City Of Davenport Vs. Thomas J. Seymour ( 2008 )

  •               IN THE SUPREME COURT OF IOWA
    No. 33 / 06–1753
    Filed August 29, 2008
    Appeal from the Iowa District Court for Scott County, Mary E.
    Howes, District Associate Judge.
    Defendant challenges the legality of the Davenport Automated
    Traffic Enforcement ordinance. AFFIRMED.
    Michael J. McCarthy of McCarthy, Lammers & Hines, Davenport,
    and Randall C. Wilson of ACLU of Iowa Foundation, Inc., Des Moines, for
    Christopher S. Jackson, Davenport, for appellee.
    APPEL, Justice.
    In this case, the court must decide whether traffic regulations and
    enforcement mechanisms contained in Iowa Code chapter 321 and other
    code   provisions   were   intended   by   the   legislature   to   prohibit   a
    municipality from establishing an automatic traffic enforcement system
    through which the city levels civil penalties against the owners of
    vehicles that fail to obey red light traffic signals or violate speed laws.
    Applying our well-established method of preemption analysis, we hold
    that the legislature has not preempted this automatic traffic enforcement
    ordinance through these statutory provisions.
    I. Factual and Procedural Background.
    If the twentieth century may be characterized as the Era of the
    Automobile, it was also the Era of Automobile Regulation.             In 1902,
    officers in Westchester County, New York, concealed themselves in fake
    tree trunks at specified intervals and, armed with stop watches and
    telephones, attempted to detect and apprehend speeders.             Not to be
    outdone, innovative constables in Massachusetts in 1909 deployed a
    method of detecting speeding motorists that used a combination of a
    camera and a stop watch. See Commonwealth v. Buxton, 
    91 N.E. 128
    (Mass. 1910).     These comparatively simple approaches to traffic law
    enforcement were subsequently replaced in the 1940s and 1950s by
    “radar” detection systems. Attacked as Orwellian when first introduced,
    the use of radar is now a standard tool of law enforcement.
    Innovation in traffic management has not been limited to speed
    control. As every motorist knows, automated stop lights have come to
    replace the blue-suited patrolman with outstretched arms engaged in
    perpetual motion with a whistle at the ready. Most municipal authorities
    believe police officers have better things to do than to control traffic at
    Modern technological advances have also led to the development of
    more sophisticated “automated traffic enforcement” (ATE) systems.
    Using a combination of cameras and sensors, the ATEs allow municipal
    governments to detect traffic violations without a law enforcement officer
    present on the scene. Promoted by private vendors who have developed
    and operated the systems, ATE red light cameras were first deployed
    abroad over thirty-five years ago and according to industry sources are
    now operational in forty-five countries.    Kevin P. Shannon, Speeding
    Towards Disaster:    How Cleveland’s Traffic Cameras Violate the Ohio
    Constitution, 55 Clev. St. L. Rev. 607, 610 (2007). As of 2005, ATE speed
    detection systems were in use in as many as seventy-five countries. 
    Id. In this
    country, speed cameras have been utilized on a limited
    basis in several states, including Arizona, California, North Carolina,
    Ohio, Oregon, and the District of Columbia. Red light systems have also
    been utilized by a number of municipalities, including those in Arizona,
    California, Virginia, and North Carolina. 
    Id. at 611.
    The advent of automatic traffic enforcement has prompted
    legislative action in a number of jurisdictions. Some state legislatures
    have elected expressly to authorize local governments to establish ATE
    systems provided that certain statutory requirements are met, including
    posting notice to drivers that automated traffic devices are in use. See,
    e.g., Colo. Rev. Stat. § 42–4–110.5 (2008); N.C. Gen. Stat. § 160A–300.1
    (2007). Other states have authorized ATE ordinances only in the vicinity
    of schools, residency zones, or railroad crossings. See, e.g., Ark. Code
    §§ 27–52–110, 27–52–111 (2007); Md. Code Ann., Transp. § 21–809
    (2008). Some states have explicitly prohibited their use. See, e.g., N.J.
    Stat. Ann. § 39:4–103.1 (2008); W. Va. Code § 17C–6–7a (2008); Wis.
    Stat. § 349.02(3) (2008).     Most states, like Iowa, have no legislation
    directly addressing the issue.
    In 2004, the City of Davenport enacted an ordinance entitled
    “Automatic Traffic Enforcement.”        Davenport Mun. Code § 10.16.070
    (2005).      The Davenport ATE ordinance authorized the city to install
    cameras and vehicle sensors at various locations in the city to make
    video images of vehicles that fail to obey red light traffic signals or
    speeding regulations.    The information obtained from these automated
    devices is then forwarded to the Davenport Police Department for review.
    The Davenport police then determine whether there has been a violation
    of the city’s traffic control ordinances.
    Under the Davenport ATE ordinance, a vehicle owner is issued a
    notice and is liable for a civil fine as a result of any detected violation. A
    vehicle owner may rebut the city’s claim by showing that a stolen vehicle
    report was made on the vehicle which encompassed the time in which
    the violation allegedly occurred.          Citations issued pursuant to the
    Davenport ATE ordinance are not reported to the Iowa Department of
    Transportation (IDOT) for the purpose of the vehicle owner’s driving
    A recipient of an automated traffic citation may dispute the citation
    by requesting the issuance of a municipal infraction citation.          If so
    disputed, the recipient is entitled to a trial before a judge or magistrate.
