Stone Street Partners, LLC v. The City of Chicago Department of Administrative Hearings , 2014 IL App (1st) 123654 ( 2014 )

    2014 IL App (1st) 123654
    Opinion filed May 20, 2014
    Rehearing denied.
    No. 1-12-3654
    IN THE
    STONE STREET PARTNERS, LLC,                                )    Appeal from the Circuit Court of
    )    Cook County.
    Plaintiff-Appellant,                         )
    v.                                                         )    No. 12 M1 450026
    THE CITY OF CHICAGO DEPARTMENT OF                          )
    ADMINISTRATIVE HEARINGS,                                   )
    )    Honorable Mark Ballard,
    Defendant-Appellee.                                 )    Judge Presiding.
    JUSTICE DELORT delivered the judgment of the court, with opinion.
    Justice Hoffman concurred in the judgment and opinion.
    Presiding Justice Connors concurred in part and dissented in part, with opinion.
    ¶1     This case involves a relatively small amount of money, but it provides an opportunity to
    explore deficiencies in the manner in which the City of Chicago (City) handles in-house
    adjudication of ordinance violations. Nearly 14 years ago, a City administrative hearing officer
    fined plaintiff Stone Street Partners, LLC (Stone Street), for building code violations. Stone
    Street never paid the fine and the City eventually recorded a lien against the subject property.
    Stone Street did not, however, challenge the fine until over 11 years after the City imposed it,
    allegedly because it had never been notified of the proceedings in the first place. After an
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    unsuccessful attempt to vacate the fine at the administrative level, Stone Street filed a complaint
    in the circuit court for administrative review, equitable relief and monetary damages. The circuit
    court dismissed plaintiff’s complaint in full. We affirm in part, reverse in part, and remand for
    further proceedings.
    ¶2                                      BACKGROUND
    ¶3     In 1999, a City building inspector found several building code violations in one of
    plaintiff’s buildings.   Rather than mailing a notice of violation and a summons for the
    administrative hearing to plaintiff’s registered agent or to its business address, as required by
    City ordinance, the City sent the notice to the property itself. Although the Chicago Municipal
    Code does provide for notice to be given to a property owner by posting the summons on the
    front door of the property, this method is authorized only if notice by mail to the owner’s
    registered agent or primary business address fails. See Chicago Municipal Code § 2-14-074(c)
    (amended Apr. 29, 1998).
    ¶4     Despite the faulty notice, a person named Keith Johnson appeared at the hearing on Stone
    Street’s behalf. The City has destroyed virtually all of the administrative record, but what
    remains indicates that Johnson filed a written appearance for Stone Street and presented some
    exhibits to the hearing officer in response to the notice of violation.        The evidence was
    apparently unpersuasive, as the hearing officer found plaintiff liable for the violations and fined
    it $1,050. The final administrative judgment was “registered” with the circuit court in 2004, and
    in 2009 the City recorded the court’s judgment with the Cook County recorder of deeds. 1
    A bit of explanation is required with respect to the various dates and proceedings
    involved in this record. The governing statute (65 ILCS 5/1-2.1-8(b) (West 2010)) provides that
    a money judgment entered by a municipal hearing officer “may be enforced in the same manner
    as a judgment entered by a court of competent jurisdiction.” Monetary court judgments are
    valuable because the judgment creditor may issue garnishment process and attach the debtor’s
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    ¶5     Stone Street contends that it had no idea that the 1999 order existed until sometime in
    2011. In September of that year, its attorney served a Freedom of Information Act (5 ILCS
    140/1 et seq. (West 2010)) request on the City and received a copy of the 1999 order. In
    October, it filed a motion to vacate and set aside the 1999 order with the City’s department of
    administrative hearings (DOAH), contending that it had never received notice of the 1999
    violations.   The motion claimed, among other things, that Keith Johnson had never been
    authorized to represent Stone Street in any capacity, much less a legal one. Stone Street’s
    attorney provided an affidavit identifying Johnson as a nonattorney and a caretaker for a Stone
    Street manager who had been gravely incapacitated in 1998 and who was no longer involved in
    the management of the company.         The administrative hearing officer, however, found that
    DOAH lacked jurisdiction to vacate the order. The governing ordinance only allowed it to
    consider vacating default judgments within 21 days of their entry. Additionally, Johnson’s
    participation meant that Stone Street was not defaulted, but rather lost on the merits.
    ¶6     Stone Street then filed a multicount complaint in the circuit court. One count sought
    administrative review of the DOAH’s 2011 order. Other counts sought a declaratory judgment,
    assets to collect the judgment. 735 ILCS 5/12-701 et seq. (West 2010). When the legislature
    elevated municipal administrative judgments to the dignity of court judgments, it neglected to
    provide a parallel collection mechanism. Accordingly, municipalities like Chicago have “filed”
    their own administrative judgments in circuit court and asked the court to “register” them as
    court judgments, making them more easily collectible. That is apparently what the City of
    Chicago did in 2004 – five years after the hearing. On May 3, 2012, after more than the requisite
    seven years had passed since that “registration,” the circuit court entered a form order in that
    case, numbered 04 M1 612624, “reviving” a judgment of $1,050 plus $350 in attorney fees
    entered “in this Court” on September 9, 1999. However, that language in the order is wrong.
    The 1999 date corresponds to the administrative judgment, not to any judgment of the circuit
    court. The order states that Stone Street was given “due notice” of the 2012 revival proceedings
    by substitute service.
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    quiet title and damages for slander of title. 2 The City filed a motion to dismiss, which the circuit
    court granted with prejudice as to all counts. This appeal followed.
    ¶7                                          ANALYSIS
    ¶8     Normally, vacating judgments after the passage of years is virtually impossible due to the
    presumptions of validity that apply to the judicial process. However, the City of Chicago made
    two critical errors in this case which invalidate the judgment. First, the City served the defendant
    corporation not through its registered agent, as required by City ordinances, but at the property
    address. Second, the City’s administrative hearing officer allowed a nonattorney to appear and
    litigate the case on behalf of the corporation.
