Tolbert v. The Illinois Workers' Compensation Commission , 2014 IL App (4th) 130523WC ( 2014 )

  •                               Illinois Official Reports
    Appellate Court
    Tolbert v. Illinois Workers’ Compensation Comm’n, 
    2014 IL App (4th) 130523WC
    Appellate Court          MARK TOLBERT, Appellant, v. THE ILLINOIS WORKERS’
    Caption                  COMPENSATION COMMISSION et al. (Prairie Central Coopera-
    tive, Appellee).
    District & No.           Fourth District
    Docket No. 4-13-0523WC
    Filed                    June 5, 2014
    Held                     The Workers’ Compensation Commission’s denial of benefits to
    (Note: This syllabus     claimant for the lung condition he suffered as a result of his exposure
    constitutes no part of   to bird feces while cleaning grain bins for the operator of grain
    the opinion of the       elevators was reversed by the appellate court on the ground that the
    court but has been       finding was against the manifest weight of the evidence, since the
    prepared     by    the   evidence established that airborne dust containing dried bird feces that
    Reporter of Decisions    causes histoplasmosis was present within the areas where claimant
    for the convenience of   worked, the histoplasmosis was a causative factor in the conditions of
    the reader.)             ill-being claimant suffered at the time of his arbitration hearing, a
    letter sent to claimant’s employer within 45 days of the date claimant
    learned that his conditions of ill-being were causally related to his
    exposure to the dust in the workplace satisfied the notice requirements
    of the statute, and an employer-employee relationship existed at the
    time of claimant’s exposure to the dust; therefore, the cause was
    remanded for a determination of the temporary total disability and
    medical and prospective medical benefits due claimant.
    Decision Under           Appeal from the Circuit Court of McLean County, No. 12-MR-200;
    Review                   the Hon. Rebecca Foley, Judge, presiding.
    Judgment                 Reversed; cause remanded to the Commission.
    Counsel on                Tracy L. Jones (argued), of Jim Black & Associates, of Rockford, for
    Appeal                    appellant.
    Edward Januszkiewicz (argued), of Capuani & Schneider, of Chicago,
    for appellee.
    Panel                     JUSTICE STEWART delivered the judgment of the court, with
    Presiding Justice Holdridge and Justices Hoffman, Hudson, and
    Harris concurred in the judgment and opinion.
    ¶1         The claimant, Mark Tolbert, worked for the employer, Prairie Central Cooperative. The
    employer operates grain elevators. At the time of the alleged accidental injury, the claimant’s
    job duties included cleaning and maintaining grain flats, elevators, and bins. The work
    environment exposed the claimant to significant airborne dust particles that included dried bird
    droppings. The claimant began suffering from respiratory problems and had to quit working.
    His doctors subsequently diagnosed him as having a lung condition, histoplasmosis, which is
    caused by a fungus usually associated with bird droppings. The claimant filed a claim under
    the Workers’ Compensation Act (the Act) (820 ILCS 305/1 et seq. (West 2012)).
    ¶2         The arbitrator found that the claimant failed to give timely notice of the accidental injury to
    the employer and that the claimant failed to prove that his current conditions of ill-being,
    which include chest pain and breathing problems, were causally related to his exposure to a
    fungus that causes histoplasmosis at the workplace. The arbitrator also found that the claimant
    was not entitled to recover for medical expenses or temporary total disability (TTD) benefits.
    The Illinois Workers’ Compensation Commission (Commission) affirmed and adopted the
    arbitrator’s decision and made an additional finding that the claimant failed to prove that he
    was exposed to histoplasmosis at his workplace. The circuit court entered a judgment
    confirming the Commission’s decision. The claimant now appeals from the circuit court’s
    judgment. For the following reasons, we reverse and remand for further proceedings.
    ¶3                                           BACKGROUND
    ¶4         The claimant testified that he previously worked for the employer full-time from 1998 until
    2008. He began working for the employer again as a seasonal employee on July 28, 2010. At
    that time, the claimant was 36 years old.
    ¶5          The claimant’s medical records indicate that prior to working for the employer in 2010, he
    underwent a sleep study on April 26, 2010, and was diagnosed with positional obstructed sleep
    apnea. Also, on July 9, 2010, the claimant saw Dr. Kashyap with complaints of daytime
    sleepiness. Dr. Kashyap’s records indicate that the claimant had a past medical history that
    included chest pain, headaches, and dizziness. The records indicate that at the time of the
    examination the claimant did not have any complaints of chest pain. The sleep study records
    indicate that the claimant reported getting sleepy and tired during the daytime. Dr. Kashyap
    diagnosed the claimant as having hypersomnia.
    ¶6          When the claimant began working for the employer on July 28, 2010, his job duties
    included loading train cars with grain, dumping grain trucks, and general maintenance,
    including cleaning up a grain flat, grain elevators, and grain bins. The claimant testified that a
    lot of his job duties involved cleaning out a large grain flat that was 660 feet by 300 feet. The
    flat contained a lot of debris, including bird droppings, and the cleaning work produced a lot of
    airborne dust. The claimant testified that he saw a lot of pigeons inside the flat. He wore a dust
    mask while performing his duties, and he testified that he went through three to five dust masks
    each workday.
    ¶7          The claimant testified that after he started working for the employer in 2010, he started
    feeling weak, coughing phlegm, having severe chest pains, and suffering from shortness of
    breath. Although his medical records indicate that he had previously suffered from chest pains,
    he testified that his previous chest pains were two years prior to August 2010 and were not as
    severe. He had smoked since he was 15 years old, but testified that he did not have any
    previous problems with his lungs until working for the employer in 2010.
    ¶8          The claimant testified that on August 26, 2010, he felt weakness and numbness in his hands
    and feet, as well as shortness of breath and chest pains. Therefore, he went to the emergency
    room and reported his difficulty breathing and chest pains. August 26, 2010, was the last day
    he performed any work duties for the employer.
    ¶9          At the arbitration hearing, the claimant presented emergency room records that were dated
    September 21, 2010. The records from that visit indicate that the claimant reported chest
    pressure for the past three weeks, as well as shortness of breath and pain that worsened with
    sitting up. The pain was constant for the past three weeks. The records state that the claimant
    “[h]ad similar episode of pain 2 years and had negative stress test.”
    ¶ 10        Notes written by the claimant’s primary care physician, Dr. Steven Norris, dated
    September 22, 2010, indicate that the claimant reported steady chest pain for the past three
    weeks and some shortness of breath. Dr. Norris ordered a series of tests, including a chest
    X-ray, CAT scan of the chest, and a PET scan. The tests revealed the presence of “two right
    lower lobe pulmonary nodules” and a “left lower lobe pulmonary nodule.” Dr. Norris initially
    thought that the claimant might be suffering from lung cancer and ordered a biopsy.
    ¶ 11        Sometime after the claimant first went to the emergency room with complaints of chest
    pain and shortness of breath, he spoke with the employer’s general manager, Mark Heil. The
    claimant testified that he told Heil that he had been to the emergency room, that his doctor did
    not want him working around the grain dust, that he was waiting to hear about test results to see
    what they found, and that he had follow-up appointments with his doctors to go over the test
    ¶ 12        During his testimony, the claimant denied telling Heil that he believed that his condition
    was related to cancer. According to Heil, however, on September 1, 2010, the claimant came to
    his office and told him that he had cancer. Heil testified that, before this meeting with the
    claimant, he was aware that the claimant was having lung and chest issues because he had
    heard other people talking about them. Heil testified that the claimant told him that he had
