Troy Blackford Vs. Prairie Meadows Racetrack And Casino, Inc. ( 2010 )

  •                    IN THE SUPREME COURT OF IOWA
    No. 08–0586
    Filed February 12, 2010
    On review from the Iowa Court of Appeals.
    Appeal from the Iowa District Court for Polk County, Eliza J.
    Ovrom, Judge.
    The appellee seeks further review of the opinion of the court of
    appeals which held the casino did not have statutory or regulatory
    authority to withhold winnings from a person who had been involuntarily
    excluded from the gambling facility.       DECISION OF COURT OF
    Ryan T. Beattie, Beattie Law Firm, P.C., Des Moines, for appellant.
    Dennis P. Ogden and Margaret C. Callahan, Belin Lamson
    McCormick Zumbach Flynn, Des Moines, for appellee.
    BAKER, Justice.
    The appellee, Prairie Meadows, seeks further review of the opinion
    of the court of appeals which held the casino did not have statutory or
    regulatory authority to withhold winnings from a person who had been
    involuntarily excluded from the gambling facility. We determine that no
    contract existed between Prairie Meadows and Blackford, and, therefore,
    his claim of conversion must fail.
    I. Background Facts and Proceedings.
    On May 5, 2006, appellant Troy Blackford went to Prairie Meadows
    Racetrack and Casino to gamble. Over the course of several hours, he
    won approximately $9,387 through a combination of slot machine cash
    tickets and one jackpot. Due to the high amount of Blackford’s jackpot,
    Prairie Meadows was required to hand pay the prize money and issue
    Blackford a W-2 for tax purposes. Upon learning of Blackford’s identity,
    Prairie Meadows refused to pay him because its records indicated
    Blackford had previously been involuntarily and permanently banned
    from entering Prairie Meadows’s premises.
    The record shows Blackford had been issued a “trespass ban” by
    Prairie Meadows in August 1996 because he had struck a slot machine
    and had broken the machine’s belly glass. According to Prairie Meadows,
    this ban was permanent.      As a result of this incident, Blackford pled
    guilty to criminal mischief and paid a fine.     Prairie Meadows found
    Blackford on its premises again in March of 1998 and escorted him from
    the premises.   Blackford pled guilty to trespass and paid a fine as a
    consequence of this second occurrence.
    In 2000, Blackford wrote a letter to Prairie Meadows requesting
    that his ban be lifted. Prairie Meadows was unable to find this letter in
    May 2006 when Blackford won the jackpot, but discovered it at a later
    date.      Blackford claims he received a response letter from Prairie
    Meadows lifting the ban and that he showed it to several individuals.
    Prairie Meadows claims it never lifted the ban and has no record of a
    response letter, although its standard policy is to send the banned
    individual a response letter containing its decision.      In January 2006,
    Blackford became a member of the Prairie Meadows’s Slot Club, and
    Prairie Meadows’s documents show Blackford gambled using the card at
    least once before May 5, 2006.
    Because Prairie Meadows’s records indicated Blackford was still
    banned as of May 5, 2006, he was escorted to the security office on that
    date, and his winnings were confiscated.         As a part of this process,
    Prairie Meadows required Blackford to sign a trespass forfeiture form,
    donating all of his winnings to the Iowa Gambling Treatment Program.
    Blackford was then charged with trespassing and released.            Following
    trial, the court dismissed the trespassing charge.
    Blackford thereafter filed a petition against Prairie Meadows to
    recover damages based upon theories of conversion, libel, false
    imprisonment, and abuse of process.          Blackford’s false-imprisonment
    and abuse-of-process claims were later dismissed on Prairie Meadows’s
    summary judgment motion. Blackford later dismissed his libel claim.
    Blackford filed a motion to trifurcate the trial. In its denial of this
    motion, the trial court addressed the legal question of whether Prairie
    Meadows has the authority to confiscate winnings from patrons that are
    involuntarily banned from its premises.         The court concluded it did,
    Once a person is banned from a facility, it is not within the
    rules for the person to be present or to gamble at the facility.
