citizens-action-coalition-of-indiana-inc-save-the-valley-inc-sierra ( 2014 )

    JEROME E. POLK                               Duke Energy Indiana, Inc.:
    Polk & Associates                            JON B. LARAMORE
    Davie, Florida                               JANE DALL WILSON
    Faegre Baker Daniels LLP     Sep 08 2014, 9:03 am
    Indianapolis, Indiana
    Citizens Action Coalition of Indiana, Inc.   KELLEY A. KARN
    Indianapolis, Indiana                        ELIZABETH A. HERRIMAN
    Duke Energy Indiana, Inc.
    Plainfield, Indiana
    Office of Utility Consumer Counselor:
    Office of Utility Consumer Counselor
    Indianapolis, Indiana
    IN THE
    CITIZENS ACTION COALITION OF                 )
    SIERRA CLUB, and VALLEY WATCH, INC.,         )
    Appellants-Intervenors,               )
    vs.                           )
    DUKE ENERGY INDIANA, INC.,                   )      No. 93A02-1305-EX-394
    Appellee-Petitioner,                  )
    INDIANA OFFICE OF UTILITY                    )
    CONSUMER COUNSELOR,                          )
    Appellee-Statutory Party.             )
    James D. Atterholt, Chairman
    Kari A.E. Bennett, Larry S. Landis, Carolene R. Mays, and David E. Ziegner, Commissioners
    David E. Veleta, Administrative Law Judge
    Cause No. 43114 IGCC-9
    September 8, 2014
    KIRSCH, Judge
    Citizens Action Coalition of Indiana, Inc., Save the Valley, Inc., Sierra Club, and
    Valley Watch, Inc. (collectively, “Intervenors”) appeal the order of the Indiana Utility
    Regulatory Commission (“the Commission”) approving Duke Energy Indiana, Inc.’s
    (“Duke”) request to include power plant construction costs incurred from October 1, 2011
    through March 31, 2012 in a rate adjustment rider.
    On appeal, Intervenors raise the following restated issues:
    I.        Whether the Commission erred when it authorized Duke to pass on to
    ratepayers 100% of Duke’s requested financing costs for the period
    under review when the Commission’s authorization was made in the
    absence of findings of fact and conclusions thereon regarding costs
    incurred during a three-month delay; and
    II.       Whether the Commission erred by allowing Duke to consider 50% of
    the power plant to be “in-service,” and thereby increase customer
    rates, despite Duke’s admission that the plant had not reached its “In-
    Service Operational Date” as that term was defined in a Commission-
    approved settlement agreement to which Duke was a party, when such
    determination was made in the absence of Commission findings of
    fact and conclusions thereon.
    Kari A.E. Bennett was absent when the Order at issue was approved on April 3, 2013.
    We remand for additional findings.
    In 2006, Duke operated a coal and oil-fired generating station at its Edwardsport
    facility in Knox County, Indiana. The facility, which had a capacity of 160 megawatts,
    had been placed “in-service” between 1944 and 1951, and was nearing the end of its useful
    economic life. On September 7, 2006, Duke and Southern Indiana Gas and Electric
    Company, d/b/a Vectren Energy Delivery of Indiana, Inc.3 filed a Verified Petition with the
    Commission, pursuant to Indiana Code chapters 8-1-8.5, 8-1-8.7, and 8-1-8.8, requesting
    the issuance of applicable certificates of public convenience and necessity (“CPCN”) and
    applicable certificates of clean coal technology for the construction of a 630-megawatt
    capacity, integrated gasification combined cycle (“IGCC”) power plant at the Edwardsport
    location. An IGCC generating facility converts coal into synthesis gas, which is used to
    fuel highly efficient combustion turbines.
    In the Verified Petition, Duke requested: approval of the estimated costs and
    construction schedule of the IGCC Project (“the Project”); authority pursuant to Indiana
    Code section 8-1-8.8-12 to recover construction and operating costs associated with the
    Oral argument was held on June 25, 2014 at Purdue University’s Krannert Graduate School of
    Management. We extend our thanks to counsel for the quality of the oral and written arguments, for
    participating in post-argument discussions with the audience, and for commuting to West Lafayette. We
    especially thank the Executive Education Program at the Krannert Graduate School of Management for
    their accommodations and the students in the audience for their thoughtful post-argument questions.
    Vectren later withdrew from the IGCC Project.
    Project on a timely basis via applicable rate adjustment mechanisms;4 authority to use
    accelerated depreciation for the Project; approval of certain additional financial incentives
    associated with the Project; authority to defer its property tax expense, post-in-service
    carrying costs, depreciation costs, and operation and maintenance costs associated with the
    Project on an interim basis until the applicable costs are reflected in Duke’s retail electric
    rates; and authority to recover other related costs associated with the Project. In re Duke
    Energy Ind., Inc., 43114, 
    2007 WL 4150583
    (Nov. 20, 2007). Duke also asked the
    Commission to conduct an ongoing review of the construction of the Project. 
