J.P. v. Mid American Sound , 25 N.E.3d 165 ( 2015 )

  •                                                         Jan 14 2015, 9:50 am
    ANTHONY W. PATTERSON                            GREGORY F. ZOELLER
    Lebanon, Indiana                                Attorney General of Indiana
    ROBERT S. PECK                                  THOMAS M. FISHER
    Washington, D.C.                                Solicitor General
    Deputy Attorney General
    Indianapolis, Indiana
    IN THE
    VanDam Estate v. Mid-America Sound, et al.,     )     Consolidated
    49D02-1111-CT-044823-001,                )
    Urschel v. Mid-America Sound, et al.,           )
    49D02-1111-CT-044823-002,                )
    Brennon v. Mid-America Sound, et al.,           )
    49D02-1111-CT-044823-003,                )     No. 49A04-1405-CT-207
    Porter v. Mid-America Sound, et al.,            )
    49D02-1111-CT-044823-004,                )
    Santiago Estate v. Mid-America Sound, et al.,   )
    49D02-1111-CT-044823-005,                )
    BigJohny Estate v. Mid-America Sound, et al.,   )
    49D02-1111-CT-044823-006,                )
    Vinnegar v. Mid-America Sound, et al.,          )
    49D02-1111-CT-044823-007,                )
    Indiana Farmers v. Dave Lucas Ent., et al.,     )
    49D02-1111-CT-044823-008.                )
    The Honorable Theodore M. Sosin, Judge
    Cause No. 49D02-1111-CT-44823
    January 14, 2015
    MAY, Judge
    Jordyn Polet was injured when the stage collapsed at a concert at the Indiana State
    Fair. Polet declined the State’s settlement offer, and the State distributed, to the claimants
    who were willing to settle, all the money available under the Indiana Tort Claims Act
    (ITCA) cap of five million dollars. After her parents sued the State and others, the State
    asserted, as an affirmative defense, that the ITCA made it immune to Polet’s claim.
    Polet moved for partial summary judgment on the State’s affirmative defense it was
    immune under the ITCA. The trial court denied her motion. Polet argues the limits on the
    State’s aggregate tort liability, as applied to her, violate the Indiana Constitution’s open
    courts and equal privileges guarantees. We affirm.
    Before a concert at the Indiana State Fair in 2011, there was severe weather and the
    stage roof collapsed, causing a number of deaths and injuries. Some of the victims sued
    the State of Indiana, the Indiana State Fair Commission, the Indiana State Police
    (collectively, “the State”), and various private entities. Ind. Code § 34-13-3-4 provides
    that when a governmental entity or employee is not immune from liability, the combined
    aggregate liability of all governmental entities and of all public employees is capped at
    seven hundred thousand dollars for injury to or death of one person in any one occurrence
    We heard oral argument December 15, 2014 in Indianapolis. We commend counsel on the quality of
    their advocacy.
    and at five million dollars for injury to or death of all persons in that occurrence.
    The five million dollar limit was made available to settle the victims’ claims. Polet
    was offered $1690.75, which she declined. She was the only claimant who did not settle.
    The other sixty-four claimants accepted the State’s settlement offers, and those settlements
    exhausted the five million dollar cap.
    The following year the legislature made available an additional six million dollars
    to compensate the victims, but it specified the money was available only to victims who
    had already released the State from liability: “To receive a distribution under this chapter
    for an occurrence, an eligible person must have already released all governmental entities
    and public employees from any liability for loss resulting from the occurrence.” Ind. Code
    § 34-13-8-6. Polet was therefore not eligible for any of that money either.
    The trial court determined the statutory liability cap did not violate Polet’s
    constitutional rights, and it denied her motion for summary judgment.
    Summary judgment is appropriate only when there are no genuine issues of material
    fact and the moving party is entitled to a judgment as a matter of law. Ind. Trial Rule
    56(C). On review of a summary judgment, we face the same issues that were before the
    trial court and follow the same process. Owens Corning Fiberglass Corp. v. Cobb, 
    754 N.E.2d 905
    , 908 (Ind. 2001). The party appealing from a summary judgment has the
    burden of persuading us the grant or denial of summary judgment was erroneous. 
    Id. When a
    trial court grants summary judgment, we carefully scrutinize that determination to ensure
    a party was not improperly prevented from having its day in court. 