    In the event the disputing vehicle owner is found to have violated the
    ordinance, state-mandated court costs are added to the amount of the
    Thomas J. Seymour felt the sting of the Davenport ATE ordinance
    on April 28, 2006.       He received a citation alleging that his vehicle
    traveled forty-nine miles per hour in a thirty-five mile-per-hour zone on
    March 17, 2006. Seymour contested the citation.
    Seymour’s case was tried to a magistrate on a stipulated record.
    Seymour claimed that the ATE ordinance violated due process by shifting
    the burden of proof to the defendant to disprove a citation, by depriving a
    defendant of the presumption of innocence, by changing the burden of
    proof from the reasonable doubt standard to the lesser standard of clear,
    satisfactory, and convincing evidence, and by shifting liability to vehicle
    owners, not drivers.    Seymour also claimed that the Davenport ATE
    ordinance was invalid because it was preempted by traffic regulations
    and enforcement mechanisms contained in Iowa Code chapter 321 and
    sections 364.22(5)(b), 805.6, and 805.8A.
    The magistrate rejected all of Seymour’s claims, found that he
    violated the ordinance, and entered judgment against him.        Seymour
    appealed to the district court, which affirmed the judgment.
    We granted Seymour’s application for discretionary review. While
    Seymour raised constitutional challenges based on due process in the
    lower courts, he has not pressed these claims on appeal and, as a result,
    these issues are not before us. The only issue raised in this appeal is
    whether the Davenport ATE ordinance is preempted because it is
    inconsistent or contrary to Iowa’s statewide traffic laws as cited by
    II. Standard of Review.
    A trial court’s determination of whether a local ordinance is
    preempted by state law is a matter of statutory construction and is thus
    reviewable for correction of errors at law. State v. Tarbox, 
    739 N.W.2d 850
    , 852 (Iowa 2007).
    III. Discussion.
    A. Principles of Preemption Analysis. The central issue in this
    case is whether the provisions of the Davenport ATE ordinance are
    preempted by traffic regulation and enforcement provisions of Iowa Code
    chapter 321 (laws of the road) and sections 364.22(5)(b) (municipal
    infractions), 805.6 (form of citation in criminal cases), and 805.8A
    (schedule of criminal fines). An overview of the principles of preemption
    analysis provides the framework for resolution of the issue presented on
    In 1968, the Iowa Constitution was amended to provide municipal
    governments with limited powers of home rule.                 Iowa Const. art. III,
    § 38A. The home rule amendment established what we have referred to
    as legislative home rule. Berent v. City of Iowa City, 
    738 N.W.2d 193
    196 (Iowa 2007). Under legislative home rule, the legislature retains the
    unfettered power to prohibit a municipality from exercising police
    powers, even over matters traditionally thought to involve local affairs.
    Conversely, as long as an exercise of police power over local affairs is not
    “inconsistent with the laws of the general assembly,” municipalities may
    act without express legislative approval or authorization.              Iowa Const.
    art. III, § 38A.     City authorities are no longer frightened by Dillon’s
    In order to determine whether municipal action is permitted or
    prohibited by the legislature, courts have developed the doctrine of
    preemption. The general thrust of the preemption doctrine in the context
    of local affairs is that municipalities cannot act if the legislature has
    1In 1868, the Chief Justice of the Iowa Supreme Court, John F. Dillon, declared
    that municipalities were creatures of the legislature and had only those powers
    expressly granted by the legislature. City of Clinton v. Cedar Rapids & Mo. River R.R.,
    24 Iowa 455
    , 475 (1868). Later this rule became known as the Dillon Rule.
    directed otherwise. When exercised, legislative power trumps the power
    of local authorities.
    We have recognized three types of preemption.           The first type,
    generally known as express preemption, applies where the legislature
    has specifically prohibited local action in a given area.         Goodell v.
    Humboldt County, 
    575 N.W.2d 486
    , 492–93 (Iowa 1998); Chelsea Theater
    Corp. v. City of Burlington, 
    258 N.W.2d 372
    , 373 (Iowa 1977). In cases
    involving express preemption, the specific language used by the
    legislature ordinarily provides the courts with the tools necessary to
    resolve any remaining marginal or mechanical problems in statutory
    Where the legislature seeks to prohibit municipal action in a
    particular subject area, express preemption offers the highest degree of
    certainty with the added benefit of discouraging unseemly internecine
    power struggles between state and local governments.                 Express
    preemption is most consistent with the notion that “[l]imitations on a
    municipality’s power over local affairs are not implied; they must be
    imposed by the legislature.” City of Des Moines v. Gruen, 
    457 N.W.2d 340
    , 343 (Iowa 1990).
    Nonetheless, this court has found that express preemption alone is
    not a sufficient tool to vindicate legislative intent in all circumstances. In
    order to ensure maximum loyalty to legislative intent, this court has
    developed the residual doctrine of implied preemption, notwithstanding
    language in our cases disapproving of implied limitations on municipal
    power. Implied preemption arises in two situations where the intent of
    the legislature to preempt is apparent even though the legislature did not
    expressly preempt in unambiguous language.
    Implied preemption occurs where an ordinance prohibits an act
    permitted by statute, or permits an act prohibited by statute. 
