In the Matter of the Estate of Margaret E. Workman, Dennis Workman v. Gary Workman, Individually and as of the Estate of Margaret E. Workman , 903 N.W.2d 170 ( 2017 )

  •                  IN THE SUPREME COURT OF IOWA
    No. 15–2126
    Filed October 20, 2017
    GARY WORKMAN, Individually and as Executor of the Estate of
    Margaret E. Workman,
    On review from the Iowa Court of Appeals.
    Appeal from the Iowa District Court for Scott County, John D.
    Telleen, Judge.
    A will contestant seeks further review of a court of appeals decision
    affirming the district court judgment entered in the will proponent’s
    Eric M. Updegraff of Hopkins & Huebner, P.C., Des Moines, for
    Daniel P. Kresowik of Stanley, Lande & Hunter, P.C., Davenport,
    for appellee.
    MANSFIELD, Justice.
    This review of a will contest proceeding raises two questions for our
    consideration. First, the unsuccessful will contestant asks us to adopt
    the Restatement (Third) of Property standard concerning the appropriate
    burden of proof in an undue influence case where a confidential
    relationship existed.     Second, the contestant argues the district court
    abused its discretion in denying his motion to amend the pleadings to
    conform to the proof at the close of his case.       That motion sought to
    broaden the contestant’s undue influence claim to include all of the
    testator’s prior wills and codicils.
    We conclude the first issue is not preserved for our review. The
    contestant asks us to overturn a ruling on burden of proof that was
    incorporated within a pretrial order denying summary judgment. Yet the
    contestant never renewed his position at trial. Instead, when presented
    with jury instructions that reiterated the same burden-of-proof standard,
    the contestant indicated he had no objection.            Iowa Rule of Civil
    Procedure 1.924 requires more.
    On the second issue, we find no abuse of discretion. The district
    court correctly determined that this last-minute amendment would have
    broadened the issues and the proof.         Also, this case falls within our
    precedent upholding denials of motions to amend under Iowa Rule of
    Civil Procedure 1.457 when the motion is based on facts the movant
    knew or should have known before trial. See, e.g., Meincke v. Nw. Bank
    & Tr. Co., 
    756 N.W.2d 223
    , 229 (Iowa 2008). Accordingly, we vacate the
    decision of the court of appeals and affirm the judgment of the district
    I. Background Facts & Proceedings.
    Margaret Workman died on December 26, 2012, at the age of
    eighty-nine, survived by her husband, LaVerne Workman, and their
    three children, Dennis, Gary, and Cynthia.        Long before Margaret’s
    death, Gary had decided to move back home to farm in eastern Iowa.
    For the next thirty-one years until his mother’s death, Gary lived within
    five miles of his parents and saw them on a nearly daily basis as he
    farmed with them.       Dennis, however, took up residences around the
    country and became involved in a number of business ventures, several
    of which were unsuccessful.
    Margaret’s will and codicil were admitted to probate on January
    24, 2013. Margaret had previously executed a series of wills and codicils
    that provided for the distribution of her personal and real property and
    established a trust for the benefit of her husband and son Dennis.
    At her death, Margaret owned approximately 200 acres of
    farmland, and she was supremely concerned about what would happen
    to this land at her passing, often discussing the issue with her family
    and her attorneys.       Margaret became, according to her attorney,
    “obsessed with her estate-planning documents.”       From 1983 to 2008,
    Margaret altered her distribution plan through either will or codicil no
    fewer than ten times.
    Margaret’s initial will, executed in 1983, provided a life estate for
    her husband in all of her personal property and the homestead.         The
    farmland was to be divided into three parcels, with LaVerne receiving
    forty acres and Gary and Dennis receiving eighty acres each.         In the
    event LaVerne predeceased Margaret, Gary’s daughter Christine would
    inherit the forty acres that would have been LaVerne’s, and the
    remaining 160 acres would go entirely to Gary, with Dennis inheriting
    none of the farmland.    Apparently concerned about the possibility of
    Dennis’s numerous creditors reaching the farmland, Margaret later
    executed a codicil to this will to create a spendthrift trust for Dennis’s
    The next few wills made shifts in the property distribution, many of
    which benefited Gary, in response to Gary’s work on the farm for his
    parents. Margaret noted the apparent discrepancy for the first time in
    her 1987 will, in which she stated, “It may appear that I have provided
    more generously for my son, Gary, than my other two children, but in
    part it is in repayment for work and improvements he has done on our
    farmlands.”   Every subsequent will executed by Margaret contained
    similar precatory language.
