Mark M. Jervis v. State of Indiana , 28 N.E.3d 361 ( 2015 )

  •                                                                     Apr 07 2015, 6:01 am
    APPELLANT PRO SE                                           ATTORNEYS FOR APPELLEE
    Mark M. Jervis                                             Gregory F. Zoeller
    Carlisle, Indiana                                          Attorney General of Indiana
    Ryan D. Johanningsmeier
    Deputy Attorney General
    Indianapolis, Indiana
    IN THE
    Mark M. Jervis,                                            April 7, 2015
    Appellant-Petitioner,                                      Court of Appeals Cause No.
    v.                                                 Appeal from the Warrick Superior
    State of Indiana,                                          The Honorable Robert R. Aylsworth,
    Cause No. 87D02-9707-PC-59
    Riley, Judge.
    Court of Appeals of Indiana | Opinion | 87A05-1404-PC-171 | April 7, 2015                  Page 1 of 14
    [1]   Appellant-Petitioner, Mark Jervis (Jervis), appeals the post-conviction court’s
    denial of his petition for post-conviction relief.
    [2]   We affirm.
    [3]   Jervis raises two issues on appeal which we consolidate and restate as the
    following single issue: Whether Jervis was denied effective assistance of trial
    and appellate counsel.
    [4]   We adopt the recitation of facts as set forth in Jervis’s direct appeal as follows:
    On August 14, 1993, Terri Boyer went on a drinking spree with her
    husband, her brother and the brother’s girlfriend. The four began in
    the early afternoon in Hatfield, their home town, and took the
    brother’s truck to visit several bars, the last in Newburgh. In
    Newburgh, Boyer and her husband got into an argument that resulted
    in Boyer leaving the truck. The other three drove back to Hatfield,
    leaving an intoxicated Boyer to fend for herself. Just before 10 p.m.
    Boyer found her way to Frenchie’s, a tavern in Newburgh, where she
    asked several patrons to give her a ride back to Hatfield. All refused.
    At some point, defendant Jervis entered the bar, met Boyer, and
    offered to take her to Hatfield. The two had no prior acquaintance.
    Jervis and Boyer were seen leaving the bar together some time around
    midnight, but no one actually saw them drive away in Jervis’s car.
    Witness Terry Timberlake testified that he saw a car resembling
    Jervis’s station wagon pull into the Newburgh Cinema parking lot
    around 11:30 p.m. Timberlake stated that two people, one male and
    one female, appeared to be in the car, but he could not positively
    identify them as Jervis and Boyer. Approximately thirty minutes later,
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    Timberlake saw the station wagon leave the Cinema parking lot and
    park in an adjacent lot of a daycare center where it remained for about
    ten minutes. It then returned to the Cinema parking lot, and finally
    drove away. Jervis returned to Frenchie’s alone around 12:30 to 1:30
    a.m. the same night, telling those present that he was unable to take
    Boyer to Hatfield because his car had broken down. Jervis went home
    a half hour later. At approximately 12:30 p.m. the next day, the owner
    of Newburgh Cinema found Boyer’s body on a grass strip next to the
    Cinema parking lot. Boyer was nude below her waist and her bra and
    shirt were pushed up to her shoulders. An autopsy concluded that
    Boyer had been strangled and had died around midnight.
    On September 5, 1993, Jervis was charged [] with Boyer’s murder.
    The State’s case against Jervis was largely circumstantial and included
    the following evidence: (1) an envelope, pencil and pen Boyer had
    been carrying in her purse were found in Jervis’s trash can outside his
    apartment; (2) Boyer’s driver’s license and her daughter’s library card
    were found in Jervis’s car; and (3) DNA evidence established a strong
    likelihood that a blood stain on Jervis’s shirt and a pubic hair found on
    his pants were Boyer’s. Several witnesses also testified as to Jervis’s
    whereabouts on the night in question. The jury was unable to reach a
    verdict in Jervis’s first trial in 1994. The State retried Jervis in 1995
    and a second jury convicted him.
    [5]   Jervis v. State, 
    679 N.E.2d 875
    , 876-77 (Ind. 1997). Jervis filed a direct appeal
    challenging his conviction. In that appeal, Jervis raised several issues relating
    to the admission of several pieces of evidence and jury misconduct. On May
    12, 1997, our supreme court affirmed Jervis’s conviction. 