    Goodell, 575 N.W.2d at 493
    Gruen, 457 N.W.2d at 342
    .                 Under these
    circumstances, although there is no express preemption, the statute on
    its face contains a command or mandate that by its very nature is
    preemptory. The theory of this branch of implied preemption is that even
    though an ordinance may not be expressly preempted by the legislature,
    the ordinance cannot exist harmoniously with a state statute because
    the ordinance is diametrically in opposition to it. The exclamation point
    of an express preemption provision is simply redundant in light of the
    mandatory legislative expression. Although we used the label “implied
    preemption” to distinguish it from express preemption, this type of
    preemption    is   perhaps   more   accurately   described   as   “conflict
    preemption.” See, e.g., Colacicco v. Apotex Inc., 
    521 F.3d 253
    , 261 (3d
    Cir. 2008); Mars Emergency Med. Servs., Inc. v. Twp. of Adams, 
    740 A.2d 193
    , 195 (Pa. 1999).
    Although implied preemption of the conflict variety occurs
    frequently, the legal standard for its application is demanding. In order
    to qualify for this branch of implied preemption, a local law must be
    “irreconcilable” with state law. 
    Gruen, 457 N.W.2d at 342
    . Further, our
    cases teach that, if possible, we are to “interpret the state law in such a
    manner as to render it harmonious with the ordinance.”        Id.; see also
    Iowa Grocery Indus. Ass’n v. City of Des Moines, 
    712 N.W.2d 675
    , 680
    (Iowa 2006); City of Iowa City v. Westinghouse Learning Corp., 
    264 N.W.2d 771
    , 773 (Iowa 1978). In applying implied preemption analysis,
    we presume that the municipal ordinance is valid.      Iowa 
    Grocery, 712 N.W.2d at 680
    .     The cumulative result of these principles is that for
    implied preemption to occur based on conflict with state law, the conflict
    must be obvious, unavoidable, and not a matter of reasonable debate.
    A second form of implied preemption occurs when the legislature
    has so covered a subject by statute as to demonstrate a legislative intent
    that regulation in the field is preempted by state law.       Like implied
    preemption based on conflict, the test for field preemption is stringent.
    Extensive regulation of area alone is not sufficient. 
    Goodell, 575 N.W.2d at 493
    ; City of Council Bluffs v. Cain, 
    342 N.W.2d 810
    , 812 (Iowa 1983).
    In order to invoke the doctrine of field preemption, there must be some
    clear expression of legislative intent to preempt a field from regulation by
    local authorities, or a statement of the legislature’s desire to have
    uniform regulations statewide. 
    Goodell, 575 N.W.2d at 499
    –500; City of
    Vinton v. Engledow, 
    258 Iowa 861
    , 868, 
    140 N.W.2d 857
    , 861 (1966).
    The notion behind field preemption is that the legislature need not
    employ “magic words” to close the door on municipal authority.          Yet,
    courts are not to speculate on legislative intent, even in a highly
    regulated field. There must be persuasive concrete evidence of an intent
    to preempt the field in the language that the legislature actually chose to
    Goodell, 575 N.W.2d at 493
    Field preemption is a narrow doctrine that cannot be enlarged by
    judicial policy preferences.    In determining the applicability of field
    preemption, this court does not entertain arguments that statewide
    regulation is preferable to local regulation or vice versa, but focuses
    solely on legislative intent as demonstrated through the language and
    structure of a statute. 
    Id. at 498–99.
    In this case, the parties agree that the legislature has not expressly
    preempted the Davenport ATE ordinance. The only question is whether
    one of the branches of implied preemption applies in light of the
    statutory provisions cited by Seymour.
    B. Application of Preemption Principles to the ATE Ordinance.
    1. Relevant statutory provisions. Entitled “Motor Vehicles and the
    Law of the Road,” Iowa Code chapter 321 contains 562 sections. Among
    other things, Iowa Code chapter 321 establishes substantive standards
    related to speeding, obeying traffic signals, and establishes mechanisms
    of enforcement.     Iowa Code §§ 321.285, 321.256.           Infractions for
    speeding and violating traffic signals are generally considered simple
    Id. § 321.482.
    Convictions for violation of these criminal
    statutes are reported to the IDOT and can result in suspension or
    revocation of driving privileges where the driver has committed multiple
    offenses within a prescribed statutory period. 
    Id. §§ 321.201–.215.
    Of central concern to the preemption challenge in this case is Iowa
    Code section 321.235, which provides:
    The provisions of this chapter shall be applicable and
    uniform throughout this state and in all political subdivisions
    and municipalities therein and no local authority shall enact
    or enforce any rule or regulation in conflict with the
    provisions of this chapter unless expressly authorized
    herein. Local authorities may, however, adopt additional
    traffic regulations which are not in conflict with the provisions
    of this chapter.
    Id. § 321.235
    (emphasis added). Iowa Code section 321.235 is a two-
    faced statute. The Janus-like code provision declares that the provisions
    of the chapter are “applicable and uniform” throughout the state, but
    then expressly authorizes local governments to enact “additional traffic
    regulations” that are “not in conflict” with the provisions of the chapter.
    The next provision of the code adds additional relevant language.
    Iowa Code section 321.236 provides:
    Local authorities shall have no power to enact, enforce, or
    maintain any ordinance, rule or regulation in any way in
    conflict with, contrary to or inconsistent with the provisions of
    this chapter, and no such ordinance, rule or regulation of
    said local authorities heretofore or hereafter enacted shall
    have any force or effect, however the provisions of this
    chapter shall not be deemed to prevent local authorities with
    respect to streets and highways under their jurisdiction and
    within the reasonable exercise of police power from: [list of
    fourteen exceptions].
