Cody N. Garman v. State of Indiana (mem. dec.) ( 2019 )

    Pursuant to Ind. Appellate Rule 65(D),                                       FILED
    this Memorandum Decision shall not be                                   Mar 15 2019, 10:22 am
    regarded as precedent or cited before any
    court except for the purpose of establishing                             Indiana Supreme Court
    Court of Appeals
    the defense of res judicata, collateral                                       and Tax Court
    estoppel, or the law of the case.
    ATTORNEY FOR APPELLANT                                   ATTORNEYS FOR APPELLEE
    Donald R. Shuler                                         Curtis T. Hill, Jr.
    Goshen, Indiana                                          Attorney General of Indiana
    Caroline G. Templeton
    Deputy Attorney General
    Indianapolis, Indiana
    IN THE
    Cody N. Garman,                                          March 15, 2019
    Appellant-Defendant,                                     Court of Appeals Case No.
    v.                                               Appeal from the Elkhart Circuit
    State of Indiana,                                        The Honorable Michael A.
    Appellee-Plaintiff.                                      Christofeno, Judge
    Trial Court Cause No.
    Tavitas, Judge.
    Court of Appeals of Indiana | Memorandum Decision 18A-CR-1275 | March 15, 2019                   Page 1 of 16
    Case Summary
    [1]   Cody Garman appeals his sentence for involuntary manslaughter, a Level 5
    felony. We affirm in part, reverse in part, and remand.
    [2]   Garman raises two issues, which we restate as follows:
    I.      Whether the trial court erred in failing to award Garman
    good time credit.
    II.     Whether Garman’s sentence is inappropriate.
    [3]   On May 25, 2017, Garman posted a Craigslist advertisement under the “casual
    encounters” section of the website seeking sexual acts in Elkhart County, where
    Garman lived. David Swartley responded to Garman’s Craigslist
    advertisement that night between 1:00 a.m. and 1:40 a.m. After Garman and
    Swartley exchanged messages, they agreed to meet. Swartley arrived at
    Garman’s house at approximately 3:00 a.m. Garman left the house and got in
    Swartley’s vehicle in the passenger seat.
    [4]   Swartley drove his vehicle around the back of Garman’s house because
    Garman lived with his family, and Garman did not want them to see him with
    Swartley. Garman and Swartley engaged in various sexual acts. Garman
    claimed Swartley also made several other comments and attempted to perform
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    other sexual acts on Garman, which Garman told Swartley he did not want to
    [5]   At some point during the interaction in the backseat, Garman testified that he
    felt Swartley drip liquid from a “vial” into Garman’s nose. Tr. Vol. IV p. 112.
    Garman stated that he did not “pass all the way out,” but that he “faded out.”
    Id. When Garman
    “woke up,” Swartley was on top of him, and Garman
    “freaked out,” “kicked [Swartley] away,” and struck Swartley in the face with
    his fist. 
    Id. Garman then
    got in the front seat of Swartley’s vehicle and drove
    away with Swartley still in the back seat. Garman found a small pathway in the
    woods and left Swartley’s vehicle there. Garman heard Swartley call for help as
    Garman fled the scene on foot.
    [6]   Later that morning, at approximately 8:20 a.m., a person who lived in the area
    noticed the parked vehicle and called police. Corporal Andrew Ahlersmeyer
    with the Elkhart County Sheriff’s Department responded to the call and found
    the vehicle in the woods in the 24000 block of Ne Ce Dah Drive in Elkhart.
    When Corporal Ahlersmeyer approached the vehicle in the woods, he noticed a
    shirtless male, later identified as Swartley, in the backseat of the vehicle, and
    positioned in an “unusual” way. Tr. Vol. II p. 83. At the time Corporal
    Ahlersmeyer approached the vehicle, Swartley appeared to be alive. Corporal
    Ahlersmeyer called an ambulance to the scene. Emergency personnel, who
    arrived at the scene, were not immediately able to find keys to the vehicle, and
    Garman later told detectives that he had thrown the keys to the vehicle in the
    wooded area.
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    [7]   Once medics got Swartley into the ambulance, he “postured,” 1 in a way that
    was indicative of a head injury. Garman’s beating of Swartley resulted in a
    subdural hematoma, a kick bruise to Swartley’s shoulder, a laceration to the top
    of Swartley’s head, bruises to both sides of Swartley’s face, three lacerations to
    different areas of Swartley’s mouth, a lacerated ear, broken cartilage, extensive
    bruising to Swartley’s head, serious trauma, neck contusions, and critical brain
    trauma. Swartley’s delayed treatment due to Garman secreting Swartley’s car
    and abandoning Swartley exacerbated Swartley’s injuries. Swartley’s death was
    declared a homicide as a result of “multiple injuries” from blunt force trauma
    and abandonment after this beating. 2 Tr. Vol. III p. 144.
