Fruit of the Loom v. Travelers Indemnity Co. ( 1996 )

  • 1-95-1869
    FRUIT OF THE LOOM, INC.,           )    Appeal from the
    )    Circuit Court of
    Plaintiff-Appellant,          )    Cook County.
    v.                       )
    COMPANY,                           )    Honorable
    )    Albert Green,
    Defendants-Appellees.         )    Judge Presiding.
    PRESIDING JUSTICE HARTMAN delivered the opinion of the court:
    This appeal concerns environmental pollution at a plant Fruit of the Loom,
    Inc. (FOTL) formerly owned in Bridgeport, Connecticut.  FOTL sought a declaratory
    judgment against defendants Travelers Indemnity Company (Travelers) and
    Transportation Insurance Company (Transportation) for failing to defend it in
    connection with the subject pollution.  Travelers and Transportation filed
    answers and affirmative defenses.  Travelers also filed a counterclaim seeking
    a declaration that it had no duty to defend or indemnify FOTL.
    Following cross-motions for summary judgment between Travelers and FOTL,
    the circuit court initially granted partial summary judgment for FOTL but, upon
    motion for reconsideration, vacated its earlier order and granted partial summary
    judgment for Travelers instead.  Subsequently, the court granted summary judgment
    for Transportation as well.  FOTL appeals.
    The issues presented include whether (1) a "suit" was filed giving rise to
    the insurers' duties to defend; (2) defendants are estopped from raising
    noncoverage as a defense where the underlying action was settled before either
    defendant filed a declaratory judgment action; (3) defendants' "intentional
    damage" exclusions bar coverage; (4) FOTL breached its duty to notify; (5)
    defendants' "pollution exclusions" bar coverage; and (6) FOTL waived its extra-
    contractual claims by not raising them on appeal.  We need address only issue
    one, under point I of this opinion, and issue five, under point II of this
    opinion, for disposition of this appeal.
    From the mid-1950s to the late 1970s FOTL, through a former subsidiary,
    Universal Manufacturing Corporation (Universal), operated a leased facility in
    Bridgeport (Bridgeport plant) to manufacture electrical capacitors.  Universal
    used low-chlorinated liquid polychlorinated biphenyls (PCBs) to impregnate the
    capacitors.  One such agent, Aroclor 1242, was used until approximately 1972;
    another, Aroclor 1016, was used until 1978.  PCBs, dielectric compounds that
    increase the efficiency of capacitors, are essentially insoluble in water.  The
    Bridgeport plant initially used 55 gallons of PCBs each week to impregnate its
    capacitors, which rose to approximately 2,000 gallons per week prior to its
    discontinued use of PCBs in February 1978.
    Universal purchased the PCBs from Monsanto Company (Monsanto) which, as
    early as 1963, placed warning labels on its Aroclor products concerning toxicity,
    and distributed product bulletins informing customers of toxicity and safe
    handling of the product.  In the late 1960s, Monsanto discovered PCBs' harmful
    effects on the environment of which it informed Universal in March 1969.
    Monsanto specifically advised Universal to keep all chemicals well contained and,
    subsequently, to exercise the highest degree of control in its storage of PCB
    products.  In May of 1970, Monsanto began to label Aroclor 1242 with a caution
    stating "[e]xtreme care should be taken to prevent any entry into the environment
    through spills, leakage, use, disposal, vaporization or otherwise."  Aroclor 1016
    was similarly labeled.  Monsanto's warnings about the dangers of PCBs also were
    placed on its shipping documents and invoices.  In February of 1970, however,
    Monsanto notified Universal that low-chlorinated PCBs (less than 54%) "have not
    been found in the environment and appear to present no potential problem to the
    environment."  Aroclor 1016 contained 42% chlorine.  In July of 1971, Monsanto
    sent a product bulletin to Universal, urging that "every care should be taken by
    users of PCB-containing products to prevent entry into the environment ***."  The
    bulletin proposed nine guidelines for users of PCBs to follow.
