Amended February 21, 2017 Residential and Agricultural Advisory Committee, LLC, an Iowa Limited Liability Company Matt Mescher Allan R. Demmer Catherine Demmer Wayne Ameskamp Sharon Ameskamp Vernon Boge Donald Boge Mary Ann Rubly John R. Rubly Dolores Thier Larry Thier Gary Burkle Cindy Burkle Wayne Vorwald Linda Vorwald Jeff Pape Gerald Wolf and Joanne Wolf v. Dyersvil ( 2016 )

  •               IN THE SUPREME COURT OF IOWA
    No. 15–1413
    Filed December 9, 2016
    Amended February 21, 2017
    an Iowa Limited Liability Company; MATT MESCHER; ALLAN R.
    Certiorari to the Iowa District Court for Dubuque County,
    Thomas A. Bitter, Judge.
    Community     members    filed   petitions   for   writ   of   certiorari
    challenging city council’s decision that rezoned agricultural land to
    commercial land. The district court annulled the writs. DECISION OF
    Susan M. Hess and Philip F. Jensen (until withdrawal) of Hammer,
    Simon & Jensen, P.C., East Dubuque, Illinois, for appellants.
    Jenny L. Weiss and Douglas M. Henry of Fuerste, Carew
    & Sudmeier, P.C., Dubuque, and Nicholas C. Thompson of Cottingham
    & Butler, Inc., Dubuque, for appellees.
    ZAGER, Justice.
    The Dyersville City Council voted to rezone the area containing the
    Field of Dreams movie site from A-1 Agricultural to C-2 Commercial in
    order to facilitate the development of a baseball and softball complex.
    Community members filed two writs of certiorari, now combined,
    challenging the rezoning.      The district court annulled both writs.         The
    community members appealed the decision of the district court arguing
    that, since the city council acted in a quasi-judicial function, the actions
    of the city council in passing each of the ordinances was invalid for a
    number of reasons. They also argued there was sufficient opposition to
    the rezoning to trigger a unanimous vote of the city council contained in
    the Dyersville city code. For the following reasons, we affirm the decision
    of the district court and annul the writs.
    I. Background Facts and Proceedings.
    The 1989 Field of Dreams movie was filmed primarily at the
    Lansing farm now located in Dyersville, in rural Dubuque County. 1 Due
    to the popularity of the film, Donald and Rebecca Lansing kept the
    baseball field and their white farmhouse intact for visitors and tourists.
    The house and baseball diamond were a popular destination, and
    thousands of tourists visited the Lansing property each year. In recent
    years, however, tourist numbers have been declining.
    The City of Dyersville has a comprehensive plan for the city that
    has been in place for many years. In the early 1960s, the city enacted a
    plan that included Dyersville City Zoning Ordinance No. 285, which
    states purposes for rezoning, one of which includes:
    1At  the time the movie was filmed, the Lansing farm was not yet annexed into
    the City of Dyersville.
    WHEREAS, the City Council of City of Dyersville, Iowa deems
    it necessary in order to lessen congestion in the streets; to
    secure safety from fire, panic and other dangers; to promote
    health and the general welfare; to provide adequate light and
    air; to prevent the overcrowding of land; to avoid undue
    concentration of population; to facilitate the adequate
    provision of transportation, water, sewerage, schools, parks,
    and other public requirements; to conserve the value of
    buildings and property; and to encourage the most
    appropriate use of land throughout the City with reasonable
    consideration, and in accordance with a comprehensive plan.
    Dyersville, Iowa, Zoning Ordinance No. 285 (1962).
    The comprehensive plan also states that any zoning regulations
    enacted by the council “shall be made with reasonable consideration” as
    to concerns such as the character of the area, the suitability of the area
    for certain uses, the conservation of buildings and values, and the
    encouragement of the most appropriate use of the land throughout the
    city. Dyersville, Iowa Planning & Zoning Comm’n, Comprehensive Plan
    for Dyersville, Iowa 91 (1962) [hereinafter Comprehensive Plan] (quoting
    Iowa Code § 414.3 (1962)).
    In 1974, Dyersville enacted a comprehensive development plan
    that included goals for future land use. The development plan included
    key policy goals and recommendations specific to commercial and
    business development. One of the goals was to “discourage proliferation
    of   scattered   commercial   development   throughout    the   residential
    community.”      Dubuque Cty. Metro. Area Planning Comm’n, Dyersville
    Area    Comprehensive     Development    Plan   51   (1974).      Another
    recommendation was to encourage the expansion of the already-existing
    central business district through a coordinated design scheme. 
    Id. at 52.
    The plan also noted that the city should encourage businesses to be
    located only in those areas that were easily accessible for water and
    sewage services.     In 1975, the city supplemented the plan with a
    requirement for a detailed evaluation of water, sewage, and waste
    systems.   See Dyersville, Iowa, Planning & Zoning Comm’n, Dyersville
    Area Comprehensive Development Plan Supplemental Section, Intro
    In 1991, the city drafted a community builder plan.          This plan
    expressly addressed the impact of the Field of Dreams movie on the city’s
    tourism and concluded that the main concern was that “Dyersville must
    become much more aggressive in guiding and encouraging its own
    growth.” Dyersville, Iowa, Community Builder Plan: A Five Year Strategic
    Plan, Intro 2 (1991) [hereinafter Community Builder Plan].         The 1991
    plan listed twelve opportunities for growth in the city, one of which was
    “continued (national/international) attention for Field of Dreams and
    other tourist attractions.” 
    Id. at 5.
    It also identified eleven threats to the
    city’s growth, one of which was “loss of Field of Dreams or other major
    tourist attraction.” 
    Id. The plan
    concluded that, without any changes,
    Dyersville’s three main tourist attractions would continue to attract a
    consistent number of tourists. 
    Id. at 6.
    In 1997, the city supplemented
    the community builder plan to evaluate which goals had been met and
    how to pursue the remaining goals. Dyersville, Iowa, Community Builder
    Plan (1997).
    In 2003, the City of Dyersville drafted a future annexation plan
    that identified areas of nearby land that were likely to be annexed into
    the city in the future. The annexation plan grouped areas of land into
    those likely to be annexed within five years, five to ten years, or ten to
    twenty years.    At that time, the Field of Dreams property was not
    included in any of these annexation estimates.
    In 2010, the Lansings listed their property for sale. Their property
    included the baseball diamond and white farmhouse, and an additional
    193 acres that are used as farmland. Ultimately, the Lansings signed a
    purchase agreement with Mike and Denise Stillman.                      The sale was
    contingent upon the property being rezoned for commercial use, among
    other things. The Stillmans intended to create All-Star Ballpark Heaven
    on the land, a baseball and softball complex with up to twenty-four fields
    to be used for youth baseball and softball. They intended to continue to
    maintain the farmhouse and original baseball diamond as a tourist
    The Dyersville City Council met on November 21, 2011. One of the
    action items on the agenda was “Authorize City Administrator to Sign IIW
    Proposal for Professional Services for Field of Dreams Utilities Extension
    Feasibility Study 2011.” The proposal provided that the City of Dyersville
    would pay IIW Engineering approximately $9625 to prepare a utilities
    extension feasibility study.        This study would determine the cost and
    logistics of providing water and sewer services to the Field of Dreams site.
    The feasibility study was discussed for approximately nineteen minutes,
    with the mayor, 2 the city administrator, 3 and various city council
    members weighing in.            Jacque Rahe, the director of the Dyersville
    Economic Development Corporation (DEDC) also discussed how to
    secure funding for the project so the city could avoid any taxpayer
    burden. She discussed talking to state officials to secure funding and a
    future meeting with the Governor. The motion to approve the study was
    passed unanimously by the city council.                 On December 5, the city
    council held a special meeting immediately following the regular city
    council meeting.        The sole agenda item for the special meeting was a
    2The   mayor of Dyersville at the time of the meeting was James Heavens.
    3The   city administrator of Dyersville at the time of the meeting was Michael
    presentation by the Stillmans, entitled “Future Development of Field of
    In December, the Stillmans organized a bus trip to Des Moines for
    the purpose of meeting with legislators and other state officials to discuss
    financing the All-Star Ballpark Heaven project. The mayor and two city
    council members joined the Stillmans on the bus trip to Des Moines, and
    they also attended a group dinner. A member of the planning and zoning
    commission also participated in the bus trip to Des Moines.             The
    Stillmans presumably funded both the bus trip and the dinner.           The
    purpose of the trip and the dinner was to begin lobbying state officials for
    financial assistance in developing the project.
    In early 2012, the Strategic Economics Group from Des Moines
    completed an economic and fiscal impact study report regarding the
    proposed project. The report analyzed the proposed project, the general
    Dubuque County area, and the potential economic impact of the project.
