Michael W. Shipman v. Angela L. (Shipman) Tanksley (mem. dec.) ( 2017 )

  •       MEMORANDUM DECISION                                                            FILED
    Sep 27 2017, 11:09 am
    Pursuant to Ind. Appellate Rule 65(D),
    this Memorandum Decision shall not be                                      Indiana Supreme Court
    Court of Appeals
    regarded as precedent or cited before any                                       and Tax Court
    court except for the purpose of establishing
    the defense of res judicata, collateral
    estoppel, or the law of the case.
    APPELLANT PRO SE                                         ATTORNEYS FOR APPELLEE
    Michael W. Shipman                                       Jonathan R. Deenik
    Centerville, Indiana                                     Deenik Law, LLC
    Greenwood, Indiana
    IN THE
    Michael W. Shipman,                                      September 27, 2017
    Appellant-Respondent,                                    Court of Appeals Case No.
    v.                                               Appeal from the
    Hamilton Superior Court
    Angela L. (Shipman) Tanksley,                            The Honorable
    Appellee-Petitioner.                                     William J. Hughes, Judge
    Trial Court Cause No.
    Kirsch, Judge.
    [1]   Michael W. Shipman (“Father”) appeals after the trial court granted Angela L.
    (Shipman) Tanksley’s (“Mother”) petition to modify custody, raising several
    issues, which we consolidate and restate as:
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    I. Whether the trial court erred when it modified parenting time
    and physical custody; and
    II. Whether the trial court erred when it modified legal custody.
    [2]   We affirm in part and reverse in part.
    Facts and Procedural History
    [3]   Mother and Father married in June 1995 and have three children (“the
    Children”), born in 2003, 2006, and 2008. Mother filed a petition for
    dissolution in June 2014. Following mediation, the parties executed a
    settlement agreement, resolving all property issues. At some point prior to the
    January 4, 2016, final hearing, they also agreed to joint legal custody. Issues of
    physical custody, parenting time, and child support remained for resolution at
    trial. Father sought shared physical custody and balanced parenting time, but
    Mother proposed that she would have physical custody and that Father’s
    parenting time would be every other weekend, as well as Monday and
    Wednesday evenings with the Children. On May 9, 2016, the marriage was
    dissolved by Decree of Dissolution (“the Decree”).1
    We note that Father, now pro se, was represented by counsel at the dissolution hearing and at the post-
    dissolution hearing giving rise to this appeal.
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    [4]   In the Decree, the trial court awarded the parties joint legal custody of
    Children, pursuant to their agreement. Appellant’s App. Vol. 2 at 23. With
    regard to physical custody, the trial court ordered as follows:
    21. The Court finds that it is in the best interest of the minor
    children that [Mother] exercise primary physical custody of the
    minor children subject to parenting time in the [Father]. Regular
    parenting time shall be every other weekend from Friday after
    school until return to school on Tuesday AM until the
    commencement of summer break.
    Id. at 26
    (emphasis added). The trial court continued, with regard to physical
    custody and parenting time:
    Beginning with the first Friday of Summer Break, the parties shall
    move to a 2-2-5-5 schedule. Under said schedule, the [Father] shall
    have overnight parenting time on Monday and Tuesday of each
    week, the [Mother] shall have overnight parenting time on
    Wednesday and Thursday of each week. The parties shall then
    alternate Friday through Sunday night every other week. The
    party who would have exercised visitation on the first Friday
    after the commencement of Summer Break under the regular
    schedule in place from the Decree until the commencement of
    Summer Break shall be the party to exercise the first weekend of
    visitation under the new schedule. In addition, the parties shall
    exercise holiday visitation and extended parenting time during
    school breaks pursuant to the Indiana Parenting Time
    Id. at 26
    -27 (emphasis added). Thus, until summer break, Mother had physical
    custody of Children, but at the commencement of summer break, the parties
    moved to a 2-2-5-5 shared physical custody arrangement. Due to the strained
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    nature of the parents’ relationship, the trial court ordered them to exchange
    Children “at a neutral location and not at the separate residences of the parties,
    unless specifically agreed between the parties in writing prior to the exchange.”
    Id. at 26
    . The Decree recognized that Children began counseling shortly after
    the separation of the parties, and “[t]his counseling was instituted to assist the
    [C]hildren to adjust to the realities of the part[ies]’ dissolution.” 
    Id. at 24.