    Id. § 321.236
    (emphasis added). The fourteen listed exceptions in this
    section give municipalities or rural residence districts the power to
    prescribe   standards   of   conduct.      Under   the    listed   exceptions,
    municipalities are expressly authorized to regulate conduct related to the
    parking of vehicles, processions or assemblages on highway, traffic flow
    on highways locally designated for one-way traffic, speed in public parks,
    designation of highways as a through highway requiring intersecting
    traffic to yield, operation of vehicles for hire, use of highways by heavy
    trucks and rubbish vehicles, turning of vehicles at and between
    intersections, the operation of bicycles, speed limits in public alleys, use
    of highways during snow conditions, and the operation of electric
    personal assistive mobility devices. 
    Id. The only
    exception contained in Iowa Code section 321.236 that
    does not expressly authorize limitations of conduct in a specific subject
    area is the penultimate listed exception, which authorizes boards of
    supervisors to create rural residence districts.         
    Id. But even
    provision indirectly relates to regulation of conduct, as rural residence
    districts created by the board of supervisors are authorized to regulate
    speed and parking of vehicles within the rural residence district
    consistent with the provisions of chapter 321.
    Another provision of Iowa law cited by Seymour is Iowa Code
    section 364.22(5)(b). This provision of Iowa law authorizes municipalities
    to establish civil infractions and provide for enforcement. Among other
    things, section 364.22(5)(b) provides that “[t]he city has the burden of
    proof that the municipal infraction occurred and that the defendant
    committed the transaction.” The Code provision also provides that the
    burden of proof for municipal civil infractions is “clear, satisfactory, and
    convincing evidence.” 
    Id. Seymour also
    cites Iowa Code sections 805.6 and 805.8A in
    support of his preemption argument.            Iowa Code section 805.6
    establishes a uniform citation and complaint for criminal infractions
    related to the rules of the road established in Iowa Code chapter 321. 
    Id. § 805.6.
    Iowa Code section 805.8A establishes a schedule of fines for
    such criminal violations. 
    Id. § 805.8A.
    2. Contentions of the parties. The parties agree that there are a
    number of differences between the provisions of Iowa Code chapter 321
    and the Davenport ATE ordinance.          For example, the Davenport ATE
    ordinance creates civil penalties while state law provides only for criminal
    violations; the offense under the Davenport ATE ordinance is against the
    owner of the motor vehicle rather than the driver; violation of the
    Davenport ATE ordinance is not reported to the IDOT and made part of
    the violator’s driving record, whereas violations of state law are so
    reported; the standards of proof in the Davenport ATE ordinance differ
    from those of state violations, which are criminal; the citation form under
    the Davenport ATE ordinance is different from that prescribed for
    criminal violations; and the schedule of municipal civil fines under the
    Davenport ATE ordinance is different from the schedule for violation of
    state criminal law.
    The parties, however, take opposing views of these differences. The
    City maintains that the differences between the Davenport ATE
    ordinance and the applicable state laws demonstrate that the Davenport
    ATE ordinance is not contrary to, or inconsistent with state law, but is
    merely supplemental to provisions of the state code. Seymour, on the
    other hand, maintains that the differences powerfully demonstrate
    conflict with state law by creating an entirely new enforcement regime
    that is wholly absent from chapter 321 and related provisions.
    3.   Application of preemption principles.   A number of our cases
    have explored the question of whether a local ordinance conflicts with
    state law, thereby triggering implied preemption. For example, in Iowa
    Grocery, we invalidated a Des Moines ordinance that allowed the city to
    charge an administrative fee related to liquor licenses and permits in the
    face of a state statute which provided that the Iowa Alcoholic Beverages
    Division, by rule, shall establish the administrative fee to be assessed by
    all local authorities.   Iowa 
    Grocery, 712 N.W.2d at 680
    .     Similarly, in
    James Enterprises, Inc. v. City of Ames, 
    661 N.W.2d 150
    , 153 (Iowa
    2003), we held that an Ames ordinance which prohibited smoking in
    restaurants during certain hours was preempted by state law which
    allowed designated smoking areas in restaurants. In these cases, local
    ordinances simply could not be reconciled with state law. An additional
    preemption case of older vintage is 
    Engledow, 258 Iowa at 861
    , 140
    N.W.2d at 857.     In that case, we invalidated a local ordinance that
    attempted to change the substantive elements of the crime of reckless
    Engledow, 258 Iowa at 868
    , 140 N.W.2d at 861.
    The above cases demonstrate that the phrase “irreconcilable” used
    in preemption analysis is a hard-edged term.             In order to be
    “irreconcilable,” the conflict must be unresolvable short of choosing one
    enactment over the other.     No such bitter choice is presented in this
    case. The Davenport ATE ordinance simply cannot be said to authorize
    what the legislature has expressly prohibited, or to prohibit what the
    legislature has authorized.     Nothing in Iowa Code chapter 321, or
    sections 805.6 and 805.8A addresses the question of whether a
    municipality may impose civil penalties on owners of vehicles through an
    ATE regime. Whether such penalties may be imposed by a municipality
    can only be characterized as a question which the legislature did not
    Using the principles established by our case law regarding implied
    conflict preemption, namely, that a local ordinance is not impliedly
    preempted unless it is “irreconcilable,” that every effort should be made
    to harmonize a local ordinance with a state statute, and that implied
    preemption only applies where a local ordinance prohibits what a state
    statute allows or allows what a state statute prohibits, we conclude that
    implied conflict preemption simply does not apply in this case. As stated
    by the Ohio Supreme Court in Village of Struthers v. Sokol, 
    140 N.E. 519
    521 (Ohio 1923), whether a municipal ordinance is in conflict is not
    determined by the penalties prescribed, but whether the ordinance
    permits or licenses that which the state prohibits or forbids or vice versa.