    The report predicted the project would result in the creation of 1400 new
    jobs by its eighth year of operation.    The report also estimated $34.1
    million in additional payroll and $102 million in additional goods and
    services for the State of Iowa, in addition to increases in local tax
    The city council met again on February 20, 2012, and one of the
    agenda items was the “Field of Dreams Extension.”         A number of the
    petitioners and other community members attended the meeting and
    were able to speak about the proposed All-Star Ballpark Heaven complex.
    Petitioner Wayne Vorwald expressed concerns about having open-range
    cattle in the area if the project were completed because of the
    juxtaposition of urban and farming areas.         Petitioners Jeff Pape and
    Wayne Ameskamp mentioned concerns with runoff into the nearby creek
    and flooding.     Ron Oberbroeckling was worried about the project
    interfering with deer hunting in the area.        A number of community
    members talked about growing up on family farms and wanting to
    maintain those farms and values for their own families. Petitioner Matt
    Mescher discussed traffic concerns because one of the most dangerous
    intersections in the state is located in Dyersville. He also stated that his
    “neighbors do not want ball fields in the middle of their cornfields.”
    Petitioners Mescher and Vorwald both proposed moving the project to the
    Dyersville business park.
    Denise Stillman and several community members spoke in favor of
    the proposed project. Jacque Rahe stated that the DEDC supported the
    project because its mission is to make Dyersville “a better place to live,
    work and play.”     She also expressed concern about being left out of
    neighborhood meetings about the project and urged the community to
    include the DEDC.
    At the April 2 city council meeting, an engineer from IIW
    Engineering introduced his conceptual water and sewer evaluation report
    and discussed the details of how to provide water and sewer services to
    the Field of Dreams area.           The report estimated it would cost
    approximately   $1.1   million     to   run   water   to   the   complex   and
    approximately $2.9 million to provide sewer service. Council members
    and at least one community member asked questions about the report.
    One nearby resident expressed concerns she and her neighbors had
    about the impact on their wells.
    At the May 7 city council meeting, council member Molly Evers
    expressed concerns about how the project would affect the community
    and requested more information about the timeline. She also mentioned
    she had received a number of phone calls and other correspondence from
    community members about the project. She urged them to speak up and
    asked when the council would hold a public hearing in order to permit
    members from the community to speak.              Two other council members
    agreed that they wanted to know what the citizens of Dyersville were
    thinking, and stated that they had also heard from a number of
    community members about the proposed project.
    On May 21, the council met again and one of the agenda items was
    to receive a file and presentation by Joe Scherrman in support of the All-
    Star Ballpark Heaven project.         Scherrman operates a business near
    Dyersville. He opined that the best way to preserve the original movie
    site was to expand and build extra fields around it.           Council member
    Evers again expressed concern about input from the community and
    asked when a public hearing would be set. At least one of the petitioners
    was present at the meeting. Petitioner Ameskamp expressed concerns
    about flooding, water runoff, and traffic.         He also asked what would
    happen to the land if the project failed and there were not enough kids in
    and around Dyersville to support twenty-four new baseball and softball
    fields. He was also concerned about the impact the project would have
    on his ability to hunt on his own land.
    At the June 4 city council meeting, one of the council members
    moved to table Resolution 31-12. The resolution was an application by
    the Lansings and several other Dubuque County property owners who
    were seeking to voluntarily annex their property into the City of
    Dyersville. 4 The annexation of the Lansing property into the city was one
    of the conditions of the Stillmans’ purchase agreement for the Lansing
    4The property owners who were seeking to annex their property into Dyersville
    were Donald L. Lansing, Rebecca L. Lansing, Gerald Deutmeyer, Alice M. Deutmeyer,
    John E. Rahe, Nicole Rahe, Keith G. Rahe, Jacque K. Rahe, and Dorothy Meyer.
    farm. Because the application still needed the signature of one of the
    property owners, the resolution was tabled.
    On June 11, a special meeting of the Dyersville City Council was
    held with the mayor and all council members present.                 A number of
    community members spoke about the proposed project, both in favor of
    and against.     A number of community members continued to express
    concerns about traffic, water runoff, hunting, and rural family values.
    Several members of the public who spoke were undecided, but were
    upset with some of the false information that was being spread by
    community members who were opposed to the project. A handful of the
    community members present expressed a desire for a referendum or vote
    on the issue of the proposed project and any necessary zoning change.
    The council members also discussed Resolution 31-12 and unanimously
    voted to set the date to consider the annexation request for July 2.
    On June 18, the city council met in a regular session to discuss
    Resolution 35-12, which was a resolution requesting approval of a
    Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) between the City of Dyersville
    and Go the Distance Baseball, LLC. 5 The MOU was signed by the mayor
    and the developers.        It set forth components that were key to the
    anticipated development agreement to create the All-Star Ballpark
    Heaven. The key points were
    I) Annexation
    The City will put forth its best effort to annex all of the
    property the Company has under contract (the “Property”) in
    Dubuque County into the city limits by October 1, 2012.
    The Company will provide reasonable assistance that shall
    not require out-of-pocket costs to meet this goal.
    5Go  the Distance Baseball, LLC is a limited liability company in Iowa. Denise
    Stillman is a part owner of Go the Distance, and Go the Distance is the company that
    would complete and manage the proposed All-Star Ballpark Heaven.
    II) TIF and Zoning
    The City will put forth its best effort to undertake the process
    of adding the Property to the Urban Renewal Area,
    establishing the Property as a tax increment financing
    district. Furthermore, the City agrees to use its best efforts
    to rezone the Property to commercial use or other
    appropriate use to allow the Company to use it for its
    intended purpose.
    III) Infrastructure Project
    The Company agrees to construct the Infrastructure Project
    to connect the Property to the city’s water and sewer services
    for an estimated cost of $2.48M and in accordance with the
    specifications of the City. The Infrastructure Project shall be
    completed by no later than December 30, 2014.
    IV) Fund Obligation and Payments
    The City will undertake the authorization of a development
    agreement under which the City would agree to make
    economic development payments (the “Payments”) to the
    Company for a period not to exceed 15 years. The amount of
    Payments to be made under the agreement will be subject to
    future negotiation amongst the parties. The City anticipates
    funding Payments in an amount equal to the actual costs of
    the Infrastructure Project without annual appropriation
    contingencies. Furthermore the City anticipates considering
    the provision of additional Payments provided that such
    payments are made subject to annual appropriation by the
    City Council. In any event all Payments will be funded
    exclusively from incremental property tax (TIF) revenues
    received by the City which are attributable to the Property.
    During this meeting, the city attorney for Dyersville was asked to explain
    the MOU.    He explained that it merely contained the intention of the
    parties so both parties would know that they were “headed in the same
    direction and that there’s no road blocks that somebody may throw up.”
    He further explained that the vote on the resolution would simply allow
    the council to take a vote on annexation, rezoning, and approval of the
    development agreement.     If any of those items failed a vote, then the
    project would be done.
    A number of residents spoke at the June 18 meeting, both in
    support of and in opposition to the project. Denise Stillman also spoke
    at the meeting and discussed the possibility of creating a dome over the
    fields for year-round play and a dormitory building for coaches and
    players to stay during tournaments. The council unanimously voted to
    approve the resolution.
    On July 2, the council met to discuss the resolution regarding the
    voluntary annexation of property into the City of Dyersville. The mayor
    and all five city council members were present, in addition to the city
    attorney.     A number of community members were present.                    A few
    community members, some of whom are petitioners in this case,
    appeared at the meeting with their attorney, Susan Hess. A television
    crew from KCRG Channel 9 news was present at the meeting.
    Stillman spoke first in support of the project. She then introduced
    Ron Kittle, a former professional baseball player.           He spoke about the
    impact of baseball in his life and the benefits the project could bring to
    Dyersville.    The council then opened the meeting up to community
    members who spoke against the proposed project.                Petitioner Mescher
    spoke about funding concerns and the impact on taxpayers.                  He also
    spoke about growing division in the small community and how the
    council should be taking noise and pollution into account in addition to
    economic benefits. Jack Mescher, son of petitioner Mescher, also spoke
    against the annexation.        He said the city had not done the requisite
    hydraulic, traffic, or pollution studies.       Attorney Hess stated that the
    citizens of Dyersville wanted to vote on the issue. 6
    6The city attorney responded that the application for voluntary annexation was
    considered by the council, not a public vote, under Iowa Code section 368.7.
    Director of the DEDC, Jacque Rahe, spoke in support of the
    voluntary annexation.     She pointed to the reports that estimated the
    project would provide twenty-four full time, year-round jobs for the
    citizens of Dyersville. Eric Schmechel from the Dubuque Soil and Water
    Conservation District spoke to address concerns about watershed
    management. The council members asked him questions about storm
    water and watershed management practices.             He opined that, if done
    correctly, the project could actually improve the location’s water runoff
    problems.   When the motion came to a vote, the council voted 4–1 to
    approve the resolution. Evers was the sole council member voting no.