    ¶9     The court below dismissed all of Stone Street’s claims on a motion to dismiss filed
    pursuant to section 2-619 of the Illinois Code of Civil Procedure (735 ILCS 5/2-619 (West
    2010)). A section 2-619 motion to dismiss admits all well-pleaded facts as true, along with all
    reasonable inferences that can be gleaned from those facts.          Porter v. Decatur Memorial
    227 Ill. 2d 343
    , 352 (2008). When ruling on a section 2-619 motion to dismiss, a court
    must interpret all pleadings and supporting documents in the light most favorable to the
    nonmoving party. 
     We review section 2-619 dismissals de novo. 
    ¶ 10   Putting the pieces to this puzzle together requires us to review the background of
    municipal ordinance adjudications in some depth. Through a series of enactments over the last
    20 years or so, our legislature has facilitated the removal of ordinance enforcement hearings
    from the judiciary to the local administrative level.       See generally Matthew W. Beaudet,
    On appeal, plaintiff has abandoned another count alleging the unauthorized practice of
    law by the City. This count alleged that the City could not initiate ordinance violation
    complaints before its own administrative hearing department unless the complaint was signed by
    an attorney representing the City. It did not, in any way, address nonattorney Johnson’s
    participation at the hearing.
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    Adjudication of Ordinance Violations, in Municipal Law § 9.1 (Ill. Inst. for Cont. Legal Educ.
    2012). The underlying statute establishing in-house administrative adjudication, and raising their
    judgments to the dignity of court judgments, was the result of Public Act 90-516, sponsored by
    then-state senator Barack Obama. Pub. Act 90-516 (eff. Jan. 1, 1998). When discussing the
    legislation, he declared that its purpose was to “give these administrative adjudication processes
    some teeth” and that litigating the cases through regular courts was “overburden[ing]” them.
    90th Ill. Gen. Assem., Senate Proceedings Mar. 19, 1997, at 114 (statements of Senator Obama).
    The process has been so successful that the City of Chicago has established a large central
    hearing facility that rivals Illinois county courthouses in its size and case volume. See City of
    Chicago Administrative Hearings, available at
    supp_info/hearing_location.html (last visited Mar. 5, 2014.)
    ¶ 11   Despite the fact that circuit court judges do not preside, and the rules of evidence may be
    relaxed, defendants in these hearings are still entitled to due process of law. It is well-settled that
    “[a] fair hearing before an administrative agency includes the opportunity to be heard, the right
    to cross-examine adverse witnesses, and impartiality in ruling upon the evidence.” Abrahamson
    v. Illinois Department of Professional Regulation, 
    153 Ill. 2d 76
    , 95 (1992); see also
    Waicekauskas v. Burke, 
    336 Ill. App. 3d 436
    , 438 (2002) (invalidating municipal adjudication
    process on due process grounds).
    ¶ 12   Section 2-14-074(c) of the Chicago Municipal Code requires that notices to corporate
    defendants for administrative hearings against them must be sent to the address of the
    corporation’s registered agent.     Chicago Municipal Code § 2-14-074(c) (amended Apr. 29,
    1998). There is no dispute that, in this case, the City sent the notice to the property address and
    not to the registered agent. Accordingly, the service was not accomplished by any of the various
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    manners authorized by the governing ordinance.         To pass constitutional muster, notice in
    administrative proceedings need only be “reasonably calculated, under all the circumstances, to
    apprise [the respondents] of the pendency of the action and afford them an opportunity to present
    their objections.” (Internal quotation marks omitted.) Horn v. City of Chicago, 
    860 F.2d 700
    704 (7th Cir. 1988). However, although administrative proceedings may relax formalities which
    apply in courts of record, and notice to a defendant may be accomplished by many different
    means, the City has imposed limitations on itself, and it is required to follow its own ordinances.
    See 5 Eugene McQuillin, Municipal Corporations § 15.28, at 174-75 (3d rev. ed. 1996). As an
    administrative agency created by ordinance, the DOAH may act only in accordance with the
    power conferred on it by the City council. See, e.g., Pearce Hospital Foundation v. Illinois
    Public Aid Comm’n, 
    15 Ill. 2d 301
    , 307 (1958).
    ¶ 13   Although service of the notice of hearing must be sent to the registered agent, the City
    notes that no similar requirement applies to service of the order. Accordingly, the City claims,
    its transmission of the 1999 order to Stone Street’s business address was sufficient. However, it
    is well established that a “defendant’s actual knowledge that an action is pending or that service
    has been attempted is not the equivalent of service of summons and would not relieve the
    plaintiff of its burden or vest the court with jurisdiction.”      Equity Residential Properties
    Management Corp. v. Nasolo, 
    364 Ill. App. 3d 26
    , 35 (2006).
    ¶ 14   We must therefore turn to the question of whether Stone Street waived any objection to
    service through Johnson’s participation at the hearing. Johnson was a nonattorney who worked
    as a caretaker for a gravely ill corporate officer. He filed a written appearance on behalf of the
    corporation. We have little information about what else happened at the hearing other than that
    it ended with the imposition of a fine against the corporation. This dearth of information results
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    from the City’s own destruction of most of the records from the hearing, a destruction it
    undertook even though the fine had not been paid, and the City was pursuing collection of it –
    albeit at a glacial pace. Appearance and active participation in a judicial proceeding, of course,
    waives any objection regarding improper service. 735 ILCS 5/2-301(a) (West 2010); GMB
    Financial Group v. Marzano, 
    385 Ill. App. 3d 978
    , 996 (2008). The same principle applies
    regarding participation at administrative hearings. Greene v. Board of Election Commissioners,
    112 Ill. App. 3d 862
    ¶ 15   Nonattorneys, including paralegals and claims negotiators, provide valuable professional
    services to corporations in the same manner as licensed attorneys do.           Under the general
    principles of agency, a nonattorney can represent the corporation in negotiations with customers,
    sign contracts for the corporation, and the like. However, the City’s administrative hearings, like
    judicial proceedings, involve the admission of evidence and examination and cross-examination
    of sworn witnesses – all of which clearly constitute the practice of law. The City argues strongly
    that these hearings are so inconsequential that corporations need not be represented by licensed
    attorneys, but to counter that point, we need look no further than Express Valet, Inc. v. City of
    373 Ill. App. 3d 838
     (2007), where this court upheld the DOAH’s imposition of a fine
    of $135,825 for multiple violations of a valet parking ordinance. The City also presents its
    administratively-adjudicated traffic citations as an example of cases so simple that anyone can
    successfully handle them, but corporations do not drive motor vehicles. Administrative hearings,
    whether held by a municipality or state agency, necessarily implicate the full range of the powers
    of sovereign governments over individuals and other entities. Their decisions can implicate the
    ability to practice a chosen profession or engage in a business, and can result in the imposition of
    crushing financial sanctions. This is true regardless of whether the rules of evidence are relaxed.
