People v. Yusuf , 409 Ill. App. 3d 435 ( 2011 )

  •                           NO. 4-08-0034        Opinion Filed 4/14/11
    Plaintiff-Appellee,          )    Circuit Court of
    v.                           )    Champaign County
    AHMED A. YUSUF,                        )    No. 06CF1876
    Defendant-Appellant.         )
    )    Honorable
    )    Thomas J. Difanis,
    )    Judge Presiding.
    JUSTICE McCULLOUGH delivered the judgment of the court,
    with opinion.
    Presiding Justice Knecht and Justice Turner concurred
    in the judgment and opinion.
    In October 2007, a jury convicted defendant, Ahmed A.
    Yusuf, of armed robbery (720 ILCS 5/18-2(a)(2) (West 2006)).     In
    December 2007, the trial court sentenced him to seven years’
    imprisonment.   Defendant appealed, arguing the court erred in
    failing to question the jurors during voir dire in compliance
    with Illinois Supreme Court Rule 431(b) (eff. May 1, 2007)
    regarding the jurors' understanding of the four basic constitu-
    tional guarantees afforded criminal defendants at trial.    In
    November 2008, this court affirmed.     People v. Yusuf, No. 4-08-
    0034 (Nov. 19, 2008) (unpublished order under Supreme Court Rule
    In September 2009, the Illinois Supreme Court denied
    defendant’s petition for leave to appeal but issued a supervisory
    order (People v. Yusuf, 
    233 Ill. 2d 598
    914 N.E.2d 489
    (nonprecedential supervisory order on denial of petition for
    leave to appeal) (No. 107674)) directing this court to vacate our
    order and to reconsider in light of People v. Glasper, 
    234 Ill. 2d 173
    917 N.E.2d 401
     (2009).     In accordance with the supreme
    court’s directions, we vacated our prior judgment and reconsid-
    ered in light of Glasper.   We reversed defendant’s conviction and
    remanded the matter for a new trial.     People v. Yusuf, 
    399 Ill. App. 3d 817
    928 N.E.2d 143
    In January 2011, the supreme court issued a supervisory
    order (People v. Yusuf, 
    239 Ill. 2d 588
    940 N.E.2d 1152
    (nonprecedential supervisory order on denial of petition for
    leave to appeal) (No. 110420)) directing this court to vacate our
    order and to reconsider in light of People v. Thompson, 
    238 Ill. 2d 598
    939 N.E.2d 403
     (2010).    In accordance with the supreme
    court’s directions, we vacate our prior judgment and reconsider
    in light of Thompson to determine whether a different result is
    warranted.   After considering the supreme court’s reasoning in
    Thompson, we affirm defendant’s conviction.
    On November 20, 2006, the State charged defendant with
    two counts of armed robbery.   At trial, Sarad Chandra, a conve-
    nience store clerk, testified that shortly after 10 p.m. on
    November 19, 2006, a man carrying a gun and dressed in dark
    clothing and a ski mask came into the store and demanded money.
    Chandra opened the register, and the man took the money and ran
    out of the store.   The store surveillance tape was played for the
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    The State also presented evidence at trial establishing
    that on the evening of November 19, 2006, Maokun Li left his
    office and was walking to his vehicle when defendant, wearing a
    black ski mask, appeared from behind a bush.     Defendant produced
    a gun and ordered Li to give him his wallet and cellular phone.
    Defendant also demanded Li’s personal identification number for
    the debit card.   Li testified defendant also threatened to shoot
    him.   According to Li’s testimony, defendant ordered Li to lay on
    the ground and not to look at him.     Li called the police after
    defendant fled.   The police arrested defendant shortly thereaf-
    Defendant did not present any evidence at trial.    After
    considering the State's evidence, closing arguments, and jury
    instructions, the jury acquitted defendant of the armed robbery
    of Chandra but found him guilty of the armed robbery of Li.     The
    trial court sentenced defendant as stated.
    On appeal, defendant claims the trial court erred where
    it failed to comply with the mandates of Supreme Court Rule
    431(b).   Specifically, defendant argues the procedure used by the
    court failed to allow the venire an opportunity to respond to or
    be questioned on the Zehr principles, i.e., it failed to comply
    with the directives of Rule 431(b).     See People v. Zehr, 
    103 Ill. 2d 472
    , 477-78, 
    469 N.E.2d 1062
    , 1064 (1984).
