AOL Llc Vs. Iowa Department Of Revenue ( 2009 )

  •                IN THE SUPREME COURT OF IOWA
    No. 07–1792
    Filed August 21, 2009
    AOL LLC,
    On review from the Iowa Court of Appeals.
    Appeal from the Iowa District Court for Polk County, Robert B.
    Hanson, Judge.
    Department     seeks   further   review   of    the   reversal   of   its
    determination that AOL is subject to state sales tax.         DECISION OF
    Thomas J. Miller, Attorney General, Marcia Mason and James D.
    Miller, Assistant Attorneys General, for appellant.
    Bruce W. Baker of Nyemaster, Goode, West, Hansell & O’Brien,
    P.C., Des Moines, and Peter J. Brann, Martin I. Eisenstein and David
    Swetnam-Burland of Brann & Isaacson, Lewiston, Maine, for appellee.
    APPEL, Justice.
    This case involves the question of whether the State of Iowa may
    impose sales tax on internet services provided by America Online, LLC
    (AOL) to its Iowa customers.     The parties disagree as to whether the
    applicable administrative rule requires the origin and terminus of the
    communication to occur in Iowa in order for AOL’s gross receipts to be
    taxable and whether AOL’s service met this requirement.         While the
    department found AOL subject to state sales tax, the district court and
    the court of appeals disagreed.      For the reasons stated below, the
    decision of the court of appeals is vacated and the district court
    judgment is affirmed.
    I. Background Facts and Proceedings.
    AOL is a communication service provider that offered its Iowa
    members internet access, e-mail, instant messaging, and a variety of
    original content features.   The essential operational features of AOL’s
    internet service are not materially disputed. In order to obtain content, a
    member residing in Iowa must first place a call to a local telephone
    number through a modem-equipped computer.           One of the cluster of
    modems at the local exchange (modem hotel) would answer the call and
    then forward a digital signal routed to one of AOL’s data centers in
    Virginia through a private system controlled by AOL.
    Before the customer in Iowa could receive any content from AOL,
    “authentication” of the customer’s information must occur in Virginia.
    Once authentication is verified, the service commences through the
    connection of the Iowa customer’s personal computer to the data centers
    in Virginia.   AOL refers to this as the client/server connection.     Any
    information that an AOL subscriber posted on AOL servers, the internet,
    or sent by e-mail would be routed through Virginia before it could be
    accessed by any other user, including AOL members and any non-AOL
    members in Iowa.          Additionally, any information sent to an AOL
    customer in Iowa must first be routed through Virginia before that
    information reached Iowa, even if that information originated in Iowa.
    Thus, without a connection between the user’s computer in Iowa via
    AOL’s local exchange to the AOL data center in Virginia, no services
    could be provided even for communications between two AOL members
    who both resided within the state.
    At the time of this dispute, Iowa Code section 422.43(1) (1999)
    imposed a state sales tax on “the gross receipts from the sales,
    furnishing, or service of . . . communication service . . . when sold at
    retail in the state to consumers or users . . . .”       The department
    promulgated Iowa Administrative Code rule 701—18.20 to enforce this
    statutory provision. The introduction to rule 18.20 and the definitions in
    section 18.20(1) provide:
    701—18.20 . . . Communications services. The gross
    receipts from the sale of all communication services provided
    in this state are subject to tax. . . .
    18.20(1) Definitions.
    a. Communication services shall mean the act of
    providing, for a consideration, any medium or method for, or
    the act of transmission and receipt of, information between
    two or more points. Each point must be capable of both
    transmitting and receiving information if “communication” is
    to occur. . . .
    b. Communication service is provided “in this state”
    only if both the points of origination and termination of the
    communication       are  within    the    borders  of   Iowa.
    Communication service between any other points is
    “interstate” in nature and not subject to tax.
    The rule goes on to further address the taxation of internet services
    18.20(5) Prior to July 1, 1999, charges for access to
    or use of what is commonly referred to as the “Internet” or
    charges for other contracted on-line services are the gross
    receipts from the performance of a taxable service if access is
    by way of a local or in-state long distance telephone number
    and if the predominant service offered is two-way
    transmission and receipt of information from one site to
    another as described in paragraph “a” of subrule 18.20(1). If
    a user’s billing address is located in Iowa, a service provider
    should assume that Internet access or contracted on-line
    service is provided to that user in Iowa unless the user
    presents suitable evidence that the site or sites at which
    these services are furnished are located outside this state.
