Charles Moore v. State of Indiana , 27 N.E.3d 749 ( 2015 )

  • ATTORNEY FOR APPELLANT                                ATTORNEYS FOR APPELLEE
    Philip R. Skodinski                                   Gregory F. Zoeller
    South Bend, Indiana                                   Attorney General of Indiana
    Brian L. Reitz
    Deputy Attorney General
    Indianapolis, Indiana
    In the
    Indiana Supreme Court                                      Mar 24 2015, 10:01 am
    No. 71S00-1405-LW-361
    Appellant (Defendant below),
    Appellee (Plaintiff below).
    Appeal from the St. Joseph Superior Court, No. 71D02-1201-MR-000002
    The Honorable John M. Marnocha, Judge
    On Direct Appeal from a Sentence of Life Imprisonment Without Parole
    March 24, 2015
    David, Justice.
    Charles Moore was charged with the murders of Alejandro Tinoco and Jazmin Conlee.
    After Moore was found guilty of both murders, the jury recommended a sentence of life without
    the possibility of parole for the murder of Conlee. Moore was ultimately sentenced to sixty-five
    years for the felony murder of Tinoco and life without parole for the murder of Conlee. Moore
    appealed solely on the basis that there was insufficient evidence for his convictions. Specifically,
    Moore asserts that the incredible dubiosity rule should be applied. The incredible dubiosity rule
    allows the court to impinge upon the jury’s assessment of witness credibility when the testimony
    at trial is so contradictory that the verdict reached would be inherently improbable. For the
    incredible dubiosity rule to apply, the evidence presented must be so unbelievable, incredible, or
    improbable that no reasonable person could ever reach a guilty verdict based upon that evidence
    alone. Moore argues the application of this rule is warranted because no reasonable jury could
    have found him guilty beyond a reasonable doubt given the inconsistent testimony among three of
    the State’s primary witnesses. We disagree. Here, direct and circumstantial evidence was
    presented through the testimony of multiple witnesses and the presentation of physical evidence.
    This evidence was sufficient for a reasonable jury to find Moore guilty beyond a reasonable doubt
    for both murders. Under the facts of this case, the incredible dubiosity rule is inapplicable, and
    the jury’s verdict must stand. Moore’s convictions and sentence are affirmed.
    Facts and Procedural History
    On January 25, 2012, South Bend Police Officer Joshua Morgan was dispatched to 1101
    North Adams Street, where a reported shooting had occurred. Officer Morgan arrived at the scene
    at approximately 8:50 p.m., and other patrol officers had already arrived at the scene. Officer
    Morgan had to carefully open the front door when entering the house because one of the victims
    was lying just inside. The young man, later identified as Alejandro Tinoco, had been shot in the
    head. Although he was breathing, he was in critical condition. Upon entering the house, Officer
    Morgan also observed a female victim, later identified as Jazmin Conlee, who had also been shot
    and was sitting up against the wall behind a couch. Conlee was breathing but in critical condition
    as well. Both victims were taken to the hospital, where Tinoco was soon pronounced dead, and
    Conlee immediately underwent surgery. Although Conlee underwent multiple surgeries, it was
    determined that she would not recover from her wounds, and she was pronounced dead on
    February 8, 2012. Both Tinoco and Conlee died as a result of gunshot wounds.
    The police were able to discover the identity of four individuals who were suspected of
    being involved in these shootings. Those individuals were Jermon Gavin, Joseph Buti, Rakeem
    White, and Charles Moore. Gavin knew each of these men, but the others were not familiar with
    one another. Gavin was also a friend of Tinoco’s. The events leading up to the shooting transpired
    with Gavin, Buti, and White meeting up to smoke marijuana. Gavin first picked up White, and
    after that picked up Buti. After smoking marijuana, the three went to pick up Moore. The four
    men discussed going to get more marijuana. Gavin knew that Tinoco sold marijuana and had
    purchased marijuana from him on prior occasions. Gavin drove the vehicle to Adams Street, where
    Tinoco lived. 1 At some point during the drive, either Gavin or White passed something wrapped
    in a white cloth back to Moore.