    See also Chicago & N.W. Transp. Co. v. Kalo Brick & Tile Co., 
    450 U.S. 311
    , 317–18, 
    101 S. Ct. 1124
    , 1130, 
    67 L. Ed. 2d 258
    , 265 (1981)
    (stating conflict in preemption context is to be assessed by examining the
    activity which the state has attempted to regulate, rather than the
    method used); 56 Am. Jur. 2d Municipal Corporations § 329, at 368–70
    (stating state and local regulation may coexist in identical areas although
    local regulation exacts additional requirements, unless state statute
    limits requirements by prescription).
    We find nothing in Iowa Code section 321.236 to alter our analysis.
    In this provision, the legislature has expressly authorized local
    governments to establish rules of conduct related to rules of the road.
    The legislature used no words of limitation in the section. Further, as
    pointed out by the City, the legislature in other sections of the Code has
    authorized municipal action over traffic subjects not contained in section
    321.236.      See, e.g., Iowa Code §§ 321.255 (traffic devices), 321.273
    (traffic reports), 321.293 (speed).           We do not regard the fourteen
    categories in Iowa Code section 321.236, therefore, as exclusive or as
    overriding the general command of Iowa Code section 321.235 that
    authorizes additional traffic regulations where they are not contrary to or
    inconsistent with state law.
    We also reject Seymour’s claim that the Davenport ATE ordinance
    conflicts with Iowa Code section 364.22(5)(b).           We certainly agree that
    under this statutory provision, the municipality has the burden of
    proving all elements of a civil infraction by clear and convincing
    evidence.2 But there is nothing in the Davenport ATE ordinance that is
    inconsistent with Iowa Code section 364.22(5)(b) that requires us to hold
    that the Davenport ATE ordinance is preempted.                There is simply no
    provision in the Davenport ATE ordinance that alters the requirement
    that   the    City   prove,   by    a   clear,   satisfactory,    and    convincing
    preponderance of evidence, that the defendant was the registered owner
    of the vehicle photographed violating the ATE ordinance. Seymour may
    not like the substance of the ordinance, which potentially imposes
    vicarious liability for traffic violations upon registered owners, but such a
    substantive challenge is irrelevant to the narrow question at hand,
    2The  Davenport ordinance creates civil penalties and, as a result, the “clear,
    satisfactory, and convincing” standard of Iowa Code section 364.22(5)(b) is not
    inconsistent with the reasonable doubt standard established in our case law for
    criminal violations. City of Des Moines v. Rosenberg, 
    243 Iowa 262
    , 272–73, 
    51 N.W.2d 450
    , 456 (1952).
    namely, whether the Davenport ATE ordinance is inconsistent with state
    The remaining question is whether the traffic regulations and
    enforcement mechanisms of Iowa Code chapter 321 are designed to
    preempt the field in a fashion that prohibits municipalities from enacting
    supplementary traffic enforcement ordinances such as the Davenport
    ATE ordinance. The legislative language related to uniform enforcement
    of traffic laws in Iowa Code section 321.235 suggests that field
    preemption may be at work.       In addition, the length, breadth, and
    comprehensiveness of Iowa Code chapter 321 offers support for the
    application of field preemption to the Davenport ATE ordinance.
    Yet, the introductory language in Iowa Code section 321.235
    regarding uniformity must be read in tandem with the subsequent
    language expressly vesting power in municipalities to enact additional
    traffic regulations that are not “inconsistent” with Iowa Code chapter
    321. This subsequent language eliminates any basis for field preemption
    because the legislature has expressly authorized municipalities to enact
    local   ordinances   regarding   the    subject   matter—namely,    traffic
    regulations—that are “not inconsistent with” the Code. Indeed, when it
    comes to traffic regulations, the legislature has expressly declined to
    preempt the field, so long as conflicts are not present.      Iowa Code
    § 321.235; see, e.g., Big Creek Lumber Co. v. County of Santa Cruz, 
    136 P.3d 821
    , 833 (Cal. 2006) (finding that general legislative statements of
    intent to establish comprehensive regulation do not preempt field where
    statute also expressly authorizes local action); Dep’t of Licenses &
    Inspections, Bd. of License & Inspection Review v. Weber, 
    147 A.2d 326
    328 (Pa. 1959) (holding legislative language allowing municipality to
    adopt appropriate ordinances not inconsistent with act demonstrates
    lack of field preemption); Brown v. City of Yakima, 
    807 P.2d 353
    , 355
    (Wash. 1991) (noting where statute expressly confers some measure of
    concurrent jurisdiction, field preemption does not apply).
    Although not articulated as such by the parties, we believe the nub
    of both the conflict and field preemption issues is whether the doctrine of
    expressio unius est exclusio alterius applies to defeat the Davenport ATE
    ordinance. Under this rule of statutory interpretation, a provision that a
    statutory mandate be carried out in one way implies a prohibition
    against doing it another way.      See Norman J. Singer, Statutes and
    Statutory Construction ch. 46 (6th ed. 2000). Arguably, by providing a
    criminal penalty for speeding and red light violations, the legislature
    should be deemed to have rejected alternate remedies such as civil
    The issue here, however, is not whether the state legislature has
    authorized state authorities to establish an ATE system to enforce red
    light and speeding laws.     This case involves the materially different
    question of whether state law prohibits municipal authorities from
    creating such a system.       Unless the long-deceased Dillon Rule is
    resurrected, the notion that the mere failure of the legislature to
    authorize invalidates municipal action is without merit. Under our case
    law, the state statute and the municipal action must be irreconcilable.
