In Re The Detention Of Bryan M. Pierce, State Of Iowa ( 2008 )

  •                IN THE SUPREME COURT OF IOWA
    No. 04 / 06-0971
    Filed May 9, 2008
    Appeal from the Iowa District Court for Warren County, William H.
    Joy, Judge.
    State appeals a district court determination finding respondent is
    not a sexually violent predator.   REVERSED AND REMANDED WITH
    Thomas J. Miller, Attorney General, and Linda J. Hines and Denise
    A. Timmins, Assistant Attorneys General, for appellant.
    Mark C. Smith, State Appellate Defender, and Matthew S. Sheeley,
    Assistant State Public Defender, for appellee Bryan Pierce.
    STREIT, Justice.
    Bryan Pierce has a history of sexually abusing young children.
    Prior to his release from prison, the State filed a petition to have him
    committed as a sexually violent predator (“SVP”). The case was tried to
    the district court. While the court found Pierce suffered from pedophilia
    and antisocial personality disorder, it held the State failed to prove Pierce
    is likely to “currently” engage in predatory acts constituting sexually
    violent offenses if not confined in a secure facility. The State appealed.
    As an initial matter, we find the State has the right to appeal a
    determination an individual is not an SVP. Moreover, we find the State
    was not required to prove Pierce was likely to commit a sexually violent
    offense in a given time frame.      We remand for the district court to
    reexamine the evidence in light of our ruling.
    I.    Facts and Prior Proceedings.
    Pierce was forty-four years old at the time of his commitment
    hearing.    He has an extensive criminal history which includes
    convictions for burglary, interference with official acts, criminal mischief,
    trespass, eluding, assaulting a police officer, and domestic assault. He
    has also been convicted of three sexually violent offenses. See Iowa Code
    § 229A.2(10) (2005) (defining sexual offense as either a “violation of any
    provision of chapter 709” or an “offense committed in another
    jurisdiction which would constitute an equivalent offense”).
    In 1987, Pierce, while living in Missouri, fondled and performed
    oral sex on his girlfriend’s six-year-old son.    He pled guilty to sexual
    abuse in the first degree and was sentenced to five years in prison.
    In 2000, Pierce was living in Iowa with a different girlfriend and her
    children.   He fondled this girlfriend’s seven-year-old daughter on two
    occasions. That same year, Pierce showed pornographic magazines to a
    nine-year-old girl he was babysitting and performed oral sex on her. As a
    result of the incidents in 2000, Pierce pled guilty to lascivious acts with a
    child and third degree sexual abuse.        He was sentenced to a term of
    imprisonment not to exceed ten years.
    Pierce was scheduled to be released from prison on August 20,
    2005. However, on August 2 the State filed a petition alleging Pierce was
    an SVP and should be committed. See Iowa Code ch. 229A. The district
    court found probable cause existed to believe Pierce was an SVP and
    ordered a trial on the matter.       In May 2006, after a bench trial, the
    district court found the State failed to prove Pierce was an SVP and
    dismissed the State’s petition for commitment. Pierce was released from
    custody.    The State thereafter appealed the district court’s ruling.      It
    alleged the district court misunderstood the standards for commitment
    under chapter 229A as well as the testimony of the State’s expert
    Pierce moved to dismiss the appeal, arguing chapter 229A does not
    grant the State the right to appeal a determination that a person is not
    an SVP.     We ordered the motion be submitted with the appeal and
    directed both parties to brief the issue of whether the State may appeal.
    II.      Scope of Review.
    We review issues of statutory interpretation for correction of errors
    of law. In re Detention of Willis, 
    691 N.W.2d 726
    , 728 (Iowa 2005) (citing
    Iowa Dep't of Transp. v. Soward, 
    650 N.W.2d 569
    , 571 (Iowa 2002)). The
    district court’s factual findings are binding on us if supported by
    substantial     evidence   unless   they   are   induced   by   an   erroneous
    application of law. Hedrick Savings Bank v. Myers, 
    229 N.W.2d 252
    , 254
    (Iowa 1975).
    III.     Merits.
    A.       Whether the State has the right to appeal.                Pierce
    challenges the State’s authority to appeal a district court’s determination
    that an individual is not an SVP.        Pierce claims Iowa Code section
    229A.7(5) only provides for the respondent to appeal, and thus the State
    is without authority to appeal the district court’s decision. Although the
    State apparently concedes section 229A.7(5) does not expressly provide it
    with the right to appeal, it claims section 229A.7(5) does not “usurp the
    general right of any party to appeal a final civil judgment.” See Atwood v.
    725 N.W.2d 641
    , 649 (Iowa 2006) (stating chapter 229A
    commitment proceedings are civil in nature).
    Iowa Code section 229A.7(5) provides in relevant part:
    If the court or jury determines that the respondent is a
    sexually violent predator, the respondent shall be committed
    to the custody of the director of the department of human
    services . . . . The determination may be appealed.
