Larry D. Schaefer and Elaine M. Schaefer v. Dale L. Putnam, Putnam Law Office, and SMP, L.L.C. , 841 N.W.2d 68 ( 2013 )

  •               IN THE SUPREME COURT OF IOWA
    No. 12–0064
    Filed December 13, 2013
    On review from the Iowa Court of Appeals.
    Appeal from the Iowa District Court for Cerro Gordo County,
    James M. Drew, Judge.
    A farm creditor seeks further review of a court of appeals decision
    reversing a district court ruling that found it had subject matter
    jurisdiction to foreclose a mortgage on agricultural property. DECISION
    Peter C. Riley of Tom Riley Law Firm, P.L.C., Cedar Rapids, for
    Dale L. Putnam of Putnam Law Office, Decorah, for appellees.
    ZAGER, Justice.
    In this appeal, we are asked to interpret Iowa Code section
    654A.6(1) (2009) when a farm creditor, after being sued regarding the
    validity of its mortgages, brought a counterclaim to foreclose the
    mortgages without first obtaining a mediation release. Larry and Elaine
    Schaefer filed suit against their sons, their former attorney, Dale
    Putnam, a limited liability company, SMP, L.L.C. (SMP), and others.
    SMP, without first seeking mediation, counterclaimed to foreclose on a
    mortgage granted by the Schaefers on their agricultural property. The
    district court foreclosed the mortgage. After the district court denied the
    Schaefers’ motion to quash or stay the sheriff’s sale, they appealed,
    arguing that the district court lacked subject matter jurisdiction to
    foreclose on the agricultural property without SMP first obtaining the
    mediation release required by Iowa Code section 654A.6(1). The court of
    appeals agreed and reversed the district court.            We granted further
    review.   For the reasons set forth below, we conclude SMP was not
    required to obtain the mediation release prior to filing a counterclaim to
    foreclose its mortgage. We therefore reverse the court of appeals on this
    issue and affirm the decision of the district court.
    I. Background Facts and Proceedings.1
    In 1998, Land O’ Lakes obtained a judgment against Larry
    Schaefer for $127,125 plus interest. After the judgment, Larry Schaefer
    transferred by quitclaim deed, for no consideration, real property located
    in Oklahoma to his wife Elaine.         After Land O’ Lakes commenced a
    1The   procedural history of this case is lengthy and complex. However, some
    history regarding the facts leading up to the current dispute will be instructive.
    fraudulent-transfer action against Larry and Elaine Schaefer2 in
    Oklahoma, it obtained a judgment for $161,749.19.                      The Oklahoma
    judgment amount represented the original judgment against Larry plus
    accrued interest and costs.
    On January 12, 2001, G.R.D. Investments L.L.C. (G.R.D.) filed its
    “Articles of Organization” with the Iowa Secretary of State, naming the
    Schaefers as the managers of G.R.D.               The Schaefers entered into an
    employment agreement with G.R.D., which entitled Larry and Elaine
    each to health insurance and a salary.               G.R.D.’s operating agreement
    named Raymond and Dean Schaefer, the Schaefers’ sons,3 as the initial
    members of G.R.D. The purpose of G.R.D., according to the operating
    agreement, was to purchase, sell, and rent real estate.                    G.R.D. was
    formed with the assistance of the Schaefers’ attorney, Dale Putnam.4
    In January 2001, the Schaefers transferred by quitclaim deed all of
    their nonexempt real property to G.R.D.                 The property consisted of
    approximately 160 acres of farmland and other real estate on which
    houses and buildings were situated. The Schaefers retained forty acres
    of real estate in Cerro Gordo County, which they claimed as their forty-
    acre homestead.        After the transfer of the real property, Liberty Bank,
    F.S.B.5 loaned money to G.R.D., and G.R.D. executed and delivered to
    2We will refer individually to Larry Schaefer and Elaine Schaefer as Larry and
    Elaine. We will refer collectively to Larry and Elaine Schaefer as the Schaefers.
    avoid confusion with Larry and Elaine Schaefer (Schaefers), we will refer to
    Raymond and Dean Schaefer as Raymond and Dean.
    4We   will refer collectively to Dale Putnam and Putnam Law Office as Putnam.
    5Liberty  Bank, F.S.B. is successor by merger of Hancock County Bank & Trust.
    The loans in question were actually made by Hancock County Bank, but for purposes of
    clarity, we refer to the lender as Liberty Bank, which was a party to this suit, though it
    has no role in this appeal.
    Liberty Bank mortgages on the real property transferred previously by
    the Schaefers to G.R.D.
    In July 2001, Land O’ Lakes filed a complaint in the United States
    District Court for the Northern District of Iowa seeking to enforce its
    judgment against the 160 acres of farmland, despite the Schaefers’
    purported transfer of the farmland to G.R.D. Afterwards, Land O’ Lakes
    and the Schaefers discussed settlement.               In May 2003, the parties
    reached a settlement agreement under which the Schaefers agreed to pay
    Land O’ Lakes $85,000.
    On April 2, the Schaefers executed a promissory note for $85,000
    payable to G.R.D.        A mortgage on the Schaefers’ previously retained
    forty-acre homestead, executed the same day, secured the note. On May
    1, G.R.D. borrowed $275,000 from Liberty Bank and executed a
    promissory note. G.R.D. then loaned the Schaefers $85,000. On May
    12, the Schaefers tendered to Land O’ Lakes the settlement funds.
    In October 2003, the Schaefers filed for Chapter 7 bankruptcy. On
    March 30, 2004, the bankruptcy trustee filed a complaint seeking to
    avoid as fraudulent the January 2001 transfers by the Schaefers to
    G.R.D. The bankruptcy court afterward voided the 2001 transfers under
    the Bankruptcy Code.6 See 11 U.S.C. § 548 (2000). As a result of the
    bankruptcy ruling, the trustee had the authority to take control of the
    real property, liquidate it, and distribute sale proceeds to the Schaefers’
    To prevent the trustee from selling the real property, the Schaefers
    had to pay their creditors, the trustee’s fees, and the trustee’s attorney
    6The effect of this bankruptcy ruling on who held title to the real property was
    examined in Schaefer v. Schaefer, 
    795 N.W.2d 494
    , 502 (Iowa 2011).
    fees. The Schaefers borrowed the necessary money from SMP. In late
    2005, the Schaefers executed four promissory notes payable to SMP and
    granted SMP a mortgage on certain real property. Also, on June 8, 2006,
    G.R.D. assigned to SMP the mortgage on the forty-acre homestead dated
    April 2, 2003, which secured the $85,000 promissory note with the same
    date. The Schaefers defaulted on the notes.
