Scott Grundy v. State of Indiana , 38 N.E.3d 675 ( 2015 )

  •                                                                                 Jun 30 2015, 7:55 am
    ATTORNEY FOR APPELLANT                                    ATTORNEYS FOR APPELLEE
    Kevin Wild                                                Gregory F. Zoeller
    Indianapolis, Indiana                                     Attorney General of Indiana
    Lyubov Gore
    Deputy Attorney General
    Indianapolis, Indiana
    IN THE
    Scott Grundy,                                             June 30, 2015
    Appellant-Defendant,                                      Court of Appeals Case No.
    v.                                                Appeal from the Marion Superior
    State of Indiana,                                         The Honorable Kurt Eisgruber, Judge
    Appellee-Plaintiff.                                       The Honorable Steven J. Rubick,
    Cause No. 49G01-1401-FC-1983
    Najam, Judge.
    Statement of the Case
    [1]   Scott Grundy appeals his conviction for Aggravated Battery, a Class B felony,
    and his habitual offender adjudication. Grundy presents three issues for our
    review, which we revise and restate as:
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    1. Whether the State presented sufficient evidence to support his
    2. Whether his sentence is inappropriate in light of the nature of
    the offense and his character.
    3. Whether the trial court erred when it enhanced his sentence
    under the prior version of the habitual offender statute.
    [2]   We affirm Grundy’s conviction and his sentence, and we hold that the July 1,
    2014, revisions to the habitual offender statute, Indiana Code Section 35-50-2-8,
    do not apply retroactively to offenses committed prior to the effective date of
    our new criminal code.
    Facts and Procedural History
    [3]   In August 2012, Grundy began a romantic relationship with Jennifer Smith,
    which lasted for more than a year. Because of Grundy’s alcoholism and
    substance abuse, however, the two separated and reconciled frequently, and the
    couple’s relationship was often tumultuous. Indeed, between April and late
    December 2013, more than ten police reports resulted from Grundy’s
    relationship with Smith.
    [4]   In December 2013, Smith was employed at Covance in Indianapolis, and, on
    December 28, Smith agreed to give two of her coworkers, Tonya Hardin and
    Fu Chia Tsai, a ride home after their shift ended at 7:00 p.m. The three’s
    relationship was strictly professional; none associated outside of work. At
    approximately 7:00 p.m., Smith, Hardin, and Tsai exited the building together
    and walked to Smith’s vehicle, and, when they approached, they noticed that
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    someone had broken Smith’s windshield wipers. Smith immediately suspected
    Grundy, who had sent Smith argumentative text messages earlier in the day, to
    which Smith did not respond.
    [5]   As the three observed the damage to Smith’s car, Grundy drove his vehicle1
    from a nearby road, across a grassy area adjacent to the parking lot at Covance,
    and over some shrubbery that divided the parking lot from the grassy area.
    Grundy sped towards Smith, Hardin, and Tsai, and, when he got close to where
    the three were standing, Grundy exited the vehicle and aggressively approached
    Tsai. As Grundy walked towards Tsai, Grundy asked Tsai who he was and
    about the status of his relationship with Smith. When Tsai answered that he
    was Smith’s coworker, Grundy responded, “Co-worker my ass.” Tr. at 13.
    Grundy then charged Tsai and punched him once in the face, which knocked
    Tsai to the ground. Once down, Grundy delivered a kick to Tsai’s face.
    Grundy immediately returned to his vehicle and fled. Tsai remained conscious
    but went into shock and lost memory for ten seconds after the attack.2
    [6]   After the attack, Smith ran to the security desk at Covance and reported to the
    acting security guard, Daniel Osborne, that Grundy had attacked Tsai.
    Osborne called the police, and Officer Eric Walker with the Indianapolis
    Metropolitan Police Department responded to Osborne’s call. Officer Walker
    actually knew Tsai personally, but, when he arrived, Officer Walker did not
    At the time, Grundy’s license was suspended as the result of a DUI conviction.
    Tsai remembers being punched and kicked but nothing else about the assault or its immediate aftermath.
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    recognize him because of the severe injuries to Tsai’s face. Smith identified
    Grundy to Officer Walker as Tsai’s assailant.
