In Re the Adoption of L.T.: J.M. and S.M. v. C.T. , 9 N.E.3d 172 ( 2014 )

  •                                                            Apr 30 2014, 10:02 am
    PATRICK F. MASTRIAN III                            MONTY K. WOOLSEY
    Brown, Tompkins, Lory & Mastrian                   Cross, Pennamped, Woolsey & Glazier, P.C.
    Indianapolis, Indiana                              Carmel, Indiana
    Bielski Law LLC
    Indianapolis, Indiana
    IN THE
    IN RE THE ADOPTION OF L.T.:                    )
    J.M. and S.M.,                                 )
    Appellants,                            )
    vs.                           )      No. 49A05-1310-AD-493
    C.T.,                                          )
    Appellee.                              )
    The Honorable Gerald S. Zore, Judge
    Cause No. 49D08-1302-AD-7019
    April 30, 2014
    BAILEY, Judge
    Case Summary
    C.T. (“Father”) established his paternity of L.T. (“Child”) in the Marion County
    Circuit Court.   The custodial parent (“Mother”) died, and Father allowed maternal
    grandparents J.M. and S.M. (“Grandparents”) to assume guardianship. A guardianship order
    was entered by the Hamilton County Superior Court, although Child did not reside there.
    Paternal grandparents (“Interveners”) intervened and secured transfer of the matter to the
    Marion County Superior Court, Probate Division, where it was consolidated with
    Grandparents’ adoption petition. In a non-evidentiary hearing, Father contended that the
    Hamilton County Superior Court order was void for lack of subject matter jurisdiction. The
    probate court granted relief from the order and summarily awarded Father physical custody
    of Child. We reverse and remand for a hearing on the best interests of the child.
    Grandparents present two issues for review:
    I.     Whether the probate court erroneously granted relief from the
    guardianship order upon concluding that it was void for lack of subject
    matter jurisdiction; and
    II.    Whether the summary disposition of consolidated guardianship,
    custody, and adoption proceedings without a hearing was erroneous.
    Facts and Procedural History
    Child was born on October 2, 2010. On December 19, 2011, in the Paternity Division
    of the Marion County Circuit Court, paternity was established in Father. Mother was granted
    custody and Father was granted parenting time and ordered to pay child support. On October
    25, 2012, Mother died.
    On November 5, 2012, Grandparents filed a petition in the Hamilton County Superior
    Court seeking guardianship of Child. Attached to the petition was a “Waiver of Notice of
    Hearing and Consent to Guardianship,” purportedly bearing Father’s notarized signature.1
    (App. 130.) On the same day, Grandparents were appointed co-guardians of Child.
    On January 3, 2013, Father filed, in the Hamilton County Superior Court, his
    “Combined Motion to Set Aside and Dismiss Due to Lack of Subject Matter and Personal
    Jurisdiction.” (App. 37.) Interveners filed a petition in the Marion County Circuit Court to
    transfer the Hamilton County guardianship proceedings to the Marion County paternity
    court.2 On February 1, 2013, the Marion County Circuit Court, Paternity Division, entered an
    order to transfer the guardianship matter and consolidate it with paternity proceedings in
    Marion County. On February 27, 2013, the Hamilton Superior Court entered an order of
    Meanwhile, on February 22, 2013, Grandparents had filed a petition to adopt Child in
    the Marion County Superior Court, Probate Division.3 On March 20, 2013, the Paternity
    Division transferred the matter to the Probate Division; all proceedings were then
    consolidated in the probate court. On the same date, Father filed his “Emergency Motion to
    Father maintains that he acted under duress when he signed a document on November 2, 2012, allegedly a
    document other than the one attached as an exhibit to the guardianship petition.
    The petition alleged that Father had, on October 28, 2012, “signed consents for his father to either adopt
    [Child] or become [Child’s] guardian.” Appellee’s App. at 27. At the hearing on subject matter jurisdiction,
    counsel for Interveners advised the Marion County probate court that Father had “filed consents for his parents
    also to have guardianship and adoption.” (Tr. 15.)