    medical appointments scheduled for biopsies and tests later that month, and that if he
    continued to work, the appointments would have to be rescheduled to a later time. Based on his
    conversation with the claimant, Heil understood that the claimant was leaving his job. He
    shook the claimant’s hand and wished him the best of luck. Heil then sent a text message to the
    employer’s personnel manager to inform her that he had a meeting with the claimant and that
    the claimant was done working for the employer.
    ¶ 13        Heil subsequently filled out a “Voluntary Leave Questionnaire” for the Department of
    Employment Security in which he described the reason the claimant left employment as
    “[The claimant] told us that he had personal health issues that need to be taken care of.
    We asked that he get an okay from doctor after he told us the doctor told him he needed
    to tell his employer of his health status. [The claimant] then decided to leave work and
    then take care of his health issues over the next few weeks to a month.”
    ¶ 14        Heil testified that he did not mention cancer to other employees because the claimant
    wanted that to be kept confidential. He also testified that the claimant did not ask about any
    positions that might be available that did not involve working in the grain bins or flats. He
    believed that if the claimant had not resigned, there were other positions with the employer that
    the claimant could have performed that did not involve grain dust, including a truck probe
    operator or performing computer work or other office tasks. The claimant testified that he
    asked Heil if other jobs were available, but that Heil did not offer him any position that did not
    involve working in grain dust. Instead, according to the claimant, Heil told him that there were
    no other jobs available. The claimant testified that he would have accepted such a position if
    one was available, that he never quit his job, and that no one ever told him that he was fired.
    ¶ 15        The claimant underwent the lung biopsy on October 4, 2010. The lung biopsy showed that
    the claimant was suffering from histoplasmosis. In a report dated October 22, 2010, Dr. Norris
    noted his diagnosis of histoplasmosis and that the claimant presented with symptoms that
    included shortness of breath, cough with phlegm, chest pain, and weakness. Dr. Norris also
    wrote as follows: “States that back in late July through end of August was in grain flat
    [t]ransferring and cleaning the flat. The corn was 6 years old and was the worst he has
    seen–lots of mold, bird droppings. Tons of pigeons and sparrows in the flat ‘all the time’.”
    ¶ 16        The claimant testified that he notified Heil of his histoplasmosis diagnosis the same day of
    the biopsy by a text message. Heil, however, testified that he did not hear anything from the
    claimant after their last meeting in September except for a text message sometime in
    November in which the claimant asked if there was any way he could earn $400 or $450 that
    day. According to Heil, the text did not state anything about the claimant’s biopsy. Heil
    testified that he first learned that the claimant was claiming that his lung condition was caused
    by a work injury when the employer received a letter in the mail from the claimant’s attorney
    in November stating that the claimant contracted histoplasmosis as a result of cleaning out
    grain elevators for the employer. Heil received a second text message from the claimant around
    that same time in November warning him to be careful about the “dust in the grain building or
    something to that affect [sic].”
    ¶ 17       Dr. Norris wrote a “Dear Employer” letter on November 11, 2010, in which he wrote as
    “[The claimant] is being treated for a lung infection that he likely got being around
    grain dust/dust in general as well as pigeon feces and or mold. I recommended [the
    claimant] not work around these environmental exposures until his infection is
    adequately treated. Length of treatment is likely months and could be up to a year.”
    ¶ 18       The claimant treated with Dr. Humam W. Farah on November 9, 2010. Dr. Farah wrote in
    his November 9, 2010, report that the claimant had been diagnosed with histoplasmosis and
    that he “was working around the bird feces and started to have chest pain and shortness of
    breath.” Dr. Farah also noted that the claimant had smoked about one pack of cigarettes per day
    since he was 15, but was trying to cut down on his smoking.
    ¶ 19       In a medical report dated January 19, 2011, Dr. Farah wrote: “There is a significant history
    of exposure on the patient’s occupational history. The patient was cleaning the dust out of
    grain elevators and was exposed to bird residue and this is known to be a significant risk factor
    for histoplasmosis.” He opined that the claimant “had exposure in the grain elevator to bird
    residue which was resulting in the exposure to histoplasmosis and development of chronic
    histoplasmosis lung disease.” He also noted that he advised the claimant to quit smoking. He
    believed that Dr. Kashyap’s treatment for hypersomnia was unrelated to the diagnosis of
    ¶ 20       On March 11, 2011, the employer’s independent medical expert, Dr. Charles B.
    Bruyntjens, authored a report based on a review of the claimant’s medical records. In his
    report, Dr. Bruyntjens answered three questions posed by the employer, but the questions are
    not set out in the report or otherwise located anywhere in the record. Dr. Bruyntjens first wrote
    that “[i]n his working environment [the claimant] developed a cough with shortness of breath.”
    He stated that the claimant’s biopsy was consistent with histoplasmosis, but that the claimant’s
    current condition was “unremarkable,” that he has “a near normal pulmonary function test,
    nodules on his CT scan with minimal symptoms.” Dr. Bruyntjens believed that “the
    overwhelming majority of patients with histoplasmosis are either asymptomatic or have
    rapidly resolving, self limiting disease requiring no treatment or follow-up.” The doctor opined
    that if the claimant had been a nonsmoker, “a biopsy would probably never been done at the
    beginning of his work up and at his age could [have] been followed.” He believed that the
    claimant’s histoplasmosis “may have never been diagnosed, without any long term problems.”
    ¶ 21       Dr. Bruyntjens then wrote as follows in answer to the employer’s question “number two”:
    “[I]t is probably true that [the claimant’s] current condition is usually connected with
    his employment. The organism is a soil-dwelling fungus that river banks are favorite
    roosting sites. When such sites are disturbed by construction activities, vast amounts of
    potentially infectious aerosols may be formed. In a typical patient the illness resembles
    ¶ 22       He added that the onset is abrupt, consisting of fever, chills, and substernal chest
    discomfort, and that “normal hosts with primary pulmonary histoplasmosis recover eventfully
    more than 99% of the time.” He opined: “It is virtually impossible to induce a second
    (reinfection) illness experimentally in previous histoplasma-infected animals. Yet many
    investigators dealing with histoplasmosis remain firmly convinced that reinfections
    histoplasmosis is a real entity, based on circumstantial evidence.”
    ¶ 23        In answer to question “number three,” he wrote that “it takes minimal exposure to acquire
    histoplasmosis which is recognized as an extremely common and almost invariably benign
    infection.” Dr. Bruyntjens wrote that “a large majority of pulmonary or infectious disease
    specialists would have elected not even to treat the patient.” He wrote, “The history of smoking
    with a near normal pulmonary function test with exposure in a benign condition like
    histoplasmosis, is a concern due to the smoking not the histoplasmosis.”
    ¶ 24        On January 28, 2011, Dr. Norris wrote another “Dear Employer” letter stating that the
    claimant was unable to work “due to fungal lung infection that causes extreme fatigue,
    shortness of breath and pain.” Dr. Norris wrote that the claimant’s recovery would take a long
    time and was unpredictable and that he would be reevaluated in 60 days.
    ¶ 25        The claimant testified that, at the time of the arbitration hearing, the histoplasmosis was
    still affecting his lung functioning. He testified that he could not walk for long periods of time,
    had weakness in his arms and legs, could not sit or stand for very long, and had headaches, had
    back pains, and coughed a lot. He stated that he had quit smoking and had started using
    electronic cigarettes, but that he did “slip from time to time.”
    ¶ 26        At the conclusion of the arbitration hearing, the arbitrator made a number of findings
