Rainbow Realty Group, Inc. v. Katrina Carter and Quentin Lintner ( 2019 )

  •                           IN THE
    Indiana Supreme Court
    Supreme Court Case No. 19S-CC-38
    Rainbow Realty Group, Inc., et al.,                     Sep 13 2019, 11:08 am
    Appellants/Cross-Appellees,                         CLERK
    Indiana Supreme Court
    Court of Appeals
    and Tax Court
    Katrina Carter and Quentin Lintner,
    Argued: March 7, 2019 | Decided: September 13, 2019
    Appeal from the Marion Superior Court, No. 49D14-1505-CC-16629
    The Honorable James B. Osborn, Judge
    On Petition to Transfer from the Indiana Court of Appeals,
    No. 49A02-1707-CC-1473
    Opinion by Justice Slaughter
    Chief Justice Rush and Justices David, Massa, and Goff concur.
    Slaughter, Justice.
    We hold that the parties’ “rent-to-buy” agreement is not a land-sale
    contract but a rental agreement subject to Indiana’s residential landlord-
    tenant statutes. Plaintiffs, which own and manage the properties held in
    inventory, are “landlords” that violated the Statutes by delivering the
    disputed property in an uninhabitable condition. We affirm the trial
    court’s judgment for the tenants and against Plaintiffs on their claim
    under the Statutes. On the other counts, we affirm in part, reverse in part,
    and remand.
    Factual and Procedural Background
    A. Rent-to-buy agreement for uninhabitable house
    Plaintiff Cress Trust owns houses in Marion County. Plaintiff Rainbow
    Realty Group, Inc., sells, rents, and manages these properties for Cress.
    The same individual serves both as president of Rainbow and as Cress’s
    corporate trustee. Throughout this Opinion, we refer to “Plaintiffs” to
    denote these related parties collectively and refer to Cress and Rainbow
    separately as warranted to identify one party but not the other.
    Plaintiffs offer four options to customers interested in their housing
    •   straight sale;
    •   straight rental;
    •   land contract; or
    •   rent-to-buy contract.
    A straight sale requires payment of the full purchase price in exchange for
    legal title. A straight rental offers a house in a habitable condition in
    exchange for monthly payments. A land contract requires a large down
    payment followed by monthly payments to finance the sale. And a rent-
    to-buy is not currently habitable and involves a lesser monthly payment
    than a straight rental.
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    Katrina Carter and Quentin Lintner are a married couple living in
    Marion County. In response to an ad, the Couple contacted Plaintiffs to
    learn about housing options. Although Plaintiffs considered the Couple to
    have a poor credit history and told them their rental stock was not
    available, Plaintiffs concluded the Couple’s $4,000 monthly income could
    qualify them for Plaintiffs’ rent-to-buy program. The Couple applied and
    paid a $100 deposit to hold a single-family house on North Oakland
    Avenue in Indianapolis with a purchase price of $37,546. In May 2013,
    after their application was approved, the Couple signed a “Purchase
    Agreement (Rent to Buy Agreement)”. Attachments to the Agreement
    included a separate declaration, a truth-in-lending disclosure, and a
    residential real-estate disclosure.
    Under the Agreement, Plaintiffs and the Couple agreed that the House
    “shall be used as a single-family private residence and for no other
    purpose whatsoever”. The Couple agreed they were acquiring the House
    “as is”, that it was not in livable condition, and that they would need to
    make it habitable before they could live in it. In addition, the Agreement
    said the House came with no warranties of condition or habitability, that
    the Couple would have to make or pay for any repairs themselves, that
    any improvements to the House would become a permanent part of the
    property, that payment was due on the first of the month, and that
    Plaintiffs could “evict” them for not paying on time.
    When the Couple signed the Agreement, the House was missing toilets,
    plumbing, electrical wiring, and door locks. All the windows were broken.
    There was no security to prevent break-ins. The basement stairs were in
    disrepair. The carpets were beyond repair. The property was strewn with
    trash. And animals had infested the property.
