Walnut Creek Nursey, Inc., d/b/a Alsip Home & Nursey v. Barbara Banske , 26 N.E.3d 648 ( 2015 )

  •                                                                   Feb 19 2015, 10:06 am
    ATTORNEYS FOR APPELLANT                                    ATTORNEY FOR APPELLEE
    William H. Kelley                                          Michael E. Polen, Jr.
    Thaddeus Craig Kelley                                      Rubino, Ruman, Crosmer & Polen
    Kelley & Belcher                                           Dyer, Indiana
    Bloomington, Indiana
    Defense Trial Counsel of Indiana                           Indiana Trial Lawyers Association
    Donald B. Kite, Sr.                                        Lance R. Ladendorf
    Wuertz Law Office, LLC                                     Ladendorf Law
    Indianapolis, Indiana                                      Indianapolis, Indiana
    Crystal G. Rowe
    Kightlinger & Gray, LLP
    New Albany, Indiana
    IN THE
    Walnut Creek Nursery, Inc.,                               February 19, 2015
    d/b/a Alsip Home & Nursery,                               Court of Appeals Cause No.
    Appeal from the Lake Superior
    v.                                                Court.
    The Honorable John R. Pera, Judge.
    Cause No. 45D10-1401-CT-2
    Barbara Banske,
    Sharpnack, Senior Judge
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    Statement of the Case
    [1]   Walnut Creek Nursery, Inc., d/b/a Alsip Home & Nursery (“Alsip”), appeals
    from a jury’s verdict in favor of Barbara Banske, in a negligence action brought
    by Banske. Alsip contends that the trial court committed reversible error by
    allowing a naprapath, who was licensed as such in Illinois, to testify about her
    treatment of Banske in Illinois. Alsip claims that the testimony should have
    been excluded and that a new trial should be held during which that testimony
    is not admitted. Concluding that no error is preserved for our review, we
    [2]   Alsip presents the following issue for our review: Whether the trial court
    committed reversible error by allowing the naprapath’s testimony at trial.
    Facts and Procedural History
    [3]   On February 28, 2011, Banske, who lives in Lansing, Illinois, slipped on a floor
    mat and fell on her side while on Alsip’s premises located in St. John, Indiana.
    Banske sought treatment for her injuries. Banske had previously sought
    treatment from Laura Grice, a naprapath licensed in Illinois, and sought
    treatment from Grice in Illinois after her slip and fall. Additional information
    about naprapathy and the treatment Banske received will be provided later in
    this opinion.
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    [4]   Banske filed a complaint against Alsip seeking to recover damages for the
    injuries she alleged she sustained from her fall. On July 17, 2013, Alsip took a
    discovery deposition of Grice in Illinois, and both counsel for Alsip and Banske
    questioned her. On November 7, 2013, Alsip filed a motion in limine
    requesting the exclusion of Grice’s testimony, alleging that Grice was not
    qualified to testify about 1) Banske’s medical condition, 2) the proximate cause
    of Banske’s stated physical or emotional condition, 3) Banske’s truthfulness or
    honesty, or 4) the amounts that Grice charged for her services.
    [5]   On December 5, 2013, a final pre-trial conference was held before Lake
    Superior Court Judge John M. Sedia, who considered Alsip’s motion in limine.
    Judge Sedia denied the motion in limine, concluding that Grice could testify as
    a naprapath, but that her testimony would be limited as follows:
    This is a little different. This deals with treatment of injuries. I guess
    what I would rule is that I think she can testify, but she has to testify
    only within the confines of her skill. In other words, she can’t say
    well, you know, I did soft manipulation on her, but then I looked at
    the X-ray, and the X-ray showed this. So I think, you know, this is
    what caused it. Or, I talked to a chiropractor, we conferred, and we
    agreed that—you know, she can’t do any of that.
    She can just—you know, whatever the limits of her ability—of her
    qualification and licensure, she can testi—I think she can testify to
    because she’s licensed, albeit not in Indiana, and she did the treatment
    in Illinois, and she’s familiar with the patient, but I—you know, I –but
    her testimony has to be very limited, and so that’s what I’ll rule.
