M.T v. v. State of Indiana , 66 N.E.3d 960 ( 2016 )

  •                                                                            FILED
    Dec 22 2016, 9:06 am
    Indiana Supreme Court
    Court of Appeals
    and Tax Court
    ATTORNEY FOR APPELLANT                                    ATTORNEYS FOR APPELLEE
    R. Patrick Magrath                                        Gregory F. Zoeller
    Alcorn Sage Schwartz & Magrath, LLP                       Attorney General of Indiana
    Madison, Indiana
    Lyubov Gore
    Deputy Attorney General
    Indianapolis, Indiana
    IN THE
    M.T.V.,                                                   December 22, 2016
    Appellant-Respondent,                                     Court of Appeals Case No.
    v.                                                Appeal from the Jackson Superior
    State of Indiana,                                         The Honorable Bruce A.
    Appellee-Petitioner.                                      MacTavish, Judge
    Trial Court Cause No.
    Bailey, Judge.
    Court of Appeals of Indiana | Opinion 36A05-1607-JV-1681 | December 22, 2016                   Page 1 of 14
    Case Summary
    [1]   M.T.V. appeals his adjudication of delinquency for Conspiracy to Commit
    Aggravated Battery, a Level 3 felony if committed by an adult.1 We affirm.
    [2]   M.T.V. raises the following restated issues:
    I.       Whether the trial court abused its discretion when it:
    A. Determined there was a sufficient foundation to admit
    records of M.T.V.’s Facebook conversations, and
    B. Admitted statements made by M.T.V.’s coconspirator
    in those Facebook conversations; and
    II.      Whether the evidence is sufficient to support M.T.V.’s
    Facts and Procedural History
    [3]   On January 13, 2016, when M.T.V. was sitting at a Seymour High School
    cafeteria table, M.T.V. stated that he and another student, B.E., were going to
    bring guns into the school on April 20, 2018. M.T.V. said that the date was the
    same day as the Columbine shooting. M.T.V. also said that he and B.E. had a
    Ind. Code § 35-42-2-1
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    list and that a student, J.R., was first on the list. Another student at the lunch
    table reported M.T.V.’s statements to counselors and an investigation ensued.
    During the investigation, the Seymour Police Department (“SPD”) obtained
    records from Facebook containing conversations between M.T.V. and B.E.
    [4]   On February 16, 2016, the State filed a delinquency petition alleging that
    M.T.V. committed an act that would be Conspiracy to Commit Murder if
    committed by an adult. The State later amended the petition, adding
    allegations of Conspiracy to Commit Aggravated Battery and Conspiracy to
    Commit Possession of Firearm on School Property.
    [5]   During a fact-finding hearing on May 20, 2016, the State sought to admit the
    Facebook conversations into evidence. M.T.V. objected, arguing that the
    Facebook records were not properly authenticated and that the conversations
    contained inadmissible hearsay. After hearing argument from M.T.V. and the
    State, the trial court admitted the conversations. When the hearing concluded,
    the juvenile court took the matter under advisement, and later entered a true
    finding for only one allegation, Conspiracy to Commit Aggravated Battery.
    [6]   M.T.V. now appeals.
    Discussion and Decision
    Admission of Evidence
    [7]   Although juvenile delinquency hearings are civil in nature, a formal fact-finding
    hearing is analogous to a criminal trial and the rules of evidence apply to the
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    same extent as in a criminal case. N.L. v. State, 
    989 N.E.2d 773
    , 779 (Ind.
    2013). A trial court has broad discretion to rule on the admissibility of
    evidence. Bradley v. State, 
    54 N.E.3d 996
    , 999 (Ind. 2016). We review rulings
    on the admissibility of evidence “for abuse of that discretion and reverse only
    when admission is clearly against the logic and effect of the facts and
    circumstances and the error affects a party’s substantial rights.” Guilmette v.
    14 N.E.3d 38
    , 40-41 (Ind. 2014).