    [5]   Several months after the Decree had been issued, on August 30, 2016,
    Mother filed a “Verified [] Petition to Modify Custody, Parenting Time and
    Child Support” (“Petition to Modify”).2 
    Id. at 33.
    In her Petition to
    Modify, she acknowledged that, under the Decree, the parties “share[d]
    joint physical custody following a 2-2-5-5 schedule” and that “[t]here is now
    a substantial change in circumstances and that it is in the [C]hildren’s best
    interest that the Court’s custody order be modified.” 
    Id. Mother alleged
    that: (1) Father allowed Children to be left unattended at the local fair; (2)
    Father was unwilling to modify his work schedule to accommodate
    Children after school, leaving the children alone; (3) the relationship
    between Father and Children had declined; (4) Children expressed a strong
    desire that custody be modified; and (5) Father relocated without giving
    proper notice. 
    Id. at 33-34.
    Mother requested that “the Court modify its
    The full title of Mother’s pleading was “Verified Consolidated Petition to Modify Custody, Parenting
    Time & Child Support; Request for Appointment of GAL; Motion for Rule to Show Cause, and
    Request for Proceedings Supplemental.” Appellant’s App. Vol. 2 at 33-37. However, in this appeal, we
    are only concerned with Mother’s Petition to Modify Custody, Parenting Time and Child Support.
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    custody Order and grant her physical custody subject to Father’s parenting
    Id. at 34.
    [6]   On September 8, 2016, the court appointed as guardian ad litem (“GAL”)
    Cathy Brownson (“GAL Brownson”), pursuant to Mother’s request for the
    appointment of a GAL. After conducting an investigation, GAL Brownson
    prepared and issued a report on January 13, 2017.
    [7]   On January 24, 2017, the trial court conducted a hearing on Mother’s Petition
    to Modify, and heard testimony from, among others, Mother, Father, and GAL
    Id. Mother testified
    that the “current custody order is a 50/50,
    2/2/5/5 plan[,]” and that she filed the Petition because she desired to modify
    “that custody arrangement.” Tr. Vol. 2 at 11. Mother explained her reasons
    behind her decision to file the Petition to Modify, which included that the
    relationship between Father and Children “is continuing to become more
    strained,” Children have “great anxiety” when they are preparing to go to his
    house, and “they seem to be much more sad.” 
    Id. at 14-15.
    She stated that the
    current 50/50 arrangement “puts a lot of strain on [Children]” and having to go
    “back and forth constantly is a big issue for them.” 
    Id. at 22-23.
    In her view,
    the oldest Child was exhibiting signs of anxiety and depression, the middle
    Child was showing “more anger than what she had before,” and the youngest
    “seems very sad.” 
    Id. at 16.
    Mother testified that Children’s conduct was
    different when they were with Father than when they were with her; for
    instance, Children appeared “fearful of being able to” come up to greet or hug
    her at sporting events if they came and were seated with Father. 
    Id. at 52.
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    also acknowledged that she did not greet or speak to Father if and when she
    saw him at Children’s events.
    [8]   Mother testified that there was no disagreement with Father concerning
    healthcare, religion, or education. 
    Id. at 44.
    Counsel for Father asked Mother
    whether she was asking for a change from the then-existing joint legal custody
    arrangement, and after she indicated she did not understand the question, her
    counsel stated, “We’ve not pled a request for modification of legal custody[.]”
    Id. at 45.
    The cross examination of Mother continued, and counsel for Father
    Q: So you heard your counsel’s comments?
    A: Yes.
    Q: And do you agree that you are not pursuing a modification of
    legal custody, of the joint legal custody provision?
    A: I’m asking for a modification in the custody arrangements for
    when –
    Q: Are you talking about parenting time?
    A: Parenting time, yes.
    Id. Near the
    conclusion of Mother’s testimony, a summary of her requests to
    the trial court was admitted as an exhibit, and it stated that Mother was asking
    the trial court to “[m]odify the physical custody order” and to “award Mother
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    sole physical custody of the [C]hildren”; it did not make any reference to legal
    custody. Pet’r’s Ex. 3.
