Amended August 22, 2017 Toby Thornton v. American Interstate Insurance Company ( 2017 )

  •                IN THE SUPREME COURT OF IOWA
    No. 15–1032
    Filed May 19, 2017
    Amended August 22, 2017
    Appeal from the Iowa District Court for Pottawattamie County,
    Jeffrey L. Larson, Judge.
    Workers’ compensation insurer appeals judgment on jury verdict
    awarding actual and punitive damages after district court on summary
    judgment found insurer in bad faith as a matter of law.       DISTRICT
    Mark McCormick and Stephen H. Locher of Belin McCormick, P.C.,
    Des Moines, for appellant.
    Tiernan T. Siems, Karen M. Keeler, and MaKenna J. Dopheide of
    Erickson & Sederstrom, P.C., Omaha, Nebraska, for appellee.
    Deborah M. Tharnish and Sarah E. Crane of Davis Brown Law
    Firm, Des Moines, for amicus curiae Property Casualty Insurers
    Association of America.
    Richard J. Sapp and Ryan G. Koopmans, until withdrawal, of
    Nyemaster Goode, P.C., Des Moines, for amici curiae Chamber of
    Commerce of the United States and Iowa Association of Business and
    WATERMAN, Justice.
    In this appeal, we must resolve a workers’ compensation insurer’s
    multipronged challenge to a judgment on a jury verdict awarding
    $25 million in punitive damages and $284,000 in compensatory
    damages. The plaintiff was paralyzed below his chest in an on-the-job
    accident. The insurer disputed whether the employee was permanently
    and totally disabled (PTD) and contested his petition for a partial
    commutation (lump-sum) award while it continued to pay full weekly
    PTD benefits and explore settlement. The Iowa Workers’ Compensation
    Commissioner determined the employee was PTD and granted his
    petition for partial commutation.    The employee sued the insurer for
    common law first-party bad faith.
    On cross-motions for summary judgment, the district court
    determined the insurer, by contesting PTD and commutation, acted in
    bad faith as a matter of law by March 11, 2013 (nearly four years after
    the accident). The court instructed the jury the insurer had acted in bad
    faith for those actions and instructed the jury to decide whether other
    actions by the insurer were in bad faith and determine damages. The
    jury found the insurer’s bad-faith conduct began several months after
    the accident and awarded punitive and compensatory damages at a ratio
    of 88:1.   The insurer appealed after its posttrial motions were denied.
    The plaintiff cross-appealed the denial of attorney fees incurred
    prosecuting the bad-faith action. We retained the case.
    The insurer argues that (1) it cannot be found in bad faith when it
    voluntarily and continuously paid stipulated weekly PTD benefits due
    under its policy, (2) the district court erred by deciding the insurer acted
    in bad faith as a matter of law, (3) insufficient evidence supports the
    compensatory damage awards, and (4) the punitive damage award is
    unconstitutionally excessive under the Federal Due Process Clause. For
    the reasons explained below, we conclude the insurer knew or should
    have known it lacked any reasonable basis to dispute this quadriplegic’s
    PTD status and affirm summary judgment for the plaintiff on that issue.
    But the district court erred by ruling the insurer was in bad faith as a
    matter of law for resisting the commutation.       It should have granted
    summary judgment for the insurer on that issue.            We reverse the
    judgments for compensatory and punitive damages without reaching the
    constitutional challenge and remand the case for a new trial on the
    remaining bad-faith claims. Applying the American rule, we affirm the
    district court’s ruling denying plaintiff an award of attorney fees incurred
    prosecuting the bad-faith action.
    I. Background Facts and Proceedings.
    A. Initial Care. Thirty-one-year-old Toby Thornton worked as an
    over-the-road truck driver for Clayton County Recycling (CCR). His job
    duties included picking up scrap metal in Iowa and Wisconsin and
    delivering it to CCR’s salvage yard.     On June 25, 2009, Thornton lost
    control of his semitruck when the load shifted. The truck rolled over,
    crushing the cab with Thornton inside. Thornton injured his spinal cord,
    face, left leg, and ribs.   First responders extracted Thornton using the
    Jaws of Life™.     He was rushed by ambulance to Mercy Hospital in
    Dubuque and airlifted to the University of Iowa Hospitals in Iowa City,
    where he underwent multiple surgeries.        The accident left Thornton
    permanently paralyzed from the chest down with no use of his left hand
    and limited use of his right hand.
    American Interstate Insurance Company (American Interstate) was
    the workers’ compensation insurer for CCR and specialized in insuring
    high-risk employers. It learned of Thornton’s accident the next day, and
    its claims adjuster, Luann Baum, contacted Thornton’s wife, Tara, by
    telephone.    On June 27, Baum traveled to the University of Iowa
    Hospitals and assured Thornton’s family that workers’ compensation
    benefits would begin immediately.
    Baum gathered wage information and calculated Thornton’s weekly
    benefits, assuming PTD.       American Interstate issued the first benefit
    check to Thornton on July 2 and weekly thereafter. Two weeks after the
    accident, American Interstate received a medical opinion from Thornton’s
    examining physician that Thornton was PTD.               It set reserves for
    Thornton’s care at $762,644, an amount based on PTD.             Baum later
    testified she did so because she “believed that the injury was severe
    enough . . . to easily classify as a perm total.”
    Thornton retained counsel for his workers’ compensation claim.
    On July 8, his attorney wrote Baum requesting the “calculations used to
    arrive at Toby’s weekly compensation rate” and a “wage statement for
    Toby’s earnings for the year prior to the injury in accordance with Iowa
    Code Section 85.40.” On August 7, counsel again wrote to Baum, noting
    Baum had not responded to the prior request. The second letter referred
    the insurer to Iowa Code section 85.41, which states the failure to
    furnish wage information upon request within thirty days is a simple
    misdemeanor.      On August 25, counsel sent a third letter to Baum,
    stating Baum had supplied wage information but had missed the last full
    week Thornton worked before the accident.           On September 1, counsel
    mailed another letter, again inquiring about weekly wages and requesting
    medical records.     On September 24, counsel for American Interstate
    responded by letter, stating,
    After we talked on the phone, I obtained the additional
    wage information from the employer. I recalculated the wage
    information and changed the rate based on the updated
    information. The new rate will be $513.18 per week. This
    resulted in a $7.44 per week increase and we had issued 15
    weeks so far, so I also issued a check today for an additional
    $111.60 to bring current.
    Here are the weeks and the hours I used for the
    The letter then listed thirteen weeks of wage information, including
    June 15 to 21, the week missed in the earlier statement. Thornton later
    stipulated that $513.18 was the correct weekly benefit.
    After multiple surgeries and aggressive physical, occupational, and
    respiratory rehabilitation, Thornton was released from the hospital in
    October. Thornton moved into his in-laws’ home. At Thornton’s request,
    Baum arranged for modifications to make the house handicap-
    accessible. American Interstate paid to install a shower and hospital bed
    and specially ordered a wheelchair and van matched to Thornton’s height
    and weight.      Thornton told Baum he was pleased, stating, “[V]an was
    great, equipment is good, bed is a little small for turning, but . . . [the
    new mattress] should be in by next week.”
    Initially, Tara provided in-home care to Thornton. In June 2010,
    Baum arranged for a home healthcare nurse so Tara could return to
    work.      That month, Thornton indicated an interest in purchasing a
    home, and Baum met with him to discuss housing options.             In July,
    Baum received an email from Thornton that he needed to move out of his
    in-laws’ home “immediately” because he and Tara were separating.
    Baum arranged for home-aide care, modifications to a new apartment,
    and for Thornton to take a disabled driver’s license test. By November,
    Thornton had received his driver’s license and a van outfitted so he could
    drive.     He reported to Baum he was doing “great” and “ha[d] no
    complaints at this time.”     Throughout this period, American Interstate
    continued to pay Thornton weekly benefits at the PTD rate.
    Meanwhile, Thornton’s mother passed away. She left him a small
    inheritance, about $3000, which Thornton used to purchase a headstone
    for her grave and a TV for his home for his children to watch after school.
    Thornton complained to his physician that he was depressed.             In
    February 2011, Thornton attempted suicide by overdosing on pain
    medication. He was admitted to St. Mary’s Hospital for inpatient mental
    health treatment.    After his discharge, Thornton received outpatient
    counseling to cope with his depression.     Thornton’s treatment records
    show he attributed his mental problems to his mother’s death and his
    separation from his wife, without mentioning American Interstate.
    Thornton did not tell Baum about his overdose or mental health
    treatment. Baum and American Interstate were unaware of Thornton’s
    treatment for depression until months later when bills for payment were
    In March, Dr. Michael Rogge, Thornton’s treating physician,
    concluded Thornton had reached maximum medical improvement (MMI).
    Thornton told Baum he did not want to discuss settlement options with
    American Interstate until his divorce was finalized. American Interstate
    honored his request, continuing to pay him weekly benefits at the PTD
    rate.   In July, when internally discussing Thornton’s file, Baum noted
    she had not assigned a permanent partial disability percentage to
    Thornton because “[t]his [claimant] is now a quadriplegic. . . . [H]e will
    be a perm[anent] total case.”     In January 2012, Thornton contacted
    Baum and told her his divorce was finalized and he was ready to discuss
    The next month, Baum and John Cantwell, who handles annuities,
    met with Thornton to discuss settlement.         In preparation for this
    meeting, Baum noted a lump-sum payment would be important to
    Thornton because he had been trying to purchase a home.              At the
    meeting, Baum and Cantwell presented Thornton with two alternative
    proposals for settlement.    Each proposal included payment of weekly
    indemnity benefits (an upfront payment and annuity) and the creation of
    a Medicare Set Aside (MSA) and Custodial Medical Account (CMA) for
    future medical expenses.    The MSA covered Medicare expenses; if the
    account was exhausted, the expenses would be picked up by Medicare.
    The CMA account covered other expenses. If the CMA was exhausted,
    Thornton would become personally liable for ongoing expenses.          Both
    proposals also included a “Miscellaneous Medical” section, entitling
    Thornton to an immediate cash payment, a smaller annuity to offset
    Medicare deductibles, and a series of lump sums for future van
    In both proposals, American Interstate sought a “closed file”
    settlement to end its liability for future weekly benefits or medical
    expenses.    Upon Thornton’s death, any remaining indemnity, MSA, or
    CMA funds reverted to American Interstate. This structured settlement
    proposed by American Interstate substantially reduced its own cost of
    settlement. Thornton understood that “[i]t was just [the] first offer on the
    table, and [he] wanted to show it to [his] lawyer and get some legal
    representatives on it.”
    B. PTD Claim.       In May, Thornton, through counsel, filed a
    petition before the Iowa Workers’ Compensation Commissioner seeking a
    determination of permanent total disability. Baum retained counsel for
    American Interstate, Cory Abbas.         Baum disclosed to Abbas that
    “[American Interstate] ha[d] voluntarily accepted this claim as PTD
    exposure.”   In June, Abbas emailed Baum his initial evaluation of the
    claim, acknowledging that “there is not a strong argument that Claimant
    is not a permanent total disability.”          American Interstate nevertheless
    denied PTD in its answer to the petition.
