Noah Shane Warren v. State of Indiana (mem. dec.) ( 2015 )

    Pursuant to Ind. Appellate Rule 65(D),                            Oct 14 2015, 8:40 am
    this Memorandum Decision shall not be
    regarded as precedent or cited before any
    court except for the purpose of establishing
    the defense of res judicata, collateral
    estoppel, or the law of the case.
    ATTORNEY FOR APPELLANT                                   ATTORNEYS FOR APPELLEE
    William W. Gooden                                        Gregory F. Zoeller
    Mt. Vernon, Indiana                                      Attorney General of Indiana
    Chandra K. Hein
    Deputy Attorney General
    Indianapolis, Indiana
    IN THE
    Noah Shane Warren,                                       October 14, 2015
    Appellant-Petitioner,                                    Court of Appeals Case No.
    v.                                               Appeal from the Pike Circuit Court
    The Honorable Jeffrey L.
    State of Indiana,                                        Biesterveld, Judge
    Appellee-Respondent.                                     Trial Court Cause No.
    Kirsch, Judge.
    [1]   Noah Shane Warren (“Warren”) appeals the post-conviction court’s denial of
    his petition for post-conviction relief contending that his trial counsel was
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    ineffective for failing to object at trial to evidence obtained pursuant to a search
    [2]   We affirm.
    Facts and Procedural History
    [3]   The facts supporting Warren’s convictions as set forth by this court in an
    unpublished decision on his direct appeal are as follows:
    On October 16, 2010, Warren’s two daughters, ten-year-old
    K.W. and fourteen-year-old C.W., were staying at his home in
    Pike County. That day, two of Warren’s friends, Marty and
    Audrey, arrived at Warren’s house in their red Chevy Blazer.
    Marty and Audrey went into Warren’s bedroom with him and
    closed the door. Later, Marty, Audrey, Warren, and Warren’s
    two daughters left the house in the red Blazer. They first went to
    the home of Jerry, one of Warren and Marty’s friends. Only
    Warren and Marty went inside; when they came back outside,
    they were carrying a bag. They next went to Oakland City where
    they dropped Marty off at a hardware store while everyone else
    went to an automotive supply store. When Marty returned to the
    car from the hardware store, he was carrying a brown bag. The
    last stop made was at the home of someone named Clint. Only
    Marty went inside. After leaving Clint’s house, they all went
    back to Warren’s house.
    When they arrived at Warren’s house, Marty took all the items
    that they had obtained into the bathroom and Warren began
    heating a clear liquid in a container in the kitchen. C.W. was in
    the kitchen, and K.W. was going back and forth between the
    living room and kitchen, which were connected. C.W. heard
    Marty tell Warren, “don’t do that. It might blow up.” Tr. at 398.
    Warren responded, “I’ve done this before.” 
    Id. at 408.
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    hearing this, C.W. decided to leave the house, fearing that
    “something bad [was] going to happen.” 
    Id. at 398.
    She went to
    the house of her grandparents, Terry and Phyllis Warren, who
    lived on the same property but across a field from Warren. C.W.
    tried to convince K.W. to come with her, but K.W. did not want
    to leave. As C.W. left, Warren told her that she better not tell
    her grandparents that Marty and Audrey were at the house; Terry
    and Marty “didn’t really get along.” 
    Id. at 437.
    When C.W. got to her grandparents’ house, Phyllis asked if
    anyone was at Warren’s house. C.W. lied and said no. Terry
    then asked her the same question and C.W. lied again.
    Meanwhile, Terry’s nephew, Daniel Warren, had been setting up
    a tree stand in the woods with his cousin, Ben Harris. Jamie
    Warren, who also lived on the property with his father, Jerry,
    went to Daniel and told him that Terry needed help. Daniel
    went to the house to help, thinking that Terry was hurt. Instead,
    Jerry told Daniel that Terry wanted help “trying to run some
    people off [Warren’s property] that [Terry] didn’t want up there.”
    Id. at 289.