    The petition alleged that Father’s consent to the adoption is not required pursuant to Indiana Code section 31-
    19-9-8. Grandparents alleged alternate grounds of parental unfitness and failure to support.
    Set Aside Order to Consolidate or in the Alternative Motion for Reconsideration.” (App. 68.)
    The motion was denied without a hearing. On April 3, 2013, Father filed a motion contesting
    the adoption petition, and attached a certified history of his payment of child support.
    On April 8, 2013, the probate court conducted a hearing at which argument was heard
    on the issue of whether Hamilton County Superior Court lacked subject matter jurisdiction
    over the guardianship proceedings. The parties were ordered to submit post-hearing briefs.
    On June 19, 2013, a “Motion for Relief from Judgment” was filed in Marion County. (App.
    15.) On October 8, 2013, the probate court issued its “Order Granting Motion to Dismiss or
    to Terminate Guardianship,”4 providing in relevant part:
    [T]he Hamilton Superior Court lacked subject matter jurisdiction to enter any
    orders relating to the Guardianship action filed by the Maternal Grandparents
    in that Court. The Guardianship is terminated and [Child] shall immediately
    be returned to her father[.]
    (App. 23.) The order was stayed pending the resolution of Grandparents’ appeal.
    Discussion and Decision
    Indiana Trial Rule 60(B)(6) provides: “On motion and upon such terms as are just the
    court may relieve a party or his legal representative from an entry of default, final order, or
    final judgment, including a judgment by default, for the following reasons: … The judgment
    is void[.]” In the probate court, Father contended that the order vesting guardianship in
    Grandparents was void for lack of subject matter jurisdiction; the probate court agreed.
    The probate court had issued interim orders concerning parenting time, grand-parenting time, substance
    evaluation, and multiple motions regarding contempt of court.
    Normally, this Court employs an abuse of discretion standard in reviewing a trial
    court’s ruling on a motion to set aside a judgment. Rice v. Com’r, Indiana Dept. of Envtl
    782 N.E.2d 1000
    , 1003 (Ind. Ct. App. 2003). However, when a motion for relief
    from judgment is made pursuant to Trial Rule 60(B)(6), alleging that the judgment is void,
    discretion on the part of the trial court is not employed because either the judgment is void or
    it is valid. 
    Id. An order
    is void where the trial court lacks the authority to act. Kitchen v.
    953 N.E.2d 646
    , 651 (Ind. Ct. App. 2011).5
    To render a valid judgment, a court must have both subject matter jurisdiction and
    personal jurisdiction. Buckalew v. Buckalew, 
    754 N.E.2d 896
    , 898 (Ind. 2001). These are
    the only types of jurisdiction. K.S. v. State, 
    849 N.E.2d 538
    , 540 (Ind. 2006). Subject matter
    jurisdiction is the power of a court to hear and decide the general class of actions to which a
    particular case belongs. 
    Id. When a
    court lacks subject matter jurisdiction, its actions are
    void ab initio and have no effect whatsoever. Allen v. Proksch, 
    832 N.E.2d 1080
    , 1095 (Ind.
    Ct. App. 2005).
    An Indiana court obtains subject matter jurisdiction only through the Constitution or a
    statute. State v. Sproles, 
    672 N.E.2d 1353
    , 1356 (Ind. 1996). Subject matter jurisdiction
    cannot be waived or conferred by agreement and can be raised at any time. Santiago v.
    605 N.E.2d 237
    , 240 (Ind. Ct. App. 1992), trans. denied.
    For example, courts have no authority to grant third-party visitation to persons other than parents, step-
    parents, or grandparents. In re I.E., 
    997 N.E.2d 358
    , 366 (Ind. Ct. App. 2013), trans. denied (citing 
    Kitchen, 953 N.E.2d at 646
    Indiana Code section 29-3-2-1(b)(1) provides in pertinent part: “Except as provided
    in subsections (c) through (e), the [probate] court has exclusive original jurisdiction with
    respect to an individual who is not an adult … over all matters concerning the following:
    Guardians.” Subsection (c)(1), setting forth one such exception, provides: “A juvenile court
    has exclusive original jurisdiction over matters relating to the following: Minors described in
    IC 31-30-1-1.” Indiana Code section 31-30-1-1(1)(3) provides: “A juvenile court has
    exclusive original jurisdiction … in … proceedings concerning the paternity of a child under
    IC 31-14.”