    Counsel engaged in settlement discussions for several months.
    Thornton did not want to pursue a closed-file settlement, fearing that the
    medical funds may run out and he would become personally liable for his
    healthcare needs. In September, Abbas emailed Tiernan Siems, counsel
    for Thornton, urging a closed-file settlement for a quicker resolution
    because, as it could be “2–3 years before a final award is entered
    (considering potential appeals to the Commissioner, and potentially
    much longer with appeals to the Courts).”               The parties proceeded to
    mediation in October, where Siems claimed Abbas said American
    Interstate would “deny, delay, appeal, and drive-up the costs” of litigation
    if Thornton refused to settle. Abbas denied making such a statement.
    The mediation was unsuccessful.
    American      Interstate    deposed     Thornton      in   February      2013.
    Thornton testified that “[s]ome day [he’d] like to get a job” if someone
    could be found who would employ him “in the condition that [he was] in.”
    On March 4, Abbas contacted Siems and informed him that Phil Davis, a
    vocational counselor, had been authorized by American Interstate to
    provide vocational rehabilitative services “if Mr. Thornton ha[d] any
    interest in such.” 1 Siems responded by questioning the motives of Abbas
    for offering vocational training so close to the hearing on Thornton’s PTD
    1This later turned out to be incorrect.   Davis actually had been hired by
    American Interstate to opine whether Thornton could return to some sort of work, not
    to provide rehabilitative services. Davis submitted a report at the arbitration hearing
    opining that Thornton could return to work if he so desired. However, Davis later
    testified that his opinion in no way should have been used to undercut that Thornton
    was PTD.
    claim. Meanwhile, Dr. Rogge informed Abbas that he would not release
    Thornton to participate in vocational rehabilitation because he was PTD.
    On March 11, after conferencing with Dr. Rogge, Abbas emailed
    Jami Rodgers, who had succeeded Baum at American Interstate. Abbas
    stated, “Due to Dr. Rogge’s opinions not being favorable to our defense, a
    follow-up written report will not be requested.” He added, “As originally
    evaluated, there really is no possible situation where Claimant is not
    going to be found to be permanently and totally disabled in this matter.”
    Abbas recommended American Interstate agree to a settlement for PTD
    and warned that the deputy commissioner may find “the defense
    unreasonable, issuing sanctions for the costs of the litigation.” American
    Interstate nevertheless elected to proceed with the hearing contesting
    PTD. Rodgers explained, “[W]e may not have had a reasonable defense,
    but I still felt we had the right to go to hearing.” On May 23, the deputy
    found Thornton PTD and ordered American Interstate to continue paying
    Thornton the weekly benefits.
    C. Partial Commutation Claim.         Eleven days later, Thornton
    petitioned for a partial commutation of benefits. See Iowa Code § 85.48
    (2013) (allowing partial payment of lump-sum benefits with reduced
    weekly benefits continuing).    He sought commuted benefits in a lump
    sum of $761,957 to purchase a home, pay attorney fees, and invest with
    the assistance of a money manager. Siems had emailed Abbas over a
    week earlier, asking if American Interstate would agree to the partial
    commutation.    Siems accused American Interstate of raising “frivolous
    defenses suggesting [Thornton] was not [PTD],” despite agreeing that he
    was likely entitled to a commutation.    Abbas responded the next day,
    While I may have agreed/stated that Mr. Thornton has a
    significant chance of being awarded a partial commutation
    by a Deputy and the Commissioner (based upon the results
    of many current partial and full commutation decisions), I
    never have stated that anyone is “entitled” to a partial
    American Interstate resisted the petition for partial commutation.
    In July, Thornton received a letter from a financial advisor,
    explaining how a lump-sum commutation would be invested to generate
    a regular monthly income. The plan included a 1.8% annual fee. It also
    assumed no change in tax treatment, although the investment income
    would be taxable, unlike weekly workers’ compensation payments.                     In
    November, Thornton testified at his deposition that he had not previously
    owned any investments, he and his wife had incurred overdraft charges
    before the accident, he was only “so-so” with finances, his “[c]redit cards
    don’t get taken care of as good as they should,” he connected with this
    financial advisor through his brother, he had never met with any other
    financial advisor, he had spent a $3000 inheritance from his mother on
    bills and “a couple of things,” and he had never put together or operated
    under a monthly budget. 2
    American Interstate retained an expert, Michael Alexander, to
    address whether the commutation would be in Thornton’s best interest.
    Alexander’s report noted Thornton’s proposed monthly budget used a
    2Prior  to the commutation hearing, American Interstate filed three discovery-
    related motions against Thornton—all of which were granted by the deputy
    commissioner. In a September 2013 order granting American Interstate’s motion to
    compel, the deputy characterized Thornton’s resistance as resting on “wholly frivolous
    grounds” that “do little to foster timely and economic resolution of contested case
    litigation.” The deputy granted the insurer’s motion to quash a discovery deposition in
    November, reasoning that Thornton “appears, as defendants contend, to ‘fish’ for
    information potentially useful in other litigation.” Finally, in March 2014, the deputy
    granted American Interstate’s motion to quash on the basis that “the information
    sought by [Thornton] is unnecessary to get to the truth and provide the parties rough,
    speedy justice.”
    significantly lower housing cost than the anticipated cost of Thornton’s
    home.     Even without considering the taxability of investment returns,
    Alexander noted the lump-sum payment would have to generate a 4.44%
    annual return to match current weekly payments. Alexander expressed
    concern about Thornton’s ability to avoid tapping into the principal.
    Alexander concluded, “A sound game plan hasn’t been completed to
    protect or justify this lump sum commutation.”
    Thornton’s counsel asked to depose Alexander.         Abbas emailed
    Rodgers, warning that Alexander’s testimony may not help the insurer’s
    Claimant’s counsel has requested a deposition of our
    financial expert, Michael Alexander. He is likely to tear up
    Mr. Alexander pretty good, as Toby’s case presented a
    difficult position for Mr. Alexander to argue that it was not in
    his best interests to receive a lump sum versus weekly
    payments.       I will keep you informed as to when the
    deposition is scheduled, as well as the outcome.
    . . . Unfortunately, as we have previously discussed, no
    matter how well I am able to depose [Thornton’s] experts, it
    will be unlikely to bring forth significant evidence that will
    sway a Deputy and/or the Commissioner from awarding a
    Alexander testified at his deposition “the crux” of his opinion was that a
    commutation would not be in Thornton’s best interest because he could
    “take withdrawals whenever he wanted to.” But Alexander acknowledged
    that if Thornton avoided invading the principal, commutation would be
    in his best interest. He noted without the partial commutation, Thornton
    could be unable to keep up with his expenses:
    Q. There’s risk that Mr. Thornton’s rent and cost of
    food will outpace his budget unless he gets a partial
    commutation. A. Yes. There’s also interest rate risk and
    market risk tied with these investments and liquidity risk if
    he taps the principal.
    Q. Notwithstanding all of those risks you mentioned,
    . . . it is still your opinion as we sit here today that if
    Mr. Thornton does not invade that principal of this 611- or
    751,000 or potentially one million if it had been paid out
    earlier, [if he] doesn’t invade that principal, his best bet is
    getting that partial commutation? A. Yes.
    Q. Even with all those risks we mentioned? A. Yes.
    At the partial commutation hearing on March 21, 2014, Thornton
    presented testimony from two experts that the commutation would be in
    his best interest. Thornton also presented the budget prepared by his
    brother, an accountant, showing how Thornton would use the commuted
    benefits. American Interstate pointed out the proposed budget did not
    account for taxes or home repair. American Interstate argued Thornton
    was a poor money manager, noting he had spent the $3000 inheritance
    without conferring with a financial advisor.         It questioned whether
    Thornton could resist dipping into the principal of any commuted funds
    and referred to Thornton’s children as his “vice.”
    On May 16, 2014, the deputy granted a partial commutation. The
    deputy found the risk of Thornton depleting the funds to be “minimal”
    and stated, “It would be hard to imagine a clearer scenario where a
    partial commutation should be granted.” The deputy further noted, “The
    arguments of the defendants are weak at best and appear mostly
    designed to delay the inevitable commutation of benefits.”       Thornton
    asked the deputy to award him the costs of both of his experts. See Iowa
    Code § 86.40 (2014) (“All costs incurred in the hearing before the
    commissioner shall be taxed in the discretion of the commissioner.”);
    Iowa Admin. Code r. 876—4.33 (noting assessment of costs may include
    “the reasonable costs of obtaining no more than two doctors’ or
    practitioners’ reports”).   The deputy awarded Thornton costs for two
    expert witnesses and signaled his disapproval of the insurer’s conduct:
    In this case, the defendants refused to agree to a partial
    commutation and provided a vigorous, albeit weak defense.
    Partial commutations are fairly rare. Claimant’s counsel had
    to decide how much to invest in pursuing this claim, and it
    was unknown exactly how much evidence would be
    required. . . . The defendants essentially forced the claimant
    to prove his case instead of simply agreeing to what appears
    to be an obviously reasonable partial commutation in the
    best interests of the claimant.
    American Interstate issued the commutation check one week later and
    did not appeal the deputy’s commutation decision.
    Meanwhile, on January 10, 2014, while Thornton’s petition for
    commutation was pending, he learned he had been approved by his bank
    for a loan to purchase a home. Thornton testified he lost the chance to
    buy that home because it was sold to another person while he awaited
    his lump-sum payment.
    D. Alternate Medical Care. In July, Dr. Rogge wrote Thornton a
    prescription for a wheelchair replacement. Dr. Rogge wrote in his notes,
    “Did recommend he receive new wheelchair . . . . We did give him a new
    script for this today.” These notes were received by Rodgers. However,
    Rodgers did not receive an order or copy of the prescription. Dr. Rogge
    sent the prescription to St. Luke’s Hospital in Cedar Rapids.          On
    September 10, Rodgers was deposed.        She stated she did not know
    Thornton needed a new wheelchair, but if she was “ordered to get him
    one, she would do so.” On September 17, Thornton went to St. Luke’s
    Hospital to be measured.       Two days later, Dr. Rogge signed the
    paperwork setting forth the specifications of the new wheelchair.
    On October 12, Thornton was hospitalized for bursitis in both
    elbows.   Hospital records stated that his left elbow was “swollen” and
    “reddened” and that his pain was “very intense and he felt like his arm
    was on fire.” According to hospital records, Thornton told the hospital
    staff he thought “he did bump into something last week with his elbow,
    but [did] not remember anything specific.”