    Daniel drove his truck over to Warren’s house and noticed a
    strong chemical odor that smelled like ether. He was concerned
    that methamphetamine was being made and that the house might
    blow up. He was also concerned that his nieces might be in
    danger as a result of the chemicals. Ben also arrived at Warren’s
    house, and Daniel told Ben to back Daniel’s truck away from the
    house in case it blew up. Daniel then went up to the house and
    knocked on the door but no one answered. As Daniel started to
    walk away from the house, he saw Terry walking toward the
    house. Terry told Daniel he did not think anyone was home and
    that he thought he had run them off. Daniel noted that the red
    Blazer was still there.
    Daniel called Warren and found out that K.W. was still inside
    the house. Daniel told Warren to let her out, but Warren
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    responded that “there was nothing going on and [Daniel] was
    effing crazy.” 
    Id. at 296.
    K.W. heard Daniel yelling for her from
    outside, but since she had not seen him for a long time, she did
    not recognize him and did not leave the house.
    Daniel walked closer to the house and pretended like he was
    calling the police, but he did not call immediately because he did
    not want to get Warren in trouble. From inside the house,
    Warren told Daniel, “if I go to jail, I’m going to kick your ass.”
    Id. at 297.
    Warren then came out of the house and got in
    Daniel’s face. The two started fighting and Daniel hit Warren
    several times.
    Meanwhile, Terry and Phyllis arrived at Warren’s house. When
    Warren went back inside, Phyllis followed him in and they began
    to argue, too. Phyllis tried to get into the bathroom where Marty
    and Audrey were. Marty and Audrey “said they were having sex
    in there,” 
    id. at 301,
    but Phyllis could hear the toilet flushing
    “quite a few times.” 
    Id. Phyllis went
    back outside, and Warren
    followed, carrying a butcher block of knives. Warren began to
    throw the knives at Daniel, telling Daniel to get away from his
    house. Ben then told Daniel if Daniel was not going to call the
    police, he would. Daniel called the police and his 911 call was
    recorded. He told the dispatcher that he was trying to “get the
    kid out of the house.” 
    Id. at 308.
    He said that a Chevy Blazer
    had just left the house, and then went on to say, “I just don’t
    want that little girl to get hurt. The house could blow up.” 
    Id. at 311.
    Daniel then handed the phone to Phyllis, who had the
    following conversation with the dispatcher:
    Dispatcher: Has he made any threats?
    Phyllis: Excuse me?
    D: Has he threatened?
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    P: He has just, he has just yelled a lot.
    D: Okay. He hasn’t, he hasn’t made, he hasn’t made any threats
    on his own life or his daughter’s life?
    P: No. No. No. Not, not so ever.
    Id. at 313.
    While Daniel and Phyllis were on the 911 call, Marty
    and Audrey left Warren’s house carrying a bag of items.
    About the same time, Terry also called the police. He told the
    dispatcher, “I want to report a radical driver. I think they’re on
    dope and stuff. And they’re driving crazy.” 
    Id. at 315.
    He also
    told the dispatcher that the red Blazer “just went down Oatsville
    Road toward 57.” 
    Id. Warren then
    started removing items from
    the house, throwing some into the tree line next to the house. He
    also brought out a trash bag full of items, dumped them into the
    burn pile, and tried to light them on fire, but they would not
    light. Police officers also began to arrive, and as all of the officers
    approached the house, they smelled the strong smell of ether,
    which appeared to be coming from inside the house. 
    Id. at 510,
            591, 646.
    Pike County Sheriff’s Department Deputy Brad Jenkins was the
    lead investigator at the scene. Conservation Officer Duane
    Englert walked around the house and saw K.W. inside. Officer
    Englert went to the door and Warren met him there. Officer
    Englert told Warren that he needed to come outside so that they
    could talk. When Warren came outside, Officer Englert
    handcuffed him and escorted him away from the house. Officer
    Englert stayed with Warren while the other officers on the scene
    cleared the house, obtained a search warrant, and searched the
    house and the tree line. Warren told Officer Englert that he had
    been cleaning up and getting rid of some things in the house and
    had taken a shoe box to the tree line to get rid of it. 
    Id. at 518.
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    Warren said that one of the items inside the shoe box was a
    bloody sock because he had cut himself while he was cleaning
    Id. Warren also
    said that he had started cleaning up when he
    found out that the police were coming to his house. 