    against the claimant. First, the arbitrator noted that the claimant listed October 4, 2010, as the
    date of accident on the application for adjustment of claim, but the claimant was not working
    for the employer on that date. The arbitrator found that the claimant resigned from his position
    on September 1, 2010, when he told Heil that he had cancer and was no longer willing to work
    for the employer because of scheduled medical appointments. The arbitrator found that during
    this conversation with Heil, he did not indicate that his medical condition had anything to do
    with his work for the employer and that the employer’s first notice that the claimant “was
    claiming a work related medical condition was upon receipt of a letter from [the claimant]’s
    attorney on November 9, 2010.” With respect to the issue of whether the claimant gave timely
    notice of his injury, the arbitrator found as follows:
    “[The claimant’s] last day of actual work for [the employer] was August 31, 2010. [The
    employer] was required to be notified of a work injury at least by October 15, 2010;
    therefore, I find that notice to [the employer] was not received until November 9, 2010,
    beyond the 45-day requirement under section 6(c) of the Act.”
    ¶ 27        The arbitrator also found against the claimant on the issue of causation. The arbitrator
    found “that while [the claimant] may have been exposed to histoplasmosis during his short
    period of seasonal work for [the employer], [the claimant] did not prove that his current
    condition of ill-being is causally related to a work injury.” The arbitrator noted Dr. Bruyntjens’
    opinion that a large majority of pulmonary or infectious disease specialists would have elected
    not to even treat the claimant and emphasized his opinion that “[T]he history of smoking with
    a near normal pulmonary function test with exposure in a benign condition like histoplasmosis,
    is a concern due to the smoking not the histoplasmosis.” The arbitrator also found it significant
    that Dr. Bruyntjens “noted the onset of histoplasmosis is abrupt, consisting of fever, chills, and
    substernal chest discomfort,” but the claimant “did not report any fever or chills in his
    ¶ 28        With respect to prospective medical care, the arbitrator noted that Dr. Farah believed that
    the claimant needed to continue with Itraconazole treatment possibly for 6 to 12 months to
    address the chronic histoplasmosis lung disease. The arbitrator also noted that Dr. Norris
    estimated that the claimant’s treatment would be between a few months and up to a year and
    recommended that the claimant not work around dust, feces, or mold until his infection was
    cleared up. Nonetheless, the arbitrator found that the claimant failed to prove that future
    treatment was necessary as a result of the diagnosed histoplasmosis and that he did not “prove
    that any ongoing treatment was related to the histoplasmosis as opposed to a preexisting
    condition or cancer as [the claimant] reported to Mark Heil on September 1, 2010.”
    ¶ 29       Again, the arbitrator found Dr. Bruyntjens’ report to be persuasive on this issue as the
    arbitrator repeated Dr. Bruyntjens’ opinion that most pulmonary or infectious disease
    specialists would have elected not even to treat the claimant and that the claimant’s smoking
    was a concern, not the histoplasmosis. The arbitrator also noted that Dr. Bruyntjens did not
    recommend any treatment and indicated that “normal hosts with primary pulmonary
    histoplasmosis recover eventually 99% of the time.” The arbitrator wrote, “[Dr. Bruyntjens]
    noted that the overwhelming majority of patients with histoplasmosis are either asymptomatic
    or have rapidly resolving, self-limiting disease requiring no treatment or follow up.”
    ¶ 30       Finally, on the issue of TTD benefits, the arbitrator acknowledged that Dr. Norris opined in
    his January 28, 2011, letter that the claimant was unable to work due to a fungal infection that
    causes extreme fatigue, shortness of breath, and pain and that the claimant’s recovery was
    unpredictable. The arbitrator found, however, that fatigue, shortness of breath, and chest pain
    were all symptoms that the claimant had in varying degrees before starting the 2010 season
    with the employer.
    ¶ 31       The arbitrator described the conflicting testimony on the issue of whether the claimant
    voluntarily left employment without inquiring about other positions that did not involve grain
    dust. The arbitrator found that Heil’s testimony on this issue was corroborated by the
    voluntary-leave questionnaire that he filled out and by the text message he sent to the personnel
    department indicating that, based on his conversation with the claimant, the claimant’s
    employment had ended on September 1, 2010. The arbitrator, therefore, found that the
    claimant “voluntarily resigned his seasonal position with [the employer] on September 1,
    2010. By doing so, [the claimant] left [the employer] with no opportunity to offer a position
    away from the grain dust areas.” The arbitrator concluded that the claimant was not entitled to
    TTD benefits.
    ¶ 32       The claimant appealed the arbitrator’s decision to the Commission, and the Commission
    unanimously affirmed and adopted the arbitrator’s decision. The Commission further found as
    “The Commission finds that [the claimant] failed to prove exposure to bird feces or
    whatever causes histoplasmosis. Dr. Bruyntjens in his report noted that histoplasmosis
    is a fungus that grows in the soil and when its breeding sites are disturbed, the fungus
    becomes airborne and becomes common in the surrounding areas. [The claimant] did
    not provide any evidence that histoplasmosis grows in or on stored corn or was present
    in his work place. The Commission affirms all else.”
    ¶ 33       The claimant appealed the Commission’s decision to the circuit court, and the circuit court
    entered a judgment confirming the Commission’s decision, finding that it “was not against the
    manifest weight of the evidence as to the issues of causal connection, date of accident,
    employer-employee relationship, course of employment, and notice.” The claimant now
    appeals from the circuit court’s judgment.
    ¶ 34                                             ANALYSIS
    ¶ 35                                                   I
    ¶ 36                                               Accident
    ¶ 37       The disputed issues before the Commission included whether an accidental injury occurred
    that arose out of and in the course of the claimant’s employment. Although the arbitrator found
    that the claimant may have been exposed to a fungus that causes histoplasmosis at the
    workplace, the Commission found that the claimant failed to prove that “histoplasmosis ***
    was present at his work place.” On appeal, the claimant challenges this finding by the
    ¶ 38       In order to recover benefits under the Act, a claimant has the burden to show by a
    preponderance of the evidence that he suffered a disabling injury that arose out of and in the
    course of his employment. Baggett v. Industrial Comm’n, 
    201 Ill. 2d 187
    , 194, 
    775 N.E.2d 908
    , 912 (2002). “Whether a work-related accident occurred and whether it caused a worker’s
    condition of ill-being are questions of fact for the Commission.” Pryor v. Industrial Comm’n,
    201 Ill. App. 3d 1
    , 5, 
    558 N.E.2d 788
    , 790 (1990).
    ¶ 39       The Commission’s findings with respect to factual issues are reviewed under the manifest
    weight of the evidence standard. Tower Automotive v. Illinois Workers’ Compensation
    407 Ill. App. 3d 427
    , 434, 
    943 N.E.2d 153
    , 160 (2011). “For a finding of fact to be
    against the manifest weight of the evidence, an opposite conclusion must be clearly apparent
    from the record on appeal.” City of Springfield v. Illinois Workers’ Compensation Comm’n,
    388 Ill. App. 3d 297
    , 315, 
    901 N.E.2d 1066
    , 1081 (2009).
    ¶ 40       “In resolving questions of fact, it is within the province of the Commission to assess the
    credibility of witnesses, resolve conflicts in the evidence, assign weight to be accorded the
    evidence, and draw reasonable inferences from the evidence.” Hosteny v. Illinois Workers’
    Compensation Comm’n, 
    397 Ill. App. 3d 665
    , 674, 
    928 N.E.2d 474
    , 482 (2009).
    ¶ 41       In the present case, we believe that the Commission’s finding that the claimant failed to
    prove a workplace accidental injury is against the manifest weight of the evidence. The
    Commission’s findings that the claimant failed to prove (1) that exposure to bird feces causes
    histoplasmosis or (2) that histoplasmosis was present at his workplace are findings that are