    The Agreement, which said the parties’ intent was to consummate a
    sale of the House, required the Couple to make monthly payments of $549
    for thirty years at an interest rate of 16.3 percent. Despite the stated intent
    and thirty-year payment term, the Agreement said that the first twenty-
    four payments were “rental payments”. If the Couple made those
    payments, the parties would execute a separate “Conditional Sales
    Contract (Land Sale)” for the remaining twenty-eight years.
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    In a separate contract, Plaintiffs agreed to make electrical and plumbing
    repairs for a charge. Yet by 2015, two years after the Couple entered the
    Agreement with Plaintiffs, the House remained uninhabitable. Electrical
    wiring remained exposed throughout the House. More than half of the
    electrical outlets didn’t work. All but five exterior windows were broken,
    and only two of the windows opened. Most of the House had no flooring,
    only plywood, and broken tiles in the kitchen exposed rusty nails sticking
    up through the floor. Walls in the kitchen and dining room had water
    damage, as did the basement. The rotted backdoor was not secure.
    Even after executing the Agreement, the Couple continued to live in a
    motel for an unspecified period, during which they paid the motel bill and
    made their monthly House payment. Despite the House’s unlivable
    condition, the Couple used it as a home, residence, or sleeping unit during
    part of the time relevant to this litigation.
    B. Litigation
    The House proved more costly than the Couple could afford. When
    they fell behind in their payments, Plaintiffs tried to evict them. The
    Plaintiffs first filed suit in small-claims court in July 2013. The Couple
    avoided eviction by agreeing to raise their payments from $549 per month
    to $200 per week until the arrearage was satisfied. Plaintiffs filed a second
    eviction in November 2014. This time, the Couple avoided eviction by
    agreeing to raise their payments to $250 per week until the arrearage was
    erased. In March 2015, Plaintiffs filed a third eviction. This case resulted in
    a small-claims-court order allowing Plaintiffs to retake possession, but the
    Couple appealed that order to the Marion Superior Court.
    In the trial court, Plaintiffs sought possession, damages, and attorney’s
    fees, plus various costs to clean and “re-rent” the property—a total claim
    of $19,727.30. The Couple answered and asserted various counterclaims,
    including fraud, breach of contract, and failure to meet landlord
    obligations under Indiana’s residential landlord-tenant statutes. While the
    matter was pending, the Couple vacated the house, thus mooting
    Plaintiffs’ possession claim. The court entered partial summary judgment
    for the Couple, finding Plaintiffs liable on their counterclaims for breach
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    of the warranty of habitability and for making false or deceptive
    statements about Plaintiffs’ ability to disclaim the warranty and other
    obligations. The trial court later held a bench trial on the remaining issues.
    It reaffirmed its prior ruling that the Agreement was unlawful and
    unenforceable. It awarded the Couple $1,000 in compensatory damages
    for Plaintiffs’ willful deception and $3,000 in punitive damages. The court
    rejected the Couple’s request for $35,000 in attorney’s fees, concluding that
    amount was “unreasonable”, and reduced the fee award to $3,000.
    Plaintiffs appealed the adverse judgment, and the Couple filed a cross-
    appeal on the issue of attorney’s fees.
    The court of appeals reversed, concluding the Agreement is not a
    residential lease and thus not subject to the Statutes. For this reason, the
    court also reversed the judgment below that Plaintiffs committed fraud
    and reversed the trial court’s award of attorney’s fees because the Couple
    was no longer a prevailing party. Rainbow Realty Group, Inc. v. Carter, 
    112 N.E.3d 716
    , 726 (Ind. Ct. App. 2018). We granted transfer, thus vacating
    the appellate opinion, and now affirm in part, reverse in part, and
    Discussion and Decision
    A. Residential landlord-tenant statutes
    We hold that the parties’ Agreement is subject to the protections
    afforded by the residential landlord-tenant statutes. Ind. Code art. 32-31
    (2012). First, their Agreement—a purported rent-to-buy contract—is a
    residential lease and not a land-sale contract, so it is not exempt from the
    Statutes’ coverage on this basis. Second, the Agreement is a rental
    agreement for a “dwelling unit” under the Statutes, so Plaintiffs had to
    deliver the House in a safe, clean, and habitable condition—which they
    did not do.
