Delshawn Marshall v. State of Indiana (mem. dec.) ( 2019 )

    Pursuant to Ind. Appellate Rule 65(D),
    this Memorandum Decision shall not be
    regarded as precedent or cited before any                              Oct 23 2019, 10:26 am
    court except for the purpose of establishing                                CLERK
    Indiana Supreme Court
    the defense of res judicata, collateral                                    Court of Appeals
    and Tax Court
    estoppel, or the law of the case.
    ATTORNEY FOR APPELLANT                                   ATTORNEYS FOR APPELLEE
    Sean P. Hilgendorf                                       Curtis T. Hill, Jr.
    South Bend, Indiana                                      Attorney General of Indiana
    Tyler G. Banks
    Deputy Attorney General
    Indianapolis, Indiana
    IN THE
    Delshawn Marshall,                                       October 23, 2019
    Appellant-Defendant,                                     Court of Appeals Case No.
    v.                                               Appeal from the St. Joseph
    Superior Court
    State of Indiana,                                        The Honorable Elizabeth C.
    Appellee-Plaintiff.                                      Hurley, Judge
    Trial Court Cause No.
    Robb, Judge.
    Court of Appeals of Indiana | Memorandum Decision 19A-CR-567 | October 23, 2019                 Page 1 of 9
    Case Summary and Issue
    [1]   Following a jury trial, Delshawn Marshall was found guilty of armed robbery, a
    Level 3 felony, and sentenced to thirteen years in the Indiana Department of
    Correction, with three years suspended to probation. Marshall appeals his
    conviction, raising one issue for our review: whether the State presented
    sufficient evidence to support his conviction. Concluding the State produced
    sufficient evidence, we affirm.
    Facts and Procedural History
    [2]   Around 2:30 p.m. on July 18, 2017, Harodd Cureton received a phone call from
    Sha’paris Jordan asking Cureton to sell her marijuana. Having sold her
    marijuana two times previously, Cureton agreed to sell Jordan “half of [an]
    ounce” of marijuana for $120. Transcript, Volume 2 at 17. Originally, Cureton
    and Jordan had agreed to meet in the parking lot of a bowling alley in South
    Bend, Indiana. However, Jordan switched the meeting location to Roosevelt
    Street, which is located in a residential neighborhood. Prior to the meeting,
    Jordan asked Cureton to send her a picture of himself, which was not
    commonplace in their previous transactions. Cureton declined to send the
    [3]   Around 8:30 p.m., Cureton arrived on Roosevelt Street and parked his red
    Chevrolet Monte Carlo behind Jordan’s Saturn Ion. Cureton requested that
    Jordan come to his car to finalize the transaction, however Jordan insisted that
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    Cureton come to her car. Cureton agreed and sat in Jordan’s passenger seat.
    While sitting in Jordan’s car, Cureton became concerned because in addition to
    having requested his picture earlier, Jordan was now very focused on texting
    someone on her phone and seemed to be attempting to stall the sale. After
    approximately fifteen minutes, Cureton pushed to complete the transaction, but
    Jordan became flirtatious, even putting her leg out of the car’s window and
    offering to have sex with him.
    [4]   Around this time, Cureton saw a man, later identified as Marshall, approaching
    the vehicle with a gun “[h]anging out [of] his pants.” 
    Id. at 39.
    described the gun as black and “like a .45” with a slide on the top. 
    Id. at 26.
    Sensing potential danger, Cureton exited Jordan’s vehicle. When Cureton
    exited the vehicle, Marshall asked Cureton for a cigarette and Cureton obliged.
    Subsequently, Marshall and Jordan engaged in conversation, making it seem
    clear to Cureton that they had a previous connection.
    [5]   Now feeling that danger was imminent, Cureton began running, with Marshall
    chasing him soon after. Cureton made it past approximately three houses before
    Marshall caught up to him. Marshall took out his gun and told Cureton to
    empty his pockets. Cureton had in his pockets a single bag of marijuana; a key
    ring that contained the key to his Monte Carlo, a whistle, and a heart charm; an
    LG cell phone; and about $200 cash. Cureton threw these items to the ground
    in compliance with Marshall’s command, and Marshall picked them up and ran
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    [6]   Robert Sigafoose, a Roosevelt Street resident, witnessed the chase and robbery
    from his living room window. He observed a heavy-set male (Cureton) being
    chased by a “tall slinky guy” with a black gun tucked in his belt (Marshall). 