    And I guess in the context of a motion in limine, you know, and I want
    those words that she’s limited to testifying as to the qualifications of
    her particular discipline. You know, it’s going to come up anyway
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    possibly where, you know, there will be an objection anyway, you
    know, of how –of whether or not she’s, you know, running afield of
    So I guess I want to be prepared to deal with that as well, because I’m
    not sure, you know—I have a general idea what naprapaths do, but
    certainly, you know, I’ve never been treated by one, and I don’t know,
    and I’m sure [defense counsel] will be very attuned to whether or not
    he thinks that she’s exceeding the limits of her qualifications, and, you
    know, just looking at his motion, you know, and he’s right. You
    know, we don’t have any case law that says yes or no, so maybe this
    will be ripe for appeal, another chance for me to get reversed maybe, I
    don’t know, but that’s—I think she can testify, but I think she has to
    stay within the confines of her particular discipline.
    Appellant’s App. pp. 58-59.
    [6]   Judge Sedia later recused from the case and the matter was transferred to Lake
    Superior Court Judge John R. Pera. At the jury trial, Banske introduced
    Grice’s testimony by reading excerpts of her deposition. Before the deposition
    was read, Alsip objected on the grounds raised in the motion in limine. The
    following arguments were made regarding the deposition testimony:
    [DEFENSE]: This witness’s testimony is the subject of our motion in
    limine. We want to renew our objection to her qualifications to give
    testimony in this case. She’s not a medical doctor or chiropractor
    licensed to do anything in the State of Indiana. She’s admitted she
    can’t give testimony as to causation of injuries. We don’t think she’s
    qualified as an expert in this case.
    THE COURT: What do you—
    [PLAINTIFF]: Doctor—she’s a doctor of naprapathy. She’s licensed
    through the State of Illinois. All the treatment happened in Illinois.
    THE COURT: She’s licensed there?
    [PLAINTIFF]: And she’s licensed in the State of Illinois. None of the
    treatment took place in Indiana.
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    THE COURT: And what was the ruling on the motion in limine?
    [DEFENSE]: It was denied. Judge Sedia said she could testify within
    her qualifications.
    THE COURT: All right. That’s my ruling as well.
    [DEFENSE]: All right. Thank you.
    Tr. pp. 235-36.
    [7]   Excerpts of the direct examination and cross-examination of Grice’s deposition
    were read into evidence by both parties without objections during the
    testimony. Grice testified that she received her degree from the Chicago
    National College of Naprapathy. She had not received a bachelor’s degree, and
    other than her naprapathy degree had no medical, chiropractic, or osteopathic
    training. Grice neither practiced nor was licensed to practice naprapathy in
    [8]   Grice testified that naprapathy is “soft tissue manipulation, connective tissue
    manipulation” with the goal of “assist[ing] the body in healing itself.” Tr. pp.
    251-52. Naprapathy involves application of pressure to points on a person’s
    body that “releases the contracture or tightness of the soft tissue to facilitate
    opening up the circulation.” 
    Id. at 252-53.
    [9]   Grice testified that as a naprapath she cannot prescribe medications, take x-
    rays, or perform invasive surgery or diagnostic testing. She does regularly
    review physicians’ reports and takes down a patient’s medical history. Grice
    could not recall if medical doctors had ever referred patients to her for
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    treatment, but that those referrals are “not the normal situation” in her practice.
    Id. at 255-56.
    [10]   Grice had treated Banske since 2007, and before 2011 had treated Banske only
    for pain in the right knee. In May 2008, during Banske’s last visit for treatment
    with Grice prior to Banske’s fall, Banske did not complain about any problems
    in her lower back, left side, left hip, left shoulder, or left leg.
    [11]   March 8, 2011 was Banske’s first visit for treatment with Grice after her fall.
    She told Grice about the fall and related that she was experiencing pain on the
    left side of her body. Grice conducted objective tests on Banske and found
    muscle spasms in the trapezius, the left gluteus, the piriformis, and the
    hamstrings, and found trigger points. Grice also performed a straight leg raising
    test and found radiating pain in Banske’s legs. Grice also found that Banske’s
    pelvis was in an abnormal position.
    [12]   Grice continued treating Banske for more than a year, and testified that Banske
    followed her recommendations. Grice’s usual treatment involves using her
    hands, palpating for contractures, and manipulating the connective tissue to
    release the contracture. Grice also applied cryotherapy, which involves the
    application of an analgesic called Sombra to the inflamed areas of Bankse’s
    body. Sombra is only obtainable by medical doctors, chiropractors, or
    naprapaths. Grice further testified that Banske, who had always been cheerful
    and upbeat, was sad after the fall because she could not perform some of the
    activities she could do in the past.