    On September 23, 2008, the Schaefers filed their petition at law for
    declaratory relief against Putnam, SMP, G.R.D., Raymond and Dean, and
    Liberty Bank.7 The Schaefers alleged Putnam negligently advised them
    with respect to their bankruptcy and the formation of G.R.D.                  The
    Schaefers also alleged Putnam and SMP breached their fiduciary duties
    to the Schaefers. According to the petition, these breaches of fiduciary
    duties rendered the mortgages delivered to SMP unenforceable.
    Both Putnam and SMP filed answers and counterclaims. Putnam
    counterclaimed for unpaid attorney fees. SMP counterclaimed seeking to
    foreclose all its mortgages, including the $85,000 mortgage on the forty-
    acre homestead.        With respect to the mortgage on the forty-acre
    homestead, SMP’s counterclaim contended that “[d]ue to the Plaintiff’s
    filing their Petition, and the claim of SMP constituting a compulsory
    counterclaim, there is no requirement for mediation or a Notice to Cure.”
    In their answer to SMP’s counterclaim, among their other responses, the
    Schaefers “den[ied] the allegations . . . with respect to the requirement
    for mediation.”
    The district court bifurcated the proceedings and commenced a
    jury trial on February 8, 2011. The jury reached a verdict on March 4 in
    7Because    this appeal addresses only the claims and counterclaims among the
    Schaefers, Putnam, and SMP, only the facts and proceedings relevant to those claims
    have been set forth here.
    which it rejected the Schaefers’ claims against Putnam.                      The jury
    returned a verdict in favor of Putnam on his counterclaim for unpaid
    attorney fees.      Accordingly, the court dismissed the claims against
    Putnam and entered judgment for him in the amount of $12,200. The
    court later denied all of the Schaefers’ posttrial motions.
    On June 6, the district court issued its findings of fact and
    conclusions of law regarding SMP’s counterclaims to foreclose its
    mortgages.     Based on its findings and conclusions, the court entered
    judgment in rem in favor of SMP for $149,596.80 plus $86,079.25 in
    attorney fees and foreclosed the mortgage on the forty-acre homestead.8
    On September 7, on behalf of Putnam, a “Notice of Sheriff’s Levy
    and Sale” was issued notifying the Schaefers of the sheriff’s intent to sell
    the Schaefers’ right to appeal the district court’s June 6 order. The sale
    was scheduled for November 17. Also on September 7, on behalf of SMP,
    a “Notice of Sheriff’s Levy and Sale” was issued informing the Schaefers
    the sheriff planned to liquidate the foreclosed real property, including the
    forty-acre homestead. The sale was scheduled for December 8, and the
    notice indicated the sale was not subject to a right of redemption.
    On November 3, the Schaefers filed a motion to quash, seeking to
    prevent the sale of their appeal rights. The Schaefers argued the right to
    appeal was not subject to levy under Iowa Code section 626.21. Putnam
    resisted, arguing the right to appeal is like any other asset, and as such,
    is subject to execution. On November 15, the district court found that
    Putnam, as a judgment creditor of the Schaefers, may levy on appeal
    rights relating to the claims brought by the Schaefers.               Putnam could
    8Inthe same order, the district court also foreclosed an additional mortgage that
    secured the four additional promissory notes, totaling $476,148.39.
    not, however, levy on the appeal rights of the claims brought against the
    Schaefers.     The court ordered the sheriff’s sale cancelled.          Following
    receipt of another levy and sale notice, this one reflecting the district
    court’s order narrowing Putnam’s right to levy on the appeal rights, the
    Schaefers sought again to quash the sale.              Again, SMP resisted.   The
    district court denied the second motion to quash.
    On November 30, the Schaefers filed another motion to quash, this
    time seeking to prevent the sale of the forty-acre homestead.                 The
    Schaefers argued for the first time that under Iowa Code chapter 654A
    the district court lacked subject matter jurisdiction to foreclose the forty-
    acre homestead. According to the Schaefers, the forty-acre homestead
    was agricultural property under Iowa Code chapter 654A, and SMP did
    not obtain a mediation release prior to asserting its counterclaim seeking
    foreclosure.     The mediation release, the Schaefers argued, was a
    jurisdictional    prerequisite   to   the   district    court’s   subject   matter
    jurisdiction over the foreclosure proceeding. The Schaefers asserted the
    sale of the forty-acre homestead should therefore be quashed or stayed.
    In addition to contesting jurisdiction, the Schaefers asserted the sale
    should be subject to a right of redemption. SMP resisted.
    On December 7, the district court denied the Schaefers’ motion to
    quash the Sheriff’s sale of the forty-acre homestead. Nevertheless, noting
    that SMP agreed that the forty-acre homestead was agricultural property,
    the court found the sale should be subject to a one-year right of
    On January 6, 2012, the Schaefers appealed the district court’s
    ruling denying their motion to quash the sale of the forty-acre
    homestead.       On March 8, the Schaefers appealed the court’s ruling
    denying their motion to quash the sale of their appeal rights.                 We
    consolidated the two appeals and transferred the case to the court of
    In February 2013, the court of appeals issued its opinion. Finding
    that Iowa Code section 626.21 permits creditors to levy upon “things in
    action” and that the rights of the Schaefers to appeal the affirmative
    claims brought by them were just such “things,” the court held the
    district court did not abuse its discretion when it denied the Schaefers’
    motion to quash the levy and sale of their appeal rights. The Schaefers
    do not seek further review of the court’s holding affirming the district
    The court of appeals did, however, reverse the foreclosure of the
    forty-acre homestead. As they had at the district court, the Schaefers
    argued the court lacked subject matter jurisdiction to hear SMP’s
    counterclaim seeking foreclosure because SMP did not first obtain the
    mediation release required by Iowa Code section 654A.6(1).            SMP
    countered that the mediation requirement did not apply to its
    counterclaim because it did not “desire” to “initiate” the foreclosure
    proceeding, which SMP asserted was a compulsory counterclaim under
    Iowa Rule of Civil Procedure 1.241.
