Iowa Supreme Court Attorney Disciplinary Board Vs. James M. Box , 715 N.W.2d 758 ( 2006 )

  •               IN THE SUPREME COURT OF IOWA
    No. 52 / 05-1788
    Filed June 16, 2006
    On appeal of the report of the Grievance Commission.
    Disciplinary board and respondent lawyer each appeal from findings
    and recommendations of the grievance commission.             ATTORNEY
    Wendell J. Harms, Des Moines, for appellant.
    Kent A. Gummert and Frank A. Comito of Gaudineer, Comito &
    George, L.L.P., West Des Moines, for appellee.
    CARTER, Justice.
    Pursuant to Iowa Court Rule 35.11(2), the Iowa Supreme Court
    Attorney Disciplinary Board was granted permission to appeal from the
    findings and recommendations of the Grievance Commission concerning
    alleged disciplinary rule violations by the respondent attorney.          The
    respondent attorney has cross-appealed from those findings and
    recommendations.      Until now the matter has proceeded under the
    confidentiality provisions of Iowa Court Rule 35.11(2). Because we now
    conclude that public discipline is warranted, confidentiality is no longer
    required, and we refer to the respondent attorney by name in our opinion.
    The complaint against attorney James M. Box alleged that he violated
    Disciplinary Rules 7—104(A)(1) and (2) of the Iowa Code of Professional
    Responsibility for Lawyers. These rules will henceforth be referred to in our
    opinion as DRs. DR 7—104(A)(1) prohibits communication by a lawyer
    representing a client with another person involved in the same transaction
    if it is known that the other person is represented by counsel with respect to
    that transaction. DR 7—104(A)(2) prohibits a lawyer representing a client
    from giving advice to another person whose interests are in conflict with
    those of the lawyer’s client. The Grievance Commission found that attorney
    Box violated DR 7—104(A)(1), but did not violate DR 7—104(A)(2). Attorney
    Box on his cross-appeal contends that he violated neither of these
    disciplinary rules. The appeal of the disciplinary board does not challenge
    the finding concerning DR 7—104(A)(2), but does challenge the Grievance
    Commission’s recommended sanction of a private admonition for the
    violation of DR 7—104(A)(1). The disciplinary board urges that the violation
    that was established calls for public discipline in the form of a reprimand.
    We agree with that contention.
    The facts that bear on our inquiry, as gleaned from the record, show
    the following events. In September 2001 Martha Hillard was an eighty-year-
    old widow.    She was childless and, although she owned a home in
    Mediapolis, Iowa, she was then residing temporarily with her niece, Shirley
    Slonaker, in the Ottumwa area.
    Martha had previously owned substantial farm real estate in
    Des Moines County, but after her brother, John, had moved his farming
    operations from Des Moines County to the Ottumwa area, she effected a
    tax-free exchange in 1996 of her Des Moines County farm property for
    agricultural land of like quantity in a tri-county area in Wapello, Mahaska,
    and Keokuk Counties. In September 2001 the farm property owned by
    Martha in this tri-county area totaled 315 acres and had a market value of
    In June 2001 Martha had executed a will prepared by a Burlington
    attorney. In that will, she devised a life estate in her farmland to her niece,
    Shirley Slonaker, with the remainder gifted in equal shares to each of
    Shirley’s four children. One of Shirley’s four children was Todd Gingrich.
    Todd, who was married, was farming Martha’s land in the tri-county area
    under lease in partnership with Martha’s brother, John Gingrich.
    Sometime prior to August 2, 2001, Martha had been approached by
    two life insurance brokers who influenced her to convert her estate plan
    into a living trust and, in the process, purchase some additional life
    insurance. Ultimately, she never purchased the additional life insurance,
    but she did execute a living trust instrument prepared by a Cedar Rapids
    lawyer. The trust was accompanied by a pour-over will that, upon her
    death, distributed all of her assets to the trust that had not previously been
    transferred there. The pour-over will revoked the will prepared by the
    Burlington lawyer less than two months before.              Under the trust
    instrument, Shirley was to be the sole beneficiary of the trust assets upon
    Martha’s death. Shirley was nominated as executor under the pour-over
    will and was designated as a successor trustee of the trust.