    Id. Pursuant to
    Indiana Code section 8-1-1.1-5.1, the Indiana Office of the Utility
    Consumer Counselor (“OUCC”) participated in the proceedings before the Commission on
    behalf of consumers and ratepayers. Intervenors, Duke Energy Indiana Industrial Group
    (“Industrial Group”), and Nucor Steel, a Division of Nucor Corporation (“Nucor”), among
    others, were additional parties to this proceeding.
    On November 20, 2007, the Commission issued its final order in consolidated Cause
    Numbers 43114 and 43114-S1 and made several determinations, including: (1) approval
    The Commission is required to provide new energy generating facilities with the financial
    incentive of being able to timely recover from ratepayers, through a rate adjustment mechanism, the costs
    incurred in the construction of the facility. Ind. Code § 8-1-8.8-12(a) (emphasis added). An eligible utility
    must apply to the Commission for approval of a rate adjustment mechanism. I.C. § 8-1-8.8-12(b). Such
    application must include at least a schedule for completion of the construction and a statement of the amount
    of capital investment being made by the applicants. I.C. § 8-1-8.8-12(c). As applicable, the Commission
    shall allow an eligible business to recover: (1) the costs associated with qualified utility system property;
    and (2) qualified utility system expenses. I.C. § 8-1-8.8-12(d). A retail rate adjustment mechanism
    proposed by a utility may be based on actual or forecasted data. I.C. § 8-1-8.8-12(f).
    of CPCNs for the Project under IC 8-1-8.55 and 8-1-8.7;6 (2) approval of Duke’s estimated
    costs of $1.985 billion as reasonable to complete the Project; and (3) agreement that
    ongoing review of the construction of and cost recovery for the Project would be conducted
    in semi-annual proceedings. 
    Id. The semi-annual
    proceedings included a rate adjustment
    mechanism, the IGCC Rider. In each IGCC Rider, the Commission would review the
    progress of the Project’s construction and consider Duke’s request to immediately recover
    construction costs, financing costs, and other operating costs that Duke had incurred during
    the previous six-month period. Once approved, these costs were immediately added to
    customers’ rates. Each six-month period was numbered, with the first being IGCC-1, the
    second IGCC-2, and so forth.               In the instant action, Intervenors appeal from the
    Commission’s order (“Order”) in the ninth semi-annual review, IGCC-9.7
    Indiana Code chapter 8-1-8.5, which addresses Utility Powerplant Construction, prohibits a public
    utility from constructing an electric generating facility without first obtaining from the Commission a
    CPCN stating that public convenience and necessity will be served by constructing the facility. Ind. Code
    § 8-1-8.5-2. As a condition for receiving this CPCN, the utility must file an estimate of construction costs
    in such detail as the Commission may require. The Commission must review the continuing need for the
    facility under construction and, when requested by the public utility, must engage in an ongoing review of
    the construction progress. Ind. Code § 8-1-8.5-6. Under such a program, the utility must submit, at intervals
    mutually agreed to by the utility and the Commission, a progress report and any revisions in the cost
    estimates for the construction. I.C. § 8-1-8.5-6(a).
    Indiana Code chapter 8-1-8.7, which addresses Clean Coal Technology, prohibits an electric
    generating plant from constructing a clean coal technology plant without first obtaining from the
    Commission a CPCN stating that public convenience and necessity will be served by such technology. Ind.
    Code § 8-1-8.7-3. Prior to granting this CPCN, the Commission must approve the estimated costs of
    construction. I.C. § 8-1-8.7-4. Thereafter, the Commission must review the continuing need of the clean
    coal plant under construction and, when requested by the public utility, must engage in an ongoing review
    of the construction progress. I.C. § 8-1-8.7-7. Additionally, at intervals mutually agreed to by the utility,
    the applicant must submit a progress report of the construction as it proceeds and any revisions in the cost
    estimates for the construction. 
    Id. 7 On
    September 11, 2013, the Commission entered its order in IGCC-10, the subsequent semi-
    annual review covering April 1, 2012 through September 30, 2012. 
    2013 WL 5275998
    (Ind. U.R.C.).
    Intervenors have appealed that order in Case No. 93A02-1310-EX-835.
    In May 2008, Duke filed its petition in IGCC-1, which included a request by Duke
    to revise the projected cost estimate of the Project from $1.985 billion to $2.35 billion and
    a request for approval to undertake studies related to carbon capture at the Project and for
    cost recovery for such studies. On January 7, 2009, the Commission issued its order in
    IGCC-1 approving: (1) Duke’s increase in cost estimate to $2.35 billion and its ongoing
    review progress report; (2) timely recovery from ratepayers of construction and operating
    costs, including financing, through the IGCC Rider for the six months under review; and
    (3) studies related to carbon capture at the Project and cost recovery for such studies. In re
    Duke Energy Ind., Inc., 431114 IGCC-1, 
    2009 WL 214580
    (Jan. 7, 2009).                  In the
    subsequent two reviews, the Commission also approved Duke’s cost recovery requests in
    IGCC-2 and IGCC-3.
    On November 24, 2009, in connection with IGCC-4, Duke requested approval from
    the Commission to recover from ratepayers the costs it had incurred during the six-month
    period ending September 30, 2009. Duke also requested a subdocket, referred to as IGCC-
    4S1, asking the Commission to approve an increase to the cost estimate for the entire
    project. In re Duke Energy Ind., Inc., 
    2012 WL 6759528
    (Ind. U.R.C., Dec. 27, 2012).