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    Representation of a corporate defendant at these hearings requires expertise only a lawyer is
    qualified to provide, such as drafting motions; interpreting laws and ordinances; determining
    whether to call certain witnesses; how to examine the witnesses; how to properly secure, object
    to, or admit evidence; and to analyze whether a settlement offer is favorable. Additionally, there
    is little distinction between the range of remedies available in administrative proceedings and
    those available in a court of law, with the exception of imprisonment and equitable relief. In a
    court of law, corporations cannot represent themselves through a nonattorney except in the
    simplest small claims cases. The similarity between modern administrative proceedings and
    traditional judicial ones compels us to reject the City’s contention that the proceedings are so
    manifestly different that corporations can appear at them through non-lawyers.
    ¶ 16   There is no bright-line test to distinguish what is, or is not, the practice of law. “It is
    immaterial whether the acts which constitute the practice of law are done in an office, before a
    court, or before an administrative body. The character of the act done, and not the place where it
    is committed, is the factor which is decisive of whether it constitutes the practice of law.”
    People ex rel. Chicago Bar Ass’n v. Goodman, 
    366 Ill. 346
    , 357 (1937). A different panel of this
    court struggled with the question in Sudzus v. Department of Employment Security, 
    393 Ill. App. 3d 814
    , 823 (2009), finding, in a highly fact-based decision, that a lay representative of a
    corporation attending an unemployment compensation hearing did not engage in the
    unauthorized practice of law because “the character of the actions did not require legal
    knowledge or skill; and he supplied simple, fact-based answers.” Similarly, in Grafner v.
    Department of Employment Security, 
    393 Ill. App. 3d 791
     (2009), a divided panel of this court
    found that the relatively innocuous actions that had already been taken in a particular hearing by
    a nonattorney representative of the employer did not rise to the level of the practice of law so as
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    to cause the hearing to be a nullity. One justice specially concurred, noting “[t]his is the
    unauthorized practice of law.” Id. at 805 (O’Malley, J., specially concurring.) Even so, the
    Sudzus and Grafner analyses did not persuade the Board of Governors of the Illinois State Bar
    Association (ISBA), which, in May 2010, reviewed the newly adopted Illinois Rules of
    Professional Conduct of 2010 and reaffirmed its March 1994 advisory opinion holding that the
    pervasive practice of nonattorneys giving legal advice, preparing evidence for presentation and
    examining witnesses and otherwise participating at unemployment administrative hearings
    constituted the unauthorized practice of law. Ill. State Bar Ass’n Op. No. 93-15 (Mar. 1994).
    We find neither Sudzus nor Grafner to be persuasive on the larger issue presented here, but
    instead find the ISBA’s position to be well-taken, and so hold that representation of corporations
    at administrative hearings – particularly those which involve testimony from sworn witnesses,
    interpretation of laws and ordinances, and can result in the imposition of punitive fines – must be
    made by a licensed attorney at law.
    ¶ 17   Our supreme court quite recently reaffirmed a rule dating back to “as early as Lord
    Coke’s time” 3 that a corporation must be represented by counsel in legal proceedings. See
    Downtown Disposal Services, Inc. v. City of Chicago, 
    2012 IL 112040
    , ¶ 17 (citing Nixon,
    Ellison & Co. v. Southwestern Insurance Co., 
    47 Ill. 444
    , 446 (1868)). The reason for this
    requirement, the court stated, was that “[i]t is not every case where the views or interests of a
    principal and the corporation mesh. By requiring an attorney to represent a corporation in legal
    proceedings, this problem is mitigated.     ***       Courts in this country, including this court,
    unanimously agree that a corporation must be represented by counsel in legal proceedings.”
    (Emphases added.) Id. ¶¶ 17, 22. The Downtown Disposal court found that an administrative
    Referring to English jurist Lord Edward Coke (1552-1634).
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    review complaint filed by a nonattorney was not a complete nullity, but could be validated by
    having a licensed attorney file an amended complaint, even after the normal administrative
    review period had elapsed. The three dissenting justices noted that even creating that narrow
    exception violated an “unbroken line of precedent dating back before the Civil War.” Id. ¶ 41
    (Karmeier, J., dissenting, joined by Kilbride, C.J., and Thomas, J.) Despite the split on whether
    the exception should be created to the nullity rule, all seven justices agreed that nonattorneys
    cannot represent corporations in matters requiring the expertise of an attorney. Id. ¶¶ 22, 41.
    ¶ 18   The City presents several reasons why nonattorneys should be allowed to represent
    corporations at administrative hearings; none of them is meritorious. First, it cites a series of
    statutes and administrative regulations providing that nonattorneys can represent corporations at
    various types of administrative hearings. The City notes that it specifically allows nonattorneys
    to represent corporations at its administrative hearings. See City of Chicago Department of
    Administrative Hearings R. 5.1, available at
    (last visited Mar. 6, 2014) (select “Rules and Ordinances”; then select “Rules and Regulations”;
    then select “Chapter 5. Right to Representation”). This grant of authority may be efficacious,
    but it clearly usurps the authority of our supreme court to administer the practice of law. “The
    General Assembly has no authority to grant a layman the right to practice law.” Goodman, 366
    Ill. at 352 (citing In re Day, 
    181 Ill. 73
    , 84 (1899)). This problem apparently arises frequently at
    Chicago administrative hearings. See Downtown Disposal Services, Inc., 
    2012 IL 112040
    , ¶ 8
    (quoting trial judge who found that legal instructions given by Chicago administrative hearing
    officers to nonattorneys representing corporate defendants that the nonattorney had the “right to
    appeal this” were “clearly erroneous” (internal quotation marks omitted)). Since only the Illinois
    Supreme Court can regulate the practice of law, the statutes and regulations on which the City
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    relies are of highly doubtful validity. See Goodman, 366 Ill. at 349; Downtown Disposal
    Services, Inc., 
    2012 IL 112040
    , ¶14.