    [7]   Because of his injuries, Tsai was transported to the hospital where he
    discovered that Grundy had broken six of the seven bones in his right eye
    socket, fractured his right cheek bone, and broken his nose in two places. Tsai’s
    cheek was “significantly flattened,” and, at the hospital, he had double vision,
    blurred vision, and trouble breathing. State’s Ex. 17. Tsai was treated and
    [8]   On January 13, 2014, the hospital referred Tsai to Dr. Hu Bai Harold Lee, an
    oculoplastic surgeon who specializes in reconstructive surgery, but, due to
    swelling in Tsai’s face, Dr. Lee could not operate until January 21, 2014. In the
    interim, Tsai continued to have difficulty chewing and breathing, 3 and he
    suffered headaches almost daily, which disrupted his sleep. As a result of his
    injuries, Tsai could not read. When Dr. Lee was able to operate on Tsai on
    January 21, to reconstruct Tsai’s face, he placed three permanent titanium
    plates with metal screws into Tsai’s eye socket, and he also fitted a permanent,
    plastic implant into Tsai’s eye socket. The plates, screws, and implant restored
    the bones in Tsai’s face to their anatomically correct positions, and they
    corrected his double and blurred vision, which would have persisted absent the
    surgery. Tsai’s vision prescription, however, changed, and the surgery
    Tsai could not breathe out of his nose for approximately four months after the attack, which, in turn,
    damaged his ribs. The injury to Tsai’s ribs required physical therapy.
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    permanently left Tsai with scarring and a droopy eyelid. Moreover, because the
    attack damaged a prominent nerve in Tsai’s eye socket, which provides
    sensation to the cheek, Tsai now has permanent numbness in the right side of
    his face.
    [9]    On January 15, 2014, the State charged Grundy by information with one count
    of battery, as a Class C felony, and, on February 4, the State amended its
    charging information to include one count of aggravated battery, a class B
    felony. Thereafter, Grundy moved for a speedy trial, which the trial court
    granted on June 9, and the State filed its habitual offender information on June
    [10]   While Grundy awaited trial in the Marion County Jail, he called his uncle,
    Gerald Grundy (“Uncle Gerry”), who questioned Grundy about his crime. In
    response, Grundy explained:
    [Grundy]: . . . [W]hen two people [are] in a fight[,] how hard are
    [they] supposed to fight[?] I hit the guy one time[,] kicked him
    one time[;] that was it.
    [Grundy]: [H]ow bad is serious bodily injury? I mean . . . they
    have the video and all that. And allegedly I did all this stuff.
    That’s how we talk on the phone. But even if the video was to
    reflect anything[,] it would allegedly show somebody getting
    punched one time and getting kicked one time and that’s it[.]
    The State filed its Notice of Intent to File Habitual Offender Enhancement on January 29, 2014.
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    [Uncle Gerry]: You hit him a couple times?
    [Grundy]: Yeah[,] just tunin[g] somebody up a little bit for
    me[dd]lin[g]. And that was it. . . .
    [Uncle Gerry]: [O]h[,] he was . . . me[dd]lin[g] with you and
    Jenny . . . ?
    [Grundy]: Yeah . . . but I’m not gonna be rappin[g] on no phone
    [be]cause they record all this stuff.
    [Grundy]: . . . [I]t’s not that bad[,] man[.] I mean[,] it’s a
    fight[. T]here’s no question it’s a fight[. S]omebody got f[*****]
    up. In fights[,] people get f[*****] up.
    [Grundy]: [T]hat’s the bottom line[. W]hat do you do[,] rub a
    feather across somebody’s face that you fightin[g]? Never heard
    of that one.
    State’s Ex. 19.
    [11]   On July 24, just before trial and again from jail, Grundy sent a letter to Smith in
    which he told her that she should not come to trial to testify against him. After
    he professed his love to Smith, Grundy wrote:
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    . . . If you show-up [sic] you will make yourself apart [sic] of an
    epic event[. O]ne side will try to break you down[,] and so will
    the other, and it will take its toll[. A]nd neither side will have
    compassion for your well[-]being, because both side[s] will be
    trying to win at your expense, [sic] (simple and plain)!
