    which was closed and folded into the Illinois State Police laboratory. If called to testify, Fish
    would describe receiving swabs from Anderson’s vagina, mouth, and rectum. Having utilized
    acceptable methods in the scientific community, it was her opinion that those swabs were
    negative for the presence of spermatozoa or semen. Next, she would testify that her testing of a
    swab “containing a reddish brown substance *** taken from the sidewalk of 3030 North
    Sacramento” indicated the substance was human blood, but the sample was “insufficient *** to
    test the blood type.” Likewise, a second sample taken from the ledge beneath the viaduct was
    determined to be human blood, but the sample was insufficient to conduct blood typing.
    Furthermore, she would testify that while a jacket found beneath the viaduct was tested for the
    presence of blood, the results were negative.
    Defendant testified on his own behalf. He claimed he was arrested and taken to the 14th
    District police station, where he repeatedly denied knowing anything about Anderson’s murder.
    Notwithstanding his denials, the detectives hit and punched him, pulled his hair, and kicked him.
    Defendant further claimed the detectives planted keys and an identification card in his jacket.
    During a subsequent interview he was struck in the head with a telephone book, causing him to
    fall and lacerate his arm. He was told each time he denied being involved he would be struck
    with the book. Defendant claimed he was struck four to seven times. According to defendant, he
    ultimately gave a statement to get the beatings to stop so that he could go home. The assistant
    State’s Attorney did not ask defendant what he knew about Anderson’s murder. Defendant did
    not read the statement in its entirety prior to signing it. However, he told the prosecutor about his
    treatment at the hands of the detectives. Defendant denied involvement in the robbery or murder.
    Moreover, he testified that Cintron’s testimony was driven by her anger toward him for not
    giving her money for cocaine.
    Defendant’s conviction and sentences were affirmed on direct appeal. On August 17,
    1999, defendant filed a pro se postconviction petition, wherein he claimed ineffective assistance
    of trial counsel, specifically in the examination of Rosie Cintron, as well as ineffective assistance
    of appellate counsel, based, in part, on his failure to raise the issue of trial counsel’s
    ineffectiveness. On December 2, 1999, the trial judge summarily dismissed defendant’s petition.
    On March 12, 2001, we remanded the cause for second stage proceedings on defendant’s motion
    because the dismissal occurred beyond the statutory 90-day period for summary dismissals.
    Pursuant to remandment, the public defender was appointed as counsel for defendant.
    Thereafter, counsel filed a “Supplemental Petition for Post-Conviction Relief,” adopting
    defendant’s initial petition and supplemental amendment, as well as the documents and exhibits
    appended to the pleadings. Moreover, postconviction counsel also averred that, “with the
    following amendments, the pro se petition, the pro se supplemental amendment thereto, and the
    exhibits filed by the petitioner adequately present his claims to this court.” Additionally, the
    supplemental petition added claims faulting appellate counsel based on defendant’s assertions of
    trial counsel’s alleged ineffectiveness. According to postconviction counsel, a number of these
    claims were “apparent from the face of the record.” As noted, the trial court granted the State’s
    motion to dismiss, thereby denying an evidentiary hearing. This appeal followed.
    We first address defendant’s contention that he is entitled to an evidentiary hearing to
    establish the falsity of Pamela Fish’s report regarding the testing of physical evidence.
    Tangential to this claim is an assertion that the State knowingly used perjured testimony –
    through Fish – to obtain defendant’s conviction. Additionally, defendant maintains trial counsel
    was ineffective in failing to challenge Fish’s findings. Thus, defendant concludes: “DNA testing
    of the evidence has the potential to prove Garcia’s actual innocence in a very weak case.”
    As defendant’s petition was denied at the second stage of postconviction proceedings, our
    review is de novo. People v. Whitfield, 
    217 Ill. 2d 177
    , 182-83, 
    840 N.E.2d 658
    , 662 (2005). In
    Whitfield, our supreme court offered a concise summary of the tenets of law we must apply on
    “The Post-Conviction Hearing Act (725 ILCS 5/122-1 et seq. (West [2008]))
    provides an avenue by which a defendant may challenge his conviction or sentence
    for violations of federal or state constitutional rights. [Citations.] To be entitled to
    postconviction relief, a defendant must demonstrate that he has suffered a substantial
    deprivation of his federal or state constitutional rights in the proceedings that
    produced the conviction or sentence being challenged. [Citation.] The scope of the
    postconviction proceeding is limited to constitutional matters that have not been, and
    could not have been, previously adjudicated. Accordingly, any issues which could
    have been raised on direct appeal, but were not, are procedurally defaulted and any
    issues which have previously been decided by a reviewing court are barred by the
    doctrine of res judicata. [Citation.]” Whitfield, 
    217 Ill. 2d at 183
    840 N.E.2d at 663
    Moreover, in reviewing second-stage dismissals, we accept all well-pled allegations in the
    petition as true, unless they are positively rebutted by the record. People v. Lander, 
    215 Ill. 2d 577
    , 586, 
    831 N.E.2d 596
    , 601 (2005).