    All promises, agreements, or contracts that arise from
    wagers or bets are void, unless the wager is authorized
    under Chapter 99F (regulating gambling facilities in Iowa).
    Iowa Code § 537A.4. A person who is excluded from a
    facility under the rules of the Racing and Gaming
    Commission would not hold a legally binding agreement with
    a gaming facility for payment of the winnings. Therefore the
    facility would not be required to pay winnings to such
    Over   the   objections   of    Blackford, the   court submitted   an
    instruction to the jury which declared that for the gambling winnings to
    be the property of Blackford, he must prove the trespass ban had been
    lifted by Prairie Meadows prior to May 5, 2006.        The jury returned a
    verdict answering “No” to a special interrogatory on whether Blackford’s
    trespass ban had been lifted.        The court entered judgment in favor of
    Prairie Meadows and dismissed Blackford’s conversion claim.
    Blackford appealed. The court of appeals concluded the trial court
    erred in its pretrial ruling finding that Prairie Meadows would not be
    required to pay winnings to a person involuntarily excluded from the
    casino. It therefore reversed the trial court’s decision and remanded for
    a new trial because it found no statutory provision allowed Prairie
    Meadows to confiscate Blackford’s winnings.        Prairie Meadows filed an
    application for further review which we granted.
    II. Scope of Review.
    This case was tried at law; therefore our review is for correction of
    errors at law. Iowa R. App. P. 6.907 (2009). In a law action, findings of
    fact are binding on us if supported by substantial evidence.             See
    EnviroGas, L.P. v. Cedar Rapids/Linn County Solid Waste Agency, 
    641 N.W.2d 776
    , 781 (Iowa 2002). Blackford claims the issue in this case is
    whether Prairie Meadows has a right under the Iowa Code to withhold
    gambling     winnings   from     involuntary     trespassers.      Statutory
    interpretation is also reviewed for correction of errors at law.    State v.
    Iowa Dist. Ct., 
    730 N.W.2d 677
    , 679 (Iowa 2007).
    III. Discussion and Analysis.
    In this case, there is only one issue for our review: whether Prairie
    Meadows had the authority to withhold winnings from a person who had
    been involuntarily banned from its gambling facility. Blackford does not
    contend that there was insufficient evidence to support the jury’s finding
    that he was still involuntarily banned from Prairie Meadows on May 5,
    A.   Gambling Law in Iowa.       Under the Iowa Code, all gambling
    promises, agreements, and contracts are generally “void and of no effect.”
    Iowa Code § 537A.4 (2005). The legislature, however, has made explicit
    exceptions to this rule where gambling is authorized under Iowa Code
    chapters 99B, 99D, 99G, or 99F. 
    Id. The gambling
    that takes place at Prairie Meadows is authorized
    under Iowa Code chapter 99F. See 
    id. § 99F.4A(1)
    (“Upon application,
    the commission shall license the licensee of a pari-mutuel dog or horse
    racetrack to operate gambling games at a pari-mutuel racetrack
    enclosure subject to the provisions of this chapter . . . .”). Iowa Code
    chapter 99F.4 outlines the state racing and gaming commission’s
    jurisdiction and powers over the gambling operations authorized by this
    Id. § 99F.4.
    Among these powers are the ability to require a
    licensee to remove a person violating a provision of this chapter or the
    commission rules, or any other person “deemed undesirable” from the
    gambling facility.     
    Id. § 99F.4(7).
          The Iowa Racing and Gaming
    Commission also formulated regulations giving a gaming licensee the
    authority to eject or exclude any person from the licensee’s facility. See
    Iowa Admin. Code r. 491–5.4(5)(d). This regulation provides:
    d. Ejection or exclusion. A licensee may eject or exclude any
    person, licensed or unlicensed, from the premises or a part
    thereof of the licensee’s facility, solely of the licensee’s own
    volition and without any reason or excuse given, provided
    ejection or exclusion is not founded on constitutionally
    protected grounds such as race, creed, color, disability, or
    national origin.