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    1. Not a land-sale contract
    We begin by considering Plaintiffs’ threshold argument that the
    Agreement qualifies as a “contract of sale” exempt from the Statutes. “The
    residential landlord-tenant statutes do not apply to any of the following
    arrangements … : [o]ccupancy under a contract of sale of a rental unit … if
    the occupant is the purchaser”. I.C. § 32-31-2.9-4(2). According to
    Plaintiffs, the Agreement is exempt from the Statutes because it is a
    contract of sale, and the Couple occupied the House as purchasers in
    Plaintiffs emphasize that the Agreement contains several indicia of a
    purchase. The purchase-agreement declaration explains the difference
    between renting and buying, and the Couple indicated they were buying:
    “My intent is to the purchase the property at … N. Oakland Av.,
    Indianapolis[.] I am not renting the property.” The Couple’s declaration
    continues with each of them agreeing to the following terms: “I wish to
    save money by repairing & maintaining the property myself. I do not
    expect the property owner to make any repairs to the property and fully
    understand that I am buying the property ‘as-is’ with out [sic] any
    warranty of habitability.” In addition, the Agreement recites the sale price,
    the interest rate, and the term, and the Agreement requires the Couple to
    maintain the House, pay real-estate taxes, and obtain homeowners
    Although the Agreement describes the first twenty-four payments as
    “rent”, Plaintiffs say those were not payments for using the House but
    were “amortized payments of principal and interest which were credited
    toward the purchase price in the land sales contract.” Again, Plaintiffs
    point to the declaration, in which the Couple agreed, “I am not renting the
    property. All payments shall apply to the principal and interest shown on
    the amortization schedule provided at closing.” According to Plaintiffs,
    this financing condition relieved the Couple of having to make an
    immediate down payment, which they could not afford, and permitted
    them instead to substitute its equivalent payable over twenty-four
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    We agree with Plaintiffs that most of the transaction’s terms and formal
    structure suggest this was a sale—albeit unorthodox—necessitated by the
    Couple’s inability to afford a down payment for the House. But the
    transaction’s purported form and assigned label do not control its legal
    status. For at least the first two years, the Agreement was a residential
    lease with a contingent commitment to sell.
    Plaintiffs’ designated evidence reflected the rent-to-buy program’s
    structure as a lease and then (maybe) a sale. In an affidavit, Rainbow’s
    president explained that the program consisted of “a lease for 2 years with
    the right to convert the lease to a Land Contract after successful
    completion of the 2 year lease.” If the purported rent-to-buy agreement
    were really a purchase agreement, as Plaintiffs contend, the Couple would
    have become homeowners with “all incidents of ownership” and with
    “equitable title [vesting in the Couple] at the time the contract is
    consummated”—and, in most cases, would not be subject to residential
    eviction in a small-claims court. Skendzel v. Marshall, 
    261 Ind. 226
    , 234, 240-
    301 N.E.2d 641
    , 646, 650 (1973). Here, the Agreement required a
    separate contract to effectuate a sale. No equity accrued or accumulated
    during the first twenty-four months. If the Couple defaulted before
    executing the subsequent “Land Contract”, or if they failed to make
    payments or to close this latter transaction, they were subject to eviction
    and forfeiture of all payments made. Of course, that is precisely what
    During the Agreement’s twenty-four-month term, Plaintiffs reserved
    for themselves a landlord’s prerogative to enter the premises, restricted
    the Couple’s use of the land, and, upon the Couple’s default, evicted them
    as if they were tenants and kept their “rental payments”. These features,
    taken together, are particular to a residential lease. Thus, the parties’
    Agreement—a purported rent-to-buy contract—is not a “contract of sale
    of a rental unit” and thus is not exempt from the Statutes’ coverage under
    Section 32-31-2.9-4(2).