    Id. On a
    motion for
    summary judgment, all doubts as to the existence of material issues of fact must be resolved
    against the moving party. 
    Id. at 909.
    All facts and reasonable inferences from those facts
    are construed in favor of the nonmoving party. 
    Id. If there
    is any doubt as to what
    conclusion a jury could reach, then summary judgment is improper. 
    Id. When a
    statute is challenged as violating the Indiana Constitution, our standard of
    review is well settled. A statute is presumed constitutional until the party challenging its
    constitutionality clearly overcomes the presumption by a contrary showing. Sims v. United
    States Fid. & Guar. Co., 
    782 N.E.2d 345
    , 349 (Ind. 2003). If a statute has two reasonable
    interpretations, one constitutional and the other not, we will choose the interpretation that
    will uphold the constitutionality of the statute. 
    Id. We do
    not presume the General
    Assembly violated the constitution unless the unambiguous language of the statute so
    Id. A reviewing
    court should nullify a statute on constitutional grounds only
    where such result is clearly rational and necessary. 
    Id. 1. Open
    Ind. Const. art. I, § 12 provides: “All courts shall be open; and every person, for
    injury done to him in his person, property, or reputation, shall have remedy by due course
    of law. Justice shall be administered freely, and without purchase; completely, and without
    denial; speedily, and without delay.” The application of the ITCA liability cap to Polet did
    not violate the open courts clause.
    There is no right under the open courts clause to any particular cause of action and
    the legislature may create, modify, or abolish a particular cause of action. Smith v. Indiana
    Dep’t of Correction, 
    883 N.E.2d 802
    , 810 (Ind. 2008). But to the extent there is an existing
    cause of action, the courts must be open to entertain it. 
    Id. The constitution
    does not
    preclude the General Assembly from modifying or eliminating a common law tort, but
    Section 12 requires legislation that deprives a person of a complete tort remedy must be a
    rational means to achieve a legitimate legislative goal. McIntosh v. Melroe Co., a Div. of
    Clark Equip. Co., 
    729 N.E.2d 972
    , 979 (Ind. 2000). The ITCA aggregate liability cap is a
    rational means to achieve a legitimate legislative goal, and we cannot find its application
    to Polet unconstitutional.
    Polet characterizes herself as “a claimant with a valid, accrued cause of action
    authorized by statute,” but who “has no practical means of asserting it” just because she
    declined a settlement offer she felt was inadequate and because the State paid the maximum
    amount of its liability to others. (Plaintiff-Appellant’s Opening Br. (hereinafter “Polet
    Br.”) at 12.)
    We note initially the aggregate liability caps in the ITCA have been found
    constitutional: “The legislative purpose behind the liability limitations was to protect the
    financial integrity of a governmental entity, and this statutory provision cannot be deemed
    repugnant to the constitution merely because it restricts the amount of damages available
    to the Class.” In re Train Collision at Gary, Ind. on Jan. 18, 1993, 
    654 N.E.2d 1137
    , 1149
    (Ind. Ct. App. 1995), reh’g denied, trans. denied.
    “Article I, Section 12 does not specify any particular remedy for any particular
    wrong. Rather, it leaves the definition of wrongs and the specification of remedies to the
    legislature and the common law.” Cantrell v. Morris, 
    849 N.E.2d 488
    , 499 (Ind. 2006). It
    is within the legislature’s authority to expand or restrict the scope of sovereign immunity
    through the ITCA.       State v. Rendleman, 
    603 N.E.2d 1333
    , 1337 (Ind. 1992). The
    Rendleman Court held the law enforcement immunity section of the Act was a
    constitutional exercise of legislative authority. 
    Id. That the
    immunity section “may result
    in Rendleman bearing the full economic burden of his injuries and damages without the
    ability to insure himself against such losses, is a matter of policy for the legislature, not
    this Court, to address.” 
    Id. at 1333.
    Because the open courts clause does not prevent the legislature from modifying or
    restricting common-law rights or remedies, the State argues Polet has “no protectable
    interest” in a tort claim against the State. (State’s Br. at 12.) The State asserts Polet’s
    “right to bring her claim is subject to the Act’s restrictions,” including the liability cap. (Id.
    at 15.) The State notes Polet was not precluded from pursuing a claim; in fact, she did and
    the State offered her a settlement. It was not lack of access to the courts that prevented
    Polet’s recovery – it was the statutory limit on the State’s liability.