    against the manifest weight of the evidence. The evidence presented at the arbitration hearing
    established the presence of airborne dust containing dried bird feces within the claimant’s
    work environment and that dust containing bird feces is a cause of histoplasmosis.
    ¶ 42       The claimant testified that his job duties included cleaning out a large building called a
    grain flat as well as cleaning grain bins. Both the claimant’s testimony and his medical records
    describe the presence of pigeons and bird droppings in the work areas and that the work
    activities generated a significant amount of airborne dust. The claimant went through three to
    five dust masks each day when he was performing work duties in the dusty work
    environments. The employer presented the testimony of its general manager, Heil, who was
    familiar with the claimant’s work environments, and Heil did not contradict the claimant’s
    testimony that bird droppings and pigeons were present in the flat and/or grain bins where the
    claimant performed cleaning duties. The obvious conclusion from this evidence is that the
    airborne dust that was present at the workplace contained dried bird feces.
    ¶ 43       The claimant’s treating physician, Dr. Norris, authored a letter dated November 11, 2010,
    in which he stated that it was likely that the claimant contracted a lung infection from being
    around grain dust as well as pigeon feces and/or mold. Another treating physician, Dr. Farah,
    noted in his records that the claimant was working around bird feces and started to have chest
    pain and shortness of breath. In a report dated January 19, 2011, Dr. Farah wrote that the
    claimant’s occupational history showed “a significant history of exposure” including exposure
    to “bird residue” which “is known to be a significant risk factor for histoplasmosis.” He
    specifically opined that the claimant’s exposure to bird residue at the grain elevator resulted
    “in the exposure to histoplasmosis and development of chronic histoplasmosis lung disease.”
    ¶ 44        In finding that the claimant failed to prove exposure to histoplasmosis at his workplace, the
    Commission purported to rely on the report of Dr. Bruyntjens. However, the Commission
    misquoted a crucial portion of Dr. Bruyntjens’ report upon which it relied. The Commission
    mistakenly interpreted Dr. Bruyntjens’ report to state that “histoplasmosis is a fungus that
    grows in the soil and when its breeding sites are disturbed, the fungus becomes airborne and
    becomes common in the surrounding areas.” (Emphasis added.) We believe that this
    misstatement shows that the Commission misunderstood Dr. Bruyntjens’ opinions to the
    extent that they can be determined from his report.
    ¶ 45        Dr. Bruyntjens’ report is a statement of his opinions in response to three questions posed by
    the employer. Unfortunately, the record does not reveal what specific questions Dr.
    Bruyntjens’ answered in his report, and this incompleteness of the record makes his report
    vague and imprecise. As part of his answer to question “number two,” presumably some type
    of question that concerns causation, Dr. Bruyntjens wrote that “it is probably true that [the
    claimant’s] current condition is usually connected with his employment.” In addition, in
    another section of his report, he opined that “it takes minimal exposure to acquire
    histoplasmosis.” These opinions do not contradict Drs. Norris and Farah’s opinions that the
    claimant was exposed to histoplasmosis at the workplace but, instead, support their opinions.
    ¶ 46        In further answer to question “number two,” Dr. Bruyntjens wrote the following
    incomplete and nonsensical sentence: “The organism is a soil-dwelling fungus that river banks
    are favorite roosting sites.” Dr. Bruyntjens then concluded: “When such sites are disturbed by
    construction activities, vast amounts of potentially infectious aerosols may be formed.” The
    Commission interpreted these two confusing sentences to mean that when the fungus’
    “breeding sites are disturbed, the fungus becomes airborne and becomes common in the
    surrounding areas.” (Emphasis added.)
    ¶ 47        As the claimant notes in his brief, Dr. Bruyntjens used the term “roosting” in his report, not
    “breeding.” The term “roosting” generally refers to winged animals settling or congregating in
    an      area    for     rest   or     sleep.    Merriam-Webster       Dictionary,      http://www. (last visited Mar. 18, 2014). Accordingly, Dr.
    Bruyntjens’ reference to “roosting sites” tends to support the opinions of the claimant’s
    treating physicians that the claimant contracted histoplasmosis as a result of exposure to bird
    feces at his workplace due to pigeons roosting in the grain flat and bins. This conclusion is
    confirmed by Dr. Bruyntjens’ statement that it was probably true that the claimant’s current
    condition is usually connected with his employment and his statement that “[i]n his working
    environment [the claimant] developed a cough with shortness of breath.”
    ¶ 48        However, even under the Commission’s interpretation of Dr. Bruyntjens’ confusing report,
    an opinion that the fungus becomes airborne when the fungus’ “breeding sites” are disturbed
    still does not contradict the opinions of Drs. Norris and Farah. Dr. Bruyntjens does not opine
    that the claimant’s work environment would not qualify as a “breeding” site for the fungus. His
    statement that river banks are favorite roosting/breeding sites is not the equivalent of opining
    that river banks are the only roosting/breeding sites for the fungus. In fact, in his report, he does
    not offer any opinion concerning whether the presence of bird feces at the claimant’s
    workplace exposed him to the fungus. Instead, he opines that “[w]hen such sites (presumably
    roosting sites) are disturbed by construction activities vast amounts of potentially infectious
    aerosols may be formed.” The claimant’s undisputed testimony established that the grain flat
    and bins were “roosting sites” for pigeons and that his cleaning duties disturbed bird feces and
    created significant dust. Heil did not contradict this testimony. Accordingly, consistent with
    Dr. Bruyntjens’ opinion, the claimant’s work activities formed “vast amounts of potentially
    infectious aerosols.” See also Certi-Serve, Inc. v. Industrial Comm’n, 
    101 Ill. 2d 236
    , 242, 
    461 N.E.2d 954
    , 957 (1984) (“Systemic histoplasmosis has been recognized in two opinions of the
    appellate court as having a causal connection with the inhalation of the dust from dried bird
    ¶ 49       Based on the record before us, we find that the Commission’s finding that the claimant
    failed to prove that he was exposed to a fungus at his workplace that caused histoplasmosis is
    against the manifest weight of the evidence. The claimant’s testimony and the opinions of all
    of the experts, including the employer’s, support the conclusion that the claimant was exposed
    to the fungus causing histoplasmosis as a result of infectious airborne dust created by the
    claimant’s job duties.
    ¶ 50                                                  II
    ¶ 51                                             Causation
    ¶ 52       As noted above, the Commission affirmed the arbitrator based on its finding that the
    claimant failed to prove that he was exposed to histoplasmosis at his workplace. The arbitrator,
    however, found that while the claimant “may have been exposed to histoplasmosis during his
    short period of seasonal work for the [employer, the claimant] did not prove that his current
    condition of ill-being is causally related to a work injury.” We cannot determine from the
    Commission’s decision whether the Commission adopted this portion of the arbitrator’s
    decision or whether its analysis with respect to the lack of a workplace exposure replaced this
    finding. After finding that the claimant failed to prove that he was exposed to histoplasmosis at
    the workplace, the Commission stated that it “affirms all else.” To the extent that the
    Commission adopted this portion of the arbitrator’s decision on the issue of causation, we
    reverse because this finding is also against the manifest weight of the evidence.
    ¶ 53       The existence of a causal connection between a workplace accident and the claimant’s
    condition of ill-being is a question of fact for the Commission to resolve. National Freight
    Industries v. Illinois Workers’ Compensation Comm’n, 
    2013 IL App (5th) 120043WC
    , ¶ 26,
    993 N.E.2d 473
    . The Commission’s findings with respect to factual issues are reviewed under
    the manifest weight of the evidence standard. Tower 
    Automotive, 407 Ill. App. 3d at 434
    , 943