    The final will, executed in 2007, passed the homestead to the
    Workman Family Trust, subject to a life estate for LaVerne and a right of
    first refusal to purchase in favor of Gary, and distributed 160 of the 200
    acres of farmland in life estate to LaVerne, with the remainder passing to
    Gary. Gary’s interest was subject to $25,000 in equalization payments to
    be paid by him at $2500 per year over a ten-year period. The remaining
    forty acres of land went to Gary’s two children. The will contains the
    following statement by Margaret, similar to the one first included in the
    1987 will:
    My husband and I wish to formally acknowledge that we
    recognize and understand that the cumulative effect of our
    Wills and The Workman Family Trust will be to give our son,
    Gary, a disproportionately large share of our combined
    assets. We have intentionally and knowingly made these
    provisions understanding that Gary will receive more of our
    combined estates than our other two children. We have
    done this to recognize the many years of contribution and
    effort made by Gary, which has benefitted us over the years
    that he has lived near us. The statement I am making in
    this paragraph is merely precatory and intended to express
    my intent.
    In 2008, Margaret executed a codicil to the 2007 will, adding a
    provision to prevent the sale of the farmland for a period of three years.
    In the event the farmland was sold within three years of Margaret’s
    death, the proceeds from the sale in excess of $5000 per acre would be
    divided equally among Gary, Cynthia, and the Workman Family Trust.
    Several months after Margaret’s death, on June 14, 2013, Dennis
    filed a petition to set aside the 2007 will and the 2008 codicil in the Iowa
    District Court for Scott County.         The petition alleged both undue
    influence by Gary and lack of testamentary capacity on the part of
    Margaret, and also sought the imposition of a constructive trust.       On
    July 9, 2014, Gary filed a motion for summary judgment seeking
    dismissal of the case. After an opportunity for discovery, on March 12,
    2015, the district court granted in part and denied in part Gary’s motion.
    The court dismissed the testamentary capacity and constructive trust
    claims but denied summary judgment as to undue influence.
    In his resistance to the motion for summary judgment, Dennis had
    argued that the existence of a confidential relationship between Gary and
    Margaret shifted the burden to Gary to prove that there was no undue
    influence.   Although the district court ultimately denied summary
    judgment on the issue of undue influence, the court disagreed with
    Dennis’s contention that the burden would shift for a testamentary
    [I]t appears as if this analysis is only considered when inter
    vivos transfers are involved. See In the Matter of Estate of
    585 N.W.2d 273
    , 277 (Iowa 1998). . . . Here, we only
    have testamentary transfers at issue and thus the burden
    shifting does not appear to apply. It remains for the Plaintiff
    to establish at trial the Defendant unduly influenced
    Mrs. Workman and there is a fact question precluding
    summary judgment on that issue.
    The case proceeded to trial on the undue influence claim. At the
    close of the plaintiff’s case, Dennis moved to amend the pleadings to
    conform to the proof to allow the jury to consider undue influence for the
    entire series of wills and codicils Margaret made from to 1983 to 2008.
    Neither the initial petition nor the amended petition had challenged the
    earlier wills.     Ruling from the bench, the court denied the motion to
    amend, stating,
    [B]ecause the defense has prepared their whole strategy and
    their whole basis of this case in defending the 2007 Will and
    the 2008 Codicil and did not defend the earlier Wills, there
    could have been and would have been . . . much different
    proof presented [and] many different witnesses called, it’s too
    late in the game and the motion to amend is denied.