    ¶ 19   In its petition for rehearing, the City, joined by the Attorney General as amicus curiae,
    suggests that our holding regarding nonattorney representation of corporations at administrative
    hearings and our questioning of administrative regulations purporting to allow unlicensed
    persons to practice law would have deleterious consequences. We disagree. As we have noted,
    except in a small claims case, no judge sitting in a circuit court would allow a corporation to
    appear as a party through a nonattorney employee or officer.              Judges routinely provide
    admonitions in such situations and grant continuances to obtain counsel.              Administrative
    agencies vested with the power of government to punish, fine, and transfer property should, and
    must, follow the same principle. If anything, our holding will protect the rights of corporations
    which may lose valuable rights or property because they have lost administrative hearings due to
    the presence of an unqualified representative working on their behalf. All that being said, we
    note that this case hinges largely on the allegation of lack of proper service. When a corporate
    administrative defendant has been properly served, and a judgment has been entered against it,
    the judgment is properly cognizable as a standard default, regardless of whether the corporation
    did not appear at all or appeared through a nonattorney.
    ¶ 20   Second, the City cites Illinois Supreme Court Rule 282(b) (Ill. S. Ct. R. 282(b) (eff. July
    1, 1997)), which allows corporations to defend against small claims cases through a nonattorney
    officer or manager. However, it neglects to cite Rule 281, which defines “small claim[s]” only
    as including “civil action[s] based on either tort or contract for money not in excess of $10,000,
    exclusive of interest and costs, or for the collection of taxes not in excess of that amount.” Ill. S.
    Ct. R. 281 (eff. Jan. 1, 2006). Ordinance enforcement and the imposition of fines are not based
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    in “tort or contract” and so clearly fall outside this definition. Rule 282(b) does not legitimize
    Johnson’s representation of Stone Street at the 1999 hearing.
    ¶ 21   Johnson’s appearance at the hearing does not change the result. A defendant does not
    waive objection to jurisdiction if it participated through someone who was unauthorized to do so
    – even if the representative is a licensed attorney at law. When an attorney appears of record for
    a party, there is a rebuttable presumption that the party authorized the attorney to do so. Gray v.
    First National Bank of Chicago, 
    388 Ill. 124
    , 129 (1944). However, “when the facts show a lack
    of authorization, express or implied, and there is no proof of ratification, the acts of counsel are a
    Id. at 129
    . Where affidavits establish that an attorney was not acting as the party’s
    attorney, no general appearance is made. People v. Mickow, 
    58 Ill. App. 3d 780
    , 783 (1978).
    ¶ 22   That brings us to the question of the appropriate remedy and the various counts which
    Stone Street presented in its complaint. In count I, Stone Street sought administrative review of
    the DOAH’s 2011 order. Neither a court nor a governmental body gains jurisdiction over a non-
    served defendant merely by the passage of a long period of time. A judgment entered without
    jurisdiction – that is, because of lack of service – is void and can be vacated at any time, either
    directly or collaterally. Sarkissian v. Chicago Board of Education, 
    201 Ill. 2d 95
    , 103 (2002). In
    January 2012, Stone Street sought relief by filing a motion before the DOAH which, while not
    titled as such, was essentially a motion to quash service and void the 1999 order. However, the
    DOAH determined that it had no jurisdiction to consider such a motion because the City
    ordinances provided no mechanism for un-served defendants to vacate void orders. Stone Street
    disagrees, relying on a City ordinance which states in part:
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    “Petition to set aside default order.
    (a) An administrative law officer may set aside any order
    entered by default and set a new hearing date, upon a petition filed
    within 21 days after the issuance of the order of default, if the
    administrative law officer determines that the petitioner’s failure to
    appear at the hearing was for good cause or, at any time, if the
    petitioner establishes that the petitioner was not provided with
    proper service of process. If the petition is granted, the
    administrative law officer shall proceed with a new hearing on the
    underlying matter as soon as practical.” Chicago Municipal Code
    § 2-14-108(a) (added Apr. 29, 1998).
    ¶ 23   A related code section provides that a “default” as entered only “[i]f at the time set for a
    hearing the recipient of a notice of violation or a notice of hearing, or his or her attorney of
    record, fails to appear.” Chicago Municipal Code § 2-14-078 (amended Apr. 29, 1998).
    ¶ 24   The City argues that section 2-14-108(a) only applies to default orders.          We give
    substantial weight to the agency’s opinion about an ambiguous statute or regulation, and we also
    give deference when the agency’s interpretation relates to its own jurisdiction. See Aurora
    Manor, Inc. v. Department of Public Health, 
    2012 IL App (1st) 112775
    , ¶ 9. Our supreme court
    has long held that because “an administrative agency is a creature of statute, any power or
    authority claimed by it must find its source within the provisions of the statute by which it is
    created.” (Internal quotation marks omitted.) County of Knox ex rel. Masterson v. Highlands,
    188 Ill. 2d 546
    , 554 (1999).
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    ¶ 25   We agree with the City’s interpretation of section 2-14-108(a), noting that the title of the
    section refers only to default orders, and further finding that the term “default” in the first clause
    modifies both the clause regarding good cause and the clause following the “or” dealing with
    service of process. Stone Street was not held in default at the 1999 hearing – perhaps it should
    have been, on the basis that Johnson’s appearance was a nullity. Nonetheless, the 1999 order
    mentions nothing about default, and it was clearly entered after some sort of adjudication on the
    merits. Accordingly, the DOAH correctly determined it had no jurisdiction to consider Stone
    Street’s motion to vacate, and the circuit court correctly confirmed that administrative decision
    on review. We therefore affirm the dismissal of count I of the complaint.