    The court did not determine whether the foreclosure proceeding
    was a compulsory counterclaim.            Rather, based on the court’s
    examination of the legislative history of chapter 654A and our precedent,
    the court of appeals concluded the legislature intended a broad
    construction of the mediation requirement to protect farmers facing
    foreclosure. Adopting this broad construction, the court of appeals held
    the phrase “desiring to initiate a proceeding” used in Iowa Code section
    654A.6(1)(a) encompassed the filing of a counterclaim. Because SMP had
    not obtained a mediation release before asserting its counterclaim, it had
    not met the jurisdictional prerequisites of section 654A.6(1). The court of
    appeals concluded, therefore, that the district court lacked subject
    matter jurisdiction to hear SMP’s foreclosure counterclaim.
    SMP sought further review, which we granted to interpret Iowa
    Code section 654A.6(1).
    II. Standard of Review.
    We review subject matter jurisdiction rulings for correction of
    errors at law. Klinge v. Bentien, 
    725 N.W.2d 13
    , 15 (Iowa 2006); see also
    Iowa R. App. P. 6.907.      “A ‘court has inherent power to determine
    whether it has jurisdiction over the subject matter of the proceedings
    before it.’ ” Klinge, 725 N.W.2d at 15 (quoting Tigges v. City of Ames, 
    356 N.W.2d 503
    , 512 (Iowa 1984)). Questions of statutory construction also
    are reviewed for corrections of legal error. Hardin Cnty. Drainage Dist.
    55, Div. 3, Lateral 10 v. Union Pac. R.R., 
    826 N.W.2d 507
    , 510 (Iowa
    2013); cf. Wesley Ret. Servs., Inc. v. Hansen Lind Meyer, Inc., 
    594 N.W.2d 22
    , 29 (Iowa 1999) (ruling compelling mandatory arbitration under Iowa
    Code section 679A.1 is reviewed for correction of errors at law).
    III. Discussion.
    On further review, we have discretion to review any issues raised
    on appeal, whether or not they were raised in the application for further
    review. Chamberlain, L.L.C. v. City of Ames, 
    757 N.W.2d 644
    , 648 (Iowa
    2008). We here choose not to review the court of appeals’ affirmance of
    the trial court’s denial of the Schaefers’ motion to quash the sale of their
    appeal rights.   Therefore, the court of appeals decision on that issue
    stands. Cf. Hills Bank & Trust Co. v. Converse, 
    772 N.W.2d 764
    , 770
    (Iowa 2009) (holding court of appeals decision stood on issues not
    addressed on further review).
    The sole issue before us is whether a farm creditor that brings a
    compulsory counterclaim to foreclose agricultural property is subject to
    the mandatory mediation requirement contained in Iowa Code section
    654A.6(1)(a) (2009).9         On further review, SMP makes two arguments.
    First, SMP contends it did not desire to initiate the proceeding to
    foreclose the mortgage on the forty-acre homestead. Second, SMP argues
    the Schaefers could have pursued voluntary mediation under Iowa Code
    section 654A.5, the voluntary mediation provision. The Schaefers’ failure
    to do so, according to SMP, relieved SMP of the obligation to seek
    mediation under section 654A.6(1), the mandatory mediation provision.
    The Schaefers urge us to broadly interpret section 654A.6(1),
    which would prevent SMP from bringing its counterclaim prior to
    pursuing mediation. The Schaefers assert we should not address SMP’s
    second argument, which they note SMP did not raise at the court of
    appeals. Alternatively, the Schaefers insist their election not to mediate
    under     the     voluntary     mediation     provision     has    no   effect   on   the
    jurisdictional requirement that SMP first seek mediation under the
    mandatory mediation provision.
    A. Compulsory Counterclaim. As a preliminary matter, we must
    determine whether SMP’s counterclaim to foreclose on the forty-acre
    homestead was indeed compulsory. The court of appeals did not answer
    this question. Under Iowa Rule of Civil Procedure 1.241, a party who
    fails to raise a compulsory counterclaim loses the claim. See Iowa R. Civ.
    P. 1.241. A compulsory counterclaim is a claim that arises out of the
    same transaction or occurrence that is the basis of the opposing party’s
    claim if the following are true: (1) the claim is then matured, (2) the claim
    9Unless   otherwise noted, all references are to the 2009 Iowa Code.
    is not the subject of any other pending action, (3) the claim is held by the
    pleader against the opposing party, and (4) the claim does not require the
    presence of necessary parties over whom the court cannot acquire
    jurisdiction. Iowa R. Civ. P. 1.241 official cmt; Harrington v. Polk Cnty.
    Fed. Savs. & Loan Ass’n of Des Moines, 
    196 N.W.2d 543
    , 545 (Iowa
    1972).   In order to determine whether a claim arises out of the same
    transaction or occurrence, we ask whether there is any logical relation
    between the plaintiff’s claim and the counterclaim.        Harrington, 196
    N.W.2d at 545. SMP’s foreclosure counterclaim was logically related to
    the Schaefers’ claim. In fact, the Schaefers’ petition sought to have the
    mortgages declared unenforceable because, they alleged, SMP had
    breached its fiduciary duties to the Schaefers. See Farmers State Bank v.
    251 Iowa 942
    , 948, 
    103 N.W.2d 704
    , 707 (1960) (finding
    counterclaim to foreclose on a trailer was compulsory after buyer sought
    damages for breach of warranty).     A counterclaim is mature when the
    party possessing the claim “is entitled to a legal remedy.” Sky View Fin.,
    Inc. v. Bellinger, 
    554 N.W.2d 694
    , 697 (Iowa 1996).        SMP’s claim to
    foreclose on the forty-acre homestead was mature because the Schaefers
    were in default on the mortgage and promissory note.