    N.E.2d at 160. “For a finding of fact to be against the manifest weight of the evidence, an
    opposite conclusion must be clearly apparent from the record on appeal.” City of 
    Springfield, 388 Ill. App. 3d at 315
    , 901 N.E.2d at 1081.
    ¶ 54       To establish causation under the Act, a claimant must prove that some act or phase of his
    employment was a causative factor in his ensuing injury. Land & Lakes Co. v. Industrial
    359 Ill. App. 3d 582
    , 592, 
    834 N.E.2d 583
    , 592 (2005). It is not necessary to prove
    that the employment was the sole causative factor or even that it was the principal causative
    - 10 -
    factor, but only that it was a causative factor. Republic Steel Corp. v. Industrial Comm’n, 
    26 Ill. 2d
    32, 45, 
    185 N.E.2d 877
    , 884 (1962).
    ¶ 55        In the present case, the claimant testified that the symptoms he began experiencing while
    working in the dusty work environment included weakness, coughing, tightness and pain in his
    chest, and shortness of breath. The symptoms caused the claimant to seek emergency medical
    treatment on August 26, 2010. At the arbitration hearing held on March 21, 2011, he testified
    that he was still experiencing the ill-effects of the lung infection. His testimony was consistent
    with the opinion of his primary care physician, Dr. Norris, that the lung infection was causing
    the claimant extreme fatigue, shortness of breath, and pain. Dr. Norris believed that the
    claimant’s recovery would take a long time and was unpredictable.
    ¶ 56        The arbitrator’s finding that the claimant failed to prove that his current conditions of
    ill-being were causally connected to his workplace exposure to the fungus causing
    histoplasmosis was apparently based on the report of Dr. Bruyntjens. Dr. Bruyntjens, however,
    did not examine the claimant and did not expressly offer any opinion that the claimant’s
    conditions of ill-being were unrelated to his workplace exposure to the fungus. Instead, on
    March 11, 2011, 10 days before the arbitration hearing, he opined that the claimant’s “current
    condition is usually connected with his employment.” (Emphasis added.)
    ¶ 57        Dr. Bruyntjens then opined, in general terms, that “normal hosts with primary pulmonary
    histoplasmosis recover eventfully more than 99% of the time.” The doctor does not explain
    what recovering “eventfully” entails and did not set out the normal time frame for a patient
    with histoplasmosis to “recover eventfully.”
    ¶ 58        More importantly, however, Dr. Bruyntjens does not opine, specifically, whether the
    claimant in the present case had recovered from his histoplasmosis and offered no specific
    opinion on a possible alternative cause to his conditions of ill-being. The claimant’s treating
    physicians, however, opined that he had not recovered and attributed his conditions to the
    infection. It is not clear from the record that Dr. Bruyntjens could even give an opinion with
    respect to the claimant’s current conditions of ill-being based on reasonable medical certainty
    by reviewing the claimant’s medical records. His report does not detail which medical records
    he reviewed.
    ¶ 59        In his report, Dr. Bruyntjens describes how “reinfection” is difficult to induce
    experimentally in animals without explaining how this opinion may be relevant to the
    claimant’s current condition. The doctor’s failure to recite the specific questions he answered
    in his report contributes to the vague and confusing nature of the opinions in his report.
    ¶ 60        In answering the undisclosed question “number three,” the doctor acknowledges that it
    takes minimal exposure to contract histoplasmosis, but that it is an “extremely common and
    almost invariably benign infection.” He opines that “a large majority of pulmonary or
    infectious disease specialists would have elected not even to treat the [claimant]” and that the
    claimant’s “history of smoking with a near normal pulmonary function test with exposure in a
    benign condition like histoplasmosis, is a concern due to the smoking not the histoplasmosis.”
    ¶ 61        Dr. Bruyntjens’ opinion that histoplasmosis is recognized as an “almost” benign infection
    is not the equivalent of an opinion, to a reasonable degree of medical certainty, that the
    claimant’s infection is benign or even “almost” benign. In addition, the doctor’s “concern”
    about the claimant’s smoking is not the equivalent to an opinion that, to a reasonable degree of
    medical certainty, the claimant’s current conditions of ill-being are unrelated to the workplace
    - 11 -
    exposure to the fungus causing histoplasmosis; Dr. Farah also noted a concern about the
    claimant’s smoking.
    ¶ 62       As noted above, the claimant does not have the burden to prove that the employment was
    the sole causative factor or even that it was the principal causative factor, but only that it was a
    causative factor. Dr. Bruyntjens offered no opinion whether or not the claimant’s
    histoplasmosis could be a causative factor. Again, his failure to set forth the specific question
    he answered makes his opinions vague and unclear on the specific issues that were before the
    Commission. His report falls far short of establishing opinions made to a reasonable degree of
    medical certainty on the issue of causation.
    ¶ 63       Under the facts presented at the arbitration hearing, we believe that it is clear that the
    claimant’s histoplasmosis was a causative factor to conditions of ill-being at the arbitration
    hearing. The claimant presented credible medical evidence that his workplace environment
    caused him to contract histoplasmosis and that his conditions of ill-being are caused by the
    lung infection. The employer did not offer any coherent medical opinions to the contrary. The
    Commission’s conclusion that the claimant’s current conditions of ill-being are unrelated to a
    workplace exposure to the fungus causing histoplasmosis is contrary to the manifest weight of
    the evidence.
    ¶ 64                                                 III
    ¶ 65                                               Notice
    ¶ 66       Section 6(c) of the Act requires the claimant to give notice of the accident “to the employer
    as soon as practicable, but not later than 45 days after the accident.” 820 ILCS 305/6(c) (West
    2010). Section 6(c) further provides that “[n]o defect or inaccuracy of such notice shall be a bar
    to the maintenance of proceedings on arbitration or otherwise by the employee unless the
    employer proves that he is unduly prejudiced in such proceedings by such defect or
    Id. The Commission
    found that the claimant’s last day of work for the employer
    was August 31, 2010. Therefore, the arbitrator found, the claimant was required to give the
    employer notice of a work injury at least by October 15, 2010. It found that the claimant did not
    give notice until November 9, 2010, when the employer received a letter from the claimant’s
    attorney beyond the 45-day requirement of section 6(c).
    ¶ 67       Whether the claimant gave timely notice required by section 6(c) of the Act is a finding to
    be made by the Commission which will not be disturbed on appeal unless it is against the
    manifest weight of the evidence. Gano Electric Contracting v. Industrial Comm’n, 260 Ill.
    App. 3d 92, 95, 
    631 N.E.2d 724
    , 727 (1994). The purpose of the notice requirement is “both to
    protect the employer against fraudulent claims by giving him an opportunity to investigate
    promptly and ascertain the facts of the alleged accident and to allow him to minimize his
    liability by affording the injured employee immediate medical treatment.” United States Steel
    Corp. v. Industrial Comm’n, 
    32 Ill. 2d 68
    , 75, 
    203 N.E.2d 569
    , 573 (1964). The notice is
    jurisdictional, and the failure of the claimant to give notice will bar his claim. Thrall Car
    Manufacturing Co. v. Industrial Comm’n, 
    64 Ill. 2d 459
    , 465, 
    356 N.E.2d 516
    , 519 (1976).
    However, a claim is only barred if no notice whatsoever has been given. Silica Sand Transport,
    Inc. v. Industrial Comm’n, 
    197 Ill. App. 3d 640
    , 651, 
    554 N.E.2d 734
    , 742 (1990). “If some
    notice has been given, but the notice is defective or inaccurate, then the employer must show
    that he has been unduly prejudiced.” 
    Id. - 12
    ¶ 68       In the present case, we believe that the Commission’s finding that the claimant failed to
    give any notice is against the manifest weight of the evidence. The facts of this case do not
    present a situation in which the claimant failed to give any notice. Instead, the claimant gave
    notice as complete as he was capable of giving as to the cause of his conditions of ill-being on