    The Bridgeport plant used large amounts of lower-chlorinated PCBs to
    impregnate the capacitors, about one million pounds each year.  Some of these
    PCBs escaped from the capacitor impregnation room through the wood and steel
    flooring, down into the underlying oil reclamation room where it leached into the
    concrete slab beneath the plant and leached through the concrete into the soil
    and groundwater beneath the oil reclamation room.  The "source point" for this
    contamination was the capacitor impregnation area at the Bridgeport plant.  It
    was an ongoing process.
    A Universal foreman, Robert Delvy, testified that PCB drippage occurred all
    the time; it was an ongoing problem to keep certain areas clean.  He later
    testified that the drippage occurred occasionally and that the drippage was
    always cleaned up because "it was slippery and somebody could fall."  Universal
    used chipboard to absorb the oil and "spent tons of money trying to keep the
    floor in reasonably good condition."  Some drippage soaked through a protective
    floor to the underlying wood floor and into the basement area.  Delvy stated that
    during the early 1980s, Universal made several efforts to clean up the PCB
    contamination and that material from years before was contaminated, including
    wood, walls and floors.
    Universal had stored PCB drums in its plant parking lot at one time; it
    excavated most of the parking lot in an effort to clean up PCB contamination.
    In the past, Universal poured PCBs into the sewer drains.  Delvy "pumped probably
    3 or 400 gallons right out an exhaust port of a vacuum pump out onto the driveway
    and down the street and [it] ran into sewer drains and [it] ran into the railroad
    viaducts on more than one occasion."  Delvy poured PCBs into the external drains
    in the plant; he and "other people" did this as a practice for a time when he was
    young until he was stopped.  In the 1960s, the practice of pouring PCBs into the
    sewer was discontinued.  Delvy did not know whether the drippage of PCBs was
    causing property damage.
    Despite Universal's precautionary measures, pipe leaks and overflows
    continually occurred in the impregnation area, for example, when "somebody forgot
    to put a clamp on a chamber door" or when a "bottom clamp was left open."  When
    significant spills occurred, the employees used "speedy dry"; when lesser amounts
    spilled on the floor, the chipboard was "put there to soak it up."  Employees
    often got PCB oil on their shoes and tracked the oil throughout the plant, which
    was "not specifically" cleaned up.
    Although one Monsanto employee reported that the Bridgeport plant was very
    clean, other Monsanto employees were concerned about the spillage at the plant.
    A Monsanto report indicated that Universal was losing about "6« lbs. per week out
    of vent lines."  The report concluded that Universal was losing approximately one
    "tank car of Aroclor per year."
    The Bridgeport plant was inspected several times prior to 1986.  In 1976,
    the Connecticut Department of Environmental Protection (DEP) and the Federal
    Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) inspected the Bridgeport plant.  They
    issued an abatement order which stated that Universal is "maintaining a condition
    which reasonably can be expected to create a source of pollution to the waters
    of the state ***."  The order did not allege any contamination of the building,
    soil or groundwater, but ordered Universal to investigate all sources of PCBs
    associated with the manufacturing of capacitors and to institute any necessary
    procedures or modifications to ensure no contamination by PCBs.  Universal was
    required to submit a report detailing the use and disposal of PCBs.
    A 1981 EPA inspection report cited Universal for several violations
    including improper disposal and storage of PCBs and labeling and recordkeeping
    of PCB containers.
    On November 17, 1982, DEP inspected the Bridgeport plant in order to verify
    the findings by EPA one year earlier.  In its report, DEP noted a "4' x 15' spill
    next to the flood tank," as well as "numerous spills throughout the processing
    section of the facility."  DEP sampled the spills to determine the presence of
    PCB.  The report noted the "spillage might be DOP," a non-PCB fluid.  DEP also
    cited Universal for failing to keep proper dating and recordkeeping of PCBs.  The
    report also noted another extensive spill of waste oil but indicated that the oil
    was DOP.