    Beside[s] all that[,] what I am trying to say to you is it will not
    matter what you say for me or against me[. It] will not make that
    much difference that day, and why are you so gun hoe [sic] on
    [testifying] when the others have chosen not too [sic]?
    Basically[,] you are the only one tripping over all this[. Y]ou
    know who has made it clear they are not coming, so why have
    you made it clear to my Uncle [sic] that you are?
    Babe[,] you know what is at stake with me should you act like
    that[. Y]ou are not my Orangie[;] you can not [sic] help me that
    day[,] and I am telling you not to come period! With the only
    acception [sic] to this is [sic] that you are told by my folks too
    [sic]. You are not going to play another role in ruining my life.
    If you need to do anything[,] the only right thing is to be on my
    side or stay away from all this. I see it has taken a serious toll on
    you and your thinking and judgment. So allow me to reassure
    you that all will be well if you listen and follow the instruction of
    our team, and stay out of it[. Y]ou are in way over your head!
    State’s Ex. 15.
    [12]   The trial court held Grundy’s bench trial on August 13. At the trial, Tsai
    testified that, in addition to the permanent numbness in his face, he continued
    to have headaches almost daily, which affect his sleep, and issues with his neck.
    Further, he testified that he still has trouble with the functioning of his right eye.
    At the conclusion of the trial, the court convicted Grundy of aggravated battery,
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    a Class B felony, and “merge[d]” the battery charge, as a Class C felony, into
    the aggravated battery conviction. Tr. at 119.
    [13]   Grundy’s habitual offender determination and sentencing hearing were held on
    August 26. At the hearing, Grundy did not contest that he was a habitual
    offender, and he stipulated to the admission of his prior convictions. Thus, the
    trial court adjudicated Grundy a habitual offender and proceeded to the
    sentencing phase of the hearing, during which Grundy offered in mitigation:
    (1) his alcoholism and substance abuse; (2) his participation in Alcoholics
    Anonymous and Narcotics Anonymous classes while incarcerated; (3) his role
    as a caregiver to elderly family members who depend on him; and (4) his
    expression of remorse for the injuries his attack inflicted on Tsai. At the
    conclusion of the sentencing hearing, the court sentenced Grundy to ten years
    in the Indiana Department of Correction for the aggravated battery, the
    advisory sentence for a Class B felony, which the court enhanced by another ten
    years, the minimum allowed under the habitual offender statute as it existed
    before the revisions to our criminal code took effect on July 1, 2014. The court
    enhanced Grundy’s sentence by only ten years because it believed that Grundy
    was not “the worst of the worst” habitual offenders. 
    Id. at 177.
    The trial court
    suspended two years of Grundy’s sentence to probation.
    [14]   In support of the sentence imposed, the trial court stated:
    [W]hat your history has shown me is that you don’t learn from
    your mistakes despite ample opportunities . . . . [W]henever you
    talked about this particular incident[,] you kept saying[,] “I
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    wouldn’t do it if I were not under the influence of drugs or
    alcohol.” . . . [B]ut if you want me to believe you and believe the
    remorse that you said[,] you don’t get to say[,] “I wouldn’t have
    done this if.” You simply have to say[,] “I did it—I was wrong.”
    You don’t put that distance between yourself and the act by
    claiming that you were under the influence at the time because
    that undercuts every statement of remorse you’re making to me.
    If you [were] wrong, admit you were wrong[;] don’t qualify it.
    [T]he State[,] today[,] has requested a [thirty-five-]year sentence.
    I do not find that a [thirty-five-] year sentence is appropriate . . . .
    [B]ut I also don’t believe that the State’s last [plea] offer [of a
    twelve-year sentence] is sufficient. Having heard all of the
    evidence and having considered everything put forth
    today[, twelve years] is far too low, [thirty-five] is far too
    much . . . .
    In mitigation[,] though[,] Mr. Grundy took this case to trial[.] I
    still find he is due some mitigating weight having essentially
    accepted his status as a habitual offender. . . . Mr. Grundy has a
    remarkable family. . . . [I]t goes to your credit, Mr. Grundy, that
    the older members of your family rely on you as heavily as they
    do[,] so I’m affording some mitigating weight for that and some
    mitigating weight for the hardship that will be visited on your
    family by virtue of your impending incarceration. I will also give
    you some mitigating weight for your history of substance abuse.