    A.       Authentication of Facebook Records
    [8]   Here, M.T.V. argues that the juvenile court abused its discretion in admitting
    copies of the Facebook conversations between M.T.V. and B.E.2 Indiana Rules
    of Evidence Rule 901(a) provides that “To satisfy the requirement of
    authenticating or identifying an item of evidence, the proponent must produce
    evidence sufficient to support a finding that the item is what the proponent
    claims it is.” Ind. Evidence Rule 901(a). Absolute proof of authenticity is not
    required. Pavlovich v. State, 
    6 N.E.3d 969
    , 976 (Ind. Ct. App. 2014), trans.
    denied. Rather, the proponent of the evidence must establish only a reasonable
    probability that the evidence is what it is claimed to be, and may use direct or
    circumstantial evidence to do so. 
     Once this reasonable probability is
    shown, any inconclusiveness of the evidence’s connection with the events at
    One of M.T.V.’s arguments focuses on whether the Facebook conversations warranted admission as
    business records under Indiana Evidence Rule 803(6). Finding another basis for the proper admission of the
    conversations, we need not reach this issue.
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    issue goes to evidential weight, not admissibility. Fry v. State, 
    885 N.E.2d 742
    748 (Ind. Ct. App. 2008), trans. denied.
    [9]    “Letters and words set down by electronic recording and other forms of data
    compilation are included within Rule 901(a).” Wilson v. State, 
    30 N.E.3d 1264
    1268 (Ind. Ct. App. 2015), trans. denied. Moreover, Evidence Rule 901(b)
    provides a non-exhaustive list of evidence that satisfies the authentication
    requirement. One example is where there is evidence describing a process or
    system and showing that it produces an accurate result. Evid. R. 901(b)(9).
    Another example, provided in Evidence Rule 901(b)(4), is where, taken
    together with all the circumstances, the evidence has distinctive characteristics
    in appearance, contents, or substance. Federal Rule of Evidence 901(b)(4) uses
    language identical to that of Indiana Rule of Evidence 901(b)(4). “We have
    previously acknowledged that federal courts have recognized Federal Rule of
    Evidence 901(b)(4) as one of the most frequently used means to authenticate
    electronic data, including text messages and emails.” Wilson, 30 N.E.3d at
    1268 (citing Hape v. State, 
    903 N.E.2d 977
    , 989 (Ind. Ct. App. 2009)); see, e.g.,
    United States v. Lewisbey, No. 14-2236, slip op. at 5-7 (7th Cir. Dec. 9, 2016)
    (looking to Federal Rule of Evidence 901(b)(4) when concluding that certain
    text messages and Facebook posts were properly authenticated).
    [10]   In Wilson, we addressed whether messages sent through a Twitter social media
    account were properly authenticated as having been authored by the defendant.
    30 N.E.3d at 1268. There, a witness testified that she often communicated with
    Wilson on Twitter and had general knowledge of the account by its
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    “@Nell_FearNoMan” header. Id. at 1268-69. The contents of the account
    records included pictures depicting Wilson holding guns that matched the
    description of those used in the crime. Id. at 1269. Moreover, there was
    testimony that Wilson was affiliated with two gangs, and the
    @Nell_FearNoMan Twitter account frequently used terms referring to those
    gangs, showing that the author of the messages was affiliated with them. Id.
    We concluded that “taken together, the witness testimony identifying the
    Twitter account as belonging to Wilson and the content posted on the account,
    including pictures and gang references, are more than sufficient to authenticate
    the Twitter posts as being authored by Wilson.” Id.
    [11]   Here, in an interview with law enforcement, M.T.V. admitted to having
    Facebook conversations with B.E. and said that, in those conversations, B.E.
    made threats to shoot up the school on April 20, 2018. M.T.V. also said that
    B.E. asked M.T.V. for help conducting the shooting. The Facebook records
    introduced at the hearing contain the content M.T.V. said they would.
    Moreover, in addition to having distinctive characteristics in content, the
    Facebook records were also supported by an affidavit from Facebook’s
    authorized records custodian, Kelsey McIntosh (“McIntosh”). The sworn
    affidavit specified, inter alia, that the records were made and kept by Facebook’s
    automated systems and were made at or near the time the Facebook user
    transmitted the information. At the hearing, Detective Foster testified that the
    procedure he used to obtain the Facebook records was an ordinary procedure
    that he had previously used for criminal investigations involving Facebook.
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    [12]   We conclude that, collectively, the State established the requisite reasonable
    probability that the Facebook records corresponded to M.T.V.’s and B.E.’s
    accounts and that M.T.V. and B.E. authored the conversations therein.