     On March 18,
    2003, Jervis filed his pro se petition for post-conviction relief and subsequently
    amended it on September 14, 2012. On October 1, 2013, the post-conviction
    court conducted Jervis’s post-conviction hearing. Subsequently, both parties
    filed their proposed findings and conclusion of law, and on March 24, 2014, the
    post-conviction court denied Jervis’s petition.
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    [6]   Jervis now appeals. Additional information will be provided as necessary.
    I. Standard of Review
    [7]   Under the rules of post-conviction relief, the petitioner must establish the
    grounds for relief by a preponderance of the evidence. Ind. Post-Conviction
    Rule 1, § 5; Strowmatt v. State, 
    779 N.E.2d 971
    , 974-75 (Ind. Ct. App. 2002). To
    succeed on appeal from the denial of relief, the post-conviction petitioner must
    show that the evidence is without conflict and leads unerringly and
    unmistakably to a conclusion opposite that reached by the post-conviction
    Id. at 975
    . The purpose of post-conviction relief is not to provide a
    substitute for direct appeal, but to provide a means for raising issues not known
    or available to the defendant at the time of the original appeal. 
     If an issue
    was available on direct appeal but not litigated, it is waived. 
    II. Ineffective Assistance of Counsel
    [8]   Jervis contends that he was denied the effective assistance of both trial and
    appellate counsel. The standard by which we review claims of ineffective
    assistance of counsel is well established. In order to prevail on a claim of this
    nature, a defendant must satisfy a two-pronged test, showing that: (1) his
    counsel’s performance fell below an objective standard of reasonableness based
    on prevailing professional norms; and (2) there is a reasonable probability that,
    but for counsel’s errors, the result of the proceeding would have been different.
    Johnson v. State, 
    832 N.E.2d 985
    , 996 (Ind. Ct. App. 2005) (citing Strickland v.
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    466 U.S. 668
    , 690, 694 (1984) reh’g denied) trans. denied. The two
    prongs of the Strickland test are separate and independent inquiries. 
    “[i]f it is easier to dispose of an ineffectiveness claim on the ground of lack of
    sufficient prejudice . . . that course should be followed.” Timberlake, v. State,
    753 N.E.2d 591
    , 603 (Ind. 2001) (quoting Strickland, 
    466 U.S. at 697
    ) reh’g
    denied; cert. denied, 
    537 U.S. 839
    [9]    Counsel is afforded considerable discretion in choosing strategy and tactics and
    we will accord those decisions deference. 
     A strong presumption arises that
    counsel rendered adequate assistance and made all significant decisions in the
    exercise of reasonable professional judgment. 
     The Strickland Court
    recognized that even the finest, most experienced criminal defense attorneys
    may not agree on the ideal strategy or the most effective way to represent a
     Isolated mistakes, poor strategy, inexperience, and instances of bad
    judgment do not necessarily render representation ineffective. 
    we will not speculate as to what may or may not have been advantageous trial
    strategy as counsel should be given deference in choosing a trial strategy which,
    at the time and under the circumstances, seems best. Johnson, 
    832 N.E.2d at 997
    A. Trial Counsel
    [10]   According to Jervis, his trial counsel was ineffective in three respects: (1)
    counsel failed to recommend that he accept the State’s plea deal, (2) counsel
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    failed to object to the State’s destruction of evidence, and (3) counsel failed to
    move for mistrial due to jury bias. 1 We will address each issue in turn.
    1. Plea Negotiations
    [11]   Jervis first argues that he would have accepted the State’s plea offer limiting his
    sentence to forty years had he been offered meaningful consultation. During
    Jervis’s post-conviction hearing, counsel stated that when he took the plea offer
    to Jervis, he explained the deal and left the decision to Jervis. Jervis argues that
    because the decision was left to him; counsel was ineffective and he was
    prejudiced within the meaning of the Sixth Amendment.