    The other elements of a compulsory counterclaim are also met.
    The foreclosure action was not pending at the time the Schaefers filed
    their petition, it was held by SMP against the Schaefers, and the
    foreclosure action did not require the presence of parties over whom the
    district court could not acquire jurisdiction. Accordingly, SMP’s right to
    foreclose the mortgage on the forty-acre homestead clearly was a
    compulsory counterclaim in the Schaefers’ action to declare that
    mortgage invalid.
    B. Statutory Interpretation. This case requires us to interpret
    the language of Iowa Code section 654A.6(1). In doing so, we apply well-
    settled principles:
    “The purpose of statutory interpretation is to determine the
    legislature’s intent.   We give words their ordinary and
    common meaning by considering the context within which
    they are used, absent a statutory definition or an established
    meaning in the law. We also consider the legislative history
    of a statute, including prior enactments, when ascertaining
    legislative intent. When we interpret a statute, we assess the
    statute in its entirety, not just isolated words or phrases.
    We may not extend, enlarge, or otherwise change the
    meaning of a statute under the guise of construction.”
    State v. Romer, 
    832 N.W.2d 169
    , 176 (Iowa 2013) (quoting In re Estate of
    814 N.W.2d 215
    , 223 (Iowa 2012)).
    1. The provenance and purpose of farm mediation in Iowa. Before
    proceeding to analyze the terms of the mandatory mediation statute, it is
    helpful to examine its history and the events that culminated in its
    enactment.     We examine the statute’s legislative history and the
    circumstances under which it was enacted to aid our understanding of
    the legislature’s intent. See Iowa Code § 4.6(2) (permitting courts when
    resolving ambiguity to examine the circumstances of a statute’s
    enactment); Romer, 832 N.W.2d at 176 (noting we consider legislative
    history when interpreting an ambiguous statute); State v. Lindell, 
    828 N.W.2d 1
    , 5 (Iowa 2013) (“We also consider the legislative history of a
    statute when determining legislative intent.”).   The history of chapter
    654A and the circumstances under which it was enacted offer support
    for our ultimate interpretation of the mandatory mediation provision.
    In the late 1970s and early 1980s, sudden economic changes
    “caused the bottom to fall out of the U.S. farm economy.”        Bethany
    Verhoef Brands et al., The Iowa Mediation Service: An Empirical Study of
    Iowa Attorneys’ Views on Mandatory Farm Mediation, 
    79 Iowa L
    . Rev.
    653, 661 (1994) [hereinafter Brands]; see also Leonard L. Riskin, Two
    Concepts of Mediation in the FmHA’s Farmer–Lender Mediation Program,
    45 Admin. L. Rev. 21, 25–26 (1993) (describing the onset of the farm
    crisis). The bust followed a boom. Brands, 
    79 Iowa L
    . Rev. at 657–63
    (contrasting the 1970s with the 1980s). In the 1970s, world agricultural
    commodity markets vastly expanded, agricultural land prices rapidly
    increased, and credit for farmers freely flowed. See id. at 658–61. When
    the farm crisis descended, farmers who had taken on heavy debt
    burdens could no longer manage the interest payments on those debts.
    Id. at 665. Lenders responded by foreclosing on real property or seeking
    to recover farm machinery shortly after loans became delinquent.      Id.
    The crisis not only devastated farms, small banks, and agribusinesses,
    but also destroyed farmers and their families.      See id. at 665–67.
    Substance abuse, violence, and suicide tore through Iowa’s farm
    communities. See id. at 667.
    In response, advocacy groups formed to aid distressed farmers. Id.
    They established hotlines and held workshops to inform farmers of their
    rights. Id. at 668. They gathered media attention. Id. Members of the
    clergy, social workers, and healthcare professionals visited farmers and
    their families, but attorneys capable of handling farmers’ legal problems
    were scarce. Id. at 668–69.
    In 1985, disparate groups including farmers, mediators, and
    creditors created a voluntary mediation program to ease tensions
    between farmers and creditors. See id. at 672–73. The next year, the
    Iowa legislature, by enacting Iowa Code chapter 654A, went a step
    further and mandated a creditor seek mediation in some cases before it
    could proceed to foreclosure. See 1986 Iowa Acts ch. 1214, § 19 (codified
    at Iowa Code § 654A.6(1) (1987)).10 It also enacted that same year the
    voluntary mediation provision.          See id. § 18 (codified at Iowa Code
    § 654A.5 (1987)).        The legislature found specifically that foreclosure
    threatened farmers who were unable to make mortgage payments, that
    the farm crisis affected all rural businesses, and that the “agricultural
    sector of the economy of this state [was] under severe financial stress.”
    Id. § 1.         The legislature further noted “[t]he agricultural economic
    emergency require[d] an orderly process . . . to adjust agricultural
    indebtedness to preserve the general welfare and fiscal integrity of the
    state.”    Id.     Interpreting the statute shortly after it was enacted, we
    described a “general legislative intent to give some relief to farmers in
    dire financial straits.” First Nat’l Bank in Lenox v. Heimke, 
    407 N.W.2d 344
    , 346 (Iowa 1987).
    2. The terms of the mandatory mediation provision. We have had
    few opportunities to review Iowa Code section 654A.6. See generally Kent
    Feeds, Inc. v. Manthei, 
    646 N.W.2d 87
    , 89–90 (Iowa 2002) (holding on a
    narrow reading of chapter 654A that the mandatory mediation provision
    does not require a creditor to engage in mediation before pursuing a
    10Like  Iowa, other states have passed statutes mandating that creditors seek
    mediation or provide debtors notice of the chance to mediate before foreclosing on
    agricultural property. See, e.g., Ark. Code Ann. § 2-7-302 (West, Westlaw current
    through 2013 Reg. and First Ex. Sess.); Minn. Stat. Ann. § 583.26 (West, Westlaw
    current through 2013 First Special Sess.); S.D. Codified Laws § 54-13-10 (Westlaw
    current through 2013 Reg. Sess.). Some states have provided for voluntary mediation
    schemes before agricultural property foreclosure. See, e.g., Neb. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 2-
    4808 (Westlaw current through 2013 Reg. Sess.); Or. Rev. Stat. Ann. § 36.256 (West,
    Westlaw current through 2013 Reg. and Special Sess.); Wis. Stat. Ann. § 93.50 (West,
    Westlaw current through 2013 Wis. Act 57). Still other states have adopted mediation
    programs that apply to residential property foreclosures generally. See, e.g., Conn.