    Under IGCC-4S1, Duke initially requested an increase in the Project’s cost from $2.35
    billion to $2.88 billion including allowance for funds used during construction
    Id. Subsequently, Duke
    proposed to voluntarily cap the costs that it would
    seek from customers and sought approval of a Project cost estimate of $2.72 billion in
    direct construction costs, plus all associated AFUDC costs on the $2.72 billion for a total
    of approximately $3 billion. 
    Id. 6 On
    July 28, 2010, the Commission issued its interim order in IGCC-4, approving
    Duke’s six-month costs and the IGCC Rider on an interim basis, pending the outcome of
    IGCC-4S1. On September 17, 2010, Duke, Industrial Group, and the OUCC submitted a
    settlement agreement to the Commission in IGCC–4S1, which set a hard cap cost of $2.975
    billion on the construction costs of the Project. Subsequently, amidst an ethics scandal
    involving Duke and the Commission, the settlement agreement was withdrawn.
    About two years later, on April 30, 2012, Duke filed a modified settlement
    agreement in IGCC-4S1 (“Agreement”) to which Duke, Industrial Group, OUCC, and
    Nucor were all parties. Appellants’ App. at 321-32. This Agreement included a $2.595
    billion hard cost cap for construction costs and provided a partial cap on capital costs up
    through the Plant’s in-service date. 
    Id. at 322.
    The Agreement included conditions that
    Duke had to meet before the Plant would be declared in-service and also stated that the
    “In-Service Operational Date shall not be prior to September 24, 2012.” 
    Id. at 323.
    Intervenors were not signatories to the Agreement in IGCC-4S1 and actively opposed it
    being approved by the Commission.
    On December 27, 2012, the Commission issued its final order approving the
    Agreement in IGCC-4S1, again over Intervenors’ objections.              The Commission
    simultaneously issued final orders in several other IGCC Rider proceedings that were then
    pending, but were essentially concluded: Cause Nos. 43114 IGCC-5, IGCC-6, IGCC-7,
    and IGCC-8. In these Orders, the Commission began implementation of the IGCC-4S1
    settlement. In re Duke Energy Ind., Inc., 
    2012 WL 6759529
    , (Ind. U.R.C., Dec. 27, 2012);
    In re Duke Energy Ind., Inc., 
    2012 WL 6759530
    (Ind. U.R.C., Dec. 27, 2012); In re Duke
    Energy Ind., Inc., 
    2012 WL 6759531
    (Ind. U.R.C., Dec. 27, 2012); and In re Duke Energy
    Ind., Inc., 
    2012 WL 6759532
    (Ind. U.R.C., Dec. 27, 2012).
    On June 8, 2012, Duke filed its Verified Petition in the instant action, IGCC-9,
    [T]hat the Commission, for ratemaking purposes, authorize the addition of
    the actual expenditures for its IGCC Project made through March 31, 2012,
    to the value of Petitioner’s property. Petitioner further requests that the
    Commission approve and authorize the requested rate adjustment allowing
    Petitioner to earn a return on said amount, in addition to the return on value
    of its used and useful utility property and on its construction work in progress
    investment previously approved by the Commission. Petitioner also requests
    recovery of certain other applicable costs and credits via the IGCC Rider,
    including . . . depreciation, and Indiana Coal Gasification Technology
    Investment Tax Credit, as well as reconciliation of amounts necessary to
    adjust the IGCC Rider charges and credits to actual amounts.
    Appellants’ App. at 36-37. That same day, the parties offered written testimony into
    evidence. That evidence was admitted without objection. Duke’s testimony was submitted
    by W. Michael Womack, Vice President of the Project; Jack L. Stultz, General Manager
    II, Regulated Fossil Stations; and Diana L. Douglas, Duke’s Director of Rates. Appellant’s
    App. at 9. Kerwin L. Olson, Executive Director for Citizens Action Coalition of Indiana,
    Inc., submitted testimony, again without objection, on behalf of Intervenors on December
    10, 2012. 
    Id. at 10.
    The pertinent portions of the testimony will be discussed below.
    The Commission held a hearing on Duke’s petition on January 15, 2013. About two
    weeks later, Duke filed its post-hearing argument in the form of a Proposed Order.
    Intervenors filed Exceptions to Duke’s Proposed Order on February 21, 2013, setting out
    the following specific legal and factual objections to the relief Duke requested in this case.
    1.     Duke is not entitled to recover financing costs for the three[-]month
    delay that occurred as a result of events that took place during the review
    period at issue in this case. Duke failed to carry its burden of proof that the
    Project financing costs attributable to this three month delay were reasonable
    and necessary, as required under Indiana Code § 8-1-8.8-12.
    2.      Duke should not be permitted to increase customer rates by declaring
    50% of the plant “in-service,” given that the plant admittedly did not meet
    the definition of the “In-Service Operational Date” included in the 4S1
    Settlement Agreement and approved by the Commission’s 4S1 final order.
    Duke contends the in-service definition in the Settlement is to be used purely
    for ratemaking purposes. Yet at the same time, Duke’s witness Diana
    Douglas acknowledged that Duke’s proposed “partial” in-service declaration
    will, in fact, increase customer rates.8
    Appellants’ App. at 418.