    On October 20, Rodgers learned that the wheelchair was “in the
    process of being ordered.” A vendor had inquired about the status of the
    authorization and copied Thornton’s counsel, who then forwarded the
    email to Abbas.   The next day, Thornton filed a petition for alternate
    medical care. See Iowa Code § 85.27(4) (“If the employer and employee
    cannot agree on such alternate care, the commissioner may, upon
    application and reasonable proof of the necessity therefor, allow and
    order other care.”). At the hearing on November 4, American Interstate
    conceded that “a replacement wheelchair is reasonable and necessary”
    and that it had already “authorized and ordered the wheelchair.”     The
    deputy found that “[b]oth parties were in agreement” and ordered
    American Interstate to provide a new wheelchair.
    E. Bad-Faith Claim.     On December 26, 2013, Thornton filed a
    civil action against American Interstate alleging common law bad faith
    based on its handling of his workers’ compensation claims. American
    Interstate filed an answer denying bad faith. After conducting discovery,
    the parties filed cross-motions for summary judgment.          American
    Interstate argued summary judgment was appropriate because it was
    undisputed that Thornton was paid full PTD weekly benefits throughout,
    and that as a matter of law, it acted reasonably in handling Thornton’s
    claims.   Thornton argued American Interstate unreasonably denied he
    was PTD and entitled to commutation, which delayed his lump-sum
    The district court partially granted Thornton’s motion for summary
    judgment on the bad-faith claim and denied American Interstate’s
    motion. The court rejected American Interstate’s position that bad faith
    could not occur without a denial of payment.       The court stated, “Any
    difference between payments owed and payments made is properly a
    question of damages, not denial.”       The court acknowledged American
    Interstate paid Thornton the weekly workers’ compensation benefits to
    which he was entitled, but concluded the insurer denied him benefits
    when it refused to classify him as PTD, denied PTD status at the hearing,
    moved for reconsideration of the commissioner’s adverse PTD finding,
    and failed to agree to a commutation. The district court concluded,
    Defendant embarked upon a course of action which first
    challenged and ultimately denied Plaintiff’s PTD status and
    eligibility for partial commutation, and if successful would
    have cancelled Plaintiff’s benefits. Each of those is a ‘denial’
    within the ambit of the bad faith tort.
    The court further determined American Interstate had no reasonable
    basis for denial. American Interstate was advised by counsel early on
    that Thornton was likely PTD and a partial commutation was in his best
    interests. Thus, the court found by March 11, 2013, American Interstate
    was in bad faith as a matter of law.
    The issues of damages and bad faith prior to March 11, 2013, were
    tried to a jury.     Thornton presented evidence on American Interstate’s
    refusal to disclose wage statements and actions in resisting Thornton’s
    PTD claim and partial commutation.            Particularly, evidence was
    presented to the jury that Baum, while working as a claims adjuster for
    Thornton, had never “uncover[ed] any facts suggesting that Toby was not
    permanently and totally disabled” or that “the payment of a lump sum, a
    partial commutation” was not in Thornton’s best interest.         Similarly,
    Rodgers testified,
    Q. Now, let’s go backwards from that date. From that
    date up until the inception of this claim, are you aware of
    any evidence that supported the conclusion that Toby
    Thornton was not entitled to partial commutation? A. No.
    Q. Perm total, same question: From the date of trial
    all the way back to the date of injury, are you aware of any
    information supporting the conclusion that Toby Thornton
    was anything other than permanently and totally disabled?
    A. No.
    Abbas testified that American Interstate acted in good faith
    because it had a legal right to allow the deputy to decide the issues of
    PTD and partial commutation.      In addition, defense experts described
    Abbas’s statements to opposing counsel—about litigation taking two to
    three years if the claim did not settle—as a common negotiation tactic,
    not bad faith.
    Both parties presented evidence concerning the delay in Thornton’s
    wheelchair and resulting hospital visit. When asked if the bursitis was
    caused by the worn wheelchair armrests, Thornton stated, “Hard to tell if
    it was the armrests or bumping into stuff.     Not for sure.”   Dr. Rogge
    testified he suspected the arms of the wheelchair were the cause of the
    bursitis, and he “hope[d]” a new wheelchair would alleviate the problem.
    Regarding the delay in securing the wheelchair, Rodgers testified,
    A. It’s my understanding Dr. Rogge sent the order to
    St. Luke’s to work up on—with the wheelchair program,
    whatever, to get his exact specifications so we could order
    the wheelchair. And as soon as that was provided with exact
    orders like a 10-page specification so he could get exactly
    what he needed, we ordered it.
    Q. Reconcile that for me with your sworn deposition
    testimony in September that you knew nothing about a
    wheelchair. A. I didn’t know anything about the wheelchair
    at the first deposition. I didn’t know anything until you sent
    me—you [sent] Cory, your e-mail—
    Q. Tell us again what Dr. Rogge said about a
    wheelchair July 1, 2014. A. “His wheelchair is causing
    problems. It is over five years of age. We did give him a new
    script for this today.”
    Q. That’s what you received July 15, 2014. A. I could
    guess July 15. I don’t know when we received it.
    Thornton acknowledged he needed to go to St. Luke’s to be measured
    before the wheelchair could be ordered because “they had to figure out
    what [he] needed before it could be ordered.”
    At the close of the evidence, defense counsel moved for directed
    verdict, which the district court denied. The jury was instructed that the
    court had already determined American Interstate committed bad faith
    by disputing Thornton’s PTD status and request for commutation.
    Instruction No. 1 stated,
    Members of the jury, this trial concerns a claim by
    Plaintiff, Toby Thornton, that the Defendant, American
    Interstate Insurance Company, acted in bad faith in failing
    to pay certain workers’ compensation insurance benefits
    Mr. Thornton was entitled to.
    Prior to this trial, this court determined that the
    defendant, American Interstate Insurance Company[,]
    committed bad faith in its dealings with Mr. Thornton
    beginning March 11, 2013.
    It is up to you, the jury, to determine whether the
    defendant committed bad faith prior to March 11, 2013. It is
    also your duty to determine whether plaintiff, Toby
    Thornton, was damaged by defendant’s actions and the
    amount of those damages.
    (Emphasis added.) Instruction No. 18 explained the elements of a bad-
    faith claim, including that the plaintiff was required to prove “[t]here was
    no reasonable basis for denying the claim.” Instruction No. 19 referred
    back to Instruction No. 18, explaining,
    With respect to proposition No. 2 in the foregoing
    instruction, there has been a previous determination by the
    Court that beginning March 11, 2013, the defendant did not
    have a reasonable basis for its refusal to pay the Workers’
    Compensation claim for permanent total disability benefits
    and for a partial commutation of those benefits.       That
    determination is binding upon you in this case. The plaintiff
    does not have to prove this element and the defendant may
    not contest it. You, the jury, must determine if there was
    bad faith before March 11, 2013.
    (Emphasis added.)
    The jury instructions also included an explanation of damages that
    could be awarded. American Interstate objected to instructions allowing
    the jury to award damages for past mental pain and suffering, past
    physical pain and suffering, and loss of equity in the home he had
    planned to buy. Defense counsel argued, “There’s no evidence of that,
    Judge.” The court overruled its objections.
    The jury found American Interstate had committed bad faith as of
    September 1, 2009, a date coinciding with its refusals to give wage
    information and its internal recognition of PTD.           The jury awarded
    $284,000 in compensatory damages and $25 million in punitive
    damages.      Compensatory damages included past pain and suffering
    ($125,000), loss of use of money ($14,000), consequential damages for
    attorney fees in the workers’ compensation proceeding ($118,000), and
    lost home equity ($27,000).
    American Interstate moved for judgment notwithstanding the
    verdict, remittitur, and new trial.        American Interstate renewed its
    argument the district court erred in granting summary judgment and
    erred    in   overruling   American   Interstate’s   objections   to   the   jury
    instructions allowing awards for pain and suffering and loss of equity
    damages.      The district court denied the motions.      American Interstate
    appealed, and we retained the appeal.
    II. Standard of Review.
    “We review the trial court’s ruling on a motion for directed verdict
    for the correction of errors of law.” Bellville v. Farm Bureau Mut. Ins., 
    702 N.W.2d 468
    , 473 (Iowa 2005). “We likewise review a district court ruling
    on a motion for judgment notwithstanding the verdict for correction of
    errors at law.” Gibson v. ITT Hartford Ins., 
    621 N.W.2d 388
    , 391 (Iowa
    “A party moving for summary judgment has the burden of
    establishing the absence of any genuine issue of material fact and that it
    is entitled to judgment as a matter of law.” Johnson v. Farm Bureau Mut.
    533 N.W.2d 203
    , 205–06 (Iowa 1995).         “In reviewing both the
    summary judgment and directed verdict, we review the evidence in the
    light most favorable to the resisting party.” 
    Id. at 206.
    “The court must
    consider on behalf of the nonmoving party every legitimate interference
    that can be reasonably deduced from the record.” McIlravy v. N. River
    653 N.W.2d 323
    , 328 (Iowa 2002). Inferences are legitimate when
    they are “rational, reasonable, and otherwise permissible under the
    governing substantive law.”    
    Id. (quoting Butler
    v. Hoover Nature Trail,
    530 N.W.2d 85
    , 88 (Iowa Ct. App. 1994)). “If reasonable minds may
    differ on the resolution of an issue, a genuine issue of material fact
    Id. We review
    for correction of errors at law American Interstate’s
    claim that the evidence did not support the jury instructions. Rowling v.
    732 N.W.2d 882
    , 885 (Iowa 2007). “When reviewing a claim that
    an instruction was not supported by substantial evidence, we view the
    evidence in the light most favorable to the party seeking the instruction.”
    Id. “Questions of
    jurisdiction, authority, and venue are legal issues to be
    reviewed for corrections of errors at law.” Kloster v. Hormel Foods Corp.,
    612 N.W.2d 772
    , 773 (Iowa 2000).
    III. Analysis.
    A. Bad-Faith Directed Verdict.       We first address whether the
    district court erred in denying American Interstate’s motion for a directed
    verdict on the bad-faith claim. American Interstate contends the district
    court erred in granting Thornton partial summary judgment establishing
    the insurer’s bad faith and in submitting the remaining case to the jury.
    The insurer notes Thornton did not submit the workers’ compensation
    policy as an exhibit and, it contends, cannot show he was deprived of a
    benefit “under the policy” or that American Interstate breached any term
    of the insurance contract.           American Interstate argues the bad-faith
    claim fails as a matter of law because Thornton at all times was paid full
    weekly PTD benefits. Alternatively, American Interstate argues it had a
    reasonable basis for resisting commutation because, under Iowa Code
    section 85.45, the commissioner must approve a partial commutation of
    1. Error preservation. Thornton contends error was not preserved.
    We find error was preserved when American Interstate moved for directed
    verdict and judgment notwithstanding the verdict, reiterating the
    grounds asserted in its summary judgment filings. American Interstate
    consistently asserted substantially the same arguments now made on
    appeal, i.e., it did not deny Thornton benefits and it had a reasonable
    basis for resisting commutation. Its arguments were “both raised and
    ruled upon by the district court.” Tetzlaff v. Camp, 
    715 N.W.2d 256
    , 258
    (Iowa 2006).       Our precedent requires no more.            See Otterberg v. Farm
    Bureau Mut. Ins., 
    696 N.W.2d 24
    , 28 (Iowa 2005) (“[I]f a motion for
    summary judgment presented the issue to the district court and the
    district court ruled on it, the rule requiring the district court to first
    consider issues raised on appeal is satisfied.”). 3
    3Thornton    relies on State v. Ritchison, 
    223 N.W.2d 207
    , 213 (Iowa 1974). In
    Ritchison, a defendant waited until his motion for directed verdict at the close of all
    evidence to claim that a statute was unconstitutional. 