    The council also voted on Resolution 38-12, which was a
    resolution to refer the rezoning of the property from A-1 Agriculture to C-
    2 Commercial to the planning and zoning commission.                    The city
    administrator     explained   that   the   proposal   for   rezoning   was   for
    conditional use
    for the preservation of the existing white farmhouse with
    wrap-around porch overlooking the Field of Dreams, the
    preservation of the existing Field of Dreams, and the creation
    and construction of All-Star Ballpark having a complex
    featuring 24 baseball and softball fields targeted for
    competition and training for youth 8 to 14 and incidental
    uses thereof.
    The city council unanimously voted to send the resolution to the zoning
    commission.       On July 3, the zoning commission sent a notice to
    interested property owners about the public hearing it would hold
    regarding the proposed rezoning.
    On July 8, the zoning commission hosted a work session at the
    Dyersville Social Center.      The agenda listed the work session as a
    “community overview meeting” regarding the project, which would
    include a presentation followed by an opportunity for the community
    members to ask questions.         The overview was provided by Denise
    The zoning commission met the following day to discuss rezoning
    the Field of Dreams property from agricultural to commercial. The city
    administrator began by providing an overview to the zoning commission
    about the proposed rezoning. He described the area to be rezoned, which
    included a 200-foot buffer zone on three sides of the area that would
    remain agricultural. He explained that the buffer zone was “created to
    protect adjoining property owners” and would prevent concerns about
    children playing baseball right up against the adjoining property lines.
    He also described how the buffer zone would allow the adjacent farms to
    continue to spread manure and engage in other farming activities
    without interrupting the baseball and softball facilities. He informed the
    zoning commission that the city council had looked into the impact on
    property values, storm water and drainage issues, and crime.
    A number of the petitioners also attended the meeting and were
    able to offer their opinions to the zoning commission. Petitioner Mescher
    expressed concerns that the proposed 200-foot buffer zone was designed
    to prevent the neighboring property owners from objecting, since the new
    commercial zoning area would not directly touch their land. His son also
    spoke about the buffer zone and concerns about the impact on water
    issues in the area.          Several other community members had the
    opportunity to offer their opinions of the project, both in favor of and in
    opposition to the project.
    Two members of IIW Engineering spoke about the study and report
    their group had completed. One engineer offered information about the
    wastewater study and how the generated wastewater would be used.
    Another spoke about the traffic concerns that had been raised by
    community members and how the roads would be affected by increased
    traffic to the baseball and softball complex. After everyone was offered
    the opportunity to speak, the zoning commission unanimously voted to
    approve a positive recommendation in favor of the proposed rezoning.
    On July 16, the city council met to consider Resolution 47-12,
    which recommended setting a date for the council to consider the
    proposed rezoning. The city council unanimously voted to approve the
    resolution and set the date for August 6.       On July 25, the council
    published a notice in the local newspaper. On August 3, the agenda for
    the meeting was posted in the directory at Dyersville City Hall and on the
    Dyersville city website. The agenda was also sent to the Cedar Rapids
    Gazette, the Telegraph Herald, and the Dyersville newspapers.          The
    agenda was additionally provided to the Dyersville Police Department and
    two radio news stations, KDST and KMCH.
    The agenda listed the first action item as a public hearing “to
    approve the rezoning of certain property from A-1 Agricultural to C-2
    Commercial.”    The second item action was Ordinance 770, which
    included the legal description of the land to be rezoned as
    SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 22, Township 89 North,
    Range 2 West of the 5th Principal Meridian in Dubuque
    County, Iowa, except for the Northerly 200 feet thereof;
    SW 1/4 of the SW 1/4 of Section 23, Township 89 North,
    Range 2 West of the 5th Principal Meridian in Dubuque
    County, Iowa, except for the Northerly and Easterly 200 feet
    NE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section 27, Township 89 North,
    Range 2 West of the 5th Principal Meridian in Dubuque
    County, Iowa, except for the South 200 feet of the West 200
    feet and the West 200 feet of the South 200 feet thereof;
    NW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 26, Township 89 North,
    Range 2 West of the 5th Principal Meridian in Dubuque
    County, Iowa, except for the Southerly 200 feet of the East
    400 feet and the Easterly 200 feet thereof;
    Lot 1 of the SW 1/4 of the NW 1/4 of Section 26, Township
    89 North, Range 2 West of the 5th Principal Meridian in
    Dubuque County, Iowa, except for Southerly and Easterly
    200 feet thereof; and
    Lot 2 of Trinity Acres of the SE 1/4 of the NE 1/4 of Section
    27, Township 89 North, Range 2 West of the 5th Principal
    Meridian in Dubuque County, Iowa, except for the Southerly
    and Westerly 200 feet thereof.
    At the August 6 city council meeting, attorney Hess spoke first.
    She urged the council to remain impartial and stated it was acting in a
    quasi-judicial manner and therefore was required to remain impartial.
    She noted concerns with the planning and zoning commission and
    opined that it had failed to remain impartial because the members
    attended a work session presentation put on by the developer.          She
    asked the council not to vote on the rezoning at the meeting and to table
    the topic for a later meeting. She also referred to a letter she wrote that
    she had been unsuccessful in delivering to the council earlier that day.
    The city attorney informed the council members that he would review the
    letter Hess wrote on behalf of a group of concerned Dyersville citizens.
    He also advised the council members that a unanimous vote was not
    required for the proposed rezoning.
    A number of the petitioners attended the meeting, in addition to
    other community members. There was approximately thirty minutes of
    discussion before the citizens at the meeting stopped volunteering to
    speak. Council member Evers moved to close the public hearing, which
    was seconded.    She then moved to table the discussion of Ordinance
    770, but received no second. The city council voted to approve the first
    reading of the ordinance, and the motion passed in a vote of 4–1, with
    council member Evers voting no. Evers then read a written statement
    and expressed community concerns about the project. She stated that
    more members of the community opposed the project than favored it.
    The council moved to waive the second and third readings of the
    ordinance. The motions passed with votes of 4–1. Evers was the sole
    council member voting no.
    On September 4, 2012, the Residential and Agricultural Advisory
    Committee, L.L.C. and twenty-three other individuals 7 (petitioners) filed a
    petition for writ of certiorari and a request for a stay and injunction
    against the Dyersville City Council, the mayor of Dyersville, and the
    individual city council members (city council). The petitioners resisted
    the rezoning of the Field of Dreams property from A-1 Agricultural to C-2
    Commercial. They argued the city council acted in violation of both Iowa
    law and Dyersville city ordinances; in excess of its authority; arbitrarily
    and capriciously; and against public safety, health, morals, and the
    general welfare.
    The district court set a one-hour hearing for September 25. After
    the hearing was set, Go the Distance filed a petition to intervene. Shortly
    thereafter, F.O.D. Real Estate, L.L.C.; Field of Dreams Movie Site, Inc.;
    and Donald and Rebecca Lansing also filed petitions to intervene. On
    September 21, the city council filed a motion to dismiss the petition. It
    claimed the Residential and Agricultural Advisory Committee lacked
    standing, and further, the city council had been acting in a legislative
    capacity and was immune from suit. The petitioners responded by filing
    a request to hold a later hearing because additional testimony and
    discovery was necessary “to determine the legality of the City Council’s
    action.” On September 25—the day the hearing was scheduled—the city
    council filed a second motion to dismiss, this time claiming the petition
    7Two   of the individuals later dismissed their claims.
    for writ of certiorari failed to state a claim. The petitioners resisted the
    city council’s motion to dismiss.
    On October 9, the district court issued its order denying the
    petition for writ of certiorari. In the order, the district court concluded,
    Clearly, the Dyersville City Council had jurisdiction to
    hear and decide the proposed rezoning of the property in
    question. The Defendants have complied with any and all
    procedural requirements pertaining to the rezoning of the
    property. Proper due process rights have been afforded the
    Plaintiffs. The Defendants heard and considered numerous
    issues and concerns associated with the rezoning of the
    property. The Zoning and Planning Commission voted 8–0 in
    favor of recommending the proposed zoning change. The
    Court finds no illegality in the rezoning of the property. The
    Plaintiffs cannot demonstrate a likelihood of success on the
    The petitioners then filed an Iowa Rule of Civil Procedure 1.904(2) motion
    to enlarge, amend, or modify the order. They claimed the district court
    should not have determined the legality of the rezoning at the hearing
    because the hearing was only to determine whether a writ of certiorari
    should issue and not the merits of the case. The petitioners also argued
    the district court did not follow proper procedure for issuance of a writ of
    certiorari or consider all of the issues raised in the petition.          The
    petitioners requested that the district court enter an order granting their
    request for additional testimony and discovery. The district court denied
    the 1.904(2) motion, and the plaintiffs appealed.        We transferred the
    appeal to the court of appeals.
    While this appeal was pending, the council became aware that
    Ordinance 770 contained an error in the legal description of the land.