    Only Gary submitted proposed jury instructions. At the close of
    evidence, in accordance with Gary’s proposed instructions, the jury was
    instructed that “[t]he law presumes a person is free from undue
    influence,” and to overcome this presumption, Dennis had to prove “[t]he
    result was clearly brought about by undue influence.”                 Dennis never
    objected to these instructions or requested alternate instructions shifting
    the burden of proof to Gary. 1
    The jury returned verdicts in Gary’s favor finding no undue
    influence as to either the 2007 will or the 2008 codicil.
    1Here   is the relevant passage from the trial transcript:
    THE COURT: . . . I’ve proposed to you folks Instructions 1 through 15, are there
    any objections to any of the instructions?
    PLAINTIFF’S COUNSEL: None from the Plaintiff, your Honor.
    THE COURT: Are there any additional instructions that you request to be given
    for my consideration?
    PLAINTIFF’S COUNSEL: Not for the Plaintiff, your Honor.
    Dennis appealed, challenging the summary judgment ruling that
    he had the burden of proving undue influence and the later denial of his
    motion to amend the pleadings to conform to the proof. On the former
    point, Dennis urged adoption of the Restatement (Third) of Property:
    Wills and Other Donative Transfers section 8.3, comment f, which
    provides that
    [a] presumption of undue influence arises if the alleged
    wrongdoer was in a confidential relationship with the donor
    and there were suspicious circumstances surrounding the
    preparation, formulation, or execution of the donative
    transfer, whether the transfer was by gift, trust, will, will
    substitute, or a donative transfer of any other type.
    Restatement (Third) of Prop.: Wills & Other Donative Transfers § 8.3 cmt.
    f, at 145 (Am. Law Inst. 2003) [hereinafter Restatement (Third)]. Gary
    responded that both trial court rulings were correct and also that Dennis
    had failed to preserve error with regard to the allocation of the burden of
    proof in an undue influence case. We transferred the case to the court of
    appeals, which found that Dennis had preserved error but nonetheless
    upheld both rulings on the merits. We granted Dennis’s application for
    further review.
    II. Standard of Review.
    “We review summary judgment rulings for correction of errors at
    law.”    Johnson Propane, Heating & Cooling, Inc. v. Iowa Dep’t of
    891 N.W.2d 220
    , 224 (Iowa 2017).        We will reverse the trial
    court’s refusal to allow amendment of a petition to conform to the proof
    only upon a showing of a clear abuse of discretion. Tomka v. Hoechst
    Celanese Corp., 
    528 N.W.2d 103
    , 108–09 (Iowa 1995).
    III. Analysis.
    A. Allocation of the Burden of Proof. Dennis complains that the
    district court’s allocation of the burden of proof—as reflected in its
    summary judgment ruling and its subsequent jury instructions—reflects
    an outdated distinction between inter vivos and testamentary transfers.
    He urges us to follow Restatement (Third) of Property, which treats both
    categories of donative transfers the same. See Restatement (Third) § 8.3
    cmt. f, at 145–46. But see In re Estate of Todd, 
    585 N.W.2d 273
    , 277
    (Iowa 1998) (“Where a confidential relationship is found to exist, and
    inter vivos conveyances are challenged, the burden of proof shifts to the
    benefitted parties to prove—by clear, satisfactory, and convincing
    evidence—their freedom from undue influence. No such presumption of
    undue influence exists in the case of a will contest, even where the
    testator and beneficiary stand in a confidential relationship.”).
    An      initial   hurdle Dennis   must   overcome   is   that   of error
    preservation. Although Dennis argued burden of proof unsuccessfully at
    the summary judgment stage, he did not object to any of the four jury
    instructions at trial (numbers 7, 8, 9, and 10) that placed the burden of
    proof on him, nor did he submit his own burden of proof instruction. In
    our view, this did not comply with rule 1.924, which provides,
    Before jury arguments, the court shall give to each counsel a
    copy of its instructions in their final form, noting this fact of
    record and granting reasonable time for counsel to make
    objections, which shall be made and ruled on before
    arguments to the jury. Within such time, all objections to
    giving or failing to give any instruction must be made in
    writing or dictated into the record, out of the jury’s presence,
    specifying the matter objected to and on what grounds. No
    other grounds or objections shall be asserted thereafter, or
    considered on appeal.