    Id. We held
    that “in order to
    preserve for review any alleged error in ruling on the constitutionality of a statute, the
    party challenging the statute must do so at the earliest available opportunity in the
    progress of the case.” 
    Id. at 214.
    Ritchison is inapposite. American Interstate moved
    for summary judgment well before trial, moved for a directed verdict at the close of
    plaintiff’s evidence, and makes no claim that a statute is unconstitutional.
    2. Did American Interstate deny Thornton a benefit under the
    policy? 4 We begin our analysis with an overview of our insurance bad-
    faith precedent to provide context for deciding the fighting issue whether
    a workers’ compensation insurer that pays weekly benefits can be found
    in bad faith. “Insurance contracts contain an implied covenant of good
    faith that ‘neither party will do anything to injure the rights of the other
    in receiving the benefits of the agreement.’ ” 
    Johnson, 533 N.W.2d at 207
    (quoting Kooyman v. Farm Bureau Mut. Ins., 
    315 N.W.2d 30
    , 33 (Iowa
    1982)).    An insured may bring a third-party bad-faith claim when “an
    insurer’s bad faith refusal to settle a third-party’s claim against the
    insured within the policy limits exposes the insured to monetary liability
    exceeding policy limits.”      
    Id. A first-party
    bad-faith claim involves “an
    insured’s attempt to recover for his or her own losses allegedly covered
    under the insurance policy.” 
    Id. We view
    bad-faith claims by employees
    against their employers’ workers’ compensation insurers as first-party
    bad-faith claims, even though “[a]t first blush, a cause of action for bad
    faith   pursued     by   an    employee       against   an   employer’s     workers’
    compensation carrier appears to be a matter of ‘third-party’ bad faith
    more than one of ‘first-party’ bad faith.” 
    McIlravy, 653 N.W.2d at 329
    [W]hen first adopting the bad faith cause of action in the
    workers’ compensation context, we determined that such a
    suit is more accurately considered as one for first-party bad
    faith given “the obligations that [the Code] and
    administrative regulations place on the insurer.”
    4Thornton speciously argues a waiver or estoppel resulted from trial testimony
    by Abbas and William Scherle, an attorney and expert for American Interstate, voicing
    disagreement with the court’s summary judgment ruling. We cannot fathom how their
    testimony waived or estopped American Interstate from arguing it was entitled to a
    directed verdict.
    Id. (quoting Boylan
    v. Am. Motorists Ins., 
    489 N.W.2d 742
    , 743 (Iowa
    To establish a first-party bad-faith claim against a workers’
    compensation insurer, the plaintiff must show “(1) that the insurer had
    no reasonable basis for denying benefits under the policy and, (2) the
    insurer knew, or had reason to know, that its denial was without basis.”
    Id. at 329
    (quoting United Fire & Cas. Co. v. Shelly Funeral Home, Inc.,
    642 N.W.2d 648
    , 657 (Iowa 2002)).         We have defined “benefit” for
    purposes of the workers’ compensation penalty provision as “[f]inancial
    assistance that is received from an employer, insurance, or a public
    program (such as social security) in time of sickness, disability, or
    unemployment.” Schadendorf v. Snap-On Tools Corp., 
    757 N.W.2d 330
    338 (Iowa 2008) (alteration in original) (quoting Benefit, Black’s Law
    Dictionary (7th ed. 1999)) (referring to Iowa Code § 86.13). “The two-part
    test for first-party bad faith applies . . . [to] workers’ compensation
    McIlravy, 653 N.W.2d at 329
    In Dolan v. Aid Insurance Co., we recognized a common law action
    in tort for bad faith against a first-party insurer because “traditional
    damages for breach of contract will not always adequately compensate
    an insured for an insurer’s bad faith conduct.” 
    431 N.W.2d 790
    , 794
    (Iowa 1988). We concluded allowing a remedy in tort was “justified by
    the nature of the contractual relationship between the insurer and
    Id. Insurance policies
    are contracts of adhesion, exemplifying
    “inherently unequal bargaining power between the insurer and insured,
    which persists throughout the parties’ relationship and becomes
    particularly acute when the insured sustains a physical injury or
    economic loss for which coverage is sought.”            
    Id. We view
    ed the
    “contractual   relationship   between   the   insurer     and   insured   [as]
    sufficiently special to warrant providing the insured with additional
    Id. at 792.
    In Boylan, we extended the tort of first-party insurer bad faith to
    workers’ compensation 
    insurers. 489 N.W.2d at 743
    –44. Robert Boylan
    alleged his employer’s workers’ compensation insurer “delayed and then
    terminated [his] workers’ compensation weekly benefits and medical
    benefits, arbitrarily and capriciously, without notice and in bad faith.”
    Id. at 742
    (alteration in original). The district court dismissed the action,
    ruling Boylan failed to state a claim. 
    Id. We reversed
    and reinstated his
    bad-faith action. 
    Id. at 744.
    We noted the Iowa workers’ compensation
    statute, by imposing a civil penalty on insurers for an unreasonable
    delay or termination of benefits, demonstrated an “affirmative obligation
    on the part of the employer and insurance carrier to act reasonably in
    regard to benefit payments in the absence of specific direction by the
    Id. at 743;
    see also Iowa Code § 86.13(4)(a) (imposing
    penalty for “a denial, a delay in payment, or a termination of benefits
    without reasonable or probable cause or excuse known to the employer
    or insurance carrier”).     We acknowledged the Act’s administrative
    regulations “impose[d] an affirmative obligation to furnish medical and
    hospital supplies to an injured employee,” even though the penalty
    provision only applied to a denial of weekly compensation benefits.
    Boylan, 489 N.W.2d at 743
    ; see also Iowa Code § 85.27(4) (“The
    treatment must be offered promptly and be reasonably suited to treat the
    injury without undue inconvenience to the employee.”). “As a result of
    the obligations that these statutes and administrative regulations place
    on the insurer,” we concluded the relationship between a workers’
    compensation insurer and employee was similar to the special, first-party
    contractual relationship in Dolan. 
    Boylan, 489 N.W.2d at 743
    . Thus, we
    recognized a common law first-party bad-faith action against a workers’
    compensation insurer apart from the statutory penalties provided in
    section 86.13. 
    Id. at 744.
    Subsequent cases shaped the contours of common law bad-faith
    claims in the workers’ compensation context.           In Reedy v. White
    Consolidated Industries, Inc., we concluded that self-insured employers
    could be held liable for common law bad faith because they “voluntarily
    assume[d] a recognized status under the workers’ compensation laws as
    an insurer.”   
    503 N.W.2d 601
    , 603 (Iowa 1993).          But, in Bremer v.
    Wallace, we declined to expand the claim to uninsured employers,
    focusing on the “common thread” in our previous decisions of “the
    defendant’s status as an insurer.”     
    728 N.W.2d 803
    , 805 (Iowa 2007).
    We noted that central to imposing liability for bad faith was “the
    traditional insurer/insured relationship.”      
    Id. at 806.
        The reason
    “underlying our imposition of tort liability” was “the adhesive nature of
    the insurance contract.” 
    Id. In McIlravy,
    we explained that “[b]ad faith claims are applicable to
    workers’ compensation insurers because they hold the discretionary
    power to affect the statutory rights of workers, which clearly reflects their
    obligation to act in good faith in the exercise of this 
    authority.” 653 N.W.2d at 329
    –30 (concluding that commissioner’s decision to assess
    penalty under the statute did not result in issue preclusion in common
    law bad-faith action because of different burden of proof). Similarly, in
    Brown v. Liberty Mutual Insurance, we held that because a workers’
    compensation bad-faith claim “rests on Liberty Mutual’s alleged breach
    of its statutory good-faith obligation to pay benefits in advance of a
    specific directive by the industrial commissioner,” the five-year statute of
    limitations in Iowa Code section 614.1(4) applied, rather than the two-
    year limitations period in section 614.1(2).   
    513 N.W.2d 762
    , 764–65
    (Iowa 1994) (emphasis added).
    Thus, our decisions indicate it is the nature of the workers’
    compensation insurer’s relationship with the insured employees and
    corresponding statutory duties that give rise to bad-faith tort liability.
    For that reason, Thornton was not required to offer American Interstate’s
    insurance contract into evidence at the jury trial. The fighting liability
    issues concerned American Interstate’s conduct in light of its statutory
    obligations, not the wording of a specific provision of its insurance
    But American Interstate argues there can be no bad faith without a
    breach of a specific policy term. In Bagelmann v. First National Bank, we
    stated parties could not maintain a bad-faith action against their bank
    when there was no “contract term to which [the bad faith could] be
    823 N.W.2d 18
    , 34 (Iowa 2012).      When refinancing their
    home, the Bagelmanns received a flood risk determination from the
    bank, stating the property was not in a flood zone. 
    Id. at 21.
    The bank
    had hired a third party to conduct the flood-zone determination and
    charged the Bagelmanns a small fee for the service. 
    Id. After substantial
    flooding damaged their home, it was discovered that the property
    actually was in a flood zone. 
    Id. at 22.
    We rejected the Bagelmanns’
    bad-faith claim, noting,
    An implied duty of good faith and fair dealing is recognized
    in all contracts. But the covenant does not “give rise to new
    substantive terms that do not otherwise exist in the
    As we have already discussed, the 2003 mortgage . . .
    authorized the mortgagee to charge for a flood hazard
    determination. But this section of the mortgage and the
    determination itself make clear that the determination was
    for the mortgagee’s protection, not the mortgagors’. There
    was no promise to notify (let alone update) the Bagelmanns
    concerning their flood zone status, so any allegation of bad
    faith here lacks a contract term to which it can be attached.
    Id. at 34
    (emphasis added) (citations omitted) (quoting Mid-Am. Real
    Estate Co. v. Iowa Realty Co., 
    406 F.3d 969
    , 974 (8th Cir. 2005)); cf.
    Villarreal v. United Fire & Cas. Co., 
    873 N.W.2d 714
    , 728–29 (Iowa 2016)
    (concluding first-party bad-faith claim based on denial of insurance
    benefits arose out of the same conduct as the breach-of-contract claim).
    Bad-faith claims typically arise from a breach of the insurance contract.