    On June 14, 2001, the department issued an assessment on AOL’s
    Iowa sales of communication services during the period from July 1,
    1995 to December 31, 2000.     In August, AOL filed a protest, but the
    matter was held in abeyance pending the outcome of a similar dispute
    involving AOL and Tennessee tax authorities. The Tennessee matter was
    settled after the Tennessee Court of Appeals ruled in favor of another
    company on similar issues.    See generally Prodigy Servs. Corp., Inc. v.
    125 S.W.3d 413
     (Tenn. Ct. App. 2003). The matter eventually
    came to an evidentiary hearing before an administrative law judge (ALJ)
    of the Iowa Department of Inspections and Appeals in late October 2005.
    The ALJ issued a proposed decision concluding that the services
    provided by AOL were not subject to state sales tax. The ALJ analyzed
    the statutory and administrative framework surrounding the issue and
    concluded that under the department’s own rules, AOL services
    amounted to an untaxable interstate service. The ALJ noted that while
    an Iowa resident might use his Iowa-based computer to initiate service
    and that the signal is transferred through the Iowa-based modem hotel
    to AOL, one could not conclude that the communication originated and
    terminated in Iowa. Simply put, the ALJ concluded that no service or
    communication    was    provided   at   the   modem     hotel   in     Iowa.
    Communication occurred between the data center in Virginia and the
    user in Iowa.
    The department appealed the ALJ’s decision to its director, who
    reversed the ALJ’s proposed decision. The director largely adopted the
    findings of fact made by the ALJ. The director concluded, however, that
    AOL’s services were the result of a local call, regardless of the manner in
    which AOL connected the local call to its network.            In addition, the
    director noted that the legislature amended the governing statute to
    exempt from sales tax “gross receipts from charges paid to a provider for
    access to on-line computer services.”      The director reasoned that this
    legislative change would be unnecessary if such services were not subject
    to tax in prior years. Finally, the director concluded that AOL charged
    an access fee, which was not dependent on the user actually utilizing the
    service, making it subject to state sales tax.
    AOL filed a petition for judicial review.             The district court
    overturned the agency’s decision, finding it an irrational, illogical, and
    wholly unjustifiable application of law to fact.            The district court
    concluded that only one point of communication occurred in Iowa, the
    other occurred at the AOL data center in Virginia.               Because the
    department’s    administrative    rule    required   that    both   points   of
    communication occur within the state in order for sales tax to be
    assessed, the district court concluded that AOL services were not subject
    to the tax.
    The department appealed. We transferred the case to the court of
    appeals. On appeal, the department argued that the definitions provided
    in section 18.20(1) did not apply to section 18.20(5) which specifically
    dealt with the taxation of internet services.         Thus, there was no
    requirement that AOL services be provided “in this state” in order for it to
    be subject to state sales tax. In the alternative, the department asserted
    that if the definitional section did apply, both points of communication
    occurred within the state.    The court of appeals affirmed the district
    court, concluding that both the origin and the termination of the
    communication must occur within the state and that the communication
    at issue here “terminates” out of state.    As such, AOL’s services were
    interstate and not subject to state sales tax.    The department sought
    further review.
    II. Standard of Review.
    Our review of the two issues presented in this appeal is governed
    by the Iowa Administrative Procedure Act. The first inquiry involves the
    proper interpretation of the department’s rule, specifically, what is meant
    by communication service provided “in this state” in Iowa Administrative
    Code rule 18.20 and whether this term, as properly interpreted, applies
    to limit taxation of internet access services described under section
    18.20(5).   The second inquiry is whether AOL, under the undisputed
    facts, provided taxable communication services in this state within the
    scope of the department’s administrative rules.