    On February 1, 1983, DEP conducted another inspection of the facility.  In
    August of 1983, EPA sent Universal a notice of noncompliance, relating to the
    1982 and 1983 inspections.  The notice of noncompliance stated that Universal had
    improperly stored PCB "drums in the basement of your facility where the masonry
    walls had small cracks and the floor had an opening which may permit spilled PCB
    fluid to flow from the storage area."  DEP's report of 1982 noted that it
    concurred in the findings concerning the basement area but the inspectors were
    unable to find an "opening" noted in the 1981 report.
    In 1986, FOTL sold Universal and its interest in the Bridgeport plant to
    MagneTek.  A Connecticut statute known as the "Transfer Act" required a seller
    of corporate realty to certify to both DEP and the buyer that either (1) there
    is no contamination on site, or (2) one of the parties to the sale agrees to be
    responsible for any clean up of the site.  On January 29, 1986, FOTL certified
    to DEP that FOTL would remain responsible for the economic consequences of any
    remedial action.  The certification stated that the Bridgeport plant "utilized
    PCB until 1978" and that, despite "prior cleanup efforts, residual PCB
    contamination from pre-1978 activities has recently been discovered."  FOTL also
    certified that it would remove any hazardous waste at the Bridgeport plant "in
    accordance with procedures and a time schedule approved by the Commissioner of
    Environmental Protection pursuant to an order, stipulated judgment, or consent
    In the spring of 1986, Universal retained Memphis Environmental Center
    (Memphis) as environmental manager at its Bridgeport plant.  Memphis became
    responsible for managing all issues concerning PCB contamination.  Memphis
    advised DEP of remedial plans at the Bridgeport plant in the summer of 1986,
    which remedial measures were implemented in order to "minimize employee exposure
    to surface and airborne PCB contamination."  On November 19, 1986, FOTL submitted
    a report to DEP "summarizing the results of in-plant and soil and groundwater
    data collection, and recommend[ed] a phased approach to remediation at
    On September 4, 1986, DEP conducted an inspection, pursuant to FOTL's
    certification of transfer, and discovered PCB contamination at the Bridgeport
    plant.  The inspection, according to a later 1986 DEP letter to Universal from
    Scott Deshefy, DEP's PCB coordinator, a PCB investigation "was conducted as an
    extension of an investigation, voluntarily initiated by Universal Manufacturing
    Corporation, to determine the extent of PCB contamination resulting from past
    manufacturing of small, low-voltage capacitors impregnated with PCBs."
    FOTL's Director of Insurance, Burgess D. Ridge, received a copy of the 1986
    DEP letter on March 17, 1987.  Ridge concluded that there was a claim under the
    terms of its insurance policies, and reported the letter to Travelers and
    Transportation on March 19, 1987.  Ridge did not believe that Farley, Universal's
    parent, was entitled to a defense from the insurers until "it was established
    that there was a property damage claim that required defense."  Ridge did not
    think that a property damage claim existed in the fall of 1985.
    On April 22, 1987, Travelers acknowledged receipt of Ridge's letter of
    March 19, 1987, notifying Travelers of DEP's letter.  On July 2, 1987, Travelers
    sent Ridge a questionnaire in order to determine whether the insurance policies
    issued afforded coverage.  The Travelers' letter noted, among other things:
    "Please be advised that Comprehensive General Liability
    insurance responds to liability arising out of an
    "occurrence" resulting in "bodily injury" or "property
    damage" during the policy periods.  This type of policy
    may also contain language excluding coverage for damages
    arising out of any emission *** of any liquid *** or
    pollutant that is either expected or intended from the
    standpoint of the insured ***."
    Both Travelers' letters reserved all rights and provided that neither the
    acknowledgement nor any investigation "shall be construed as a waiver of any of
    the rights and defenses available to The Travelers ***."
    On June 21, 1988, FOTL negotiated a consent order with DEP, requiring FOTL
    to (1) continue investigating PCB contamination resulting from past manufacturing
    practices of Universal; (2) minimize any threat to human health and/or the
    environment; and (3) obtain discharge permits as necessary for any "discharge to
    the waters of the State resulting from implementation of remedial measures."  The
    consent order established a three phase schedule for remediation of the site and
    concluded that failure to comply subjects FOTL "to penalties under Section 22a-
    438, 22a-469, and injunction under Section 22a-435 of the Connecticut General
    A soil removal component report prepared for Universal in 1993 stated that
    "5,432 tons of contaminated materials were removed from the Site as a result of
    completing the soil removal component of the final phase of remediation at the
    Site.  It is estimated that approximately 17,000 kilograms (or 37,478 pounds) of
    PCBs were removed from these materials."