    Martha’s brother, John, and her nephew, Todd, learned of her estate
    planning activities and convinced her to go with them to attorney Box, who
    had previously represented both John and Todd, in order that Box might
    explain to her what the ultimate disposition of her property was to be under
    the trust instrument. They also sought to have Box counsel Martha as to
    the purchase of additional life insurance. John arranged for a meeting at
    Box’s office in Ottumwa on September 7, 2001. Martha arranged to have
    the Burlington attorney fax a copy of her June will to Box’s office. John and
    his wife came to the meeting with Todd.       Shirley, who had previously
    furnished Box with a copy of the trust instrument, came to the meeting
    alone. There was at once an acrimonious discourse between Shirley and
    the others concerning Martha’s affairs.
    John and Todd insisted that the discussion not proceed further until
    Martha was present and drove to Shirley’s home to get her. Eventually,
    Martha joined the others in Box’s office.       During the course of the
    discussion that followed, Box, who had read both the June will and the
    August trust instrument, advised all persons present, including Martha,
    concerning the contrasting disposition of Martha’s assets under the two
    instruments.   He advised all persons concerning Shirley’s status as a
    successor trustee and what her powers would be. He also advised Martha
    against purchasing additional life insurance.
    On September 10, 2001, Martha, accompanied by Shirley, counseled
    with attorney Orville Bloethe.    She arranged to have attorney Bloethe
    prepare an amendment to the trust instrument, which provided that upon
    her death Shirley would have a life interest in the trust assets with the
    remainder gifted to Shirley’s four children in equal shares.             This
    amendment also provided that if one of Shirley’s children was farming the
    agricultural property at the time of Shirley’s death that person would have
    an option to purchase the farm at fair market value. Attorney Bloethe
    testified before the Grievance Commission that, at the time of the
    September 10 conference in his office, Martha appeared frightened and told
    him she was being pressured into granting Todd a five-year lease on the
    trust farm property and an option to purchase that property for less than
    market value. Martha had informed Bloethe of the meeting in Box’s office
    three days before. This prompted Bloethe to write attorney Box as follows:
    Martha M. Hillard has visited with me concerning her Last Will
    & Testament and her Revocable Trust, together with other
    personal matters.
    In the event you would want to communicate with Martha, you
    should contact me instead inasmuch as I will be representing
    This communication was dated September 11, 2001.           Concerning the
    purposes of that letter, Bloethe testified:
    I didn’t want to send those people home without what I would
    say was protection. I’m just trying to protect them and see that
    if something came up, then I would be consulted; and then we
    can sit down and go from there. That’s all I was wanting to do.
    Several weeks prior to October 10, 2001, Todd and his wife prepared
    a written five-year lease of the farmland in Martha’s trust with John and
    Todd as tenants. The lease agreement also contained an option for Todd to
    purchase approximately two-thirds of the trust farm property at a price
    substantially below its market value. On October 10, 2001, Shirley was
    visiting one of her children in Virginia. That morning about 8 a.m., John
    picked up Martha, who was staying at Shirley’s house, for purposes of
    taking her to the Mahaska County Courthouse to claim an agricultural tax
    exemption for the trust real estate. Todd joined them later in the morning.
    While the three were together, Martha was presented with the proposed
    lease and option-to-purchase agreement, which she signed. According to
    the testimony of John and Todd, Martha then stated that perhaps she
    should give the farm property to Todd.
    Todd’s version of what then occurred was that he declined to accept
    the property as a gift but expressed a willingness to purchase the land if the
    price were less than market value. According to both Todd and John, an
    agreement was then reached for Todd to purchase all of the trust farm
    property for $362,000 pursuant to an installment contract. The terms of
    the agreement were to include a down payment of $40,000 by March 1,
    2002, and annual payments of $40,000 per year thereafter. John and Todd
    testified that, after reaching such an oral understanding, they sought to
    schedule an appointment that same day with an attorney named Neary for
    purposes of obtaining a written installment contract. That attorney was on
    vacation.   They next contacted attorney Box’s law office seeking an
    appointment with James Box.          Box was busy so they obtained an
    appointment for the afternoon of October 10 with his nephew, who was an
    associate in the office.
    When John, Todd, and Martha went to Box’s office later on
    October 10, Box was in fact available and ushered them into his office. At
    this time, he was not aware of their purpose in seeking his services. He was
    told the reason the group was there was Martha’s intention to sell the trust
    farm property to Todd on terms to which the parties had agreed. Box then
    spoke with Martha concerning Bloethe’s letter and expressed the view that
    he should not be talking to her. According to Box and the others present,
    Martha responded testily that she could speak to whatever lawyer she
    chose. 1     Box accepted this as a renunciation by Martha of Bloethe’s
    representation of her as to the subject matter of her meeting with Box.