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    2. “Rental agreement” for a “dwelling unit”
    Having held the Agreement was not a “contract for sale”, we next
    consider whether it is subject to the residential landlord-tenant statutes.
    The Statutes apply to “dwelling units that are let for rent under a rental
    agreement”. I.C. § 32-31-8-1(a). Thus, the two issues here are (i) whether
    the House is a “dwelling unit” and (ii) whether the parties’ Agreement is a
    “rental agreement”. As discussed next, we hold that both statutory
    requirements are satisfied, thus subjecting the parties’ relationship to the
    residential landlord-tenant statutes, including the obligation to deliver the
    premises in a “safe, clean, and habitable condition.” Id. § 32-31-8-5(1).
    a. “Dwelling unit”
    The term “dwelling unit” appears throughout Indiana Code article 32-
    31, and at times as a term of art that the Code defines on three separate
    occasions—in Chapters 5, 6 and 9. Id. §§ 32-31-5-3, 32-31-6-1, 32-31-9-5.
    The term, however, is not defined in Chapter 8—the operative chapter—
    which both imposes the requirement of habitability and instructs that a
    purported waiver of this requirement is void. Id. §§ 32-31-8-4, 32-31-8-5.
    We resist the temptation to import into Chapter 8 the definition of
    “dwelling unit” that the legislature used elsewhere in Article 32-31. The
    legislature knows how to apply a statutory definition broadly. Examples
    abound of the legislature’s applying a definition throughout the entire
    code, see id. § 1-1-4-5(a), as well as throughout a title, article, or chapter.
    The legislature could likewise have done that here. But it did not. To the
    contrary, Section 32-31-5-3 specifically limits the definition to “this
    chapter”, referring to Chapter 5. It applies Chapter 5’s definition in
    Chapter 6. Id. § 32-31-6-1. And it repeats the same definition in Chapter 9,
    stating that “dwelling unit” there “has the meaning set forth in [Chapter
    5].” Id. § 32-31-9-5. From the legislature’s noteworthy failure to adopt the
    same definition for Chapter 8, we infer it did not intend that definition to
    apply there—thus prompting the question: what does “dwelling unit”
    mean in Chapter 8?
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    The answer lies in the dictionary definition of the undefined statutory
    term. As we explained in Town of Brownsburg v. Fight Against Brownsburg
    124 N.E.3d 597
     (Ind. 2019), when a statutory term is
    undefined, the legislature directs us to interpret the term using its “plain,
    or ordinary and usual, sense.” Id. at 605 (quoting I.C. § 1-1-4-1(1)). We
    generally avoid legal or other specialized dictionaries for such purposes
    and turn instead to general-language dictionaries. Merriam-Webster
    defines a “dwelling” as “a shelter (such as a house) in which people live”.
    Merriam-Webster, https://www.merriam-webster.com/dictionary/dwelling (last
    visited Sept. 13, 2019). Similarly, the American Heritage defines “dwelling”
    as “[a] place to live in; an abode”. The American Heritage Dictionary,
    https://ahdictionary.com/word/search.html?q=dwelling (last visited Sept. 13,
    Until the legislature tells us otherwise, we adopt these definitions of
    “dwelling” and understand a Chapter 8 “dwelling unit” to refer to a place
    to live, whether the structure is freestanding or an individual room,
    apartment, or other unit within a larger structure consisting of multiple
    units. Applying that definition here, we hold that the House is a “dwelling
    unit” under Indiana Code chapter 32-31-8 because a single-family house is
    quintessentially a place to live.
    b. “Rental agreement”
    Having concluded the House is a dwelling unit, we next consider
    whether Chapter 8 applies to this dwelling unit. As mentioned, the
    Statutes apply only to “dwelling units that are let for rent under a rental
    agreement”. I.C. § 32-31-8-1. Unlike “dwelling unit”, Chapter 8 defines
    “rental agreement”. It incorporates the definitions in Chapter 3. Id. § 32-
    31-8-2. And Chapter 3 defines “rental agreement” as “an agreement
    together with any modifications, embodying the terms and conditions
    concerning the use and occupancy of a rental unit.” Id. § 32-31-3-7.