    After arriving at Tinoco’s house, Buti walked onto the front porch and knocked on the
    door. Tinoco had a camera on the porch that displayed on a television inside who was at the front
    door. The camera only provided a live feed and did not record. When Buti arrived at the door and
    said his name, he was instructed to look at the camera. Tinoco then opened the door and started
    talking to Buti. Peter Kagimbi and Jazmin Conlee also lived at the residence and were inside when
    Buti arrived. Kagimbi was standing in the main room by the dining room table but saw Buti on
    the television screen. Tinoco asked Buti who he was and why he was there, and Buti explained
    that he was there to buy marijuana. When Tinoco refused to sell him marijuana, Buti started to
    leave. In the meantime, Moore had gotten out of the vehicle and approached the house. When
    Buti stepped outside onto the porch, he saw Moore rise up from behind the porch with a mask on
    and a gun. Buti kept walking away from the house, and when he turned around to see what was
    going on he saw Moore trying to force the door of the house open, while Tinoco was trying to
    close it. Kagimbi heard the struggle at the door, then heard a gunshot, and he immediately ran out
    of the back door of the house. Buti continued to watch from the sidewalk, and he saw Moore shoot
    Gavin testified that Buti had wanted to rob Tinoco because Tinoco owed him money, while Buti said it
    was Gavin who was angry with Tinoco over what he was being charged for marijuana. It is unclear the real
    reason the group initially went to Tinoco’s house, but it is not disputed that the motive involved marijuana
    and/or money.
    Tinoco in the head. Moore pushed Tinoco inside the house, entered, and closed the door behind
    Buti saw Kagimbi running out through the back and followed him. Kagimbi confirmed
    that when he ran out the back, he recalled seeing the same young man who he had seen on the
    television monitor at the front door. Kagimbi only later realized that the person on the television
    monitor could not have been the person who shot Tinoco and Conlee because the person he had
    seen at the door would not have been able to shoot both victims and already be outside following
    him in such a short amount of time.
    Dimitri Johnson, a friend of Kagimbi’s, also confirmed seeing two different individuals
    around Tinoco’s house that night. Johnson was at the house because he had plans to meet up with
    Kagimbi. Johnson remembered seeing a light-skinned man near the house in a red or white jacket,
    and not long after he saw another man in dark clothing walk around his vehicle and onto Tinoco’s
    porch. Johnson then heard two gunshots and saw Kagimbi run out of the house. Johnson then saw
    the man in the dark clothes get into a gray or silver car that was parked near the house. That night,
    Gavin was driving his girlfriend’s silver Pontiac Grand Prix.
    Shortly after shots were fired, Gavin confirmed that Moore ran back to the car. Once in
    the car, Gavin saw Moore pass a gun to White. Gavin noticed that Moore was very sweaty,
    nervous, and out of breath when he returned. Gavin then received a phone call from Buti to come
    pick him up. When they arrived where Buti had run to, Buti said, “Man, he just ran in there and
    got to shooting people.” (Tr. at 546.) Buti was seemingly talking about Moore. Buti got in the car
    and saw Moore with a large bag of marijuana. Buti recalled Moore rocking back and forth and
    saying, “I shot them, I killed everyone.” (Tr. at 466.) At some point after, each of the four men
    went their separate ways. Gavin recalled that soon after he departed from Moore’s company,
    Moore called him and threatened that the same thing that happened to Tinoco and Conlee could
    happen to them.
    Meanwhile, Kagimbi had run to Tinoco’s parents’ house, told them what had happened,
    and Kagimbi called 9-1-1. Later that evening, Buti also called the police and told them he was a
    witness to the shooting. The police investigation ensued. Bloody shoe prints at the scene of the
    crime, DNA evidence on the floor mat of the vehicle Gavin was driving the night of the shooting,
    and a do-rag left at the scene all connected Moore to the shootings.