    The fact that state law does not authorize the state to enforce its statute
    through certain remedial options does not mean that it forbids
    municipalities from the same course of action. In the context of state-
    local preemption, the silence of the legislature is not prohibitory but
    permissive. See Cameron v. City of Waco, 
    8 S.W.2d 249
    , 254 (Tex. Civ.
    App. 1928) (holding that rule of expressio unius est exclusio alterius does
    not apply in determining scope of municipal powers under home rule).
    We recognize that the Colorado and Minnesota Supreme Courts
    have held that automated traffic enforcement regimes were preempted by
    state traffic laws. City of Commerce City v. State, 
    40 P.3d 1273
    , 1285
    (Colo. 2002); State v. Kuhlman, 
    729 N.W.2d 577
    , 584 (Minn. 2007). On
    the other hand, the Supreme Court of Ohio has reached an opposite
    conclusion.     Mendenhall v. City of Akron, 
    881 N.E.2d 255
    , 265 (Ohio
    2008).     We have reviewed the Colorado and Minnesota cases and find
    nothing to dissuade us from our approach, which is dictated by well-
    established Iowa case law.
    In reaching our conclusion, we are aware that the desirability of
    ATE ordinances is the subject of contentious political debate.           See
    generally Robin Miller, Automated Traffic Enforcement Systems, 
    26 A.L.R. 6th 179
    (2007). Supporters of ATE ordinances may passionately
    assert that the presence of the cameras and speed sensors promote
    public safety and save lives, especially the lives of children, when
    careless driving and road rage are all too common.              In contrast,
    opponents may view ATE ordinances as unduly intrusive, unfair, and
    simply amounting to sophisticated speed traps designed to raise funds
    for cash-strapped municipalities by ensnaring unsuspecting car owners
    in a municipal bureaucracy under circumstances where most busy
    people find it preferable to shut up and pay rather than scream and
    As we have previously stated, “In construing statutes it is our duty
    to determine legislative intent; the wisdom of the legislation is not our
    concern.” Hines v. Ill. Cent. Gulf R.R., 
    330 N.W.2d 284
    , 289 (Iowa 1983).
    As a result, the pros and cons of ATE ordinances have no bearing on the
    narrow legal issue that we are required to decide in this case. Our only
    task is to determine, under established legal principles, the issues that
    the parties have presented, specifically, whether the Davenport ATE
    ordinance is preempted by the traffic regulatory and enforcement
    provisions of Iowa Code chapter 321 and sections 364.22(5)(b), 805.6, or
    805.8A. In light of the established cases and the enabling language of
    Iowa Code chapter 321.235, we hold that the doctrine of preemption does
    not apply. Any determination on the merits of the policy arguments is
    not for the court, but the political organs of government influenced by an
    informed electorate.
    We also recognize that a number of statutory and constitutional
    questions have been raised to ATE ordinances that are not presented in
    this appeal.   ATE ordinances have been attacked as amounting to an
    unlawful   revenue     raising   measure   or   as   improperly   delegating
    government authority to a private vendor. Andrew W. J. Tarr, Picture It:
    Red Light Cameras Abide by the Law of the Land, 
    80 N.C. L
    . Rev. 1879,
    1886 (2002) (issue of unlawful revenue raising); see also Leonte v. ACS
    State & Local Solutions, Inc., 
    19 Cal. Rptr. 3d 879
    (Ct. App. 2004)
    (delegation of power).    Academic commentators have debated whether
    ATE ordinances violate rights of privacy.       See, e.g., Quentin Burrows,
    Scowl Because You’re on Candid Camera: Privacy and Video Surveillance,
    31 Val. U. L. Rev. 1079 (1997); Mary Lehman, Are Red Light Cameras
    Snapping Privacy Rights?, 33 U. Tol. L. Rev. 815 (2002); Steven Tafoya
    Naumchik, Stop! Photographic Enforcement of Red Lights, 30 McGeorge L.
    Rev. 833 (1999).       ATE ordinances also have been attacked on due
    process, Fourth Amendment, and equal protection grounds.          See, e.g.,
    McNeill v. Town of Paradise Valley, 44 Fed. App’x 871 (9th Cir. 2002)
    (Fourth Amendment); Shavitz v. City of High Point, 
    270 F. Supp. 2d 702
    (M.D.N.C. 2003), vacated on other grounds sub nom. Shavitz v. Guilford
    County Bd. of Educ., 100 Fed. App’x 146 (4th Cir. 2004) (equal
    protection); Agomo v. Fenty, 
    916 A.2d 181
    (D.C. 2007) (due process).
    All of the above questions are not raised in this appeal, and we
    consequently express no view on them.           This court is not a roving
    commission that offers instinctual legal reactions to interesting issues
    that have not been raised or briefed by the parties and for which the
    record is often entirely inadequate if not completely barren. We decide
    only the concrete issues that were presented, litigated, and preserved in
    this case.
    IV. Conclusion.
    We hold the Davenport ATE ordinance is not preempted by the
    traffic regulations and enforcement mechanisms of Iowa Code chapter
    321 and sections 364.22(5)(b), 805.6, or 805.8A. As a result, the ruling
    of the district court in this matter is affirmed.
    All justices concur except Wiggins, J., who dissents and Baker, J.,
    who takes no part.
    #33/06–1753, City of Davenport v. Seymour
    WIGGINS, Justice (dissenting).
