Marlin Lee Just, Noelle Marie Marchant Hughes, and Travis Clinton Hughes v. Farmers Automobile Insurance Association D/B/A Pekin Insurance , 877 N.W.2d 467 ( 2016 )

  •                  IN THE SUPREME COURT OF IOWA
    No. 15–1161
    Filed April 1, 2016
    Appeal from the Iowa District Court for Warren County, Randy V.
    Hefner, Judge.
    The drivers of two vehicles that collided with a wrong-way SUV
    appeal the grant of summary judgment to the SUV driver’s insurer in a
    declaratory judgment action, arguing there was more than one “accident”
    for purposes of the insurance policy’s limits on liability. AFFIRMED.
    Ken A. Winjum of Hausmann-McNally, SC, Norwalk, and Dan T.
    McGrevey, Fort Dodge, for appellants.
    Kermit B. Anderson of Finley, Alt, Smith, Scharnberg, Craig,
    Hilmes & Gaffney, P.C., Des Moines, for appellee.
    MANSFIELD, Justice.
    This case requires us to determine whether a chain-reaction
    collision resulting in separate impacts seconds apart involved one
    “accident” or two. A semi-tractor-trailer collided with an SUV that was
    being driven in the wrong direction on a highway. The semi was forced
    onto the right shoulder of the highway, the SUV was destroyed, and the
    SUV’s driver was killed. Not more than seconds later, a motorcyclist ran
    into the totaled SUV that was still in the middle of the highway.
    The drivers of both the motorcycle and the semi suffered injuries
    and brought a declaratory judgment action against the insurer of the
    SUV.    They sought a declaration that there had been two accidents
    rather than one for purposes of the insurance policy’s per-accident limit
    on bodily injury liability.
    Both sides filed motions for summary judgment. The district court
    granted the insurer’s motion and denied the plaintiffs’ cross-motion. On
    appeal, we now affirm. We conclude that under the terms of the SUV
    driver’s insurance policy there was only one accident.       As we explain
    more fully herein, a single-accident interpretation is faithful to the terms
    of the insurance policy, which states that the per-accident limit applies
    “regardless of the number of . . . [v]ehicles involved in the auto accident.”
    Additionally, a single-accident interpretation is consistent with the
    approach taken by the great majority of jurisdictions.
    I. Background Facts and Proceedings.
    On April 29, 2011, at approximately 4:50 a.m., Marlin Just was
    driving his semi-truck southbound on US Highway 5 near Hartford. US
    Highway 5 is a divided highway in that area with two lanes in each
    direction. Suddenly, Just encountered a Chevy Tahoe SUV heading in
    the wrong direction (i.e., northbound) on his side of the highway.        He
    took evasive action but was unable to avoid a collision. The SUV, driven
    by John Crivaro, struck the trailer on Just’s vehicle right behind the
    Crivaro was not wearing a seat belt and was ejected from the SUV
    and killed. Just managed to maintain control of the semi, which came to
    a stop approximately two to three hundred feet from the site of impact.
    Just turned on his hazard lights and called 911.
    Meanwhile, Travis Hughes’s motorcycle was following Just’s semi
    in the same southbound direction. Hughes saw the semi with its hazard
    lights on pulling off to the right side of the road. Hughes began to slow
    down his motorcycle. Hughes moved to the left lane and noticed small
    pieces of debris in the road, which he steered around. His headlight then
    illuminated “a dark blob”—Crivaro’s crushed SUV—directly in his path.
    The SUV was blocking nearly all of the left lane and part of the right lane.
    Hughes could not see a safe path around the SUV and did not have time
    to stop. He laid his bike down on its right side and slid, colliding with
    the SUV.
    Hughes was seriously injured in his collision with Crivaro’s vehicle.
    He was airlifted to a Des Moines hospital where one of his legs was
    amputated below the knee. Just at first believed himself to be uninjured
    but began noticing shoulder pain during his return home after the
    accident.   Although the amount of time that elapsed between the two
    collisions is disputed, all parties agree that it was no more than seconds.
    The Warren County Sheriff’s Office investigated the accident and
    prepared a report, which summarized the events.