    On January 30, 2012, Moore was charged with Count I, Class B felony robbery; 2 Count II,
    felony murder of Alejandro Tinoco; 3 Count III, murder of Alejandro Tinoco; 4 and Count IV,
    attempted murder of Jazmin Conlee. 5 The trial court later granted the State’s motion to vacate
    Count IV and add Counts for the murder and felony murder of Jazmin Conlee. 6 On August 22,
    2012, the trial court granted the State’s motion to add the sentencing enhancement of life without
    parole for the murder of Conlee. 7 Moore’s jury trial commenced on August 19, 2013. At trial,
    Buti, Gavin, and a jail mate of Moore’s, Steven Martin, all testified against Moore and implicated
    him as the shooter of both victims.
    The jury returned guilty verdicts on all five counts as charged. On August 26, 2013, the
    sentencing phase of the trial began. The jury recommended a sentence of life without parole for
    the murder of Conlee. The trial court only entered convictions for Count II, felony murder of
    Tinoco, and Count IV, intentional murder of Conlee, to avoid double jeopardy concerns. Moore
    Ind. Code § 35-42-5-1
    Ind. Code § 35-42-1-1
    (2) (2008).
    Ind. Code § 35-42-1-1
    (1) (2008).
    Ind. Code §§ 35-42-1-1
    ; 35-41-5-1 (2008). Jazmin Conlee was still alive at the time this charge was filed,
    and was not pronounced dead until February 8, 2012.
    These Counts were ultimately renumbered as Count IV, murder of Jazmin Conlee, and Count V, felony
    murder of Jazmin Conlee.
    “The state may seek . . . a sentence of life imprisonment without parole for murder by alleging, on a page
    separate from the rest of the charging instrument, the existence of at least one (1) of the aggravating
    circumstances listed in subsection (b).” 
    Ind. Code § 35-50-2-9
    ultimately received a sixty-five-year sentence for Count II, felony murder of Tinoco, and a
    sentence of life without parole for Count IV, murder of Conlee.
    Moore appealed, asserting that there was insufficient evidence to support his convictions,
    and that the testimony of the prosecution’s three primary witnesses was so contradictory as to be
    unbelievable. Moore’s appeal of his conviction comes directly to the Supreme Court pursuant to
    Indiana Appellate Rule 4(A)(1)(a). 8
    Standard of Review
    “When reviewing the sufficiency of the evidence to support a conviction, ‘appellate courts
    must consider only the probative evidence and reasonable inferences supporting the
    verdict.’” Drane v. State, 
    867 N.E.2d 144
    , 146 (Ind. 2007) (quoting McHenry v. State, 
    820 N.E.2d 124
    , 126 (Ind. 2005)) (emphasis added in Drane). Reviewing courts should not “assess witness
    credibility and weigh the evidence to determine whether it is sufficient to support a
    conviction.” Drane, 867 N.E.2d at 146 (citing Wright v. State, 
    828 N.E.2d 904
    , 905-06 (Ind.
    2005)). Convictions should be affirmed unless “no reasonable fact-finder could find the elements
    of the crime proven beyond a reasonable doubt.” Drane, 867 N.E.2d at 146-47 (quoting Jenkins
    v. State, 
    726 N.E.2d 268
    , 270 (Ind. 2000)).
    In the present case, Moore raises a particular insufficiency of evidence claim. Moore
    argues that the State primarily relied upon the testimony of three witnesses at trial: Jermon Gavin,
    Joseph Buti, and Steven Martin. Moore asserts that the testimony of these three witnesses was “so
    “(1) Mandatory review. The Supreme Court shall have mandatory and exclusive jurisdiction over the
    following cases: (a) Criminal Appeals in which a sentence of death or life imprisonment without parole is
    imposed under 
    Ind. Code § 35-50-2-9
    . . . .” Ind. Appellate Rule 4(A)(1)(a).
    contradictory, as to meet the doctrine of incredible dubiosity.” (Appellant’s Br. at 8.) The
    incredible dubiosity rule allows the Court to “impinge upon a jury’s responsibility to judge the
    credibility of the witnesses only when confronted with ‘inherently improbable’ testimony.”