    Whether the parties’ Agreement is a “rental agreement” turns on whether
    the House is a “rental unit”.
    We conclude that the Agreement was a rental agreement because
    Plaintiffs and the Couple agreed that the House was promised for the
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    Couple’s use as a single-family dwelling. Because the House is a
    “dwelling unit” and the Agreement qualifies as a “rental agreement”,
    Plaintiffs’ attempted waiver of their obligations as landlords is void.
    i. “Rental unit”
    “Rental unit”, also a defined term, means:
    (1) a structure, or the part of a structure, that is used as a home,
    residence, or sleeping unit by:
    (A) one (1) individual who maintains a household; or
    (B) two (2) or more individuals who maintain a common
    household; or
    (2) any grounds, facilities, or area promised for the use of a residential
    tenant, including the following:
    (A) An apartment unit.
    (B) A boarding house.
    (C) A rooming house.
    (D) A mobile home space.
    (E) A single or two (2) family dwelling.
    Id. § 32-31-3-8. This definition from Chapter 3 likewise applies to Chapter
    8. Id. § 32-31-8-2.
    The parties devote considerable time debating the applicability of
    Section 32-31-3-8(1) above. The Couple say they actually “used” the House
    as a “home, residence, or sleeping unit”, regardless of whether it was
    habitable or whether the Agreement authorized them to do so, thus
    satisfying the definition of a “rental unit” under Subsection (1): “a
    structure … that is used as a home, residence or sleeping unit by … two
    (2) or more individuals who maintain a common household”. Id. § 32-31-
    3-8(1)(B) (emphasis added).
    Plaintiffs respond that how space is “used” should not dictate its legal
    status under the Statutes. Otherwise, Plaintiffs say, a contract for space
    intended for non-residential use—such as a storage unit, which often lacks
    plumbing and heating and thus is uninhabitable by any measure—would
    be transformed into a residential “rental unit”, and thus accorded the full
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    panoply of legal rights accorded such premises, merely by the lessee’s
    unauthorized, unilateral action of moving in and taking up residence.
    There is much practical wisdom in Plaintiffs’ concern. For that reason, we
    decline the Couple’s invitation to rely on Section 8(1) for the conclusion
    that the House is a “rental unit” under the Statutes.
    Section 8(2), however, resolves Plaintiffs’ concern. A unit’s legal status
    is governed not by the unilateral action of its lessee but by its “promised”
    use by the owner—“any grounds, facilities, or area promised for the use
    of a residential tenant”. Id. § 32-31-3-8(2) (emphasis added). In other
    words, a unit is not a “rental unit” under the Statutes unless the owner
    contemplates—has “promised”—its use for a residential purpose. Thus,
    what matters under Subsection (2) is not whether the contracted unit is
    presently uninhabitable but whether the parties, including the owner,
    intend the unit for a residential use. The House clearly fills that bill.
    Unlike a storage unit, the House was promised for—and, in fact,
    contractually limited to—use as “a single-family private residence and for
    no other purpose whatsoever” in which only the Couple could live. But
    this promised-for use does not end the inquiry. A “rental unit” under
    Section 8(2) requires not only a residential use but the use of that unit by a
    residential “tenant”.
    ii. “Tenant”
    The term “tenant” is defined in Chapter 3 as “an individual who
    occupies a rental unit: (1) for residential purposes; (2) with the landlord’s
    consent; and (3) for consideration that is agreed upon by both parties.” Id.