    ¶ 26   Count II of the complaint is labeled both as a claim to quiet title and for a declaratory
    judgment. Specifically, the forms of relief it requests are: (1) a declaration that the City’s lien on
    Stone Street’s property is void; (2) a declaration that the 1999 administrative judgment is null
    and void; and (3) a judgment against the City for slander of title and attorney fees. The City’s
    failure to provide defendants with a procedure to quash service of process and vacate void orders
    leaves Stone Street without an in-house remedy. As we explained above, the complaint and
    affidavits set forth sufficient facts to support a valid claim based on voidness of the 1999 order.
    The City contends here that Stone Street is left without a remedy because it failed to seek
    administrative review of the 1999 order. Indeed, it is well settled that “[w]here the statute
    creating or conferring power on an administrative agency expressly adopts the Administrative
    Review Law, a circuit court has no authority to entertain an independent action.”         Metzger v.
    209 Ill. 2d 30
    , 42 (2004). However, a defendant cannot be expected to timely seek
    review of an order of which it was not properly notified.
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    ¶ 27   In Sarkissian, 
    201 Ill. 2d at 104-05
    , our supreme court noted that the Code of Civil
    Procedure makes no “provision for the filing of a motion to challenge a judgment on voidness
    grounds” and that section 2-1401(f) (735 ILCS 5/2-1401(f) (West 2000)) “expressly abolishes all
    other common law means of attacking void judgments.” The court noted that a void order may
    be attacked at any time. 
    Id. at 103
    . It further held that the general requirements for a valid
    section 2-1401 petition cannot, and do not, apply to petitions to invalidate service of process. 
    Id. at 105
    . In particular, the supreme court held that a petition challenging a void judgment in the
    nature of a motion to quash: (1) need not allege either a meritorious defense or due diligence;
    and (2) may be brought at any time, not merely within two years of the final order. 
    Id. at 104
    To resolve the legislature’s failure to provide a specific mechanism to vacate void orders more
    than two years after their entry, the Sarkissian court created one. It held that while a pleading to
    challenge a void judgment based on invalid service must be brought under section 2-1401, it
    could be brought more than two years after the judgment was entered, despite the time limitation
    established by the legislature. Id.; see also Protein Partners, LLP v. Lincoln Provision, Inc., 
    407 Ill. App. 3d 709
    , 715 (2010) (noting that “[o]ur courts have repeatedly held that an untimely
    postjudgment motion must be viewed as a section 2-1401 motion by the appellate court because
    it is the only vehicle that a party may use once the 30 days have expired”).
    ¶ 28   Using Sarkissian as our guide, we hold that cases such as Metzger do not bar us from
    providing a remedy. Because some sort of equitable relief must be available to remedy the
    alleged wrong suffered by Stone Street, the circuit court erred in dismissing count II. However,
    the relief available in count II on remand, should Stone Street prove the underlying facts, may
    not include damages for slander of title, as that claim is barred for the reasons set forth below.
    Additionally, we note that this remedy is only potentially available to Stone Street because of the
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    unusual convergence of both of two qualifying factors: (1) the City’s failure to properly serve
    defendant in the first instance, a situation normally addressed in courts by a motion to quash; and
    (2) the fact that Stone Street did not waive jurisdiction merely because a non-authorized
    representative of it appeared at the hearing. Administrative judgments against corporations
    which were properly served must still be reviewed under the standards established in the
    governing ordinance with respect to motions to vacate default judgments. While we reverse the
    dismissal of the main portion of count II, we affirm the dismissal of the third portion of the
    prayer for relief of count II.
    ¶ 29       Our dissenting colleague suggests that the 1999 judgment was somehow subject to
    administrative review not merely for the usual 35 days, but for years and years until, at some
    point, Stone Street found out about it. Section 3-103 of the Administrative Review Law provides
    that a losing party may file for administrative review “within 35 days from the date that a copy of
    the decision sought to be reviewed was served upon the party affected by the decision.” 735
    ILCS 5/3-103 (West 2010). The “served upon” language seems to recognize there may be a
    delay between the conclusion of the hearing and the issuance of the decision. Even so, one can
    interpret the 35-day “was served” period as running from the date of mailing or from the date of
    receipt.     If the period ran from the date of receipt, the dissent would have a valid point.
    However, in a case the City cites in its own brief, our supreme court has resolved the statutory
    ambiguity, holding that decisions served by mail must be appealed 35 days after the date the
    decision is placed in the mail. 735 ILCS 5/3-103 (West 2010); Nudell v. Forest Preserve District
    of Cook County, 
    207 Ill. 2d 409
    , 424 (2003). Therefore, Stone Street could not have appealed
    the 1999 decision in 2009 when it claims to have first found about it. As interpreted by the
    Nudell court, the Administrative Review Law cannot toll the 35-day deadline when losing parties
    No. 1-12-3654
    are unaware of the pending administrative hearing in the first instance, allowing them to file for
    review five or ten years after the fact. Had Stone Street filed for administrative review of the
    1999 judgment in 2009 or 2011, the City would have undoubtedly claimed it was untimely, and
    it would have been correct.
    ¶ 30   Further, the dissents suggest that a different remedy was created to assist a similarly-
    situated administrative defendant by In re Abandonment of Wells, 
    343 Ill. App. 3d 303
    In that case, however, the court remanded the case back to the circuit court “to resolve the
    factual dispute and to determine whether the Department complied with the notice requirements
    and satisfied due process requirements.” 
     343 Ill. App. 3d at 308 [emphasis added]. In so
    doing, the Abandonment of Wells court recognized that expired time limitations caused the
    administrative agency to lose jurisdiction, but placed the manner in the hands of the circuit court,
    which had plenary equitable jurisdiction to resolve the dispute. In short, that is precisely the
    remedy we provide here, albeit under the framework of declaratory relief.