    Iowa R. Civ. P. 1.924; see Julian v. City of Cedar Rapids, 
    271 N.W.2d 707
    , 708 (Iowa 1978) (quoting predecessor to Iowa Rule of Civil
    Procedure 1.924 and finding that the party “could not successfully assert
    the burden of proof ground after failing to object prior to submission to
    the jury”).
    When instructions are not objected to, they become “the law of the
    case.” Hoskinson v. City of Iowa City, 
    621 N.W.2d 425
    , 430 (Iowa 2001);
    see also Pollmann v. Belle Plaine Livestock Auction, Inc., 
    567 N.W.2d 405
    411 (Iowa 1997); Poulsen v. Russell, 
    300 N.W.2d 289
    , 294 (Iowa 1981)
    (“Unless objected to by a party, an instruction to the jury, right or wrong,
    is the law of the case.”).
    Even though the district court addressed the issue of burden of
    proof when it denied summary judgment on the undue influence claim,
    “[w]e have said on numerous occasions that the district court’s denial of
    a motion for summary judgment is not appealable if the case proceeded
    to a trial on the merits.” In re Marriage of Johnson, 
    781 N.W.2d 553
    , 555
    (Iowa 2010) (citing cases).    “[T]he denial of the motion for summary
    judgment merges with the trial on the merits where the trier of fact
    reviewed the exhibits and listened to the testimony of the witnesses.”
    Kiesau v. Bantz, 
    686 N.W.2d 164
    , 174 (Iowa 2004), overruled on other
    grounds by Alcala v. Marriott Int’l, Inc., 
    880 N.W.2d 699
    , 708 & n.3 (Iowa
    2016).   Therefore, we have declined to consider “assignments of error
    relating to the denial of the motion for summary judgment” once the
    matter proceeds to a trial on the merits. Lindsay v. Cottingham & Butler
    Ins. Servs., 
    763 N.W.2d 568
    , 572 (Iowa 2009). Furthermore, “[u]ntil the
    district court has rendered a final order or decree, it has the power to
    correct any of the rulings, orders or partial summary judgments it has
    entered.” Carroll v. Martir, 
    610 N.W.2d 850
    , 857 (Iowa 2000).
    In one case, when a trial court granted a contested motion to
    adjudicate law points before trial but later modified its ruling at trial and
    reflected the modification in its instructions, we said that rule 1.924 was
    “unequivocal” and that we would only consider “those issues on damages
    which were properly preserved by objections to the instructions.” Woods
    v. Schmitt, 
    439 N.W.2d 855
    , 866 (Iowa 1989). In another case, we held
    that a party waived instructional error under rule 1.924 by merely
    submitting a requested instruction earlier while not making a record of it
    at the instruction conference. Ostrem v. State Farm Mut. Auto. Ins., 
    666 N.W.2d 544
    , 547–48 (Iowa 2003).
    For these reasons, to preserve error on the burden of proof issue,
    Dennis had to renew his position at trial by objecting to the jury
    instructions at the instruction conference. Instead, his counsel told the
    court he had no objections to them.
    This is not a case where a litigant was raising the sufficiency of the
    evidence to submit or not submit a claim or theory to the jury.          See
    James ex rel. James v. Burlington N., Inc., 
    587 N.W.2d 462
    , 464 (Iowa
    1998) (holding that a party, having unsuccessfully moved for a directed
    verdict, was “not required, in order to preserve error, to also object to the
    instructions”); Feldhahn v. R.K.B. Quality Corp., 
    356 N.W.2d 226
    , 229
    (Iowa 1984) (“We see no need for plaintiff’s counsel, at the time of taking
    exceptions to the instruction, to again complain or take exception to a
    prior ruling which withdrew an issue from the jury.”). Rather, the issue
    was how the claim would be submitted. That being so, Dennis had to
    object to the relevant jury instructions to preserve error.