    § 32-31-3-10. And, relevant here, this definition applies to Chapter 8. Id. §
    32-31-8-2. The Statutes do not define “occupy”, so again we turn to
    general-language dictionaries. The American Heritage says “occupy”
    means, among other things, “[t]o dwell or reside in (an apartment for
    example)”. The American Heritage Dictionary, https://ahdictionary.com/word
    /search.html?q=occupy (last visited Sept. 13, 2019). Merriam-Webster says the
    definition of “occupy” includes “to take or hold possession or control of”
    and “to reside in as an owner or tenant”. Merriam-Webster, https://www.
    merriam-webster.com/dictionary/occupy (last visited Sept. 13, 2019). We adopt
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    these definitions and interpret “occupy” here to mean possess, control,
    dwell, or reside. Thus, the Couple “occupied” the House from day one
    because they possessed it and had access to it, although they did not
    initially live in it.
    In addition, the Couple’s occupancy was with the consent of
    Plaintiffs—each one a “landlord” under the statutory definition: Cress was
    the “owner” of the House, id. § 32-31-3-3(1), and Rainbow was the
    property manager that, among other things, collected the rent, id. § 32-31-
    3-3(2). The Couple’s occupancy was for the monthly consideration
    specified in the parties’ Agreement—and, later, after missing several
    payments, the Couple agreed to increased payments to avoid being
    evicted. The Agreement also required that the Couple use the House as a
    single-family private residence—clearly contemplating an occupancy for
    “residential purposes”.
    3. Summary
    Based on our conclusions above, we hold that the Couple are tenants of
    a dwelling unit that is the subject of a rental agreement governed by the
    residential landlord-tenant statutes. Under these Statutes, Plaintiffs were
    required to deliver the House to the Couple in a habitable condition, id. §
    32-31-8-5(1), which they did not do. The Statutes also render the
    Agreement’s purported waiver of their obligation as void. Id. § 32-31-8-4.
    Thus, the trial court was correct in finding that Plaintiffs breached the
    statutory warranty of habitability.
    *       *        *
    If this case were simply about the parties’ freedom of contract, the
    Couple would have no legal recourse. Plaintiffs disclaimed the warranty
    of habitability, informed the Couple that the House required significant
    renovation, and forbade them from taking up residence there before it was
    habitable. The Couple agreed to these terms but soon thereafter violated
    them. Were it not for the governing Statutes, Plaintiffs would be entitled
    to relief against the Couple for having breached their Agreement. But the
    Statutes are not about vindicating parties’ freely bargained agreements.
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    They are, rather, about protecting people from their own choices when the
    subject is residential property and their contract bears enough markers of
    a residential lease. Unless a statute is unconstitutional, the legislature is
    entitled to enact its policy choices. The disputed statutes at issue here
    reflect those choices.
    B. Deceptive consumer sales act
    Next, we address the Couple’s claim under Indiana’s Deceptive
    Consumer Sales Act. Ind. Code ch. 24-5-0.5 (2012). The trial court found
    for the Couple, concluding that Plaintiffs “intentionally deceiv[ed] the
    [Couple] as to the nature of the Purchase Agreement” by making “false or
    deceptive statements about the ability to disclaim the warranty of
    habitability and obligations associated with said warranty.” The court
    awarded the Couple $1,000 in compensatory damages and $3,000 in
    punitive damages. The court of appeals reversed the trial court on this
    claim, based on its determination that the Agreement was not a lease and
    thus wasn’t subject to the Statute, especially its warranty of habitability.
    112 N.E.3d at 725. As discussed, we have vacated the court of appeals’
    opinion and hold that the Agreement is subject to the residential landlord-
    tenant statutes. But that does not mean we are reinstating the trial court’s
    award for the Couple under the Act. We still find their claim to be without
    merit, and thus reverse the trial court on this claim, for three reasons.
