Prime Insurance Co. v. Darnell Wright ( 2019 )

  •                                                                             FILED
    Sep 26 2019, 8:32 am
    Indiana Supreme Court
    Court of Appeals
    and Tax Court
    ATTORNEYS FOR APPELLANT                                    ATTORNEYS FOR APPELLEE
    Siobhan M. Murphy                                          DARNELL WRIGHT
    Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith LLP                        David A. Singleton
    Indianapolis, Indiana                                      Chad E. Romey
    Blackburn & Green
    Scott B. Cockrum                                           Fort Wayne, Indiana
    Lewis Brisbois Bisgaard & Smith LLP
    Schereville, Indiana
    IN THE
    Prime Insurance Co.,                                       September 26, 2019
    Appellant,                                                 Court of Appeals Case No.
    v.                                                 Appeal from the Allen Superior
    Darnell Wright, et al.,                                    The Honorable Craig J. Bobay,
    Appellees.                                                 Judge
    Trial Court Cause No.
    Bradford, Judge.
    Court of Appeals of Indiana | Opinion 19A-CT-353 | September 26, 2019                           Page 1 of 9
    Case Summary
    [1]   The issue before us is whether an insurance company, which has been relieved
    of all responsibility under its liability policy through judicial declaration, has an
    adequate interest in the underlying liability-related lawsuit to warrant
    participation in said lawsuit for the purpose of attempting to limit its potential
    future liability stemming from the same events under an MCS-90 Endorsement.
    Because the insurance company’s remaining interest in the lawsuit is
    contingent, rather than cognizable, we conclude that it does not.
    Facts and Procedural History                               1
    [2]   On November 12, 2013, Darnell Wright was injured in a collision with a
    vehicle driven by Decardo Humphrey. At the time of the collision, Humphrey
    was acting as an agent for/in the scope of his employment with Ali Faruq,
    Riteway Trucking, Inc. (“Riteway”), Riteway Transportation, Inc. (“RTI”),
    and Prudential Trucking, Inc. (“PTI”). On March 27, 2015, Wright filed suit
    against Humphrey, Faruq, Riteway, RTI, and PTI (collectively, “Defendants”).
    For whatever reason, Riteway would not cooperate with its insurance provider,
    Prime Insurance Co. (“Prime”), and failed to appear or present any defense in a
    subsequent lawsuit brought against it by Wright.
    We held oral argument in this case on September 12, 2019, in our courtroom in Indianapolis. We
    commend counsel for the high quality of their arguments.
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    [3]   On or about May 1, 2015, Prime filed an action in the Northern District of
    Indiana seeking a declaration that it had no duty to defend Riteway or any
    other defendant in Wright’s state-court action. Meanwhile, back in the trial
    court, on June 17, 2015, Wright filed a motion for a default judgment. In July
    of 2015, Prime sought and was granted permission to intervene in Wright’s
    state-court action.
    [4]   The trial court conducted a hearing on Wright’s motion for a default judgment
    on August 19, 2015. Defendants and Prime failed to appear, despite each
    having notice of the hearing.2 The next day, on August 20, 2015, the trial court
    entered default judgment against Faruq, Riteway, RTI, and PTI, finding that
    they were in default. The trial court did not enter default judgment against
    Prime. The trial court entered judgment in favor of Wright for $400,000.
    [5]   Prime filed an answer and affirmative defenses on August 21, 2015, and a
    motion to obtain discovery from Wright on November 4, 2015. Wright
    objected to Prime’s discovery requests on the grounds that judgment had
    already been entered against Riteway on liability and damages. In response to
    Wright’s objection, on January 4, 2016, Prime filed motions to set aside the
    default judgment and to obtain discovery. The trial court denied Prime’s
    While the parties presented argument relating to Prime’s absence from the default judgment hearing, we
    find Prime’s absence to be irrelevant to the question of whether Prime has an adequate interest in the
    underlying lawsuit to warrant setting aside the default judgment entered against Riteway. The non-
    appearance of Prime’s attorney at the default judgment hearing is therefore a non-factor.
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    motion to obtain discovery and stayed the case until Prime’s federal action was
    [6]   After its attempts to obtain discovery from Wright in the state-court action were
    rejected, Prime requested permission to issue discovery requests to Wright
    regarding the issues of liability and damages in the federal-court action. The
    federal court denied Prime’s request, noting that the information sought was
    irrelevant to the pending request for a declaratory judgment. The federal court
    stated that it would not permit Prime “to subvert limitations on discovery in
    another proceeding, by attempting to obtain discovery in [the federal] case that
    has already been denied in the underlying Allen Superior Court action.”