    Proper venue in guardianship actions is established by Indiana Code section 29-3-2-2,
    which provides that the proper or preferred venue for appointment of a guardian of a minor is
    the county where the minor resides. It is stipulated that Child is not a Hamilton County
    resident. As such, while the Hamilton County Court, Probate Division has statutory authority
    to hear and decide guardianship actions, this is not to say that the initial invocation of the
    court’s jurisdiction was proper. Rather, because venue was properly in Marion County, the
    action should have been filed there. Moreover, even where there are alternate venues for
    determining child custody, concurrent jurisdiction is not an option.
    Exclusivity in a custody dispute was addressed by a panel of this Court in In re
    Paternity of Fox, 
    514 N.E.2d 638
    (Ind. Ct. App. 1987), trans. denied. A father had filed a
    paternity action in Bartholomew County and shortly thereafter, the minor’s relatives (with
    whom he resided) filed a guardianship petition in their county of residence, Lawrence. 
    Id. at 6
    639-40. On appeal from an award of custody of the minor to his father, we explained the
    concept of exclusive exercise of jurisdiction:
    Pursuant to statute, paternity proceedings may be commenced by a putative
    father and venue lies in the county in which the child, the mother, or the
    alleged father resides. Ind. Code 31-6-6.1-4. Thus, it was proper for Fox to
    file his petition in Bartholomew County, where he resides. Proper venue for
    the guardianship proceeding was restricted to Lawrence County, where Doug
    resided. Ind. Code 29-1-18-7(a)(1). Both counties were vested with
    jurisdiction in the respective proceedings. Ind. Code 31-6-2-1(a)(3)
    (paternity); Ind. Code 29-1-18-4(a) (guardianship). It is well settled that two
    courts of concurrent jurisdiction cannot deal with the same subject matter at
    the same time. State ex rel. American Fletcher National Bank and Trust Co. v.
    Daugherty (1972), 
    258 Ind. 632
    283 N.E.2d 526
    . Once jurisdiction over the
    parties and the subject matter has been secured, it is retained to the exclusion
    of other courts of equal competence until the case is resolved, and the rule
    applies where the subject matter before the separate courts is the same, but the
    actions are in different forms. 
    Id. Exclusive jurisdiction
    over a particular
    cause of action vests when the complaint or other equivalent pleading or
    document is filed. State ex rel. Long v. Marion Superior Court (1981), 
    275 Ind. 533
    418 N.E.2d 218
    ; Ind. Rule of Procedure, Trial Rule 3.
    Here, the separate proceedings were in different forms, but as Fox’s paternity
    was not contested, the crux of both actions necessarily involved the same
    persons and issue, namely, who was to be awarded custody of [child]. As
    Fox’s petition for custody was filed on April 22, 1986, and the Beyers’s
    petition for guardianship was not filed until May 2, 1986, the Bartholomew
    Juvenile Court properly exercised exclusive jurisdiction of the subject matter.
    Id. at 6
    Had the subject of Child’s custody been first properly brought before the Marion
    County juvenile court for litigation, the Hamilton County probate court would have been
    precluded from making a custody determination regarding the same child, even if Child was
    a Hamilton County resident. See In re Marriage of Huss, 
    888 N.E.2d 1238
    , 1241 (Ind. 2008).
    Child’s best interests would have been a matter for consideration by the Marion County
    juvenile court.
    However, Father was not litigating custody in Marion County when the authority of
    the Hamilton County court was invoked. Rather, upon Mother’s death, Father relinquished
    his right to physical custody of Child and signed a consent to guardianship (possibly more
    than one). Despite having acquiesced in the guardianship, he later claimed that the Marion
    County probate court need conduct no inquiry into Child’s best interests. In support of this
    quest, he contends the Hamilton County Court lacked subject matter jurisdiction and
    therefore the guardianship pleadings, consent, and order should be declared nullities such that
    they provide no basis for transfer to an appropriate forum. Unfortunately, Father has
    confused the legal concepts of subject matter jurisdiction and venue.