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    [13]   After the deposition was read, Banske introduced the videotaped deposition of
    Ram Aribindi, M.D., an orthopedic surgeon practicing in Olympia Fields,
    Illinois, who treated Banske. Dr. Aribindi testified that Banske first visited him
    on March 9, 2011. During that visit, Banske told Dr. Aribindi about her fall
    and complained of pain in her left wrist, bruising on the left buttock region,
    pain in the knee, and pain and swelling in her left ankle. Dr. Aribindi
    examined her and diagnosed her with a left ankle sprain, left knee pain, and left
    wrist pain, all caused or aggravated by the fall. He further testified that because
    Banske was sixty-six years old at the time of her fall, the fall may have
    aggravated arthritic changes in Banske’s left side and left knee.
    [14]   Dr. Aribindi gave Banske a steroid injection in her left knee, fitted a brace over
    her left wrist, gave her a lace up brace over her left ankle, ordered her to refrain
    from lifting or carrying weights with her left arm, and prescribed Naproxen.
    Banske saw Dr. Aribindi three weeks later. At that appointment Dr. Aribindi
    determined that Banske suffered from plantar fasciitis, aggravation of
    underlying arthritis in her left knee, and arthritic changes in her thumb, wrist,
    and hand. Banske was fitted with a nighttime splint for the fasciitis, and Dr.
    Aribindi referred her to a physical therapist. On Banske’s next appointment
    with Dr. Aribindi, he noted that she continued to suffer her previous pain, in
    addition to pain in her left shoulder girdle. Dr. Aribindi ordered an MRI of
    Banske’s shoulder and ordered a left CAM walker boot to immobilize Banske’s
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    [15]   Banske’s MRI revealed that she had suffered a rotator cuff tear. Banske elected
    to have a left shoulder arthroscopy, and Dr. Aribindi gave her a steroid
    injection in the left wrist. At Banske’s next appointment on June 6, 2011, Dr.
    Aribindi noted that her symptoms had improved. Dr. Aribindi noted on
    November 6, 2011, that although Banske complained of lower back pain, he
    declined to attribute that pain to the fall.
    [16]   Dr. Aribindi testified that all of the treatment he provided to Banske was
    reasonable and necessary, and that the opinions he expressed in his testimony
    were to a reasonable degree of medical certainty. He concluded that Banske’s
    fall caused her left shoulder pain, aggravation of underlying left knee
    osteoarthritis, left wrist pain, a left ankle sprain, and left foot pain. In his
    opinion, her fall also caused or aggravated a rotator cuff tear in Banske’s left
    [17]   Banske testified that in addition to Grice and Dr. Aribindi, she received
    treatment after the fall in the emergency room of St. Anthony Medical Center
    in Crown Point, Indiana.
    [18]   Pursuant to the parties’ stipulation, the trial court admitted the following
    medical records related to Banske’s treatment: 1) Dr. Aribindi’s records; 2)
    emergency room records from St. Anthony Medical Center; and 3) physical
    therapy records from Ingalls Center for Outpatient Rehab. Later, Banske
    offered Grice’s medical records into evidence. Counsel for Alsip specifically
    stated that there was no objection to the admission of that evidence. Banske’s
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    medical bills and her medical specials summary, which reflected $14,441.04 in
    claimed medical expenses were also admitted.
    [19]   In addition to the medical testimony, Banske called lay witnesses, including her
    husband, her son, and her best friend, to testify about their observations of the
    differences in Banske’s physical condition and behavior before and after she
    slipped and fell. Banske, a gym teacher at St. Agnes School in Chicago
    Heights, Illinois, found her work more difficult after her fall and her physical
    limitations prevented her from engaging in many of the physical activities she
    had previously enjoyed.
    [20]   At the conclusion of the jury trial, the jury returned a verdict in favor of Banske,
    finding her to be ten percent at fault and Alsip to be ninety percent at fault. The
    jury awarded Banske $243,000 in damages, and the trial court entered judgment
    on the jury’s verdict. Alsip now appeals the judgment.
    Discussion and Decision
    [21]   Alsip presents several issues for our review, but the dispositive issue involves
    the admissibility of Grice’s testimony. “Only trial objections, not motions in
    limine, are effective to preserve claims of error for appellate review.” Raess v.
    883 N.E.2d 790
    , 796-97 (Ind. 2008). A trial court’s ruling on a motion
    in limine does not determine the ultimate admissibility of the evidence; that
    determination is made by the trial court in the context of the trial itself. Clausen
    v. State, 
    622 N.E.2d 925
    , 927 (Ind. 1993). “Absent either a ruling admitting
    evidence accompanied by a timely objection or a ruling excluding evidence
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    accompanied by a proper offer of proof, there is no basis for a claim of error.”