    Gen. Stat. Ann. § 8-265ee (Westlaw current through 2013 Reg. and Special Sess.); Me.
    Rev. Stat. Ann. tit. 14, § 6321-A (Westlaw current through 2013 First Reg. Sess. and
    First Special Sess. of the 126th Legis.). Our research has not revealed another case
    involving facts analogous to those presented by this case.
    personal judgment); Prod. Credit Ass’n of the Midlands v. Shirley, 
    485 N.W.2d 469
    ,   471   (Iowa    1992)    (explaining      section   654A.6    stays
    proceedings until a creditor obtains a mediation release); Graham v.
    447 N.W.2d 397
    , 399 (Iowa 1989) (“The procedural requirements
    imposed by the statute mandate only that a creditor request mediation
    and participate therein.”); Heimke, 407 N.W.2d at 346 (holding the
    mandatory mediation provision is retrospectively applicable).
    Chapter 654A applies to “borrowers” who are operating farms.
    Iowa Code § 654A.4(2).         The chapter applies to creditors of those
    borrowers with a secured debt of at least twenty thousand dollars against
    the borrower. Id. § 654A.4(1). Under the chapter a “creditor” is, among
    other things, “the holder of a mortgage on agricultural property.”               Id.
    § 654A.1(3) (emphasis omitted).
    The    mandatory      mediation        provision,    Iowa     Code     section
    654A.6(1)(a), in relevant part provides, “A creditor . . . desiring to initiate
    a proceeding to enforce a debt against agricultural property which is real
    estate under chapter 654 . . . shall file a request for mediation with the
    farm mediation service.” The phrase “initiate a proceeding to enforce a
    debt” could mean Iowa Code section 654A.6(1)(a) requires only that a
    creditor bringing the initial claim first seek mediation. The district court
    adopted this interpretation, and accordingly, found it was not deprived of
    jurisdiction to hear SMP’s foreclosure counterclaim.
    It is not apparent from the plain language, however, that section
    654A.6 is so limited in scope. The phrase could also be interpreted more
    broadly to require mediation prior to a counterclaimant’s action to
    enforce a debt, which, if so interpreted, would deprive the district court
    of jurisdiction in this case. The Schaefers urge this interpretation, the
    same one adopted by the court of appeals.              We agree the statute is
    susceptible of two interpretations and reasonable persons could disagree.
    See Bockwoldt, 814 N.W.2d at 223. The statute is ambiguous and “we
    must turn to the principles of statutory construction.” Id.
    We examine this statute in its entirety when determining the
    legislature’s intent. See Romer, 832 N.W.2d at 176; see also Lindell, 828
    N.W.2d at 5 (noting we consider the context in which statutory terms are
    used); Hardin Cnty. Drainage Dist. 55, 826 N.W.2d at 512 (“We also
    examine statutory language holistically.”).    Although on further review
    SMP directs much of its argument toward insisting the court of appeals
    placed insufficient emphasis on what SMP actually “desired,” the real
    crux of this dispute is what it means to “initiate” a proceeding under the
    mandatory mediation provision.       See Iowa Code § 654A.6(1)(a).      We
    believe Iowa Code section 654A.6 does not require a creditor to seek
    mediation before asserting a compulsory counterclaim against a creditor.
    The legislature left “initiate” undefined. Therefore, “ ‘we may refer
    to prior decisions of this court and others, similar statutes, dictionary
    definitions, and common usage’ ” to ascertain the meaning of the word.
    Iowa Dental Ass’n v. Iowa Ins. Div., 
    831 N.W.2d 138
    , 145 (Iowa 2013)
    (quoting Bernau v. Iowa Dep’t of Transp., 
    580 N.W.2d 757
    , 761 (Iowa
    1998)). The dictionary definitions of “initiate” are “to cause or facilitate
    the beginning of” and “set going.”          Merriam Webster’s Collegiate
    Dictionary 644 (11th ed. 2004).      Black’s Law Dictionary also defines
    initiate: “Commence; start; originate; introduce; inchoate.” Black’s Law
    Dictionary 784 (6th ed. 1990).      In Iowa Code section 654A.6, then,
    “initiate” means to start or commence.        Read with this meaning, the
    mandatory mediation provision mandates a creditor first seek mediation
    before it starts a proceeding. See Iowa Code § 654A.6(1)(a). On the other
    hand, a creditor named as a defendant in a proceeding, like SMP in this
    case, by a borrower, like the Schaefers in this case, need not seek
    mediation because the creditor did not start the proceeding.
    The word “initiates” appears again in section of 654A.6(1). Iowa
    Code section 654A.6(1)(b), the jurisdictional prerequisite provision, which
    directly impinges on this dispute, provides that the requirements of the
    mandatory mediation provision “are jurisdictional prerequisites to a
    creditor filing a civil action that initiates a proceeding subject to [chapter
    654A].”11      This provision is noteworthy for its similarity to Iowa’s
    procedural rule governing the commencement of actions.                         That rule
    provides, “For all purposes, a civil action is commenced by filing a
    petition with the court.” Iowa R. Civ. P. 1.301(1). As noted above, one
    definition of “initiate” is “commence.”            Black’s Law Dictionary at 784.
    The initiation of a civil action is thus achieved by filing a petition with a
    court. See Iowa R. Civ. P. 1.301(1). Because we interpret statutes and
    court rules so as to harmonize them with one another, we do not view
    the jurisdictional prerequisite provision as an effort by the legislature to
    alter the method of commencing a civil action for these particular suits.
