Devetta Myers n/k/a/ Devetta Farrow v. Chade Smith d/b/a Simple Home Improvements, and Michael Smith d/b/a Home Connection (mem. dec.) ( 2017 )

    Pursuant to Ind. Appellate Rule 65(D),
    this Memorandum Decision shall not be                                     FILED
    regarded as precedent or cited before any                            May 19 2017, 9:26 am
    court except for the purpose of establishing                              CLERK
    the defense of res judicata, collateral                               Indiana Supreme Court
    Court of Appeals
    estoppel, or the law of the case.                                          and Tax Court
    ATTORNEY FOR APPELLANT                                  ATTORNEY FOR APPELLEE
    Jonathan A. Watson                                      Kristin R. Fox
    Anderson, Agostino & Keller, P.C.                       Fox Law Firm
    South Bend, Indiana                                     Mishawaka, Indiana
    IN THE
    Devetta Myers n/k/a Devetta                             May 19, 2017
    Farrow,                                                 Court of Appeals Case No.
    Appellant-Defendant/Counter-Plaintiff,                  71A03-1609-CC-2206
    Appeal from the St. Joseph
    v.                                              Superior Court
    The Honorable Jenny Pitts Manier,
    Chad Smith d/b/a Simple Home                            Judge
    Improvements,                                           Trial Court Cause No.
    Appellee-Plaintiff/Counter-Defendant,                   71D05-1012-CC-1324
    Michael Smith d/b/a Home
    Appellee/Third-Party Defendant
    Crone, Judge.
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    Case Summary
    [1]   In 2010, Chad Smith d/b/a Simple Home Improvements (“Smith”) filed an
    action against Devetta Myers n/k/a Devetta Farrow (“Farrow”) on multiple
    legal theories including foreclosure of a mechanic’s lien and breach of contract
    based upon work, labor, and material Smith provided to Farrow for the
    rebuilding of a porch on a home she owned in St. Joseph County. Farrow
    subsequently filed a counterclaim against Smith and a third-party complaint
    against her prior contractor, Michael Smith d/b/a Home Connection (“Third-
    Party Defendant”), regarding separate work performed on the home. In 2016,
    after numerous discovery violations, violations of court orders, and other delays
    caused by Farrow, as well as a period of more than sixty days during which
    Farrow took no action on her claims, the trial court dismissed Farrow’s
    counterclaim and third-party complaint with prejudice pursuant to Indiana
    Trial Rule 41(E). Farrow now appeals claiming that the trial court abused its
    discretion in doing so. Finding no abuse of discretion, we affirm.
    Facts and Procedural History1
    [2]   Beginning in October 2009, Smith performed construction work on property
    owned by Farrow pursuant to a written contract between the parties. When the
    work was completed, Farrow disagreed with the amount to be paid and did not
    Farrow has provided us with a sparse record on appeal that contains virtually no factual background on this
    case or the course of the proceedings. Accordingly, much of the following facts and procedural history are
    based on the statement of the case section of Smith’s appellee’s brief. Farrow does not dispute the accuracy
    of the information provided by Smith.
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    pay the amount billed by Smith. Accordingly, Smith filed a mechanic’s lien
    against the property on October 10, 2010. Two months later, Smith filed suit
    against Farrow for foreclosure on the mechanic’s lien, breach of contract,
    complaint on account, unjust enrichment, and quantum meruit. Smith
    subsequently filed a motion for default judgment against Farrow. In January
    2011, the trial court entered a default judgment against Farrow for $8458.32
    plus costs.
    [3]   In February 2011, Farrow moved to set aside the default judgment asserting
    that she did not receive actual notice of the action. The trial court granted
    Farrow’s motion and set aside the default judgment. Thereafter, Farrow filed a
    counterclaim against Smith and a third-party complaint for breach of contract
    against Third-Party Defendant.
    [4]   The case did not proceed swiftly from there. Smith was forced to file numerous
    motions to compel against Farrow for discovery violations. The trial court
    granted many of those motions, issued orders to compel, and repeatedly
    sanctioned Farrow for her disregard of the trial rules and the court’s orders.
    Smith was required to institute proceedings supplemental on more than one
    occasion due to Farrow’s failure to pay the sanction judgments. In addition to
    requesting monetary sanctions, Smith also filed multiple motions requesting
    dismissal of Farrow’s counterclaim as a sanction. The trial court denied those
    motions but warned Farrow that her continued failure to comply with court
    orders could result in dismissal of her counterclaim and third-party complaint.
    Scheduled trial dates continually had to be reset due to Farrow’s failure to
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    comply with discovery and, in 2015, Farrow failed to appear for a scheduled
    pre-trial conference hearing.