    Id. at 521-
            22. During the conversation, Officer Englert noticed that Warren
    was “somewhat over excited,” so he asked Warren about his
    methamphetamine use. 
    Id. at 544-45.
    Warren said that he had
    used methamphetamine two days ago, but he had purchased it
    and not made it himself. Officer Jenkins asked Officer Englert to
    conduct a taped interview with Warren. Officer Englert advised
    Warren of his Miranda rights and asked him to give a taped
    statement. Warren then began recanting his story and gave a
    different statement than he had a few minutes before when he
    was speaking to Officer Englert and not being taped. 
    Id. at 522.
            Officer Englert stopped the recording.
    Meanwhile, the other officers who had obtained a search warrant
    were searching Warren’s home. They found lithium batteries,
    two pairs of scissors, an empty prescription bottle that had
    previously held 90 pills and was prescribed only four days earlier,
    a manipulated light bulb and foil that could be used to smoke
    methamphetamine, and a plate with a white residue on it. 
    Id. at 570,
    619-24, 631, 678-81.
    Officer Englert searched outside and found the burn pile and a
    white trash bag that was partially open. Inside the trash bag were
    burned aerosol cans. 
    Id. at 532.
    In the burn pile were the outer
    cases of batteries. 
    Id. at 665.
    Terry and Daniel directed officers
    to the tree line where Warren had thrown some items, and
    officers found the box containing Warren’s bloody sock, along
    with a cold pack, a plastic ketchup bottle with white residue
    inside, and burnt cans with holes in the bottom. 
    Id. at 369,
    William Bowles, a forensic scientist, examined some of the items
    that were found at Warren’s house. The white residue inside the
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    ketchup bottle was not methamphetamine, ephedrine, or
    Id. at 569-70.
    The plate with white residue on
    it was washed with chloroform, and Bowles determined that it
    contained either ephedrine or pseudoephedrine, precursors for
    manufacturing methamphetamine. 
    Id. at 570-71.
    At trial,
    Bowles testified that simply putting pills that contained ephedrine
    or pseudoephedrine on the plate would most likely not leave that
    type of residue, but it was not impossible; it was much more
    likely for the residue to be left if the pills were crushed up. 
    Id. at 581.
    The State charged Warren with Class B felony dealing in
    methamphetamine, Class D felony maintaining a common
    nuisance, Class D felony possession of two or more precursors,
    Class D felony neglect of a dependent, Class D felony possession
    of methamphetamine, and Class A misdemeanor possession of
    paraphernalia. The State later moved to amend the charging
    information and add a habitual substance offender enhancement.
    The trial court granted the motion. The State then moved to
    dismiss the Class D felony possession of methamphetamine
    A jury trial was held in February 2012. At trial, the trial court
    admitted a cold pack that listed ammonium nitrate as an
    ingredient on its labeling information into evidence over
    Warren’s hearsay objection. The trial court also admitted the
    audio recording of Terry’s 911 call into evidence over Warren’s
    objection, finding that the State had laid a proper foundation.
    The jury found Warren guilty on all counts, and Warren pled
    guilty to the habitual-offender enhancement. At the sentencing
    hearing, the trial court imposed a sentence of twelve years for
    dealing in methamphetamine, two years for maintaining a
    common nuisance, two years for possession of two or more
    precursors, one year for possession of paraphernalia, and two
    years for neglect of a dependent, all to be served concurrently.
    This twelve-year sentence was enhanced by four years based
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    upon the habitual-offender enhancement, for an aggregate
    sentence of sixteen years.
    Warren v. State, No. 63A01-1204-CR-165, at *1-4 (Ind. Ct. App. Jan. 30,
    2013) trans. denied.
    [4]   After his conviction, Warren filed a direct appeal, and a panel of this court
    affirmed in part and reversed in part, reversing his conviction of maintaining a
    common nuisance. 
    Id. Appellate counsel,
    in the direct appeal, did not raise an
    issue regarding Warren’s motion to suppress or allege that trial counsel, Marcus
    M. Burgher (“trial counsel”), was ineffective.
    [5]   On September 5, 2006, Warren filed a pro se petition for post-conviction relief.