    Bellville, 702 N.W.2d at 474
    .      Nonetheless, “[d]ue to the unique
    nature of the insured/insurer relationship, the duty of good faith and fair
    dealing . . . emanates from the special relationship which exists between
    the parties, not necessarily from the terms of the contract.”      Mary G.
    Leary, 97 Am. Jur. Trials § 211, Westlaw (database updated May 2017).
    Courts in other jurisdictions are divided on whether bad faith can
    be proven without a specific breach of a policy term. See 14 Steven Plitt
    et al., Couch on Insurance § 204:20 (3d ed.), Westlaw (database updated
    Dec. 2016). Some courts hold a breach of contract is a prerequisite to
    liability for bad faith. See Karas v. Liberty Ins., 
    33 F. Supp. 3d 110
    , 116
    (D. Conn. 2014); Parks v. Safeco Ins. Co. of Ill., 
    376 P.3d 760
    , 766 (Idaho
    2016); Dave’s Inc. v. Linford, 
    291 P.3d 427
    , 436 (Idaho 2012); In re United
    Fire Lloyds, 
    327 S.W.3d 250
    , 254 (Tex. App. 2010); Brethorst v. Allstate
    Prop. & Cas. Ins., 
    798 N.W.2d 467
    , 480 (Wis. 2011). As the California
    Court of Appeals concluded, “[T]here can be no breach of the implied
    covenant of good faith and fair dealing if no benefits are due under the
    policy.”   Brehm v. 21st Century Ins., 
    83 Cal. Rptr. 3d 410
    , 417 (2008).
    “Absent [a] contractual right [to policy benefits], the implied covenant has
    nothing upon which to act as a supplement, and ‘should not be endowed
    with an existence independent of its contractual underpinnings.’ ”       
    Id. 28 (quoting
    Waller v. Truck Ins. Exch., Inc., 
    900 P.2d 619
    , 639 (Cal. 1995)).
    In these states, if benefits are “fully and promptly paid” there can be no
    bad faith “no matter how hostile or egregious the insurer’s conduct
    toward the insured may have been prior to such payment.” Love v. Fire
    Ins. Exch., 
    271 Cal. Rptr. 246
    , 255 n.10 (Ct. App. 1990) (emphasis
    omitted). The covenant of good faith “only ‘requir[es] that neither party
    [to a contract] do anything that will injure the right of the other to receive
    the benefits of the agreement,’ ” so if conduct does not affect the parties’
    contractual rights, there is no bad faith.     Capstone Bldg. Corp. v. Am.
    Motorists Ins., 
    67 A.3d 961
    , 987 (Conn. 2013) (alterations in original)
    (quoting Home Ins. v. Aetna Life & Cas. Co., 
    663 A.2d 1001
    , 1008 (Conn.
    Other courts recognize a claim for bad faith does not require a
    breach of contract. Goodson v. Am. Standard Ins. Co. of Wis., 
    89 P.3d 409
    , 414 (Colo. 2004) (en banc); Enoka v. AIG Haw. Ins., 
    128 P.3d 850
    862 (Haw. 2006); LeRette v. Am. Med. Sec., Inc., 
    705 N.W.2d 41
    , 48 (Neb.
    2005).    These decisions focus on the special relationship between the
    insurer and insured as giving rise to the good-faith obligation, rather
    than the express terms of a contract.
    [T]he tort of bad faith is not a tortious breach of contract, but
    rather a separate and distinct wrong which results from the
    breach of a duty imposed as a consequence of the relationship
    established by contract. Therefore, the tort of bad faith
    allows an insured to recover even if the insurer performs the
    express covenant to pay claims.
    Enoka, 128 P.3d at 862
    . This rationale has been used to extend the tort
    of common law bad faith to workers’ compensation insurers.                See
    Travelers Ins. v. Savio, 
    706 P.2d 1258
    , 1272–73 (Colo. 1985) (en banc)
    (equating relationship between workers’ compensation carriers and
    claimants to that of insurer and insured); Hough v. Pac. Ins., 
    927 P.2d 858
    , 869 (Haw. 1996) (same).
    Under Iowa law, to be liable for common law bad faith, a workers’
    compensation insurer must have “denied” the employee benefits under
    the policy. See 
    Gibson, 621 N.W.2d at 396
    . We conclude the requisite
    “denial” may occur when an insurer unreasonably contests a claimant’s
    PTD status or delays delivery of necessary medical equipment.              Cf.
    Keystone Nursing Care Ctr. v. Craddock, 
    705 N.W.2d 299
    , 310 (Iowa
    2005) (Cady, J., dissenting) (“[A] delay in the payments of benefits can
    occur . . . when the employer utilizes unreasonable investigative or other
    stonewalling tactics that needlessly prolong the ultimate payment of
    benefits . . . .”).   This rationale comports with our long-held view that
    first-party bad faith arises out of the breach of the affirmative good-faith
    obligations      “that   [our   workers’   compensation]      statutes   and
    administrative regulations place on the insurer.” 
    Boylan, 489 N.W.2d at 743
    3. Did the district court err in deciding American Interstate was in
    bad faith as a matter of law for resisting PTD status and partial
    commutation? To affirm the district court’s summary judgment, we must
    conclude Thornton demonstrated that no genuine issue of material fact
    existed on two essential elements of his bad-faith claim: American
    Interstate had no reasonable basis for denying benefits under the policy
    and knew or had reason to know the denial was without basis. 
    McIlravy, 653 N.W.2d at 329
    .          The first element is objective; the second is
    subjective. Rodda v. Vermeer Mfg., 
    734 N.W.2d 480
    , 483 (Iowa 2007). “A
    reasonable basis for denying insurance benefits exists if the claim is
    ‘fairly debatable’ as to either a matter of fact or law.” Id. (quoting 
    Gibson, 621 N.W.2d at 396
    ).        A fairly debatable claim is one that is “open to
    dispute on any logical basis.” 
    Id. (quoting Bellville,
    702 N.W.2d at 473).
    “Stated another way, if reasonable minds can differ on the coverage-
    determining facts or law, then the claim is fairly debatable.”     
    Bellville, 702 N.W.2d at 473
    The fact that the insurer’s position is ultimately found
    to lack merit is not sufficient by itself to establish the first
    element of a bad faith claim. The focus is on the existence of
    a debatable issue, not on which party was correct.
    Id. (citations omitted).
    Whether an issue of fact is debatable can ordinarily be decided by
    the court. 
    Id. “That is
    because ‘[w]here an objectively reasonable basis
    for denial of a claim actually exists, the insurer cannot be held liable for
    bad faith as a matter of law.’ ”      
    Id. (quoting Gardner
    v. Hartford Ins.
    Accident & Indem. Co., 
    659 N.W.2d 198
    , 206 (Iowa 2003)). “[C]ourts and
    juries do not weigh the conflicting evidence that was before the insurer;
    they decide whether evidence existed to justify denial of the claim.” 
    Id. at 474
    (quoting State Farm Lloyds, Inc. v. Polasek, 
    847 S.W.2d 279
    , 285
    (Tex. App. 1992)).         In many cases, a directed verdict or summary
    judgment for the insurer dismissing the bad-faith claim may be
    appropriate because some evidence existed to justify its denial as a
    matter of law. See, e.g., id.; Sampson v. Am. Standard Ins., 
    582 N.W.2d 146
    , 152 (Iowa 1998) (holding district court properly decided bad faith as
    a matter of law when insured’s injuries were debatable); Thompson v.
    U.S. Fid. & Guar. Co., 
    559 N.W.2d 288
    , 292 (Iowa 1997) (deciding as a
    matter of law a claim is fairly debatable when evidence showed that
    claimant ingested drugs the day before his work injury); Cent. Life Ins. v.
    Aetna Cas. & Sur. Co., 
    466 N.W.2d 257
    , 263 (Iowa 1991) (holding motion
    for directed verdict by insurer should have been granted because of
    reasonable dispute as to value of claim).
    Here, the district court granted summary judgment establishing
    bad faith in favor of the insured, not the insurer. In so doing, the court
    determined that as a matter of law no reasonable basis existed justifying
    the denial and the insurer knew or recklessly disregarded that fact by
    March 11, 2013.    “[D]eterminations of good faith which involve intent
    and motive ‘ordinarily’ are not resolvable on a motion for summary
    judgment.” Nelson v. Lindaman, 
    867 N.W.2d 1
    , 13 (Iowa 2015) (quoting
    Rite Aid Corp. v. Hagley, 
    824 A.2d 107
    , 119 (Md. 2003)). Bad faith can
    be established as a matter of law “only when the evidence is undisputed
    and only one inference can be drawn from the evidence.” 
    McIlravy, 653 N.W.2d at 333
    First, we address whether there was a reasonable basis for
    American Interstate’s denial that Thornton was PTD.             American
    Interstate does not argue on appeal it had a reasonable basis for denying
    Thornton’s PTD status. Indeed, it would be hard-pressed to do so, since,
    as early as two weeks after Thornton’s accident, it had received opinions
    from a medical professional and its claims adjustor that Thornton, a
    quadriplegic, was PTD. See 
    Bellville, 702 N.W.2d at 481
    (“Certainly there
    may be cases in which the . . . undisputed damage items [are] so high
    that there would be no reasonable basis to refuse payment . . . .”).
    American Interstate internally recognized as much when setting reserves,
    and its outside counsel expressly recommended that American Interstate
    concede PTD status.    We agree with the district court that contesting
    Thornton’s PTD status under these facts constituted bad faith as a
    matter of law. See Arp v. AON/Combined Ins., 
    300 F.3d 913
    , 917–18 (8th
    Cir. 2002) (reinstating bad-faith claim against workers’ compensation
    insurer because “[t]he medical evidence . . . conclusively demonstrates
    that James has been permanently and totally disabled since the date of
    his accident” and “[b]y denying James’s status . . . AON forced the Arps
    to hire attorneys to litigate this issue before the South Dakota
    Department of Labor, when this was completely unnecessary.”).
    The district court, however, went too far in criticizing American
    Interstate for offering to settle Thornton’s PTD claim with a closed-file
    Medicare set-aside account and an annuity. The district court stressed
    these    payments       “would   end   for   all   time   [American    Interstate’s]
    responsibilities with respect to Plaintiff’s claim” and found that the
    settlement offer would give Thornton “less than that to which [American
    Interstate] knew he was entitled.”           We do not view such settlement
    negotiations as bad-faith conduct.           To the contrary, such structured
    settlements can be mutually beneficial to claimants and insurers.
    Iowa Code section 85.35 specifically contemplates closed-file
    settlements.      Iowa Code § 85.35(3) (“The parties may enter into a
    compromise settlement of the employee’s claim to benefits as a full and
    final disposition of the claim.”). These settlements must be approved by
    the workers’ compensation commissioner. 
    Id. § 85.35(1).