    Hollowell v. State, 
    753 N.E.2d 612
    , 615-16 (Ind. 2001).
    [22]   “The trial court has broad discretion to rule on the admissibility of evidence.”
    Guilmette v. State, 
    14 N.E.3d 38
    , 40 (Ind. 2014). “We review its rulings ‘for
    abuse of that discretion and reverse only when admission is clearly against the
    logic and effect of the facts and circumstances and the error affects a party’s
    substantial rights.’” 
    Id. at 260
    (quoting Clark v. State, 
    994 N.E.2d 252
    , 259 (Ind.
    [23]   “Admission of a deposition into evidence is reviewable only for an abuse of
    discretion.” Drummond v. State, 
    467 N.E.2d 742
    , 746 (Ind. 1984). Our Supreme
    Court has “previously held that publication of a deposition is required in order
    to place the deposition before the court.” 
    Id. “The essence
    of the requirement
    is that because a party need not object to questions on the grounds of
    admissibility when the deposition is taken, the party can ‘[w]ait and make his
    objection at trial or hearing when the deposition is read into evidence or
    otherwise used.’” 
    Id. (quoting Augustine
    v. First Fed. Sav. & Loan Ass’n of Gary,
    270 Ind. 238
    , 241, 
    384 N.E.2d 1018
    , 1020 (1979)).
    [24]   Indiana Trial Rule 32(A) provides that “[a]t the trial or upon the hearing of a
    motion or an interlocutory proceeding, any part or all of a deposition, so far as
    admissible under the Rules of Evidence applied as though the witness were then
    present and testifying, may be used against any party who was present or
    represented at the taking of the deposition. . .” Indiana Trial Rule 32(B)
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    additionally provides that “objection may be made at the trial or hearing to
    receiving in evidence any depositions or part thereof for any reason which
    would require the exclusion of the evidence if the witness were then present and
    testifying.” Therefore, when the deposition or parts of a deposition are read
    into evidence, an objection to the testimony must be made as if the witness
    were present at trial and testifying in person. Receipt of evidence by reading a
    deposition is akin to live testimony, and objections must be made.
    [25]   Alsip did not object to any of the questions and answers of the portions of
    Grice’s deposition read by Banske’s counsel, and later did not object to the
    admission of Grice’s medical records of her treatment of Banske. As the record
    shows, clearly Judge Sedia expected Alsip’s counsel to object to the portions of
    Grice’s testimony where he felt that Grice was getting beyond the parameters of
    her qualifications and profession. Whether Judge Pera also had the same
    expectation or not, it was incumbent upon Alsip to object as needed. A party
    must make a contemporaneous objection at the time the evidence is offered.
    Brown v. State, 
    929 N.E.2d 204
    , 207 (Ind. 2010). By making a contemporaneous
    objection, the party affords the trial court the opportunity to make a final ruling
    on the matter in the context in which the evidence is introduced. Jackson v.
    735 N.E.2d 1146
    , 1152 (Ind. 2000). “The failure to make a
    contemporaneous objection to the admission of evidence at trial results in
    waiver of the error on appeal.” 
    Id. [26] Here,
    in the absence of an objection, Alsip has waived all issues of the
    admissibility of the deposition testimony, save whether in Indiana as a matter of
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    law a naprapath may not testify as to the treatment of a patient. This appears to
    be an issue of first impression in Indiana.
    [27]   Indiana Evidence Rule 702 provides guidance in deciding this issue and reads
    as follows:
    (a) A witness who is qualified as an expert by knowledge, skill,
    experience, training, or education may testify in the form of an opinion
    or otherwise if the expert’s scientific, technical, or other specialized
    knowledge will help the trier of fact to understand the evidence or to
    determine a fact in issue.
    (b) Expert scientific testimony is admissible only if the court is satisfied
    that the expert testimony rests upon reliable scientific principles.
    [28]   Because Indiana does not license naprapaths, and Grice was licensed to practice
    and treated Banske in Illinois, we turn to Illinois law to help understand the
    matter. The Naprapathic Practice Act is codified at Chapter 225 Illinois
    Compiled Statutes Annotated Act 63. In Illinois, where Grice is licensed to
    practice, naprapathy is a practice that is subject to regulation and control in the
    public interest by the Department of Financial and Professional Regulation
    (“the Department”). 225 Ill. Comp. Stat. Ann. 63/10 (West 2012) & 225 Ill.