    [5]   Finally, in July 2016, after a lengthy period of inactivity on the case, the trial
    court issued a notice of a pretrial conference hearing to be held on August 3,
    2016. The day before the hearing, Smith’s counsel called Farrow’s counsel’s
    office twice leaving messages with the receptionist and also leaving voicemail
    messages for counsel about wanting to discuss a possible agreement between
    the parties before the August 3 hearing. Smith’s counsel also provided Farrow’s
    counsel three emails about wanting to avoid the necessity of the hearing.
    Farrow’s counsel did not respond to Smith’s counsel. The following day, Smith
    appeared in person and by counsel, and Third-Party Defendant appeared in
    person and pro se, at the pretrial conference hearing. Neither Farrow nor her
    counsel appeared. Smith asked for a trial date on his complaint for January 12,
    2017, and made an oral motion for dismissal of Farrow’s counterclaim for
    failure to prosecute pursuant to Indiana Trial Rule 41(E). Third-Party
    Defendant also made an oral motion for dismissal of Farrow’s third-party
    complaint pursuant to Trial Rule 41(E). The trial court took the matter under
    advisement and later issued the following order:
    It appearing to the Court that no action has been taken by
    Counter Plaintiff/Third[-]Party Plaintiff on her claims for more
    than sixty (60) days, the Court now orders Counter
    Plaintiff/Third Party Plaintiff to appear on the 31[st] day of
    August, 2016 at 9:00 A.M. and show cause why her
    Counterclaim and her Third[-]Party Complaint should not be
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    Appellant’s App. at 22.
    [6]   Farrow’s counsel responded with a “Motion to Set Matter for Trial and
    Notification of Lack of Service” indicating that he did not have notice of the
    August 3 pretrial conference hearing because the notice was inadvertently sent
    by the court to Farrow’s former attorney. Farrow’s counsel further requested
    the court to set a trial date of January 12, 2017, for Farrow’s counterclaim and
    third-party complaint. 
    Id. at 24.
    Farrow’s counsel also filed a motion
    requesting the trial court to order Smith to amend his complaint to add an
    additional party, and served discovery on Smith even though discovery had
    previously been ordered concluded by the trial court.
    [7]   On August 31, 2016, the trial court held its rule to show cause hearing on
    Smith’s and Third-Party Defendant’s Trial Rule 41(E) motions to dismiss, as
    well as related matters. During the hearing, the trial court questioned Farrow’s
    counsel regarding his alleged lack of service regarding the notice of the August
    3, 2016, pretrial conference for which he and Farrow failed to appear. Farrow’s
    counsel admitted that despite the lack of service of the notice by the court, he
    did have actual notice of the hearing and planned to attend but that he “got
    stuck … on [his] way” to the hearing and missed it. Tr. at 11. Finding
    counsel’s motion alleging lack of service misleading, and his subsequent
    explanation for his absence disingenuous, and further concluding that
    “numerous delays in this case” had been caused by Farrow’s violation of
    discovery rules and noncompliance with court orders, the trial court dismissed
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    Farrow’s counterclaim and third-party complaint with prejudice. Appellant’s
    App. Vol. 2 at 21. This appeal ensued.2
    Discussion and Decision
    [8]   Farrow appeals the trial court’s dismissal of her counterclaim and third-party
    complaint pursuant to Indiana Trial Rule 41(E). A trial court’s ruling on a
    Trial Rule 41(E) motion to dismiss is reviewed for an abuse of discretion. Ind.
    Dep’t of Nat. Res. v. Ritz, 
    945 N.E.2d 209
    , 213 (Ind. Ct. App. 2011), trans. denied.
    The trial court abuses its discretion when its decision is against the logic and
    effect of the facts and circumstances before it. 
    Id. On appeal,
    we will affirm
    the trial court if any evidence supports its decision. Belcaster v. Miller, 
    785 N.E.2d 1164
    , 1167 (Ind. Ct. App. 2003), trans. denied.
    [9]   Trial Rule 41(E) provides in relevant part,
    Failure to prosecute civil actions or comply with rules.
    Whenever there has been a failure to comply with these rules or
    when no action has been taken in a civil case for a period of sixty
    [60] days, the court, on motion of a party or on its own motion
    shall order a hearing for the purpose of dismissing such case. The
    court shall enter an order of dismissal at plaintiff’s costs if the
    plaintiff shall not show sufficient cause at or before such hearing.
    “The purpose of this rule is to ensure that plaintiffs diligently pursue their
    claims and to provide an enforcement mechanism whereby a defendant, or the
    Third-Party Defendant did not file a brief in this appeal.
    Court of Appeals of Indiana | Memorandum Decision 71A03-1609-CC-2206 | May 19, 2017   Page 6 of 10
    court, can force a recalcitrant plaintiff to push his case to resolution.” Olson v.
    Alick’s Drugs, Inc., 
    863 N.E.2d 314
    , 319 (Ind. Ct. App. 2007) (citation and
    quotation marks omitted), trans. denied. Indeed, the burden of moving the
    litigation forward is on the plaintiff, not the court or the defendant. 