    According to
    the     Centers   for    Medicare   and      Medicaid     Services   (CMS),   “[t]he
    recommended method to protect Medicare’s interests” in a workers’
    compensation settlement is a Medicare set-aside account.                  Workers’
    Compensation Medicare Set Aside Arrangements, Ctrs. for Medicare &
    Medicaid       Servs.,
    Arrangements/WCMSA-Overview.html (last visited Apr. 19, 2017). 5 Set-
    5The CMS also offers to review and approve a Medicare set-aside proposal for
    reasonableness. See Workers’ Compensation Medicare Set Aside Arrangements, Centers
    for Medicare & Medicaid Servs.,
    aside funds are secure and unaffected by any future financial difficulties
    of the insurer. Additionally, an annuity offers a lower up-front cost to
    the insured, which lowers costs overall and allows win-win settlements.
    An annuity may offer some tax benefits to the claimant. See W. United
    Life Assurance Co. v. Hayden, 
    64 F.3d 833
    , 839 (3d Cir. 1995) (“[A]
    structured settlement effectively shelters from taxation the returns from
    the investment of the lump-sum payment.”). Some injured workers may
    prefer periodic payments rather than a lump sum that could be
    All parties, including insurers, are entitled to engage in settlement
    negotiations.     Thornton testified he understood at the first settlement
    meeting in February 2012 that American Interstate’s proposals were “just
    a first offer on the table” and that he was free to have his attorney review
    them. At mediation shortly thereafter, American Interstate restructured
    its proposals, increasing the amount of the annuity it offered. 6 American
    Interstate’s bad faith was in contesting Thornton’s PTD status, not in
    offering structured settlement proposals.
    Next, we turn to whether there was a reasonable basis for
    American Interstate’s resistance to Thornton’s petition for commutation.
    Commutation of benefits is governed by Iowa Code section 85.45, which
    requires the commissioner (not the employer or insurer) to determine
    whether commutation is in the best interest of the worker:
    WCMSA-Overview.html (last visited Apr. 19, 2017). It is recommended that the parties
    submit such proposals to the CMS for review. 
    Id. 6The district
    court specifically noted Thornton was statutorily entitled to
    indemnity of $760,000 in present-day value, and American Interstate’s initial offer only
    provided a payment of $600,000 on a lump-sum/annuity basis. However, American
    Interstate at the mediation in October 2012 increased its lump sum offer to $800,000,
    while Thornton’s last demand as of the following February was for a lump sum of
    $1,160,000. The commissioner determined Thornton was PTD on May 23, 2013.
    1. Future payments of compensation may be
    commuted to a present worth lump sum payment on the
    following conditions:
    a. When the period during which compensation is
    payable can be definitely determined.
    b. When it shall be shown to the satisfaction of the
    workers’ compensation commissioner that such commutation
    will be for the best interest of the person or persons entitled
    to the compensation, or that periodical payments as
    compared with a lump sum payment will entail undue
    expense, hardship, or inconvenience upon the employer
    liable therefor.
    Iowa Code § 85.45(1) (emphasis added). 7 In short, Iowa law allows for
    commutation when it has been shown to the commissioner’s satisfaction
    to be in the best interest of the worker.           This showing must be made
    whether the insurer stipulates to commutation or not.              Reeves v. Nw.
    Mfg. Co., 
    202 Iowa 136
    , 141, 
    209 N.W. 289
    , 291 (1926) (“In the absence
    of the approval of the industrial commissioner, the terms of the
    stipulation could not be enforced as a commutation of the future
    payments of weekly compensation.”); 15 James R. Lawyer, Iowa Practice
    Series™: Workers’ Compensation § 27:1, at 339–40 (2016–2017 ed.).
    [T]he decision [of the commissioner] whether to allow
    commutation must turn on the statutory guideline, best
    interest of the claimant, and the focus should be on the
    worker’s personal, family, and financial circumstances, and
    the reasonableness of the worker’s plans for using the lump
    sum proceeds.
    Dameron v. Neumann Bros., Inc., 
    339 N.W.2d 160
    , 164 (Iowa 1983).
    “While we encourage parties to negotiate fair settlements, we will not
    7This Code section was amended this year. H.F. 518, 87th G.A., 1st Sess. § 16
    (Iowa 2017). The new provision states,
    Future payments of compensation may be commuted to a present worth
    lump sum payment only upon application of a party to the commissioner
    and upon written consent of all parties to the proposed commutation or
    partial commutation, and on the following conditions . . . .
    Id. The amendment
    is inapplicable to the claims in this appeal.
    penalize those who prefer a final judicial determination of their rights.”
    Kendall v. Lowther, 
    356 N.W.2d 181
    , 191 (Iowa 1984).
    We have never decided whether a workers’ compensation insurer
    can be sued in bad faith because it fails to smooth the employee’s path to
    commutation by stipulating to it.         American Interstate relies on an
    unpublished federal trial court decision, Laughlin v. IBP, the only case
    addressing whether an insurer can be sued for bad faith under Iowa law
    for resisting a petition for commutation.         No. C99–2105, 
    2001 WL 34148156
    (N.D. Iowa July 23, 2001).           Robert Laughlin filed several
    applications for commutation that were resisted by his self-insured
    employer, IBP. 
    Id. at *1.
    The commissioner denied each of Laughlin’s
    applications for commutation.     
    Id. Laughlin filed
    a bad-faith lawsuit
    against IBP based on its position resisting his applications. 8     
    Id. IBP moved
    for summary judgment.         
    Id. The court
    granted IBP’s motion
    dismissing the bad-faith claim, stating,
    Iowa Code § 85.45 clearly requires the industrial
    commissioner to make the determination of whether the
    commutation of benefits is appropriate. . . . Even if an
    insurer could be held liable for resisting the application for
    commutation under a bad faith standard, the statute’s
    requirement that the industrial commissioner make the
    decision, and not the insurer, provides IBP with a
    “reasonable basis” for resisting the application.
    Id. at *3.
      Thornton cites no contrary authority from any jurisdiction
    imposing bad-faith liability on a workers’ compensation insurer or
    employer for resisting commutation. But unlike the Laughlin court, we
    elect to decide this case based on the factual record presented, without
    8Self-insured employers are treated as insurers under the Iowa Workers’
    Compensation Act. Laughlin, 
    2001 WL 34148156
    , at *2.
    foreclosing the possibility that a bad-faith claim may arise for resisting
    commutation under different facts.
    In Rodda, we evaluated when a claim can be considered reasonably
    debatable on a point of 
    law. 734 N.W.2d at 485
    .      David Rodda, an
    injured employee, sued his employer for bad faith in denying him
    workers’ compensation benefits. 
    Id. at 482.
    The district court granted
    summary judgment dismissing the bad-faith claim. 
    Id. at 483–84.
    affirmed the summary judgment on grounds that it was “fairly debatable
    whether Rodda could simultaneously receive both workers’ compensation
    benefits and unemployment benefits” under Iowa law. 
    Id. at 484.
    Perhaps the most reliable method of establishing that the
    insurer’s legal position is reasonable is to show that some
    judge in the relevant jurisdiction has accepted it as correct.
    The favorable decision need not have been available to the
    insurer at the time it acted on the claim. After all, if an
    impartial judicial officer informed by adversarial presentation
    has agreed with the insurer’s position, it is hard to argue
    that the insurer could not have reasonably thought that
    position viable.
    Id. at 485
    (quoting William T. Barker & Paul E.B. Glad, Use of Summary
    Judgment in Defense of Bad Faith Actions Involving First-Party Insurance,
    30 Tort & Ins. L.J. 49, 83 (1994)). We noted that several unpublished
    cases from the workers’ compensation commissioner had reached the
    same conclusion as the position taken by the employer. 
    Id. at 484–85.
    In addition, there were no Iowa court decisions on point, and the wording
    of the statute was unclear.     
    Id. We held
    , “This, reinforced by the
    opinions by the workers’ compensation commissioner’s office, makes the
    question of whether a worker can receive both forms of benefits at least
    fairly debatable.” 
    Id. at 485
    ; see also Wilson v. Farm Bureau Mut. Ins.,
    714 N.W.2d 250
    , 263 (Iowa 2006) (“We agree with Farm Bureau that with
    no Iowa law on the issue, its duty to consent to be bound by the
    amended judgment entry was fairly debatable.”). 9                Similarly, American
    Interstate argues the Laughlin decision alone provided a reasonable basis
    for American Interstate to oppose Thornton’s commutation.
    Commutation is unlike the payment of weekly benefits in which
    the statute commands the employer (or insurer) to take action and, thus,
    establishes the type of statutory duty for which a willful and deliberate
    breach can give rise to bad-faith liability in the workers’ compensation
    9American   Interstate argues it would not have been on notice that its conduct
    resisting commutation could constitute bad faith and expose it to extra-contractual
    damage claims. In wrongful-termination cases, we repeatedly have refused to allow
    punitive damages the first time we hold a particular statute or regulation codifies a
    public policy protecting against retaliatory discharge. For example, in Jasper v. H.
    Nizam, Inc., we held punitive damages were not recoverable when we had not previously
    held the requisite public policy could be based on an administrative regulation. 
    764 N.W.2d 751
    , 773–74 (Iowa 2009). We explained,
    The rationale behind this rule is an employer cannot willfully and
    wantonly disregard rights of an employee derived from some specific
    public policy when the public policy has not first been declared by the
    legislature or our courts . . . .
    Id. at 774.
    We therefore concluded,
    Although the tort of wrongful discharge in violation of public
    policy has been recognized in Iowa for over twenty years, this case is
    the first time we have specifically recognized a cause of action for
    wrongful discharge arising from the refusal of the employee to violate
    administrative rules.    Additionally, there has otherwise been no
    declaration that the subject matter of the administrative rules in
    dispute in this case were of the type that would support a tort of
    wrongful discharge. Consequently, we agree with the district court that
    punitive damages were not recoverable in this case.
    Id.; see also Dorshkind v. Oak Park Place of Dubuque II, L.L.C., 
    835 N.W.2d 293
    , 308
    (Iowa 2013) (“[A]n employer cannot willfully and wantonly disregard the rights of an
    employee based upon a violation of an administrative rule when at the time of
    discharge, we did not recognize administrative rules as a source of public policy.”); Lara
    v. Thomas, 
    512 N.W.2d 777
    , 782 (Iowa 1994) (“We agree that punitive damages should
    not be awarded when a new cause of action for retaliatory discharge is recognized.”);
    Smith v. Smithway Motor Xpress, Inc., 
    464 N.W.2d 682
    , 687 (Iowa 1990) (“[M]any of the
    courts confronted with the issue have held that punitive damages should not be
    awarded in the case that first recognizes the tort of retaliatory discharge due to a
    workers’ compensation claim.”).
    field.   See, e.g., Iowa Code § 85.33(1) (“[T]he employer shall pay to an
    employee . . . .”); 
    id. § 85.34
    (“Compensation . . . shall be payable to an
    employee as provided in this section.”). By contrast, future benefits “may
    be commuted” by the commissioner only if preconditions are met.          