    Even if the effect of the application of the ITCA’s aggregate cap left Polet “no
    practical means of asserting” her tort claim, the restriction on Polet’s right to bring her
    claim did not violate the open courts clause. There is a right of access to the courts, and
    the legislature cannot unreasonably deny citizens the right to exercise this right. Martin v.
    711 N.E.2d 1273
    , 1283 (Ind. 1999). Nor can the legislature deprive a person of a
    complete tort remedy arbitrarily and unreasonably, consistent with the protections Section
    12 affords. Legislation that restricts such a right must be a rational means to achieve a
    legitimate legislative goal. 
    Id. And see
    McIntosh v. Melroe Co., a Div. of Clark Equip.
    729 N.E.2d 972
    , 979-80 (Ind. 2000) (Section 12 requires that legislation that deprives
    a person of a complete tort remedy must be a rational means to achieve a legitimate
    legislative goal).
    One of the main concerns the ITCA was intended to address was protection of the
    public treasury from a multitude of tort lawsuits. Harrison v. Veolia Water Indianapolis,
    929 N.E.2d 247
    , 253 (Ind. Ct. App. 2010). See also Jack M. Sabatino, Privatization
    and Punitives: Should Government Contractors Share the Sovereign’s Immunities from
    Exemplary Damages?, 58 Ohio St. L.J. 175, 199 (1997) (noting the concept of sovereign
    immunity “may be substantially predicated on protecting the public treasury, and thereby
    the taxpayers at large, from what could be enormous monetary liabilities if government
    were held legally accountable in civil litigation in exactly the same fashion as private
    entities and persons”). The aggregate liability cap is a rational means to achieve the
    legitimate legislative goal of protecting the public treasury. See Thompson v. State, 
    425 N.E.2d 167
    , 176 (Ind. Ct. App. 1981) (there is a rational basis to the legislature’s attempt
    to protect the public treasury from unlimited liability in tort).
    2.     Equal Privileges
    Ind. Const. Art. I, § 23 provides “[t]he General Assembly shall not grant to any
    citizen, or class of citizens, privileges or immunities, which, upon the same terms, shall not
    equally belong to all citizens.” Where a statute grants unequal privileges or immunities to
    different classes of persons, proper constitutional inquiry under Section 23 requires
    consideration of two factors. First, the disparate treatment accorded by the legislation must
    be reasonably related to inherent characteristics that distinguish the unequally treated
    classes. Second, the preferential treatment must be uniformly applicable and equally
    available to all persons similarly situated.2 
    Collins, 644 N.E.2d at 78-79
    . The test for a
    rational relationship for legislative classifications under Article 1, § 23 is very similar to
    the requirement of rationality under Article 1, § 12 discussed above. Morrison v. Sadler,
    821 N.E.2d 15
    , 35 (Ind. Ct. App. 2005).
    The protections assured by Section 23 apply fully, equally, and without diminution
    to prohibit any and all improper grants of unequal privileges or immunities, including not
    only those grants involving suspect classes or impinging upon fundamental rights but other
    such grants as well. 
    Collins, 644 N.E.2d at 80
    . In determining whether a statute violates
    Section 23, we exercise substantial deference to legislative discretion. 
    Id. The considerations
    embodied in the first factor focus on the nature of the
    classifications of citizens on which the legislature is basing its disparate treatment. Where
    the legislature singles out one person or class of persons to receive a privilege or immunity
    not equally provided to others, such classification must be based on distinctive, inherent
    characteristics that rationally distinguish the unequally treated class, and the disparate
    As we find no disparate treatment that raises a section 23 concern, we do not address whether any
    “preferential treatment” was “uniformly applicable and equally available to all persons similarly situated.”
    treatment accorded by the legislation must be reasonably related to such distinguishing
    Id. at 78-79.
    Legislative classification becomes a judicial question when the lines drawn appear
    arbitrary or manifestly unreasonable. 