    As noted, defendant claims the State knowingly used perjury to obtain his conviction.
    Essentially, defendant maintains that Pamela Fish’s findings, that (1) two blood samples were
    insufficient for testing, (2) the oral, vaginal, and rectal swabs did not contain sperm or semen,
    and (3) the jacket belonging to the homeless man sheltered beneath the viaduct did not contain
    blood, when coupled with her having been “discredited” and her prior testimony having “been
    proven false” in other collateral proceedings, renders her stipulated testimony perjurious.
    Although we must accept the veracity of well-pled allegations at this stage, we are not compelled
    to give credence to immaterial allegations. Our consideration of the issue makes clear that in
    making a substantial showing that a constitutional right was violated, it was incumbent upon
    defendant to demonstrate Fish’s testimony was material.
    As a threshold matter, we find instructive our Sixth Division’s reasoning in People v.
    Smith, “Materiality is demonstrated ‘by showing that the favorable evidence could reasonably be
    taken to put the whole case in such a different light as to undermine confidence in the verdict.’ ”
    People v. Smith, 
    352 Ill. App. 3d 1095
    , 1102, 
    817 N.E.2d 982
    , 990 (2004), quoting Kyles v.
    514 U.S. 419
    , 435, 
    131 L. Ed. 2d 490
    , 506, 
    115 S. Ct. 1555
    , 1566 (1995). Furthermore,
    “Materiality ‘is not a sufficiency of evidence test.’ ” Smith, 
    352 Ill. App. 3d at 1102
    817 N.E.2d at 990
    , quoting Kyles, 
    514 U.S. at 434
    131 L. Ed. 2d at 506
    115 S. Ct. at 1566
    . For the
    purposes of this analysis we are also guided by our supreme court’s interpretation of materiality
    in the context of Brady discovery violations in People v. Coleman, 
    183 Ill. 2d 366
    701 N.E.2d 1063
     (1998). There, the court explained, “favorable evidence is material, and constitutional error
    results from its suppression by the government, ‘if there is a reasonable probability that, had the
    evidence been disclosed to the defense, the result of the proceeding would have been different.’ ”
    People v. Coleman, 
    183 Ill. 2d 366
    , 393, 
    701 N.E.2d 1063
    , 1077 (1998), quoting United States v.
    473 U.S. 667
    , 682, 
    87 L. Ed. 2d 481
    , 494, 
    105 S. Ct. 3375
    , 3383 (1985). Consequently,
    we may affirm a second-stage dismissal without an evidentiary hearing, “if we can conclude, as a
    matter of law, that the allegedly false testimony (which we must assume is true for purposes of
    the motion to dismiss) does not fall within this strict standard of materiality.” Coleman, 
    183 Ill. 2d at 394
    701 N.E.2d at 1078
    When considered against the record, the trial court could well have concluded that
    defendant’s claim manifestly lacks materiality. We, too, are unable to say that, but for Fish’s
    input, defendant’s trial would have ended differently. Coleman, 
    183 Ill. 2d at 393
    701 N.E.2d at 1077
    . Even assuming the trial judge had concluded that Fish’s findings were false, we fail to see
    how defendant was harmed by her stipulated testimony. None of the evidence adduced at trial
    tended to show defendant had direct physical contact with the victim. Defendant’s own
    statement, which he claimed was the product of coercion and beaten out of him, clearly distanced
    himself from the victim. Moreover, there was nothing tending to indicate defendant bled or
    secreted in any form or fashion during the encounter with the victim. This is in marked contrast
    to Smith, which defendant cites. In Smith, on appeal the State argued Fish’s testimony was not
    material. However, that claim was diametrically opposed to the affirmative reliance the State
    placed upon her testimony at trial to connect the defendant to the crime. Smith, 
    352 Ill. App. 3d at 1103
    817 N.E.2d at 991
    In the case sub judice the State made no meaningful attempt to connect defendant to the
    crime scene by forensic evidence. Proof that defendant’s bodily fluids were not present on the
    victim or the location where she was found avails defendant nothing. Therefore, we perceive that
    the trial court could properly have concluded that the allegedly perjured findings of Pamela Fish
    was immaterial, even assuming her testimony could be proven to be perjurious. In any event,
    aside from this reasoning, we do not perceive her testimony constituted perjury.