    (Appellant’s Br. at 8 (citing Tillman v. State, 
    642 N.E.2d 221
    , 223 (Ind. 1994)).) The incredible
    dubiosity rule is only applied in limited circumstances.        Accordingly, we first address the
    appropriate scope of the incredible dubiosity rule before reaching a conclusion on its applicability
    to Moore’s claim.
    I.    Incredible Dubiosity Rule
    In Gaddis v. State, this Court was confronted with a jury verdict that could not be supported
    by the evidence presented at trial. 
    253 Ind. 73
    , 81, 
    251 N.E.2d 658
    , 662 (1969). In Gaddis, the
    defendant was charged and found guilty of robbery. 
    Id. at 74, 658
    . The defendant contended that
    the identification testimony of the State’s eyewitness was insufficient to meet the required standard
    of proof for a criminal conviction. 
    Id. at 75, 659
    . On review, the Court first acknowledged that it
    must be “careful not to confuse its function and purpose with that of the trial court,” but it must
    also “be equally as careful not to be found in derogation of [its] duties as an appellate tribunal,
    monitoring with a watchful eye the administration of justice on the trial court level.” 
    Id. at 76, 659
    In Gaddis, on the night a gas station was robbed, the police arrested a suspect, brought the
    suspect back to the gas station, and asked the attendant to identify the suspect. 
    Id. at 75, 659
    . The
    gas station attendant did identify the suspect as the robber and subsequently served as the chief
    prosecuting witness at trial. 
    Id. at 77, 660
    . When asked at trial if the suspect brought in by police
    was the same man who had held him up, the witness responded, “He looked like the man, sir.” 
    When asked if the witness believed it was the same man, the witness testified, “Well, I was too
    shook up and rattled that night, I couldn’t tell you for sure if it was or not.” 
     The witness
    continued to go back and forth regarding whether he was positive that the defendant was the same
    man who had held him up, and admitted that authorities had threatened him that he would go to
    the penitentiary if he did not testify against the defendant. 
    Id. at 77-79, 660-61
    . The Court noted
    that on top of the threats of imprisonment from the police, the witness had also been threatened by
    the defendant if he did testify. 
    Id. at 79, 661
    . Ultimately, the Court found the witness’s testimony
    to be “vacillating, contradictory and uncertain.” 
     There was also a lack of any circumstantial
    evidence linking the defendant to the crime. 
     And there were additional conflicts between the
    witness’s testimony and the evidence produced at trial that were never reconciled. 
    Id. at 79-80, 661
    . Where the State’s chief witness “by his own admission is unsure as to the identity of the
    criminal, and where other evidence or lack thereof would support such uncertainty, this court
    would hold that such identification, as a matter of law, is insufficient evidence, by itself,” to convict
    the defendant of the crime. 
    Id. at 80, 661-62
    . As such, the Court concluded that “the evidence of
    guilt . . . containing as it does the ingredients of uncredible dubiosity, 9 falls far short of proof
    beyond a reasonable doubt.” 
    Id. at 81, 662
     (emphasis added).
    Since Gaddis, this Court has defined the limited scope of the incredible dubiosity rule.
    “Under this rule, a court will impinge on the jury’s responsibility to judge the credibility of the
    witnesses only when it has confronted ‘inherently improbable’ testimony or coerced, equivocal,
    wholly uncorroborated testimony of ‘incredible dubiosity.’” 10            Tillman, 642 N.E.2d at 223
    (citing Rodgers v. State, 
    422 N.E.2d 1211
    , 1213 (Ind. 1981)) (internal quotations and citations
    omitted). The application of this rule is restricted to facts similar to those in Gaddis. Tillman, 642
    N.E.2d at 223 (citing Gaddis, 
    253 Ind. at 82
    251 N.E.2d at 663
    )). A court will only impinge upon
    the jury’s duty to judge witness credibility “where a sole witness presents inherently contradictory
    “Dubiety” or “dubiosity” is defined as, “[t]he quality or condition of being dubious” or “an uncertainty.”
    WEBSTER’S II NEW COLLEGE DICTIONARY, p.349, (1995). “Dubious” is defined as, “[c]ausing doubt or
    uncertainty: Equivocal.” 