    In other words, the instant controversy distills to the consequences of improper venue.
    The filing of a case in a county in which venue does not properly reside does not divest the
    trial court of subject matter jurisdiction. State ex rel. Knowles v. Elkhart Circuit Court, 
    256 Ind. 256
    , 258, 
    268 N.E.2d 79
    , 80 (1971). Indiana Code section 29-3-2-2(c) directs that a
    guardianship proceeding that was commenced in the wrong county may be transferred by the
    court in which the matter was filed to another court in Indiana. Upon transfer, the receiving
    court shall complete the proceeding as if it were originally commenced in that court. 
    Id. (emphasis added.)6
    According the statutory language its plain meaning, the use of the word
    See also Indiana Trial Rule 75(B) (providing that whenever a proceeding is filed which should properly have
    been filed in another court of this state, and proper objection is made, the court in which such action is filed
    shall not dismiss the action, but shall order the action transferred to the court in which it should have been
    “complete” contemplates a continuation of the proceedings. The receiving court is to
    continue from the current status of the proceedings in the county from which venue is
    transferred. To refuse to give proper effect to valid existing orders of a sister court would
    effectively allow an “end run” around lawful orders previously entered concerning the
    subject matter at issue.
    The Hamilton County Superior Court, Probate Division did not lack subject matter
    jurisdiction to conduct guardianship proceedings. When the court was informed of its lack of
    proper venue and the Marion County paternity proceedings, the matter was transferred.
    Upon consolidation in the Marion County Superior Court, Probate Division, it was then
    incumbent upon the probate court to complete the proceeding. The probate court erred in
    granting relief from the guardianship order on grounds that the order was void for lack of
    subject matter jurisdiction.
    Necessity of Hearing
    Grandparents also contend that the probate court erred in summarily ordering that
    physical custody of Child be given to Father. According to Grandparents, the probate court
    is required to consider Child’s best interests and they were afforded no opportunity to present
    evidence in this regard.
    Grandparents maintain that a change of child custody can be ordered only upon a
    showing that modification is in the best interests of the child and there is a change in a factor
    that the court may consider. They direct our attention to In re The Matter of the Paternity of
    903 N.E.2d 453
    , 457 (Ind. 2009), wherein a “central issue” was “what standard a trial
    court should apply when ruling on a parent’s petition to modify custody of a child who is
    already in the custody of a third party.” The Court recognized that modification of child
    custody is to occur only when a party can demonstrate modification is in the child’s best
    interests and there is a substantial change in a factor appropriate for the court’s consideration.
    Id. at 460.
    However, the Court clarified that the first statutory requirement is essentially met
    at the outset, as “the parent comes to the table with a strong presumption that a child’s
    interests are best served by placement with the natural parent.” 
    Id. Importantly, the
    K.I. Court did not summarily dispense with the necessity of inquiry
    into the child’s best interests in a custody dispute between a parent and non-parent, but rather
    recognized that the trial court must be convinced that placement with a person other than the
    natural parent represents a substantial and significant advantage to the child. The natural
    parent must meet a minimal burden of showing a change in a permissible custodial factor, but
    then the third party must prove by clear and convincing evidence that the child’s best
    interests are substantially and significantly served by placement with another person. 
    Id. at 460-61.
    “If the third party carries this burden, then custody of the child remains in the third
    party. Otherwise, custody must be modified in favor of the child’s natural parent.” 
    Id. at 461.