    An agency’s interpretation of law is given deference if authority to
    interpret the law has “clearly been vested by a provision of law in the
    discretion of the agency.” Iowa Code § 17A.19(10)(l) (Supp. 1999). If the
    interpretation is so vested in the agency, then the court may reverse an
    agency’s interpretation only if it is “irrational, illogical, or wholly
    unjustifiable.” Id. If, however, the interpretation of a provision of law is
    not vested in the discretion of the agency, our review is for correction of
    errors at law and we are free to substitute our interpretation of the
    statute de novo.   Id. § 17A.19(10)(c); Auen v. Alcoholic Beverages Div.,
    679 N.W.2d 586
    , 589–90 (Iowa 2004).
    The legislature has provided that the Director of the Iowa
    Department of Revenue shall have the power to promulgate “rules not
    inconsistent with the provisions of this chapter, necessary and advisable
    for its detailed administration and to effectuate its purposes.” 
    Iowa Code § 422.68
    (1) (1999). In light of this language, we have concluded that the
    agency’s interpretation of the statute as reflected in its administrative
    rules is a power that has “clearly been vested” in the agency. Ranniger v.
    Iowa Dep’t of Revenue & Fin., 
    746 N.W.2d 267
    , 268 (Iowa 2008). As a
    result, rules promulgated by the department will be found invalid only if
    they are “irrational, illogical or wholly unjustifiable.” 
    AOL does not challenge the general proposition that the director
    has broad authority to promulgate rules that the director finds
    consistent with the governing statute. Indeed, AOL does not make any
    claim that the applicable rules in this case are invalid.       Instead, AOL
    argues that broad authority to promulgate rules consistent with the
    statute is not the same as the issue presented in this case, namely,
    whether the director is vested with authority to interpret the rules. As a
    result, AOL argues that the director’s interpretation of the rules is not
    entitled to deference under Iowa Code section 17A.19(10)(c) (Supp. 1999).
    In this case, it is not necessary to decide the question of whether
    the director’s interpretation of the department’s rules is entitled to
    deference.    As will be seen below, we conclude that the director’s
    interpretation fails to meet even the most deferential standard of review.
    Once we have resolved proper interpretation of the applicable
    administrative rules, we must next consider the application of law to the
    established facts. Factual determinations of the agency must be affirmed
    by a reviewing court if they are supported by substantial evidence. Iowa
    Code § 17A.19(10)(f). The application of law to the established facts can
    be reversed only if the application is “irrational, illogical, or wholly
    unjustifiable . . . .” Id. § 17A.19(10)(m).
    III. Discussion.1
    A.    Proper Interpretation of Administrative Regulations.               The
    parties disagree as to whether the definition of a communications service
    provided “in this state” in Iowa Administrative Code rule 18.20(1)(b)
    applies to the taxation of internet services as described under rule
    18.20(5).   The department argues that rule 18.20(5) is a stand-alone
    provision and that the definitions do not apply to this subsection. Thus,
    according to the department, the question of the taxation of AOL’s
    services may be made without considering whether AOL provided a
    “[c]ommunications service . . . ‘in this state’ ” as defined by rule
    18.20(1)(b).     AOL urges us to apply the plain meaning of the
    administrative rule without engaging in the legal jujitsu employed by the
    department to escape it.
    We agree with AOL.        Definitions are a common part of the legal
    landscape. Ranniger, 
    746 N.W.2d at 270
     (noting that the legislature may
    be its own lexicographer). The very purpose of putting the definitions at
    the beginning of a statute, contract, or rule is to establish the framework
    for the proper interpretation of subsequent provisions. When an agency
    elects to be its own lexicographer, persons are entitled to rely upon the
    established definitions.     An agency simply cannot assert a “King’s X”
    defense when unambiguous definitions prove too tight or too loose. If the
    department did not intend the definitions of rule 18.20(1)(b) to apply to a
    subsequent subsection in the same rule regarding internet sales, the
    1On    appeal AOL raises a number of other arguments, including federal
    preemption, in support of its claim to be immune from state sales tax. Due to our
    disposition on the proper interpretation of the department’s rule, we do not address
    these additional arguments.
    department should have either removed the internet access provision
    from the rule to escape its definitional tentacles or expressly severed
    them by stating that the generally applicable definitions did not apply to
    internet services. The department did neither.