    Cf. Jud. Branch v. Iowa Dist. Ct., 
    800 N.W.2d 569
    , 576 (Iowa 2011)
    (explaining that when interpreting statutes we seek to harmonize them
    with statutes on the same topic).              Rather, we view the jurisdictional
    prerequisite provision only as requiring a creditor to first comply with the
    mandatory mediation requirements before it starts a civil action in the
    manner prescribed by the rules of civil of procedure. The provision has
    no effect on compulsory counterclaimants, who do not start civil actions.
    11We    acknowledge the specific definition of “[f]ile” for purposes of chapter 654A,
    see Iowa Code § 654A.1(5) (emphasis omitted), but we do not interpret that definition to
    apply to “filing” within the jurisdictional prerequisite provision.
    The mandatory mediation provision displays one final indication it
    poses no impediment to a creditor asserting a compulsory counterclaim
    to foreclose without first seeking mediation.         Section 654A.6(1)(a)
    provides that until the creditor receives a mediation release or until a
    court determines that the creditor would suffer irreparable harm by
    mediating, the “creditor shall not begin the proceeding subject to this
    chapter.”   Iowa Code § 654A.6(1)(a) (emphasis added).      This provision
    bars a creditor, like SMP, from starting a proceeding before first
    satisfying either of the two conditions to suit.       SMP did not seek
    mediation and it did not seek a determination that it would suffer
    irreparable harm by mediating, but it did not need to. By definition, a
    compulsory counterclaim does not begin an action. See Iowa R. Civ. P.
    1.241 (requiring a party’s responsive pleading to contain any matured
    claim arising out of the same transaction or occurrence not already part
    of the pending action); Iowa R. Civ. P. 1.242 (permitting a party to
    counterclaim on any matured claim “held by the party when the action
    was originally commenced”).
    In this case, it was the Schaefers that filed the petition with the
    court, thus commencing the action.        See Iowa R. Civ. P. 1.301(1).
    Nothing in the mandatory mediation provision prohibited the Schaefers
    from starting the action because they were borrowers, not creditors. See
    Iowa Code § 654A.6(1). Once the action had commenced, nothing in the
    statute precluded SMP from raising its foreclosure counterclaim, even
    though SMP is a creditor. The mandatory mediation statute requires a
    creditor “desiring to” start “a proceeding” to file a mediation request with
    the farm mediation service.     Id. § 654A.6(1)(a).   When SMP filed its
    compulsory counterclaim, it did not start the proceeding, nor is there any
    indication in the record SMP desired to start such a proceeding until it
    was confronted with the Schaefers’ initial claim. The statute by its terms
    inhibits only a creditor’s ability to initiate a proceeding. See Iowa Code
    § 654A.6(1)(a).
    3. Mandatory mediation and subject matter jurisdiction.                 That
    leaves open the question of the effect of the jurisdictional prerequisite
    provision in this case.       We have never passed on the effect of the
    jurisdictional prerequisite provision contained in section 654A.6(1). We
    have though reviewed a nearly identical provision in a similar statute,
    Iowa Code section 654B.3 (2005). See Klinge, 725 N.W.2d at 17–18. The
    general assembly enacted chapter 654B in 1990 because it found the
    new chapter “necessary to extend programs enacted in 1986 to provide
    legal assistance to farmers suffering financial distress and to provide
    farmer-creditor mediation services.” 1990 Iowa Acts ch. 1143, § 1.
    The substance of chapters 654A and 654B is similar.                 Chapter
    654B applies to certain types of farm disputes. See Iowa Code § 654B.3.
    Section 654B.3(1) prescribes that “[a] person who is a farm resident, or
    other party, desiring to initiate a civil proceeding to resolve a dispute,
    shall file a request for mediation with the farm mediation service.” Id.
    § 654B.3(1)(a); see also Klinge, 725 N.W.2d at 17–18 (explaining the
    consequences of an amendment to section 654B.3(1)). Section 654B.3(1)
    prohibits commencing a “proceeding until the person receives a
    mediation release,” unless pursuing mediation would cause “irreparable
    harm.”12 Iowa Code § 654B.3(1)(a)(1).
    Neither chapter 654A nor chapter 654B, as originally enacted,
    contained a jurisdictional prerequisite provision.            Only after a 1999
    12IowaCode section 654B.3(1) permits another exception, which is not available
    under chapter 654A and not applicable to this case, if the “dispute involves a claim
    which has been brought as a class action.” Iowa Code § 654B.3(1)(a)(2).
    federal district court ruling did the legislature amend the statutes to
    resolve any lingering doubt as to the effects of a litigant’s failure to
    comply with the statutes’ mediation requirements. In Rutter v. Carroll’s
    Foods of the Midwest, Inc., a group of property owners in Clay County,
    Iowa sued Carroll’s Foods of the Midwest, Inc. (CFM), to enjoin the
    establishment of a pig nursery and confinement facility. 
    50 F. Supp. 2d 876
    , 877–78 (N.D. Iowa 1999). CFM removed the case to federal court
    and filed a motion to dismiss for lack of subject matter jurisdiction. Id.
    at 878. CFM asserted that the property owners, except for one couple,
    failed to comply with the mandatory mediation requirement in chapter
    654B, which CFM viewed as a prerequisite to suit.           Id.     The property
    owners resisted. Id.