    September 1, 2010, when he told Heil that he could no longer work. The employer, therefore,
    must show that it was unduly prejudiced as a result of any inaccuracy of the notice. Without
    such a showing, section 6(c) cannot serve as a basis for barring the claimant’s claim.
    ¶ 69       The evidence established that the claimant was exposed to the fungus causing
    histoplasmosis sometime after he began working for the employer on July 28, 2010, but before
    his last day of work on August 26, 2010. The Commission found that the claimant had a
    conversation with his supervisor, Heil, on September 1, 2010. This conversation took place
    within 45 days of the claimant’s exposure to the fungus.
    ¶ 70       Heil’s testimony conflicted with the claimant’s testimony concerning the substance of that
    conversation. The Commission considered the conflicting testimony and found that the
    claimant “confided that he had cancer, and he would no longer be working for [the employer]
    because of scheduled doctor appointments.” The Commission also found that “[a]t no time
    during that conversation did [the claimant] relate to Mr. Heil that his medical condition had
    anything to do with his work for [the employer].”
    ¶ 71       Heil testified that, prior to his conversation with the claimant, he was aware that the
    claimant was having lung and chest issues because he had heard other people at the workplace
    talking about the claimant’s problems. According to Heil, the claimant came to him and told
    him that he had cancer and had medical appointments for tests and biopsies. Heil later wrote in
    a report, “We asked that he get an okay from doctor after he told us the doctor told him he
    needed to tell his employer of his health status.” When the claimant’s physician saw that he
    had lung nodules, the doctor initially suspected that the claimant had lung cancer. It was not
    until the claimant underwent a biopsy on October 4, 2010, that he and his doctors learned for
    the first time that he was suffering from histoplasmosis.
    ¶ 72       Accordingly, on September 1, 2010, the claimant gave notice of his conditions of ill-being
    to Heil to the fullest extent of his ability at that time. The Act requires the employee “to place
    the employer in possession of the known facts within the statutory period, but that a defect or
    inaccuracy in the notice is not a bar unless the employer is unduly prejudiced thereby.”
    Fenix-Scisson Construction Co. v. Industrial Comm’n, 
    27 Ill. 2d 354
    , 357, 
    189 N.E.2d 268
    269 (1963). The facts found by the Commission present a situation in which the injured
    employee gave notice of all of the known facts to the employer within the statutory period.
    Therefore, any defect in the information that the claimant communicated to Heil is not a bar to
    the claimant’s claim unless the employer can show that it was prejudiced as a result of the
    inaccurate notice.
    ¶ 73       For example, in Raymond v. Industrial Comm’n, 
    354 Ill. 586
    188 N.E. 861
    (1933), an
    employee worked in a print shop and regularly handled metal plates that contained lead. He
    began suffering from dizzy spells, abdominal pains, belching, and other symptoms that were
    associated with an acute gall bladder disturbance. The employee had to quit work as a result of
    the symptoms, and the employer was aware that the employee was sick, although the exact
    cause of the sickness was unknown. The employee underwent surgery for gallstones on a
    mistaken diagnosis, and during the operation, the doctors discovered that the employee was
    suffering from lead poisoning. 
    Id. at 588,
    188 N.E. at 862. At that time, the Illinois
    - 13 -
    occupational disease act required the employee to give notice within 30 days of his
    disablement, and the surgery took place more than 30 days after the commencement of the
    employee’s disability. 
    Id. The issue
    the court addressed was whether the employer had proper
    notice under the occupational disease act. The court held that the employer did have sufficient
    notice and must show prejudice from any defect or inaccuracy of the notice before the
    employee’s claim could be barred.
    ¶ 74       In its analysis, the court stated that the occupational disease act provided, “in substance,
    that disability caused by an occupational disease arising out of and in the course of the
    employment shall be compensable in the same manner and subject to the same terms,
    conditions, etc., as accidental injuries.” 
    Id. at 589,
    188 N.E. at 862. At that time, the
    occupational disease act required that “ ‘notice of the disablement shall be given to the
    employer, and claim for compensation shall be made, in the same manner and within the same
    periods of time, respectively, as are now or may hereafter be provided in the Workmen’s
    Compensation Act concerning accidental injuries sustained by employees arising out of and in
    the course of their employment.’ ” 
    Id. at 589-90,
    188 N.E. at 862 (quoting Ill. Rev. Stat. 1933,
    ch. 48, ¶ 87(b)(3)). At that time, the Workmen’s Compensation Act provided that notice of an
    accidental injury must be given no later than 30 days after the accident. 
    Id. at 590,
    188 N.E. at
    862-63 (citing Ill. Rev. Stat. 1933, ch. 48, ¶ 161).
    ¶ 75       The Raymond court held that the employee gave sufficient notice because the employer
    had notice that the employee was disabled within a week after his disablement; the employer
    knew as much about the nature of the illness as the employee; neither one knew that the
    employee was suffering from an occupational disease; neither one of them could be blamed for
    a failure to know; the giving of any number of further notices of the facts, so far as known to
    the employee, would not have enlightened the employer at all; and it was not shown that any
    defect or inaccuracy of the employee’s notice prejudiced the employer’s rights in the
    proceeding in any way. 
    Id., 188 N.E.
    at 863.
    ¶ 76       The court, noting that the Workmen’s Compensation Act is remedial in nature and has
    always been liberally construed, stated: “It cannot have been the intention of the Legislature in
    this kind of an act to require the impossible. It was manifestly impossible for the employee in
    this case to tell the employer anything about the disablement which the employee himself did
    not know.” 
    Id. at 590-91,
    188 N.E. at 863. The employer knew that the claimant was sick
    within one week after he was compelled to quit work, and while this notice may have been
    “defective in not stating the then unknown fact that [the employee] was suffering from lead
    poisoning, it [was] not shown that the employer was prejudiced in any way by this defect.”
    Id. at 593,
    188 N.E. at 863-64. The court, therefore, held that the notice was sufficient under
    the particular facts of that case. 
    Id., 188 N.E.
    at 864.
    ¶ 77       In the present case, the facts found by the Commission include findings that the employer’s
    general manager, Heil, was aware that the claimant was suffering from lung and chest
    conditions at the time he left employment and that the claimant was working in a dusty
    environment. The claimant informed the manager what he knew at the time, i.e., that his
    doctors suspected that he had cancer. As the court stated in Raymond, “[a]ll the facts were
    known equally by both parties, and it is difficult to perceive any just theory upon which the
    employee would be bound to draw the correct medical inferences from those facts and the
    employer be excused therefrom.” 
    Raymond, 354 Ill. at 594
    , 188 N.E. at 864.
    - 14 -
    ¶ 78        While the claimant’s notice that he had cancer may have been defective or inaccurate, the
    notice, nonetheless, was sufficient under the facts of this case without a showing from the
    employer that it was prejudiced in some way, which it has not shown. The claimant cannot be
    expected to inform the employer that he suffered from histoplasmosis before his doctors had
    diagnosed the condition. “The notice requirement cannot be unreasonably construed so as to
    compel the impossible–to require a claimant to give notice of what he does not know.” McLean
    Trucking Co. v. Industrial Comm’n, 
    72 Ill. 2d 350
    , 355, 
    381 N.E.2d 245
    , 247 (1978) (citing
    Raymond in analyzing notice under the Workers’ Compensation Act). The supreme court has
    “consistently upheld the adequacy of incomplete notices where the defect consisted of a failure
    to inform the employer of facts unknown at the time to the claimant.” 
    Id. ¶ 79
           In McLean Trucking Co., the employee was an over-the-road trucker, and he collapsed at
    home and died shortly after returning from work. The employee’s son telephoned a supervisor