    [12]   We first note that the Sixth Amendment is an instrumental right designed to
    ensure a fair trial. Thus, “[t]he right to effective assistance of counsel extends to
    the consideration of plea offers that lapse or are rejected. That right applies to
    Jervis makes a fourth claim alleging that trial counsel was ineffective for failing to file a motion to dismiss
    after his first trial. Specifically, Jervis argues that because the State presented evidence that sperm cells were
    present in Boyer’s mouth at his first trial, the State’s objection to the admission of Jervis’s evidence that he
    had a vasectomy should have supported a successful motion to dismiss the charges against him. Because
    Jervis fails to provide us with a cogent argument on this issue, it is waived. Ind. Appellate Rule 46(A)(8)(a).
    Moreover, we note that during Jervis’s second trial, counsel asked the court to take judicial notice of the fact
    that Jervis underwent a vasectomy in 1990, which it did. Even with the admission of this evidence, the jury
    still convicted Jervis of murder.
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    all ‘critical’ stages of the criminal proceedings.” Montejo v. Louisiana, 
    129 U.S. 2079
    , 2086 (2009).
    [13]   In advancing his claim, Jervis states that the applicable standard for judging
    prejudice in the plea context is explained in Hill v. Lockhart, 
    474 U.S. 52
    , 61
    (1985). In Hill, the United States Supreme Court held that the two-part test
    adopted in Strickland for evaluating claims of ineffective assistance of counsel
    applies to guilty-plea challenges based on ineffective assistance of counsel. 
    Id. at 57
    . The language from Hill, standing alone, suggests that prejudice is a
    function of the outcome of the plea proceedings, i.e., if the defendant would not
    have pleaded guilty but for the attorney’s shortcomings, the prejudice prong of
    Strickland is satisfied. Notably, Hill stands for the proposition that a petitioner’s
    guilty plea may be invalid if counsel provided incorrect advice pertinent to the
    plea. However, we do not find Hill controlling for the simple reason that the
    case at bar is not a challenge to a guilty plea. Rather in this instance, we rely on
    Missouri v. Frye, 
    132 S.Ct. 1399
    , 1409 (2012), and Lafler v. Cooper, 
    132 S.Ct. 1376
    , 1380 (2012), which both addressed issues of ineffective assistance of
    counsel based on improper or insufficient advice leading to the acceptance or
    rejection of a plea deal.
    [14]   In Frye, the Supreme Court held that trial counsel performed deficiently by
    failing to inform Frye of a written plea offer before it expired. 
     However, the
    Supreme Court reversed the appeals court’s holding that Frye had established
    prejudice and remanded because, even though Frye could show he would have
    accepted the plea offer, the appeals court failed to require Frye to show “a
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    reasonable probability [that] neither the prosecution nor the trial court would
    have prevented the offer from being accepted or implemented.” 
    Id. at 1410
    The Frye Court observed that there was “strong reason to doubt the prosecution
    and the trial court would have permitted the plea bargain to become final”
    because of an intervening event: Frye was arrested for a new offense. 
    Id. at 1411
    [15]   In Lafler, the Supreme Court determined that Lafler had demonstrated that but
    for counsel’s deficient performance that led to the plea offer’s rejection, there
    was a reasonable probability that he and the trial court would have accepted the
    guilty plea. 
    Id. at 1380
    . As a result of not accepting the plea and being
    convicted at trial, the defendant received a sentence that was three and one -half
    times greater than he would have received under the plea. 
    [16]   Both Frye and Lafler involve a counsel’s failure to convey a plea offer or
    affirmative advice to reject an offer. Nevertheless, Lafler and Frye seemingly
    require, as a general proposition, that the defendant show that he would have
    accepted the plea and that neither the State nor the trial court would have
    thwarted implementation of the defendant’s plea agreement. Based on our
    examination of the record, we first note that Jervis fails to establish that he
    would have accepted the State’s plea deal. The record shows that Jervis clearly
    and expressly, on many occasions, professed his innocence and had no
    intention of pleading guilty. From his second trial leading up to his direct
    appeal, Jervis advanced an innocence claim. During his post-conviction
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    hearing, Jervis maintained his theory of innocence and the following exchange
    [Court]: . . . Jervis, I believe in your post-conviction relief
    pleading that you filed with the court you are asking the
    court to grant you a new trial? Or, in the alternative,
    you’re asking the court to let you accept the State’s plea
    offer that they made apparently in 1995 of 40 years?
    [Jervis]: . . . [c]orrect.