    From a policy standpoint, this rule makes sense. The positions of
    parties and the court regarding the controlling law often evolve over the
    course of a case. The instruction conference is “put up or shut up time,”
    and it is important for parties to notify the court of any concerns with the
    jury instructions at that time, not earlier or later. That way, any possible
    legal misunderstandings can be cleared up, and the parties and the
    court can be assured that the jury has the correct law before the case
    proceeds to final verdict.
    Here the summary judgment ruling came more than eight months
    before trial, and the language on burden of proof was not essential to
    that ruling (since Gary’s motion for summary judgment on undue
    influence was denied). Furthermore, a different judge made the ruling
    than the one who later tried the case. It would not be surprising if the
    trial judge was unaware that the burden of proof had previously been a
    fighting issue at summary judgment. If he had been aware, he might
    have assumed that Dennis had abandoned his earlier position.            We
    conclude error has not been preserved and therefore reject Dennis’s
    appeal on this ground.
    B. Denial of the Motion to Amend the Pleadings to Conform to
    the Proof. Dennis next contends the district court improperly denied his
    motion to amend the pleadings at the close of his case.        This motion
    sought to broaden Dennis’s undue influence claim to encompass all the
    wills and codicils executed by Margaret.
    As we have already discussed, neither the petition nor the
    amended petition raised a challenge to anything other than the 2007 will
    and the 2008 codicil. At trial, Dennis took the stand as the first witness
    on his behalf. On direct, he testified specifically only about the 2007 will
    and acknowledged he did not know how the other wills came into
    creation.   On cross, Gary’s attorney then sought to prove that Dennis
    had lost his mother’s trust long before 2007 and 2008 through a series of
    financial misadventures, including a personal Chapter 7 bankruptcy and
    a decision to use his brother’s social security number to start a business
    in Kansas. Gary’s attorney got Dennis to admit two propositions. First,
    in many ways, the 2007 will was no less favorable to Dennis than the
    2001 will and codicils it had replaced.          Second, Dennis was only
    contesting the 2007 will and the 2008 codicil.
    The following testimony is illustrative:
    Q. In this lawsuit the only thing this jury is deciding
    is whether Gary exerted undue influence in the 2007 Will
    and the 2008 Codicil, you understand that, right? A. Yes.
    Q. And you understand that part of your burden is to
    prove Gary’s undue influence was being exerted over your
    mother when she signed that 2007 Will, correct? A. Yes.
    Q. You’ve read the 2007 Will you are contesting,
    correct? A. Yes.
    Q. Please tell the jury what the 2007 Will changes
    from her 2001 Will as amended? A. I don’t remember
    without looking at them.
    Q. Are you saying that your brother exercised undue
    influence to get your mother to change from what she had
    prior to 2007, which is the 2001 Will as amended, correct?
    A. Yes.
    Q. That was what was in place before 2007, 2001 Will
    as amended, correct? A. Right.
    Q. You are claiming that Gary exercised undue
    influence to get her to change from that to what she has in
    her 2007 Will, correct? A. Yes.
    Q. What changed? A. Whatever changes speak[] for
    themselves are in the Will.
    Q. Do you know what those changes are? A. Right
    now, I would have to look at them to see the difference.
    Dennis’s second witness was Margaret’s primary care physician
    during her final years. However, he did not treat Margaret until 2006.
    In addition, he opined she would not have been susceptible to undue
    influence until 2012, the final year of her life. Dennis’s final witness was
    Gary, and at this point Dennis’s attorney seemed to shift his focus
    somewhat. He questioned Gary some about earlier wills, suggesting that
    a significant shift in the estate planning occurred in 1999 after family
    discussions regarding Dennis’s financial problems “came to a hilt.”2
    Thereafter, Dennis moved under rule 1.457 to conform his pleadings to
    the proof, but the district court denied the motion, finding it would
    substantially change the issues in the case and unfairly prejudice Gary,
    who had not anticipated having to defend the earlier wills.