    In this case, defendant’s trial counsel did not object
    at the time of the trial court’s error.     In addition, defendant’s
    posttrial motion did not allege the court failed to comply with
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    Rule 431(b).    As a result, the issue has been forfeited.    See
    People v. Hestand, 
    362 Ill. App. 3d 272
    , 279, 
    838 N.E.2d 318
    , 324
    (2005).   Defendant, however, argues the court's failure to comply
    with Rule 431(b) constitutes plain error affecting his right to a
    fair trial by an impartial jury.
    A reviewing court may disregard a defendant's forfei-
    ture and review the issue under the plain-error doctrine to
    determine whether reversal is required.       People v. Lewis, 
    234 Ill. 2d 32
    , 42, 
    912 N.E.2d 1220
    , 1226 (2009).      The plain-error
    doctrine allows a reviewing court to consider forfeited error
    when (1) the evidence is closely balanced or (2) the error is so
    serious that it affected the fairness of the defendant's trial
    and challenged the integrity of the judicial process, regardless
    of the closeness of the evidence.       People v. Walker, 
    232 Ill. 2d 113
    , 124, 
    902 N.E.2d 691
    , 697 (2009).      Under either prong of the
    plain-error analysis, the defendant has the burden of persuasion.
    234 Ill. 2d at 43
    912 N.E.2d at 1227
    Before reviewing the issue under the plain-error
    doctrine, however, we must first determine whether any error
    occurred.    People v. Piatkowski, 
    225 Ill. 2d 551
    , 565, 
    870 N.E.2d 403
    , 411 (2007).    This court reviews de novo a trial court’s
    compliance with a supreme court rule.       People v. Young, 
    387 Ill. App. 3d 1126
    , 1127, 
    903 N.E.2d 434
    , 435 (2009).
    In Zehr, the Supreme Court of Illinois held a trial
    court erred during voir dire by refusing defense counsel's
    request to ask questions about (1) the State's burden of proof,
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    (2) defendant's right to not testify, and (3) the presumption of
    innocence.   Zehr, 
    103 Ill. 2d at 477
    469 N.E.2d at 1064
    The supreme court amended Rule 431(b) to assure compli-
    ance with its decision in Zehr.   Adopted March 21, 2007, and
    effective May 1, 2007, the rule now reads as follows:
    "(b) The court shall ask each potential
    juror, individually or in a group, whether
    that juror understands and accepts the fol-
    lowing principles: (1) that the defendant is
    presumed innocent of the charge(s) against
    him or her; (2) that before a defendant can
    be convicted the State must prove the defen-
    dant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt; (3)
    that the defendant is not required to offer
    any evidence on his or her own behalf; and
    (4) that the defendant's failure to testify
    cannot be held against him or her; however,
    no inquiry of a prospective juror shall be
    made into the defendant's failure to testify
    when the defendant objects.
    The court's method of inquiry shall
    provide each juror an opportunity to respond
    to specific questions concerning the princi-
    ples set out in this section."   (Emphases
    added.)   Ill. S. Ct. R. 431(b) (eff. May 1,
    - 5 -
    The committee comments provide as follows:
    "The new language is intended to ensure
    compliance with the requirements of People v.
    103 Ill. 2d 472
    469 N.E.2d 1062
    (1984).   It seeks to end the practice where
    the judge makes a broad statement of the
    applicable law followed by a general question
    concerning the juror’s willingness to follow
    the law."    Ill. S. Ct. R. 431(b), Committee
    Comments (eff. May 1, 1997).
    As of May 1, 2007, the plain language of Rule 431(b)
    requires a trial court to (1) sua sponte question each potential
    juror as to whether he understands and accepts the Zehr princi-
    ples (2) in a manner that allows each juror an opportunity to
    respond.   As the voir dire in this case occurred in October 2007,
    after the amendment became effective, the court was required to
    comply with the rule as amended May 1, 2007.