    Therefore, the juvenile court did not abuse its discretion with respect to
    authentication. Our review does not end here, however, because the content of
    the authenticated conversations must also be admissible.
    B.       Admission of Coconspirator’s Statements
    [13]   M.T.V. argues that the Facebook conversations contain inadmissible hearsay.
    Ordinarily, hearsay is any statement made out of court and offered to prove the
    truth of the matter asserted. Evid. R. 801(c). Evidence Rule 801(d), however,
    specifies that certain statements that would otherwise constitute hearsay are, by
    rule, not hearsay at all. For example, an opposing party’s statement is not
    hearsay. Evid. R. 801(d)(2). This is so when the opposing party is himself
    making the statement. Evid. R. 801(d)(2)(A). It is also the case when an
    opposing party’s coconspirator is making the statement. Evid. R. 801(d)(2)(E).
    Importantly, however, to be admissible under this rule, the coconspirator’s
    statement must be made in furtherance of the conspiracy. Furthermore, the
    coconspirator’s “statement does not by itself establish … the existence of the
    conspiracy ….” Id. Rather, the State must introduce “independent evidence”
    of the conspiracy before a coconspirator’s statement will be admissible as non-
    hearsay. Lander v. State, 
    762 N.E.2d 1208
    , 1213 (Ind. 2002).
    [14]   M.T.V. does not argue that his own statements were inadmissible. Rather,
    M.T.V. argues that B.E.’s statements were inadmissible because the State failed
    Court of Appeals of Indiana | Opinion 36A05-1607-JV-1681 | December 22, 2016   Page 7 of 14
    to introduce independent evidence of a conspiracy, and instead relied solely on
    B.E.’s statements in the Facebook records. The evidence favorable to the
    adjudication, however, included testimony from the student at M.T.V.’s lunch
    table. The student heard M.T.V. say that he and B.E. planned to bring guns
    into the school, that they had a list, and J.R. was first on their list. Moreover,
    M.T.V.’s side of the Facebook conversations constituted evidence as well.
    Here, the independent evidence is sufficient to establish the existence of
    conspiracy between M.T.V. and B.E. for the purposes of Evidence Rule 801(d).
    See Mayhew v. State, 
    537 N.E.2d 1188
    , 1190-91 (Ind. 1989) (finding statements
    made by a coconspirator admissible where a witness testified that the defendant
    told her about the conspiracy). Therefore, the juvenile court did not abuse its
    discretion in admitting B.E.’s statements.
    Sufficiency of the Evidence
    [15]   M.T.V. argues that the evidence is insufficient to support his delinquency
    adjudication. In a juvenile delinquency adjudication proceeding, the State must
    prove every element of the offense beyond a reasonable doubt. A.B. v. State, 
    885 N.E.2d 1223
    , 1226 (Ind. 2008). When reviewing the sufficiency of the
    evidence, we do not reweigh the evidence or judge the credibility of witnesses.
    Al-Saud v. State, 
    658 N.E.2d 907
    , 909 (Ind. 1995). Rather, we consider only the
    evidence and reasonable inferences most favorable to the adjudication. 
    affirm if the evidence and those inferences constitute substantial evidence of
    probative value to support the adjudication. A.B., 
    885 N.E.2d at 1226
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    [16]   Here, M.T.V. was adjudicated a delinquent for Conspiracy to Commit
    Aggravated Battery, a Level 3 felony if committed by an adult. The statute
    defining Aggravated Battery provides that a “person who knowingly or
    intentionally inflicts injury on a person that creates a substantial risk of death …
    commits aggravated battery, a Level 3 felony.” I.C. § 35-42-2-1.5. Moreover, a
    person “conspires to commit a felony when, with intent to commit the felony,
    the person agrees with another person to commit the felony.” I.C. § 35-41-5-
    2(a). The State “must allege and prove that either the person or the person with
    whom he or she agreed performed an overt act in furtherance of the
    agreement.” I.C. § 35-41-5-2(b). In other words, to prove the conspiracy aspect
    of the State’s allegations, the State had to prove that M.T.V. and B.E. formed
    an agreement to commit the crime and that one of them took an overt act in
    furtherance of that agreement. I.C. § 35-41-5-2.