    Vehicle #1 . . . was being driven on hwy 5 southbound
    by Marlin Just. Vehicle #2 . . . was being driven northbound
    in the southbound lanes of hwy 5 by John Crivaro. Vehicle
    #3 . . . was being driven in the southbound lanes of hwy 5 by
    Travis Hughes.
    Vehicle #2 being driven by John Crivaro was being
    driven on the wrong side of the hwy, causing a collision with
    vehicle #1 and vehicle #3.
    In its conclusions, the report stated that “[t]his collision occurred due to
    the driving actions of John Crivaro.”
    Crivaro was insured by Farmers Automobile Insurance Association
    d/b/a Pekin Insurance (Farmers). The policy states that Farmers “will
    pay damages for ‘bodily injury’ or ‘property damage’ for which any
    ‘insured’ becomes legally responsible because of an auto accident.” The
    policy is subject to a limit of liability:
    A. The limit of liability shown in the Declarations for
    each person for Bodily Injury Liability is our maximum limit
    of liability for all damages, including damages for care, loss
    of services or death, arising out of “bodily injury” sustained
    by any one person in any one auto accident. Subject to this
    limit for each person, the limit of liability shown in the
    Declarations for each accident for Bodily Injury Liability is
    our maximum limit of liability for all damages for “bodily
    injury” resulting from any one auto accident.
    The limit of liability shown in the Declarations for each
    accident for Property Damage Liability is our maximum limit
    of liability for all “property damage” resulting from any one
    auto accident.
    This is the most we will pay regardless of the number
    1. “Insureds”;
    2. Claims made;
    3. Vehicles or premiums shown in the Declarations; or
    4. Vehicles involved in the auto accident.
    In its Declarations sections, Crivaro’s policy provides for a limit of
    $500,000 for bodily injury for “each person[,] each accident.” The policy
    does not define “accident.”
    Just and Hughes (with Hughes’s spouse joining Hughes’s case)
    filed separate suits against Crivaro’s estate.      Both actions sought
    damages for injuries sustained in the accident, which they claimed
    resulted from Crivaro’s negligence.
    Additionally, on October 6, 2014, Just, Hughes, and Hughes’s
    spouse jointly filed a petition for declaratory judgment in Warren County
    District Court. Their petition asked the court to declare that “the events
    of April 29, 2011, constituted two accidents” under the language of
    Crivaro’s insurance policy with Farmers.     Thus, they alleged, Farmers
    should be held liable for “two separate policy limits of $500,000 . . . to
    compensate the Plaintiffs.”      Farmers answered on November 10,
    requesting in turn that the district court declare that the events
    constituted one accident under the insurance policy.
    On March 31, 2015, Farmers filed a motion for summary judgment
    seeking a determination that the events of April 29, 2011, were one
    accident under Crivaro’s insurance policy as a matter of law.           The
    plaintiffs resisted Farmers’ motion and filed their own cross-motion for
    summary judgment on April 15, 2015. The court held a hearing on both
    motions on May 15.
    On June 8, the district court ruled on the motions for summary
    judgment. The ruling first discussed a disputed factual matter:
    The only potentially material factual dispute relates to
    the amount of time between the Crivaro–Just collision and
    the Hughes–Crivaro collision. Even viewing the evidence in
    the light most favorable to Plaintiffs, the second collision
    occurred within seconds of the first. In the end, this is not a
    material fact.
    The district court noted that while there was no precedent from an Iowa
    appellate court directly addressing the issue, both a federal district court
    and another state supreme court applying Iowa law had concluded that
    the “cause test” would apply to determine the number of accidents and
    thus, the insurer’s limit of liability.
    Ultimately, the district court granted the defendant’s motion for
    summary judgment and denied the plaintiffs’ cross-motion. In doing so
    the district court stated,
    The policy term which limits liability “regardless of the
    number of vehicles involved” by necessity anticipates a
    multiple vehicle collision. It would be an extremely rare
    occurrence for three or more vehicles to collide at exactly the
    same time. Interpreting the policy as urged by Just and
    Hughes would render this policy language virtually
    When read as a whole, the policy is not ambiguous.