    [9]   During the hearing, GAL Brownson’s fifty-plus page report (“GAL Report”)
    was admitted into evidence. Pet’r’s Ex. 1. GAL Brownson met with the parties,
    Children, and other individuals as follows: Mother individually; Father
    individually; Children in the presence of Mother at her residence; Children in
    the presence of Father at his residence; Children outside of their parents’
    presence; a school counselor; therapists; paternal grandmother; Father’s
    girlfriend; a teacher; a work associate of Father’s; and family friends. She also
    reviewed various pleadings, personal documents, reports, text messages, and
    emails. The GAL Report indicated, among other things, that Children “do not
    feel physically or emotionally comfortable in Father’s home” and are “very
    unhappy there,” that their relationship with him is “strained,” and
    recommended that Father and Children participate in family therapy “to repair
    the damage to their relationship and reunify to a healthier and positive
    dynamic.” Pet’r’s Ex. 1 (GAL Report at 46, 48). It also stated that Mother “has
    contributed to the negativity the children feel for Father and likely continues to
    do so even if she may not be doing so intentionally.” 
    Id. at 50.
    The GAL
    Report indicated that the parents’ communication post-dissolution “is still fairly
    poor by all reports.” 
    Id. at 52.
    In response to the trial court’s inquiry at the
    hearing, GAL Brownson testified that the parties cannot and do not
    communicate, stating, “I think it’s fair to say that it’s nearly zero, Judge[.]” Tr.
    Vol. 2 at 66.
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    [10]   The GAL Report did not make any modification recommendations, but, rather,
    provided information to the trial court to enable it to decide the pending issues.
    GAL Brownson explained in her testimony, “I don’t give an opinion as to what
    the parenting time schedule itself should be or . . . whether it should change.
    To me[,] that’s up to the Judge.” 
    Id. at 60.
    However, when asked if she
    thought Father continuing to have parenting time as ordered previously in the
    Decree “will be detrimental to his relationship with the children,” GAL
    Brownson replied, “I do if it were to continue to occur with all the other issues
    that are going on with [Children] and Father.” 
    Id. at 63.
    [11]   Father’s testimony was that he had made changes to his residence, in response
    to the GAL Report, to make it feel more “homey” and to have more kid-
    friendly foods available for Children. 
    Id. at 90.
    He acknowledged that there
    had been what might be considered a strained relationship with Children, but
    urged that it was improving and that Children were becoming more
    comfortable with him and at his home. He stated that he had attempted on
    occasions to greet Mother at Children’s activities or events, but she generally
    did not reply. He disagreed with Mother’s suggestion that he was unwilling to
    give one of the Children her ADHD medicine and said he supported her taking
    the medication. He disagreed with GAL Brownson’s opinion that his
    relationship with Children was declining. He agreed to and was supportive of
    participating in any counseling that might be ordered by the trial court, in order
    to facilitate and improve his relationship with Children. When asked by the
    trial court whether his communications with Mother were “terse and
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    unpleasant,” he replied that “generally our communications via e-mail are just,
    yes, they are terse and – yes, it’s challenging, yes.” 
    Id. at 98-99.
    request to the trial court regarding Mother’s Petition to Modify was that the
    trial court leave the custody and parenting time arrangement as previously
    ordered in the Decree.
    [12]   On May 31, 2017, the trial court issued an Order (“Order”) that modified legal
    custody, changing it from joint legal custody to Mother having sole legal
    custody. The trial court explained that at the time of the Decree, it had been
    “persuaded . . . that upon dissolution of the marriage and entry of Decree” the
    parties’ “inability . . . to communicate in a meaningful way for the benefit of the
    [C]hildren would dissipate,” and therefore, it approved their agreement for joint
    legal custody. Appellant’s App. Vol. 2 at 16. However, it found, “now a year
    later these parties still do not communicate.” 
    Id. The trial
    court determined,
    “[T]his unwillingness to communicate . . . is having detrimental effects upon
    these [C]hildren and it must be addressed” because joint legal custody “is the
    worst possible solution where the parties cannot communicate because i[t]
    places the children at risk.” 
    Id. It continued,
    The counseling ordered in the [D]ecree was to ensure that
    [Father] and [Children] would properly transition to a shared
    physical custody situation and [Father] did not insist upon that
    counseling. This Court will no longer allow these [C]hildren to
    be in legal limbo created by their parents’ inability to co-parent.
    From this date forward Mother shall have sole legal custody of
    these minor [C]hildren.
    Court of Appeals of Indiana | Memorandum Decision 29A05-1706-DR-1213 | September 27, 2017   Page 9 of 24
    Id. at 17.