    Id. § 85.45(1).
    Section 85.45 imposes an affirmative burden on the employee
    to demonstrate commutation is in his or her best interest.        
    Id. This determination
    involves a weighing by the commissioner of individual and
    personal considerations that may be clarified when the employee testifies
    at the commutation hearing.         See 
    Dameron, 339 N.W.2d at 163
    (“[A]nalysis [of commutation] involves a benefit-detriment balancing of
    factors, with the worker’s preference and the benefits to the worker of
    receiving a lump sum payment weighed against the potential detriments
    that would result if the worker invested unwisely, spent foolishly, or
    otherwise wasted the fund so it no longer provided the wage-substitute
    intended by our worker’s compensation law.”).
    Against that legal backdrop, we conclude that American Interstate
    was not in bad faith for resisting commutation because Thornton’s
    petition for commutation was fairly debatable on its facts.             The
    reasonable basis element of a bad-faith claim “is an objective one.”
    Bellville, 702 N.W.2d at 473
    . “A claim is ‘fairly debatable’ when it is open
    to dispute on any logical basis.”    
    Id. Thornton had
    never managed a
    large lump sum of money. Alexander testified commutation would be in
    Thornton’s best interest only if Thornton could avoid invading the lump-
    sum principal.      But that begs the question whether Thornton would
    invade the principal. Omissions in Thornton’s proposed budget, his past
    spending habits, and his lack of experience with investments gave
    American Interstate a reasonable basis to question the commutation.
    The commissioner’s role in approving commutation is not a rubber
    stamp. Commutations have been denied based on concerns like those
    that   American   Interstate   raised    here.   See,   e.g.,   Stoddard   v.
    ADM/Growmark, Iowa Workers’ Comp. Comm’n No. 1140792, 
    2016 WL 845695
    , at *1 (Feb. 26, 2016) (denying a request for commutation in part
    because “neither the claimant nor his wife have even read the proposed
    financial plans for investing, combined with the claimant’s poor financial
    choices”); Deleon v. John Morrell & Co., Iowa Workers’ Comp. Comm’n
    No. 5007832, 
    2013 WL 5508544
    , at *4 (Oct. 2, 2013) (finding that
    claimant’s “lack of experience with any sophisticated financial dealings”
    was a “significant detriment[]” in denying a partial commutation); Boner
    v. Bethany Lutheran Home, Iowa Workers’ Comp. Comm’n No. 5022480,
    2012 WL 3158931
    , at *4 (Aug. 2, 2012) (“A commutation should not be
    granted if the evidence shows that claimant is a poor money manager or
    is incapable of making wise investments.”).
    We hold the district court erred by denying American Interstate’s
    motion for directed verdict on the commutation claim and erred by
    instructing the jury that American Interstate acted in bad faith opposing
    Thornton’s commutation. That error requires a new trial on liability and
    damages.    Much of Thornton’s $284,000 compensatory damage award
    was directly attributable to the delay in the commutation award,
    including $14,000 in loss-of-use of money damages, $27,000 in loss of
    home equity, and part of the $118,000 in consequential damages for
    attorney fees incurred in the commutation proceedings.
    In Bryant v. Parr, we held that an inconsistent verdict on two
    damage claims—awarding $16,937 for past medical specials but only one
    dollar for past pain and suffering—required a new trial on “all elements
    of damage.”    
    872 N.W.2d 366
    , 376–78, 381–82 (Iowa 2015).           Neither
    party sought a new trial on liability.      
    Id. at 380.
       We rejected the
    defendant’s argument that the verdict awarding no future damages
    should stand. 
    Id. at 382.
    We noted the “general rule is that when a new
    trial is granted, all issues must be retried.” 
    Id. at 380
    (quoting McElroy v.
    703 N.W.2d 385
    , 389 (Iowa 2005)). We also noted “the award for
    one element of damages may affect another,” and “our general reluctance
    to engage in speculation to uphold findings in an inconsistent verdict.”
    Id. at 382.
    We cannot let the jury verdict stand on liability for the surviving
    bad-faith claims.   In Central Life Insurance, we held a jury verdict on
    first-party bad faith could not stand because the court erroneously
    instructed the jury the insurer acted in bad faith by challenging an
    award. 466 N.W.2d at 263
    .        We concluded “the court’s
    instructions tainted any consideration of [the insurer’s] claim that it may
    have acted in good faith.” 
    Id. Here, the
    trial was fatally tainted by the
    erroneous instruction that “there has been a previous determination by
    the Court that the defendant did not have a reasonable basis for
    [contesting] a partial commutation.” The other bad-faith claims do not
    cure the taint from the bad instruction.
    We reverse the judgment on the jury verdict and remand the case
    for an order dismissing the claim American Interstate acted in bad faith
    by opposing commutation and for a new trial on the remaining bad-faith
    B. Allowable Damages. “Because this case must be retried, we
    will consider [American Interstate’s] other challenges to the jury
    instructions.”   State v. Hoyman, 
    863 N.W.2d 1
    , 16 (Iowa 2015).
    American Interstate argues the court lacked subject matter jurisdiction
    to award damages for delaying the purchase of Thornton’s new
    wheelchair because the commissioner has exclusive jurisdiction for a
    claim alleging the failure to provide satisfactory care.                    It separately
    argues there was insufficient evidence to support instructing the jury on
    damages for physical and emotional pain and suffering. 10                             Both
    American Interstate and Thornton have fully briefed these issues, and
    they are likely to arise on remand. See State v. Dudley, 
    766 N.W.2d 606
    10Thornton contests error preservation on these arguments. American Interstate
    objected to instruction No. 29, outlining damages, during the jury instruction
    conference. Thornton contends this objection was insufficient to preserve error because
    an instruction was later eliminated at the conference, resulting in renumbering that
    instruction to No. 28. Thornton argues a bill of exceptions was necessary to clarify to
    which instruction American Interstate referred. We disagree.
    Under Iowa Rule of Civil Procedure 1.924, “all objections to giving or failing to
    give any instruction must be made in writing or dictated into the record, . . . specifying
    the matter objected to and on what grounds.” If the district court revises instructions
    after objections are made, “similar specific objection to the revision or addition may be
    made in the motion for new trial, and if not so made shall be deemed waived.” 
    Id. Objections must
    be “sufficiently specific to alert the trial court to the basis of the
    complaint.” Olson v. Sumpter, 
    728 N.W.2d 844
    , 849 (Iowa 2007) (quoting Boham v. City
    of Sioux City, 
    567 N.W.2d 431
    , 438 (Iowa 1997)).
    A bill of exceptions is necessary “only to show material portions of the record of
    the cause not shown by the court files, entries, or legally certified shorthand notes of
    the trial, if any.” Iowa R. Civ. P. 1.1001(1). Its purpose is to “provide a factual record of
    the proceedings in the event this cannot be shown in the court file or reporters’ notes.”
    8 Tom Riley & Peter C. Riley, Iowa Practice Series™, Civil Litigation Handbook § 76:30,
    at 866 (2016 ed.); see also Thomas A. Mayes & Anuradha Vaitheswaran, Error
    Preservation in Civil Appeals in Iowa: Perspectives on Present Practice, 55 Drake L. Rev.
    39, 48–49 (2006) (stating counsel may submit a bill of exceptions to preserve the record
    when “the grounds for appeal concern matters presented in the unreported hearing”).
    When the record before the district court is sufficient to alert the appellate court of the
    grounds for appeal, no bill of exceptions is necessary to preserve error.
    The jury instruction conference was reported. American Interstate objected to
    instruction No. 29, the damages instruction. Specifically, American Interstate objected
    as to part A of the instruction, mental pain and suffering, stating, “There’s no evidence
    of past mental pain and suffering, nor is there any medical record or testimony to
    establish that.” American Interstate echoed these objections as to parts B and H,
    physical pain and suffering and home equity damages, respectively. Although the
    number on the instruction later changed from 29 to 28, no other instruction spoke to
    the types of damages recoverable.        These objections were renewed in American
    Interstate’s posttrial motion. We conclude American Interstate preserved error. No bill
    of exceptions was required. It is patently obvious that the trial lawyers and court all
    knew which instruction was at issue.
    615 (Iowa 2009) (remanding case for new trial but addressing issues
    likely to arise on remand).            If we determine there was insufficient
    evidence as a matter of law to instruct on certain damages, the district
    court must decline to give such instructions on remand. See Coker v.
    Abell-Howe Co., 
    491 N.W.2d 143
    , 150 (Iowa 1992) (reversing on other
    grounds but addressing whether there was sufficient evidence to submit
    jury instruction “on remand”).
    1. Subject matter jurisdiction.           American Interstate argues the
    district court lacked subject matter jurisdiction to award damages
    arising out of the delay in ordering the new wheelchair. 11                    We have
    previously dismissed claims by employees alleging deficient care on the
    ground that the workers’ compensation commissioner has exclusive
    jurisdiction over challenges to the reasonableness of medical care
    provided by the employer.           See 
    Kloster, 612 N.W.2d at 775
    employee dissatisfied with chiropractic care provided by employer was
    required to exhaust administrative remedies with commissioner); Harned
    v. Farmland Foods, Inc., 
    331 N.W.2d 98
    , 101 (Iowa 1983) (affirming
    dismissal of tort action arising from employer’s failure to provide
    chiropractic care to employee based on exclusive jurisdiction of
    commissioner). However, these cases did not involve first-party bad-faith
    claims against the workers’ compensation insurer.
    In Kiner v. Reliance Insurance, we expressly held the district court
    had subject matter jurisdiction over a claimant’s bad-faith claim against
    a workers’ compensation insurer arising from an unreasonable denial of
    11Although American Interstate failed to argue lack of subject matter jurisdiction
    at the district court, a challenge to subject matter jurisdiction “may be made at any
    time.” See 
    Kloster, 612 N.W.2d at 773
    –74; Bailey v. Batchelder, 
    576 N.W.2d 334
    , 337–
    38 (Iowa 1998) (holding the exclusivity of the Workers’ Compensation Act goes to the
    court’s subject matter jurisdiction and can be raised at any time).
    medical benefits. 
    463 N.W.2d 9
    , 11–12 (Iowa 1990). Ronald Kiner fell
    while on the job and obtained a prescription for pain medications. 
    Id. at 11.
      When his workers’ compensation insurer refused to pay for the
    medications, he filed a bad-faith claim.     
    Id. Rejecting the
    argument that Iowa Code chapter 85 provided the exclusive remedy, we
    It is axiomatic that an employee’s rights and remedies
    arising from an injury suffered in the course of employment
    are exclusively provided under Iowa Code chapter 85. A
    district court would ordinarily have no subject matter
    jurisdiction over a claim that an employee is entitled to
    workers’ compensation benefits.         But this exclusivity
    principle is limited to matters surrounding a job-related
    injury and does not extend to subsequent dealings during
    which a tort may arise by reason of bad faith on the part of
    an employer’s insurer.