    ¶ 31   Count III is a claim for slander of title based on the City’s recording of the judgment lien
    against Stone Street’s property. In that count, Stone Street claims that the City knew that the
    1999 order was void at the time that the City recorded the order in 2009 and knowing it was
    void. The City moved to dismiss the both because it was as time-barred and because section 2-
    107 of the Local Governmental and Governmental Employees Tort Immunity Act immunizes it
    from liability for libel and slander. See 745 ILCS 10/2-107 (West 2010). Stone Street glosses
    over the tort immunity defense in its briefs before this court, preferring instead to focus only on
    whether the claim pled the elements of a slander-of-title claim and the merits of a statute-of-
    limitations argument raised by the City. See 745 ILCS 10/8-101(a) (West 2010) (one-year
    statute of limitations applies for tort claims against government entities). We need not reach the
    No. 1-12-3654
    limitations issue because the immunity provided by section 2-107 is absolute and there are no
    exceptions. Plaintiff has not argued otherwise (see Ill. S. Ct. R. 341(h)(7) (eff. Feb 6, 2013)
    (claims not raised are forfeited)), and we may affirm on any ground appearing in the record (see
    Camper v. Burnside Construction Co., 
    2013 IL App (1st) 121589
    , ¶ 29). The circuit court
    correctly dismissed this count.
    ¶ 32    On rehearing, the City has asked us to grant a certificate of importance under Ill. Sup. Ct.
    R. 316 (eff. Dec. 6, 2006) to facilitate its appeal of this decision to the Illinois Supreme Court.
    This court has consistently determined that it will use this power sparingly and defer to the
    Illinois Supreme Court’s determination of which cases it deems worthy of review People v.
    Cherry Valley Public Library District, 
    356 Ill. App. 3d 893
    , 900 (2005). We decline to do so
    ¶ 33    To summarize: as to count I, we affirm the circuit court’s affirmance of the DOAH’s
    administrative ruling; we reverse the circuit court’s dismissal of count II, less the prayer for
    monetary damages, and remand it for further proceedings consistent with this order; and we
    affirm the circuit court’s dismissal of count III.
    ¶ 34    Affirmed in part and reversed in part; cause remanded for further proceedings.
    ¶ 35    JUSTICE CONNORS, concurring in part and dissenting in part:
    ¶ 36    Fundamentally, this case is about the procedural methods that are available, and those
    that are not, to litigants who claim that an administrative judgment is void. We all agree that the
    procedures surrounding the DOAH hearing in 1999 were, if plaintiff’s allegations are true,
    woefully inadequate. What the majority and I disagree about is how that proceeding and the
    resulting administrative judgment can be reviewed by the courts. I agree with my colleagues that
    plaintiff’s quiet-title and slander-of-title claims cannot stand and that DOAH’s 2011
    No. 1-12-3654
    administrative decision should be confirmed, so I concur in the court’s judgment and opinion on
    those points. But I must respectfully dissent from the majority’s conclusion that the declaratory
    judgment claim should proceed.
    ¶ 37    The majority holds that an allegedly void administrative judgment may be challenged at
    any time via a declaratory judgment action. In my opinion, however, our constitution, statutes,
    and precedent preclude such a claim. This case is, to be blunt, a civil-procedure disaster. But
    while the majority opinion amply documents the City’s procedural failures, plaintiff is not
    blameless. In my opinion, regardless of the merits of plaintiff’s arguments about the validity of
    the 1999 order, plaintiff made several procedural decisions that preclude the courts from granting
    any relief in this case.
    ¶ 38    At the heart of this case is the inescapable fact that the 1999 order is a final
    administrative judgment. While the circuit court has general subject-matter jurisdiction over
    nearly every kind of claim, the Illinois Constitution of 1970 permits the courts to review
    administrative orders only as provided by statute. See Ill. Const. 1970, art. VI sect. 9. As the
    supreme court has explained, “[b]ecause review of a final administrative decision may be
    obtained only as provided by statute, a court exercises ‘special statutory jurisdiction’ when it
    reviews an administrative decision. Special statutory jurisdiction is limited to the language of
    the statute conferring it and the court has no powers from any other source. A party seeking to
    invoke a court's special statutory jurisdiction must strictly comply with the procedures prescribed
    by the statute.” (Emphasis added.) Ultsch v. Illinois Municipal Retirement Fund, 
    226 Ill. 2d 169
    , 178 (2007).
    ¶ 39    As an administrative judgment, review of the 1999 order can only be had pursuant to the
    Administrative Review Law, and it is undisputed that plaintiff failed to petition for review within
    No. 1-12-3654
    35 days after service of the judgment as required by the law. See 735 ILCS 5/3-103 (West
    2010). Yet this was not plaintiff’s fatal mistake. As the majority points out, a party can hardly
    be expected to seek timely review of an administrative judgment when it does not know the
    judgment exists.     See supra ¶ 26.      The fatal mistake was that plaintiff never sought
    administrative review of the judgment even after plaintiff learned of it. To be fair, had plaintiff
    done so it is very likely that the City would have moved to dismiss the petition as untimely. Yet
    we have previously rejected such a motion where the party seeking administrative review did not
    receive notice of the judgment, which is what plaintiff alleges happened here. In the case of In
    re Abandonment of Wells Located in Illinois by Leavell, 
    343 Ill. App. 3d 303
     (2003), the plaintiff
    petitioned for administrative review after the 35-day deadline but argued that it had not received
    notice of the judgment.     We reversed the circuit court’s order dismissing the petition on
    timeliness grounds and remanded for an evidentiary hearing, holding that if the administrative
    agency had in fact failed to properly serve notice of the judgment on the plaintiff, then that alone
    would be grounds for vacating the administrative judgment. See id. at 306-09.
    ¶ 40   Based on Abandonment of Wells, it is debatable whether a motion to dismiss on
    timeliness grounds would have succeeded, since that would depend on whether the City could
    prove that DOAH had properly served plaintiff with notice of the 1999 order. See 735 ILCS 5/3-
    103 (West 2010) (requiring that, in the absence of contrary provisions in an enabling statute, an
    administrative decision must be served either by personal delivery or by mail to “the party
    affected by the decision at his or her last known residence or place of business.”). But we will
    never know whether the City could have done so because plaintiff never bothered to seek
    administrative review of the order when it learned of the order’s existence. Instead, plaintiff
    filed a futile motion to vacate the 1999 order with DOAH and then, when that failed, attempted
    No. 1-12-3654
    to bootstrap review of the 1999 order into a misguided petition for administrative review of the
    new 2011 order. I agree with my colleagues that new petition was properly dismissed, given the
    clear limitations the Chicago Municipal Code places on DOAH’s authority to vacate orders.