    [13]   The trial court also changed the parenting time schedule by eliminating Father’s
    Monday and Tuesday overnights with Children, instead ordering that he
    exercise parenting time on evenings during the week and every other weekend
    from Friday evening to Monday morning. Due to the loss of overnight
    parenting credits, Father’s weekly child support was increased.3 The Order
    directed Father to participate in counseling “to the extent recommended by the
    counselor,” with the primary purpose being “to restore the relationship between
    [F]ather and [Children.]” 
    Id. at 18.
    Father now appeals.
    Discussion and Decision
    [14]   Indiana appellate courts grant latitude and deference to our trial courts in
    family law matters. Miller v. Carpenter, 
    965 N.E.2d 104
    , 108 (Ind. Ct. App.
    2012). Modifications of child custody, parenting time, and child support are all
    reviewed for abuse of discretion. 
    Id. We do
    not reweigh the evidence or judge
    the credibility of the witnesses. 
    Id. Instead, we
    view only the evidence
    favorable to the trial court’s judgment and the reasonable inference that may be
    drawn from this evidence. 
    Id. 3 Father
    does not directly challenge the child support aspect of the trial court decision, but does ask that, if
    this court finds that modification of physical custody and parenting time was erroneous, the child support
    amount be returned to that which was ordered at the time of the Decree. Appellant’s Reply Br. at 12.
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    [15]   In this case, neither party requested findings of fact and conclusions thereon,
    and the trial court titled its decision as an “Order.” Appellant’s App. Vol. 2 at 14.
    Father suggests on appeal that the trial court sua sponte entered special
    findings, and he asks us to apply the appropriate standard of review in that
    situation. While we acknowledge that the Order is more detailed than a
    cursory grant of Mother’s Petition to Modify, we are not persuaded that the
    trial court entered special findings and conclusions thereon. It did not walk
    through evidence presented at trial, identify the statutes at issue, or enter
    detailed factual findings and separate conclusions thereon. Rather, it outlined
    in more general terms what it had ordered in the Decree, what it was ordering
    on Mother’s Petition, and stated, in broad terms, why it was doing so. 
    Id. at 14-
    21. Accordingly, we find it appropriate to review the trial court’s decision
    under the general judgment standard. See Baxendale v. Raich, 
    878 N.E.2d 1252
    1257 (Ind. 2008) (in the absence of special findings, we review trial court
    decision as general judgment); Wolljung v. Sidell, 
    891 N.E.2d 1109
    , 1111 (Ind.
    Ct. App. 2008) (where trial court did not make special findings, we review trial
    court’s decision as general judgment). Under this standard, the judgment will
    be affirmed if it can be sustained on any legal theory consistent with the
    Baxendale, 878 N.E.2d at 1257
    . “Judgments in custody matters
    generally turn on essential factual determinations and will be set aside only
    when they are clearly erroneous.” 
    Id. We will
    not substitute our own judgment
    if any evidence or legitimate inferences support the trial court’s judgment. 
    Id. at 1257-58.
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    I. Parenting Time and Physical Custody
    [16]   Parenting time may be modified whenever modification would serve the best
    interests of the child.4 Ind. Code § 31-17-4-2. Here, the trial court reduced
    Father’s parenting time, from two nights during the week to one evening per
    week, reducing it “from seven overnights to three overnights every fourteen
    days.” Appellant’s Br. at 27. He argues that the primary reason given by the
    trial court in reducing Father’s parenting time was failure of both Mother and
    Father to communicate, which he maintains was not proper justification to
    modify parenting time. Although the parties’ lack of communication may have
    been a reason for reducing parenting time, we disagree that it was the only, or
    even the “primary,” reason for reducing parenting time.
    [17]   The record before us reflects that, while Mother and Father do exchange some
    emails and texts, they do not communicate well with each other. However, this
    lack of open and frequent communication is not the only reason appearing in
    the record that supported modification of parenting time. The GAL Report
    reflected that Children’s relationship with Father was “strained” and seemed to
    GAL Brownson to be worsening rather than improving with time. Exhibits Vol.
    Pet’r’s Ex. 1 (GAL Report at 46). Children told the GAL that they were not
    comfortable at his home, which GAL Brownson described as not feeling
    comfortable or lived-in and lacked kid-friendly food choices, and they preferred
    We note that, unlike a modification of physical custody, a modification of parenting time does not require a
    showing of a substantial change. Miller v. Carpenter, 
    965 N.E.2d 104
    , 110 (Ind. Ct. App. 2012).