    First, Plaintiffs did not know, or have reason to know, that their
    allegedly deceptive act was false. The Couple premised their deception
    claim on Section 3(a)(8) of the Act, which defines a deceptive act to
    include a representation “[t]hat [a] consumer transaction involves or does
    not involve a warranty, a disclaimer of warranties, or other rights,
    remedies, or obligations, if the representation is false and if the supplier
    knows or should reasonably know that the representation is false.” I.C. §
    24-5-0.5-3(a)(8). The dispute here concerns Plaintiffs’ representation that
    they had no legal obligation to warrant the House’s habitability. Whether
    the parties were entitled to disclaim the warranty is a legal question that
    we have now resolved in favor of the Couple and against Plaintiffs. But
    just because Plaintiffs turned out to be wrong does not mean they knew or
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    had reason to know they were wrong, thus rendering their representation
    false and subjecting them to liability under the Act. Neither litigants nor
    their lawyers are prescient. And neither, as we have seen, are appellate
    judges. Recall that three respected judges on our court of appeals all
    shared Plaintiffs’ view of this case and held the Statutes did not apply.
    Just as we would not charge our appellate-court colleagues with
    deception, neither is that an appropriate charge against Plaintiffs, which
    made plausible, non-frivolous arguments in support of their view that the
    Statutes did not apply. Though we ultimately disagree with that view, we
    reject the trial court’s conclusion that Plaintiffs’ contrary position—and
    their statements reflecting that position—were somehow deceptive. A
    broader lesson is that statements of law—as opposed to statements of
    fact—are seldom actionable, especially on matters for which the legal
    question is unsettled or unresolved.
    Second, even assuming for argument’s sake that Plaintiffs’ disclaimer of
    the warranty qualified as a deceptive act that Plaintiffs knew or should
    have known was false, the Couple still would not be entitled to damages
    under the Act. A prerequisite for obtaining damages is that the claimant
    relied on the deception. “A person relying upon an uncured or incurable
    deceptive act may bring an action for the damages actually suffered as a
    consumer as a result of the deceptive act or five hundred dollars ($500),
    whichever is greater.” Id. § 24-5-0.5-4(a). On this record, the trial court did
    not find that the Couple relied on Plaintiffs’ disclaimer of the warranty.
    Thus, the trial court’s award of compensatory and punitive damages
    under the Act cannot stand.
    Third, a final reason for reversing the trial court’s award is that the Act
    does not contemplate an aggrieved person suing for damages when the
    alleged deception concerns real property. Subsection 4(a) of the Act,
    which authorizes a person who relies on a deceptive act to sue for
    damages, expressly “does not apply to a consumer transaction in real
    property”. Id. § 24-5-0.5-4(a). This real-property limitation has two
    exceptions—for time-share purchases and camping-club memberships—
    that do not apply here. Id.
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    C. Attorneys’ fees
    Finally, we consider the trial court’s award of attorney’s fees. Prevailing
    parties under the residential landlord-tenant statutes are eligible to recoup
    their fees. An award of fees, however, is discretionary. “If the tenant is the
    prevailing party in an action under this section, the tenant may obtain any
    of the following, if appropriate under the circumstances: . . . Attorney’s
    fees and court costs.” I.C. § 32-31-8-6(d)(1)(B) (emphasis added).
    The Couple sought fees of $35,475, based on 129 hours of lawyer time
    over two years at an hourly rate of $275. The trial court found that fees
    were warranted but reduced the award to $3,000, concluding that the full
    amount sought was “unreasonable” in light of “the typical rates charged
    in Marion County, the complexity of this case, the amount of motions
    practice involved and the amount of time spent in court and in
    preparation of proposed findings.” The court did not specify what it
    believed a reasonable hourly rate, or range of rates, would be in Marion
    County. And neither did it say how many hours of lawyer time would be
    reasonable for this lawsuit.
    On this record, neither the Couple’s proposed hourly rate nor the
    number of hours they expended strike us as so obviously excessive that
    their unreasonableness speaks for itself. Thus, the trial court needed to
    support its fee award with findings explaining its nearly ninety-two-
    percent reduction in the fees requested. Its failure to do so requires that
    we vacate the award and remand so the court can supply these omitted
    In assessing what qualifies as a reasonable fee, trial courts have broad
    discretion in determining a fee award and may consider several factors.