    [Court]: Okay. And as you sit here today you still
    maintain your innocence . . .?
    [Jervis]: That’s correct.
    [Court]: [] Indiana Law provides that the court cannot
    accept a guilty plea from someone unless that person
    admits his or her guilt . . .
    [Court]: So if [] you maintain your position of innocence
    it wouldn’t matter if you were willing to plead guilty, I
    couldn’t let you. You understand that?
    [Jervis]: I understand.
    [17]   (P-C Transcript pp. 76-77). Based on the foregoing dialogue, Jervis fails to
    establish that he would have accepted the State’s plea deal. Moreover, it is also
    obvious from the transcript excerpt that the trial court would not have accepted
    Jervis’s guilty plea over his protestation of innocence. Because Jervis has failed
    to show that he would have accepted the plea deal, and the fact that there is
    sufficient showing that the trial court would not have accepted Jervis’s guilty
    plea, Jervis’s claim of prejudice fails. Having established that Jervis was not
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    prejudiced by counsel, we need not inquire into whether counsel’s performance
    was adequate. See Thacker v. State, 
    715 N.E.2d 1281
    , 1284 (Ind. Ct. App. 1999),
    trans. denied.
    2. Destruction of Evidence
    [18]   Next, Jervis argues that his trial counsel was ineffective for failing to object to
    the State’s destruction of evidence that was potentially exculpatory. Without
    making any specific reference to the record, Jervis baldly asserts that he was
    denied access to the oral swabs taken from Boyer’s mouth during his second
    trial and that the State destroyed the samples before he could have them
    retested. It is Jervis’s ultimate contention that further testing of the oral swabs
    would have “uncovered the identity of another possible perpetrator, thereby
    exonerating” him. (Appellant’s Br. p. 13).
    [19]   At the outset of his claim, we find that Jervis has waived this argument by
    failing to present a cogent argument on this issue. Ind. Appellate Rule
    46(A)(8)(a); Moore v. State, 
    869 N.E.2d 489
    , 491-92 (Ind. Ct. App. 2007).
    Waiver notwithstanding, we address his claim.
    [20]   After reviewing the voluminous trial record, we discern that there were two oral
    swab taken from Boyer. Out of the two, only one oral swab was subjected to
    testing. The record shows that during Jervis’s first trial, the technician who
    conducted the forensic analysis of the oral swab testified that when she
    examined it, she saw three sperm cells. At Jervis’s second trial, her testimony
    changed after reexamining the sample under a powerful microscope and she
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    came to a conclusion that no sperm cells were present. The technician also
    explained that that the untested oral swab was set aside to allow for testing if
    “desired by the defense.” (Tr. p. 2137).
    [21]   At Jervis’s post-conviction hearing, trial counsel testified that he did not believe
    the State destroyed any evidence without first providing access to it. In
    addition, the technician testified that the second swab was reserved for Jervis if
    he wanted to test it.
    3. Failure to Move for Mistrial Due to Jury Misconduct
    [22]   Jervis also argues that he received ineffective assistance of his trial counsel
    because he failed to move for a mistrial due to jury misconduct. On this claim,
    the State argues that Jervis’s challenge to jury misconduct is barred by res
    judicata because he raised this issue on his direct appeal. We agree.
    [23]   As a general rule, when a reviewing court decides an issue on direct appeal, the
    doctrine of res judicata applies, thereby precluding its review in post-conviction
    proceedings. Ben-Yisrayl v. State, 
    738 N.E.2d 253
    , 258 (Ind. 2000). The
    doctrine of res judicata prevents the repetitious litigation of that which is
    essentially the same dispute. Sweeney v. State, 
    704 N.E.2d 86
    , 94 (Ind. 1998).
    And, a petitioner for post-conviction relief cannot escape the effect of claim
    preclusion merely by using different language to phrase an issue and define an
    alleged error. State v. Holmes, 
    728 N.E.2d 164
    , 168 (Ind. 2000). “[W]here an
    issue, although differently designated, was previously considered and
    determined upon a criminal defendant’s direct appeal, the State may defend
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    against defendant’s post-conviction relief petition on grounds of prior
    adjudication or res judicata.” Cambridge v. State, 
    468 N.E.2d 1047
    , 1049 (Ind.