    Id. Prairie Meadows
    clearly had the authority to ban Blackford from its
    B.    Conversion Claim.        Blackford alleges Prairie Meadows
    intentionally misappropriated or took dominion or control over the
    jackpots he won on May 5, 2006.         He claims that such taking was
    wrongful and constitutes conversion of his property. Conversion is “ ‘the
    wrongful control or dominion over another’s property contrary to that
    person’s possessory right to the property.’ ”     Whalen v. Connelly, 
    621 N.W.2d 681
    , 687 (Iowa 2000) (quoting Condon Auto Sales & Serv., Inc. v.
    604 N.W.2d 587
    , 593 (Iowa 1999)).          In order to establish a
    conversion claim, the plaintiff must establish a possessory interest in the
    property.   See Kendall/Hunt Publ’g Co. v. Rowe, 
    424 N.W.2d 235
    , 247
    (Iowa 1988).
    Blackford does not explain how his possessory interest arises,
    stating only that “[p]atrons expect to be paid their winnings and
    Blackford expected to be paid his.”        He cites no authority for this
    proposition, nor explains the basis for this statement.       In its pretrial
    ruling, the trial court held that “[a] person who is excluded from a facility
    . . . would not hold a legally binding agreement with a gaming facility for
    the payment of winnings.” We agree with the trial court that Blackford
    was required to prove a legally binding contract with Prairie Meadows for
    the payment of winnings to prove a possessory interest in the jackpots he
    won on May 5, 2006.      See Condon Auto 
    Sales, 604 N.W.2d at 593
    (affirming judgment in the amount of $700 against the defendant on a
    claim of conversion of monies to which the plaintiff was entitled).
    The nature of the contract created between a patron and a
    gambling establishment is an issue of first impression in Iowa.         There
    appear to be two approaches to this issue.        The first is that gambling
    interactions follow traditional contract theory with the requirements of
    offer, acceptance, and consideration.        See Ledoux v. Grand Casino-
    954 So. 2d 902
    , 907 (La. Ct. App. 2007) (stating “the law of
    contracts is determinative of the issues before us” in a breach of contract
    action against a casino for failure to pay out jackpots allegedly won); see
    also In re Chomakos, 
    69 F.3d 769
    , 771 (6th Cir. 1995) (“Where gambling
    is lawful . . . the placing of a bet gives rise to legally enforceable contract
    rights.”); Romanski v. Detroit Entm’t, L.L.C., 
    265 F. Supp. 2d 835
    , 845
    (E.D. Mich. 2003) (noting “[w]hen a person places money into a gambling
    game, that person is effectively entering into an aleatory contract with
    the casino”); Sokaitis v. Bakaysa, 
    975 A.2d 51
    , 56 (Conn. 2009) (stating
    “legal wagering . . . involve[s] an express or implied contract under which
    the consideration is ‘money . . . bet’ ”).
    The second approach is that gambling interactions do not create a
    traditional contract but a contract “completely determined by legislative
    enactment.”     Marcangelo v. Boardwalk Regency Corp., 
    847 F. Supp. 1222
    , 1229 (D.N.J. 1994); see also Tose v. Greate Bay Hotel & Casino,
    819 F. Supp. 1312
    , 1317 n.8 (D.N.J. 1993) (stating “every aspect of
    the relationship between the gambler and the casino is minutely
    regulated by the state and there is little freedom of contract in the usual
    sense, there seems to be at least significant doubt that the New Jersey
    Supreme Court would recognize obligations not specifically called for by
    statute or regulations.”); Register v. Oaklawn Jockey Club, Inc., 
    811 S.W.2d 315
    , 317 (Ark. 1991) (“The Law specifically provides that the only
    legislatively authorized way for a patron at a race track to recover money
    based upon the outcome of a horse race is through pari-mutuel or
    certificate system of wagering.      Any wagering contract on horse races
    outside the scope of the Law is therefore invalid and illegal.” (citations
    We hold that the traditional contract approach is more consistent
    with our statutory scheme and precedent.          Iowa Code section 537A.4
    refers to gambling contracts and provides that such contracts are legal if
    permitted under chapter 99F. The freedom to contract is not, however,
    unlimited.    When a contract addresses an area of law regulated by a
    statute, the statutory provisions and restrictions are a part of the parties’
    contract. See, e.g., Lee v. Grinnell Mut. Reins., 
    646 N.W.2d 403
    , 406–07
    (Iowa 2002); see also C & F Maint. & Prop. Mgmt., Inc. v. Eliason & Knuth
    Drywall Co., 
    418 N.W.2d 44
    , 45–6 (Iowa 1988) (recognizing that local
    building     ordinances   may   be    implied   obligations   of   construction
    contracts).      Chapter 99F does not contain a provision or a related
    regulation addressing whether the winnings of involuntarily banned
    individuals may be withheld.         We must, therefore, employ traditional
    contract principles to analyze whether a contract requiring payment of
    Blackford’s winnings has been formed under the facts of this case.