    Prior to any rulings on that petition, on October 4, 2013, appellate counsel filed
    his appearance on Warren’s behalf. On April 8, 2014, Warren’s counsel filed
    an amended petition for post-conviction relief claiming ineffective assistance of
    trial counsel. In lieu of a hearing, Warren requested that the trial court take
    judicial notice of the search warrant, affidavit of probable cause, and the trial
    record. Following the submission of findings of fact and conclusions thereon
    by the parties, the court denied Warren’s petition for relief on February 17,
    2015. Warren now appeals.
    Discussion and Decision
    [6]   Post-conviction proceedings do not afford the petitioner an opportunity for a
    super appeal, but rather, provide the opportunity to raise issues that were
    unknown or unavailable at the time of the original trial or the direct appeal.
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    Ben-Yisrayl v. State, 
    738 N.E.2d 253
    , 258 (Ind. 2000), cert. denied, 
    534 U.S. 1164
    (2002); Wieland v. State, 
    848 N.E.2d 679
    , 681 (Ind. Ct. App. 2006), trans. denied,
    cert. denied, 
    549 U.S. 1038
    (2006). The proceedings do not substitute for a direct
    appeal and provide only a narrow remedy for subsequent collateral challenges
    to convictions. 
    Ben-Yisrayl, 738 N.E.2d at 258
    . The petitioner for post-
    conviction relief bears the burden of proving the grounds by a preponderance of
    the evidence. Ind. Post–Conviction Rule 1(5).
    [7]   When a petitioner appeals a denial of post-conviction relief, he appeals a
    negative judgment. Fisher v. State, 
    878 N.E.2d 457
    , 463 (Ind. Ct. App. 2007),
    trans. denied. The petitioner must establish that the evidence as a whole
    unmistakably and unerringly leads to a conclusion contrary to that of the post-
    conviction court. 
    Id. We will
    disturb a post-conviction court’s decision as
    being contrary to law only where the evidence is without conflict and leads to
    but one conclusion, and the post-conviction court has reached the opposite
    conclusion. Wright v. State, 
    881 N.E.2d 1018
    , 1022 (Ind. Ct. App. 2008), trans.
    denied. The post-conviction court is the sole judge of the weight of the evidence
    and the credibility of witnesses. Lindsey v. State, 
    888 N.E.2d 319
    , 322 (Ind. Ct.
    App. 2008), trans. denied. We accept the post-conviction court’s findings of fact
    unless they are clearly erroneous, and no deference is given to its conclusions of
    Fisher, 878 N.E.2d at 463
    [8]   When evaluating a claim of ineffective assistance of counsel, we apply the two-
    part test articulated in Strickland v. Washington, 
    466 U.S. 668
    (1984). Perry v.
    904 N.E.2d 302
    , 308 (Ind. Ct. App. 2009) (citing Pinkins v. State, 799
    Court of Appeals of Indiana | Memorandum Decision 63A01-1503-PC-103 | October 14, 2015   Page 9 of 
    13 N.E.2d 1079
    , 1093 (Ind. Ct. App. 2003), trans. denied ), trans. denied. First, the
    defendant must show that counsel’s performance was deficient. 
    Id. This requires
    a showing that counsel’s representation fell below an objective
    standard of reasonableness and that the errors were so serious that they resulted
    in a denial of the right to counsel guaranteed to the defendant by the Sixth and
    Fourteenth Amendments. 
    Id. Second, the
    defendant must show that the
    deficient performance resulted in prejudice. 
    Id. To establish
    prejudice, a
    defendant must show that there is a reasonable probability that but for counsel’s
    unprofessional errors, the result of the proceeding would have been different.
    Id. A reasonable
    probability is a probability sufficient to undermine confidence
    in the outcome. 
    Id. In order
    to prove ineffective assistance of counsel due to
    the failure to object, a defendant must prove that an objection would have been
    sustained if made and that he was prejudiced by the failure. Kubsch v. State, 
    934 N.E.2d 1138
    , 1150 (Ind. 2010).
    [9]   Further, counsel’s performance is presumed effective, and a defendant must
    offer strong and convincing evidence to overcome this presumption. Williams v.
    711 N.E.2d 70
    , 73 (Ind. 2002). We will not lightly speculate as to what
    may or may not have been an advantageous trial strategy, as counsel should be
    given deference in choosing a trial strategy that, at the time and under the
    circumstances, seems best. 
