Antwonna Smith v. State of Indiana , 21 N.E.3d 121 ( 2014 )

  •                                                           Nov 21 2014, 8:35 am
    JOEL L. SCHUMM                                GREGORY F. ZOELLER
    Indianapolis, Indiana                         Attorney General of Indiana
    Deputy Attorney General
    Indianapolis, Indiana
    IN THE
    ANTWONNA SMITH,                               )
    Appellant-Defendant,                   )
    vs.                             )        No. 49A02-1312-CR-1015
    STATE OF INDIANA,                             )
    Appellee-Plaintiff.                    )
    The Honorable Amy Jones, Judge
    Cause No. 49F08-1203-FD-19889
    November 21, 2014
    Antwonna Smith was convicted after a jury trial of Class D felony theft1 and Class D
    felony resisting law enforcement.2 Resisting law enforcement is a Class A misdemeanor, but
    when Smith committed the offense it could be enhanced to a Class D felony if the person
    “inflicts bodily injury on or otherwise causes bodily injury to another person.” Ind. Code §
    35-44.1-3-1. Smith’s conviction of resisting law enforcement was enhanced to a Class D
    felony on the ground she inflicted bodily injury after a police officer scraped his knuckle and
    fingertip while forcing Smith to the ground. Smith argues on appeal the enhancement was
    error because she did not “inflict” the injury on the officer and the “cause”3 of the injury was
    the officer’s action, not hers. We agree and therefore reverse and remand so the trial court
    may enter a conviction of resisting law enforcement as a Class A misdemeanor.
    Smith left a Meijer store without paying for some items. A Meijer loss prevention
    employee followed Smith to the parking lot and confronted her about shoplifting. She denied
    taking the items and continued walking toward her car. Another loss prevention employee
    Ind. Code § 35-43-4-2 (2011).
    Ind. Code § 35-44.1-3-1 (2011).
    While the Indiana statute allows an enhancement when a defendant “inflicts bodily injury on or otherwise
    causes bodily injury,” Ind. Code § 35-44.1-3-1 (emphasis added), Smith was charged only with “inflicting”
    bodily injury. The charging information does not allege she “caused” the officer’s injury; it alleges only that
    she “did knowingly and forcibly resist, obstruct, or interfere with [the officer] . . . and further that while doing
    so, [Smith] inflicted bodily injury on [the officer].” (App. at 22) (emphasis added).
    The purpose of an information is to advise the defendant of the crime with which she is charged so she can
    prepare a defense. Bei Bei Shuai v. State, 
    966 N.E.2d 619
    , 626 (Ind. Ct. App. 2012), trans. denied. Smith
    does not argue on appeal the charging information was inadequate.
    We heard oral argument September 12, 2014, at Linton-Stockton High School in Linton, Indiana. We thank
    the school for its hospitality and commend counsel for the quality of their oral advocacy.
    called Officer Rick Jones, a police officer and former Meijer loss prevention employee who
    was nearby. The employee told Officer Jones about the shoplifting and provided a
    description. Smith left in her car, and two Meijer employees followed her so they could
    identify her when Officer Jones stopped her.
    Officer Jones found Smith’s car and pulled her over. When the Meijer employees
    arrived, Officer Jones had them look into Smith’s car to identify the items she had taken from
    the store. They identified Smith and the items, and Officer Jones asked Smith to step out of
    the car so he could arrest her. When Smith was outside the car, Officer Jones asked her to
    put her hands behind her back, but she did not comply. The officer tried to handcuff her, but
    she would not put her hands behind her. Smith moved toward the driver’s door of her car,
    and the officer “forcefully put all [his] body weight onto her body . . . to prevent her from
    getting into the vehicle.” (Tr. at 77.)
    There was a struggle, and one of the Meijer employees grabbed Smith’s arm.5 Officer
    Jones told Smith: “You don’t want me to take you to the ground. It’s wet. Just put your
    hands behind your back and we won’t end up on the ground. You won’t be taken to the
    ground.” (Id. at 78.) Smith still would not submit to being handcuffed, so the officer “gave
    her a knee strike,” (id.), which he described as “a pain compliance technique to whereas if I
    can apply some pain to . . . a nerve that runs to the muscle of your leg. . . . [I]t’s a temporary
    The State says in its brief that the employee “felt compelled to intervene and assist the police officer by
    trying to hold down one of Smith’s arms.” (Br. of Appellee at 3.) Nothing in the part of the transcript to
    which the State directs us suggests the employee was “compelled” to do what he did or what his reasons were
    for doing it. The transcript says only that the employee “came onto her left side and actually grabbed a hold of
    her arm . . . her left arm.” (Tr. at 78.)
    pain . . . it’s designed to take your mind off what you’re currently doing.” (Id. at 78-79.)