    FOTL's predecessors in interest purchased primary comprehensive general
    liability insurance policies from Travelers from January 1, 1965, to October 31,
    1978, and from Transportation from November 1, 1978, to January 1, 1986.
    The Travelers' policies from 1965 to September 30, 1971, did not contain
    a pollution exclusion provision.  The Travelers' policies from October 1, 1971,
    to October 31, 1978, excluded coverage under the following circumstances:
    (a)  if such emission, discharge, seepage,
    release or escape is either expected or
    intended from the standpoint of any insured
    or any person or organization for whose
    acts or omissions any insured is liable, or
    (b)  resulting from or contributed to by any
    condition in violation of or non-compliance
    with any governmental rule, regulation or
    law applicable thereto ***."
    The Travelers' policies from January 1, 1965, to September 30, 1973,
    contain the following "intentional damage" exclusion:
    "Exclusions.   Part I of this agreement does not
    (d)  to bodily injury, injury arising out of
    discrimination, advertising injury or property
    damage caused intentionally by or at the
    direction of the Insured unless committed for the
    purpose of protecting persons or property ***."
    The Travelers' policies issued after 1973 amended the above "intentional damage"
    exclusion to create the following "expected or intended" exclusion:
    "Exclusions.   Part I of this agreement does not
    (d)  to bodily injury, injury arising out of
    discrimination, advertising injury or property
    damage which was either expected or intended from
    the standpoint of the insured ***."
    Transportation's policies contain the following pollution exclusion
    "Exclusions.  Part I of this policy does not apply:
    (i)  to bodily injury or property damage arising out
    of the discharge, dispersal, release or escape of
    smoke, vapors, soot, fumes, acids, alkalis, toxic
    chemicals, liquids or gases, waste materials or
    other irritants, contaminants or pollutants into
    or upon land, the atmosphere or any water course
    or body of water, but this exclusion does not
    apply if such discharge, dispersal, release or
    escape is sudden and accidental."
    FOTL initially filed a complaint for a judicial declaration that
    Transportation and Travelers were liable for all costs incurred in connection
    with pollution conditions at the Bridgeport plant.  FOTL's complaint also
    contained counts for breach of the covenant of good faith, violation of the
    Illinois Consumer Fraud and Deceptive Business Practices Act, and violation of
    the Illinois Insurance Code. Thereafter, FOTL filed an amended complaint, to
    which Travelers and Transportation filed answers and asserted affirmative
    defenses.  Travelers also filed a counterclaim against FOTL, seeking a
    declaration that Travelers did not have a duty to defend or indemnify FOTL.  FOTL
    subsequently filed a motion for partial summary judgment on the duty to defend
    against Travelers and sought to bar Travelers from asserting several affirmative
    On January 11, 1993, the circuit court granted FOTL's motion for partial
    summary judgment against Travelers for breaching its duty to defend.  FOTL moved
    again for a partial summary judgment against Travelers, seeking to bar Travelers
    from asserting any remaining defenses.  Travelers moved the court to reconsider
    its January 11, 1993, ruling estopping Travelers from asserting certain defenses,
    relying upon Sears, Roebuck & Co. v. Seneca Insurance Co., 
    254 Ill. App. 3d 686
    627 N.E.2d 173
    (1993). Travelers also cross-moved for summary judgment based upon
    its "pollution exclusion" defense.  On June 6, 1994, the circuit court granted
    Travelers motion to reconsider, vacated its earlier order and granted Travelers'
    cross-motion for partial summary judgment.