    [24]   Here, we note that this issue of jury misconduct was litigated during Jervis’s
    direct appeal. Specifically, on direct appeal Jervis argued that the trial court
    erred in dismissing a juror from the case before deliberations. “Near the end of
    trial but before deliberations began, the bailiff informed the judge that a juror
    had told the bailiff during a lunch break that if the verdict did not turn out a
    ‘certain way’ the juror ‘heard’ there might be ‘problems’ for the jury.” Jervis,
    679 N.E.2d at 881. The trial court questioned the tainted juror who then
    expressed concern for his wife’s safety. Id. Over Jervis’s objection, the trial
    court replaced the juror with an alternate. Id.
    [25]   Our supreme court affirmed the trial court’s finding that it acted correctly in
    replacing a possibly tainted juror with an alternate. Id. Because Jervis’s claim
    of jury misconduct was fully litigated on appeal, his efforts to redesignate and
    repackage it as an ineffective of assistance of trial counsel claim is barred by res
    B. Appellate Counsel
    [26]   Jervis also contends that his appellate counsel was ineffective for failing to raise
    his own incompetence as a trial counsel on direct appeal. Jervis was
    represented by the same attorney at trial and on appeal. We first note that it is
    unreasonable to believe that appellate counsel would raise the question of his
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    own competency on appeal. Askew v. State, 
    500 N.E.2d 1219
    , 1220 (Ind.1986),
    reh’g denied; Johnson v. State, 
    674 N.E.2d 180
    , 184 (Ind. Ct. App. 1996), reh’g
    denied, trans. denied. We have previously noted the danger in being represented
    by the same counsel both at trial and on appeal. Benson v. State, 
    780 N.E.2d 413
    , 418 n.3 (Ind. Ct. App. 2002), reh’g denied, trans. denied.
    [27]   Our standard of review for claims of ineffective assistance of appellate counsel
    is the same as for trial counsel’s ineffective assistance. Fisher v. State, 
    810 N.E.2d 674
    , 676 (Ind. 2004). Indiana law recognizes three basic categories for
    claims of appellate counsel’s ineffectiveness: “(1) denial of access to an appeal;
    (2) waiver of issues; and (3) failure to present issues well.” 
     at 677 (citing
    Biehgler v. State, 
    690 N.E.2d 188
    , 193-95 (Ind. 1997), cert. denied, 
    525 U.S. 1021
    (1998)). Here, the second category is the only category applicable and will lead
    to a finding of deficient performance only when the reviewing court determines
    that the omitted issues were significant, obvious, and “clearly stronger than
    those presented.” Id. at 194. (internal quotation marks omitted). “[T]he
    decision of what issues to raise is one of the most important strategic decisions
    to be made by appellate counsel.” Id. at 193. (internal quotation marks
    [28]   We note that Jervis’s appellate counsel unsuccessfully contested the
    admissibility of several pieces of evidence as well as jury misconduct.
    Nevertheless, Jervis argues that his appellate counsel should have raised his
    own incompetence—specifically his own failure to challenge the State’s
    destruction of the evidence, and failure to raise jury misconduct—as grounds
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    for ineffective assistance of trial counsel. As discussed above, we determined
    that Jervis’s unfounded assertion that the State destroyed the oral swab is
    without merit. As for the jury misconduct claim, we have already concluded
    that it is barred by res judicata. Here, Jervis has not demonstrated that appellate
    counsel’s own failure to challenge the State’s destruction of the evidence and
    failure to raise jury misconduct were “clearly stronger” than the issues raised by
    his appellate counsel. See Bieghler, 690 N.E.2d at 194.
    [29]   In light of the foregoing, we find that Jervis has not demonstrated that but for
    his appellate counsel’s alleged error, there is a reasonable probability that the
    result of the proceeding would have been different. See McCary v. State, 
    761 N.E.2d 389
    , 392 (Ind. 2002). Therefore, we find that Jervis has failed to show
    that his appellate counsel’s performance was deficient or that he was prejudiced
    as a result of counsel’s performance.
    [30]   Based on the above, we conclude that the post-conviction court properly denied
    Jervis’s petition for post-conviction relief.
    [31]   Affirmed.
    [32]   Vaidik, C. J. and Baker, J. concur
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