    “All contracts must contain mutual assent; mode of assent is
    termed offer and acceptance.” Anderson v. Douglas & Lomason Co., 
    540 N.W.2d 277
    , 285 (Iowa 1995). “An offer is a ‘manifestation of willingness
    to enter into a bargain, so made as to justify another person in
    understanding that his assent to that bargain is invited and will
    conclude it.’ ” 
    Id. (quoting Restatement
    (Second) of Contracts § 24
    (1981)). “We determine whether an offer has been made objectively—not
    subjectively.”    Heartland Express, Inc. v. Terry, 
    631 N.W.2d 260
    , 268
    (Iowa 2001). “ ‘The test for an offer is whether it induces a reasonable
    belief in the recipient that [the recipient] can, by accepting, bind the
    sender.’ ” 
    Anderson, 540 N.W.2d at 286
    (quoting Architectural Metal Sys.,
    Inc. v. Consol. Sys., Inc., 
    58 F.3d 1227
    , 1229 (7th Cir. 1995)).
    In making an offer, “[t]he offeror is the master of his offer; just as
    the making of any offer at all can be avoided by appropriate language or
    other conduct, so the power of acceptance can be narrowly limited.”
    Restatement (Second) of Contracts § 29, cmt. a, at 83. As master, the
    offeror may decide to whom to extend the offer.           
    Id. § 29,
    at 83.
    According to the Restatement,
    (1) The manifested intention of the offeror determines the
    person or persons in whom is created a power of acceptance.
    (2) An offer may create a power of acceptance in a specified
    person or in one or more of a specified group or class of
    persons, acting separately or together, or in anyone or
    everyone who makes a specified promise or renders a
    specified performance.
    Id. In this
    situation, Prairie Meadows is the offeror. It makes an offer
    to its patrons that, if accepted by wagering an amount and the patron
    wins, it will pay off the wager. Simply stated, the issue is whether Prairie
    Meadows made an offer to Blackford. Because Prairie Meadows has the
    ability to determine the class of individuals to whom the offer is made, it
    may also exclude certain individuals. 
    Id. Blackford had
    been banned for
    life from the casino. He was provided a notice which provided as follows:
    PRAIRIE MEADOWS RACETRACK AND CASINO.”                  Under an objective
    test, unless the ban had been lifted, Blackford could not have reasonably
    believed he was among the class of individuals invited to accept Prairie
    Meadows’s offer. The jury found that the ban against Blackford had not
    been lifted, and, therefore, Prairie Meadows had not extended him an
    offer to wager.      Because there was no offer to him, no contract could
    result.      Without the contract, Blackford could not show a possessory
    interest in the jackpot, and his conversion action must fail. 1
    C.     Jury Instructions.        Blackford also objects to the jury
    instructions given by the district court.              The court submitted the
    following instruction:
    In order for the winnings to be the property of Troy
    Blackford, he must prove by a preponderance of the evidence
    that the trespass ban against him had been lifted by Prairie
    Meadows prior to May 5, 2006.