    Defendant asserts a related claim of ineffective assistance of trial counsel, stemming from
    counsel’s failure to submit various pieces of evidence for forensic testing and his stipulation to
    Fish’s findings. To prevail on a claim of ineffective assistance of counsel, a defendant must
    establish that: (1) counsel’s performance fell below an objective standard of reasonableness; and
    (2) defendant was prejudiced thereby. Strickland v. Washington, 
    466 U.S. 668
    , 687-88, 
    80 L. Ed. 2d 674
    , 693, 
    104 S. Ct. 2052
    , 2064 (1984). Adherence to the Strickland standard, requires
    defendants to demonstrate that counsel’s performance fell below an objective standard of
    reasonableness and there is a reasonable probability prejudice occurred as a result. People v.
    198 Ill. 2d 209
    , 228, 
    761 N.E.2d 1175
    , 1185 (2001). Counsel’s actions are judged in
    a “highly deferential” fashion and courts endeavor to “evaluate the conduct from counsel’s
    perspective at the time.” Strickland, 
    466 U.S. at 689
    80 L. Ed. 2d at 694
    104 S. Ct. at 2065
    Authorities of every stripe universally hold that effective assistance amounts to
    competent, not necessarily perfect, representation. People v. Johnson, 
    372 Ill. App. 3d 772
    , 778,
    867 N.E.2d 49
    , 54 (2007). There is a strong presumption counsel’s performance fell within the
    spectrum of reasonable professional assistance. People v. Cunningham, 
    376 Ill. App. 3d 298
    875 N.E.2d 1136
    , 1140-41 (2007). Furthermore, “the fact that another attorney might
    have pursued a different strategy is not a factor in the competency determination.” People v.
    162 Ill. 2d 465
    , 476, 
    643 N.E.2d 797
    , 802 (1994); People v. Fuller, 
    205 Ill. 2d 308
    , 330-
    793 N.E.2d 526
    , 541-42 (2002) (issues of trial strategy must be viewed, not in hindsight, but
    from the time of counsel’s conduct, and with great deference accorded counsel’s decisions).
    Sufficient prejudice will be found to exist where “there is a reasonable probability that,
    but for counsel’s unprofessional errors, the result of the proceeding would have been different.”
    466 U.S. at 694
    80 L. Ed. 2d at 698
    104 S. Ct. at 2068
    ; People v. Erickson, 
    183 Ill. 2d 213
    , 224, 
    700 N.E.2d 1027
    , 1032 (1998). “A reasonable probability is a probability sufficient
    to undermine confidence in the outcome” of the proceeding. Strickland, 
    466 U.S. at 694
    80 L. Ed. 2d at 698
    104 S. Ct. at 2068
    Failure to demonstrate either deficient performance or prejudice is fatal to an
    ineffectiveness claim. Palmer, 
    162 Ill. 2d at 475-76
    643 N.E.2d at 801
    . Nonetheless,
    ineffectiveness claims can be disposed on the prejudice prong alone, without establishing
    whether counsel’s performance was deficient. Strickland, 
    466 U.S. at 697
    80 L. Ed. 2d at 699
    104 S. Ct. at 2069
    On direct appeal, defendant made numerous allegations of trial counsel’s ineffectiveness.
    See People v. Garcia, No. 1-97-1049 (1998) (unpublished order pursuant to Supreme Court Rule
    23). Ordinarily, the failure to argue a claim on direct appeal operates as a procedural default of
    postconviction claims, while those disposed of previously are barred by the doctrine of res
    judicata. Whitfield, 
    217 Ill. 2d at 183
    840 N.E.2d at 663
    . In the present case, however,
    defendant’s present claims do not fit precisely within either of these categories. Nevertheless,
    our review of them suggests they are of dubious merit. Viewing, as we must, defendant’s claims
    from the standpoint of trial counsel at the time the challenged decisions were made (Strickland,
    466 U.S. at 689
    80 L. Ed. 2d at 694
    104 S. Ct. at 2065
    ), we discern they were reasonable
    strategic decisions.
    Defendant’s defense to the fatal beating of Anderson was, essentially, “I was not there, I
    did not do this.” This position seemingly negates the necessity of testing the evidence collected.