    [17]   To prove the existence of a conspiratorial agreement, “it is not necessary to
    present direct evidence of a formal express agreement between conspirators.”
    Chambers v. State, 
    526 N.E.2d 1176
    , 1178 (Ind. 1988). Rather, “[s]uch intent
    may be inferred from circumstantial evidence alone, including overt acts of the
    parties in pursuance of the criminal act.” 
     As to the overt act, it “need not
    rise to the level of a ‘substantial step’ required for an attempt to commit the
    felony.’” Owens v. State, 
    929 N.E.2d 754
    , 756-57 (Ind. 2010) (quoting the
    attempt statute, I.C. § 35-41-5-1). Indeed, whereas a substantial step must be an
    act beyond mere preparation, there is no such requirement for an overt act.
    Conn v. State, 
    948 N.E.2d 849
    , 854 (Ind. Ct. App. 2011) (finding that surveilling
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    the victim’s home at the request of the coconspirator was an overt act); see
    Dickenson v. State, 
    835 N.E.2d 542
    , 552-53 (Ind. Ct. App. 2005) (finding that
    helping to “prepare a letter concerning the details” of an agreement to commit
    murder was a valid overt act), trans. denied. Ultimately, “[t]he crime of
    conspiracy is complete upon the agreement and the performance of an overt act
    in furtherance of the agreement.” Smith v. State, 
    655 N.E.2d 532
    , 540 (Ind. Ct.
    App. 1995), trans. denied. Thus, the length of time between the overt act and
    commission of the underlying felony, if ever committed or attempted, is “of no
    significance to the elements of the crime [of conspiracy] itself.” 
    [18]   Here, the State alleged that M.T.V. committed Conspiracy to Commit
    Aggravated Battery between October 31, 2015 and January 15, 2016, and that
    M.T.V.’s alleged coconspirator, B.E., committed certain overt acts, including
    “drawing a map of a classroom searing [sic] chart with J.R.’s seat targeted,
    drawing a map of the 300 building of Seymour High School, setting a specific
    date for a school shooting to occur at Seymour High School … discuss[ing]
    stealing a knife from school, discuss[ing] how to conceal murder evidence,
    discuss[ing] torturing J.R. prior to killing him, and/or plann[ing] to break into
    his parent’s gun safe ….” (Appellant’s App. at 129.)
    [19]   The evidence favorable to the adjudication included testimony about M.T.V.’s
    statements at the lunch table. The evidence also included M.T.V.’s statements
    to law enforcement during an interview, where M.T.V. admitted that he and
    B.E. had Facebook conversations and that, during some of those conversations,
    B.E. mentioned making threats to shoot up the school on April 20, 2018. In the
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    interview, M.T.V. said that B.E. had asked him to help with the shooting, and
    that two students, J.R. and G.M., were targeted. M.T.V. said that J.R. was
    targeted because B.E. had a “true disliking” for him. (Tr. Vol. II at 27.)
    [20]   The State also introduced drawings found in B.E.’s binder. One drawing was of
    a school building. The drawing included teacher names on classrooms and
    showed the locations of classroom doors. Another drawing depicted the layout
    of a math classroom where B.E. had class with both J.R. and G.M. On the
    drawing, B.E. had shaded in his seat and another student’s seat, and had drawn
    an “X” over J.R.’s seat. The depicted seating chart reflected a seating
    arrangement the math teacher had implemented around October 2015. It was
    not otherwise clear when the drawings were created.
    [21]   Much of the offered evidence consisted of M.T.V.’s Facebook conversations.
    In one Facebook conversation on October 20, 2015, M.T.V. mentioned to a
    friend that he was “scared like hell” for his sanity and the safety of two people,
    but said he would not give out names or what he thought was important
    information. (Tr. Vol. II at 77-78; State’s Ex. 2.) A couple of weeks later,
    M.T.V. sent a message to B.E. describing possible ways to avoid being
    identified “[i]f you are going to do a murder,” and noted to B.E. that he was
    proving his knowledge to him. (Tr. Vol. II at 81-82; State’s Ex. 3). On
    November 11, 2015, M.T.V. sent B.E. a Facebook message indicating that
    M.T.V. was having homicidal thoughts. (Tr. Vol. II at 90; State’s Ex. 5.) Two
    days later, M.T.V. and B.E. had the following conversation on Facebook,
    which the State argued reflected an agreement between M.T.V. and B.E.:
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    B.E.: Me and [J.R.] have a mutual thing going on … He wants to get
    lots of sleep … I want him to get nonstop sleep … I’m pissed … I hate
    M.T.V.: What do you think the most painful death would be?