    FOTL thereafter moved the circuit court to certify two questions for
    interlocutory appeal.  Travelers again moved for summary judgment, seeking
    dismissal of FOTL's entire action based upon its "expected or intended" and late
    notice defenses.  Transportation also moved for summary judgment based upon its
    "pollution exclusion."  FOTL cross-moved against both defendants.  Following a
    hearing, the circuit court granted Travelers' and Transportation's motions for
    summary judgment and denied all plaintiff's motions.  This appeal followed.
    FOTL initially argues the circuit court erred in ruling as a matter of law
    that defendants have no duty to defend.  Travelers and Transportation maintain
    that Lapham-Hickey Steel Corp. v. Protection Mutual Insurance Co., 
    166 Ill. 2d 520
    655 N.E.2d 842
    (1995) (Lapham-Hickey), governs the disposition of this case.
    A motion for summary judgment will be granted only when the pleadings,
    depositions, admissions, and affidavits on file, if any, show that there is no
    genuine issue of material fact and that the moving party is entitled to judgment
    as a matter of law.  735 ILCS 5/2-1005 (West 1994).  A court may draw inferences
    from undisputed facts but will not grant summary judgment unless those facts are
    susceptible of only a single inference.  Bellerive v. Hilton Hotels Corp., 
    245 Ill. App. 3d 933
    , 935-36, 
    615 N.E.2d 858
    (1993).  This court reviews summary
    judgment orders de novo; accordingly, we examine all the evidentiary material on
    file at the time of the entry of the orders appealed from in the light most
    favorable to the non-movant.  Trevino v. Flash Cab Co., 
    272 Ill. App. 3d 1022
    651 N.E.2d 723
    Insurance contracts are subject to the same rules of construction as other
    types of contracts.  Dunlap v. Illinois Founders Insurance Co., 
    250 Ill. App. 3d 563
    , 568, 
    621 N.E.2d 102
    (1993).  In construing a contract, the primary objective
    is to effectuate the intent of the parties.  
    Dunlap, 250 Ill. App. 3d at 568
    "Intent may be ascertained from the circumstances surrounding the issuance of the
    policy, including the situation of the parties and the purpose for which the
    policy was obtained."  Dash Messenger Service, Inc. v. Hartford Insurance Co.,
    221 Ill. App. 3d 1007
    , 1010, 
    582 N.E.2d 1257
    An insurer may not justifiably refuse to defend an action against its
    insured unless it is clear from the face of the underlying complaint that the
    allegations fail to state facts which bring the case within, or potentially
    within, the policy's coverage.  Conway v. Country Casualty Insurance Co., 
    92 Ill. 2d
    388, 393, 
    442 N.E.2d 245
    (1982).  The duty to defend arises even if only one
    of the theories of recovery is within the potential coverage of the policy.
    Shell Oil Co. v. AC&S, Inc., 
    271 Ill. App. 3d 898
    , 904, 
    649 N.E.2d 946
    In Lapham-Hickey, the supreme court determined "when a 'suit' exists in an
    environmental context 
    ***." 166 Ill. 2d at 530
    .  The Lapham-Hickey court noted
    that "the word 'suit' refers to a proceeding in a court of law [citations]" and
    observed, in part, as follows:
    "The definition of the word 'suit' as requiring an
    action in a court of law is further supported by
    analyzing the connection between the filing of a
    complaint and the duty to defend.  Whether an insurer's
    duty to defend has arisen is determined by looking to
    the allegations in the underlying complaint and
    comparing these allegations to the policy provisions.
    [Citation.]  If the facts alleged in the underlying
    complaint fall within or even potentially within policy
    coverage, the insurer has a duty to defend its insured
    against the complaint.  [Citation.]  Thus, the duty to
    defend extends only to suits and not to allegations,
    accusations or claims which have not been embodied
    within the context of a complaint.  In the instant case,
    a complaint alleging liability for property damage has
    never been filed against Lapham-Hickey.  Without a
    complaint, there is no 'suit.'  And without a 'suit,'
    *** [insurer's] duty to defend Lapham-Hickey is not
    Neither the initial letter from the EPA, the draft
    consent order nor the 'no-action' letter initiated a
    suit.  None were filed in a court of law and none
    accomplished service of process upon Lapham-Hickey.