    Your criminal history reflects [seventeen] alcohol and drug
    related arrests. One is too many. [Seventeen] is far too many[,]
    so you clearly have a problem, Mr. Grundy[,] but the weight that
    I give to that—the mitigating weight I give to that is tempered by
    the virtue of the number of opportunities that you’ve had to
    correct your behavior.
    In aggravation . . . your criminal history is something that cannot
    be overlooked. You have had [thirty-nine] total arrests, . . .
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    [twelve] misdemeanor convictions, three felonies—again,
    [seventeen] alcohol or drug related offenses[,] though not all [of]
    those have resulted in a conviction. The ones today that interest
    me the most and concern me the most are the battery conviction
    you had in 1991 . . . , your battery conviction in 2000 . . . , your
    second felony conviction for battery in 2009 . . . , the invasion of
    privacy charge from 2010 . . . [,] and your 2013 battery
    conviction . . . . Those are the convictions that have an element
    of violence and they show me that over the last [twenty-three]
    years[,] your propensity toward anger and violence has not
    lessened. I’m also more than a little troubled by the gun that you
    have tattooed on your shoulder . . . . [T]o have a gun tattooed on
    your shoulder glorifies violence. . . . [I]t speaks to something in
    your character that is concerning. I also have to give aggravating
    weight to . . . the effect this crime had on your victim. . . . When
    the structure of a person’s face is surgically changed[,] it changes
    that person forever. . . . [I]t was such a permanent change and
    his fear is such that he has had to leave this country[; 5] that’s
    pretty significant.
    You submitted to the Court a number of certificates that you
    accumulated while you were awaiting trial and ask for mitigating
    weight to be afforded that[,] but that’s counter-balanced by your
    efforts while incarcerated to influence the witnesses in this case.
    There’s no question the letter that you sent . . . was an effort to
    influence her. It was manipulative. . . . [T]here’s no question
    that you were attempting to influence your ex, attempting to
    convince her not to come to trial or her life would be changed[,]
    and she would be denied the love and support of your
    family[. T]hat was devious . . . and troubling.
    Lastly[,] in the telephone call that was played during the trial[,]
    you tried to explain away your actions characterizing it as just a
    At some point after Grundy’s trial but before sentencing, Tsai told the prosecutor that he was returning to
    his native Taiwan because he no longer felt safe in the United States.
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    fight—that is was tuning up a guy for [meddling,] but this was
    not a fight[;] this was an attack. Mr. Tsai was not involved
    beyond being on the receiving end of a devastating punch[,] and
    when he fell to his knees defenseless[,] you kicked him in the
    head. That was an attack[. I]t was unprovoked[ and] irrationally
    violent[,] so coming here today and accepting responsibility and
    making a statement of remorse in an effort to remove some of the
    sting rings a bit hollow, Mr. Grundy.
    Id. at 170-76
    (quotation marks and paragraph structure supplied). This appeal
    Discussion and Decision
    Issue One: Sufficiency of the Evidence
    [1]   Grundy first contends that the State presented insufficient evidence to convict
    him of aggravated battery. Our standard of review for sufficiency of the
    evidence claims is well-settled. Tobar v. State, 
    740 N.E.2d 109
    , 111 (Ind. 2000).
    In reviewing the sufficiency of the evidence, we examine only the
    probative evidence and reasonable inferences that support the
    verdict. We do not assess witness credibility, nor do we reweigh
    the evidence to determine if it was sufficient to support a
    conviction. Under our appellate system, those roles are reserved
    for the finder of fact. Instead, we consider only the evidence
    most favorable to the trial court ruling and affirm the conviction
    unless no reasonable fact-finder could find the elements of the
    crime proven beyond a reasonable doubt.
    Pillow v. State, 
    986 N.E.2d 343
    , 344 (Ind. Ct. App. 2013) (citations and
    quotation marks omitted).
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    [2]   To prove that Grundy committed aggravated battery, as charged, the State had
    to demonstrate that he knowingly or intentionally inflicted injury on Tsai that
    caused “protracted loss or impairment of the function of a bodily member or
    organ.” Ind. Code § 35-42-2-1.5(2). We have previously observed “that
    ‘protracted’ means to ‘draw out or lengthen in time,’ and that ‘impairment’
    means the ‘fact or state of being damaged, weakened, or diminished.’” Mann v.