    and informed him that his father had passed away. The employee’s widow subsequently filed a
    claim for benefits under the Act. The employer, however, maintained that it had not received
    notice of an accident within 45 days as required by section 6(c) of the Act. The supreme court
    held that the notice given by the son was “as specific as it could be under the circumstances”
    and that the employer had the burden of proving that it had been unduly prejudiced by the
    Id. ¶ 80
           In Sohio Pipe Line Co. v. Industrial Comm’n, 
    63 Ill. 2d 147
    , 151, 
    345 N.E.2d 468
    , 470
    (1976), the employer was timely notified of the employee’s disability and hospitalization but
    was not informed of any facts that would lead it to believe that the employee suffered an
    accidental injury for which compensation might be claimed. Nonetheless, the court held that
    the claimant was not barred from seeking benefits under the Act. See also Andronaco v.
    Industrial Comm’n, 
    50 Ill. 2d 251
    278 N.E.2d 802
    ¶ 81        In the present case, the Commission’s finding that the claimant did not give sufficient
    notice under section 6(c) is contrary to the manifest weight of the evidence. Within 45 days of
    his accident, i.e., exposure to the fungus causing histoplasmosis, the employer was aware that
    the claimant was suffering from chest and lung issues, knew that the claimant was working in
    dusty conditions, and knew that his doctors did not want him working around dust. The
    employer knew of the claimant’s conditions and knew the type of work environment to which
    he was exposed. Although the claimant and his doctors initially thought that he was suffering
    from cancer, this inaccuracy in his notice to the employer has not prejudiced the employer in
    this proceeding. Therefore, the manifest weight of the evidence does not support the
    Commission’s finding of a lack of notice under section 6(c) of the Act.
    ¶ 82        In addition, although the present case does not involve a repetitive trauma injury, we
    believe that the holding in Peoria County Belwood Nursing Home v. Industrial Comm’n, 
    138 Ill. App. 3d 880
    487 N.E.2d 356
    (1985), aff’d, 
    115 Ill. 2d 524
    505 N.E.2d 1026
    (1987), is
    relevant to our analysis with respect to notice. In Peoria County Belwood, the court held that
    “an employee may be ‘accidently injured’ under the Act as a result of repetitive, work-related
    trauma even absent a final, identifiable episode of collapse.” 
    Id. at 885,
    487 N.E.2d at 360. In
    such cases, notice of the accidental injury must be given within 45 days from the date when
    “both the fact of the injury and the causal relationship of the injury to the claimant’s
    employment would have become plainly apparent to a reasonable person.” Peoria County
    Belwood, 115 Ill. 2d at 531
    , 505 N.E.2d at 1029. Under a repetitive trauma theory, the claimant
    - 15 -
    still must meet the same standard of proof as other claimants alleging an accidental injury in
    that he must show that the injury is work related. 
    Id. at 530,
    505 N.E.2d at 1028.
    ¶ 83        In the present case, the claimant did not suffer an accidental injury as a result of repetitive
    trauma. However, the claimant suffered an accidental injury by inhaling fungus and/or bird
    feces and contracting histoplasmosis. Because of the nature of this condition, it is impossible to
    pinpoint the exact moment in time or the exact place within the work environment in which the
    claimant inhaled the dust particle that gave rise to his accidental injury. He inhaled potentially
    infectious dust over a period of time between July 28, 2010, and August 26, 2010. In addition,
    when the claimant began suffering from conditions of ill-being, the causal connection between
    the dust inhalation and the conditions of ill-being was not readily apparent. Under these facts,
    to require the claimant to prove the exact date on which he inhaled the dust that caused the
    histoplasmosis and to prove that he gave notice 45 days from that date would require the
    claimant to do the impossible.
    ¶ 84        The legislature has mandated a liberal construction of the notice requirement. S&H Floor
    Covering, Inc. v. Illinois Workers’ Compensation Comm’n, 
    373 Ill. App. 3d 259
    , 265, 
    870 N.E.2d 821
    , 825 (2007). Accordingly, we believe that under the facts of this case, the date of
    the claimant’s accident, for purposes of determining the start of the notice and limitations
    periods, should be the date on which both the fact of the injury and the causal relationship of
    the injury to the claimant’s employment would have become plainly apparent to a reasonable
    person. This allows an employee suffering from an accidental injury of the type presented in
    this case to establish a date of accident from which notice and limitations periods begin to run
    and, at the same time, allows the employee to be compensated for an accidental injury when its
    causal connection to current conditions of ill-being are not readily apparent.
    ¶ 85        The application of the “manifestation date” standard under circumstances when causation
    is not readily apparent should be flexible, fact-specific, and guided by considerations of
    fairness. Durand v. Industrial Comm’n, 
    224 Ill. 2d 53
    , 69, 71, 
    862 N.E.2d 918
    , 927-28 (2006).
    To require an employee to give notice of an accidental injury before a reasonable person would
    have knowledge of the causal relationship between his conditions of ill-being and his
    employment is “unrealistic and unwarranted.” Oscar Mayer & Co. v. Industrial Comm’n, 
    176 Ill. App. 3d 607
    , 610, 
    531 N.E.2d 174
    , 176 (1988) (discussing repetitive trauma).
    In the present case, on October 4, 2010, the claimant learned for the first time that his
    conditions of ill-being were causally related to a workplace exposure to histoplasma when the
    claimant’s lung biopsy revealed that he had the lung infection. As noted above, we believe that
    the claimant gave sufficient notice under section 6(c) when he spoke with Heil on September 1,
    2010, prior to the lung biopsy. Regardless of the oral notice on September 1, 2010, the
    Commission found that the employer received written notice on November 9, 2010, when the
    claimant’s lawyer sent a letter to the employer stating that the claimant contracted
    histoplasmosis as a result of his work conditions. The letter was sent within 45 days after the
    claimant learned that his conditions of ill-being were causally related to a workplace accident.
    The letter, therefore, also fulfilled the notice requirements under section 6(c) of the Act.
    ¶ 86                                                IV
    ¶ 87              Employer/Employee Relationship at the Time of the Accidental Injury
    ¶ 88      The Commission’s finding that the claimant was not an employee of the employer on
    October 4, 2010, is factually accurate, but is legally insignificant under the facts of this case.
    - 16 -
    The evidence established that the claimant’s conditions of ill-being are causally connected to
    an accident that occurred when an employer-employee relationship existed, although the
    causal connection between the accident and the conditions of ill-being was not apparent until
    after the employment had ended. For the reasons noted above, the evidence established that the
    claimant suffered an accidental injury that arose out of and in the course of his employment.
    Failure to discover the causal connection until after the employment relationship had ended
    does not justify denying the claimant benefits under the Act under the facts of this case. See
    White v. Illinois Workers’ Compensation Comm’n, 
    374 Ill. App. 3d 907
    , 912, 
    873 N.E.2d 388
    392 (2007) (a repetitive trauma “accident date” can occur after the claimant’s last day of
    employment with the employer).
    ¶ 89                                            V
    ¶ 90                      TTD, Medical, and Prospective Medical Benefits
    ¶ 91       Because we reverse the Commission’s findings with respect to accident, causation, and
    notice, we must remand the claimant’s claim to the Commission for a determination of an
    amount for TTD, medical, and prospective medical benefits.
    ¶ 92                                       CONCLUSION
    ¶ 93      For the foregoing reasons, we reverse the circuit court’s judgment that confirmed the
    Commission’s decision, reverse the Commission’s decision denying the claimant’s claim, and
    remand to the Commission for a determination of the claimant’s request for TTD, medical, and
    prospective medical benefits.
    ¶ 94      Reversed; cause remanded to the Commission.
    - 17 -