    See, e.g., Masters v. Masters, 
    43 N.E.3d 570
    , 576 (Ind. 2015). A court’s
    exercise of discretion to award fees should be supported by appropriate
    findings. On remand, the court may wish to consider the following
    items—though we note this list is neither exhaustive nor required. The
    Couple did not sue Plaintiffs; Plaintiffs sued them and sought to recover
    $19,727.30 in damages, costs, and fees. The Couple succeeded in resisting
    Plaintiffs’ claim for a monetary award. The Couple asserted their own
    counterclaims, but not all of them succeeded; and not all of them would
    Indiana Supreme Court | Case No. 19S-CC-38 | September 13, 2019     Page 15 of 19
    have entitled the Couple to a fee award even if they had succeeded. In
    addition, it may be relevant to consider Plaintiffs’ fees. The Couple’s fees
    of $35,000 would seem more reasonable if, for example, Plaintiffs had
    spent $50,000 to litigate this case than if they had spent $5,000. But not
    even that kind of disparity would necessarily be dispositive. Regardless of
    each party’s fees, the fact remains that the Couple won the lawsuit’s main
    event—a judicial determination that the Agreement’s purported waiver of
    Plaintiffs’ obligation as landlords is void and unenforceable under the
    Statutes—and Plaintiffs lost.
    On remand, if the Couple elect to seek their appellate fees, the trial
    court may elect to consider any such request using the same
    reasonableness criteria we have outlined here in connection with their
    request for fees incurred in the trial court.
    For these reasons, we affirm the trial court’s judgment for the Couple
    and against Plaintiffs under the residential landlord-tenant statutes. We
    reverse the judgment awarding relief to the Couple under the deceptive
    consumer sales act and remand with instructions to enter judgment for
    Plaintiffs. We affirm the trial court’s resolution of the remaining claims
    and counterclaims. And we remand with instructions to recalculate the
    Couple’s award of reasonable attorney’s fees, including appellate fees
    they may seek.
    Rush, C.J., and David, Massa, and Goff, JJ., concur.
    Indiana Supreme Court | Case No. 19S-CC-38 | September 13, 2019     Page 16 of 19
    Karl L. Mulvaney
    Nana Quay-Smith
    Bingham Greenebaum Doll LLP
    Indianapolis, Indiana
    Jon Laramore
    Cheryl Koch-Martinez
    Adam Mueller
    Indiana Legal Services, Inc.
    Indianapolis, Indiana
    John E. Brengle
    Indiana Legal Services, Inc.
    New Albany, Indiana
    Curtis T. Hill, Jr.
    Attorney General of Indiana
    Thomas M. Fisher
    Solicitor General of Indiana
    Indianapolis, Indiana
    Justin G. Hazlett
    Section Chief, Consumer Litigation
    Indianapolis, Indiana
    Steven P. Frank
    Michelle Alyea
    Amanda Lee
    Lara Langeneckert
    Julia C. Payne
    Deputy Attorneys General
    Indianapolis, Indiana
    Indiana Supreme Court | Case No. 19S-CC-38 | September 13, 2019   Page 17 of 19
    Donald E. Morgan
    Office of Corporation Counsel
    Indianapolis, Indiana
    Maggie L. Smith
    Darren A. Craig
    Frost Brown Todd LLC
    Indianapolis, Indiana
    Maggie L. Smith
    Darren A. Craig
    Frost Brown Todd LLC
    Indianapolis, Indiana
    Maggie L. Smith
    Darren A. Craig
    Frost Brown Todd LLC
    Indianapolis, Indiana
    Chase M. Haller
    Neighborhood Christian Legal Clinic
    Indianapolis, Indiana
    Judith Fox
    Notre Dame Clinical Law Center
    South Bend, Indiana
    Indiana Supreme Court | Case No. 19S-CC-38 | September 13, 2019   Page 18 of 19
    James Strenski
    Cantrell, Strenski & Mehringer, LLP
    Indianapolis, Indiana
    Indiana Supreme Court | Case No. 19S-CC-38 | September 13, 2019   Page 19 of 19

Document Info

Docket Number: 19S-CC-38

Filed Date: 9/13/2019

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 9/13/2019