    Duke filed a Reply to these arguments on February 28, 2013. 
    Id. at 466-85.
    pertinent part, Duke asserted:
    3)      no evidence has been presented in this proceeding that the schedule
    update testified to by [Duke’s] witness Mr. Womack was
    unreasonable or caused by imprudence;
    4)      the principles of collateral estoppel or issue preclusion do not apply
    to this proceeding, which covers an entirely different time period than
    that reviewed by the Commission in IGCC-4S1;
    5)      the determination that a portion of the Edwardsport IGCC Project
    should be placed in[-]service for income tax purposes does not
    contravene the Settlement Agreement approved by the Commission
    in IGCC-4S1, nor does it negatively impact customers;
    6)      [Duke’s] calculation of its AFUDC is proper and logical, and [Duke]
    Intervenors raised three objections, two of which they raise on appeal. Intervenors’ third
    objection was:
    Under Indiana law, a utility may not earn a return on customer contributed capital.
    Deferred taxes constitute “customer contributed” capital. Consequently, Duke cannot be
    permitted to earn a return on deferred taxes as part of its financing costs accrued as
    allowance for funds used during construction (“AFUDC”).
    Appellants’ App. at 418.
    has not and is not earning a return on its deferred tax balance.
    Id. at 466-67.
    On April 3, 2013, the Commission entered its Final Order in IGCC-9, approving the
    financing costs that Duke incurred during the IGCC-9 review, which included an alleged
    $61 million of financing costs that Duke incurred during the three-month delay. The
    Commission approval allowed Duke to pass along to ratepayers, through the IGCC Rider,
    all of the IGCC-9 financing costs including the $61 million.
    In its order, the Commission set forth “Discussions and Findings,” but failed to
    make findings regarding the reasonableness of the three-month delay or whether 50% of
    the IGCC Plant was deemed to be in-service. Intervenors now appeal the Commission’s
    order. Additional facts will be supplied where necessary.
    In IGCC-9, the Commission approved Duke’s construction progress and granted
    Duke’s request to recover from ratepayers all costs incurred from October 1, 2011 through
    March 31, 2012. In its order, the Commission set forth the following “Discussions and
    6. A. Ongoing Review Progress Report for IGCC-9. Mr. Womack testified
    concerning the IGCC Project progress report and issues relating to start-up,
    testing, validation, and commissioning activities and explained in detail the
    schedule delays resulting from the increase in bulk commodity quantities.
    He explained the IGCC Project has encountered delays in testing and
    commissioning due to issues that have been uncovered and subsequently
    corrected. Thus, the facts explored in previous IGCC proceedings relating
    to the increased commodity quantities continue to have an impact on the
    IGCC Project through the ongoing review period of this proceeding. Joint
    Intervenors reiterated their prior testimony considered in previous IGCC
    dockets that these delays have been caused by mismanagement of the IGCC
    Joint Intervenors renewed their previous concerns related to the “cascade
    effect” of construction problems and the impact of the “deep conflict”
    between GE [General Electric (“G.E.”), Duke’s primary equipment vendor
    for the Project,] and the Company and its impact on the IGCC Project. The
    Commission finds that these concerns of Joint Intervenors have been
    addressed in other proceedings and we are not persuaded that evidence
    presented herein alters those findings. Accordingly, they will not be
    addressed again in the present docket.
    We further find that the Company has adequately satisfied the information
    reporting requirements to the Commission for purposes of these review
    proceedings as specified in the IGCC-1 and IGCC-2 Orders and subsequently
    amended in Cause No. 43114 IGCC-8. Accordingly, we approve the
    ongoing progress report for IGCC-9.
    B. Ratemaking Issues. Joint Intervenors contend that Duke is not entitled to
    cost recovery in this proceeding and that Joint Intervenors believe CWIP
    [construction work in progress] is inappropriate. However, pursuant to
    Indiana Code ch. 8-1-8.8, and this Commission’s Orders in previous IGCC
    proceedings, the Commission finds no basis to discontinue the recovery
    mechanism for the 1GCC Project it previously found appropriate within the
    statutory construct in Indiana.
    Joint Intervenors assert that the Company’s calculation of AFUDC is
    incorrect. Ms. Douglas explained that Petitioner calculated its AFUDC rates
    in conformance with FERC’s general instructions for the computation of
    AFUDC rates (found in the Code of Federal Regulations), which this
    Commission has adopted for use by Indiana electric utilities, and that the
    Company’s calculation does not include accumulated deferred income taxes
    because it is not one of the elements specified to be included in the
    calculation by FERC. She also explained that deferred income taxes are not
    included when calculating AFUDC rates in recognition of the fact that
    plant[,] which has not yet been placed in[ ]service[,] generally will not
    generate cumulative deferred income tax balances because it is not yet
    depreciating. We agree with Ms. Douglas that excluding deferred income
    taxes from the calculation of AFUDC rates is in accordance with the FERC
    instructions we have adopted for use by Indiana electric utilities and,
    therefore, is in accordance with this Commission’s rules. We therefore find
    the Company’s calculation of AFUDC rates to be applied to IGCC
    investment is correct.