    Id. at 50.
    He then saw Cureton stop and raise his hands while Marshall picked
    something up from the ground and ran away. Near the end of the robbery,
    another neighborhood resident called the police. Shortly thereafter, Cureton
    realized that his car was missing from where he had left it.
    [7]   South Bend police arrived at the scene and attempted to gather information
    from Cureton. Initially, Cureton did not admit to police that he intended to sell
    marijuana to Jordan. He stated instead that he had simply stopped to help a
    broken-down car on the side of the road. However, after learning from police
    that he would not be charged with any drug-related offenses if he told the truth,
    Cureton provided police with a description of Marshall and Jordan, details of
    the underlying transaction, and information about his stolen car and
    [8]   The police then searched the surrounding area and located Cureton’s red Monte
    Carlo in the parking lot of a nearby apartment complex. Parked directly next to
    the Monte Carlo was a Saturn Ion, with Jordan in the driver’s seat and
    Marshall in the passenger seat.
    [9]   Police officers approached the Saturn Ion and instructed Marshall and Jordan
    to exit the vehicle. Marshall and Jordan were then detained and placed in
    handcuffs. Police officers returned to the Saturn Ion and, through an open
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    window, observed a pistol grip protruding from beneath a white towel that was
    on the floor of the Saturn Ion’s passenger seat where Marshall had been sitting.
    [10]   When Jordan was escorted from the Saturn Ion, police could smell a strong
    odor of marijuana coming from her clothing. Officers performed a pat-down
    search of Jordan and found what was later determined to be approximately 8.7
    grams of marijuana packaged in a single bag in her “crotch area[.]” 
    Id. at 81.
    Officers also found a partially burned cigar that was filled with marijuana on
    Jordan’s person during the pat-down search. Jordan admitted the marijuana
    found by officers was the marijuana Cureton intended to sell to her.
    [11]   Officers transported Cureton to the location of his Monte Carlo to identify
    Jordan and Marshall. Cureton positively identified Marshall as the man who
    had robbed him. Jordan and Marshall were arrested.
    [12]   Officers obtained a search warrant for the Monte Carlo and Saturn Ion and had
    the vehicles towed to the South Bend police department. Forensic technicians
    retrieved the gun from the Saturn Ion. Upon further examination and
    laboratory testing, Marshall’s DNA was found on the gun’s front side and the
    bottom of the magazine. According to the laboratory analysis, the DNA was
    more consistent with someone handling the gun than DNA being transferred to
    the gun from another object. Other items found in the Saturn Ion included a
    key ring containing a whistle, heart charm, and the key to Cureton’s Monte
    Carlo; an LG cell phone; and $28 cash.
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    [13]   The State charged Marshall with one count of armed robbery, a Level 3 felony.
    A jury found Marshall guilty as charged, and the trial court imposed a thirteen-
    year sentence with three years suspended to probation. Marshall now appeals.
    Discussion and Decision
    I. Standard of Review
    [14]   When reviewing a conviction for sufficiency of the evidence it is the role of this
    court to consider only the evidence most favorable to the verdict and all
    reasonable and logical inferences to be drawn therefrom. Minter v. State, 
    653 N.E.2d 1382
    , 1383 (Ind. 1995). A conviction will be affirmed if a reasonable
    juror could find a defendant guilty beyond a reasonable doubt when taking all
    the facts and inferences in favor of the conviction. Bailey v. State, 
    907 N.E.2d 1003
    , 1005 (Ind. 2009). We do not reweigh the evidence or judge the credibility
    of witnesses. Wear v. State, 
    593 N.E.2d 1179
    , 1179 (Ind. 1992).
    II. Sufficiency of the Evidence
    [15]   Marshall contends that the State failed to produce sufficient evidence to convict
    him of armed robbery. In making his claim, Marshall asks this court to apply
    the “incredible dubiosity rule.” Appellant’s Brief at 9. The incredible dubiosity
    rule allows this court to impinge upon a jury’s responsibility to judge the
    credibility of witnesses only when confronted with inherently improbable
    testimony. Tillman v. State, 
    642 N.E.2d 221
    , 223 (Ind. 1994). The appropriate
    scope of the incredible dubiosity rule requires that there be: 1) a sole testifying
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    witness; 2) testimony that is inherently contradictory, equivocal, or the result of
    coercion; and 3) a complete absence of circumstantial evidence. Moore v. State,
    27 N.E.3d 749
    , 756 (Ind. 2015).