    (Emphasis added.)
    On the other hand, Iowa Rule of Appellate Procedure 6.1 states:
    All final judgments and decisions of the district court and
    any final adjudication in the district court under Iowa R. Civ.
    P. 1.444, involving the merits or materially affecting the final
    decision, may be appealed to the supreme court, except as
    provided in this rule and in rule 6.3.
    Both parties agree “[t]he right to appeal is strictly governed by
    statute.”    In re Matter of Melodie L., 
    591 N.W.2d 4
    , 6 (Iowa 1999).
    “[W]hen more than one statute is pertinent to an inquiry, we first
    consider them together in an attempt to harmonize both statutes.” City
    of Des Moines v. City Dev. Bd., 
    633 N.W.2d 305
    , 311 (Iowa 2001). To the
    extent the two statutes conflict, the statute dealing with the subject
    matter in a more definitive and minute way will prevail over the general
    Id. 5 We
    agree with the State the statutes can be harmonized. We need
    not decide whether “[t]he determination” in section 229A.7(5) refers only
    to the determination the respondent is an SVP. Assuming argumendo
    the parties’ interpretation is correct, we nevertheless believe the last
    sentence in section 229A.7(5) was merely an effort by the legislature to
    emphasize the respondent’s right to appeal an SVP determination rather
    than an intent to eliminate the State’s general right to appeal.          See
    Osborne v. Florida, 
    907 So. 2d 505
    , 507 (Fla. 2005) (holding Florida’s
    statute stating “The determination that a person is a sexually violent
    predator may be appealed” did not eliminate the State’s right to appeal in
    any civil proceeding).
    Moreover, Pierce’s reliance on a Missouri Court of Appeals decision
    is misplaced. See In re Care & Treatment of Salcedo, 
    34 S.W.3d 862
    Ct. App. 2001), superseded by statute, Mo. Rev. Stat. § 632.495 (Supp.
    2002), as recognized by Barlow v. State, 
    114 S.W.3d 328
    , 331–32 (Mo.
    Ct. App. 2003). Iowa rule 6.1 gives civil litigants the right to appeal “[a]ll
    final judgments.”   In contrast, Missouri provides for a right to appeal
    from any civil cause unless “clearly limited in special statutory
    proceedings.” Mo. Rev. Stat. § 512.020 (2006). The Salcedo court found
    that because Missouri’s SVP Act provided only for the appeal of a
    determination that a person is an SVP, the legislature “clearly limited”
    the state’s general right of appeal. 
    Salcedo, 34 S.W.3d at 868
    –69. We do
    not find Salcedo persuasive in light of the statutory differences between
    Missouri and Iowa law. Thus, we hold the State may appeal the district
    court’s determination that Pierce is not an SVP.
    B.     Whether the district court applied the correct standard
    in its determination.     Turning to the merits of the appeal, we must
    determine whether the district court applied the correct legal standard.
    The State was required to prove “beyond a reasonable doubt, [Pierce] is a
    sexually violent predator.” Iowa Code § 229A.7(5). Thus, the State had
    to prove the following three elements: (1) Pierce has been convicted of a
    sexually violent offense; (2) Pierce suffers from a mental abnormality; and
    (3) the mental abnormality makes him more likely than not to engage in
    predatory acts constituting sexually violent offenses, if not confined in a
    secure facility.     
    Id. § 229A.2(4),
    (11).   A mental abnormality is a
    “congenital or acquired condition affecting the emotional or volitional
    capacity of a person and predisposing that person to commit sexually
    violent offenses to a degree which would constitute a menace to the
    health and safety of others.” 
    Id. § 229A.2(5).
    The district court found the State met its burden with respect to
    the first two elements. Specifically, the court found Pierce suffered from
    two   mental       abnormalities—pedophilia   and    antisocial   personality
    disorder. However, the court found the State failed to prove the third
    element because the State’s expert could not offer an opinion as to
    whether Pierce is more likely than not to reoffend within five years. The
    court held the third element “requires a finding that the likelihood to
    engage in sexually violent offenses is a current or present likelihood of
    reoffense at the time of the proposed commitment.” (Emphasis added.)
    The      State’s   expert   presented   evidence    Pierce   shares   similar
    characteristics with sex offenders who had high rates of reoffense over
    six to fifteen year periods. The district court held “opinion evidence of
    someone’s lifetime risk of reoffending is irrelevant to the issue to be
    decided.”     We find the Act does not require the State to prove a
    respondent is more likely than not to reoffend within a particular time
    frame.      The district court should have considered all of the State’s
    The district court’s reliance on In re Detention of Selby, 
    710 N.W.2d 249
    (Iowa Ct. App. 2005), for its interpretation of the Act was misplaced.
    There, the court of appeals rejected a respondent’s contention chapter
    229A violated due process because it fails to contain a temporal
    limitation for calculating a predator’s risk of reoffense.        