    Father does not directly address K.I., but argues that a hearing is unnecessary because
    he is automatically entitled to custody of his child upon the death of the other natural parent.7
    At the same time, Father “concedes that if this Court finds that Hamilton County did have subject matter
    He relies upon Indiana Code section 29-3-3-3, which provides that the parents (or the
    survivor if one parent is deceased) have, without appointment of a guardian or giving of a
    bond, or order of court, “the right to custody of the person of the minor.” Father does not
    acknowledge the statutory language making the custodial right subject to exception “as
    otherwise determined in a dissolution of marriage proceeding, a custody proceeding, or in
    some other proceeding authorized by law[.]” 
    Id. The interpretation
    of a statute is a question of law which we review de novo. Nash v.
    881 N.E.2d 1060
    , 1063 (Ind. Ct. App. 2008), trans. denied. The best evidence of
    legislative intent is the language of the statute, giving all words their plain and ordinary
    meaning unless otherwise indicated by the statute. Chambliss v. State, 
    746 N.E.2d 73
    , 77
    (Ind. 2001). We will presume that the legislature intended the language used in the statute to
    be applied logically and to avoid an unjust or absurd result. 
    Nash, 881 N.E.2d at 1063
    . Here,
    we will give effect both to the language providing for custody and the language providing for
    exceptions. We are not persuaded that the statute under consideration confers upon Father an
    absolute right to physical custody regardless of a prior order of court.
    Father also directs our attention to language of the concurring opinion in In re
    Paternity of J.A.C., 
    734 N.E.2d 1057
    (Ind. Ct. App. 2000), for the proposition that custody
    should be immediately returned to the surviving parent when paternity has already been
    established prior to the death of the custodial parent. The J.A.C. case involved a visitation
    dispute after a mother’s death. A few days before the custodial mother’s death, she had, with
    jurisdiction to issue the Guardianship and remands the case for further findings, an evidentiary hearing on
    the termination of the guardianship will be necessary.” Appellee’s Brief at 14.
    the father’s consent, secured appointment of her sister as her infant’s guardian. 
    Id. at 1058.
    After a bench trial, the father was awarded custody and the maternal aunt was awarded
    Id. The father
    appealed and a panel of this Court reversed the portion of the
    judgment that provided for visitation rights to the aunt. 
    Id. at 1060.
    Judge Robb concurred in the result, observing: “Because Colter is J.C.’s father, J.C.
    should have been immediately turned over to Colter when Barkdull died. As such, the
    previous decision of the probate court to appoint Koenig temporary guardian was also in
    Id. at 1060-61.
    A statement unnecessary in the determination of the issues presented
    (there, the review of a visitation order) is obiter dictum, not binding, and not law. Henley v.
    881 N.E.2d 639
    , 648 (Ind. 2008). We also observe that, nonetheless, the trial court did
    not dispense with inquiry into the best interests of the child after the father had signed a
    consent to guardianship; rather, a bench trial was conducted. 
    J.A.C., 734 N.E.2d at 1058
    Ultimately, however, we need not decide whether, upon death of one parent, the
    surviving parent is entitled to automatic extinguishment of an existing guardianship. Those
    are not the circumstances of this case. Here, Father relinquished a right to custody of Child
    immediately upon Mother’s death. For reasons not yet developed in a best interests hearing,
    Father signed – subsequent to Mother’s death – a consent to guardianship of Child.8 As no
    hearing has been conducted, the record on appeal is devoid of any evidence of changed
    Grandparents maintain Father was unable to care for Child while Father maintains he acted under duress in
    executing a consent to their guardianship. He averred, in a pleading before the Hamilton County court, that he
    had executed a consent because of Child’s need for health insurance coverage. We are not in a position to
    engage in fact-finding or credibility determinations. It is also unclear whether, in addition to the consent filed
    by Grandparents, Father signed separate consents in favor of one or both of his parents. According to the
    advisement of Father’s counsel to the probate court on April 8, 2013, the case chronology is incomplete.
    circumstances. We are not in a position to speculate on potential evidence. As to the law, we
    are not persuaded that either statutory or common law provides Father, who previously
    acknowledged that Child needed guardians, an absolute and summary right to custody
    without a hearing on changed circumstances and best interests.
    Reversed and remanded with instructions to conduct a hearing on the best interests of
    the child.
    KIRSCH, J., and BROWN, J., concur.