    Perry, 904 N.E.2d at 308
    (citing Whitener v. State,
    696 N.E.2d 40
    , 42 (Ind. 1998)). Isolated omissions or errors, poor strategy, or
    bad tactics do not necessarily render representation ineffective. Shanabarger v.
    846 N.E.2d 702
    , 708 (Ind. Ct. App. 2006), trans. denied. The two prongs
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    of the Strickland test are separate and independent inquiries. Manzano v. State,
    12 N.E.3d 321
    , 325 (Ind. Ct. App. 2014), trans. denied, cert. denied, 
    135 S. Ct. 2376
    (2015). Therefore, “if it is easier to dispose of an ineffectiveness claim on
    one of the grounds instead of the other, that course should be followed.” Talley
    v. State, 
    736 N.E.2d 766
    , 769 (Ind. Ct. App. 2000).
    [10]   Warren claims that his trial counsel was ineffective for failing to make
    contemporaneous objections to the State’s exhibits that were obtained pursuant
    to search warrant when they were offered for admission at trial. Warren further
    contends that trial counsel’s performance was deficient because he failed to
    specifically ask for a continuing objection. Warren believes that he was
    prejudiced because there is a “reasonable probability that such [objections]
    would have been sustained either at trial or on appeal which would have, in
    turn, resulted in the lack of sufficient evidence to convict [him].” Appellant’s Br.
    at 6. As a result of these alleged deficiencies, Warren argues that trial counsel
    “waived both a ruling by the trial court on admissibility and an appeal of that
    issue.” Appellant’s Br. at 9. We do not agree.
    [11]   At the post-conviction hearing, the following evidence was presented: Warren’s
    trial counsel filed a motion to suppress evidence, for which an evidentiary
    hearing was held on September 27, 2011. The court denied the motion to
    suppress after testimony was taken, and the parties briefed the issues. On the
    first day of trial, February 1, 2012, before any evidence was presented, trial
    counsel prompted a discussion with the trial court and the State as to when the
    best time would be to allow Warren’s counsel to preserve his objection to the
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    disputed evidence. The following morning before Deputy Jenkins testified, trial
    counsel renewed his motion to suppress, incorporating his prior arguments in
    addition to making new arguments. Warren’s counsel was given the
    opportunity to make an offer of proof, and the trial court acknowledged that
    counsel was doing so to “protect [his] record.” Trial Tr. at 255. After reviewing
    the file, the trial court, once again, denied Warren’s motion to suppress.
    [12]   Before and during trial, trial counsel questioned the admissibility of the
    evidence seized pursuant to the search warrant, challenged the validity of the
    search warrant itself, and alleged that the seizure of the items found near the
    tree line was unreasonable. Warren did not present any evidence to the PCR
    court to demonstrate that subsequent objections to the same evidence,
    supported by the similar reasoning would have been successful. Counsel is not
    rendered inadequate for failing to make a futile objection. Curtis v. State, 
    905 N.E.2d 410
    , 418 (Ind. Ct. App. 2009). Moreover, “[c]ounsel cannot be faulted
    for failing to make an objection which had no hope of success and which might
    have the adverse effect before the jury of emphasizing the admissibility of [the
    Id. (quoting Garrett
    v. State, 
    602 N.E.2d 139
    , 141 (Ind. 1992)).
    [13]   Furthermore, trial counsel proceeded through trial with a reasonable strategy
    that took advantage of the State’s evidence. Trial counsel attempted to blame
    Marty and Audrey for the methamphetamine evidence and show that Warren
    was simply an innocent bystander. Additionally, trial counsel stressed the fact
    that the State had no evidence of a methamphetamine lab or any actual
    methamphetamine. “There are countless ways to provide effective assistance in
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    any given case. Even the best criminal defense attorneys would not defend a
    particular client in the same way.” 
    Strickland, 466 U.S. at 689
    . Explaining,
    rather than continuing to object to, the State’s evidence was a strategy which
    was within trial counsel’s professional judgment. We, therefore, conclude that
    Warren has failed to show deficient performance of trial counsel.
    [14]   Affirmed.
    [15]   Najam, J., and Barnes, J., concur.
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