    Rather, the draft consent order and ultimately the 'no-
    action' letter were mechanisms used to encourage Lapham-
    Hickey to voluntarily investigate the contamination at
    the facility.  Though the tone of these documents may
    have been confrontational, these documents by themselves
    are not complaints and do not impose 
    liability." 166 Ill. 2d at 532-33
    In the case sub judice, defendants' duties to defend similarly apply to
    "suits" under the explicit language of both policies, "to defend any suit
    alleging such injury or damage" (Travelers' policy, Coverage A, Part I(a);
    Transportation's policy, Coverage A, Part I(a)).  DEP never filed a complaint in
    court against FOTL or any of its subsidiaries.  The only substantive difference
    between the present case and Lapham-Hickey is that DEP's letter expressly stated
    that it was an enforcement action whereas no enforcement action was initiated in
    Lapham-Hickey. 166 Ill. 2d at 525
    .  In the instant case, however, Memphis
    notified FOTL's and Farley's attorneys that DEP's inspector did "not favor a
    Consent Order but preferred a letter from the State to the company indicating a
    Notice of Violation allowing a timetable for coming into compliance."  Memphis'
    letter also indicated that the inspection which eventually brought about the
    letter was initiated by Universal itself.  Further, DEP's letter describes itself
    as a "notice *** issued  to formally require affirmation that the aforementioned
    PCB environmental contamination is completely and expedi[ti]ously removed and
    disposed in accordance with State and Federal PCB regulations."  DEP's letter
    also stated that it was a "memorandum" and that Universal "should submit a
    written certified statement specifically describing the remedial actions to be
    taken ***."
    As in Lapham-Hickey, DEP's letter did not initiate a suit, was not filed
    in a court of law and did not accomplish service of process upon Universal.
    DEP's letter, by its very terms, attempted only to encourage Universal to
    undertake remedial action.  Lapham-Hickey, therefore, clearly controls the
    disposition of this issue.
    DEP's letter did not initiate a suit and, therefore, did not trigger
    defendants' duties to defend.
    FOTL contends that Lapham-Hickey should not be applied retroactively.  In
    Forest Preserve District v. Pacific Indemnity Co., 
    279 Ill. App. 3d 728
    , 734, 
    665 N.E.2d 305
    (1996), the court noted that Lapham-Hickey had retroactive application
    because the supreme court's opinion in Lapham-Hickey did not state that it was
    prospective and the "opinion on its face applies to the litigants in the Lapham-
    Hickey case ***."  It must be concluded that Lapham-Hickey is to be given
    retroactive application.
    FOTL asserts, however, the circuit court's initial ruling of January 11,
    1993, that a "suit" was commenced, has become the law of the case because neither
    insurer appealed.
    A decision on a question of law from which no appeal has been taken becomes
    the law of the case.  Wolfe v. Industrial Comm'n, 
    138 Ill. App. 3d 680
    , 686, 
    486 N.E.2d 280
    (1985).  Contrariwise, a party cannot complain of an error which does
    not prejudicially affect it and one who has obtained by judgment all that has
    been asked in the circuit court cannot appeal from that judgment.  Material
    Service Corp. v. Department of Revenue, 
    98 Ill. 2d 382
    , 386, 
    457 N.E.2d 9
    It is the judgment and not what else may have been said by the circuit court that
    is on appeal.  Material Service 
    Corp., 98 Ill. 2d at 387
    .  A reviewing court is
    not bound to accept the reasons given by a circuit court for its judgment,  which
    may be sustained upon any ground warranted, regardless of whether the circuit
    court relied upon such ground and regardless of whether the reason given by the
    circuit court was correct.  Material Service 
    Corp., 98 Ill. 2d at 387
    Defendants here correctly observe that they did not need to appeal the
    lower court's judgment because no part of it was adverse to them.  FOTL counters
    that Travelers did not receive attorneys' fees and, therefore, an aspect of the
    judgment was not in appellee's favor.  Travelers asserts that this court can
    affirm the circuit court's order on any ground.
    The cases relied upon by FOTL (e.g., Wolfe v. Industrial Comm'n, 138 Ill.