    After being advised of the agreement that had been reached between Martha
    and Todd, Box proceeded to prepare an installment contract for the sale of
    the trust real estate pursuant to the terms that had been previously
    negotiated. According to Todd and John, Martha wanted Todd to pay the
    lowest possible rate of interest.        The only input Box had involving the
    structure of the transaction was to make a suggestion concerning the
    minimum rate of interest necessary to avoid an imputed interest penalty
    under Internal Revenue Service imputed interest rules and to explain how
    the property taxes should be prorated in order to correspond with the
    March 1, 2002 possession date. When Box completed the contract
    document, Todd signed it. Box then informed Martha that she did not have
    to sign the agreement at that time or at any other time. He told her that
    she could go home and think it over and discuss it with someone else.
    Notwithstanding that suggestion, Martha signed the agreement in Box’s
    office on October 10.
    Later that day, or the following day, Martha spoke with Shirley’s ex-
    husband, Kenneth Slonaker, concerning her visit to the Box law office.
    Kenneth telephoned Shirley in Virginia concerning that matter, and during
    the conversation, Martha joined the telephone conversation and told Shirley
    that she did not know what she had done, but she believed she may have
    sold the farm to Todd. On October 18, 2001, an associate in the Bloethe
    law office wrote to attorney Box, advising him that Martha was rescinding
    the contract of sale. This was followed up by two subsequent letters to Box
    1By  the time of the Grievance Commission hearing, which took place in September
    2005, Martha’s memory of the events at the October 10, 2001 meeting in Box’s office had
    faded. In her testimony before the commission on that subject, she was able to recall few
    of the details other than to maintain that Bloethe was her attorney at the time.
    concerning Martha’s intention to rescind the transaction. Eventually, Todd
    communicated to Martha, through Shirley, that he would not agree to
    rescission of the contract of sale. Litigation followed in which the district
    court ultimately rescinded the contract of sale. In the meantime, Martha
    had amended the trust in such a way that Todd was denied the remainder
    interest and option to purchase that had previously been accorded him.
    Our review is de novo. See Iowa Supreme Ct. Bd. of Prof’l Ethics &
    Conduct v. Plumb, 
    589 N.W.2d 746
    , 748 (Iowa 1999). The disciplinary board
    must establish the violations by a convincing preponderance of the
    evidence. Iowa Supreme Ct. Bd. of Prof’l Ethics & Conduct v. Adams, 
    623 N.W.2d 815
    , 818 (Iowa 2001). While we give respectful consideration to the
    Grievance Commission’s findings and recommendations, we are not bound
    by them. Iowa Supreme Ct. Bd. of Prof’l Ethics & Conduct v. Winkel, 
    599 N.W.2d 456
    , 460 (Iowa 1999). Ultimately, it is our duty to decide what
    discipline is appropriate. 
    Id. The Grievance
    Commission found that attorney Box’s conduct at the
    October 10, 2001 meeting constituted a violation of DR 7—104(A)(1). That
    rule provides:
    (A) During the course of representing a client a lawyer
    shall not:
    (1) Communicate or cause another to communicate on
    the subject of the representation with a party known to be
    represented by a lawyer in that matter except with the prior
    consent of the lawyer representing such other party or as
    authorized by law.
    Iowa Code of Prof’l Responsibility for Lawyers DR 7—104(A)(1).
    Attorney Box points out that some courts have found that this rule
    only applies to formal adversary proceedings such as litigation. United
    States v. Ryans, 
    903 F.2d 731
    , 739 (10th Cir. 1990); Tucker v. Norfolk & W.
    849 F. Supp. 1096
    , 1098 (E.D. Va. 1994). This narrow approach has
    been rejected by other courts. The Supreme Court of Vermont addressed
    the meaning of the word “parties” in DR 7—104(A)(1) as follows:
    [W]e have no trouble concluding that the definition of “parties”
    under the rule is not restricted to named parties in a lawsuit.
    The language of the rule suggests no limitation on the word
    “party.” Instead, the rule prohibits communication “on the
    subject of the representation” with a party that is represented
    by a lawyer “in that matter.” The use of the words “subject”
    and “matter,” rather than “lawsuit,” indicates that DR 7—104
    applies to all transactions for which lawyers are hired and
    cannot be construed to imply that its application is limited to
    cases where suit is filed.