    The ordinance described part of the land as “SW 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of
    Section 22, Township 89 North, Range 2 West of the 5th Principal
    Meridian in Dubuque County, Iowa, except for the Northerly 200 feet
    thereof.” (Emphasis added.) The correct description should have listed
    the property as “SE 1/4 of the SE 1/4 of Section 22, Township 89 North,
    Range 2 West of the 5th Principal Meridian in Dubuque County, Iowa,
    except for the Northerly 200 feet thereof.” (Emphasis added.) At the May
    6, 2013 city council meeting, the council voted 4–1 to approve Ordinance
    777, which corrected the description of the land contained in Ordinance
    770.    The public was invited to speak on the issue, but no one
    volunteered. The city attorney classified the mistake as a typo and noted
    that the prior public hearing had given fair notice to the public and
    everyone knew which parcel of land was being discussed at the rezoning
    Thereafter, a second petition for writ of certiorari was filed on May
    15, 2013. This second writ of certiorari was filed in response to the city
    council’s vote approving Ordinance 777 correcting the description of the
    rezoned land. The district court directed that this writ issue on May 23,
    and the writ was returned on June 10. Trial on the second writ was set
    to begin on January 6, 2014.
    The court of appeals issued its decision on the first writ of
    certiorari on November 6, 2013. 8 The court of appeals concluded that
    the district court had improperly decided the merits of the petition for
    writ of certiorari, rather than confine its decision to whether the writ
    should be issued.      The court of appeals reversed the decision of the
    district court and remanded the case to the district court for further
    On November 8, the petitioners filed a motion to consolidate the
    two writs of certiorari and continue the trial. The district court granted
    & Agric. Advisory Comm., L.L.C. v. Dyersville City Council, 2013
    WL5951191 (Iowa Ct. App. Nov. 6, 2013).
    the motion to consolidate and set a hearing for January 6, 2014. On
    January 3, Go the Distance withdrew its motion to intervene.
    The pending matters came before the district court for hearing on
    January 6.        The district court heard four issues: (1) the city council’s
    motion to dismiss the individual city council members and mayor, (2) the
    petitioners’ 1.904(2) motion, (3) the petitioners’ request for an injunction,
    and (4) the petitioners’ motion for discovery. The district court issued its
    order on January 21 and denied the motion to dismiss the individual city
    council members, the 1.904(2) motion, and the request for an injunction.
    The district court denied the motion to dismiss the individual council
    members because legislative immunity would only apply if the council
    acted in a legislative capacity, which it concluded was a question of fact.
    The district court denied the 1.904 motion because it raised arguments
    that petitioners were required to appeal to the Board of Adjustment, but
    had failed to do. The district court denied the request for an injunction
    to halt development because none of the named respondents owned the
    property, and therefore the injunction would be meaningless. 9                      The
    district court allowed the petitioners to continue with discovery.
    On May 1, the petitioners filed a motion for issuance of writ. The
    court of appeals decision from November 6, 2013, required the district
    court to either order a writ or take other action on remand. At the time
    the petitioners filed the motion, the district court had yet to issue a writ
    or take any other action on remand. The district court issued the writ on
    May 29, and the writ was returned on June 12. The district court set the
    consolidated cases for trial.
    9Neither the Lansings nor the Stillmans were ever a party to the proceedings. By
    the time the district court issued this order, the closing had occurred and the Stillmans
    owned the Field of Dreams site.
    Trial was held between February 16 and February 24, 2015. The
    district court issued its order on May 21, holding that the actions of the
    Dyersville City Council were sustained and the writs with respect to
    Ordinances 770 and 777 were annulled.        Petitioners filed a motion to
    enlarge, which the district court denied on July 24. The petitioners filed
    an appeal, which we retained.
    II. Analysis.
    On appeal, the petitioners raise a number of issues. They argue
    the district court applied the incorrect standard of review to the city
    council’s rezoning of the land.    They argue the council’s actions were
    quasi-judicial in nature rather than legislative, triggering a different
    standard of review. They allege Ordinance 770 is invalid for a number of
    reasons.       They also argue there was sufficient opposition to the
    ordinance from adjacent landowners to trigger Dyersville Code section
    165.39(5). They assert Ordinance 777 is invalid because it purported to
    rezone property without following proper procedure.     Last, they assert
    equal protection and due process violations. We address each issue in
    A. Correct Standard of Review of the City Council’s Actions.
    We must first address the proper standard of review in this action. The
    petitioners argue the district court applied the wrong standard of review
    to the city council’s actions in rezoning the Field of Dreams site. They
    argue the council’s actions were quasi-judicial in nature rather than
    legislative.    The district court order concluded that, for purposes of
    determining whether certiorari was available, the council was acting in a
    quasi-judicial manner. However, the underlying decision to rezone was a
    legislative function and the council was therefore not required to make
    findings of fact or provide for a more formal proceeding similar to a
    judicial proceeding.
    In chapter 335 of the Iowa Code, the legislature grants the county
    boards of supervisors the authority to determine zoning matters in the
    counties.      Iowa Code §§ 335.1, .3 (2015); see also Perkins v. Bd. of
    636 N.W.2d 58
    , 65 (Iowa 2001). This includes the power to
    designate areas into districts and to regulate the use of land within those
    districts.     Iowa Code §§ 335.3, .4.    “The board of supervisors shall
    provide for the manner in which the regulations and restrictions and the
    boundaries of the districts shall be determined, established, and
    enforced, and from time to time amended, supplemented, or changed.”
    Id. § 335.6.
    Chapter 414 goes on to provide specific rules, powers, and duties
    related to city zoning.   Iowa Code section 414.4 provides that the city
    council “shall provide for the manner in which the regulations and
    restrictions and the boundaries of the districts shall be determined,
    established,     and   enforced,   and    from   time   to   time   amended,
    supplemented, or changed.” 
    Id. § 414.4.
    To do so, the city council must
    also follow proper procedure. 
    Id. The council
    must give the community
    members published notice of the time and place of a public hearing with
    at least seven days’ notice. Id.; see also 
    id. § 362.3.
    The council must
    hold a public hearing during which community members are offered the
    opportunity to offer opinions regarding the proposed zoning or rezoning.
    Id. § 414.4.
    Iowa Code section 414.5 provides specific voting rules for
    situations where an ordinance would change land from one zoning
    district to another. 
    Id. § 414.5.
    In this situation, if twenty percent or
    more of the owners of property located within 200 feet of the proposed
    rezoning area file a written protest, the council is required to approve the
    rezoning ordinance by a vote of at least three-fourths of the members.
    Id. The statutory
    scheme set forth in the Iowa Code mirrors the
    general rule that zoning determinations are a legislative function of a city
    council or board of supervisors. 101A C.J.S. Zoning and Land Planning
    § 2, at 18–19 (2016). Likewise, we have long recognized that “[z]oning
    decisions are an exercise of the police power to promote the health,
    safety, order and morals of society.” Montgomery v. Bremer Cty. Bd. of
    299 N.W.2d 687
    , 692 (Iowa 1980). A city council or board of
    supervisors exercises its delegated police power through zoning decisions
    so long as the decisions are “made in accordance with a comprehensive
    plan and designed . . . to encourage efficient urban development patterns
    . . . [and] to promote health and the general welfare.” Iowa Code § 414.3;
    id. § 335.5;
    see also Molo Oil Co. v. City of Dubuque, 
    692 N.W.2d 686
    , 691
    (Iowa 2005). A zoning decision or regulation is an exercise of delegated
    police powers so long as it is
    made with reasonable consideration, among other things, as
    to the character of the area of the district and the peculiar
    suitability of such area for particular uses, and with a view
    to conserving the value of buildings and encouraging the
    most appropriate use of land throughout [the] city.
    Iowa Code § 414.3(2). However, we have also recognized that there are
    some situations in which a zoning decision can take on a quasi-judicial
    nature that may necessitate a different standard of review than the
    normally limited standard of review we utilize when reviewing zoning
    decisions.   See, e.g., Sutton v. Dubuque City Council, 
    729 N.W.2d 796
    797 (Iowa 2006).
    Some historical perspective helps in our analysis. In Buechele v.
    Ray, we laid out the test to determine whether an action is judicial or
    quasi-judicial, which we noted is a difficult determination. 
    219 N.W.2d 679
    , 681 (Iowa 1974). The pertinent rule of procedure states “[a] party
    may commence a certiorari action when authorized by statute or when
    the party claims an inferior tribunal, board, or officer, exercising judicial
    functions, or a judicial magistrate exceeded proper jurisdiction or
    otherwise acted illegally.” Iowa R. Civil P. 1.1401; see also 
    Buechele, 219 N.W.2d at 681
    . 10      The term “judicial functions” as utilized in this
    particular rule is not construed strictly or technically and can apply if
    the underlying act is quasi-judicial. 