    [8]   Subsequently, Garman was charged with murder. The jury trial commenced on
    March 19, 2018. During the trial, Garman contacted his friend, Regina Uribe,
    and asked Uribe to contact jurors outside of the court proceedings and give the
    jury information regarding Swartley. Specifically, Garman wanted Uribe to tell
    a member of the jury that she knew someone whom Swartley had allegedly
    raped. There is no indication in the record that Swartley was ever convicted of
    rape. Additionally, Garman asked Uribe to encourage Garman’s grandmother
    to make the same allegation. On the phone call, Garman advised Uribe that
    When a patient “postures,” he or she “tense[s] up, and [his or her] arms will draw into the core of [his or
    her] body. It’s called decorticate posturing, and what that indicates is that there is . . . an injury between the
    pathway from the brain to the spinal cord.” Tr. Vol. II p. 136.
    Doctors believed Swartley had “intracranial bleeding,” which is bleeding inside the skull, as well as “a
    hemorrhage to the brain stem, which is actually bleeding inside the brain stem itself.” Tr. Vol. II pp. 190-91.
    Ultimately, doctors did not believe that Swartley was “amenable to any surgery[,]” and that, in fact, surgery
    would be “fruitless.” 
    Id. at 194.
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    the jury would likely send Garman home that day if Uribe was to communicate
    that message to the jury.
    [9]    The State published the audio recording of Garman’s call from the Elkhart
    County Jail to Uribe during Garman’s trial. Garman testified in his own
    defense. On cross-examination, when asked about the call, Garman indicated
    that he wanted the jury to “know the truth” about Swartley. 3 Tr. Vol. IV p.
    186. No evidence, however, was ever located that Uribe or Garman’s
    grandmother ever contacted a juror. The jury convicted Garman of involuntary
    manslaughter, a Level 5 felony, as a lesser included offense of murder.
    [10]   Garman was sentenced on April 19, 2018. The trial court found as mitigating
    factors: Garman’s statements of remorse at his sentencing hearing, including
    statements expressed by Garman’s attorney; Garman’s youthful age of twenty-
    three; and Garman’s low risk to reoffend by the IRAS score.
    [11]   The trial court found as aggravating factors: Garman’s prior criminal history;
    Garman’s previous probation violation for testing positive for cocaine;
    Garman’s drug and alcohol use, which the trial court indicated showed “a
    disdain and a disregard for the law.” Appellant’s App. Vol. II p. 163. Also the
    trial court found that Garman’s other sanctions did not result in rehabilitation
    Garman testified that, during the discovery process, he learned things about Swartley, and he wanted the
    jury to have a full picture of the victim. Specifically, it appears Garman wanted the jury to know about
    certain Craigslist advertisements Swartley had posted under “casual encounters,” which Garman’s attorney
    classified as “horrific requests.” Tr. Vol. IV p. 120. These Craigslist advertisements were not admitted as
    evidence during the trial.
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    of Garman and that Garman “has not taken advantage of programming and
    alternative sanctions offered to him in the past[.]” 
    Id. The trial
    court also
    considered as aggravating factors the victim’s age of sixty-six; “[t]he harm,
    injury, loss or damages was significant and greater than the elements of the
    crime in that Swartley was “beaten to death and left to die[.]” 
    Id. Garman was
    in a position to help Swartley, but left Swartley to die. Furthermore, Garman
    planned and recruited a friend to tamper with the jury, which Garman
    admitted. The trial court also considered Garman’s disturbing statement in his
    pre-sentence investigation report that Garman was “not happy or sad about [the
    offense]. I’m kind of sad someone ended up dying [for my] actions.”
    Appellant’s App. Vol. II p. 190. The trial court noted Garman showed no
    remorse for his actions in making this statement. Finally, the trial court
    considered that Garman drove Swartley’s car to a secluded area to hide his
    crime, making it virtually impossible for anyone to render assistance to
    Swartley. 4
    [12]   The trial court awarded Garman credit for time served, but declined to grant
    Garman good time credit. The trial court sentenced Garman to six years by
    enhancing the three-year advisory sentence by three additional years based on
    the aggravators. Garman now appeals his sentence.