    B.E.: Let’s test everything in [J.R.] as we can
    M.T.V.: I was thinking that … As many cuts as possible … Without
    severing any important organs or blood vessles [sic]
    B.E.: Implement through the ass and out the mouth … You last
    between a few hours and a few days[.]
    (Tr. Vol. II. at 85, 131; State’s Ex. 4.)
    [22]   A week later, M.T.V. and B.E. had a Facebook conversation where B.E. said
    he wanted to kill J.R. B.E. noted that B.E. “could steal a knife … and kill [J.R.]
    with it and then take out as many people as possible,” to which M.T.V.
    suggested that B.E. “could buy a gun” instead. (Tr. Vol. II at 143-44; Resp’t’s
    Ex. J.) B.E. replied that B.E. could attempt to break into his father’s gun safe
    so he wouldn’t have to buy a weapon. (Tr. Vol. II at 145; Resp’t’s Ex. J.)
    [23]   The date April 20, 2018 also came up in Facebook conversations. In December
    2015, M.T.V. mentioned that date to B.E., and B.E. replied “#4/20/18 …
    Better make that a trend ….” (Tr. Vol. II at 91; State’s Ex. 6.) Later in the
    conversation, B.E. said, “I’ll have fun with … [a student’s] head after u cut it
    off,” and M.T.V. replied, “You have fun with [J.R.]’s dick after you cut it off
    and make him suck his own cock.” (Tr. Vol. II at 91; State’s Ex. 6.) The next
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    day, B.E. sent a message describing a scene in which he fires a gun at school
    and hits J.R., and M.T.V. replied, “Well, nice shooting, Texas” (Tr. Vol. II at
    95; State’s Ex. 8). On December 25, 2015, M.T.V. promised a friend on
    Facebook that “everything will be better” on April 20, 2018. (Tr. Vol. II p. 92-
    93; State’s Ex 7.) Later that day, M.T.V. and B.E. had the following exchange:
    M.T.V.: Get a job. Get money. Get a gun.
    B.E.: Or slit my wrist
    M.T.V. But then there would be no 4/20/18
    B.E.: Good
    M.T.V.: But that’s my favorite holiday.
    B.E.: Unless you help out it won’t be
    M.T.V.: How the hell can I help out?
    B.E.: Do it with me … It’s that simple … Or … Give our guest [J.R.] a
    M.T.V.: How? I have no access to weaponry.
    B.E.: Bring a knife … Slit the fuckers [sic] throat
    M.T.V.: I’d much rather a gun XD. I’m not a fan of knives … If we get
    the proper gear, I will consider it, until then, I am saying I can’t help
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    (Tr. Vol. II at 139-40; Resp’t’s Ex. I.) Weeks after B.E. and M.T.V. directly
    discussed M.T.V.’s potential participation in the shooting, M.T.V. made
    statements at lunch that he and B.E. were going to conduct such a shooting.
    [24]   M.T.V.’s argument that “[t]here is no conspiracy brewing in the fantastical
    misadventures of these two teenaged boys,” (Appellant’s Br. at 16), amounts to
    a request to reweigh the evidence, which we must decline. See Al-Saud, 658
    N.E.2d at 909. We find that there is substantial evidence of probative value to
    support a factfinder’s determination that M.T.V. and B.E. formed an agreement
    to inflict injury on J.R., during a school shooting to be carried out on April 20,
    2018, that would create a substantial risk of J.R.’s death. Accordingly, there is
    sufficient evidence to support the true finding.
    [25]   The trial court did not abuse its discretion in admitting Facebook conversations
    containing statements made by M.T.V. and his coconspirator, and the evidence
    is sufficient to support the delinquency adjudication.
    [26]   Affirmed.
    Najam, J., and May, J., concur.
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Document Info

Docket Number: 36A05-1607-JV-1681

Citation Numbers: 66 N.E.3d 960

Filed Date: 12/22/2016

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023