    The results the parties stipulated to were inconclusive. Therefore, they were neutral to
    defendant’s case. Further testing could serve to provide additional inconclusive results or, even
    worse, undermine the defense by potentially implicating defendant. The latter option is patently
    problematic. Leaving the forensic evidence as – at worst – a neutral factor, trial counsel made a
    reasonable strategic decision. Likewise, the decision to stipulate to Fish’s testimony, as well as
    that of the fingerprint analyst, was also a reasonable strategic decision. We fail to discern that
    trial counsel’s performance was deficient in this regard.
    Even were we to conclude counsel’s performance was constitutionally deficient, we
    would not find any prejudice inured to defendant. As noted, the forensic evidence adduced at
    trial did not inculpate defendant or otherwise impair his defense. Therefore, we fail to perceive
    how additional testing or refusing to stipulate to the Fish’s testimony would have advanced his
    defense. We, therefore, conclude defendant’s claim of ineffective assistance of trial counsel is
    without merit.
    Adherence to fundamental principles dictates that defendant’s additional claim of actual
    innocence also must fail. In order to successfully advance a claim of actual innocence, the
    proponent must demonstrate the evidence offered is: (1) newly discovered; (2) material and
    noncumulative; and (3) “of such conclusive character that it would probably change the result on
    retrial.” People v. Collier, 
    387 Ill. App. 3d 630
    , 636, 
    900 N.E.2d 396
    , 403 (2008). Evidence
    qualifies as “newly discovered” if it was not available at trial and defendant, in the exercise of
    diligence, could not have uncovered it sooner. Collier, 387 Ill. App. 3d at 636, 
    900 N.E.2d at 403
    . According to defendant, “Since 1992, there have been historic developments in forensic
    testing, increasing the reliability of forensic identification over earlier techniques. Thus, an
    evidentiary hearing is required to determine whether these new techniques may be utilized on this
    evidence.” The first proposition is undeniably true. The second proposition is a non sequitur.
    As noted repeatedly, defendant’s conviction was not based upon forensic evidence.
    Moreover, since defendant’s strategy at trial was to claim he removed himself from the offense
    when Kirk continued striking the victim and did not participate thereafter, there was nothing to
    be gained by testing evidence collected beneath the viaduct. Nothing in the record places
    defendant there. Additional testing that would, presumably, show no forensic contribution by
    defendant plainly does not support a claim of actual innocence. Defendant claims, “This testing
    has the potential to prove [his] innocence.” That assertion, however, falls well short of making
    the requisite substantial showing of actual innocence. Putting aside whether current forensic
    technology could yield “newly discovered” evidence, defendant’s elusive claim ignores the
    criteria of materiality and conclusiveness of character required to produce a different result on
    retrial. Again, the trial judge could reasonably have concluded additional testing would avail
    defendant nothing.
    Our reasoning in this regard stems from the supreme court’s conclusion in People v.
    197 Ill. 2d 203
    756 N.E.2d 804
     (2001). There, defendant sought testing of a bloodstain
    on a pair of trousers, pursuant to section 116-3 of the Code of Criminal Procedure of 1963 (725
    ILCS 5/116-3 (West 1998)). The supreme court rejected the claim, concluding the testing would
    not yield materially relevant evidence in light of the entirety of the record. In the court’s view,
    the source of the blood stain was only a “minor part” of the State’s case, but defendant’s
    knowledge of “certain features of the crime scene” played a far greater role. Savory, 
    197 Ill. 2d at 214-15
    756 N.E.2d at 811
    . The court reasoned: “Under these circumstances, a test result
    favorable to defendant would not significantly advance his claim of actual innocence, but would
    only exclude one relatively minor item from the evidence of guilt marshaled against him by the
    State.” Savory, 
    197 Ill. 2d at 215
    756 N.E.2d at 811-12
    In the case sub judice, the postconviction court could well have discerned the same
    conclusion foreclosed further consideration of this claim. See also People v. Gecht, 
    386 Ill. App. 3d 578
    , 584, 
    899 N.E.2d 448
    , 454 (2008) (relying, inter alia, on Savory, appellate court
    concluded: “biological evidence played no significant role in defendant’s trial and the evidence
    of defendant’s guilt is overwhelming. Accordingly, any DNA testing would not significantly
    advance defendant’s claim of actual innocence or produce evidence materially relevant to
    defendant’s assertion of actual innocence”; People v. Bailey, 
    386 Ill. App. 3d 68
    , 76-77, 
    897 N.E.2d 378
    , 386 (2008) (relying on Savory, court ruled testing sought by defendant pursuant to
    section 116-3 motion was not materially relevant of a claim of actual innocence when considered
    against the trial record)). In defendant’s case, like Savory, we fail to discern what aspect of the
    State’s case would be undermined or called into question by the evidence defendant seeks.