    895 N.E.2d 119
    , 122 (Ind. Ct. App. 2008) (citations omitted). Expert
    testimony is not required to prove that a victim suffered a protracted
    Id. [3] Grundy
    concedes that Tsai suffered serious injuries, which is sufficient to
    support a conviction for battery, as a Class C felony. See I.C. § 35-42-2-1(a)(3).
    However, Grundy asserts that the evidence failed to demonstrate that Tsai
    suffered “protracted loss or impairment of the function” of his eye, which is
    necessary to support a conviction for aggravated battery. I.C. § 35-42-2-1.5(2).
    Instead, Grundy argues that, at the time of his trial, Tsai benefitted from the full
    functionality of his right eye.
    [4]   In support of this argument, Grundy acknowledges that, in addition to
    permanent numbness and scarring, Tsai continued to have headaches and neck
    problems. However, he points out that Tsai did not lose consciousness during
    or after the attack and that Dr. Lee testified that Tsai’s surgery “was successful
    in restoring Tsai’s function back to his baseline level.” Appellant’s Br. at 12.
    But it is apparent that Grundy’s argument on appeal is merely a request that we
    reweigh the evidence, which will not do. See 
    Pillow, 986 N.E.2d at 344
    . The
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    evidence most favorable to the judgment establishes that, beyond protracted
    loss or impairment, Grundy’s attack left Tsai with permanent numbness,
    permanent scarring, and degraded vision in his right eye. Further, more than
    six months after the attack, Tsai continued to suffer from headaches, neck pain,
    and loss of sleep. This evidence is sufficient to demonstrate protracted loss or
    impairment and, therefore, to support Grundy’s conviction. See, e.g., Fleming v.
    833 N.E.2d 84
    at 90 (Ind. Ct. App. 2005) (distinguishing Neville).
    [5]   In his attempt to argue that the evidence was insufficient to convict him of
    aggravated battery, Grundy also attempts to analogize the injuries inflicted in
    this case to those suffered by the victims in Neville v. State, 
    802 N.E.2d 516
    Ct. App. 2004), trans. denied, and Salone v. State, 
    652 N.E.2d 552
    (Ind. Ct. App.
    1995), trans. denied, where we held that the evidence was insufficient to sustain
    the convictions for aggravated battery therein.6 However, those cases do not
    stand for the proposition that Grundy ascribes to them. In both cases, the
    prosecution failed to offer any evidence regarding the “severity or duration of
    functional impairment caused by the victim’s burns.” 
    Neville, 802 N.E.2d at 519
    Salone, 652 N.E.2d at 559
    ). The prosecutors in Neville and
    Salone left proof of protracted loss or impairment solely to an inference drawn
    by the factfinder “as a matter of common knowledge” that the injuries “resulted
    in protracted loss or impairment.” 
    Id. In contrast,
    here, the State offered
    In Salone, Salone was convicted of two counts of aggravated battery that corresponded to injuries inflicted
    on two separate victims. We affirmed one of his convictions and reversed the 
    other. 652 N.E.2d at 559-60
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    testimony from both Tsai and Dr. Lee that Tsai’s injuries were severe, long-
    lasting, and, to some extent, permanent.
    Issue Two: Sentence
    [6]   Next, Grundy asserts that his aggregate twenty-year sentence is inappropriate in
    light of the nature of the offense and his character, and, as such, he requests that
    we revise his sentence downward. Article 7, Sections 4 and 6 of the Indiana
    Constitution “authorize[] independent appellate review and revision of a
    sentence imposed by the trial court.” Roush v. State, 
    875 N.E.2d 801
    , 812 (Ind.
    Ct. App. 2007) (alteration in original). This appellate authority is implemented
    through Indiana Appellate Rule 7(B). 
    Id. Revision of
    a sentence under Rule
    7(B) requires the appellant to demonstrate that his sentence is inappropriate in
    light of the nature of his offenses and his character. Ind. Appellate Rule 7(B);
    Rutherford v. State, 
    866 N.E.2d 867
    , 873 (Ind. Ct. App. 2007). We assess the
    trial court’s recognition or non-recognition of aggravators and mitigators as an
    initial guide to determining whether the sentence imposed was inappropriate.