    Ms. Douglas testified as to the updated IGCC Rider and the associated
    calculations and assumptions contained in that Rider. Joint Intervenors did
    not present evidence of any miscalculations or propose any alternative
    calculations. The OUCC found the figures used in the calculation of the
    Rider to be supported by the exhibits of the Company. Based on our review
    of the evidence presented on this issue, we find that Duke’s IGCC Rider, as
    sponsored by the testimony of Ms. Douglas, accurately reflects the net retail
    jurisdictional IGCC Project investment as of March 31, 2012, and that the
    proposed IGCC-9 Rider is accurately calculated and accurately incorporates
    the provisions of the Cause No. 43114 IGCC-4S1 Settlement Agreement.
    We find that the IGCC Project costs, including the actual IGCC Project
    investment incurred through March 31, 2012, up to the amount of the Hard
    Cost Cap and Additional AFUDC, as defined by the IGCC 4S1 Settlement
    Agreement and reflected in the testimony and exhibits of Ms. Douglas, are
    hereby approved consistent with our findings herein.
    Ms. Douglas also sponsored Petitioner’s Exhibit C-6 which shows the impact
    of the proposed IGCC Project ratemaking treatment. The monthly bill of a
    residential customer using 1,000 kilowatt-hours will decrease by $0.14 or
    approximately 0.2% with implementation of this factor.
    Appellants’ App. at 26-27.
    On appeal, Intervenors contend that it was contrary to law for the Commission to
    pass IGCC-9 costs on to ratepayers without making findings regarding Intervenors’
    objections that Duke has negatively impacted customers’ rates by being three months
    behind in construction and by prematurely declaring 50% of the Edwardsport Plant to be
    The Indiana Code authorizes judicial review of Commission orders as follows:
    Any person, firm, association, corporation, limited liability company, city,
    town, or public utility adversely affected by any final decision, ruling, or
    order of the commission may, within thirty (30) days from the date of entry
    of such decision, ruling, or order, appeal to the court of appeals of Indiana
    for errors of law under the same terms and conditions as govern appeals in
    ordinary civil actions, except as otherwise provided in this chapter and with
    the right in the losing party or parties in the court of appeals to apply to the
    supreme court for a petition to transfer the cause to said supreme court as in
    other cases. An assignment of errors that the decision, ruling, or order of the
    commission is contrary to law shall be sufficient to present both the
    sufficiency of the facts found to sustain the decision, ruling, or order, and the
    sufficiency of the evidence to sustain the finding of facts upon which it was
    Ind. Code § 8-1-3-1 (emphasis added).
    Recently, our Supreme Court set forth the standard of review for the Commission
    order as follows:
    The General Assembly created the Indiana Utility Regulatory Commission
    primarily as a fact-finding body with the technical expertise to administer the
    regulatory scheme devised by the legislature.” N. Ind. Pub. Serv. Co. v.
    United States Steel Corp., 
    907 N.E.2d 1012
    , 1015 (Ind. 2009) [hereinafter
    NIPSCO]. The Indiana Code authorizes judicial review of IURC orders as
    An assignment of errors that the decision, ruling, or order of the
    commission is contrary to law shall be sufficient to present both the
    sufficiency of the facts found to sustain the decision, ruling, or order,
    and the sufficiency of the evidence to sustain the finding of facts upon
    which it was rendered.
    Ind. Code § 8-1-3-1 (2012). This amounts to a multiple tiered review.
    NIPSCO at 1016. First, the order must contain specific findings on all the
    factual determinations material to its ultimate conclusions. 
    Id. We review
           the conclusions of ultimate facts, or mixed questions of fact and law, for their
    reasonableness, with greater deference to matters within the IURC’s
    expertise and jurisdiction. 
    Id. (citing McClain
    v. Review Bd. of Ind. Dep’t of
    Workforce Dev., 
    693 N.E.2d 1314
    , 1317-18 (Ind. 1998)). Second, the
    findings of fact must be supported by substantial evidence in the record. 
    Id. We neither
    reweigh the evidence nor assess the credibility of witnesses and
    consider only the evidence most favorable to the IURC’s findings. 
    Id. (quoting McClain,
    693 N.E.2d at 1317). Finally, we review whether IURC
    action is contrary to law, “but this constitutionally preserved review is
    limited to whether the Commission stayed within its jurisdiction and
    conformed to the statutory standards and legal principles involved in
    producing its decision, ruling, or order.” 
    Id. Ind. Gas
    Co., Inc. v. Ind. Fin. Auth., 
    999 N.E.2d 63
    , 65-66 (Ind. 2013) (emphasis added).
    The parties disagree regarding the extent to which the findings must be set forth in
    the Commission’s order. Intervenors contend, “By simply ignoring the central dispute in
    the case, the Commission failed to satisfy its duty ‘to articulate the policy and evidentiary
    factors underlying its resolution of all issues which are put in dispute by the parties.”