    Id. If the
    classification is based on substantial
    distinctions with reference to the subject matter, we will not substitute our judgment for
    that of the legislature; nor will we inquire into the legislative motives prompting such
    Id. Polet characterizes
    the “class of citizens” she is in as persons who are victims of the
    “[S]tate’s negligence that results in injuries to multiple persons” as opposed to “persons
    who are the sole victims of the [S]tate’s negligent acts.” (Polet Br. at 13.) When there are
    many victims, none can be eligible for damages at the individual cap amount of seven
    hundred thousand dollars. The disparate treatment between a small group of injured
    persons and a large group violates the first prong of the Collins analysis, Polet says, because
    it is not reasonably related to inherent characteristics that distinguish the unequally treated
    classes. She asserts no such inherent characteristics distinguish claimants injured by
    themselves from claimants injured along with numerous other persons, nor is there
    anything that distinguishes Polet’s claim from that of anyone else who was injured in the
    stage collapse “that would justify complete foreclosure of her claim.” (Polet Br. at 15.) “It
    is the claim, not any innate characteristic of the person, that defines the class.” 
    McIntosh, 729 N.E.2d at 981
    We note initially that nothing in the ITCA classifies claimants or “promises
    recovery to some while denying it to others.” (State’s Br. at 20.) The State characterizes
    Polet’s proposed classification as just “an incidental effect of the Act,” which treats all
    claimants the same, not differently. 
    Id. at 21.
    In limiting the amount recoverable by
    individual and by incident, the ITCA applies equally to all claims and all incidents, and
    both categories Polet defines are subject to the individual and aggregate caps. We therefore
    cannot find there is a classification in the case before us that implicates the equal privileges
    We acknowledge that in Estate of McCall v. United States, 
    134 So. 3d 894
    2014), the Florida Supreme Court found unconstitutional the classification of tort claimants
    when there are multiple victims rather than a single victim. Even if we were to recognize
    such a classification in Indiana, its application would not violate the Indiana equal
    privileges clause.
    Florida’s statutory cap on wrongful death noneconomic damages in medical
    negligence actions provided for a limit of five hundred thousand dollars per claimant. “The
    total noneconomic damages recoverable by all claimants from all practitioner defendants
    under this subsection shall not exceed $1 million in the aggregate.” Fla. Stat § 766.118(2).
    The McCall Court determined the statutory cap on wrongful death noneconomic
    damages imposed “unfair and illogical” burdens on injured parties when an act of medical
    negligence gave rise to multiple claimants. 
    Id. at 901.
    That type of classification was
    “purely arbitrary and unrelated to a true state interest.” 
    Id. In such
    circumstances, medical
    malpractice claimants do not receive the same rights to full compensation because of
    arbitrarily diminished compensation for legally cognizable claims:
    [T]he death of a wife who leaves only a surviving spouse to claim the
    $250,000 is not equal to the death of a wife who leaves a surviving spouse
    and four minor children, resulting in five claimants to divide $250,000. We
    fail to see how this classification bears any rational relationship to the
    Legislature’s stated goal of alleviating the financial crisis in the medical
    liability industry. Such a categorization offends the fundamental notion of
    equal justice under the law and can only be described as purely arbitrary and
    unrelated to any state interest. Further, the statutory cap on wrongful death
    noneconomic damages does not bear a rational relationship to the stated
    purpose that the cap is purported to address, the alleged medical malpractice
    insurance crisis in Florida.
    Id. (quoting St.
    Mary’s Hospital, Inc. v. Phillipe, 
    769 So. 2d 961
    , 972 (Fla. 2000), reh’g
    denied) (emphasis supplied by the McCall Court).
    The dual-cap system in Indiana has the same effect, Polet argues, because it is
    inherently discriminatory when applied without regard to the number of claimants who are
    entitled to recover. No inherent characteristic of the class justifies the differential treatment
    of identical claims. The State’s consent to be sued, as represented by the ITCA, therefore
    is not uniformly applied and available to all qualified claimants, as required by Collins.
    McCall is distinguishable. There, the distinction between single claimant and
    multiple-claimant classes had no rational relationship to the legislature’s goal of alleviating
    a purported crisis in the medical liability insurance industry. The aggregate cap in the
    ITCA, by contrast, does bear a rational relationship to the legislative goal of protecting the
    public treasury against unlimited tort liability. The ITCA’s aggregate cap does not classify
    tort victims, but only occurrences, and the legislature may properly decide that occurrences
    that generate over five million dollars in liability place too great a burden on the treasury.
    The application of the ITCA aggregate liability cap to Polet did not violate the open
    courts clause of the Indiana constitution, nor was Polet in a class of persons treated
    unequally compared to other claimants seeking relief under the ITCA. We accordingly
    VAIDIK, C.J., and FRIEDLANDER, J., concur.