    The federal court first found that the property owners, except for
    one couple, failed to fulfill “the prerequisite of obtaining a mediation
    release before pursuing this action.”         Id. at 880.       The court then
    examined “whether the mediation release requirement is in fact
    ‘jurisdictional,’ or merely a condition precedent to suit, and hence
    whether failure to obtain such a release requires dismissal for lack of
    subject matter jurisdiction, as CFM contends.” Id. at 882. Noting the
    national dearth of authority on the specific question, the court “roughly”
    analogized the mediation release requirement to the requirement that
    employment discrimination plaintiffs first obtain a right-to-sue letter
    from   the   appropriate    agency   before    pursuing     a     civil   suit   for
    discrimination.   Id.   Under Title VII, the court found, the right-to-sue
    letter is a “ ‘condition precedent’ ” to suit, not a “ ‘jurisdictional
    prerequisite’ ” to suit, meaning the defect could be cured after the filing
    of a suit.   Id.; see also 42 U.S.C. § 2000e-5 (1994).            The court also
    distinguished Swanger v. Iowa, 
    445 N.W.2d 344
     (Iowa 1989), in which
    we    held    that    the    exhaustion      of   administrative       remedies      was
    jurisdictional, on the basis that Iowa waives sovereign immunity, “a
    jurisdictional matter,” only after the requirements of the relevant statute
    have been met.        Rutter, 50 F. Supp. 2d at 882 (citing Swanger, 445
    N.W.2d at 346–47). “[B]y analogy to comparable cases,” the federal court
    concluded that obtaining the mediation release under Iowa Code chapter
    654B was a condition precedent to suit, meaning the court did not have
    to dismiss the case for lack of subject matter jurisdiction.13 See id. at
    882–83 (explaining that the defect of failing to obtain a mediation release
    is “curable after suit has been filed”); cf. Walsh v. Larsen, 
    705 N.W.2d 638
    , 641–43 (S.D. 2005) (relying on Rutter and concluding that South
    Dakota’s mandatory mediation provision in agricultural foreclosure
    statute was not jurisdictional).
    13Subject  matter jurisdiction is “ ‘the authority of a court to hear and determine
    cases of the general class to which the proceedings in question belong, not merely the
    particular case then occupying the court’s attention.’ ” Christie v. Rolscreen Co., 
    448 N.W.2d 447
    , 450 (Iowa 1989) (quoting Wederath v. Brant, 
    287 N.W.2d 591
    , 594 (Iowa
    1980)). Subject matter jurisdiction is conferred by the constitution or by statute, and
    parties cannot confer on a court subject matter jurisdiction. Klinge, 725 N.W.2d at 15.
    If a court that lacked subject matter jurisdiction enters a judgment, “the judgment is
    void and subject to collateral attack.” Id. at 16.
    Subject matter jurisdiction is distinct from a court’s authority to hear a
    particular case. See id. (explaining Iowa courts’ increasing care with regard to
    distinguishing between subject matter jurisdiction and authority to hear a case). A
    court may have subject matter jurisdiction over a case, but nevertheless “may not be
    able to entertain the particular case.” Christie, 448 N.W.2d at 450. In such a situation,
    and despite having subject matter jurisdiction, the court lacks authority to hear the
    case. See id. The distinction is important because a judgment “entered without
    authority is voidable rather than void.” Klinge, 725 N.W.2d at 16. Unlike subject
    matter jurisdiction, which may not be conferred on a court by the parties, a “court’s
    authority can be obviated by consent, waiver or estoppel.” State v. Mandacino, 
    509 N.W.2d 481
    , 483 (Iowa 1993). “ ‘Thus if a party waives the court’s [lack of] authority to
    hear a particular case, the judgment becomes final and is not subject to collateral
    attack.’ ” Klinge, 725 N.W.2d at 16 (quoting In re Estate of Falck, 
    672 N.W.2d 785
    , 790
    (Iowa 2003)).
    In 2000, after the Rutter case, the Iowa legislature amended Iowa
    Code chapters 654A and 654B. See 2000 Iowa Acts ch. 1129, §§ 1–2
    (codified at Iowa Code § 654A.6(1)(b) (2001); id. § 654B.3(1)(b)).                        The
    amendment to chapter 654A, which is nearly the same as the
    amendment to chapter 654B,14 clarified that the mandatory mediation
    requirements in section 654A.6(1)(a) “are jurisdictional prerequisites to a
    creditor filing a civil action that initiates a proceeding subject to this
    chapter.” Id. § 1 (codified at Iowa Code § 654A.6(1)(b)). The explanation
    that accompanied the introduced version of the legislation states:
    This bill amends the mandatory mediation provisions
    of two Code sections relating to resolution of farm disputes.
    The bill specifies that the mediation requirements in Code
    sections 654A.6 and 654B.3 are jurisdictional prerequisites
    that must be satisfied before a case can be filed under those
    chapters. A 1999 federal district court ruling held that the
    current Code language did not prevent the filing of a suit
    under chapter 654B prior to mediation of the dispute.
    H.F. 2521, 78th G.A., 2d Sess., explanation (Iowa 2000). There were no
    relevant amendments before the bill’s enactment.
    In 2006, we had the chance to examine section 654B.3 in light of
    Rutter and the 2000 amendment.                  Klinge, 725 N.W.2d at 16–18.                In
    Klinge, the parties entered into a contract covering the raising and
    feeding of pigs. Id. at 14. Klinge sued Bentien for breach of contract in
    small claims court, and Bentien counterclaimed for negligence.                             Id.
    Neither party was represented by counsel, and neither party sought
    mediation under chapter 654B. Id. After the small claims court entered
    judgment in favor of both parties, Klinge appealed to the district court.
    14The  amendment to chapter 654B clarifies that the requirements of section
    654B.3(1)(a) “are jurisdictional prerequisites to a person filing a civil action that initiates
    a civil proceeding to resolve a dispute subject to this chapter.” 2000 Iowa Acts ch.
    1129, § 2 (codified at Iowa Code § 654B.3(1)(b)) (emphasis added).
    Id. The district court found a lack of evidence to support either claim,
    but because Bentien did not appeal, it ordered that the judgment against
    Bentien must stand. Id. at 15.
    Bentien’s newly hired attorney then sent the district court a letter
    to draw its attention to Iowa Code chapter 654B.         Id.   The attorney
    argued that the court lacked jurisdiction because neither party sought
    mediation, but the district court refused to take further action. Id. On
    appeal to this court, Bentien sought dismissal and argued both the small
    claims court and district court lacked subject matter jurisdiction. Id.
    After finding that chapter 654B was applicable to the parties and
    to their dispute, we examined the consequences under chapter 654B of
    failing to obtain a mediation release prior to bringing suit. Id. at 16–18.
    We first explained that in Rutter, the federal district court used terms
    different than we would have used to articulate the same legal concepts.