    Appellants’ Br. at 13 (quoting L.S. Ayres & Co. v. Indianapolis Power & Light Co., 
    169 Ind. App. 652
    , 676, 
    351 N.E.2d 814
    , 830 (Ind. Ct. App. 1976)). Duke maintains that the
    Commission is not required to resolve all issues that are put in dispute by the parties, but
    instead, the Commission’s order must contain specific findings on all factual
    determinations material to its ultimate conclusions. Appellee’s Br. at 9-10 (quoting L.S.
    Ayres, 169 Ind. App. at 661
    , 351 N.E.2d at 822). We find the Commission’s order was
    deficient under both standards and that the Commission failed to articulate the policy and
    evidentiary factors underlying the issues put in dispute by Intervenors. As we explain
    below, the Commission also failed to make adequate findings on all factual determinations
    material to its ultimate conclusions to allow Duke to pass along to ratepayers all of Duke’s
    IGCC-9 costs.
    I.     Three-Month Delay and Financial Impact
    As part of the IGCC-9 review, Duke requested Commission approval to change the
    IGCC Rider to recover financing costs incurred from October 1, 2011 through March 31,
    2012. Intervenors insist that the Commission’s order, which lacked specific findings on
    the three-month delay, is contrary to law. Specifically, Intervenors contend that the
    Commission was required to make findings regarding whether Duke was entitled to the full
    recovery of its requested financing costs in light of the fact that, during the period under
    review, there was a three-month delay in Project testing and a commensurate $61 million
    cost associated with that delay.
    We agree with Intervenors that the findings were insufficient to support the
    Commission’s conclusion that Duke was entitled to recover through the IGCC Rider the
    $61 million in financing charges incurred during the three-month delay in commissioning
    the Plant. The first paragraph of the section titled “Ongoing Review Progress Report for
    IGCC-9,” is merely the Commission’s reiteration of Womack’s and Intervenors’ testimony
    regarding the delay—Womack testified that the delays were caused by the increase in bulk
    commodity quantities, while Intervenors testified that the delays were caused by Duke’s
    mismanagement of the Project. This paragraph contains no findings. In the second
    paragraph of that section, the Commission states that Intervenors renewed their previous
    concerns relating to the “cascade effect” of construction problems and the impact of the
    “deep conflict” between G.E. and the Company and its impact on the IGCC Project. Again,
    this language does not reflect a Commission finding. The only true finding is as follows:
    “The Commission finds that these concerns of Joint Intervenors have been addressed in
    other proceedings and we are not persuaded that evidence presented herein alters those
    findings. Accordingly, they will not be addressed again in the present docket.” Appellant’s
    App. at 26. As we discuss below, the evidence before the Commission did not support this
    Although the IGCC Project is ongoing, each of the IGCC reviews covers a distinct
    six-month period.9 During the IGCC-9 review, Intervenors focused specifically on a three-
    month delay that occurred during the period from October 1, 2011 through March 31, 2012.
    In written testimony, Womack confirmed that, in 2010, Duke set a schedule forecasting
    that the Edwardsport Plant would be in-service by September of 2012 and would reach
    “substantial completion” in December of 2012. Appellants’ App. at 59. In November
    2011, one month into the IGCC-9 review period, the in-service date was still projected to
    be September 2012. Tr. at 23-24. However, over the course of the six-month IGCC-9 test
    period, the Project schedule fell behind by three months. This delay was supported by
    Womack’s testimony that within one month of the conclusion of the IGCC-9 test period,
    the projected in-service date was postponed until December 2012 and the “substantial
    completion date” was postponed until March 2013. 
    Id. at 25-26.
    Intervenors’ counsel J. David Agnew, recognizing that various delays had plagued
    the Project, reminded Womack that during the IGCC 4-S1 hearings, Womack had testified
    regarding Project delays and cost overruns pertaining to “unexpected quantity increases in
    the Fall of 2009.” 
    Id. at 18.
    To distinguish the current delay, Agnew asked Womack
    whether the three-month10 delay under this IGCC-9 review was a function of those same
    Duke also recognizes the distinct nature of these proceedings as reflected by the following
    comment it made in its February 2013 reply to Intervenors’ objections: “[T]he principles of collateral
    estoppel or issue preclusion do not apply to this proceeding, which covers an entirely different time period
    than that reviewed by the Commission in IGCC-4S1.” Appellant’s App. at 467.
    During the hearing, Agnew referred to a six-month delay. Noting that by October 31, 2012, the
    IGCC Project was delayed an additional three months, Agnew discussed both of these delays together. The
    delay at issue, however, is the three-month delay that occurred during the six month review in question,
    which ended March 31, 2012.
    quantity increases. 
    Id. at 19.
    Womack responded, “[T]here may have been some residual
    impact from the quantity increases”; however, quantity increases “was not the primary
    reason for the delay.” 
    Id. at 19-20.
    Womack conceded that the reasons for the three-month
    delay “were different—primarily different than the quantity increases.” 
    Id. Upon further
    questioning, Womack admitted that “primarily, the quantity increases impacted the
    construction period most and then a slight increase on the start-up period,” the latter of
    which was the period at issue. 
    Id. at 21-22.
    Intervenors also introduced evidence that Duke was responsible for the delay
    because the testing problems, and therefore the delay, fell within Duke’s area of
    responsibility.    To support this position, Intervenors introduced, without objection,11
    monthly Progress Reports that G.E. had prepared during the IGCC-9 period. 