    Gibson v. State, 
    856 N.E.2d 142
    , 147 (Ind. Ct. App. 2006). However, “a
    defendant must persuade the appellate court that his or her sentence has met
    th[e] inappropriateness standard of review.” 
    Roush, 875 N.E.2d at 812
    (alteration original).
    [7]   Indiana’s flexible sentencing scheme allows trial courts to tailor an appropriate
    sentence to the circumstances presented, and the trial court’s judgment “should
    receive considerable deference.” Cardwell v. State, 
    895 N.E.2d 1219
    , 1222, 1224
    (Ind. 2008). The principal role of appellate review is to attempt to “leaven the
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    Id. at 1225.
    Whether we regard a sentence as inappropriate at the
    end of the day turns on “our sense of the culpability of the defendant, the
    severity of the crime, the damage done to others, and myriad other facts that
    come to light in a given case.” 
    Id. at 1224.
    [8]   With regard to the nature of the offense, Grundy characterizes his crime as “a
    one-punch, one-kick moment of alcohol-influenced senselessness,” which, he
    argues, was “not unusually severe.” Appellant’s Br. at 14. Further, Grundy
    contends that his sentence is inappropriate because Tsai “made a full functional
    Id. at 15.
    However, this is not how the trial court described
    Grundy’s attack. In contrast to Grundy’s assessment of his crime, the trial
    court called his crime a “devastating,” “unprovoked,” and “irrationally violent”
    attack on a “defenseless” victim. Tr. at 176. We agree with the trial court.
    Grundy viciously assailed Tsai and later downplayed the severity of his crime to
    his uncle. Tsai suffered permanent injuries and now feels unsafe in the United
    States. The nature of the offense supports Grundy’s sentence.
    [9]   Grundy’s character also supports his sentence. As the trial court found,
    Grundy has a substantial criminal history, which includes several other
    convictions for battery. A number of his convictions are felonies, and,
    significantly, Grundy was on probation and drove on a suspended license when
    he attacked Tsai. Finally, Grundy attempted to manipulate Smith to keep her
    from testifying against him. Thus, we also hold that Grundy’s sentence is not
    inappropriate in light of his character.
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    Issue Three: Habitual Offender Statute
    [10]   Last, Grundy contends that the trial court erred when it sentenced him pursuant
    to the habitual offender statute in effect prior to July 1, 2014. He asserts that,
    instead, the trial court should have sentenced him pursuant to the amended
    habitual offender statute, which went into effect on July 1, 2014. Grundy’s
    challenge presents a question of law, which we review de novo. State v. Moss-
    686 N.E.2d 109
    , 110 (Ind. 1997).
    [11]   Prior to July 1, 2014, Indiana’s habitual offender statute provided:
    The court shall sentence a person found to be a habitual offender
    to an additional fixed term that is not less than the advisory
    sentence for the underlying offense nor more than three (3) times
    the advisory sentence for the underlying offense. However, the
    additional sentence may not exceed thirty (30) years.
    I.C. § 35-50-2-8(h) (2013). That statute now states:
    The court shall sentence a person found to be a habitual offender
    to an additional fixed term that is between:
    six (6) years and twenty (20) years, for a person
    convicted of murder or a Level 1 through Level 4
    Ind. Code § 35-50-2-8(i)(1) (2014). Had Grundy committed his offense after
    July 1, 2014, his aggravated battery conviction would be a Level 3 felony. See
    I.C. § 35-42-2-1.5 (2014).
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    [12]   When the legislature enacted the new criminal code, it did so alongside a
    general savings statute. That statute provides that the revisions to the criminal
    code do not affect “(1) penalties incurred; (2) crimes committed; or (3)
    proceedings begun” before those revisions took effect. I.C. § 1-1-5.5-21(a)
    (2014). Further, the savings clause specifies that “[t]he general assembly does
    not intend the doctrine of amelioration to apply.” 7 I.C. § 1-1-5.5-21(b) (2014).
    [13]   Grundy contends that the general savings clause does not apply to habitual
    offender determinations and, thus, that he should have benefitted from the
    reduced enhancement provided for in the new habitual offender statute.