    Although not explicitly stated as an aggravating factor, Garman also conducted internet searches in an
    attempt to learn how to remove his DNA from certain objects. Garman also searched an obituary website for
    “Tradell Lesure,” which was the name that appeared to be connected to Swartley, at 9:46 p.m. on May 25,
    2017. Tr. Vol. IV p. 44. Swartley was not declared dead until after 10:00 p.m. on May 25, 2017.
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    [13]   Garman appeals his sentence in two different respects. First, Garman argues
    that he was improperly deprived of good time credit. Second, Garman argues
    that his sentence was inappropriate in light of the nature of the offense and
    Garman’s character.
    I.       Good Time Credit
    [14]   Garman first argues that he was deprived of good time credit. At the
    sentencing hearing, the trial court engaged in the following colloquy with
    THE COURT:         Let’s talk about credit time in Indiana. You
    understand that now you must serve three days in jail to get one
    day of good time credit?
    [GARMAN]:                Yes, sir.
    THE COURT:               Have you discussed that with your attorney,
    Mr. Britton?
    [GARMAN]:                Yes, sir.
    THE COURT:           Do you have any questions about good time
    credit law in the state of Indiana?
    [GARMAN]:                No, sir.
    Sent. Tr. pp. 3-4. Later at sentencing, the trial court concluded:
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    Court gives you credit – and listen closely, Mr. Garman. Court
    gives you credit for 328 days of actual jail time, but the Court
    declines to award you any good time credit. While you were
    incarcerated, you attempted to tamper with my jury, and you
    admitted it on the stand. And there is no way on God’s green
    earth I am giving you good time credit for that behavior. . . .
    Id. at 42.
    [15]   To determine whether Garman was entitled to good time credit and whether
    Garman was erroneously deprived of his good time credit, we must review the
    statutes at issue. “Matters of statutory interpretation, which inherently present
    a pure question of law, are reviewed de novo.” Shepard v. State, 
    84 N.E.3d 1171
    1172 (Ind. 2017) (citing Jackson v. State, 
    50 N.E.3d 767
    , 770 (Ind. 2016))
    (emphasis supplied).
    [16]   Garman claims that, “as he was not a credit restricted felon and was awaiting
    trial for a crime other than a Level 6 felony or misdemeanor, [he] would be
    assigned to Class B for credit time purposes.” Appellant’s Br. p. 9.
    Accordingly, Garman argues, that pursuant to Indiana Code Section 35-50-6-
    3.1(c), as a Class B offender, he was entitled to one day of good time credit for
    every three days he spent in jail awaiting trial.
    [17]   Pursuant to Indiana Code Section 35-50-6-3.1(c), a Class B offender earns “one
    (1) day of good time credit for every three (3) days the person is imprisoned for
    a crime or confined awaiting trial or sentencing.” The State does not appear to
    disagree that Garman was a Class B offender, but instead argues that the
    revocation of Garman’s good time credit was statutorily permitted according to
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    Indiana Code Section 35-50-6-5(a)(2), which states that a person may “be
    deprived of any part of the education credit or good time credit the person has
    earned. . .” if the person violates “one (1) or more rules of the penal facility in
    which the person is imprisoned.” Specifically, the State argues that Garman’s
    attempt to tamper with the jury constitutes obstruction of justice. Accordingly,
    the State argues, because Garman did not follow the law, he presumably broke
    a rule of the Elkhart County Jail, where Garman was housed, and the trial
    court acted within its statutory authority to deprive Garman of good time
    [18]   Garman argues that he was not granted a hearing or other procedural
    safeguards, such as written notice, prior to his denial of good time credit in
    violation of Indiana Code Sections 35-50-6-5(b) and 35-50-6-4(f). The State
    responds that, “[a]lthough the trial court did not conduct a separate hearing,
    Garman received due process. While he was represented by counsel, he was
    able to cross-examine the witness, testify on his own behalf, and certainly had
    the opportunity to call any additional witnesses he wanted[.]” Appellee’s Br. p.