    Notably, biological evidence played no meaningful role in defendant’s trial. Gecht, 386 Ill. App.
    3d at 584, 
    899 N.E.2d at 454
    . As such, it was a reasonable conclusion on the part of the trial
    court to determine that forensic evidence could not be said to have established even partial proof
    of any element of the offenses charged.
    We next consider defendant’s assertion that he was substantially denied his right to
    effective appellate counsel. Defendant claims appellate counsel handling his direct appeal was
    ineffective for not raising trial counsel’s ineffectiveness “in failing to argue that trial counsel
    should have impeached Cintron *** and that the prosecution’s failure to correct her false
    testimony violated his right to due process.” According to defendant, counsel should have
    impeached Cintron based upon her admissions of dishonesty when she was cross-examined by
    codefendant’s counsel outside the presence of defendant’s jury.
    We review challenges to the constitutional effectiveness of appellate counsel against the
    same Strickland standard applicable to trial counsel. People v. Petrenko, 
    237 Ill. 2d 490
    , 497,
    931 N.E.2d 1198
    , 1203 (2010). In short, defendants must satisfactorily establish that appellate
    counsel’s performance was deficient and that, were it not for counsel’s shortcomings, the
    outcome of the appeal would have been different. Petrenko, 
    237 Ill. 2d at 497
    931 N.E.2d at 1203
    ; Strickland, 
    466 U.S. at 694
    80 L. Ed. 2d at 698
    104 S. Ct. at 2068
    . As noted, a claim of
    ineffectiveness can be resolved based on the failure to establish deficient performance or
    prejudice. Palmer, 
    162 Ill. 2d at 475-76
    643 N.E.2d at 801
    Defendant’s argument is necessarily premised on allegations of trial counsel’s
    ineffectiveness. To succeed on this claim, defendant must show appellate counsel’s performance
    was objectively unreasonable and that defendant was prejudiced thereby. People v. Rogers, 
    197 Ill. 2d 216
    , 223, 
    756 N.E.2d 831
    , 835 (2001). Understandably, where the underlying claim is
    nonmeritorious, defendant cannot demonstrate prejudice. Rogers, 
    197 Ill. 2d at 223
    , 756 N.E.2d
    at 835; People v. Jones, 
    362 Ill. App. 3d 31
    , 35, 
    839 N.E.2d 539
    , 542-43 (2005) (“In order to
    establish that appellate counsel was deficient, defendant must demonstrate that her allegation of
    ineffective trial counsel was meritorious and that this court would have found as such had
    appellate counsel raised the issue on direct appeal”).
    Defendant’s present claim is bottomed on the assertion that trial counsel was ineffective
    by failing to impeach Cintron on her admittedly false testimony at trial. In defendant’s view,
    “Unlike the case against Kirk, [defendant’s] conviction could not have been obtained without
    Cintron’s testimony, and the testimony that she admitted to be false, outside of the presence of
    the jury, was vital to the State’s case.” We find this position is untenable against the record.
    Cintron acknowledged as false, “The stuff about [codefendant] and the stuff about the bracelet,
    the crack cocaine on the 7th and 8th [of February].” The record does not make clear the
    substance of the “stuff” referred to in codefendant’s counsel’s question that yielded Cintron’s
    Affording great deference to the choices of counsel (Fuller, 
    205 Ill. 2d at 330-31
    793 N.E.2d at 541-42
    ), our review of the record convinces us defense counsel’s cross-examination of
    Cintron was thorough and more than adequate under the circumstances. Trial counsel explored
    numerous subject areas on cross-examination, including Cintron’s numerous aliases, that she had
    prior convictions and was on mandatory supervised release at the time of trial, that she previously
    used crack cocaine, that she went to prison for violating probation, that she smoked marijuana as
    recently as three weeks prior to trial, that she had worked as a prostitute, often to pay for her
    crack cocaine habit, that her memory of events around the time of the killing and her subsequent
    conversations with investigators was limited, and that she lied before the grand jury.
    Defendant’s ineffectiveness claim is necessarily blunted by the fact that none of the
    matters Cintron admitted to lying about at trial concerned the actual robbery, beating, and murder
    of Anderson. None of the information Cintron had, insofar as the charged offenses were
    concerned, was within her own personal knowledge but, rather, was provided by others.