    As demonstrated in Tillman, precedent that subsequently relied on Gaddis corrected the usage of
    “uncredible” to “incredible.”
    testimony which is equivocal or the result of coercion and there is a complete lack of circumstantial
    evidence of the appellant’s guilt.” 
     (emphases added).
    A more recent case demonstrates that even when there is a single eyewitness, the incredible
    dubiosity rule may not apply. In Murray v. State, the defendant challenged the sufficiency of his
    murder conviction as being based upon the incredibly dubious testimony of one witness. 
    761 N.E.2d 406
    , 408 (Ind. 2002). The Court recognized that the witness’s testimony had been
    inconsistent with pre-trial statements and was at odds with the testimony of corroborating
    witnesses, but this did not necessarily make the testimony incredibly dubious. 
    Id. at 409
    . The
    witness’s testimony was not equivocal, no contradictions occurred on the witness stand, and even
    though the testimony differed from the defendant’s, “[i]t is for the trier of fact to resolve conflicts
    in the evidence and to decide which witnesses to believe or disbelieve.” 
     (quoting Kilpatrick v.
    746 N.E.2d 52
    , 61 (Ind. 2001)). The Court held that the incredible dubiosity rule was
    inapplicable. Murray, 761 N.E.2d at 409.
    In Edwards v. State, this Court again determined that the incredible dubiosity rule was
    753 N.E.2d 618
    , 622 (Ind. 2001). In Edwards, the witness’s testimony during trial
    was consistent, and although the witness considered changing his testimony during trial, the jury
    was made aware of that fact during cross-examination. 
    Id. at 622-23
    . The potential uncertainty
    of the witness’s testimony “was put squarely before the jury, [and] the jury had the ability to
    perform its role as a trier of fact and determine the extent to which it affected the integrity of [the
    witness’s] testimony.” 
     at 623 (citing Albrecht v. State, 
    737 N.E.2d 719
    , 733 (Ind. 2000)).
    Accordingly, this Court has explained that while incredible dubiosity provides a standard that is
    “not impossible” to meet, it is a “difficult standard to meet, [and] one that requires great ambiguity
    and inconsistency in the evidence.” Edwards, 753 N.E.2d at 622. “The testimony must be so
    convoluted and/or contrary to human experience that no reasonable person could believe it.” Id.
    (citing Campbell v. State, 
    732 N.E.2d 197
    , 207 (Ind. Ct. App. 2000)).
    Other jurisdictions have applied a similar rule, sometimes referred to as the “inherent
    improbability doctrine.” See State v. Robbins, 
    210 P.3d 288
    , 295 (Utah 2009). In Robbins, the
    Utah Supreme Court explained that although a court usually must accept a jury’s determination of
    witness credibility, “when the witness’s testimony is inherently improbable, the court may choose
    to disregard it.” 210 P.3d at 293 (citing State v. Workman, 
    852 P.2d 981
    , 984 (Utah 1993)). Under
    this standard, the Court held that the definition of “inherently improbable must include
    circumstances where a witness’s testimony is incredibly dubious and, as such, apparently
    false.” Robbins, 210 P.3d at 293. Similar to the incredible dubiosity rule, the application of this
    rule requires that: “(1) there are material inconsistencies in the testimony and (2) there is no other
    circumstantial or direct evidence of the defendant’s guilt.” Id. at 294. “The existence of any
    additional evidence supporting the verdict prevents the judge from reconsidering the witness’s
    credibility.” Id. See also State ex. rel. Mochnick v. Andrioli, 
    216 Iowa 451
    , 453, 
    249 N.W. 379
    380 (1933) (explaining that “[t]he rule that it is for the jury to reconcile the conflicting testimony
    of a witness does not apply where the only evidence in support of a controlling fact is that of a
    witness who so contradicts himself as to render finding of facts thereon a mere guess”).
    Accordingly, the appropriate scope of the incredible dubosity rule as utilized in Indiana
    and other jurisdictions requires that there be: 1) a sole testifying witness; 2) testimony that is
    inherently contradictory, equivocal, or the result of coercion; and 3) a complete absence of
    circumstantial evidence. Accordingly, this standard will be applied in determining whether
    Moore’s convictions merit reversal based upon the testimony offered at his trial.