Document Info

Docket Number: 4-13-0523WC

Citation Numbers: 2014 IL App (4th) 130523WC

Filed Date: 7/15/2014

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 10/30/2014

Authorities (21)

Peoria County Belwood Nursing Home v. Industrial Commission , 115 Ill. 2d 524 ( 1987 )

McLean Trucking Co. v. Industrial Commission , 72 Ill. 2d 350 ( 1978 )

Certi-Serve, Inc. v. Industrial Commission , 101 Ill. 2d 236 ( 1984 )

Fenix-Scisson Construction Co. v. Industrial Commission , 27 Ill. 2d 354 ( 1963 )

Andronaco v. Industrial Commission , 50 Ill. 2d 251 ( 1972 )

Baggett v. Industrial Commission , 201 Ill. 2d 187 ( 2002 )

Peoria County Belwood Nursing Home v. Industrial Commission , 138 Ill. App. 3d 880 ( 1985 )

S & H Floor Covering, Inc. v. COM'N , 373 Ill. App. 3d 259 ( 2007 )

City of Springfield v. Illinois Workers' Compensation ... , 388 Ill. App. 3d 297 ( 2009 )

Gano Electric Contracting v. Industrial Commission , 260 Ill. App. 3d 92 ( 1994 )

Republic Steel Corp. v. Industrial Commission , 26 Ill. 2d 32 ( 1962 )

Sohio Pipe Line Co. v. Industrial Commission , 63 Ill. 2d 147 ( 1976 )

Thrall Car Manufacturing Co. v. Industrial Commission , 64 Ill. 2d 459 ( 1976 )

Raymond v. Industrial Com. , 354 Ill. 586 ( 1933 )

Hosteny v. Illinois Workers' Compensation Commission , 397 Ill. App. 3d 665 ( 2009 )

Oscar Mayer & Co. v. Industrial Comm'n , 176 Ill. App. 3d 607 ( 1988 )

White v. Illinois Workers' Compensation Commission , 374 Ill. App. 3d 907 ( 2007 )

Silica Sand Transport, Inc. v. Industrial Commission , 197 Ill. App. 3d 640 ( 1990 )

Land & Lakes Co. v. Industrial Commission , 359 Ill. App. 3d 582 ( 2005 )

Pryor v. Industrial Comm'n , 201 Ill. App. 3d 1 ( 1990 )

View All Authorities »