    ¶ 41   Plaintiff also attempted several collateral attacks on the 1999 order via claims for quiet
    title, slander of title, and a declaratory judgment. In addition to the problems with the quiet-title
    and slander-of-title claims that the majority has already mentioned, the fundamental problem
    with these collateral attacks is that they are not viable methods of seeking review of an
    administrative judgment. We considered this issue in detail in Stykel v. City of Freeport, 
    318 Ill. App. 3d 839
     (2001), and we determined that the express terms of the Administrative Review
    Law preclude all common-law and equitable collateral challenges to an administrative decision.
    See id. 845-47. Although the majority believes that there must be some equitable method of
    reviewing the 1999 order (see supra ¶ 28), Stykel rejected that very notion and held that
    declaratory judgments are not an available option for obtaining review of an administrative
    judgment. See id. at 847; see also id. at 845 (“[W]here the Review Law embraces administrative
    agencies subject to its terms, it becomes the sole means of securing judicial review of decisions
    of administrative agencies and eliminates the heretofore conflicting and inadequate common-law
    and statutory remedies.”); 735 ILCS 5/3-102 (West 2010) (stating that in all administrative
    review cases, “any other statutory, equitable or common law mode of review of decisions of
    administrative agencies heretofore available shall not hereafter be employed.”            (Emphasis
    added.)). In fact, not even section 2-1401 petitions (735 ILCS 5/2-1401 (West 2010)), which are
    the traditional method of challenging a void or voidable judgment, are an available option in this
    context. See Krain v. Illinois Department of Professional Regulation, 
    295 Ill. App. 3d 577
    , 580-
    No. 1-12-3654
    81 (1998); Rodriguez v. DuPage County Sheriff’s Merit Comm’n, 
    328 Ill. App. 3d 899
    , 905
    ¶ 42      This rule is known as the doctrine of exhaustion of administrative remedies, under which
    “a party may not seek judicial relief from an administrative action unless the party has exhausted
    all available administrative remedies.” Arvia v. Madigan, 
    209 Ill. 2d 520
    , 531 (2004). The
    supreme court explained the purpose and scope of the rule in Arvia:
    “Importantly,    the   exhaustion    doctrine    extends    to
    administrative review in the circuit court. [Citation.] That is,
    where the Administrative Review Law is applicable and the circuit
    court may grant the relief a party seeks within the context of
    reviewing the agency’s decision, a circuit court has no authority to
    entertain independent causes of action regarding the agency’s
    actions. [Citations.] Any other conclusion would enable a party to
    litigate separately every alleged error committed by an agency in
    the course of the administrative proceedings.” (Internal quotation
    marks omitted.) 
    Id. at 532
    ¶ 43      There are some exceptions to this doctrine, but they are extremely limited in number and
    are strictly construed. See Castaneda v. Illinois Human Rights Commission, 
    132 Ill. 2d 304
    , 309
    (1989); see also Stykel, , 318 Ill. App. 3d at 848-50 (finding that a civil-rights claim against an
    administrative agency is not preempted by the Administrative Review Law). Yet even if an
    exception might apply in this case, plaintiff has not raised one nor even acknowledged that the
    doctrine exists, so the issue is forfeit. See Ill. S. Ct. R. 341(h)(7) (eff. Feb. 1, 2004) (points not
    No. 1-12-3654
    argued are forfeit); Vine Street Clinic v. HealthLink, Inc., 
    222 Ill. 2d 276
    , 300-01 (2006) (issues
    not raised in the circuit court are forfeit on appeal).
    ¶ 44    In my opinion, the law is clear that plaintiff cannot attempt an end run around the
    Administrative Review Law by seeking relief from the 1999 order in the form of a declaratory
    judgment, much less a claim for quiet title or slander of title. Plaintiff’s only option was a
    petition for administrative review of the 1999 order, and plaintiff has not done that. Not even
    plaintiff’s petition for administrative review of the 2011 order can save the issue, given that
    plaintiff sought only review of DOAH’s 2011 order denying the motion to vacate.
    ¶ 45    I agree with my colleagues that the City’s actions in this case are troubling and that its
    system of adjudicating ordinance violations deserves to be reviewed. But this is not the case to
    do so. Plaintiff’s procedural decisions have fatally compromised our ability to review the merits
    of its claims, and allowing plaintiff to mount a backdoor challenge to the 1999 order in the guise
    of a declaratory judgment is contrary to our precedent and the express terms of the
    Administrative Review Law. I would hold that plaintiff’s only option for challenging the 1999
    order as void was to file a petition for administrative review of that order. Even given the
    timeliness problem in this case, review would still have been possible if the City was unable to
    prove that it had properly served plaintiff with notice of the administrative judgment. But
    because plaintiff could have but did not seek review of the 1999 order as required by the
    Administrative Review Law, the courts have no power to review the merits of plaintiff’s claims
    under any other mechanism.
    ¶ 46    Aside from my disagreement with the majority on the viability of the declaratory-
    judgment count, I also cannot join with the majority on three other points. The first point is the
    majority’s holding that “representation of corporations at administrative hearings *** must be
    No. 1-12-3654
    made by a licensed attorney at law.” Supra ¶ 16. The City, joined by the Illinois Attorney
    General as amicus curiae, argued in its petition for rehearing in this case that this extremely
    broad holding is inconsistent with our precedent and will have a significant impact on all
    administrative hearings conducted throughout Illinois.
    ¶ 47   The majority does not say so explicitly, but it has in effect invalidated not only DOAH
    Rule 5.1 but also every other administrative rule that allows for nonattorneys to appear on behalf
    of corporations at an administrative hearing. There are several problems with the majority’s
    approach to this issue, in my view. The first, and perhaps the most important, is that this issue
    was not presented on appeal and in any event is not essential to the ultimate holding in the case.
    Plaintiff’s argument on appeal was not that Keith Johnson’s appearance at the 1999 hearing
    rendered the proceedings invalid because he was not an attorney, but rather that the proceedings
    were invalid because Johnson was not authorized to represent plaintiff at all. In the affidavit of
    Brian Farley, which plaintiff filed as part of its motion to vacate the default before DOAH,
    Farley attests that Johnson “was not an employee of [plaintiff] and was not authorized to
    represent [plaintiff] in this matter.” While plaintiff initially also contended in the circuit court
    that the proceedings were invalid because Johnson was not an attorney, plaintiff failed to argue
    that issue on appeal.      The facial validity of DOAH’s practice of allowing nonattorney
    representation at its hearings was therefore neither properly briefed nor argued in this court.