    II.    Sufficiency of Evidence for Moore’s Convictions based upon the Incredible
    Dubiosity Rule
    In the current case, Moore argues the testimony of Gavin, Buti, and Martin cannot be
    believed. Even though Moore concedes that each of those men agreed that “Moore was the
    shooter,” they disagreed on “several significant matters.”        (Appellant’s Br. at 8.)      Moore
    specifically asserts that the testimony was inconsistent regarding: 1) “who had the problem with
    Alex Tinoco”; 2) “who passed the gun to Moore”; 3) “how Buti got home”; 4) “how Moore got
    home”; 5) “who ditched the gun and when”; 6) “how proceeds [from the robbery] were split”; and
    7) “whether Buti knew Alex.” (Appellant’s Br. at 8-9.) While Moore is able to point out some
    inconsistencies among the testimonies of the witnesses, he fails to demonstrate that the application
    of the incredible dubiosity rule is warranted.
    First, the application of this rule has been restricted to cases where there is a single
    testifying witness. See Tillman, 642 N.E.2d at 223 (reiterating that the application of this rule “is
    limited to cases . . . where a sole witness presents inherently contradictory testimony . . . .”)
    (emphasis added). Although Buti was the only eyewitness to the shooting, Gavin’s testimony also
    placed Moore at the scene. Gavin drove Moore to Tinoco’s house and saw something wrapped in
    a white cloth passed back to Moore. Soon after shots were fired, Gavin recalled Moore running
    back to the vehicle. Moore was sweaty, nervous, and out of breath when he got into the car, and
    Gavin saw Moore hand White a gun. Gavin also testified that Moore had called him later that
    same night and threatened Gavin by stating that the same thing that happened to Tinoco and Conlee
    could happen to him, Buti, and White. Additionally, Steven Martin met Moore in jail, and he
    testified that Moore confessed to the shootings. Moore explained to Martin that he struggled with
    Tinoco at the door, shot him, and then when he saw Conlee upon entering the house, he had to
    shoot her too because she was a witness.
    There were also corroborating witnesses. Kagimbi identified the person he saw on the
    television monitor as the same person who followed him when he fled out the back. Kagimbi was
    certain that whoever first came to the door was not the same person who shot Tinoco and Conlee.
    Because Kagimbi fled out the back door after the first shot, the person responsible for the shooting
    would not have had time to shoot Tinoco, enter the house, shoot Conlee, and already be outside
    again by the time Kagimbi was exiting the house. Kagimbi was also certain that Moore was not
    the person he had seen on the television monitor. Johnson also saw two different individuals near
    Tinoco’s house around the time of the shooting. Johnson saw a man in dark clothes go onto the
    porch, he heard two gunshots, and then saw the same man leave the porch and get into a silver
    vehicle. Gavin was driving a silver Pontiac Grand Prix that night.
    The defense presented two witnesses who testified that someone else was responsible for
    the murders. Gavin’s girlfriend, who had been with Gavin after the shooting, testified that she
    thought that Buti was involved in the shooting. Additionally, Timothy Whitfield, who was a jail
    mate of Moore’s and later Gavin’s, testified that Gavin confessed to carrying out the shooting with
    Moore. However, Whitfield testified that both Moore and Gavin were the shooters. Thus, even if
    Whitfield’s testimony were believed, it still implicated Moore as being directly involved in the
    shootings. 11
    As discussed above, the first factor of the incredible dubiosity rule has not been met
    because there were multiple testifying witnesses that the jury could have relied upon in reaching
    its verdict. The testimony of multiple witnesses aligns this case with Murray, where the court
    explained, “[i]t is for the trier of fact to resolve conflicts in the evidence and to decide which
    witnesses to believe or disbelieve.” 761 N.E.2d at 409 (quoting Kilpatrick, 746 N.E.2d at 61).