    I dissent. I cannot agree with the majority’s conclusion that the
    legislature’s comprehensive enactment of the traffic regulations and
    enforcement mechanisms contained in chapter 321 of the Iowa Code
    does not preempt Davenport’s Automated Traffic Enforcement ordinance.
    Although the majority recognizes the doctrine of implied preemption, it
    fails to follow our existing case law in its application of the doctrine.
    Chapter 321 includes a uniform law provision.              Iowa Code
    § 321.235 (2007). This provision provides:
    The provisions of this chapter shall be applicable and
    uniform throughout this state and in all political
    subdivisions and municipalities therein and no local
    authority shall enact or enforce any rule or regulation in
    conflict with the provisions of this chapter unless expressly
    authorized herein. Local authorities may, however, adopt
    additional traffic regulations which are not in conflict with
    the provisions of this chapter.
    Id. Chapter 321
    also limits the power of local authorities to enact an
    ordinance that conflicts with the Code.        
    Id. § 321.236
    .     It states in
    relevant part:
    Local authorities shall have no power to enact, enforce, or
    maintain any ordinance, rule or regulation in any way in
    conflict with, contrary to or inconsistent with the provisions
    of this chapter, and no such ordinance, rule or regulation of
    said local authorities heretofore or hereafter enacted shall
    have any force or effect . . . .
    Id. Although section
    321.236 enumerates specific areas where a local
    municipality may regulate, it does not include automatic enforcement
    This court has applied these sections on two prior occasions and
    struck down local ordinances that were inconsistent with chapter 321.
    Central City v. Eddy, 
    173 N.W.2d 582
    , 583–84 (Iowa 1970); City of Vinton
    v. Engledow, 
    258 Iowa 861
    , 868, 
    140 N.W.2d 857
    , 862 (1966). In City of
    Vinton, the city enacted a local ordinance defining reckless driving as:
    “Every driver of any vehicle upon any street in the city shall
    drive and operate such vehicle in a careful and prudent
    manner and with due regard and precaution for the safety of
    pedestrians, persons, property and other vehicles.         No
    person shall operate or drive any vehicle in a manner or at a
    speed greater or other than is reasonable and safe with
    respect to such vehicles, persons, pedestrians or property.”
    City of 
    Vinton, 258 Iowa at 864
    , 140 N.W.2d at 860 (citation omitted).
    Although a prior state statute defined reckless driving in this manner,
    the present state statute only allowed a finding of reckless driving when
    “[a]ny person [ ]drives any vehicle in such manner as to indicate either a
    willful or a wanton disregard for the safety of persons or property . . . .”
    Id. at 865,
    140 N.W.2d at 860.
    There this court recognized the state of mind of the violator for
    committing the offense of reckless driving was lower under the city
    ordinance than the state statute.     The city ordinance only required a
    finding of negligence to hold the driver culpable, while the state
    ordinance required a finding of “either a willful or a wanton disregard for
    the safety of persons or property.” 
    Id. In analyzing
    the city ordinance,
    the court first determined that this type of regulation was not contained
    as an exception to section 321.236. 
    Id. at 865–66,
    140 N.W.2d at 860–
    Next, the court considered whether the city ordinance was
    consistent with the state statute, as required by section 321.235. The
    test set out by our court to determine whether a statute is valid under
    sections 321.235 and 321.236 is that “[a] city ordinance cannot be
    allowed to change the statutory definition either by enlargement or
    Id. at 866,
    140 N.W.2d at 861. The court went on to say,
    “ ‘[T]he test of the validity of a statute or ordinance is not what has been
    done under it but what may be done by its authority.’ ”        
    Id. (quoting Chicago,
    Rock Island & Pac. R.R. v. Liddle, 
    253 Iowa 402
    , 409, 
    112 N.W.2d 852
    , 856 (1962)).
    In applying these principles, the court found the difference
    between the state of mind needed to hold violators liable under the state
    and city laws destroyed the uniformity required by sections 321.235 and
    Id. The state
    of mind needed for holding a person culpable for
    reckless driving is a matter of legislative policy. 
    Id. Because the
    laws in
    Vinton were not consistent with the rules of the road enforceable in other
    parts of the state, this court held the Vinton ordinance invalid. 
    Id. In 1970
    the court was asked to revisit a similar issue.       Central
    City, 173 N.W.2d at 583
    –85.      There the city held drivers culpable for
    careless or negligent driving on public streets, alleys, and highways. 
    Id. at 583.
      Our court recognized that the legislature only held a driver
    culpable for driving with either a willful or a wanton disregard for the
    safety of persons or property.    
    Id. at 584.
      Thus, the city’s ordinance
    holding a driver culpable for negligent driving was inconsistent with state
    Id. Accordingly, the
    ordinance was invalid. 
    Id. Applying established
    law to the facts of this case can only lead to
    one conclusion—Davenport’s Automated Traffic Enforcement ordinance
    violates sections 321.235 and 321.236. No one argues the ordinance is
    allowed under an enumerated exception to section 321.236. Thus, we
    must determine whether the Davenport ordinance is inconsistent with
    chapter 321.
    The legislature has defined when an owner of a vehicle may be
    culpable for a violation of chapter 321.    Iowa Code § 321.484.        Under
    chapter 321, an owner can only be culpable for a driver’s moving
    violation if the owner of any vehicle requires, or knowingly permits the
    operation of such vehicle upon a highway in any manner contrary to the
    Id. Under Davenport’s
    ordinance, an owner is strictly liable for the
    actions of a person driving the owner’s vehicle.      By requiring a lesser
    state of mind for an owner to be culpable of the same offense, the
    Davenport ordinance is inconsistent with the stated legislative policy
    regarding the culpability of owners under chapter 321.