    That did not have the desired effect, so the officer “pulled her arm as [sic] about as possibly
    as hard as I could [and] we ended up on the ground.” (Id. at 80.)
    Smith told Officer Jones he had broken her leg, and she testified she was hospitalized
    four days for her injuries. After they fell, Officer Jones discovered “lacerations to [sic]
    scraping from being on the pavement . . . in [sic] one of my knuckles and my fingertip area.”
    (Id. at 81.) The injury was “painful,” (id. at 83), but was “nothing that prohibited me from
    continuing to write with a pencil” and it did not prevent the officer from returning to work.
    (Id.) Medics cleaned the wound but did not bandage it.
    The State charged Smith with theft and resisting arrest, and it elevated the latter
    charge to a Class D felony based on the injury to the officer. A jury found Smith guilty of
    On a review for sufficient evidence, an appellate court will look only to the evidence
    most favorable to the judgment and all reasonable inferences to be drawn therefrom. Woods
    v. State, 
    274 Ind. 624
    , 629, 
    413 N.E.2d 572
    , 575 (1980). If the existence of each element of
    the crime charged may be found therefrom, beyond a reasonable doubt, the verdict will not be
    Id. In such
    a review, we will not weigh conflicting evidence nor will we judge the
    credibility of the witnesses. 
    Id. But on
    a claim of insufficient evidence we have a duty to
    examine the evidence closely, not with a view towards resolving conflicts thereon, but for the
    purpose of determining whether, after resolving all reasonable doubts in favor of the verdict,
    it may be said that, on such evidence, a reasonable person could have reached such a verdict,
    beyond a reasonable doubt. 
    Id. There must
    be substantial evidence of probative value before we can decide an
    accused has been proven guilty beyond a reasonable doubt. 
    Id. That rule
    places the evidence
    before the court on appeal, not for the purpose of weighing it, or for the purpose of
    determining the facts when there is actual conflict, but for the purpose of deciding, as a
    question of law, whether there is substantive evidence in support of the required material
    facts essential to a conviction. 
    Id. at 629-630,
    413 N.E.2d at 575. It is not enough to sustain
    a conviction that the evidence, when given full faith and credit, may warrant a suspicion or
    amount to a scintilla. 
    Id. at 630,
    413 N.E.2d at 575.
    At the time of Smith’s offense,6 Ind. Code § 35-44.1-3-1 provided: “A person who
    knowingly or intentionally: (1) forcibly resists, obstructs, or interferes with a law
    enforcement officer or a person assisting the officer while the officer is lawfully engaged in
    the execution of the officer’s duties; . . . commits resisting law enforcement.” The offense
    was a Class A misdemeanor, but could be enhanced to a Class D felony if the person “inflicts
    bodily injury on or otherwise causes bodily injury to another person.” 
    Id. Smith concedes
    the officer was injured during the arrest, but argues the enhancement
    was improper because the State did not prove Smith “inflicted” or “caused” the injury. The
    officer was injured when he fell to the ground while forcing Smith to the ground. Smith says
    Thereafter, Public Law No. 158-2013 amended a number of statutes, including resisting law enforcement, to
    implement a six-tiered “Level” sentencing structure for felony convictions in place of the four-tiered “Class”
    sentencing structure for felonies. Pavlovich v. State, 
    6 N.E.3d 969
    , 973 n.3 (Ind. Ct. App. 2014), trans.
    the events in this case might support an enhancement if the statute required that conduct
    “result in” injury to another person, as did the language in Ind. Code § 35-42-2-1, which
    provided battery was a Class B misdemeanor but was enhanced to a Class A misdemeanor “if
    it results in bodily injury to any other person.” Smith notes similar language in other statutes.
    See, e.g., Ind. Code § 35-42-5-1 (2013) (robbery is a Level 5 felony, but is a Level 2 felony
    “if it results in serious bodily injury to any person”); Ind. Code § 35-43-2-1 (2013) (burglary
    is a Level 5 felony, but is a Level 3 felony “if it results in bodily injury”).
    When construing a penal statute, ambiguous language must be construed strictly
    against the State and in favor of the accused. Brown v. State, 
    868 N.E.2d 464
    , 470 (Ind.
    2007). Brown was charged with identity deception, which is a crime when “a person . . .
    knowingly or intentionally . . . uses the identifying information of another person: (1)
    without the other person’s consent; and (2) with intent to: (A) harm or defraud another
    person . . . or . . . profess to be another person.” Ind. Code § 35-43-5-3.5(a). Our Indiana
    Supreme Court determined the phrase “identifying information” required the State to prove
    Brown “used an individual’s name, address, date of birth, or other identifiers, to commit the
    charged crime.” 