    The contradictions among testifying witnesses in the present case are indistinguishable from any
    other case where the jury has the duty to assess the credibility of witnesses.
    Because the testimony of multiple witnesses alone precludes the application of the
    incredible dubiosity rule, our analysis could end here. Against the request of Moore, we are not
    inclined to expand the rule’s application to situations where there are multiple testifying witnesses.
    Even if this Court were to consider applying the incredible dubiosity rule in the context of multiple
    witnesses, this case would not be the appropriate case to do so. As explained below, the other two
    factors necessary for the application of the incredible dubiosity rule are also lacking. As such,
    The prosecution also called into question the reliability of Whitfield’s testimony by raising that Whitefild
    believed that Moore was involved in the killing of one of Whitfield’s friends, and as a result Moore and
    Whitfield had gotten into a physical altercation when in jail together.
    even if the rule was expanded to encompass cases involving multiple witnesses, Moore’s claim
    that incredible dubiosity precludes the guilty verdicts still must fail.12
    The second factor is whether the witness’ testimony is inherently improbable,
    contradictory, or coerced, resulting in the testimony being incredibly dubious. See Tillman, 642
    N.E.2d at 223. Here, there are no inconsistencies in the testimonies of Buti, Gavin, or Martin.
    Buti was the prosecution’s primary eyewitness. He consistently testified that he saw Moore shoot
    Tinoco and enter the house. Buti acknowledged that when he originally talked to police about the
    incident he did not tell the full truth, and he explained that he had lied out of fear. However, when
    Buti testified at trial he never changed his story, and he identified Moore as the shooter from the
    Once again, these facts are similar to those in Murray. In Murray, the witness made
    statements prior to trial that were inconsistent with the trial testimony, but there were no
    inconsistencies in the witness’s testimony at trial. 761 N.E.2d at 409. The Court concluded that
    even if the trial testimony is inconsistent with pre-trial statements, that does not necessarily make
    the testimony at trial incredibly dubious. Id. See also Stephenson v. State, 
    742 N.E.2d 463
    , 498
    (Ind. 2001) (explaining that even though the State’s sole eyewitness had discrepancies in his
    statements to police, in depositions, and in his trial testimony, “witness testimony that contradicts
    [the] witness’s earlier statements does not make such testimony ‘incredibly dubious,’” when that
    witness “unequivocally identified Defendant as the perpetrator who shot the three victims. . . .”)
    (internal citation omitted). We agree with the conclusion in Murray. Buti’s testimony at trial
    remained consistent, and any inconsistent pre-trial statements were brought to the attention of the
    jury. See Edwards, 753 N.E.2d at 623 (concluding that when a witness considered changing his
    testimony during the trial, “the jury was made aware of this fact during cross-examination . . .
    In addition, discussion of the remaining factors demonstrates why Moore would also not have prevailed
    had he brought a standard sufficiency of the evidence claim, instead of a claim of incredible dubiosity.
    [and] the jury had the ability to perform its role as a trier of fact and determine the extent to which
    it affected the integrity of his testimony”).
    Accordingly, Buti’s testimony does not rise to the level of incredible dubiosity. Gavin and
    Martin also did not waiver in their testimony at trial. Both individuals maintained that Moore was
    responsible for the shootings. Nothing within these testimonies were factually impossible or even
    improbable. To the contrary, the witnesses explain the occurrence of these unfortunate shootings
    in an easily comprehensible way: drug dealing gone wrong.
    It is not disputed that the three witnesses disagreed on some details, such as who had it in
    for Tinoco, who handed Moore the gun, what happened to the gun after the shooting, and where
    each person went after the shooting. Again, inconsistencies among the testimonies of the witnesses
    merely puts the burden upon the jury to determine which witness to believe. See Ferrell v. State,
    746 N.E.2d 48
    , 51 (Ind. 2001) (explaining that the incredible dubiosity rule was inapplicable even
    when the witness’s testimony was inconsistent in several respects with the testimony of other
    witnesses, but the testimony was not equivocal and the witness never contradicted himself on the
    stand); See also Berry v. State, 
    703 N.E.2d 154
    , 160 (Ind. 1998) (refusing to apply the incredible
    dubiosity rule where the witnesses contradicted each other but no single witness contradicted
    Additionally, the prosecution provided a valid explanation of why these witnesses had
    some inconsistencies between their testimonies. The prosecution addressed the obvious fact that
    each of the witnesses’ memories had likely faded over the year and a half between the night of the
    murders and the trial. But more importantly, the prosecution also emphasized that Buti and Gavin
    were both motivated to downplay the extent of their own involvement. Both Gavin and Buti
    admitted to being at the scene, but both logically want to avoid facing criminal charges themselves.