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    to go less frequently or, in one child’s opinion, not at all. According to Mother,
    Children expressed anxiety prior to going to Father’s home and that going
    “back and forth constantly” was hard on them. Tr. Vol. 2 at 23. GAL
    Brownson observed little to no interaction between Father and Children; there
    was no affection shown by Father or by Children. When she later asked Father
    whether what she had observed at his home between him and Children was
    typical of their relationship, he said that it was, which indicated to her that he
    “did not appear to pick up on the tension.” Pet’r’s Ex. 1 (GAL Report at 49).
    GAL Brownson testified that in her opinion it would be detrimental to Children
    if the 50/50 arrangement continued. Tr. Vol. 2 at 63. The record in this case
    sufficiently demonstrates that a reduction from 50/50 shared parenting time to
    a schedule where Father will exercise parenting time on alternating weekends
    and one evening per week is in the best interest of Children.
    [18]   Although the trial court’s Order made no express statement that it was
    modifying physical custody, Father contends that the “trial court effectively
    modified physical custody” when it reduced his parenting time. Appellant’s Br.
    at 22. To the extent that the Order could be viewed as modifying the physical
    custody from a shared arrangement to granting sole physical custody to
    Mother,5 we find the record supports the modification.
    As Father observes, our courts have recognized that an equal division of parenting time may constitute de
    facto joint physical custody. Appellant’s Br. at 11 (citing to Julie C. v. Andrew C., 
    924 N.E.2d 1249
    , 1256 (Ind.
    Ct. App. 2010), where court held that increase in parenting time to seven overnights during any two-week
    period was a “de facto modification” to joint physical custody).
    Court of Appeals of Indiana | Memorandum Decision 29A05-1706-DR-1213 | September 27, 2017 Page 13 of 24
    [19]   The general provision governing custody modification is found in Indiana Code
    section 31-17-2-21. Modifications are permitted only if the modification is in
    the best interests of the child and there has been a substantial change in one or
    more of the factors identified in Indiana Code section 31-17-2-8 (“Section 8”).
    Ind. Code § 31-17-2-21(a). The relevant factors listed under Section 8 are:
    (1) The age and sex of the child.
    (2) The wishes of the child’s parent or parents.
    (3) The wishes of the child, with more consideration given to the
    child’s wishes if the child is at least fourteen (14) years of age.
    (4) The interaction and interrelationship of the child with:
    (A) the child’s parent or parents;
    (B) the child’s sibling; and
    (C) any other person who may significantly affect the
    child’s best interests.
    (5) The child’s adjustment to the child’s:
    (A) home;
    (B) school; and
    (C) community.
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    (6) The mental and physical health of all individuals involved.
    (7) Evidence of a pattern of domestic or family violence by either
    (8) Evidence that the child has been cared for by a de facto
    Ind. Code § 31-17-2-8. A parent seeking modification of custody bears the
    burden of proving that the existing custody order should be altered. Julie C. v.
    Andrew C., 
    924 N.E.2d 1249
    , 1256 (Ind. Ct. App. 2010) (citing Kirk v. Kirk, 
    770 N.E.2d 304
    , 307 (Ind. 2002)). When evaluating whether a change of
    circumstances has occurred that is substantial enough to warrant a modification
    of custody, the context of the whole environment must be judged, “‘and the
    effect on the child is what renders a change substantial or inconsequential.’” In
    re Marriage of Sutton, 
    16 N.E.3d 481
    , 485 (Ind. Ct. App. 2014) (quoting Jarrell v.
    5 N.E.3d 1186
    , 1193 (Ind. Ct. App. 2014), trans. denied).
    [20]   Father urges that the trial court’s Order failed to identify in which factors, if
    any, there had been a change in circumstances, and, rather, the Order focused
    on the lack of communication between the parties, which, Father argues, had
    not changed; that is, the parties did not communicate well when their marriage
    was dissolved and still do not. Thus, he argues, there has not been a continuing
    and substantial change in circumstances, and the trial court’s modification must
    be reversed.