    At the beginning of voir dire, prior to the jurors
    being sworn in, the trial court addressed the pool as follows:
    "I want to go over some of those [jury]
    instructions with you now so that you can
    keep them in perspective as you listen to the
    testimony.    The first instruction is *** that
    the defendant is presumed to be innocent of
    the charge[s] against him [(Rule 431(b) prin-
    ciple (1))].    This presumption remains with
    - 6 -
    him throughout every stage of the trial and
    during your deliberations on the verdict, and
    is not overcome unless from all of the evi-
    dence in this case, you are convinced beyond
    a reasonable doubt that he is guilty [(Rule
    431(b) principle (2))].
    The State has the burden of proving the
    guilt of the defendant beyond a reasonable
    doubt, and this burden remains on the State
    throughout the case.    The defendant is not
    required to prove his innocence [(an apparent
    reference to Rule 431(b) principle (3))].       In
    connection with the last sentence, this de-
    fendant, as does every citizen, possesses an
    absolute right not to testify at his trial if
    he so chooses.   If the defendant chooses not
    to testify, you will receive an instruction
    that states that the fact the defendant did
    not testify must not be considered by you in
    any way in arriving at your verdict [(Rule
    431(b) principle (4))]."       (Emphases added.)
    During voir dire, the trial court questioned the
    potential jurors about their previous experiences with the legal
    system and whether they were familiar with the defendant, attor-
    neys, or witnesses.   The court also asked each juror whether he
    or she could think of any reason why he or she could not be "fair
    - 7 -
    and impartial."   While each of the 12 jurors selected to hear the
    case answered those questions in the negative, the court did not
    conduct Zehr questioning of individual jurors.    As a result, the
    court never directly questioned the individual jurors regarding
    their understanding of the Zehr principles as required by the
    second paragraph of amended Rule 431(b).
    Prior to deliberations, the trial court gave the jury
    Illinois Pattern Jury Instructions, Criminal, Nos. 2.03 and 2.04
    (4th ed. 2000) (hereinafter, IPI Criminal 4th), regarding (1)
    defendant’s presumption of innocence, (2) the State’s burden of
    proof, and (3) "[t]he fact that defendant did not testify must
    not be considered by [the jurors] in any way in arriving at [a]
    In this case, the record shows the trial court did not
    fully comply with Rule 431(b).    While the court advised the
    venire en masse of the four Zehr principles, it did not pose the
    specific questions of whether the jurors understood and accepted
    all four of those principles during voir dire.    See Ill. S. Ct.
    R. 431(b) (eff. May 1, 2007) ("The court's method of inquiry
    shall provide each juror an opportunity to respond to specific
    questions concerning the principles set out in this section.").
    As a result, the court in this case did not follow the mandate of
    Rule 431(b), and this failure to comply was error.
    Having found error, we next consider whether the error
    was so serious that it affected the fairness of defendant's
    trial.   We note defendant does not argue the evidence was closely
    - 8 -
    balanced.   Instead, defendant contends the error "allowed for the
    possibility of a partial jury, which affects the integrity of the
    judicial process and ignores [his] constitutional rights to a
    fair trial."   As a result, we confine our review to the second
    prong of the plain-error analysis.      See People v. Blue, 
    189 Ill. 2d 99
    , 139, 
    724 N.E.2d 920
    , 941 (2000) (where a defendant has
    been denied the right to a fair trial, a reviewing court must
    remedy the error to preserve the integrity of the judicial
    process without regard to the evidence against the defendant).