    Buechele, 219 N.W.2d at 681
    Other courts have found that a body that is not a court exercises a
    judicial function when “(1) the questioned act involves a proceeding in
    which notice and opportunity to be heard are required; or (2) a
    determination of rights of parties is made which requires the exercise of
    discretion in finding facts and applying the law thereto.” 
    Id. While our
    analysis of judicial function is not as restrictive, we afford weight to the
    listed judicial attributes.    
    Id. We also
    consider “whether or not the
    challenged act goes to the determination of some right the protection of
    which is the peculiar office of the courts.”            
    Id. However, merely
    exercising judgment or discretion is not sufficient to constitute a quasi-
    judicial act. 
    Id. In Buechele,
    we were asked to determine whether the State
    Executive Council’s decision to employ an attorney to defend a state
    representative in a slander action constituted a quasi-judicial act. 
    Id. at 680.
    The petitioners brought the action in a writ for certiorari. 
    Id. The council
    argued on appeal that its act was not a judicial or quasi-judicial
    function, and therefore certiorari review was not appropriate. 
    Id. at 681.
    10At  the time the Buechele case was decided, the same rule was contained in
    Iowa Rule of Civil Procedure 306.
    We held that the council’s action was a discretionary, executive decision
    and not the exercise of a judicial or quasi-judicial function. 
    Id. at 682.
    In reaching this decision, we noted that none of the council’s actions had
    any of the attributes normally associated with judicial functions: the
    council was not required to give notice, hold a hearing, take evidence,
    engage in fact finding, or make legal conclusions. 
    Id. In Montgomery,
    perhaps the most analogous case to the one before
    us now, the board rezoned two parcels of land from agricultural to
    industrial after two rezoning petitions were 
    filed. 299 N.W.2d at 691
    Following the rezoning petitions, the board gave notice, held a public
    hearing, and heard from both proponents and opponents of the rezoning
    Id. The board
    unanimously approved both rezoning requests.
    Id. Opponents of
    the rezoning brought petitions for writ of certiorari in
    the district court, which were later combined. 
    Id. On appeal,
    we addressed the question of the proper scope of review
    for a certiorari proceeding challenging a board of supervisors’ rezoning
    Id. at 692.
      We confirmed that a writ of certiorari was the
    proper procedure for challenging the board’s amendments to the
    rezoning ordinance. 
    Id. We found
    that the zoning decision by the board
    was an exercise of its delegated police power and held that “the generally
    limited scope of review applicable to this case is to determine whether the
    decision by the Board to rezone is fairly debatable.” 
    Id. In Sutton,
    the city council passed an ordinance that amended the
    city’s existing zoning 
    code. 729 N.W.2d at 797
    .          The ordinance
    reclassified property from a commercial recreation district to a planned
    unit development (PUD) district. 
    Id. The ordinance
    passed with a vote of
    four to three, and two objectors brought a challenge to the rezoning
    decision with a petition for writ of certiorari.      
    Id. The action
    dismissed as untimely, and the objectors then brought an action for
    declaratory judgment.        
    Id. The city
    argued the claims were barred
    because certiorari was the exclusive remedy and the time limitation for
    bringing a certiorari challenge had already passed.             
    Id. We ultimately
    held that the opponents of the rezoning decision were required to bring a
    writ of certiorari and therefore were precluded from bringing the
    declaratory judgment action. 
    Id. at 799.
    We also discussed the standards for determining whether a zoning
    decision has remained a legislative function or evolved into a quasi-
    judicial function.    
    Id. at 798.
    We expanded on the two-part test from
    Buechele by citing to factors identified by the Washington Supreme Court
    in determining whether zoning activities are quasi-judicial in nature or
    legislative in nature:
    (1) rezoning ordinarily occurs in response to a citizen
    application followed by a statutorily mandated public
    hearing; (2) as a result of such applications, readily
    identifiable proponents and opponents weigh in on the
    process; and (3) the decision is localized in its application
    affecting a particular group of citizens more acutely than the
    public at large.
    Id.; see also Fleming v. Tacoma, 
    502 P.2d 327
    , 331 (Wash. 1972) (en
    banc)).    While we cited these factors with approval, we had the
    opportunity to review the entirety of the Fleming case and did not choose
    to adopt the Washington court’s holding in that case that all public
    zoning hearings should be classified as adjudicatory. 11               
    Sutton, 729 N.W.2d at 798
    ; see also 
    Fleming, 502 P.2d at 331
    11While the Washington court held in Fleming that all zoning hearings should be
    classified as adjudicatory, the decision was later overruled in Raynes v. City of
    Leavenworth, following a legislative amendment. 
    821 P.2d 1204
    , 1209 (Wash. 1992) (en
    banc). In Raynes, the court held that the particular board decision amending a zoning
    ordinance was a legislative function. 
    Id. at 1208.
    The Sutton case dealt with a different situation than many of our
    previous zoning cases because it involved PUD zoning.          
    Sutton, 729 N.W.2d at 798
    . We noted that the “quasi-judicial character of municipal
    rezoning is particularly evident in matters involving PUD zoning.” 
    Id. We discussed
    the distinction between traditional rezoning and PUD zoning:
    [Creating] zoning districts and rezoning land are legislative
    actions, and . . . trial courts are not permitted to sit as
    “super zoning boards” and overturn a board’s legislative
    The planned unit development concept varies from the
    traditional concept of zoning classifications. It permits a
    flexible approach to the regulation of land uses. Compliance
    must be measured against certain stated standards. . . .
    . . . [S]ince the Board was called upon to review an
    interpretation and application of an ordinance . . . and the
    ordinance was not challenged per se, the Board’s decision
    was “clearly quasi-judicial.”
    Id. (quoting Hirt
    v. Polk Cty. Bd. of Cty. Comm’rs, 
    578 So. 2d 415
    , 417
    (Fla. Dist. Ct. App. 1991) (citation omitted) (emphasis added)).
    We find the situation we decide today to be much more analogous
    to the one we faced in Montgomery than in Sutton. In this case, the city
    council was acting in a legislative function in furtherance of its delegated
    police powers. The council was not sitting to “determin[e] adjudicative
    facts to decide the legal rights, privileges or duties of a particular party
    based on that party’s particular circumstances.”         
    Montgomery, 299 N.W.2d at 694
    . The city council decision to rezone was not undertaken
    to weigh the legal rights of one party (the All-Star Ballpark Heaven)
    versus another party (the petitioners).    The council weighed all of the
    information, reports, and comments available to it in order to determine
    whether rezoning was in the best interest of the city as a whole. See,
    e.g., Iowa Code § 414.3(1) (describing the delegated police powers to
    include making decisions to promote health and the general welfare of
    the community). We therefore hold that the proper standard of review in
    this case is “the generally limited scope of review” we utilize in order “to
    determine whether the decision by the Board to rezone is fairly
    Montgomery, 299 N.W.2d at 692
    Zoning regulations carry a strong presumption of validity.       Molo
    Oil, 692 N.W.2d at 691
    . A zoning regulation “is valid if it has any real,
    substantial relation to the public health, comfort, safety, and welfare,
    including the maintenance of property values.”      
    Id. (quoting Shriver
    City of Okoboji, 
    567 N.W.2d 397
    , 401 (Iowa 1997)). If the reasonableness
    of a zoning ordinance is “fairly debatable,” then we decline to substitute
    our judgment for that of the city council or board of supervisors. 
    Id. The reasonableness
    of a zoning ordinance is “fairly debatable” when
    for any reason it is open to dispute or controversy on
    grounds that make sense or point to a logical deduction, and
    where reasonable minds may differ; or where the evidence
    provides a basis for a fair difference of opinion as to its
    application to a particular property.
    Id.; see also Neuzil v. City of Iowa City, 
    451 N.W.2d 159
    , 163–64 (Iowa
    B. Validity of Ordinance 770. The petitioners allege Ordinance
    770 is invalid for a number of reasons. They assert the city council was
    not impartial; the decision was arbitrary, capricious, and unreasonable;
    the rezoning was contrary to the city’s comprehensive plan; and the
    ordinance constitutes illegal spot zoning.      We discuss each of the
    petitioners’ arguments in turn.
    1. Partiality of the city council. The decision to rezone the Field of
    Dreams site was subject to fair debate. See Molo 
    Oil, 692 N.W.2d at 691
    Members of the community came to multiple public hearings and
    multiple council meetings.         A number of community members—not
    limited to the petitioners in this case—were against the rezoning.
    However,      other   community    members     were   unsure     whether     they
    supported the rezoning and requested more information.                Still others
    expressed support for the rezoning and the new baseball and softball
    complex.      While it is true that several council members viewed the
    rezoning and the project as an opportunity for the city, each council
    member attended all meetings, read reports, listened to citizens speak for
    and against the project, asked questions, and investigated issues
    regarding water, sewage, crime, traffic, and other issues.               Further
    demonstrating that the issue was subject to fair debate is the final vote
    on the decision to rezone.        The final vote was 4–1, with one council
    member voting against rezoning.