    Id. (citation omitted)
    (quoting Tallman v. Hanssen, 
    427 N.W.2d 868
    , 870
    (Iowa 1988)).
    In Boylan, we again clarified that bad-faith claims supplement the
    workers’ compensation 
    statute. 489 N.W.2d at 744
    . We noted,
    [I]t is unlikely that the legislature intended the penalty
    provision in section 86.13 to be the sole remedy for all types
    of wrongful conduct by carriers with respect to
    administration of workers’ compensation benefits. By its
    terms, it applies only to delay in commencement or
    termination of benefits. It contemplates negligent conduct
    rather than the willful or reckless acts that are required to
    establish a cause of action under Dolan. In addition, no
    remedy is provided under section 86.13 for delay or failure to
    pay medical benefits.
    Id. We specifically
    held that the workers’ compensation statute did not
    preclude a common law bad-faith action.      Id.; see also Southerland v.
    Argonaut Ins., 
    794 P.2d 1102
    , 1106 (Colo. App. 1990) (stating “ongoing
    difficulties in securing rehabilitation were merely a continuation of the
    same difficulties that preceded the filing of the complaint and were
    relevant as evidence of defendant’s habitual pattern in dealing with
    plaintiff”).   Accordingly, common law bad-faith tort claims do not fall
    within the commissioner’s exclusive jurisdiction.     We hold the district
    court has subject matter jurisdiction over Thornton’s bad-faith claim
    alleging American Interstate unreasonably delayed the delivery of his new
    We now turn to whether there was insufficient evidence to submit
    certain elements of damages resulting from American Interstate’s bad-
    faith conduct.
    2. Sufficiency of the evidence. “Proposed instructions must enjoy
    support in the pleadings and substantial evidence in the record.”
    Vasconez v. Mills, 
    651 N.W.2d 48
    , 52 (Iowa 2002).             “Evidence is
    substantial if a reasonable person would accept it as adequate to reach a
    Id. If at
    the close of the evidence “the record is insufficient
    to support a party’s theory of recovery or defense, the court need not
    submit the theory to the jury and may direct a verdict on the issue as a
    matter of law.” 
    Id. We conclude
    there was sufficient evidence to submit the claims for
    physical and emotional pain and suffering. We view the evidence in the
    light most favorable to Thornton. A reasonable jury could find American
    Interstate’s delay in ordering a replacement wheelchair was a cause of
    Thornton’s pain.        Rodgers knew     Thornton needed a wheelchair
    replacement every five years. Rodgers received Dr. Rogge’s notes stating
    he wrote a prescription for a new wheelchair, yet she failed to order one
    or inquire about the status of the order.           Medical records from
    Thornton’s hospitalization for bursitis indicate he felt like his “arm was
    on fire.” Dr. Rogge testified he “suspect[ed]” the bursitis was “most likely
    due to chronic irritation.” He further explained,
    The arms of his old chair are very firm and hard. We’ve even
    talked about the other day when he was in, I told him he
    needs to get some type of towel or extra padding on it
    because it’s just—it’s in such grave condition that it
    probably did not do him any favors with this infection, and
    he was hospitalized because of it.
    Dr. Rogge noted he “hope[d]” a new chair would alleviate the problem
    because the new chair was “going to be padded better.” This evidence
    was minimally sufficient for a jury to find Thornton suffered painful
    injuries attributable to American Interstate’s delay in ordering his new
    We decline to address the sufficiency of the evidence to support
    instructions on the loss of use of money and home equity.          American
    Interstate’s bad faith in contesting Thornton’s PTD status delayed his
    application for commutation and ultimate lump-sum award he needed to
    purchase a home, but the insurer was not in bad faith for opposing
    commutation. The district court will have to determine on a new trial
    record whether the evidence is sufficient to submit those elements of
    C. Attorney Fees.     Finally, we address Thornton’s cross-appeal
    requesting attorney fees incurred litigating the bad-faith action.     The
    district court denied Thornton’s request to submit the issue of attorney
    fees incurred in the bad-faith litigation to the jury as damages.      The
    court also denied Thornton’s posttrial motion for attorney fees.
    Thornton cites no cases allowing recovery of the attorney fees
    incurred prosecuting the bad-faith action against a first-party insurer,
    and we found none. Iowa follows the American rule: “the losing litigant
    does not normally pay the victor’s attorney’s fees.”         Rowedder v.
    814 N.W.2d 585
    , 589 (Iowa 2012)). “Generally, attorney fees
    are recoverable only by statute or under a contract.” Miller v. Rohling,
    720 N.W.2d 562
    , 573 (Iowa 2006).          There is a “rare” common law
    exception to this rule, permitting recovery of attorney fees when the
    defendant “has acted in bad faith, vexatiously, wantonly, or for
    oppressive reasons.” 
    Id. (quoting Hockenberg
    Equip. Co. v. Hockenberg’s
    Equip. & Supply Co. of Des Moines, 
    510 N.W.2d 153
    , 158 (Iowa 1993)).
    Thornton does not assert any statute or contract allows attorney
    fees in this matter. Rather, Thornton relies on New Hampshire Insurance
    Co. v. Christy, 
    200 N.W.2d 834
    , 845 (Iowa 1972).            In Christy, we
    an insurer who refuses, contrary to its contractual
    obligation, to defend a third-party action against its insured
    on the ground the policy involved affords no coverage is
    liable for reasonable attorney fees incurred by the insured in
    defense of the action brought against him.
    Id. In such
    circumstances, insureds are “thrust into litigation” by reason
    of the insurance company’s refusal, in breach of contract, to defend the
    Id. at 841.
      Additionally, we noted the insured may recover “an
    award for expenses incurred in an action to establish insurance
    coverage” when the insurance company acted in bad faith denying a
    Id. at 845.
    Christy allows Thornton to recover his attorneys fees incurred in
    the workers compensation proceedings as consequential damages caused
    by American Interstate’s bad faith. These fees are akin to attorney fees
    incurred to “establish insurance coverage.” Id.; see also Goodyear Tire &
    Rubber Co. v. Haeger, 581 U.S. ___, ___, 
    137 S. Ct. 1178
    , 1184 (2017)
    (allowing recovery of the “fees the innocent party incurred solely because
    of the misconduct—. . . [that is], the fees that party would not have
    incurred but for the bad faith”). 12 But Christy does not support awarding
    additional fees incurred in prosecuting the bad-faith action.                      The
    American rule controls. Indeed, after Christy, we made clear in Brown
    Township Mutual Insurance Association v. Kress that “under the
    American rule which is followed in this jurisdiction attorney fees are
    ordinarily not recoverable by the prevailing party in absence of statute.”
    330 N.W.2d 291
    , 300 (Iowa 1983). 13             As the Colorado Supreme Court
    Unless we are prepared to abandon the American rule for the
    English rule of automatically awarding attorney fees to the
    prevailing party, it would be difficult to carve out an
    exception that allows an award of attorney fees that are
    incidental to the bringing of a bad faith breach of contract
    action. Attorney fees are incurred by most parties to most
    lawsuits. If the goal were always to make the prevailing
    party genuinely whole, these fees would be an element of
    damage. But such is not the law.
    Bernhard v. Farmers Ins. Exch., 
    915 P.2d 1285
    , 1291 (Colo. 1996)
    (en banc) (“[W]e hold that Bernhard’s claim for attorney fees incurred in
    bringing a bad faith breach of insurance contract action does not fit into
    any exception to the American rule recognized in Colorado.”). We reach
    the same conclusion.
    Thornton argues this case falls into the rare common law
    exception. We disagree.
    12Thornton can submit the fees he incurred to establish his PTD status but not
    the additional fees he incurred to obtain the commutation award. If the jury finds
    American Interstate acted in bad faith in delaying the new wheelchair, Thornton may
    also submit his fees incurred filing his petition for alternate medical care through the
    hearing on November 4, 2014, when the wheelchair was ordered.
    13TheKress court gave an additional reason for denying attorney fees: we had
    not yet recognized the tort of first-party insurance bad 
    faith. 330 N.W.2d at 300
    . We
    recognized that cause of action five years later. See 
    Dolan, 431 N.W.2d at 794
    . But the
    Kress court’s alternative holding on the American rule remains good 
    law. 330 N.W.2d at 300
    [A] plaintiff seeking common law attorney fees must prove
    that the culpability of the defendant’s conduct exceeds the
    “willful and wanton disregard for the right of another”; such
    conduct must rise to the level of oppression or connivance to
    harass or injure another.
    Hockenberg Equip. 
    Co., 510 N.W.2d at 159
    –60.               We have defined
    oppressive conduct as conduct that is “difficult to bear, harsh,
    tyrannical, or cruel.”     
    Id. at 159.
        Likewise, connivance requires
    “voluntary blindness [or] an intentional failure to discover or prevent the
    Id. (quoting Connivance,
    Black’s Law Dictionary (6th ed. 1990)).
    “These terms envision conduct that is intentional and likely to be
    aggravated by cruel and tyrannical motives.        Such conduct lies far
    beyond a showing of mere ‘lack of care’ or ‘disregard for the rights of
    another.’ ”   
    Id. This threshold
    is difficult to meet.    See Williams v.
    Van Sickel, 
    659 N.W.2d 572
    , 581 (Iowa 2003) (awarding common law
    attorney fees when public official fabricated documents to benefit herself
    to the detriment of others, but limiting recovery to fees incurred after the
    forgery); Wolf v. Wolf, 
    690 N.W.2d 887
    , 896 (Iowa 2005) (“Although the
    defendant’s conduct in this case was clearly willful and demonstrated a
    wanton disregard for [plaintiff’s] rights, we do not believe the evidence
    meets the heightened standard of oppression or connivance under the
    Hockenberg test.”).
    On our de novo review, we find American Interstate’s conduct does
    not satisfy the Hockenberg test. American Interstate continually paid the
    stipulated weekly benefits for PTD.        Thornton points to American
    Interstate’s failure to provide certain documents and delays during the
    agency proceedings, but we find none that rose to the level of oppression
    or connivance required to award common law attorney fees. More than
    mere bad faith is required for this common law exception to the
    American rule. 
    Wolf, 690 N.W.2d at 896
    . We affirm the district court’s
    rulings denying Thornton fees incurred prosecuting his bad-faith action.
    IV. Disposition.
    For those reasons, we affirm the partial summary judgment that
    American Interstate contested Thornton’s PTD status in bad faith. We
    reverse the district court’s partial summary judgment that the insurer
    acted in bad faith for disputing Thornton’s petition for commutation. We
    reverse the judgments for actual and punitive damages and remand the
    case for a new trial on the remaining claims for bad faith. We affirm on
    cross-appeal the ruling denying an award of attorney fees incurred
    prosecuting this bad-faith action. Costs of this appeal shall be assessed
    equally to each party.