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    [21]   As to Father’s argument that the trial court failed to identify which
    circumstances had changed and relied on only the poor communication –
    which had not changed – we observe that the parties did not request, and the
    trial court did not enter, specific factual findings. In that situation the trial court
    was not required to specifically identify which of the enumerated factors had
    changed. See In re Paternity of J.T., 
    988 N.E.2d 398
    , 400 (Ind. Ct. App. 2013)
    (“[I]in ordering a modification of child custody a trial court is not, absent a
    request by a party, required to make special findings regarding the continuing
    and substantial changes in the parties’ circumstances.”). As stated, we will
    affirm the judgment if it can be sustained on any legal theory consistent with the
    Baxendale, 878 N.E.2d at 1257
    [22]   Here, evidence was presented concerning a number of the factors of Section 8,
    including the wishes of Children, the interrelationship of Children with parents,
    and the mental and physical health of all individuals involved. Ind. Code § 31-
    17-2-8(3), (4), (6). In particular, Mother testified to her concerns about
    Children’s relationship with Father and their demonstrated anxiety about going
    to his home for parenting time. She also described that their demeanor was
    different when they were with him at events and that they treated her differently
    if he was present. She testified to her belief that the relationship between
    Children and Father was worsening rather than improving. GAL Brownson’s
    Report outlined her observations of Children’s interactions with Father and
    those with Mother, and it included Children’s wishes to go to Father’s home
    Court of Appeals of Indiana | Memorandum Decision 29A05-1706-DR-1213 | September 27, 2017 Page 16 of 24
    less frequently, and in the case of one Child, never. 6 She described that the
    relationship with Father was strained, that counseling was warranted to rebuild
    the relationship, and that continuing with the 50/50 parenting time would, in
    her opinion, be detrimental to Children.
    [23]   “As our Supreme Court has explained regarding our review of custody
    modifications, ‘we are in a poor position to look at a cold transcript of the
    record, and conclude that the trial judge, who saw the witnesses, observed their
    demeanor, and scrutinized their testimony as it came from the witness stand,
    did not properly understand the significance of the evidence[.]’” 
    Sutton, 16 N.E.3d at 487
    Kirk, 770 N.E.2d at 307
    ). We find that the evidence
    demonstrated a change in circumstances of one or more of Section 8 factors and
    that the modification was in Children’s best interests. Concluding that the trial
    court’s judgment was consistent with the evidence, we affirm it.
    II. Legal Custody
    [24]   Indiana Code section 31-17-2-15 (“Section 15”) provides that, in determining
    whether an award of joint legal custody would be in the best interest of the
    child, “the court shall consider it a matter of primary, but not determinative,
    importance that the persons awarded joint custody have agreed to an award of
    With regard to a child’s wishes, “[T]he statute does not direct courts to discount entirely the wishes of
    children under the age of fourteen. It merely provides that a child’s wishes are to be given more weight in the
    balancing of facts if the child is at least fourteen years.” Sabo v. Sabo, 
    858 N.E.2d 1064
    , 1070 (Ind. Ct. App.
    2006) (emphasis in original). Thus, “the wishes of children under fourteen years of age are entitled to some
    consideration.” Julie 
    C., 924 N.E.2d at 1257
    Court of Appeals of Indiana | Memorandum Decision 29A05-1706-DR-1213 | September 27, 2017 Page 17 of 24
    joint legal custody.”7 Here, the parties agreed to it, and the trial court approved
    it. Appellant’s App. Vol. 2 at 22.
    [25]   As with modifications of physical custody, a trial court may not modify legal
    custody unless (1) the modification is in the best interests of the child, and (2)
    there is a substantial change in one or more of the factors that the court may
    consider under Section 8. Julie 
    C., 924 N.E.2d at 1259
    . In determining whether
    a joint legal custody arrangement should be modified, a court may also consider
    the factors listed in Section 15. 
    Id. at 1260.
    “Particularly germane to whether
    joint legal custody should be modified is ‘whether the persons awarded joint
    custody are willing and able to communicate and cooperate in advancing the
    child’s welfare.’” 
    Id. (citing Ind.
    Code § 31-17-2-15(2)).
    [26]   On appeal, Father contends that the trial court erred when it modified legal
    custody because neither party requested modification of legal custody. In
    Under Section 15, the trial court also is to consider:
    (1) the fitness and suitability of each of the persons awarded joint custody;
    (2) whether the persons awarded joint custody are willing and able to communicate and cooperate
    in advancing the child’s welfare;
    (3) the wishes of the child, with more consideration given to the child’s wishes if the child is at least
    fourteen (14) years of age;
    (4) whether the child has established a close and beneficial relationship with both of the persons
    awarded joint custody;
    (5) whether the persons awarded joint custody:
    (A) live in close proximity to each other; and
    (B) plan to continue to do so; and
    (6) the nature of the physical and emotional environment in the home of each of the persons
    awarded joint custody.