    [19]   Indiana Code Section 35-50-6-5(b) states:
    Before a person may be deprived of educational credit or good
    time credit, the person must be granted a hearing to determine
    the person’s guilt or innocence and, if found guilty, whether
    deprivation of earned educational credit or good time credit is an
    appropriate disciplinary action for the violation. In connection
    with the hearing, the person is entitled to the procedural
    Court of Appeals of Indiana | Memorandum Decision 18A-CR-1275 | March 15, 2019   Page 9 of 16
    safeguards listed in section 4(c) of this chapter. The person may
    waive the person’s right to the hearing. 5
    Indiana Code Section 35-50-6-4(f) states, with regard to procedural safeguards,
    In connection with the hearing granted under subsection (d) or
    (e), the person is entitled to:
    (1) have not less than twenty-four (24) hours advance
    written notice of the date, time, and place of the hearing, and of
    the alleged misconduct and the rule the alleged misconduct is
    alleged to have violated;
    (2) have reasonable time to prepare for the hearing;
    (3) have an impartial decisionmaker;
    (4) appear and speak in the person’s own behalf;
    (5) call witnesses and present evidence;
    (6) confront and cross-examine each witness, unless the
    hearing authority finds that to do so would subject a witness to a
    substantial risk of harm;
    Section 4(c) states: “A person who is a credit restricted felon and who is imprisoned for a crime or
    imprisoned awaiting trial or sentencing is initially assigned to Class C. A credit restricted felon may not be
    assigned to Class A or Class B.”
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    (7) have the assistance of a lay advocate (the department
    may require that the advocate be an employee of, or a fellow
    prisoner in, the same facility or program);
    (8) have a written statement of the findings of fact, the
    evidence relied upon, and the reasons for the action taken;
    (9) have immunity if the person’s testimony or any
    evidence derived from the person's testimony is used in any
    criminal proceedings; and
    (10) have the person’s record expunged of any reference to
    the charge if the person is found not guilty or if a finding of guilt
    is later overturned.
    [20]   Indiana Code Section 35-50-6-4(d), referenced above, states that, “A person
    who is not a credit restricted felon may be reassigned to Class C or Class D if
    the person violates any of the following: . . . (2) A rule of the penal facility in
    which the person is imprisoned.” Indiana Code Section 35-50-6-4(e),
    referenced above, includes similar language, but applies to persons who are
    credit restricted felons. Still, under both sections: “Before a person may be
    reassigned to a lower credit time class, the person must be granted a hearing to
    determine the person’s guilt or innocence and, if found guilty, whether
    reassignment is an appropriate disciplinary action for the violation.” I.C. § 35-
    50-6-4(d); see also I.C. § 35-50-6-4(e).
    [21]   Garman’s argument requires us to consider two separate issues: (1) whether the
    deprivation of Garman’s good time credit was for a statutorily permitted
    purpose; and (2) whether the trial court’s failure to have a hearing regarding
    Court of Appeals of Indiana | Memorandum Decision 18A-CR-1275 | March 15, 2019   Page 11 of 16
    Garman’s good time credit was error. Here, we find the answer to the second
    question is dispositive. The record is unclear whether the trial court intended to
    maintain Garman’s Class B offender status and simply take away Garman’s
    good time credit, or if the trial court was changing Garman’s Class B status to
    Class D status. In either scenario a hearing is required, thus, the answer to this
    question does not change the outcome here.
    [22]   In revoking Garman’s good time credit, the trial court expressly noted that
    Garman was guilty of the offense of attempted jury tampering, which was
    proved by Garman’s testimony at trial and the audio recording of the phone call
    between Garman and Uribe played at the trial. While we can assume that this
    was a violation of the penal facility’s rules, this fact has not been established.
    See Tumbleson v. State, 
    706 N.E.2d 217
    , 218 (Ind. Ct. App. 1999) (finding that:
    “By statute, Tumbleson was entitled to one day credit time for each actual day
    served barring proof at a hearing of a violation of the rules of the facility in
    which he was incarcerated”); see also Murphy v. State, 
    930 N.E.2d 630
    , 633 (Ind.
    Ct. App. 2010) (remanding for a hearing on whether the trial court should have
    granted educational credit time because “the issue of whether Murphy
    demonstrated a pattern consistent with rehabilitation was never addressed”),
    opinion adopted by Murphy v. State, 
    942 N.E.2d 818
    (Ind. 2011). We believe
    Garman was entitled to a hearing on this issue pursuant to the statute.
    [23]   While we do agree with the State that Garman did have the opportunity to call
    witnesses related to this issue at his trial, Garman’s testimony on his attempted
    jury tampering was limited by the trial court. Specifically, the trial court did not
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    allow Garman to testify as to the details of the attempted jury tampering in
    front of the jury because doing so would reveal information that had been
    excluded pursuant to an earlier trial court ruling. Garman was also not given
    the opportunity to address the issue of deprivation of his good time credit at his
    sentencing hearing. Accordingly, Garman was not given the opportunity to
    fully address his behavior and to be heard on whether restriction of his good
    time credit was an appropriate response to his attempted jury tampering. See
    Tumbleson, 706 N.E.2d at 218
    [24]   Based on the plain reading of the statute, Garman was not given an appropriate
    hearing. Accordingly, we reverse and remand to the trial court for a hearing on
    whether Garman should be deprived of good time credit.