    There is nothing in the record that demonstrates that any council
    member or the mayor had any family or financial interest in the project.
    The petitioners claim that members of the city council and mayor could
    not be impartial or unbiased due to the mayor signing the MOU with the
    developers,     and   several   members     participating   in   an     economic
    development bus trip to Des Moines to discuss the project with
    legislators and state officials.   We disagree. The mere participation in
    such activities for the potential benefit of the city does not establish
    partiality or bias.    Rather, this is more akin to the council members
    upholding their public duty by performing their due diligence in
    determining what state aid might be available to help with the project
    before any formal action was undertaken.          The city council made its
    decision based on what it believed was best for the community after a full
    and open discussion of the issues over many months. We agree with the
    district court that the city council was impartial in its rezoning decision.
    2. Arbitrary, capricious, or unreasonable. The party attacking the
    validity of a zoning regulation carries the burden of demonstrating the
    zoning is unreasonable, arbitrary, capricious, or discriminatory. 
    Id. A regulation
    is arbitrary and unreasonable when it is not authorized by
    statute or is contrary or unsupported by the facts.           Baker v. Bd. of
    671 N.W.2d 405
    , 413 (Iowa 2003).
    The city council’s decision to rezone the Field of Dreams site was
    supported   by   the   facts   and   was   not   arbitrary,    capricious,   or
    unreasonable. The city council made its decision after a full and lengthy
    consideration of the overall welfare of the city.         The city council
    investigated water, sewage, traffic, crime, and water runoff. It received
    economic reports detailing increased jobs and revenue for the state and
    city. Each member of the city council attended meetings, read reports,
    asked questions, participated in public hearings, listened to the opinions
    of community members, and considered the economic benefits and
    impact on the city.
    The petitioners also contend it was unreasonable for the mayor to
    enter into the MOU.     We have generally analyzed challenges to these
    types of agreements to determine whether they are unreasonable,
    arbitrary, capricious, or discriminatory. See, e.g., Blumenthal Inv. Trusts
    v. City of West Des Moines, 
    636 N.W.2d 255
    , 266 (Iowa 2001). While the
    council members considered the MOU, they were not bound by it. See,
    e.g., Marco Dev. Corp. v. City of Cedar Falls, 
    473 N.W.2d 41
    , 44 (Iowa
    1991). The MOU was simply an agreement whereby the council agreed
    to consider a rezoning proposal partially due to the incredibly unique
    circumstances surrounding the Field of Dreams land. Given the unique
    parcel of land and the juxtaposition of agriculture and commercial land
    that already existed, it was not unreasonable, arbitrary or capricious for
    the city to agree to consider the possibility of rezoning the area.
    3. Relationship to the city’s comprehensive plan. Iowa Code section
    414.3 requires that any zoning regulations adopted by a city council or
    board of supervisors “shall be made in accordance with a comprehensive
    plan.” Iowa Code § 414.3. The party challenging a zoning decision on
    the basis that it was not made in accordance with the city’s
    comprehensive plan carries a heavy burden that requires the party to
    counter the “strong presumption of validity accorded zoning decisions.”
    37 Am. Jur. Proof of Facts 3d 383 (1996 & Supp. 2016), Westlaw
    (database updated Dec. 2016). This requirement was adopted to prevent
    haphazard zoning. Wolf v. City of Ely, 
    493 N.W.2d 846
    , 849 (Iowa 1992).
    The purpose of the comprehensive plan requirement is to ensure a board
    or council acts rationally in applying its delegated zoning authority. 
    Id. at 849.
    In the context of rezoning, we have held that “compliance with the
    comprehensive plan requirement merely means that zoning authorities
    have given ‘full consideration to the problem presented, including the
    needs of the public, changing conditions, and the similarity of other land
    in the same area.’ ” Iowa Coal Min. Co. v. Monroe County, 
    494 N.W.2d 664
    , 669 (Iowa 1993) (quoting 
    Montgomery, 299 N.W.2d at 695
    ).            A
    board’s zoning decision is not static, and the fact that a board or council
    may have failed to predict that an area of land could be rezoned for a
    different use is not enough to demonstrate that it acted without
    considering the comprehensive plan. See, e.g., 
    Montgomery, 299 N.W.2d at 695
    The district court found that the rezoning was passed in
    accordance with and in furtherance of the comprehensive plan, despite
    none of the council members expressly linking their votes to the plan.
    We agree. The council members gave full consideration to “the needs of
    the public, changing conditions, and the similarity of other land in the
    same area.” 
    Id. The council
    held multiple meetings and the appropriate
    public hearing during which community members were able to offer
    differing viewpoints.   All council members attended these meetings,
    listened, and asked questions. The city council requested and reviewed
    reports about water, sewage, water runoff, traffic, crime, and increased
    economic benefits. The council considered the unique nature of the Field
    of Dreams site and potential tourism benefits.
    The city’s comprehensive plan notes that rezoning should be made
    with consideration of the unique character of the area, the suitability of
    the land for the proposed use, the conservation of buildings or values,
    and the encouragement of the most appropriate use of the land.
    Comprehensive Plan at 91.      All of these goals were considered by the
    council. The Field of Dreams site is a unique parcel of land unlike any
    other land in that area. The council considered the distinctiveness of the
    land and whether the proposed rezoning would be the best use of the site
    for the benefit of the community, including its impact on tourism. The
    council considered whether the proposed rezoning would be for the
    overall health and welfare of the community as a whole, and whether it
    would preserve the property for the benefit of its citizens.     The city
    council concluded that it would be consistent with its comprehensive
    The city’s community builder plan also specifically addresses the
    importance of preserving the Field of Dreams site in order to maintain
    and increase tourism. The plan stated that a main concern for the city
    was to “become much more aggressive in guiding and encouraging [the
    city’s] growth.” Community Builder Plan at 2. It identified the loss of
    tourism to the Field of Dreams site as one of the main threats to the city’s
    Id. at 5.
    We hold that the petitioners did not meet their burden
    of demonstrating that the rezoning did not meet the requirements of the
    city’s comprehensive plan.
    4. Spot zoning. “Spot zoning is the creation of a small island of
    property with restrictions on its use different from those imposed on
    surrounding property.” 
    Perkins, 636 N.W.2d at 67
    . Not all spot zoning is
    illegal, however, and we have created a three-prong test for determining
    whether spot zoning is valid. 
    Id. Under this
    test, we consider
    (1) whether the new zoning is germane to an object within
    the police power; (2) whether there is a reasonable basis for
    making a distinction between the spot zoned land and the
    surrounding property; and (3) whether the rezoning is
    consistent with the comprehensive plan.
    Id.; see also Little v. Winborn, 
    518 N.W.2d 384
    , 388 (Iowa 1994). When
    there is spot zoning, “there must be substantial and reasonable grounds
    or basis for the discrimination when one lot or tract is singled out.”
    Perkins, 636 N.W.2d at 67
    (quoting Fox v. Polk Cty. Bd. of Supervisors,
    569 N.W.2d 503
    , 509 (Iowa 1997), overruled in part on other grounds by
    Sutton, 729 N.W.2d at 799
    As a preliminary matter, we acknowledge that the rezoning appears
    to constitute spot zoning. The property surrounding the new commercial
    area is agricultural land. The rezoning created a commercial “island” of
    property amidst land zoned as agricultural. See, e.g., 
    Little, 518 N.W.2d at 388
    .   However, that does not end our inquiry. The next step is to
    determine whether the spot zoning was valid. See 
    id. 33 First,
    we have already determined that the rezoning was made
    within the scope of the city council’s general police power. The decision
    to rezone the area for the project was made in consideration of the
    general health and welfare of the community. Second, the council had a
    reasonable basis for its decision to rezone the land despite the
    surrounding property. The Field of Dreams property has been a unique
    site for years. The baseball field on the Lansing farm has been used in
    the community for baseball and softball games, in addition to local and
    national tourism.     Part of the location’s charm is simply that it is a
    baseball field surrounded by farmland. The council made the decision to
    rezone and allow for more baseball fields to capitalize on this unique site
    and increase tourism for the City of Dyersville.       Last, as we already
    concluded, the spot zoning is consistent with the overall comprehensive
    plan.     The city’s community builder plan expressly mentions the
    necessity of maintaining the Field of Dreams site and increasing tourism
    for the city. We agree with the decision of the district court and hold that
    this was not illegal spot zoning.
    C. Triggering of Dyersville Code.       The petitioners allege that
    there was sufficient opposition to the proposed rezoning contained in
    Ordinance 770 to trigger a unanimous vote under Dyersville Code of
    Ordinances § 165.39(5). The code section provides,
    Council Vote. If the [Zoning and Planning] Commission
    recommends against, or if a protest against such proposed
    amendment, supplement, change, modification or repeal is
    presented in writing to the Clerk, duly signed by the owners
    of twenty percent (20%) or more either of the area of the lots
    included in such proposed change, or of those immediately
    adjacent in the rear thereof extending the depth of one lot or
    not to exceed two hundred (200) feet therefrom, or of those
    directly opposite thereto, extending the depth of one lot or
    not to exceed two hundred (200) feet from the street frontage
    of such opposite lots, such amendment, supplement,
    change, modifications, or repeal shall not become effective
    except by the favorable vote of all members of the Council.