    In re Illuzzi, 
    616 A.2d 233
    , 236 (Vt. 1992). In a similar vein, a New York
    federal court has concluded:
    [DR 7—104(A)(1)], which has a long history in the canons of
    ethics, does not by its terms apply only to litigation, nor does it
    apply specifically to a prosecutor. Indeed, it applies to persons
    retained to handle real estate transactions, administer estates
    for an executor, seek legislative relief, or any other of the
    myriad of tasks for which lawyers are employed. Its essential
    purpose is to avoid misunderstandings, unfairness or
    overreaching when a skilled lawyer speaks to a layperson, and
    to preserve the collegiality which must exist among members of
    the bar, and cannot if lawyers talk to another’s client behind
    the lawyer’s back.
    United States v. Galanis, 
    685 F. Supp. 901
    , 902 (S.D.N.Y. 1988) (citation
    omitted). We agree with the view of those courts that apply DR 7—104(A)(1)
    to any transaction in which the contacted party is represented by a lawyer.
    Attorney Box next urges that Bloethe’s representation of Martha was
    not in regard to any transaction that was continuing in nature. He points
    out that Bloethe testified that when Martha left his office on September 10
    there was no additional legal work that he was scheduled to do for her (the
    September 11 letter to Box had been dictated at this time, but not
    transcribed). This argument ignores the fact that the September 11 letter
    clearly speaks to contacts with Martha on matters arising in the future. Nor
    are we persuaded that DR 7—104(A)(1) does not apply because the subject
    matter of Bloethe’s representation of Martha at the time he wrote the letter
    did not involve the sale of real estate. The second paragraph of Bloethe’s
    letter is broadly inclusive and indicates that he will be representing Martha
    in any matter for which Box might need to communicate with her in Box’s
    professional capacity. We are satisfied that this was also Martha’s view of
    their relationship.
    The final argument advanced by Box in contending that he did not
    violate the disciplinary rule is that Martha waived representation by counsel
    by presenting herself at his office and responding to his reference to
    Bloethe’s letter by stating that she could talk to whatever lawyer she chose.
    To accept this contention would in our view greatly undermine the
    protection sought to be afforded by DR 7—104(A)(1). As observed by the
    Tennessee Supreme Court:
    The main function of the disciplinary rule [7—104(A)(1)] is to
    preserve the proper functioning of the legal system and to
    “prevent situations in which a represented party may be taken
    advantage of by adverse counsel.”
    Monceret v. Bd. of Prof’l Responsibility, 
    29 S.W.3d 455
    , 459 (Tenn. 2000)
    (quoting Wright v. Group Health Hosp., 
    691 P.2d 564
    , 567 (1984)) (footnote
    omitted). The court in Monceret went on to state:
    [T]he language of the Rule specifically requires the consent of
    the party’s lawyer, and there is no indication that the party
    alone may waive the protections of the Rule. . . .
    An apparent majority of courts have followed this
    interpretation and have held that the Rule is not waived simply
    because the represented person initiates contact or is
    otherwise willing to communicate. . . . In short, the ethical
    responsibility rests with the attorney and not the layman.
    Monceret, 29 S.W.3d at 461
    (citations and footnote omitted). In a similar
    vein, the Indiana Supreme Court has stated that “lawyers should
    independently verify that opposing parties wishing to communicate directly
    with them are in fact not represented by counsel . . . .” In re Capper, 
    757 N.E.2d 138
    , 140 (Ind. 2001). We are in accord with the interpretation of the
    rule that the Tennessee and Indiana courts have approved.
    The Minnesota Supreme Court recently traced the lengthy history of
    the so-called “no contact rule” as an accepted principle of legal ethics
    beginning in 1836. State v. Miller, 
    600 N.W.2d 457
    , 463 n.5 (Minn. 1999).
    This discussion indicates the rule has been universally accepted during the
    Twentieth Century and was included first in the American Bar Association’s
    1908 Canon of Ethics and has been carried forward in both the ABA Code of
    Professional Responsibility for Lawyers (which is the basis for DR 7—
    104(A)(1)) and is now included in rule 4.2 of the ABA Rules of Professional
    Conduct. We adopted rule 4.2 of the ABA Model Rules effective July 1,
    2005. Our version of that rule, Iowa R. Prof’l Conduct 32:4.2, provides:
    In representing a client, a lawyer shall not communicate
    about the subject of the representation with a person the
    lawyer knows to be represented by another lawyer in the
    matter, unless the lawyer has the consent of the other lawyer
    or is authorized to do so by law or a court order.
    Comment 3 accompanying that rule provides:
    The rule applies even though the represented person initiates
    or consents to the communication. A lawyer must immediately
    terminate communication with a person if, after commencing
    communication, the lawyer learns that the person is one with
    whom communication is not permitted by this rule.