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    support, he refers us to Bailey v. Bailey, 
    7 N.E.3d 340
    (Ind. Ct. App. 2014), for
    the proposition that trial courts may not modify custody sua sponte. In Bailey,
    the mother had been awarded primary physical custody in the dissolution, and
    she filed, as is relevant here, a petition to restrict the father’s visitation.
    Following a hearing, the trial court entered a “parallel parenting time order,”8
    which ordered that the mother and father would have joint physical and joint
    legal custody of the children. 
    Id. at 343.
    On appeal, the mother claimed that
    the trial court should not have modified physical custody in the absence of any
    request by either party to do so. 
    Id. [27] The
    Bailey court agreed, explaining that the trial court’s custody modification
    order suffered from a “fundamental defect,” namely:
    [N]either Father nor Mother ever requested a change of custody.
    Longstanding Indiana law has prohibited trial courts from sua
    sponte ordering a change of custody. Rather, when such an
    important issue as the custody of children is involved, a
    modification generally can be ordered only after a party has filed
    a petition requesting such a modification, the other party has
    notice of the filing, and a proper evidentiary hearing is held at
    which both parties may be heard and the trial court fully apprised
    of all necessary information regarding change of circumstances
    “Effective March 2013, a provision allowing for the creation of Parallel Parenting Orders was added to the
    Parenting Time Guidelines. Such orders are intended to minimize the contact between ‘high conflict parents
    . . . at least until the parent conflict is under control.’” Bailey v. Bailey, 
    7 N.E.3d 340
    , 344 (Ind. Ct. App. 2014)
    (quoting Ind. Parenting Time Guidelines, § IV, Scope).
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    and a child’s best interests before deciding whether a
    modification should be ordered[.]
    Id. at 344
    (internal citations omitted). The Bailey court recognized that, there,
    neither party had filed a petition requesting a change in custody, and “neither
    parent gave any hint during the evidentiary hearing that he or she desired a
    change in custody.” 
    Id. at 345.
    The Bailey court determined that the mother
    had “no warning” that she had to present evidence on a modification of
    Id. at 345.
    Therefore, it reversed the trial court’s sua sponte
    modification of physical custody. Id.9 at 345-46.
    [28]   Here, Father argues that the trial court likewise erred when it modified the joint
    legal custody order and awarded sole legal custody to Mother because no party
    had requested the modification. Given the record before us, we agree. First,
    the language of Mother’s Petition to Modify requested only a modification of
    parenting time and the shared physical custody arrangement, did not request
    modification of legal custody, and, indeed, made no mention of legal custody at
    all.10 Second, at the hearing on her Petition to Modify, Mother was directly
    The court in Bailey v. Bailey acknowledge that “[t]here may instances where a trial court could order
    modification of custody in favor of one parent in the absence of a petition requesting modification. For
    example, if one parent files a custody modification request, a trial court may instead modify custody in favor
    of the other parent, even if he or she did not file a cross-petition to modify custody, where it is clear during
    the modification hearing that the other parent desired custody.” 
    7 N.E.2d 340
    , 344 (Ind. Ct. App. 2014).
    This situation is distinguishable from Julie C v. Andrew C, where although the title of the mother’s petition
    indicated a request for modification of physical custody, “the pleading [was] clear that Mother [was] asking
    for a modification of legal custody.” 
    924 N.E.2d 1249
    , 1252 n.1 (Ind. Ct. App. 2010). It is also
    distinguishable from Higginbotham v. Higginbotham, 
    822 N.E.2d 609
    , 612 (Ind. Ct. App. 2004), where, in
    rejecting the father’s claim that the issue of legal custody was not before the trial court, this court determined
    Court of Appeals of Indiana | Memorandum Decision 29A05-1706-DR-1213 | September 27, 2017 Page 20 of 24
    asked whether she was seeking modification of legal custody and her responses
    indicated that she was seeking a reduction in Father’s parenting time and a
    modification from the then-existing 2/2/5/5 shared physical custody
    arrangement. Third, when she was further asked to confirm that she was not
    seeking a modification of the existing joint legal custody arrangement, she
    replied that she did not understand, and at that point her counsel, in an attempt
    to clarify any confusion, stated that Mother was not seeking a modification of
    legal custody. Fourth, during her testimony, Mother acknowledged that she
    and Father have no disagreement regarding Children’s education, religious
    upbringing, or medical care. Fifth, Mother’s Summary of Request[s] exhibit
    (Pet’r’s Ex. 3), admitted into evidence near the conclusion of her testimony,
    stated that she was seeking a modification of physical custody.