    We further note that the phrase “in this state” in rule 18.20(1)(b),
    which the department now seeks to escape, is also found in the preface
    to rule 18.20, which broadly states, “The gross receipts from the sale of
    all communication services provided in this state are subject to tax.” The
    use of the phrase “in this state” in the general introduction to rule 18.20
    further   demonstrates    that   the    concept   has   general   applicability
    throughout the subsequent provisions of the rule.
    The department suggests that the enactment of Iowa Code section
    422.45(56) (2001) by the legislature, which specifically exempted internet
    access charges from state sales tax, demonstrates that internet services
    were previously subject to tax.        Under AOL’s interpretation, therefore,
    this legislative action would be meaningless.
    We do not agree. The subsequent legislation exempted all receipts
    from the sale of access to online services largely after the period relevant
    to this dispute.   Thus, our holding in this case does not render the
    legislative action redundant.     Further, to the extent the subsequent
    legislation does have a bearing on the issues in this case, it does not offer
    much support for the department’s position. It is not unusual for the
    legislature to enact clarifying legislation in response to an ongoing
    dispute with an agency.      1A Norman J. Singer, Statutes & Statutory
    Construction § 22:31, at 379–80 (6th ed. 2002).
    In conclusion, we hold it is “illogical, irrational, and wholly
    unjustifiable” for the department to determine that the definitions in rule
    18.20(1)(b) do not apply to subrule (5). There is simply no “play in the
    joints” of the rule sufficient to allow the department to escape the rule’s
    plain meaning and overall structure.      Cf. Marovec v. PMX Indus., 
    693 N.W.2d 779
    , 785 (Iowa 2005) (discussing a situation where agency rules
    and statutory law granted the agency enforcement discretion). Thus, we
    hold that the definition of “in this state” found in rule 18.20(1)(b) is fully
    applicable in determining whether AOL services are subject to state sales
    B.   Application of Administrative Rules to AOL.          The parties
    adopt fundamentally different approaches to the application of rule 18.20
    to the facts of this case. The department stresses that access to AOL is
    triggered by a local call to the switch or modem hotel also located within
    Iowa. The department then reasons that gaining access to AOL through
    its access fee is an intrastate transaction subject to sales tax.        AOL
    counters that regardless of the point of access, no communication service
    is provided as a result of the Iowa access. Without the Virginia computer
    system, no communication service is provided at all.
    In order for AOL to prevail, it must show that the department’s
    application of law to the facts of this case is “an irrational, illogical, or
    wholly unjustifiable application of law to fact . . . .”          Iowa Code
    § 17A.19(10)(m) (Supp. 1999).      We conclude that AOL has met this
    demanding burden.
    In this case, the access points located in Iowa do not amount to
    the provision of an intrastate “communication service” subject to tax. A
    “[c]ommunication service . . . ‘in this state,’ ” according to rule
    18.20(1)(b), involves both the transmission and receipt of information.
    The record in this case demonstrates that for AOL members, the
    transmission and receipt of information does not occur wholly within
    Iowa. No information is transmitted to Iowa until a member’s account
    has been authenticated in Virginia. It is undisputed that if the plug is
    pulled on the Virginia computer, Iowa AOL customers access no
    information of any kind.    Under these undisputed facts, it cannot be
    maintained that AOL’s communication service is intrastate when,
    without the Virginia connection, the user gets nothing. As a result, there
    is no rational, logical or justifiable basis for imposing state sales tax on
    AOL under the applicable rule.
    We note that our conclusion is consistent with the case law in
    other jurisdictions. For example, in Qwest Corp. v. State ex rel. Wyoming
    Department of Revenue, 
    130 P.3d 507
    , 515 (Wyo. 2006), the Wyoming
    Supreme Court characterized the issue as whether the “complete end-to-
    end” communication occurs within the taxing state, prior to finding the
    disputed service an interstate communication service.        Although the
    regulatory framework in Iowa is not identical to that in Wyoming, the
    similarities are sufficient to provide support for our conclusion in this
    IV. Conclusion.
    For the reasons expressed above, the decision of the court of
    appeals is vacated and the district court judgment is affirmed.