    We are satisfied that neither this new ethical rule nor the comment
    accompanying it added any new ethical requirement that had not been
    contained in DR 7—104(A)(1). The substance of comment 3 is embodied in
    the language of DR 7—104(A)(1) that specifically requires the consent of the
    party’s lawyer. Based on our conclusion as to the meaning of DR 7—
    104(A)(1), we find by a convincing preponderance of the evidence that Box
    violated that rule by carrying out the October 10, 2001 transaction with
    We are not suggesting that DR 7—104(A)(1) serves to defeat the right
    of the party sought to be contacted by an attorney to discharge that party’s
    own lawyer. It does, however, require verification that this has been done
    before the other lawyer makes contact with a previously represented party.
    We are satisfied that DR 7—104(A)(1) required Box to recognize the
    vulnerability of Martha, as an unrepresented party at the meeting, and, at
    the very least, to verify the status of Bloethe’s representation by a simple
    telephone call.
    In considering the application of DR 7—104(A)(1) as a rule of legal
    ethics, we are not concerned with the bona fides of the real estate sales
    transaction between Martha and Todd.            Even if the facts presented
    convinced us that Martha, in the exercise of sound and independent
    judgment, wished to sell the land to Todd for the contract price, this would
    not alter the fact that attorney Box violated the disciplinary rule by failing to
    run the proposed transaction through her attorney. The circumstances
    facing Box at the October 10 meeting were such that he should have
    welcomed the participation of an attorney representing Martha’s interests.
    The acrimonious discourse among family members concerning Martha’s
    affairs that took place in Box’s office on September 11 should have served
    as a warning to him that controversy was likely to arise from the sale of
    property to his client, who was one of several objects of Martha’s bounty, for
    only one-third of its value.
    Having determined that Box has violated a disciplinary rule, we agree
    with the disciplinary board’s conclusion that this conduct warrants a public
    reprimand rather than the private admonition recommended by the
    Grievance Commission.          The proper sanction to be imposed for a
    disciplinary violation rests on the particular facts of each case.       Iowa
    Supreme Ct. Bd. of Prof’l Ethics & Conduct v. Herrera, 
    626 N.W.2d 107
    , 115
    (Iowa 2001).    Comparison with other disciplinary cases involving like
    conduct is a factor that ordinarily weighs heavily in our determination of a
    proper sanction. In the present situation, a case exactly like this one is not
    available because our previous decisions dealing with a violation of DR 7—
    Herrera, 626 N.W.2d at 113-14
    , and Comm. on Prof’l Ethics &
    Conduct v. Zimmermann, 
    522 N.W.2d 619
    (Iowa 1994), involved additional
    violations by the offending attorneys. We concluded that the two violations
    in combination warranted a public reprimand in Zimmermann and a
    suspension in Herrera. Despite the absence of a similar case, we can draw
    some comparison from cases involving simple conflicts of interest in which a
    public reprimand or suspension has been ordered. See, e.g., Iowa Supreme
    Ct. Bd. of Prof’l Ethics & Conduct v. Wagner, 
    599 N.W.2d 721
    , 730 (Iowa
    1999) (suspension ordered); Comm. on Prof’l Ethics & Conduct v. Jackson,
    492 N.W.2d 430
    , 434-35 (Iowa 1992) (reprimand ordered).             Of more
    importance perhaps is the fact that Box’s violation resulted in substantial
    harm, initially to Martha, and eventually to his own client.        We have
    consistently held that harm to a client or third party is an aggravating
    factor with regard to disciplinary violations. 
    Adams, 623 N.W.2d at 819
    Iowa Supreme Ct. Bd. of Prof’l Ethics & Conduct v. Jay, 
    606 N.W.2d 1
    , 4
    (Iowa 2000); Iowa Supreme Ct. Bd. of Prof’l Ethics & Conduct v. Freeman, 
    603 N.W.2d 600
    , 604 (Iowa 1999).
    In making our decision, we do not ignore the fact that Box has
    established a fine reputation as a competent attorney who has served his
    clients well for many years. His ethical lapse in October 2001 was an
    isolated incident that was inconsistent with his normal pattern of care and
    concern for the profession.      Notwithstanding that factor, the ethical
    violation we have discussed did occur, and Box must bear the consequences
    of that violation. We hereby reprimand attorney James M. Box and order
    that he pay the costs of this disciplinary proceeding.