    App. 3d 680, 686, 
    486 N.E.2d 280
    (1985), City of Chicago v. Industrial Comm'n,
    59 Ill. 2d 284
    , 290, 
    319 N.E.2d 749
    (1974), and City of Wilmington v. Industrial
    52 Ill. 2d 587
    289 N.E.2d 418
    (1972)), involve instances where the party
    prevailing in the circuit court did not file a cross-appeal but nevertheless
    requested the reviewing court to reverse a part of the judgment.  In the present
    case, Travelers does not seek to reverse any part of the circuit court's
    judgment.  Travelers' counterclaim against FOTL requested attorneys' fees and
    costs.  The circuit court granted Travelers and Transportation costs in its final
    order.  No mention was made of attorneys' fees in either the final order or the
    court's last proceeding.  Unlike the cases relied upon by FOTL, Travelers seeks
    only to affirm the circuit court's ruling.  True, the circuit court, during the
    course of its January 1993 proceedings, found that a "suit" had been filed;
    however, the January 1993 order was subsequently vacated.  Although FOTL
    accurately notes the circuit court retained its reasoning, that a suit had been
    filed in subsequent proceedings, nevertheless summary judgment was granted for
    Travelers and, therefore, there was no reason for Travelers to file a cross-
    This court can sustain the circuit court's judgment upon any ground
    warranted, regardless of whether the circuit court relied upon such ground and
    regardless of whether the reason given by the circuit court was correct.
    Material Service 
    Corp., 98 Ill. 2d at 387
    .  In any event, the decision in Lapham-
    Hickey controls the disposition of whether a "suit" was commenced by DEP's
    In sum, the issue of whether a "suit" had been filed did not become the law
    of the case because defendants did not have to file a cross-appeal where they do
    not seek to reverse any part of the circuit court's judgment.
    FOTL contends that defendants' pollution exclusions do not operate to bar
    FOTL initially argues that Transportation's pollution exclusion does not
    apply because FOTL did not "expect or intend" any discharge of PCBs into the
    external environment.
    In Outboard Marine Corp. v. Liberty Mutual Insurance Co., 
    154 Ill. 2d 90
    607 N.E.2d 1204
    (1992) (OMC), the supreme court discussed the identical
    pollution exclusion contained in Transportation's policies in the present case.
    The OMC court determined that the "sudden and accidental" language of the
    exclusion retriggers "coverage for unexpected or unintended releases" and
    discharges of 
    pollutants. 154 Ill. 2d at 123-24
    .  The OMC court observed that
    the relevant consideration "is whether the insured expected and intended to
    discharge the particular toxic[ant] it is alleged to have discharged and for
    which it now seeks coverage."  (Emphasis in original.)  In other words, if FOTL
    expected the release of PCBs into the environment, the pollution exclusion
    applies and the loss is not covered.
    In the present case, the record demonstrates that FOTL regularly expected
    spills during the manufacturing process.  In order to clean up the continually
    recurring spills and drippage, FOTL used "speedy dry," rags, mops and chipboard
    to absorb the oil.  A study of the plant revealed "surface contamination" of the
    impregnation chamber, the basement beneath the chamber, the fluid transfer area,
    and "possibly the load testing area."  Additionally, the "wood floors and
    timbers" beneath the impregnation chamber are "likely saturated with PCBs."  The
    concrete floor in the basement similarly received "significant spillage, and is
    likely to be contaminated to a considerable depth with PCBs."  This evidence
    sufficiently demonstrates that FOTL regularly experienced and endeavored to deal
    with discharges and releases of the PCBs.  To claim that such discharges and
    releases were unexpected is disingenuous.