    II.     Inappropriate Sentencing
    [25]   Garman next contends that his sentence was inappropriate in light of the nature
    of the offense and Garman’s character. Indiana Appellate Rule 7(B) provides
    that this court may revise a sentence authorized by statute if, after due
    consideration of the trial court’s decision, we find that the sentence “is
    inappropriate in light of the nature of the offense and the character of the
    offender.” The defendant bears the burden to persuade this court that his or her
    sentence is inappropriate. Wilson v. State, 
    966 N.E.2d 1259
    , 1266 (Ind. Ct. App.
    2012) (citing Childress v. State, 
    848 N.E.2d 1073
    , 1080 (Ind. 2006)), trans. denied.
    [26]   In Indiana, trial courts can tailor an appropriate sentence to the circumstances
    presented; the trial court’s judgment receives “considerable deference.” Sanders
    Court of Appeals of Indiana | Memorandum Decision 18A-CR-1275 | March 15, 2019   Page 13 of 16
    v. State, 
    71 N.E.3d 839
    , 844 (Ind. 2017) (quoting Cardwell v. State, 
    895 N.E.2d 1219
    , 1222 (Ind. 2008)). In conducting our review, we do not look to see
    whether the defendant’s sentence is appropriate or “if another sentence might
    be more appropriate; rather, the question is whether the sentence imposed is
    Sanders, 71 N.E.3d at 844
    (citing King v. State, 
    894 N.E.2d 265
    268 (Ind. Ct. App. 2008)).
    [27]   We look to the statutory ranges established for the classification of the offense.
    Garman was found guilty of involuntary manslaughter, a Level 5 felony, as a
    lesser included offense of murder. The sentence for a Level 5 felony ranges
    from one year to six years, with an advisory sentence of three years. Ind. Code
    § 35-50-2-6. Garman was sentenced to six years.
    [28]   We first review the nature of Garman’s offense. Garman killed Swartley after a
    sexual encounter between the men. Garman kicked and beat Swartley, who
    was significantly older and weighed approximately eighty pounds less than
    Garman. After realizing that he injured Swartley, Garman drove Swartley’s
    vehicle into a wooded area, hid the vehicle, and left Swartley to die, despite
    Swartley’s calls for help. Although Garman was charged with murder, a jury
    convicted Garman of involuntary manslaughter, a Level 5 felony.
    [29]   Next, we consider Garman’s character. Garman’s criminal history, although
    not extensive, does not reflect well on Garman’s character. Garman’s juvenile
    criminal history includes: a warning and release for a crime that would be, if
    committed by an adult, criminal trespass; a referral to a juvenile program for a
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    crime that would be, if committed by an adult, battery, a Class B misdemeanor;
    and an adjudication as a delinquent for a crime that would be, if committed by
    an adult, knowingly or intentionally operating a motor vehicle without ever
    receiving a license, a Class C misdemeanor. Garman’s adult criminal history
    includes a conviction for operating a vehicle while intoxicated, a Class A
    misdemeanor in addition to the instant offense. Garman also previously
    violated the terms of his probation by testing positive for cocaine.
    [30]   Garman’s jury tampering also does not reflect well upon his character. Garman
    recruited Uribe to tamper with the jury in hopes to influence the outcome of the
    trial. Garman also requested Uribe to ask Garman’s grandmother to do the
    same. Finally, Garman’s lack of remorse also does not reflect well upon his
    character. While Garman indicated at sentencing that he was remorseful, for
    purposes of the pre-sentence investigation report, when asked if he was
    remorseful, Garman answered, “I’m not happy or sad about it. I’m kind of sad
    someone ended up dying for my actions.” Appellant’s App. Vol. II p. 139.
    Garman’s indifference to Swartley’s death, due to Garman’s actions, reflects
    poorly on Garman’s character.
    [31]   While Garman received the maximum sentence for his conviction, his sentence
    was not inappropriate. The trial court listed numerous aggravators and after
    weighing the aggravators against the mitigators, the trial court determined that
    a six-year sentence was appropriate. We do not disagree.
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    [32]   Garman’s sentence was not inappropriate in light of the nature of the offense
    and Garman’s character. The trial court, however, committed error by
    depriving Garman of his good time credit without a proper hearing.
    Accordingly, we affirm in part, reverse in part, and remand for a hearing on
    Garman’s deprivation of good time credit.
    [33]   Affirmed in part, reversed in part, and remanded.
    Baker, J., and May, J., concur.
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