    Nevertheless, although other attorneys might have seized upon this testimony, defense counsel’s
    failure to do so does not render his assistance constitutionally ineffective. Palmer, 
    162 Ill. 2d at 476
    643 N.E.2d at 802
    . It is equally likely counsel determined Cintron’s testimony sufficiently
    proved her a liar, without chronicling each lie across her existence. Moreover, an equally
    reasonable strategic approach was to avoid calling additional attention to the testimony,
    effectively discounting her testimony as vague and circumstantial. No matter the precise
    explanation, counsel’s choice to limit the scope of examination was well within the realm of
    strategic decisions about which a claim of ineffectiveness generally will not lie. See People v.
    152 Ill. 2d 41
    , 54-55, 
    604 N.E.2d 275
    , 281 (1992). Therefore, we conclude trial counsel
    was not ineffective in this regard.
    Having reviewed the order issued on direct appeal, as well as the entire record presently
    before us, we are convinced defendant has not and cannot establish prejudice. Essentially,
    defendant attempts to advance the fallacious argument that his appellate counsel was ineffective
    because counsel’s choices of issues to brief on direct appeal compelled defendant to raise
    additional – ultimately nonmeritorious – issues in a supplemental brief. This argument, if
    accepted, only goes to the performance prong of Strickland. Even if defendant could establish
    this prong, he would still fall short on the matter of prejudice because the issues were presented
    and resolved on direct appeal. Therefore, because defendant has not established prejudice, his
    claim of ineffectiveness as to appellate counsel fails.
    Additionally, the present claim is properly barred by the doctrine of res judicata, as it was
    raised and resolved on direct appeal. Whitfield, 
    217 Ill. 2d at 183
    840 N.E.2d at 663
    . There, our
    Sixth Division addressed several claims of ineffectiveness by virtue of a supplemental brief
    submitted by defendant, including, inter alia, a claim of ineffectiveness of trial counsel based on
    the cross-examination of Cintron. This claim, along with the others present on direct appeal, was
    resolved unfavorably to defendant. Defendant’s claim, then, is that appellate counsel’s
    performance was deficient because those issues were raised by defendant in a supplemental brief.
    We are persuaded the same outcome would have obtained had they been raised by appellate
    counsel, instead of by defendant in the supplemental appellate brief. Nevertheless, this claim is
    barred by res judicata.
    Defendant similarly claims that appellate counsel was ineffective for failing to raise the
    issue of the State’s knowing use of false testimony, where prosecutors failed to correct Cintron’s
    testimony. Defendant cites People v. Olinger, 
    176 Ill. 2d 326
    680 N.E.2d 321
     (1997), for the
    proposition that the State has a duty to correct false testimony. This is an accurate portrayal of
    the holding in Olinger. However, the situation in the present case is factually distinguishable
    from Olinger. There, a witness testified concerning the scope of the immunity he was granted.
    However, the State knew the scope of the immunity was much broader than what the witness
    described while testifying. Olinger, 
    176 Ill. 2d at 345-46
    680 N.E.2d at 331
    Cintron’s testimony did not involve matters within the personal knowledge of the
    prosecutors. She took the stand and lied. The specifics of her version of events was something
    unique to her and only she knew the truth. On the other hand, the prosecutors in Olinger knew as
    well as the witness about the scope of the immunity. Moreover, defendant fails to specify how
    Cintron’s testimony was so singularly damaging to his case. As noted, her testimony related to
    events before and after the offense and did not place defendant at the scene or committing any of
    the offenses charged. Defendant’s position on Cintron’s testimony conveniently disregards the
    other evidence against him, not the least of which was his written statement. Although he made
    every effort to distance himself from that statement – through accusations of coercion and
    physical abuse and claims of limited literacy and education – the verdict demonstrates the jury’s
    opinion of his denials.
    Based on our review of the record, we conclude appellate counsel did not render
    ineffective assistance in failing to raise this claim on appeal. Defendant has not established the
    outcome of the appeal would have been different, if this issue had been briefed. Therefore, he
    has not and cannot establish prejudice by virtue of the decision of appellate counsel not to raise
    every imaginable issue or nonmeritorious issues. People v. Jones, 
    219 Ill. 2d 1
    , 23, 
    845 N.E.2d 598
    , 610 (2006) (“Appellate counsel is not required to brief every conceivable issue on appeal
    and may refrain from developing nonmeritorious issues without violating Strickland [citation],
    because defendant suffers no prejudice unless the underlying issue is meritorious [citation]”).