    Specifically, Grundy asserts that “habitual offender” is a status, not a separate
    crime, and that he obtained habitual offender status on August 26, 2014, after
    the effective date of the revisions to our criminal code. Therefore, he reasons:
    (1) “[t]here were no crimes committed prior to July 1, 2014”; (2) “[t]here were
    no habitual offender penalties incurred prior to July 1, 2014”; and (3) “[t]here
    were no proceedings begun on the habitual offender status because no
    proceedings can begin until the underlying felony conviction[, which was
    entered on August 13, 2014,] is in place.” Appellant’s Br. at 19.
    [14]   Grundy concludes that “a person cannot have the status of being a habitual
    offender unless and until he has been convicted of the underlying felony.” 
    Id. (emphasis in
    original). Consequently, because the trial court wished to
    Where no savings clause exists, the doctrine of amelioration allows a court to apply an ameliorative
    amendment made to a sentencing statute “to all those sentenced after [the statute’s] effective date.” Hooker v.
    799 N.E.2d 561
    , 575 (Ind. Ct. App. 2003), trans. denied.
    Court of Appeals of Indiana | Opinion 49A02-1409-CR-665| June 30, 2015                            Page 17 of 19
    sentence him to the minimum enhancement allowed under the habitual
    offender statute, Grundy asserts that, had the court properly sentenced him
    under the revised statute, he would have only received a six-year enhancement
    and not the ten-year enhancement that he actually received.
    [15]   While we acknowledge the creativity of Grundy’s argument, we disagree with
    his ultimate conclusion. Although Grundy is correct that a habitual offender
    status “is not a separate crime,” nevertheless, that status is attached to the
    underlying crime. See Baurer v. State, 
    875 N.E.2d 744
    , 747 (Ind. Ct. App. 2007),
    trans. denied. As we stated in Baurer, a habitual offender finding is “an
    enhancement of the sentence for the underlying crime to which it is attached.” 
    Id. (emphasis supplied).
    And it is well settled that “the sentencing statutes in effect
    at the time the defendant committed the offense govern the defendant’s
    sentence.” Marley, v State, 
    17 N.E.3d 335
    , 340 (Ind. Ct. App 2014), trans. denied.
    As a panel of this court recently stated, “[t]he time of a crime is selected as an
    act of free will by the offender, and, thus, it is the criminal, not the State, that
    chooses which statute applies to his or her offense.” Whittaker v. State, ___
    N.E.3d ___, 
    2015 WL 2405590
    , at *2 (Ind. Ct. App. May 20, 2015), not yet
    certified; see also Bell v. State, 
    654 N.E.2d 856
    , 858 (Ind. Ct. App. 1995).
    [16]   Therefore, although Grundy was not adjudicated a habitual offender until
    August 26, 2014, his status as such is inextricably attached to the date he
    committed the underlying crime, which was on December 28, 2013, well before
    the effective date of the revisions to our criminal code. And, again, “the law in
    effect when the crime was committed controls sentencing.” Riffe v. State, 675
    Court of Appeals of Indiana | Opinion 49A02-1409-CR-665| June 30, 2015         Page 18 of 
    19 N.E.2d 710
    , 712 (Ind. Ct. App. 1996), trans. denied. The legislature
    acknowledged as much when it enacted a general savings clause that states that
    the revisions to the criminal code do not apply to crimes committed before the
    effective date of those revisions, through the doctrine of amelioration or
    otherwise. See 
    Marley, 17 N.E.3d at 340
    (“It is abundantly clear . . . that the
    General Assembly intended the new criminal code to have no effect on criminal
    proceedings for offenses committed prior to the enactment of the new code.”),
    trans. denied. We, therefore, hold that the trial court did not err when it
    enhanced Grundy’s sentence pursuant to the habitual offender statute in effect
    prior to July 1, 2014.
    [17]   In sum, we hold that sufficient evidence supports Grundy’s conviction for
    aggravated battery. Further, we hold that the trial court did not err when it
    sentenced Grundy or when it enhanced his sentence pursuant to the habitual
    offender statute in effect prior to July 1, 2014.
    [18]   Affirmed.
    Baker, J., and Friedlander, J., concur.
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