    Id. Trial Rule
    41(E) grants the trial court discretion to dismiss a case for failure to
    prosecute and for violations of trial rules and orders of the court entered
    pursuant to the trial rules. See Wright v. Miller, 
    989 N.E.2d 324
    , 328 (Ind. 2013)
    (citing Benton v. Moore, 
    622 N.E.2d 1002
    , 1006 (Ind. Ct. App. 1993)). “[W]hile
    the trial courts generally ‘fashion progressive sanctions leading up to a dismissal
    or default judgment when it is possible to do so, imposing intermediate
    sanctions is not obligatory when a party’s behavior is particularly egregious.’”
    Id. (quoting Whitaker
    v. Becker, 
    960 N.E.2d 111
    , 115 (Ind. 2012)). Stated
    another way, “the court need not impose a sanction less severe than dismissal
    where the record of dilatory conduct is clear.” Lee v. Friedman, 
    637 N.E.2d 1318
    , 1321 (Ind. Ct. App. 1994).
    [10]   In determining whether a trial court abused its discretion in dismissing an
    action pursuant to Trial Rule 41(E), we generally consider several factors
    (1) the length of the delay; (2) the reason for the delay; (3) the
    degree of personal responsibility on the part of the plaintiff; (4)
    the degree to which the plaintiff will be charged for the acts of his
    attorney; (5) the amount of prejudice to the defendant caused by
    the delay; (6) the presence or absence of a lengthy history of
    having deliberately proceeded in a dilatory fashion; (7) the
    existence and effectiveness of sanctions less drastic than dismissal
    Court of Appeals of Indiana | Memorandum Decision 71A03-1609-CC-2206 | May 19, 2017   Page 7 of 10
    which fulfill the purposes of the rules and the desire to avoid
    court congestion; (8) the desirability of deciding the case on the
    merits; and (9) the extent to which the plaintiff has been stirred
    into action by a threat of dismissal as opposed to diligence on the
    plaintiff’s part.
    Belcaster, 785 N.E.2d at 1167
    . 3 The weight any particular factor has in a case
    depends on the facts. 
    Id. [11] Here,
    the underlying claim in this case was filed in 2010, Farrow’s counterclaim
    and third-party complaint were filed in 2011, and the matters have been
    pending before the trial court for more than five years. Farrow concedes that
    she played a part in a recent six-month period of inactivity in the case, and that
    “nothing of substance occurred” from January to July 2016, simply because
    “[b]oth parties were dilatory – neither conducted discovery, filed any motions,
    or sought hearings.” Appellant’s Br. at 5. She argues that because “the only
    remaining matter outstanding was a trial date … the parties were either equally
    prejudice[d], or not at all” by any delay in her prosecuting her claims and thus,
    the trial court’s dismissal of those claims was “too drastic.” 
    Id. at 9,
    14. These
    arguments downplay Farrow’s behavior and ignore the multitude of events
    leading up to the trial court’s determination that dismissal of her claims was
    Our supreme court has noted that this analysis is applicable only to dismissals under Trial Rule 41(E) for
    failure to prosecute and not to dismissals for failure to comply with the trial rules and orders of the court,
    including discovery violations. See 
    Wright, 989 N.E.2d at 328
    n.4. Here, the trial court’s dismissal appears
    based both on Farrow’s failure to prosecute and on her violations of court orders and discovery violations.
    Thus, we will consider the factors.
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    [12]   The record indicates that Smith, Third-Party Defendant, and the trial court
    have tried to move this case along in an orderly fashion, only to be constantly
    and consistently interrupted by delays caused by Farrow. Her numerous
    discovery violations, noncompliance with court orders, and failures to appear
    frustrated the process and caused the court to continually reset scheduled trial
    dates. The trial court warned Farrow and attempted less drastic measures than
    dismissal of her claims on several occasions, apparently to no avail. After a
    recent period of inactivity, and in a final attempt to get all pending matters
    resolved, the trial court issued a notice ordering the parties to appear before the
    court on August 3, 2016. Neither Farrow nor her attorney appeared, and the
    trial court found counsel’s subsequent explanation for failing to appear and for
    causing yet another delay to be lacking in “candor” and “disingenuous, at
    best.” Appellant’s App. Vol. 2 at 20. Indeed, it was not until the trial court
    issued its rule to show cause why her claims should not be dismissed that
    Farrow was finally stirred into action, as opposed to her diligently pursuing her
    [13]   It is unquestionable that Farrow’s repeated discovery violations and lengthy
    history of having deliberately proceeded in a dilatory fashion weighs heavily in
    favor of the trial court’s determination that a Trial Rule 41(E) dismissal was
    warranted. Based upon the facts presented, we cannot say that the trial court’s
    dismissal of Farrow’s counterclaim and third-party complaint is against the
    logic and effect of the facts and circumstances before the court. Therefore, we
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    [14]   Affirmed.
    Baker, J., and Barnes, J., concur.
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