    Thus, it is understandable that Gavin would not admit to being the person who handed Moore a
    gun and that neither witness would admit to being the person who initiated a plan to rob Tinoco.
    At the time of this trial, Gavin was already being held at St. Joseph County Jail on charges for
    felony murder and robbery related to this case. Thus, a reasonable jury could have believed that
    this was a valid explanation of the inconsistencies between the witnesses’ testimonies.
    Finally, as Moore concedes, there is circumstantial evidence in this case. In a case where
    there is circumstantial evidence of an individual’s guilt, “reliance on the incredible dubiosity rule
    is misplaced.” Majors v. State, 
    748 N.E.2d 365
    , 367 (Ind. 2001) (citing White v. State, 
    706 N.E.2d 1078
    , 1080 (Ind. 1999)). In the present case, there were bloody shoeprints at the scene of the
    crime, and those prints were narrowed down to seven different tread patterns. Shoes from a variety
    of individuals who may have been in the house that night were tested, including firemen, friends,
    and family. Moore’s shoes were the same pattern of shoe, same size, and same kind of wear as
    prints left inside the house. Furthermore, the shoe patterns collected were not consistent with
    either Buti, Gavin, or White’s shoes. Moore’s shoes were also tested for the presence of blood,
    and a preliminary test indicated that the shoes may have had blood on them. 13
    Additionally, a presumptive test for blood was conducted on the floor mats of the vehicle
    Gavin was driving the night of the shooting. A test of the floor mat where only Moore had sat was
    positive for potential blood, while all the other floor mats in the vehicle gave no positive indication
    for the presence of blood. The floor mat which showed indications of blood was also tested for
    DNA. The major DNA profile obtained from testing the floor mat matched Tinoco’s DNA. This
    test also excluded Buti, Gavin, and White as possible contributors to the DNA on the floor mats.
    Finally, a do-rag was found at the scene, and swabs of the do-rag provided a major DNA profile
    that matched Moore. The DNA found on the do-rag excluded Buti, Gavin, and White as potential
    Even though this was a very sensitive test, it could still provide some indication of Moore’s potential
    None of the factors that are necessary to warrant the application of the incredible dubiosity
    rule are present in the case before us. Again, two witnesses consistently testified that Moore was
    the shooter, other witnesses corroborated this testimony, and circumstantial evidence linked Moore
    to the scene. See Turner v. State, 
    953 N.E.2d 1039
    , 1060 (Ind. 2011) (holding that the incredible
    dubiosity rule did not apply “because (a) [the witness’s] trial testimony was not inherently
    contradictory, (b) the evidence was not from a single witness, and (c) there was not an absence of
    circumstantial evidence of guilt”). Under the present circumstances, it would be inappropriate for
    this Court to “impinge on the jury’s responsibility to judge the credibility of the witnesses. . .
    .” Tillman, 642 N.E.2d at 223.
    The incredible dubiosity rule is inapplicable in the present case and cannot serve as grounds
    for overturning the jury’s verdict. Furthermore, based upon the evidence presented at trial, a
    reasonable jury could have found each element of murder and felony murder beyond a reasonable
    doubt. Accordingly, there was sufficient evidence for Moore’s convictions. The convictions and
    sentences entered by the trial court are affirmed.
    Rush, C.J., Dickson, Rucker, and Massa, J.J., concur.

Document Info

Docket Number: 71S00-1405-LW-361

Citation Numbers: 27 N.E.3d 749

Filed Date: 3/24/2015

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023