    Dyersville, Iowa, Code of Ordinances § 165.39(5) (2011). Based on this
    code section, the petitioners contend that a unanimous vote of the
    council was required for the rezoning.
    On the day of the hearing on the rezoning, the petitioners’ attorney
    faxed a letter to the city clerk purporting to include the signatures of the
    required twenty percent of landowners needed to trigger the unanimous
    council vote. The opposition letter included the signatures of a number
    of individuals; however, only two of the signatories owned small amounts
    of property adjacent to the property to be rezoned. The petitioners did
    not provide a letter that included the requisite twenty percent of adjacent
    land owners at the time of the meeting, nor did they provide a letter or
    other document at trial.     Accordingly, there was no formal or valid
    protest which would invoke the requirement of a unanimous vote.
    D. Use of 200-Foot Buffer Zone. The ordinance that rezoned the
    Field of Dreams property included a 200-foot buffer zone of agricultural
    land that surrounded the property that was rezoned to commercial. The
    petitioners challenge the use of this 200-foot buffer zone.     They argue
    that the buffer zone was put in place in order to prevent the nearby
    property owners from objecting to the project under the procedure
    outlined in Iowa Code section 414.5.        The council asserts that the
    purpose of the 200-foot buffer zone was to address some of the concerns
    raised about manure spreading, farming activities, and children playing
    baseball up against the property line of adjoining owners.
    At first blush, the 200-foot buffer zone can appear to be unfair, as
    it limits the number of adjacent landowners who can object to the
    rezoning. However, it does provide a benefit to adjacent landowners by
    addressing their expressed concerns with the rezoning.               A number of
    petitioners raised concerns about hunting, spreading of manure, and
    grazing if their farming property was directly adjacent to the new
    ballfields. The buffer zone provides a solution to those concerns.
    Additionally, a number of other courts have held that a council
    may avoid a supermajority vote requirement by creating a buffer zone
    between the property to be rezoned and the land of adjacent property
    owners. See, e.g., Schwarz v. City of Glendale, 
    950 P.2d 167
    , 170 (Ariz.
    Ct. App. 1997) (noting that the use of buffer zones is the majority
    approach and upholding the use of a 150-foot buffer zone to avoid the
    triggering of a supermajority vote); St. Bede’s Episcopal Church v. City of
    Santa Fe, 
    509 P.2d 876
    , 877 (N.M. 1973) (upholding a 100-foot buffer
    zone utilized to avoid the triggering of a supermajority vote); Eadie v.
    Town Bd. of Town of N. Greenbush, 
    854 N.E.2d 464
    , 467–68 (N.Y. 2006)
    (upholding   a   100-foot    buffer   zone    used      to   avoid   triggering    a
    supermajority vote); Armstrong v. McInnis, 
    142 S.E.2d 670
    , 679 (N.C.
    1965) (upholding a buffer zone of 101 feet that avoided triggering a
    statutory supermajority vote).     Some courts require a finding that the
    imposition of a buffer zone was for the town’s general welfare and was
    not made for arbitrary or capricious reasons. See, e.g., Town of Beech
    Mountain v. Genesis Wildlife Sanctuary, Inc., 
    786 S.E.2d 335
    , 345 (N.C.
    Ct. App. 2016) (noting it was proper for the district court to allow factual
    evidence regarding the question of whether a 200-foot buffer zone was
    arbitrary or capricious).
    Nevertheless,   even    if   the    petitioners    had    established       the
    requirement of a supermajority vote under Iowa Code section 414.5, the
    requirement was met. The statute requires the pertinent ordinance to
    pass by a vote of three-fourths of all members of the council, or seventy-
    five percent. Iowa Code § 414.5. The rezoning of the Field of Dreams site
    passed by a vote of 4–1, or eighty percent.
    E. Validity of Ordinance 777.               While the first appeal was
    pending, it was determined that Ordinance 770, and the corresponding
    notices regarding the rezoning, contained an incorrect legal description.
    In an attempt to correct the incorrect legal description, the city council
    passed Ordinance 777, which rezoned the subject property with the
    correct legal description. The petitioners allege Ordinance 777 is invalid
    because it rezoned property without the appropriate notice, public
    hearing, and due process requirements of Gorman v. City Development
    565 N.W.2d 607
    (Iowa 1997).
    In Gorman, the Roemig family requested the voluntary annexation
    of approximately 120 acres of their property into the City of Cedar
    Id. at 608.
      The Roemigs erred in describing their property,
    which resulted in the description they provided to the city including forty
    acres of land owned by a neighbor and leaving out eighty acres owned by
    the Roemigs.    
    Id. The city
    followed the proper notice protocols, but
    included the incorrect legal description.         
    Id. The city
    council held a
    public meeting and unanimously adopted a resolution approving the
    annexation of the Roemig property.          
    Id. The Linn
    County Board of
    Supervisors approved the annexation and, at the same time, corrected
    the error in the legal description.      
    Id. A resident
    of Cedar Rapids,
    Gorman, sought judicial review.       
    Id. We ultimately
    held that the
    Roemigs’ application for voluntary annexation did not substantially
    comply with the statutory requirements because the applicable statute
    required a legal description of the property. 
    Id. at 610.
    We reached this conclusion for a number of reasons.             First, the
    statute required the legal description of the property. 
    Id. Second, the
    statute required published notice, and we found that this implied a
    requirement that the property be legally descripted.       
    Id. Last, the
    description was relied upon throughout the proceedings and therefore
    did not provide proper notice to the public or other potentially interested
    parties regarding which property was meant to be annexed. 
    Id. at 611.
    Failing to comply with every word of a statute is not fatal in every
    situation. Id.; see also City of Des Moines v. City Dev. Bd., 
    473 N.W.2d 197
    , 200 (Iowa 1991). What we require is substantial compliance, which
    we have defined as “compliance in respect to essential matters necessary
    to assure the reasonable objectives of the statute.” 
    Gorman, 565 N.W.2d at 610
    (quoting Burnam v. Bd. of Review, 
    501 N.W.2d 553
    , 554 (Iowa
    1993)).   We noted that, when we determine “whether the erroneous
    description satisfies the requirement of substantial compliance, we
    consider the impact of the error upon the proceedings.” 
    Id. at 610.
    error in this case was significant because two-thirds of the property the
    Roemigs intended to annex into the city was not included in the legal
    description and forty acres were included that were never owned by the
    Id. at 611–12.
    We have also decided other cases that included errors in the legal
    description of property.   In Incorporated Town of Windsor Heights v.
    Colby, the legal description was listed as “Walnut Creek” when the
    proper description should have been “North Walnut Creek.”        
    249 Iowa 802
    , 804–05 
    89 N.W.2d 157
    , 158 (1958). We held this was a “technical
    misdescription” and was not substantial. 
    Id. at 806–07,
    89 N.W.2d at
    159. The error did not mislead any of the parties. 
    Id. In Wall
    v. County
    Board of Education, a lengthy description of a parcel of real estate
    included one typographical error. 
    249 Iowa 209
    , 221–22 
    86 N.W.2d 231
    238–39 (1957).    We held that the error did not mislead and did not
    adversely affect the reorganization of school districts at issue.       
    Id. Generally, substantial
    compliance requires that a statute or rule “has
    been followed sufficiently so as to carry out the intent for which it was
    adopted.” Bontrager Auto Serv., Inc. v. Iowa City Bd. of Adjustment, 
    748 N.W.2d 483
    , 488 (Iowa 2008) (quoting Brown v. John Deere Waterloo
    Tractor Works, 
    423 N.W.2d 193
    , 194 (Iowa 1988)).          Thus, we must
    determine whether the purpose of the statute or rule has been
    Id. In this
    case, neither the Iowa Code nor the Dyersville City Code of
    Ordinances require notice of the legal description of property. Iowa Code
    § 414.4 (requiring hearing and a notice of the time and place of the
    hearing but not requiring any particular description of the land); 
    id. § 414.5
    (noting that the same notice requirements apply equally to
    changes and amendments, and not requiring a legal description); 
    id. § 414.6
    (establishing a zoning commission responsible for recommending
    boundaries, but not requiring a legal description before a public hearing);
    Dyersville, Iowa, Code of Ordinances § 165.39(1) (requiring a clear
    description of the land, but not a legal description). Further, none of the
    members of the public were misled about the property the council voted
    to rezone.   The intent of the notice statute requires a public hearing
    during which concerned citizens may be heard. Iowa Code § 414.4. The
    statute provides a procedure for providing published notice of a time and
    place of a public hearing, which was followed by the city council.      