    Brown, 868 N.E.2d at 470
    (emphasis in original). There was evidence
    Brown used information identifying a radio station without its consent, but there was no
    evidence he used “the name, address, date of birth, or other identifiers of any existing human
    being in perpetrating his hoax.” 
    Id. As the
    evidence did not establish Brown committed the
    offense by using information specifically identifying another individual human being, the
    evidence was insufficient to prove all the elements of identity deception. 
    Id. Smith did
    not “inflict” an injury on the officer or “cause” the officer’s injury, and her
    conviction should not have been enhanced to a felony. Officer Jones scraped his knuckle and
    fingertip when he fell while forcing Smith to the ground, but we agree with Smith that she
    was “a passive part of the encounter” and “took no actions toward” him. (Br. of Appellant at
    We acknowledge that in Whaley v. State, 
    843 N.E.2d 1
    , 10-11 (Ind. Ct. App. 2006),
    trans. denied, a panel of this court reached the opposite result. Whaley, as does Smith in the
    case before us, compared the “inflicts bodily injury” phrase with other statutes that use the
    phrase “results in bodily injury.” Two deputies were chasing Whaley and they caught him
    when he fell down. Whaley put his arms underneath his body so the deputies could not
    handcuff him. The deputies had to hit Whaley’s forearms in order to bring his arms behind
    his back. As a result, both deputies injured their hands. Whaley argued he did not inflict
    bodily injury on the deputies; rather, he contended they inflicted injury on themselves by
    hitting Whaley’s arms.
    Whaley argued the phrase “inflicts bodily injury” implied a “more direct causation.”
    Id. at 11.
    The Whaley panel rejected that argument. It noted penal statutes must be strictly
    construed against the State, but a statute should not be overly narrowed so as to exclude cases
    fairly covered by it, and it should be interpreted so as to give efficient operation to the
    expressed intent of the legislature. 
    Id. The statute
    does not define “inflict,” and when the
    legislature has not defined a word, we give the word its common and ordinary meaning. 
    Id. 7 “Inflict”
    is generally defined as “to cause (something unpleasant) to be endured.” 
    Id. (quoting Merriam–Webster
    Online Dictionary, available at That
    panel therefore determined a person resists law enforcement as a Class D felony if, while
    committing the offense, he “causes someone to experience bodily injury.” 
    Id. The deputies’
    injuries were “directly related to and caused by Whaley’s resisting arrest.” 
    Id. Therefore, such
    actions were included within the definition of “inflict,” and the evidence was sufficient
    to sustain Whaley’s convictions. 
    Id. As we
    do not believe a person who is thrown to the ground necessarily “inflicts” or
    “causes” an injury suffered by the person who throws her to the ground, we decline to follow
    This Court is respectful of the decisions of other panels and has so
    indicated in previous decisions. See, e.g., Lincoln Utils., Inc. v. Office of Util.
    Consumer Counselor, 
    661 N.E.2d 562
    , 565 (Ind. Ct. App. 1996) (a court on
    appeal will follow its previous decisions unless provided with strong
    justification for departure), [reh’g denied,] trans. denied. Indiana does not,
    however, recognize horizontal stare decisis. Thus, each panel of this Court
    has coequal authority on an issue and considers any previous decisions by
    other panels but is not bound by those decisions. See, e.g., O’Casek v.
    Children’s Home and Aid Society of Illinois, 
    229 Ill. 2d 421
    323 Ill. Dec. 2
    892 N.E.2d 994
    , 1014 n.4 (2008) (horizontal stare decisis is not an inexorable
    command, whereas vertical stare decisis is an obligation to follow the
    decisions of superior tribunals).
    The Indiana Appellate Rules specifically contemplate diverse outcomes
    by panels of this Court. Appellate Rule 57, governing petitions for transfer to
    our Supreme Court, recognizes conflicting decisions by this Court’s panels as a
    ground for transfer.
    It is axiomatic that the body of law on a topic is shaped by distinctions
    in the facts and circumstances presented in each case. . . . See Ind.
    Professional Conduct Rule 3.1, Comment (“[T]he law is not always clear and
    never is static. Accordingly, in determining the proper scope of advocacy,
    account must be taken of the law’s ambiguities and potential for change.”).
    In re C.F., 
    911 N.E.2d 657
    , 658 (Ind. Ct. App. 2009).
    In the instant case, Officer Jones chose to halt Smith’s resistance by throwing her to
    the ground, and the officer was injured in so doing. Unlike Whaley, Smith did not create a
    scenario in which Officer Jones’ only option in handcuffing her was to remove her hands
    from a location in which he could not reach.
    As Smith did not inflict or directly cause Officer Jones’ injury, her conviction should
    not have been enhanced to a felony. We must therefore reverse and remand.
    Reversed and remanded.
    BAILEY, J., and BROWN, J., concur.