    Id. at 17 (citing Rutter, 50 F. Supp. 2d at 882–83).      The Rutter court
    “used ‘jurisdictional prerequisite’ to refer to subject matter jurisdiction
    and ‘condition precedent’ to refer to the authority of a court to hear a
    case.” Id. (quoting Rutter, 50 F. Supp. 2d at 882). Instead, “we would
    have articulated the issue as a matter of the court’s authority to hear the
    particular case rather than a condition precedent to suit.” Id. at 18.
    After addressing those semantic differences, we turned to the 2000
    amendment to chapter 654B.          Id.   We viewed the timing of the
    amendment, which followed closely on the heels of Rutter, the use of the
    phrase “jurisdictional prerequisites” in both Rutter and the 2000
    amendment to chapter 654B, and the bill’s explanatory statement as
    indicative of the legislature’s intent to guide a different result than that
    reached in Rutter.   See id. at 17–18 (explaining reasoning behind the
    conclusion that “the legislature intended a different result than that of
    the Rutter decision”). We therefore concluded that, under chapter 654B,
    “the legislature intended obtaining a mediation release from the farm
    mediation service to be a prerequisite to subject matter jurisdiction.” Id.
    at 18. Accordingly, we held the small claims and district court decisions
    were void for lack of subject matter jurisdiction.      Id.   As we noted in
    The legislature may create jurisdictional prerequisites to
    subject matter jurisdiction. In this case, the parties are not
    deprived of their day in court. The legislature has merely
    made a policy decision that farm disputes shall be mediated
    before a suit is filed.
    Id. at 18 n.2.
    There is no reason in this case to depart from our holding in
    Klinge. A farm creditor’s failure to comply with the mandatory mediation
    requirements under Iowa Code section 654A.6(1), as with a litigant’s
    failure to mediate under section 654B.3(1), deprives the district court of
    subject matter jurisdiction to hear the claim.          Compare Iowa Code
    § 654A.6(1)(b), with id. § 654B.3(1)(b); see also Klinge, 725 N.W.2d at 18
    (holding failure by the plaintiff to mediate under Iowa Code section
    654B.3 deprived the district court of subject matter jurisdiction). As we
    explained above, however, the jurisdictional prerequisite provision’s effect
    is limited. In amending section 654A.6(1) in 2000, the legislature was
    careful to impose a jurisdictional impediment only when a “creditor fil[es]
    a civil action that initiates a proceeding.”     Iowa Code § 654A.6(1)(b).
    Because SMP did not file a civil action, but rather filed a compulsory
    counterclaim,    the   jurisdictional    prerequisite   provision   was   not
    implicated. Therefore, the district court did have jurisdiction to foreclose
    the mortgage on the forty-acre homestead, just as it had jurisdiction to
    foreclose the other mortgage at issue in the case.
    The history and purposes of chapter 654A, both its initial
    enactment and subsequent amendment, confirm our view that the
    mandatory mediation provision does not require a creditor to mediate
    before raising a compulsory counterclaim.          The mandatory mediation
    provision sensibly slows down the foreclosure process by placing in front
    of creditors a procedural hurdle.        See Graham, 447 N.W.2d at 399
    (explaining the “requirements placed upon creditors by chapter 654A are
    procedural, adding an additional step in the process required for
    forfeiture”); Heimke, 407 N.W.2d at 346 (explaining the provision adds an
    additional procedure in the foreclosure process).          The purposes of the
    farm mediation statute would not be served by requiring a creditor to
    first seek mediation before raising a compulsory counterclaim. Once a
    borrower initiates a civil action against a creditor, there is no process to
    slow down because both parties are already in court. Once the Schaefers
    filed suit against SMP, there was no possibility mediation would ease
    tensions between the two parties. The well was poisoned. There is no
    reason to expect at that point the Schaefers would have derived any
    benefit from a debt adjustment process directed only toward the
    mortgage on their agricultural property, especially when as part of the
    same case the Schaefers faced foreclosure of another mortgage for which
    the mediation statute offered no protection.
    Moreover, despite SMP acknowledging in its counterclaim the
    applicability of the farm mediation statute, the Schaefers did not move to
    have the claim dismissed. They held back their jurisdictional challenge
    and reduced a laudable statute, enacted to protect beleaguered farmers,
    to a tactic, withheld until the end of trial and only then deployed to
    forestall the sale of judicially foreclosed real estate.
    The Schaefers chose to go on the offensive and litigate against their
    creditor, SMP.     In doing so, the Schaefers put into issue the very
    mortgage over which they now argue they should have had the chance to
    mediate.     As SMP points out, the Schaefers eschewed the orderly
    adjustment process available to them under the voluntary mediation
    provision. That provision permits either a borrower “or a creditor of that
    borrower” to “request mediation of the indebtedness by applying to the
    farm mediation service.” Iowa Code § 654A.5. The choice by a borrower
    not to pursue voluntary mediation does not relieve a creditor of its
    obligation to mediate when required to do so by the mandatory mediation
    provision.   Nevertheless, the decision by the Schaefers not to pursue
    voluntary mediation demonstrates they did not view the opportunity to
    adjust or discuss their debts using that process as useful or beneficial.
    If a borrower bypasses voluntary mediation and proceeds directly to
    court, and in doing so challenges the enforceability of the very mortgage
    that would be discussed in mediation, we see no reason why a creditor
    must first pursue mediation before raising its compulsory counterclaim
    to enforce that mortgage on the borrower’s agricultural property.
    C. Conclusion. After reviewing the statute’s history, the statutory
    language, and the circumstances under which it was enacted, we
    conclude the legislature did not intend Iowa Code section 654A.6(1) to
    require    creditors   seek   mediation   before   raising   a   compulsory
    counterclaim brought to enforce a debt. SMP was not required to satisfy
    the jurisdictional prerequisites as it was not “filing a civil action that
    initiate[d] a proceeding” to foreclose the mortgage on the forty-acre
    homestead. Id. § 654A.6(1)(b).
    IV. Disposition.
    We vacate the decision of the court of appeals requiring SMP to
    seek mediation before raising its counterclaim and affirm the judgment of
    the district court on that issue. We affirm the court of appeals decision
    and district court judgment on the motion to quash the sale of the
    Schaefers’ appeal rights.