    Id. at 156-57.
    In these Progress Reports, G.E. “blamed the quality—or lack thereof—of Duke’s
    ‘commissioning’ activities for these equipment problems and resulting delay.” Appellants’
    Br. at 7. Contrary to the Commission’s statement, the Intervenors’ concern of the three-
    month delay during IGCC-9 was not “addressed in other proceedings.” Appellant’s App.
    at 26.
    As to the financial impact, Intervenors cite to Douglas’s testimony establishing the
    financing costs during the IGCC-9 period. During the Commission hearing, Douglas
    quantified the revenue requirement for financing costs (when grossed up for taxes) as
    After being specifically asked if she had any objections to these reports being introduced into
    evidence, Duke’s attorney replied that she did not object. Tr. at 156.
    roughly $122 million. Tr. at 145-46, 150. Douglas confirmed that to get the per month
    financing charge, the $122 million would be divided by six, which would result in roughly
    $61 million for three months of financing costs. 
    Id. at 150.
    Intervenors point to the January 2013 testimony of Douglas, who testified that
    financing costs related to Duke’s construction work in progress (“CWIP”), i.e., financing
    costs recovered through the IGCC Rider (plus an additional “gross up” to factor in the cost
    of taxes) amounted to $20.38 million per month, or roughly $61 million for three months.
    Id. at 145-51
    Duke counters that the Commission properly declined to rely on the G.E. Progress
    Reports to reach its determination because those Reports were “plainly hearsay to the
    extent introduced for the truth of the matter asserted.” Appellees’ Br. at 12. Furthermore,
    even if Intervenors proved imprudent delay, Duke alleges that no evidence was introduced
    during the hearing to quantify the costs of that delay. Duke insists that Douglas did not
    equate $61 million with the delay in the scheduled in-service date, “nor did she calculate
    or quantify the potential impact of any alleged schedule delay on the IGCC-9 rates.”
    Appellant’s App. at 477. Duke finds that Intervenors’ claim on appeal that this was the
    “central dispute in the case” is a fallacy. Appellees’ Br. at 14 (citing Appellants’ Br. at 13).
    In its final order, the Commission approved 100% of Duke’s requested financing
    costs for the IGCC-9 review period. Intervenors contend, and even Duke agreed, “The
    Commission did not specifically address Joint Intervenors’ contention that the purported
    delay led to financing charges of $61 million.” Appellants’ Reply Br. at 7 (citing Appellees’
    Br. as 16). Intervenors maintain that Duke cannot cure this defect by arguing that “there
    was ‘sufficient evidence’ on which the Commission could have relied in entering its order.”
    Id. at 8
    (emphasis in original). If the Commission agreed with Duke, and disagreed with
    Intervenors, regarding the impact of the delay on rates, Intervenors argue that the
    Commission should have made findings to support its determination.12 
    Id. We need
    not find that the three-month delay was the “central dispute” to conclude
    that Commission findings relating to the delay and its impact on ratepayers were “material
    to [the Commission’s] ultimate conclusions.” L.S. 
    Ayres, 169 Ind. App. at 661
    , 351 N.E.2d
    at 822. We remand this issue to the Commission for findings as to whether the three-month
    delay was chargeable to Duke, and if so, what impact that delay had on Duke’s customers’
    In-Service Date
    Intervenors also argue that it was contrary to law for the Commission to make no
    findings regarding Duke’s request that 50% of the Plant be declared in-service as of August
    12, 2012, where Duke admitted that the plant had not reached its “In-Service Operational
    Date” as that term was defined in a Commission-approved settlement agreement to which
    Duke was a party, and the resolution of this issue impacted Duke’s customers’ rates.
    Intervenors’ contention arises in the following context.
    Duke claims that it “provided extensive testimony” to rebut Intervenors’ contention that Duke
    caused the delay. Appellees’ Br. at 5. First, Duke’s witnesses testified that “delays occur as part of every
    construction project, especially a large one such as this, and were not caused by mismanagement.” 
    Id. (citing Tr.
    at 309-10). Second, Womack testified, “the required schedule extension[s] have been driven by
    the circumstances of the Project, caused largely by circumstances outside the Company’s control” and “are
    certainly not the result of Duke Energy mismanagement.” 
    Id. (citing Tr.
    at 310). Duke reminded this court
    that the G.E. Progress Reports cannot be trusted because they were prepared in anticipation of commercial
    litigation, i.e., a suit by Duke against G.E. 
    Id. Because Duke
    made these rebuttals, the Commission should
    have made findings regarding the impact of the delay and resulting financing costs.
    In her written testimony, Douglas explained the financing, depreciation, and other
    costs that Duke proposed to immediately pass through to ratepayers by means of the IGCC
    Rider. In her corrected testimony, filed four months later, Douglas added the following
    three sentences:
    [Duke] has determined that approximately half of the Edwardsport IGCC
    plant (consisting primarily of the power block, including the gas CTs,
    HRSGs, and steam turbine) should be declared to be in-service as of August
    1, 2012, for income tax purposes, which will produce bonus depreciation in
    2012 sufficient to prevent the use of the Section 199 deduction in 2012. The
    remainder of the plant is expected to be declared in-service for income tax
    purposes in 2013. [Duke’s] external auditors will be reviewing the income
    tax in-service decision at year-end.