    Selby, 710 N.W.2d at 250
    .     The   court   found   the   respondent’s    argument
    unconvincing because it interpreted chapter 229A to require a person be
    found to be both dangerous and mentally ill at the time of the proposed
    Id. at 252.
    We have no quarrel with this statement from
    the Selby court. However, there is no merit to the notion a person is not
    dangerous unless the State proves he would inflict harm immediately
    upon release. See Hubbart v. Superior Ct., 
    969 P.2d 584
    , 600 (Cal. 1999).
    We have previously stated “we are convinced the legislature did not
    intend to impose a burden upon the State to prove that alleged sexual
    predators are expected to reoffend within a specific time period . . . .” In
    re Detention of Ewoldt, 
    634 N.W.2d 622
    , 624 (Iowa 2001); see also In re
    Detention of Altman, 
    723 N.W.2d 181
    , 185 (Iowa 2006) (stating chapter
    229A requires an individualized determination “that the particular
    respondent is likely to commit sexually violent offenses in the future”
    (emphasis added)).    Moreover, it would be impossible for the State to
    pinpoint exactly when it believes the respondent will reoffend.          We
    conclude the statute requires the State to establish the respondent is
    presently suffering from a mental abnormality that makes him more
    likely than not to engage in sexually predatory acts in the future.
    In the present case, Dr. Hoberman, the State’s expert witness,
    determined Pierce’s risk of reoffending using base rates for sex offenders,
    actuarial risk assessments, individual risk factors, and structured
    clinical judgment.   Dr. Hoberman used three different actuarial risk
    assessment instruments in his evaluation of Pierce.           An actuarial
    assessment provides an “empirically measured rate of recidivism among
    a group of sex offenders who share a set of characteristics with the
    subject of the evaluation.” Eric S. Janus & Robert A. Prentky, Forensic
    Use of Actuarial Risk Assessment with Sex Offenders: Accuracy,
    Admissibility and Accountability, 40 Am. Crim. L. Rev. 1443, 1476 (2003).
    Using the Static-99 instrument, Dr. Hoberman placed Pierce in the high
    risk category associated with a 52% rate of reconviction over a period of
    fifteen years. Based on the MNSOST-R instrument, Pierce was placed in
    the category associated with a 72% risk of being rearrested for a sexual
    offense within a six-year period. With the SORAG instrument, Pierce fell
    in the category associated with an 89% likelihood of violently reoffending
    (not necessarily a sex crime) within a ten-year period.     Dr. Hoberman
    opined these actuarial figures may be conservative because they are
    based on rates of rearrest or reconviction and studies have shown sex
    offenses against children are vastly under reported.
    Dr. Hoberman also considered Pierce’s individual risk factors. He
    concluded Pierce possessed several traits associated with future sexual
    offending such as deviant sexual behavior and arousal, problems in
    interpersonal relationships, persistent rule violations, failure to complete
    sex offender treatment, and a general criminal history.
    Finally, Dr. Hoberman used structured clinical judgment to
    evaluate Pierce’s risk of reoffending.   He labeled Pierce a psychopath
    using the Hare Psychopathy Checklist-Revised. Dr. Hoberman explained
    research has shown people who have high psychopathy scores and
    deviant sexual arousal are at a “particularly elevated rate of sexual
    reoffending.”   Dr. Hoberman concluded Pierce “falls into the higher
    category of risk and is someone whose level of risk would be more likely
    than not” to commit future sexual offenses.     The Act does not require
    more precise evidence for a reasonable fact finder to conclude Pierce is
    dangerous and a menace to society if not committed. The district court
    erred by refusing to consider evidence of Pierce’s lifetime risk.     The
    actuarial risk assessment results were relevant to determine whether
    Pierce is an SVP within the meaning of the Act. See Iowa R. of Evid.
    5.401 (stating evidence is relevant if it has “any tendency to make the
    existence of any fact that is of consequence to the determination of the
    action more probable or less probable than it would be without the
    evidence”). How much weight the evidence should be given is of course
    up to the fact finder. State v. Thorton, 
    498 N.W.2d 670
    , 673 (Iowa 1993).
    Sexual offenses are often crimes of opportunity. It is impossible to
    predict when Pierce will have access to young children. However, there is
    abundant evidence Pierce has abused children when the opportunity was
    presented to him.   If a fact finder believes Pierce will commit another
    sexual offense if given the opportunity because his pedophilia and
    antisocial personality disorder prevent him from controlling his behavior,
    then the State has proven Pierce is an SVP. Because the district court
    misinterpreted what the Act requires the State to prove, we reverse and
    remand for the court to reconsider the evidence presented at trial.
    IV.   Conclusion.
    The State may appeal a determination that an individual is not an
    SVP. Moreover, the State was not required to prove Pierce is likely to
    reoffend within a given time frame.