    [29]   Mother nevertheless urges that modification of legal custody was tried by
    consent. In support, she cites to the following exchange at the hearing, during
    which Father’s counsel questioned Mother about legal custody:
    Q: As you sit here today you’re not asking the Court to modify
    the shared joint custody, legal custody arrangement; are you?
    A: I’m asking for a modification of the custody arrangements.
    that the father’s petition to modify requested a modification of custody after a custody evaluation, and that
    evaluation recommended (1) that joint legal custody continue, and (2) that if joint legal custody was not
    continued, that the mother be given sole legal custody of the child. 
    Id. Thus, the
    Higginbotham court
    determined, “[T]he issue of joint legal custody was squarely before the trial court.” 
    Id. Court of
    Appeals of Indiana | Memorandum Decision 29A05-1706-DR-1213 | September 27, 2017 Page 21 of 24
    Q: Are you talking about legal custody?
    A: I don’t understand your question.
    Q: Are you no longer willing to allow [Father] to have input into
    the decisions regarding the children’s healthcare, education,
    Tr. Vol. 2 at 44-45. At that point, Mother’s counsel interjected:
    And, Your Honor, I might be able to help. We’ve not pled a
    request for modification of legal custody, nor is [Mother]
    pursuing a request to modify --
    Id. at 45.
    The trial court then made the following statement:
    I wouldn’t be surprised, but I have a petition to modify custody
    before the Court and I haven’t heard a stipulation otherwise.
    Id. Thereafter, counsel
    for Father continued with questioning Mother:
    Q: So you heard your counsel’s comments?
    A: Yes.
    Q: And do you agree that you are not pursuing a modification of
    legal custody, of the joint legal custody provision?
    A: I’m asking for a modification in the custody arrangements for
    when --
    Q: Are you talking about parenting time?
    Court of Appeals of Indiana | Memorandum Decision 29A05-1706-DR-1213 | September 27, 2017 Page 22 of 24
    A: Parenting time, yes.
    Id. [30] Based
    on that exchange, and the trial court’s remark, Mother contends, “Father
    was put on fair notice from the trial court it would determine issues of legal
    custody.” Appellee’s Br. at 11. We disagree and we find that the converse
    interpretation is equally feasible, if not more likely, i.e., the issue of
    modification of legal custody was not at issue. Indeed, the record suggests this
    was Father’s counsel’s understanding, because after this series of questions and
    answers, Father’s counsel dropped any further questioning about legal custody,
    thus evincing satisfaction that modification of legal custody was not at issue.
    As the Bailey court observed, although “issues raised by the pleadings can be
    altered by the evidence adduced at trial,” notice is still required. 
    Bailey, 7 N.E.3d at 344
    . Specifically, the court stated:
    [A] party is entitled to some notice that an issue is before the
    court before it will be determined to have been tried by consent.
    Both parties must actually litigate the new issue, and a new issue
    may not be interjected under the pretense that the evidence was
    relevant to some properly pleaded matter.
    Id. Here, based
    on the record before us, we cannot say that Father had notice
    that modification of legal custody was being litigated either expressly or by
    consent. We therefore find it was error to modify legal custody.
    [31]   We appreciate the trial court’s concern that Children’s welfare may be impacted
    by the parties’ lack of civil and open communication, and in our decision today,
    Court of Appeals of Indiana | Memorandum Decision 29A05-1706-DR-1213 | September 27, 2017 Page 23 of 24
    we express no opinion as to whether the evidence presented would or would
    not support modification of joint legal custody. Rather, we hold that because
    the record does not reflect that modification of joint legal custody was sought in
    Mother’s Petition to Modify or was otherwise litigated at the hearing, the
    parties did not expressly or impliedly consent to the issue of custody
    modification being litigated. See 
    Bailey, 7 N.E.3d at 344
    n.2 (noting that parents
    were “high conflict” and unable to communicate regarding their children, but
    “as with physical custody, neither party sought a change in their existing joint
    legal custody arrangement”). Accordingly, we reverse that portion of the trial
    court’s Order that modified joint legal custody and awarded sole legal custody
    to Mother and affirm it in all other respects.
    [32]   Affirmed in part and reversed in part.
    [33]   Najam, J., and Brown, J., concur.
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