    Lastly, defendant claims postconviction counsel violated Supreme Court Rule 651(c)
    (134 Ill. 2d R. 651(c)). Rule 651(c) provides, in pertinent part:
    “The record filed in [the appellate] court shall contain a showing, which may be
    made by the certificate of petitioner’s attorney, that the attorney has consulted with
    petitioner either by mail or in person to ascertain his contentions of deprivation of
    constitutional rights, has examined the record of the proceedings at the trial, and has
    made any amendments to the petitions filed pro se that are necessary for an adequate
    presentation of petitioner’s contentions.” 134 Ill. 2d R. 651(c).
    According to defendant, the record demonstrates that postconviction counsel “failed to make
    amendments necessary to properly present [defendant’s] claims and unreasonably refused to
    obtain evidence necessary to support those claims.” Postconviction counsel submitted a
    “Supplemental Petition for Post-Conviction Relief,” which described the procedural history of
    defendant’s case and indicated the steps counsel undertook pursuant to the responsibility
    imposed by Rule 651(c). Counsel further represented that he corresponded with defendant by
    letter. Additionally, counsel provided a summary of defendant’s arguments in favor of granting
    him relief. As resolution of this issue requires us to construe a supreme court rule, our review is
    de novo. Suarez, 
    224 Ill. 2d 37
    , 41-42, 
    862 N.E.2d 977
    , 979 (2007).
    The record before us demonstrates, beyond doubt, that counsel, at the very least,
    communicated with defendant about the petition by mail. His doing so is documented by the
    averment in the “Supplemental Petition.” See 155 Ill. 2d R. 137 (“The signature of an attorney or
    party constitutes a certificate by him that he has read the pleading, motion or other paper; that to
    the best of his knowledge, information, and belief formed after reasonable inquiry it is well
    grounded in fact and is warranted by existing law or a good-faith argument for the extension,
    modification, or reversal of existing law, and that it is not interposed for any improper purpose,
    such as to harass or to cause unnecessary delay or needless increase in the cost of litigation”).
    Further documentation is found in the record, including copies of correspondence between
    defendant and counsel. Additionally, counsel stated in the “Supplemental Petition” that he read
    the record and reiterated before the trial judge his fulfillment of this obligation.
    Defendant’s claim, then, must rest upon whether counsel “made any amendments to the
    petitions filed pro se that are necessary for an adequate presentation of petitioner’s contentions.”
    (Emphasis added.) 134 Ill. 2d R. 651(c). Defendant asserts that he “did not draft these claims in
    their proper legal form, where he did not cite relevant case law, did not use the relevant facts to
    support his claims, and where the claims are not cohesively argued, but appear sporadically
    throughout over 300 pages [of the petitions].” Even a cursory review of defendant’s submissions
    belies this claim. While the drafting is not that of an experienced attorney, it is not clear where
    the form is improper. Although defendant is not an attorney, it is nonetheless apparent that his
    claims are indeed supported by relevant case law standing for the propositions relied upon.
    Some of the cited cases are not placed on the cutting edge; yet, they are far from irrelevant.
    Where the facts are concerned, defendant’s submissions garner support from references to
    testimony, evidence, and exhibits highlighting his claims. Although some of the facts are recited
    repetitively, this does not undermine the thrust of the petition. Importantly, defendant’s claims
    are argued cohesively. For a pro se litigant, his command of the claims he intended to advance
    and his ability to marshal the facts and law in support is significant.
    Defendant claims that postconviction counsel “must make any amendments that are
    necessary for an adequate presentation” of his claims. Our supreme court explained, in People v.
    Perkins, that the duties imposed by Rule 651(c) are mandatory. People v. Perkins, 
    229 Ill. 2d 34
    890 N.E.2d 398
    , 407 (2007). However, there is no obligation on post conviction counsel to
    conduct a broader examination of the record in order to develop additional claims. People v.
    223 Ill. 2d 458
    , 476, 
    861 N.E.2d 999
    , 1009 (2006). Counsel may demonstrate
    compliance with the rule by filing a certificate with the trial court representing that the required
    duties were fulfilled. Perkins, 229 Ill. 2d at 50, 890 N.E.2d at 407.