    FOTL insists that because there is also evidence of accidental spills, they
    were "unexpected" and the policies do not bar coverage.  Spills which occurred
    when "somebody forgot [accidently] to put a clamp on a chamber door" or when "a
    bottom clamp [accidently] was left open," were ordinary and recurring parts of
    the business, which also must be deemed to have been expected by FOTL in its
    operations.  Compare Lumbermens Mutual Casualty Co. v. Belleville Industries,
    938 F.2d 1423
    , 1429 (1st Cir. 1991) (rejecting insured's contention that
    some pollution was due to accidents because a company that "purposefully and
    regularly [has] been carrying on operations involving continual pollution" is not
    entitled to policy coverage) with Nashua Corp. v. First State Insurance Co., 
    648 N.E.2d 1272
    , 1276 (Mass. 1995) (remanding for a determination of what portion of
    "pollution damage resulted from" ordinary operations (excluded), and what portion
    was caused by sudden and accidental releases (covered)).  Despite evidence here
    of slight accidental spills, FOTL nevertheless is shown to have expected such
    accidents in the ordinary course of business and, therefore, remand is not
    necessary.  Transportation's pollution exclusion bars coverage in the present
    FOTL next contends that Travelers' pollution exclusion does not apply.
    Travelers asserts that it has no duty to defend or indemnify plaintiff because
    the pollution exclusion bars coverage for the illegal contamination as well as
    for the expected and intended discharges of PCBs.
    Travelers' policies contain a pollution exclusion which bars coverage for
    property damage arising out of any discharge of any liquid if such discharge
    results from "any condition in violation of or non-compliance with any
    governmental rule, regulation or law applicable thereto ***."  Travelers'
    exclusion bars coverage, then, for any contamination which results from any
    condition in violation of any governmental law.  The DEP's notice of violation
    stated that Universal violated several Connecticut statutes through its "illegal
    disposal of PCBs."
    FOTL relies upon Travelers Indemnity Co. v. Dingwell, 
    414 A.2d 220
    1980), to establish that the pollution exclusion requires that the illegal
    conduct must cause the discharge.  Dingwell is distinguishable because the
    complaint there did not "allege that *** [insured's] operation has ever been
    found to violate any state statute or regulation 
    ***." 414 A.2d at 228
    .  In
    Dingwell, it appeared from the complaint that insured's "operation conformed to
    the existing 
    law." 414 A.2d at 228
    .  In the present case, DEP's letter plainly
    states that Universal violated state statutes.  Although FOTL contends that
    "disposal" means "accidentally to discard" and that FOTL had to intend to
    discharge pollutants, Travelers' policy merely requires a violation of state
    statute or regulation.  See Travelers Insurance Co. v. Waltham Industrial
    Laboratories Corp., 
    722 F. Supp. 814
    , 828 n.6 (D.Mass. 1988), aff'd in relevant
    883 F.2d 1092
    (1st Cir. 1989).  We conclude that Travelers' pollution
    exclusion expressly bars coverage for the contamination in the present case.
    FOTL next argues that Travelers' pollution exclusion does not apply because
    FOTL did not expect or intend to discharge pollutants.  As previously discussed
    in Section A of this Part, evidence sufficiently demonstrated that FOTL expected
    discharges and releases of the PCBs.
    The pollution exclusion merely requires an expectation of release or escape
    of pollutants.  Although FOTL also focuses on its stringent housekeeping, the
    evidence sufficiently shows that spills occurred commonly during the ordinary
    course of business.  As a result, Travelers' pollution exclusion bars coverage
    in the present case.
    Travelers asserts that since it has no duty to defend under the pollution
    exclusion provisions of its policies, it has no duty to indemnify because an
    insurer's duty to indemnify is narrower than its duty to defend.  FOTL maintains
    the duty to indemnify is separate from the duty to defend.
    In cases where no duty to defend exists, there is no duty to indemnify
    since the duty to defend is broader than the duty to indemnify.  Crum & Forster
    Managers Corp. v. Resolution Trust Corp., 
    156 Ill. 2d 384
    , 398, 
    620 N.E.2d 1073
    (1993).  Because we conclude that Travelers has no duty to defend FOTL,
    concomitantly it has no duty to indemnify FOTL.
    For the reasons set forth in this opinion, we affirm the decision of the
    circuit court granting summary judgment in favor of Travelers Indemnity Company
    and Transportation Insurance Company.
    SCARIANO and DiVITO, JJ., concur.