    [16]   Marshall acknowledges the State offered the testimony of several witnesses but
    asserts that the “only witness that directly implicated Marshall in the crime
    charged was Cureton.” Appellant’s Br. at 9. He argues Cureton’s testimony was
    inherently improbable, referring to Cureton’s previous statements to the police,
    a lack of detail in his description of Marshall’s clothing, and the suggestive
    nature of his identification of Marshall to police on the day of the crime.
    Marshall asserts that this case turns on Cureton’s testimony alone and that there
    was no basis upon which a reasonable juror could have found him guilty
    beyond a reasonable doubt under the incredible dubiosity rule. We disagree.
    [17]   With respect to the first factor, Marshall’s reliance on the incredible dubiosity
    rule is misplaced. “[T]he application of this rule has been restricted to cases
    where there is a single testifying witness.” 
    Moore, 27 N.E.3d at 756
    added). Cureton was not a single testifying witness: Marshall’s conviction was
    based upon the testimony of ten State witnesses.
    [18]   As to the second factor, the incredible dubiosity rule applies only to conflicts in
    trial testimony. Buckner v. State, 
    857 N.E.2d 1011
    , 1018 (Ind. Ct. App. 2006). In
    other words, the second prong is satisfied “only when the witness’s trial
    testimony was inconsistent within itself, not that it was inconsistent with other
    evidence or prior testimony.” Smith v. State, 
    34 N.E.3d 1211
    , 1221 (Ind. 2015).
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    Marshall focuses on differences between Cureton’s statements to police after the
    incident and his trial testimony, but Cureton’s testimony at trial was not
    inconsistent or inherently contradictory regarding the elements of the alleged
    [19]   And as to the third factor, “[i]n a case where there is circumstantial evidence of
    an individual’s guilt, reliance on the incredible dubiosity rule is misplaced.” 
    Id. at 1222
    (quotation omitted). Here, there was a substantial amount of
    circumstantial evidence, including: 1) Sigafoose’s eyewitness account of the
    chase and robbery, 2) the description of the gun used in the robbery matching
    the gun found in Marshall’s possession, 3) Marshall being in possession of
    Cureton’s stolen belongings, 4) Marshall being found sitting in a car next to
    Cureton’s missing Monte Carlo, and 5) Marshall’s DNA being on the handgun.
    [20]   In sum, there is no basis for applying the incredible dubiosity rule in this case.
    As such, we now evaluate whether the State presented sufficient evidence to
    support Marshall’s armed robbery conviction. The State was required to prove
    that Marshall knowingly or intentionally took property from another person or
    from the presence of another person: (1) by using or threatening the use of force
    on any person; or (2) by putting any person in fear; and that he did so while
    armed with a deadly weapon. Ind. Code § 35-42-5-1(a).
    [21]   Here, Cureton testified that Marshall chased him down the street, pulled a gun
    on him, and “told [him] to empty everything [he] had in [his] pocket[.]” Tr.,
    Vol. 2 at 23-24. After he complied, Marshall then “picked up everything off the
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    ground and he took off running.” 
    Id. at 24.
    Sigafoose testified that he saw the
    chase, witnessed a man empty his pockets and raise his hands, and then saw a
    man with a gun pick up the items. Cureton’s key ring, cell phone, and
    marijuana were later found in the Saturn Ion with Jordan and Marshall, which
    was parked next to Cureton’s stolen Monte Carlo. Further, Marshall’s DNA
    was found on a black gun that was located on the floor of the passenger side of
    the Saturn Ion where he was sitting. Despite Marshall’s assertion that there is
    no evidence tying this gun to the crime, the gun matched descriptions given by
    both Cureton and Sigafoose at trial. Moreover, this evidence was corroborated
    by multiple State witnesses including five police officers, two forensic
    technicians, and Jordan.
    [22]   Thus, considering only the evidence most favorable to the verdict and all
    reasonable and logical inferences to be drawn therefrom, we conclude the State
    has met its burden.
    [23]   For the reasons set forth above, we conclude that the incredible dubiosity rule is
    inapplicable in this case and the victim’s testimony and corroborating evidence
    are sufficient to support Marshall’s conviction. Therefore, we affirm.
    [24]   Affirmed.
    Mathias, J., and Pyle, J., concur.
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