    Although the record does not contain a specific certificate of compliance pursuant to Rule
    651(c), a review of the “Supplemental Petition for Post-Conviction Relief” demonstrates that
    counsel was mindful of the requirements of the rule in preparing that submission. Moreover, as
    noted, counsel substantially complied with the requirements. In counsel’s pleading is found the
    following, “Counsel states that with the following amendments, the pro se petition, the pro se
    supplemental amendment thereto, and the exhibits filed by the petitioner adequately present his
    claims to this court.” The “Supplemental Petition” filed by counsel, while adopting the prior pro
    se submissions and summarizing the gist of those arguments, adds or amends those earlier
    pleadings to include additional claims. Consequently, the record demonstrates that trial counsel
    did, in fact, adhere to the requirements of Rule 651(c) by making amendments to the existing
    claims. His approach reflected a reasoned approach that permitted the original petition and
    exhibits to remain before the court, through adoption, while distilling those claims and
    buttressing them with additional claims. Therefore, defendant’s claim in this regard is without
    Defendant’s allegation that postconviction counsel violated Rule 651(c) by not obtaining
    additional evidence, in whatever form, demonstrates a fundamental and critical misunderstanding
    of the scope of the rule. A plain reading of Rule 651(c) reveals no such duty placed upon
    postconviction counsel. Nothing in the language of the rule is reasonably subject to a
    construction that would impose such a requirement. Manifestly, the rule focuses on working in
    collaboration with the defendant and the record. No mention is made of seeking out additional
    evidence to support the claims asserted. As our supreme court observed in People v. Johnson:
    “While post-conviction counsel has an obligation to present a petitioner’s claims in appropriate
    legal form, he is under no obligation to actively search for sources outside the record that might
    support general claims raised in a post-conviction petition.” (Emphasis omitted.) People v.
    154 Ill. 2d 227
    , 247, 
    609 N.E.2d 304
    , 314 (1993). Consequently, postconviction did
    not violate Rule 651(c) by not pursuing additional evidentiary matters.
    In a letter addressed to defendant, postconviction counsel indicated he would not seek
    DNA testing because “it would neither prove nor disprove any question at issue in your case.”
    As noted earlier, we concur in counsel’s appraisal. More importantly, though, the testing or
    results of DNA testing was not necessary for the presentation of defendant’s claims. The results
    were not materially relevant to presenting the claims concerning Fish’s testimony and counsel’s
    performance at trial and on appeal. They were unnecessary to proper resolution of the motion to
    dismiss defendant’s petition for relief. Manifestly, defendant may have another procedural forum
    to obtain DNA testing at his disposal, should he choose to avail himself of it. See 725 ILCS
    5/116-3 (West 2008). Although the State posits that defendant’s claims can be resolved by such
    a motion, this issue is not properly before us. Nevertheless, exploring evidentiary matters does
    not fall within the ambit of Rule 651(c).
    Defendant has failed to establish that postconviction counsel’s representation was not in
    conformity with the requirements of Rule 651(c). Consequently, we conclude defendant’s claim
    must fail.
    For the foregoing reasons, we affirm the judgment of the circuit court of Cook County.
    FITZGERALD SMITH, P.J., with HOWSE, J., concur.
    Please Use
    Following                                       (Front Sheet to be Attached to Each Case)
    Comple te
    of Case
    Docket No.
    No. 1-08-2841
    COURT                                                            Appellate Court of Illinois
    First District, FIFTH Division
    Opinion                                                             November 5, 2010
    Filed                                                           (Give month, day and year)
    JUSTICE TOOMIN delivered the opinion of the court:
    FITZGERALD SMITH, P.J., with HOWSE, J., concur.                                concur [s]
    APPEAL from                                     Lower Court and T rial Judge(s) in form indicated in the margin:
    the Circuit Ct. of
    Cook County,
    Chancery Div.                                        The Honorable     Marcus Salone, Judge P residing.
    Indicate if attorney represents APPELLANTS or APPELLEE S and include
    For                                             attorneys of counsel. Indicate the word NONE if not represented.
    John Doe, of    Attorneys for Plaintiff-Appellee-People of the State of Illinois: Anita Alvarez
    Chicago.                                                                          State’s Attorney
    County of Cook
    APPELLEES,                                                                        Room 309-Richard J. Daley Center,
    Smith and Smith                                                                   Chicago, IL 60602
    of Chicago,           Of counsel: Alan Spellberg, Mary Needham, William L. Toffenetti
    Joseph Brown,
    (of Counsel)
    Attorneys for Petitioner-Appellant:                                 MICHAEL J. PELLETIER
    Also add                                                                                 State Appellate Defender
    attorneys for
    third-party                                                                              ALAN D. GOLDBERG
    appellants or
    Deputy Defender
    Assistant Appellate Defender
    Office of the State Appellate Defender
    203 North LaSalle Street - 24th Floor
    Chicago, IL 60601