    ¶ 48   The question of whether Johnson’s status as a nonattorney invalidates the proceedings is
    thus a moot point, given not only that plaintiff abandoned that issue on appeal but that we can
    resolve the issue of whether the proceedings were invalid without examining the unauthorized
    practice of law issue. If the fact that Johnson was not authorized to represent plaintiff in any
    capacity renders the proceedings invalid, then it is irrelevant whether his status as a nonattorney
    No. 1-12-3654
    would do so as well. We have no authority to issue advisory opinions, which are opinions that
    “resolve[] a question of law which is not presented by the facts of the case.” People ex rel.
    Partee v. Murphy, 
    133 Ill. 2d 402
    , 408 (1990); see also Duncan Publishing Co. v. City of
    304 Ill. App. 3d 778
    , 783 (1999) (“Illinois courts are foreclosed from issuing advisory
    opinions and can not indulge in rendering opinions simply for the sake of creating precedents to
    govern future cases.”). The supreme court has not only cautioned us repeatedly about issuing
    advisory opinions on issues not essential to the case, but more importantly has warned us against
    invalidating statutes when it is not necessary to do so. See In re E.H., 
    224 Ill. 2d 172
    , 178-181
    (2006). The admonition applies equally well to invalidating administrative rules, which “have
    the force and effect of law and, like statutes, are presumed valid.” People v. Selby, 
    298 Ill. App. 3d 605
    , 611 (1998). Yet not only has the majority chosen to invalidate DOAH’s rules allowing
    for nonattorney representation when it was not necessary to do so in order to resolve this case, it
    has couched its holding in language that appears to invalidate all other similar rules used by other
    administrative agencies. I cannot join in such a broad and unnecessary holding, and I express no
    view on the merits of the issue because I do not believe it should be reached in this case.
    ¶ 49   My second point of disagreement is the method that the majority uses to reach its
    conclusion that corporations cannot be represented in administrative proceedings by
    nonattorneys. The majority has chosen to reject our holdings in Sudzus and Grafner, which
    upheld administrative rules that allowed nonattorneys to appear on behalf of parties at
    administrative hearings. See supra ¶ 16. I do not express any opinion on whether Sudzus and
    Grafner were rightly or wrongly decided or even apply to this case, given that I do not think the
    issue should even be reached. But having reached the issue, the majority chooses to reject this
    court’s own precedent in favor of an advisory opinion by the ISBA. While there is ample
    No. 1-12-3654
    precedent for giving weight to the opinions of an administrative agency on legal questions that
    fall within its purview (see, e.g., Provena Convenant Medical Center v. Department of Revenue,
    236 Ill. 2d 368
    , 387 n.9 (2010)), I am aware of no case that affords similar deference to the
    advisory opinions of a nongovernmental body such as the ISBA. Indeed, the ISBA, while
    venerable, is merely a voluntary professional association that has no authority over the regulation
    of the practice of law in this state. I fail to see how an unreviewable advisory opinion of such a
    body can have any persuasive effect when this court has issued not one but two opinions on the
    same subject.
    ¶ 50   I also disagree with the majority’s reliance on Downtown Disposal, which the majority
    contends stands for the proposition that a nonattorney cannot represent a corporation in legal
    proceedings. See supra ¶ 17. Downtown Disposal does not, however, speak to the issue of
    nonattorney representation in administrative proceedings, but instead dealt with that issue in the
    context of judicial proceedings. In Downtown Disposal, the supreme court determined that the
    act of filing a complaint for administrative review in the circuit court constituted the
    unauthorized practice of law. See Downtown Disposal Services, 
    2012 IL 112040
    , ¶¶ 12-20. The
    supreme court did not consider whether a similar action by a nonattorney in administrative
    proceedings constituted the unauthorized practice of law, and so the case is inapposite here.
    Even so, the supreme court also noted that the effect of the unauthorized practice of law depends
    on the facts of each case, holding that there is no per se nullity rule. See id. ¶ 31. Yet the
    majority does not take this fact-specific approach here, instead considering the broad legal
    question of whether nonattorneys in general should ever be allowed to represent corporations in
    administrative hearings. In my view, even if it were necessary to reach the issue of the effect of
    nonattorney representation, Downtown Disposal Services requires that our analysis be limited to
    No. 1-12-3654
    the specific facts of the case itself. Cf. id. ¶¶ 32-35 (examining the circumstances of the case and
    finding that the nonattorney representation did not render the complaint a nullity).
    ¶ 51   My final point of disagreement is about further review of this case. Along with its
    petition for rehearing, the City asked us to issue a certificate of importance to the supreme court
    under Illinois Supreme Court Rule 316 (Ill. S. Ct. R. 316 (eff. Dec. 6, 2006)). I must respectfully
    dissent from the decision to deny the City’s motion. While “the appellate court’s power to
    certify a case to the supreme court should be used very sparingly” (John Crane, Inc. v. Admiral
    Insurance Co., 2013 IL App (1st) 1093240-B, ¶ 73), I believe that this case is one of those rare
    occasions that merit issuance of a certificate. There are no specific criteria for when a certificate
    should be issued, but this case warrants the supreme court’s attention for two reasons. First, the
    majority holding invalidates not only DOAH’s own rule allowing for nonattorney representation
    during administrative hearings but also implicitly invalidates similar rules used by administrative
    bodies throughout the state. Indeed, the implications of the majority holding are serious enough
    that the Attorney General took the highly unusual step of filing a brief as amicus curiae in
    support of the City’s petition for rehearing. Second, the majority opinion affects the definition of
    the practice of law in this state, which we all agree is a subject that only the supreme court has
    authority over. Taken together, I believe these two points are important enough to warrant
    designating this case for the supreme court’s immediate attention by issuing a certificate of
    importance. While the supreme court may choose to hear the case anyway through an ordinary
    petition for leave to appeal, certification will allow the court to resolve this important issue in the
    speediest possible manner. I would therefore grant the City’s request and issue the certificate.