    "To determine whether defendant's right to a fair trial
    has been compromised, we employ the same test that this court
    uses whenever it applies the second prong of the plain error
    test."   Blue, 
    189 Ill. 2d at 138
    724 N.E.2d at 940
    .    We consider
    whether a substantial right has been affected to the extent we
    doubt that defendant's trial was fundamentally fair.      Blue, 
    189 Ill. 2d at 138
    724 N.E.2d at 940-41
    .     Regardless of the weight
    of the evidence presented against defendant, a new trial is
    essential where the trial court's error threatens the integrity
    of the judicial process.    Blue, 
    189 Ill. 2d at 139
    724 N.E.2d at 941
    In Glasper, 
    234 Ill. 2d at 189
    917 N.E.2d at 411-12
    the supreme court addressed whether (1) the trial court's failure
    to comply with preamended Rule 431(b) requires a reviewing court
    to presume prejudice and automatically reverse defendant's
    conviction or (2) the error is subject to harmless-error analy-
    sis.   While the supreme court held the trial court erred by not
    - 9 -
    fully complying with Rule 431(b), it (1) declined to find that a
    violation of Rule 431(b) is per se reversible error and (2)
    concluded the error was harmless where (a) no evidence was
    presented that the jury was biased and (b) the evidence against
    the defendant was overwhelming.     Glasper, 
    234 Ill. 2d at 199-201
    917 N.E.2d at 417-18
    We note in Glasper, the supreme court expressly limited
    its holding to the preamended version of Rule 431(b).    As a
    result, that decision does not purport to govern the application
    of amended Rule 431(b), which is at issue in this case.      Glasper,
    234 Ill. 2d at 200
    917 N.E.2d at 418
     (emphasizing "that this
    holding is limited to the version of Rule 431(b)(4) that was in
    effect at the time of the instant trial, and would not necessar-
    ily apply to subsequent versions of the rule").
    In Thompson, however, the supreme court clarified Rule
    431(b) questioning is not indispensable to a fair trial and a
    violation thereof does not necessitate automatic reversal under
    the second prong of the plain-error analysis.     Thompson, 
    238 Ill. 2d at 614-15
    939 N.E.2d at 414
    .    Specifically, the supreme court
    found the following:
    "A finding that defendant was tried by a
    biased jury would certainly satisfy the sec-
    ond prong of plain-error review because it
    would affect his right to a fair trial and
    challenge the integrity of the judicial pro-
    cess.    Critically, however, defendant has not
    - 10 -
    presented any evidence that the jury was
    biased in this case.    Defendant has the bur-
    den of persuasion on this issue.      We cannot
    presume the jury was biased simply because
    the trial court erred in conducting the Rule
    431(b) questioning."    Thompson, 
    238 Ill. 2d at 614
    939 N.E.2d at 413-14
    The Thompson court held that because the defendant had failed to
    establish the court’s Rule 431(b) violation resulted in a biased
    jury, the defendant had failed to meet his burden of showing the
    error affected the fairness of his trial and challenged the
    integrity of the judicial process.       Thompson, 
    238 Ill. 2d at 615
    939 N.E.2d at 414
    The supreme court also made it clear its reasoning
    applied regardless of whether the analysis took place under the
    amended or preamended version of the rule.       Thompson, 
    238 Ill. 2d at 614
    939 N.E.2d at 414
     ("the failure to conduct Rule 431(b)
    questioning does not necessarily result in a biased jury, regard-
    less of whether that questioning is mandatory or permissive under
    our rule").   The court found while amended Rule 431(b) serves to
    promote the selection of an impartial jury, it is only one method
    of helping ensure the selection of an impartial jury and "is not
    the only means of achieving that objective."      Thompson, 
    238 Ill. 2d at 614
    939 N.E.2d at 414
    .    Finally, the supreme court held a
    Rule 431(b) violation "does not implicate a fundamental right or
    constitutional protection."     Thompson, 
    238 Ill. 2d at 614-15
    , 939
    - 11 -
    N.E.2d at 414.    Instead, a Rule 431(b) violation "only involves a
    violation of [supreme court] rules."    Thompson, 
    238 Ill. 2d at 615
    939 N.E.2d at 414
    In this case, all four Zehr principles were addressed
    to each juror at some point during voir dire, and the evidence
    presented at trial against defendant was overwhelming.    In
    addition, the jury received IPI Criminal 4th Nos. 2.03 and 2.04,
    regarding the presumption of innocence, the State’s burden of
    proof, and defendant’s decision not to testify.    Most important,
    defendant does not show the jury acted with bias in reaching its
    verdict.    See Thompson, 
    238 Ill. 2d at 611
    939 N.E.2d at 412
    ("Despite the trial court’s failure to comply with Rule 431(b) in
    this case, there is no evidence that defendant was tried by a
    biased jury.").    We conclude the court's error did not rise to
    the level of plain error.    Accordingly, defendant has forfeited
    his Rule 431(b) claim.
    For the reasons stated, we affirm the trial court's
    judgment.    As part of our judgment, we grant the State its $50
    statutory assessment against defendant as costs of this appeal.
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