    Comp. Stat. Ann. 63/5 (1993). No person is allowed to practice naprapathy in
    Illinois without a license issued by the Department. 225 Ill. Comp. Stat. Ann.
    63/20. In order to obtain a license, a person must 1) be at least eighteen years
    of age and be of good moral character, 2) have graduated from a college level
    program of two years or its equivalent as approved by the Department, 3) have
    graduated from a curriculum in naprapathy as approved by the Department, 4)
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    have passed an examination to determine the person’s fitness to practice
    naprapathy, and 5) have met all other requirements of the Act. 225 Ill. Comp.
    Stat. Ann. 63/17 (West 2012).
    [29]   The statutory definition of the practice of naprapathy in Illinois is as follows:
    Naprapathic practice means the evaluation of persons with connective
    tissue disorders through the use of naprapathic case history and
    palpation or treatment of persons by the use of connective tissue
    manipulation, therapeutic and rehabilitative exercise, postural
    counseling, nutritional counseling, and the use of the effective
    properties of physical measures of heat, cold, light, water, radiant
    energy, electricity, sound and air, and assistive devices for the purpose
    of preventing, correcting, or alleviating a physical disability.
    Naprapathic practice includes, but is not limited to, the treatment of
    contractures, muscle spasms, inflammation, scar tissue formation,
    adhesions, lesions, laxity, hypotonicity, rigidity, structural imbalance,
    bruising, contusions, muscular atrophy, and partial separation of
    connective tissue fibers.
    Naprapathic practice also includes: (a) performance of specialized
    tests and measurements, (b) administration of specialized treatment
    procedures, (c) interpretation of referrals from licensed physicians,
    dentists, and podiatric physicians, (d) establishment and modification
    of naprapathic treatment programs, and (e) supervision or teaching of
    Naprapathic practice does not include radiology, surgery,
    pharmacology, invasive diagnostic testing, or determination of a
    differential diagnosis; provided, however, the limitation on
    determining a differential diagnosis shall not in any manner limit a
    naprapath licensed under this Act from performing an evaluation
    authorized under this Act. A naprapath licensed under this Act who is
    not also licensed as a physical therapist under the Illinois Physical
    Therapy Act shall not hold himself or herself out as qualified to
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    provide physical therapy or physiotherapy services. Nothing in this
    Section shall limit a naprapath from employing appropriate
    naprapathic techniques that he or she is educated and licensed to
    perform. A naprapath shall refer to a licensed physician, dentist, or
    podiatric physician any patient whose medical condition should, at the
    time of evaluation or treatment, be determined to be beyond the scope
    of practice of the naprapath.
    225 Ill. Comp. Stat. Ann. 63/15.
    [30]   The statutes regulating the practice of naprapathy reflect that Grice’s testimony,
    which was expert but not scientific, could be helpful to assist the finder of fact’s
    comprehension of the nature of the injuries Grice attempted to treat and the
    naprapathic methods used to treat the injuries.
    [31]   In Kyowski v. Burns, 
    388 N.E.2d 770
    (Ill. App. Ct. 1979), the Illinois Court of
    Appeals addressed the trial court’s decision to strike the testimony of a
    naprapath who treated a personal injury plaintiff on nine occasions after the
    date she was struck by the defendant’s automobile. The plaintiff argued on
    appeal that the trial court erred by striking the testimony on the ground that the
    naprapath was not 
    licensed. 388 N.E.2d at 1017
    . However, the record
    reflected that the testimony was excluded because the naprapath’s treatment of
    the plaintiff’s leg was not sufficiently connected to the alleged injuries from the
    Id. at 1017-18.
    The Illinois Court of Appeals held that the trial court
    did not abuse its discretion in striking the testimony on the ground that without
    a connection between his treatment and the plaintiff’s accident, the testimony
    was irrelevant. 
    Id. Court of
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    [32]   Applying the rationale used in Kyowski to the facts of this case, we conclude
    that Grice’s testimony about her treatment of Banske’s injuries was sufficiently
    connected to Banske’s slip and fall. Grice had treated Banske before and after
    her slip and fall and testified about the difference in Banske’s health from the
    stand point of a naprapath. The trial court did not err as a matter of law by
    admitting Grice’s testimony. The evidence was relevant and helpful to the jury.
    [33]   We save the resolution of the limitations on the testimony of a naprapath for
    another day.
    [34]   In light of the foregoing, we affirm the decision of the trial court.
    [35]   Affirmed.
    [36]   Crone, J., and Bradford, J., concur.
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