    In examining the denial of a motion to amend to conform to the
    proof, we must consider “whether allowance of the amendment to
    conform to proof by the trial court materially changed the issues or
    substantially altered the defenses.”          Beneficial Fin. Co. of Black Hawk
    Cty. v. Reed, 
    212 N.W.2d 454
    , 456 (Iowa 1973).                   One indicator of
    substantial change to the issues may be prejudice or unfair surprise to
    the opposing party. See Holliday v. Rain & Hail L.L.C., 
    690 N.W.2d 59
    65 (Iowa 2004); Rife v. D.T. Corner, Inc., 
    641 N.W.2d 761
    , 767 (Iowa
    2002); see also W & W Livestock Enters., Inc. v. Dennler, 
    179 N.W.2d 484
    488 (Iowa 1970) (finding no abuse of discretion in permitting the
    amendment when “[it] in no way prejudiced plaintiff”).
    Here, the proposed amendment to conform to the evidence would
    have changed the issues and unfairly prejudiced Gary.                   In his own
    testimony to open the trial, Dennis specifically disclaimed a challenge to
    any other will. At that point, Gary’s attorney undercut Dennis’s litigation
    position by demonstrating that the 2007 will and the 2008 codicil did not
    leave Dennis materially worse off than he was before.               Only after this
    weakness in his case had been exposed at trial did Dennis seek to
    expand his suit from one will and codicil to all the wills and codicils.
    This would have unfairly disadvantaged Gary, because it would have
    required a different line of questioning and proof than Gary had already
    2Of course, this testimony would also have been relevant to Gary’s defense that
    there was no undue influence in connection with the 2007 will and the 2008 codicil.
    used. In the case as pled by Dennis, only the terms of the earlier wills
    and codicils mattered, not the specific circumstances of their execution
    or Margaret’s condition at the time.
    If the theory relied on to prove the proposed amended claim
    “var[ies] materially” from the facts relied upon to prove the existing claim,
    then the proposed amendment is deemed to substantially change the
    issues. Smith v. Village Enters., Inc., 
    208 N.W.2d 35
    , 37–38 (Iowa 1973).
    That is the case here.
    Furthermore, we have said,
    To give appropriate deference to the trial court, when a
    movant seeks to amend a petition based on trial testimony
    the movant knew or should have known prior to trial, the
    amendment is more properly denied than one that might
    have been otherwise allowed earlier in the proceedings.
    756 N.W.2d at 229
    . In Meincke, we held the district court did
    not abuse its discretion in denying a rule 1.457 motion at the end of trial
    to add a fraud claim where the plaintiff “knew, or should have known,
    the testimony that supported her fraud claim.” 
     This principle applies
    here.    Dennis knew of the prior wills long before trial.    He also knew
    about Gary’s testimony that matters with Dennis from the perspective of
    other family members “came to hilt” in 1998 because that was what Gary
    had said in deposition.
    In short, rule 1.457 does not require the district court to grant a
    motion to amend “when the movant seeks to amend based upon trial
    testimony that the movant knew or should have known about
    beforehand.” Allison-Kesley Ag Ctr., Inc. v. Hildebrand, 
    485 N.W.2d 841
    846 (Iowa 1992); see also Mora v. Savereid, 
    222 N.W.2d 417
    , 422–23
    (Iowa 1974). In that event, “amendments that might well have otherwise
    been allowed earlier in the course of the proceedings may properly be
    denied by the district court judge.” Allison-Kesley, 
    485 N.W.2d at 846
    For the foregoing reasons, we hold the district court did not abuse
    its discretion in denying Dennis’s motion at the close of his case to add
    the prior wills and codicils to his undue influence claim. 3
    IV. Conclusion.
    We vacate the decision of the court of appeals and affirm the
    judgment of the district court.
    3In  his resistance to further review, Gary argued, among other things, that
    Dennis no longer had standing to contest the 2007 will and the 2008 codicil. In doing
    so, Gary relied on a separate order entered by the district court after the trial of the will
    contest disinheriting Dennis based on the “no contest” clause and approving a final
    accounting and disbursements. That order was separately affirmed by the court of
    appeals. See In re Estate of Workman, No. 16–0908, 
    2017 WL 706342
    , at *6 (Iowa Ct.
    App. Feb. 22, 2017). In light of our disposition of the case, we do not reach this