    It may be asserted that because the violation of the ordinance is a
    civil infraction, it is not inconsistent with chapter 321. I cannot agree
    with this premise.
    In Illinois several municipalities passed local ordinances allowing
    traffic offenders to pay a civil settlement fee in lieu of court adjudication.
    People ex rel. Ryan v. Vill. of Hanover Park, 
    724 N.E.2d 132
    , 135 (Ill. App.
    Ct. 1999).     Like Davenport’s ordinance, a traffic violator in these
    municipalities would pay a fine to the municipality and the violation
    would not be reported to the state. Section 11-207, chapter 11 of the
    Illinois Code contains the same language as section 321.235 of the Iowa
    Id. at 139.
          The Illinois Appellate Court found this statute violated the
    uniformity requirement of traffic laws contained in section 11-207 of
    chapter 11 for two reasons. 
    Id. at 143–44.
    First, the ordinance allows
    certain moving violations to be adjudicated administratively, while the
    Illinois Code requires moving violations to be dealt with judicially. 
    Id. at 140.
    Second, by not reporting the violations to the licensing authority,
    the licensing authority cannot exercise its exclusive authority to cancel,
    suspend, or revoke a license. 
    Id. at 141.
    I agree with the reasoning of
    the Illinois court.
    The Iowa legislature has given Iowa municipalities the power to
    adjudicate parking violations administratively. Iowa Code § 321.236(1).
    The legislature has not given municipalities the authority to adjudicate
    other violations of our traffic code administratively. The judicial system
    must adjudicate all other violations.     When law enforcement cites a
    person for a moving violation, the officer must arrest the violator or issue
    a citation. 
    Id. §§ 805.1,
    805.6. Court intervention is necessary so the
    violator cannot pay a civil settlement fee in exchange for “an opportunity
    to circumvent the potential consequences of committing the offense,
    namely, a chance to avoid an adjudication [by the court], a finding of
    guilty, and a guilty finding being reported to the [licensing authority].”
    People ex rel. 
    Ryan, 724 N.E.2d at 140
    . Consequently, for the Davenport
    ordinance to be valid, it must treat its violators as the legislature treats
    violators in other parts of the state. The ordinance can only achieve the
    uniformity required by section 321.235 by adjudicating these moving
    violations judicially.
    Another problem with the administrative adjudication under the
    Davenport ordinance is its failure to report violators to the department of
    transportation (DOT).    The DOT is the sole agency designated by the
    legislature to administer the issuance, suspension, and revocation of a
    driver’s license. Iowa Code § 321.2. In carrying out these duties, the
    DOT has instituted various rules regarding the suspension and
    revocation of a license. Iowa Admin. Code r. 761—615. The action the
    agency takes is dependent on the nature of the violation. See, e.g., 
    id. r. 761—615.9
    (providing for suspension of habitual offenders).       The DOT
    has also developed driver improvement programs as an alternative to
    license suspension. 
    Id. r. 761—615.43.
    In order for the DOT to administer the suspension or revocation of
    a driver’s license, it must receive a record of the conviction from the
    court system.      Chapter 321 requires the court to advise the DOT of a
    conviction. Iowa Code § 321.491. The Davenport ordinance does not.
    The legislative intent behind the enactment of traffic laws is to keep the
    streets and highways of this state safe. One of the most effective means
    of doing that is to reeducate drivers who violate the laws through driver
    improvement programs. If a driver cannot be reeducated, then the DOT
    has the ability to suspend or revoke a license. For this legislative scheme
    to   work,   the    DOT   needs   to   have   exclusive   control   over   the
    administration, suspension, and revocation of drivers’ licenses so the
    consequences of committing a violation of chapter 321 remain uniform
    throughout the state.
    The Davenport ordinance circumvents the DOT’s exclusive control,
    and undermines the goal set forth by the legislature that repeat offenders
    should be kept off our roads. Why would the legislature allow a person
    with five violations under the Davenport ordinance to continue to drive,
    when its stated legislative policy is to prohibit a driver with three moving
    violations in any other part of the state from operating a motor vehicle?
    An unsafe driver in Davenport is an unsafe driver anywhere else in this
    state. By not applying our suspension and revocation laws uniformly,
    our streets and highways become a more dangerous place.
    I understand Davenport’s desire to decrease the occurrences of
    speeding without the expense of adding more officers for enforcement in
    these tough economic times. I also understand the city’s need to raise
    revenue from new sources. However, I cannot believe an ordinance that
    holds the owner strictly liable and does nothing to remove repeat
    offenders from the road furthers the legislative intent of sections 321.235
    and 321.236.     Sections 321.235 and 321.236 require the uniform
    applicability of chapter 321 and prohibit municipalities from enacting or
    enforcing any rule or regulation in conflict with the provisions of chapter
    321 unless expressly authorized by the legislature. The uniformity of our
    traffic laws keeps the roads safe for all Iowans.   The legislature never
    envisioned that municipalities could raise revenue under the guise of
    traffic law enforcement at the expense of safer highways.
    Accordingly, without specific authorization by the legislature to
    hold owners strictly liable for the acts of a driver, without judicial
    adjudication, and without DOT authority to regulate who should not be
    on the roads, I would hold Davenport’s Automated Traffic Enforcement
    ordinance invalid.