    You are further instructed that a casino licensed to do
    business in our state is permitted to eject or exclude any
    person from the premises of the casino’s facility solely of the
    casino’s own decision, and without any reason or excuse
    given provided that the ejection or exclusion is not founded
    on a constitutionally protected ground, such as race, creed,
    color, disability, or national origin. This is known as a
    “trespass.” If a person has been trespassed from a casino’s
    facility, but returns and gambles at the facility, the
    trespassed person is not gambling according to the rules
    applicable to that facility, and such activities do not give the
    trespassed person any property right in the money or other
    valuable thing won during such gambling.
    The jury was also asked to answer the following special
    interrogatory:       “Had Troy Blackford’s trespass ban at the Prairie
    Meadows facility been lifted before May 5, 2006?” The jury’s answer was
    Blackford objected to this instruction on four grounds:               (1) that
    Prairie Meadows does not have the right to withhold winnings from one
    who has been involuntarily banned from the casino; (2) that even if it did
    have the right, it was an affirmative defense and the burden was on
    1Blackfordsought only to recover the jackpot. He has not sought a return of the
    money gambled under a rescission theory or any other theory. See, e.g., 
    Marcangelo, 847 F. Supp. at 1229
    Prairie Meadows to prove the ban; (3) that Blackford was entitled to
    instructions of express and implied consent to show that the ban had
    been lifted; and (4) that the instruction placed undue emphasis on the
    rights of Prairie Meadows without any mention of Blackford’s rights. In
    his brief, Blackford specifically states with respect to the fourth
    argument that he is “not assert[ing] this argument herein.” It is therefore
    We have already disposed of his first objection. With respect to the
    second objection, Blackford was required to show that he had a
    possessory right to the winnings. 
    Kendall, 424 N.W.2d at 247
    . To do so,
    he was required to show the existence of a contractual right to the
    money.    Seekamp v. Small, 
    237 P.2d 489
    , 492 (Wash. 1951).         In this
    case, it is Blackford’s burden to prove the existence of a contract. Cf.
    Anderson, 540 N.W.2d at 283
    (holding party seeking recovery on basis of
    breach of contract has the burden to prove the existence of such
    contract). Thus he was required to show that Prairie Meadows extended
    an offer to him. The existence of an offer was not an affirmative defense,
    but a subsidiary component of an element of Blackford’s claim that he
    was required to prove. 18 Am. Jur. 2d Conversion § 94, at 218 (2004)
    (“Since, in order to maintain an action for conversion, the plaintiff must
    have an interest in the thing converted, carrying with it a right of
    possession at the time of the conversion, the burden rests on the plaintiff
    to establish his or her interest, and right of possession at the time of the
    conversion.” (footnotes omitted)).   The trial court properly placed the
    burden on Blackford.
    Blackford’s third objection must also fail. Blackford sought, based
    on the evidence produced, to have the jury instructed on express consent
    and implied consent, concepts from common law trespass.           Blackford
    cites his ownership of a slot club card, the numerous times he gambled
    at the facility between 1996 and May 5, 2006, and Prairie Meadows’s
    ability to track its patrons’ wagering as evidence that Prairie Meadows
    impliedly consented to his presence at the facility.
    Blackford, however, failed to order the transcript of the trial. Iowa
    Rule of Appellate Procedure 6.803(1) provides: “If the appellant intends
    to urge on appeal that a finding or conclusion is unsupported by the
    evidence or is contrary to the evidence, the appellant shall include in the
    record a transcript of all evidence relevant to such finding or conclusion.”
    Without      the   transcript,   we   cannot   determine   whether   such   an
    instruction was warranted.
    Notwithstanding the failure to provide a proper record, Blackford’s
    ability to enter into a gambling contract was addressed by the
    interrogatory and the jury’s finding that the ban against Blackford had
    not been lifted. After analyzing all the evidence, the jury determined that
    Prairie Meadows’s actions did not indicate Blackford’s “trespass ban” had
    been lifted. If the ban was still in effect, no offer was extended to him,
    and his claim must fail.
    IV. Conclusion.
    Because we find that Prairie Meadows had the authority to
    withhold winnings from a person who had been involuntarily excluded
    from the gambling facility, we affirm the district court’s entry of judgment
    in favor of Prairie Meadows and dismissal of Blackford’s conversion