    Appellants’ App. at 265-66 (emphasis added). Douglas offered no explanation regarding
    how Duke’s declaration of 50% in-service as of August 1, 2012, was consistent with the
    Agreement’s definition that September 24, 2012 was the earliest that the Plant could be
    deemed in-service. On cross-examination Douglas claimed that the Agreement was not
    violated because its language was meant to limit Duke’s ability to declare the plant in-
    service for ratemaking and accounting purposes, but not for tax purposes.13 Tr. at 127-29.
    The Commission, however, had conflicting evidence on this issue from Douglas
    herself where, in her written rebuttal, Douglas admitted that the in-service declaration
    would not only affect Duke’s taxes, it would also have an accounting and ratemaking effect
    in IGCC-9, saying, “Mr. Olson is not correct, however, that this determination does not
    However, Douglas admitted that the Agreement’s definition relating to in-service makes no
    distinction between in-service for ratemaking purposes and in-service for tax purposes. Appellants’ App.
    at 209. It is a well-established principle of Indiana law that any ambiguities in a contract are to be strictly
    construed against the drafter. Heartland Crossing Found., Inc. v. Dotlich, 
    976 N.E.2d 760
    , 763 (Ind. Ct.
    App. 2012). Duke, as a signatory to that Agreement, had a measure of control over the terms, and
    Intervenors opposed the Agreement and therefore did not draft any of its terms.
    affect the accounting or the rates the Company is proposing in IGCC-9.” Appellants’ App.
    at 405. When asked at the hearing to explain the impact this partial in-service declaration
    would have on customer rates in IGCC-9, Douglas explained: “They were higher - the
    rates were higher than they would have been had we been able to utilize the Section 199
    deduction.” Tr. at 120. Intervenors’ attorney asked, “So am I correct that the declaration
    of in-service does cause rates to be higher than they otherwise would be,” Douglas
    responded, “Yes, in this particular proceeding.” 
    Id. at 122.
    In other words, by declaring
    the Plant partially in-service, Duke has caused retail rates to rise.
    Intervenors highlight that Douglas did not disclose until the hearing in January 2013,
    that declaring the Plant partially in-service would increase retail rates. 
    Id. For that
    Intervenors, assuming that the partial in-service would not impact rates or accounting,
    initially took no position on this issue. Appellants’ App. at 350.
    Douglas’s belated revelation that customer rates within the IGCC-9 period would
    increase as a result of Duke’s decision to declare the Plant partially in-service, placed
    Intervenors at a distinct disadvantage. First, the soonest Intervenors could object to this
    change in in-service date was in their exceptions to Duke’s proposed order. Second,
    Intervenors were unable to conduct discovery to determine the long-term rate implications
    of this premature in-service declaration. Accordingly, because of the lateness of Douglas’s
    revelation, Intervenors recommended that any increase to Duke’s IGCC Rider rates
    attributable to the in-service declaration should be approved by the Commission only on
    an “interim” basis, i.e., subject to possible refund after the long-term ratemaking
    implications could be evaluated. Appellants’ App. at 438. The Commission neither
    accepted nor rejected this recommendation. Instead, the Commission simply ignored the
    in-service issue entirely. In its final order, the Commission made no reference to Douglas’s
    testimony on cross examination, nor to the fact that Intervenors had changed their position
    in response to Duke’s change in position.         Instead, the Order simply summarized
    Intervenors’ initial position - i.e., taking no position, so long as customer rates would not
    be impacted - without ever addressing the evidence admitted at the hearing or Intervenors’
    post-hearing arguments based on that evidence.
    Here, the Commission reached no conclusion and made no findings on whether or
    how the Plant could be declared 50% in-service for ratemaking purposes. “The subject
    matter of the regulatory process is too complex to permit the judicial non-expert any clear
    insight concerning the legal and factual issues which the Commission thought ‘material’
    to its decision.” L.S. 
    Ayres, 169 Ind. App. at 676
    , 351 N.E.2d at 830. The declaration of
    in-service was pertinent to the ratemaking treatment of Duke’s request under IGCC-9.
    Neither during the formal hearings nor in the Commission’s final written order was any
    attempt made to articulate the reasons underlying the Commission’s apparent acceptance
    of Duke’s request that the 50% of the Plant be deemed to be in-service. “Since the record
    is clearly insufficient to disclose the factors considered, we are incapable of determining
    that the considerations which actually motivated the Commission’s decision were
    reasonably related to the discharge of its statutory duty.” L.S. 
    Ayres, 169 Ind. App. at 677
    351 N.E.2d at 830. We must remand this portion of the proceedings to the Commission
    for a clear statement of the policy and evidentiary considerations underlying its
    determination regarding Duke’s request that 50% of the Plant be deemed to be in-service.
    We remand to the Commission for actions consistent with this opinion.
    Remanded for additional findings.
    BAILEY, J., and MAY, J., concur.

Document Info

Docket Number: 93A02-1305-EX-394

Filed Date: 9/8/2014

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 2/1/2016