    Id. Many members
    of the community came to the public hearing and voiced
    their concerns about the rezoning of the Field of Dreams site. Many of
    the notices contained maps and drawings regarding the proposed
    property to be rezoned. There was no reasonable confusion regarding the
    property which was being considered for rezoning under ordinance 770.
    Likewise, after the correction was included in ordinance 777, the city
    counsel provided notice to the public. No community members spoke at
    the city counsel meeting during which ordinance 777 was discussed and
    passed. We agree with the decision of the district court and find that the
    proceedings before the city council substantially complied with the
    statutory requirements. Ordinance 777 is valid.
    F. Equal Protection and Due Process.         The petitioners assert
    that the rezoning violated the equal protection and due process clauses
    of the Iowa Constitution. For purposes of the equal protection clause,
    they argue that all of the surrounding neighbors of the rezoned area are
    similarly situated, but the 200-foot buffer surrounding three sides of the
    area prevented those neighbors from exercising the same right to object
    as the neighbors whose property does not have a buffer. For purposes of
    procedural due process, they assert that they were not provided a
    meaningful opportunity to be heard.
    The Iowa Constitution guarantees “[a]ll laws of a general nature
    shall have a uniform operation; the general assembly shall not grant to
    any citizen, or class of citizens, privileges or immunities, which, upon the
    same terms shall not equally belong to all citizens.” Iowa Const. art. I,
    § 6.   In practice, this means that “laws treat alike all people who are
    ‘similarly situated with respect to the legitimate purposes of the law.’ ”
    McQuistion v. City of Clinton, 
    872 N.W.2d 817
    , 830 (Iowa 2015) (quoting
    Varnum v. Brien, 
    763 N.W.2d 862
    , 882 (Iowa 2009)). Zoning and land
    use ordinances that do not impact a suspect classification must only
    meet the rational relationship test.     16C C.J.S. Building and Zoning
    Regulations § 1590, 160–61 (2015); see also 
    Blumenthal, 636 N.W.2d at 268
    We generally consider the federal and state equal protection
    clauses to be “identical in scope, import, and purpose.” War Eagle Vill.
    Apartments v. Plummer, 
    775 N.W.2d 714
    , 719 (Iowa 2009) (quoting State
    v. Bower, 
    725 N.W.2d 435
    , 441 (Iowa 2006)). The Supreme Court has
    succinctly      articulated   the   rational   basis   test   under   the   Federal
    Constitution as a “question [of] whether the classifications drawn in a
    statute are reasonable in light of its purpose.” Bierkamp v. Rogers, 
    293 N.W.2d 577
    , 580 (Iowa 1980) (quoting McLaughlin v. Florida, 
    379 U.S. 184
    , 191, 
    85 S. Ct. 283
    , 288, 
    13 L. Ed. 2d 222
    , 228 (1964)). We use this
    test as a guiding principle in our analysis of the rational basis test under
    the Iowa Constitution. Racing Ass’n of Cent. Iowa v. Fitzgerald (RACI),
    675 N.W.2d 1
    , 7 (Iowa 2004) (“It was this enunciation of the rational
    basis test that our court said in Bierkamp was appropriate for analyzing
    a claim based on the Iowa equality provision found in article I, section 6
    of the Iowa Constitution.”); 
    Bierkamp, 293 N.W.2d at 580
    (“We have long
    found a standard similar to that of McLaughlin to flow from Article I,
    section 6.”).
    Based on the principles of the federal test, we have developed a
    three-part framework to assist our analysis when we evaluate whether
    the rational-basis test has been met under the Iowa Constitution. See,
    McQuistion, 872 N.W.2d at 831
    ; Horsfield Materials, Inc. v. City of
    834 N.W.2d 444
    , 458–59 (Iowa 2013); 
    RACI, 675 N.W.2d at 7
    8.   First, we must determine whether there was a valid, “realistically
    conceivable” purpose that served a legitimate government interest.
    McQuistion, 872 N.W.2d at 831
    RACI, 675 N.W.2d at 7
    ); see also
    Horsfield, 834 N.W.2d at 458
    .             To be realistically conceivable, the
    ordinance cannot be “so overinclusive and underinclusive as to be
    Horsfield, 834 N.W.2d at 459
    (quoting State v. Mitchell, 757
    41 N.W.2d 431
    , 439 (Iowa 2008)). Next, we decide whether the identified
    reason has any basis in fact. 
    McQuistion, 872 N.W.2d at 831
    . Last, we
    evaluate whether the relationship between the classification and the
    purpose for the classification “is so weak that the classification must be
    viewed as arbitrary.” 
    Id. (quoting RACI,
    675 N.W.2d at 8).
    We also recognize that the rational-basis test is a deferential test.
    Horsfield, 834 N.W.2d at 458
    ; Ames Rental Prop. Ass’n v. City of Ames,
    736 N.W.2d 255
    , 259 (Iowa 2007).          Under the rational-basis test, we
    presume that the ordinance is constitutional unless the challenging
    party is able to meet its burden to “negat[e] every reasonable basis that
    might support the disparate treatment.” 
    Horsfield, 834 N.W.2d at 458
    (quoting Ames Rental Prop. 
    Ass’n, 736 N.W.2d at 259
    ).           We will not
    declare something unconstitutional under the rational-basis test unless
    it “clearly, palpably, and without doubt infringe[s] upon the constitution.”
    RACI, 675 N.W.2d at 8
    (quoting Glowacki v. State Bd. of Med. Exam’rs,
    501 N.W.2d 539
    , 541 (Iowa 1993)).
    The rezoning decision here clearly meets the rational-basis test.
    The council made the decision to rezone the Field of Dreams site in
    consideration of the best interests of Dyersville.        It considered the
    economic impact of increased tourism and investigated any water,
    sewage, traffic, and crime issues the rezoning could create. The decision
    was made with the overall zoning scheme of the city in mind, as one of
    the main goals of the comprehensive plan is to expand tourism to
    Dyersville via the Field of Dreams site.        There was a “realistically
    conceivable”   purpose   for   the   rezoning   that   served   a   legitimate
    government interest, because the council believed the rezoning could
    increase tourism to the city. See, e.g., 
    McQuistion, 872 N.W.2d at 831
    The council’s determination that the ballpark could increase tourism to
    the city and could lead to more jobs and to the tax base of the city was
    based on facts presented to and considered by the council. See, e.g., 
    id. The council
    ordered studies done regarding the financial impact on the
    city and listened to the opinions of multiple community members.
    Additionally, the use of the 200-foot buffer zone was a reasonable
    solution to the concerns of the community members and was not
    arbitrary or capricious. Last, as we determined above, the reason for the
    rezoning was not arbitrary. See, e.g., 
    id. There was
    no equal protection
    violation in this case.
    The due process clause commands that “no person shall be
    deprived of life, liberty, or property, without due process of law.” Iowa
    Const. art. I, § 9.       “The requirements of procedural due process are
    simple and well established: (1) notice; and (2) a meaningful opportunity
    to be heard.” 
    Blumenthal, 636 N.W.2d at 264
    ; see also Aluminum Co. of
    Am. v. Musal, 
    622 N.W.2d 476
    , 479 (Iowa 2001) (“The two fundamental
    principles of due process are (1) notice and (2) the opportunity to
    We have held that procedural due process does not require a
    formal evidentiary hearing before the city council in the context of
    Montgomery, 299 N.W.2d at 693
    .      “Even if we assume that
    neighbors to a rezoned area have a life, liberty or property interest which
    requires some type of hearing, the statutorily required comment-
    argument hearing . . . is sufficient to meet due process.”        
    Id. The petitioners
    were given adequate notice of the parcel of land that was
    proposed to be rezoned and adequate notice of the time and place of city
    council meetings and hearings.       Further, they were actually heard on
    numerous occasions, as a number of the petitioners attended both
    regular city council meetings and the public hearing on the issue of
    rezoning. All community members in attendance who wished to speak
    were allowed. The petitioners in this case were afforded procedural due
    III. Conclusion.
    We conclude that the district court was correct in annulling the
    writs of certiorari. The city council acted in its proper legislative function
    when it rezoned the Field of Dreams property.         Both ordinances were
    validly passed, and no procedural or substantive errors affected the
    decisions of the city council in its rezoning decisions.
    DECISION       OF    DISTRICT       COURT      AFFIRMED;        WRITS
    All justices concur except Wiggins, J., who concurs specially.
    #15–1413, Residential & Ag. Advisory Comm. v. Dyersville City Council
    WIGGINS, Justice (concurring specially).
    I concur with the majority decision. Our decision does not mean
    that the actions of the city council are not beyond the reach of the
    persons they were elected to serve.     At the next election, the council’s
    actions are subject to review by the electorate. Under the separation-of-
    powers doctrine, “electoral control [is] an important restraint on
    legislative conduct.”   Teague v. Mosley, 
    552 N.W.2d 646
    , 650 (Iowa