    Appellee’s App. Vol. II p. 76 (internal quotation omitted). On January 29,
    2018, the federal court ordered that Prime did not owe a duty to defend or
    indemnify Riteway, that Riteway had failed to meet its obligations under its
    insurance policy, and that Riteway and its “alter egos” shall be liable to Prime
    for any payments made under an MCS-90 Endorsement3 to the insurance
    policy. Appellee’s App. Vol. II p. 58.
    Federal law requires that a motor carrier maintain proof of financial responsibility. See 49 C.F.R. § 387.7.
    The MCS-90 endorsement embodies a public financial responsibility in situations where a motor carrier is
    responsible for an accident causing injury to a member of the public. Carolina Cas. Ins. Co. v. Yeates, 
    584 F.3d 868
    , 883 (10th Cir. 2009). “The MCS-90 endorsement is in effect, suretyship by the insurance carrier to
    protect the public—a safety net, and not an ordinary insurance provision to protect the insured.” Travelers
    Indem. Co. of Ill. v. W. Am. Specialized Trans. Servs., Inc., 
    409 F.3d 256
    , 260 (5th Cir. 2005) (internal quotation
    The endorsement does not extinguish the debt of the insured. The MCS-90 endorsement
    instead grants the insurer the right to seek reimbursement from the insured party for any
    payment made by the company on account of any accident, claim or suit involving a
    breach of the terms of the policy, and for any payment that [the insurance company] would
    not have been obligated to make under the provisions of the policy except for the
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    [7]   Following resolution of the federal-court action, the trial court held a hearing
    on Prime’s motion to set aside the default judgment. On October 25, 2018, the
    trial court issued an order denying Prime’s request to set aside the default
    judgment against Riteway.4
    Discussion and Decision
    [8]   Prime contends that the trial court abused its discretion by denying Prime’s
    motion to set aside the default judgment entered against Riteway. Trial Rule
    55(A) provides that “[w]hen a party against whom a judgment for affirmative
    relief is sought has failed to plead or otherwise comply with these rules and that
    fact is made to appear by affidavit or otherwise, the party may be defaulted by
    the court.” “A judgment by default which has been entered may be set aside by
    the court for the grounds and in accordance with the provisions of [Trial] Rule
    60(B).” T.R. 55(C). Trial Rule 60(B) provides, in relevant part, that a trial
    court may grant a request for a relief from a default judgment for “(1) mistake,
    surprise, or excusable neglect” or “(8) any [other] reason justifying relief from
    the operation of the judgment[.]”
    [9]             The decision whether to set aside a default judgment is given
    substantial deference on appeal. Our standard of review is
    agreement contained herein.… In sum, the MCS-90 endorsement creates an obligation
    entirely separate from other obligations created by the policy to which it is attached. The
    MCS-90 defines the insurer’s public financial responsibility obligation, while the underlying
    policy defines the insurer’s insurance liability obligation.
    Yeates, 584 F.3d at 884
    (emphases omitted, internal quotations and citations omitted, brackets in original).
    Wright’s remaining claims against Humphrey were dismissed without prejudice on January 14, 2019.
    Court of Appeals of Indiana | Opinion 19A-CT-353 | September 26, 2019                               Page 5 of 9
    limited to determining whether the trial court abused its
    discretion. An abuse of discretion may occur if the trial court’s
    decision is clearly against the logic and effect of the facts and
    circumstances before the court, or if the court has misinterpreted
    the law. We may affirm a general default judgment on any
    theory supported by the evidence adduced at trial. The trial
    court’s discretion is necessarily broad in this area because any
    determination of excusable neglect, surprise, or mistake must
    turn upon the unique factual background of each case.
    Moreover, no fixed rules or standards have been established
    because the circumstances of no two cases are alike.…
    Furthermore, reviewing the decision of the trial court, we will not
    reweigh the evidence or substitute our judgment for that of the
    trial court. Upon a motion for relief from a default judgment, the
    burden is on the movant to show sufficient grounds for relief
    under Indiana Trial Rule 60(B).
    Kmart Corp. v. Englebright, 
    719 N.E.2d 1249
    , 1253 (Ind. Ct. App. 1999) (internal
    citations and quotation omitted).
    [10]   The nature of Prime’s interest in the underlying lawsuit is the crux of the issue
    before us on appeal. In challenging the trial court’s default of its motion to set
    aside the default judgment against Riteway, Prime claims that its continuing
    interest in the issue of liability warranted setting aside the default judgment.
    For his part, Wright argues that Prime does not hold a legally cognizable
    interest in the underlying lawsuit. We agree with Wright.
    [11]   Notably, any interest Prime has in the underlying lawsuit stems from choices
    made by Prime. After choosing to issue a liability policy to Riteway, Prime
    made the additional choice to issue the MCS-90 Endorsement to Riteway. As
    Prime acknowledged during oral argument, Prime was not required to do so.
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    [12]   It is undisputed that Prime successfully obtained a declaratory judgment
    indicating that it did not have a duty to defend Riteway under the liability
    policy and that its only remaining interest stems from the MCS-90
    Endorsement. Prime has indicated that it plans to contest whether the MCS-90
    Endorsement applies under the facts of this case, a determination that will have
    to be made in subsequent legal proceedings. Prime’s continuing interest,
    therefore, is contingent as it is subject to a subsequent legal determination
    regarding applicability of the MCS-90 Endorsement.
    [13]   We have previously considered whether a contingent interest was sufficient to
    warrant intervention by an insurance company into a lawsuit involving one of
    its insureds. In Cincinnati Insurance Co. v. Young, we noted that under Indiana
    law, intervention into a lawsuit is warranted if the intervening party
    demonstrates “(1) an interest in the subject of the action, (2) disposition of the
    action may as a practical matter impede the protection of that interest, and (3)
    representation of the interest by existing parties is inadequate.” 
    852 N.E.2d 8
    13 (Ind. Ct. App. 2006), trans. denied.
    [14]   After the trial court allowed Cincinnati Insurance Co. (“Cincinnati”) to
    intervene in a lawsuit involving one of its insureds, we were called upon to
    determine whether Cincinnati, which had both contested coverage and sought
    to intervene, had a sufficient interest in the underlying lawsuit to warrant
    Id. at 13–17.
    Concluding that a contingent interest was not
    sufficient to warrant intervention, we noted that “when an insurer attempts to
    intervene in the action between its insured and the injured party but reserves the
    Court of Appeals of Indiana | Opinion 19A-CT-353 | September 26, 2019      Page 7 of 9
    right to deny coverage, the insurer’s asserted interest is not cognizable but
    rather contingent upon the acceptance of coverage before it becomes colorable
    for the purposes of [intervention].” 
    Id. at 15.
    Given that Cincinnati had both
    contested coverage and sought to intervene, we found that its interest in the
    lawsuit “was contingent and not direct.” 
    Id. We further
    noted that although
    Cincinnati assured us that it appealed “only” in its own name, it effectively
    sought “to relitigate [its insured’s] liability.” 
    Id. Allowing Cincinnati
    to raise these issues while it is still
    contesting its coverage under the insurance policies would grant
    the insurer two bites at the proverbial apple in an attempt to
    escape liability; once in this appeal on issues resulting from the
    underlying trial and again during its pursuit of its declaratory
    judgment action disputing coverage.
    Id. As such,
    we concluded that the trial court had abused its discretion in
    allowing Cincinnati to intervene. 
    Id. at 17.
    [15]   We find our conclusion in Young to be instructive in this case. As we stated
    above, Prime’s continuing interest is, at most, a contingent interest. Applying
    our conclusion from Young regarding contingent interests to the facts of this
    case, we conclude that Prime’s contingent interest does not warrant reversing
    the default judgment that was entered against Riteway.
    [16]   Prime admits that it is seeking to relitigate Riteway’s liability in an effort to
    limit a potential future financial obligation that it may have to Wright. Prime
    also admits that it has received a judicial determination that it has no duty to
    defend under its liability policy and has indicated that it plans to seek a similar
    Court of Appeals of Indiana | Opinion 19A-CT-353 | September 26, 2019        Page 8 of 9
    judicial determination that the MCS-90 Endorsement does not apply to the
    facts of this case. Prime cannot both deny its obligation to its insured and, at
    the same time, seek to litigate questions relating to liability and damages. To
    allow Prime to do so would effectively grant Prime a second bite at the apple in
    its attempt to escape a potential future financial obligation. The trial court did
    not abuse its discretion in denying Prime’s motion to set aside the default
    judgment entered against Riteway.
    [17]   The judgment of the trial court is affirmed.
    Vaidik, C.J., and Riley, J., concur.
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