    Applying the rules of construction to the undisputed facts,
    the injuries suffered by all Plaintiffs arose from one accident.
    Farmers’ limit of liability for damages sustained by all
    plaintiffs is $500,000.
    The court added, “It is not unusual in common parlance to refer to
    a multi-vehicle ‘accident,’ even though any reasonable person would
    understand this phrase to describe multiple collisions or impacts.”
    Plaintiffs appealed the ruling. We retained the appeal.
    II. Standard of Review.
    “We review a district court’s summary judgment ruling that
    interprets an insurance policy for correction of errors at law.”      Amish
    Connection, Inc. v. State Farm Fire & Cas. Co., 
    861 N.W.2d 230
    , 235 (Iowa
    2015). A grant of summary judgment is appropriate when there are no
    genuine issues of material fact and the moving party is entitled to
    judgment as a matter of law. Boelman v. Grinnell Mut. Reins. Co., 
    826 N.W.2d 494
    , 501 (Iowa 2013); accord Iowa R. Civ. P. 1.981(3). Generally,
    interpretation of an insurance policy is a question of law. Greenfield v.
    Cincinnati Ins. Co., 
    737 N.W.2d 112
    , 117 (Iowa 2007).
    III. Analysis.
    This case asks us to interpret the meaning of the word “accident”
    in an automobile liability insurance policy. The policy does not define
    the term.   We have “well-settled” rules guiding the construction and
    interpretation of insurance policies. Amish 
    Connection, 861 N.W.2d at 236
    . “The cardinal principle . . . is that the intent of the parties at the
    time the policy was sold must control.” 
    Id. (quoting LeMars
    Mut. Ins. Co.
    v. Joffer, 
    574 N.W.2d 303
    , 307 (Iowa 1998)).          “Except in cases of
    ambiguity, we determine ‘the intent of the parties by looking at what the
    policy itself says.’ ” 
    Id. (quoting Boelman,
    826 N.W.2d at 501). “If a term
    is not defined in the policy, we give the words their ordinary meaning.”
    Id. “We will
    not strain the words or phrases of the policy in order to find
    liability that the policy did not intend and the insured did not purchase.”
    Id. (quoting Boelman,
    826 N.W.2d at 501).
    “ ‘[A] policy is ambiguous if the language is susceptible to two
    reasonable interpretations’ when the contract is read as a whole.”        
    Id. (alteration in
    original) (quoting 
    Boelman, 826 N.W.2d at 501
    ).        “If the
    policy is ambiguous, we adopt the construction most favorable to the
    Id. (quoting Boelman,
    826 N.W.2d at 502).        “An insurance
    policy is not ambiguous, however, just because the parties disagree as to
    the meaning of its terms.”    
    Id. (quoting Boelman,
    826 N.W.2d at 502).
    “Moreover, ‘ “[a]mbiguity is not present merely because the provision
    ‘could have been worded more clearly or precisely than it in fact was.’ ” ’ ”
    Id. (quoting Am.
    Family Mut. Ins. Co. v. Corrigan, 
    697 N.W.2d 108
    , 114
    (Iowa 2005)).
    Plaintiffs contend that each collision here constitutes a separate
    accident and Farmers’ bodily-injury liability is up to $500,000 per
    collision.    Farmers responds that its overall liability is capped at
    $500,000 for bodily injury because the events of April 29, 2011, amount
    to one accident.      We will first examine the relevant insurance policy
    provision in dispute, then explore how it has been interpreted in other
    As noted, the policy issued by Farmers to Crivaro leaves the term
    “accident” undefined. Yet the clause stating that the insurer’s liability is
    limited “regardless of the number of . . . [v]ehicles involved in the auto
    accident” is an important clue to its meaning. See 
    Boelman, 826 N.W.2d at 501
    (“We read the policy as a whole when determining whether the
    contract has two equally plausible interpretations, not seriatim by
    clauses.”).      This language sweeps multi-vehicle events within the
    definition of a single accident. And if every impact constituted a separate
    accident, this language would have little or no meaning because the
    probability of more than two vehicles colliding at the same instant is very
    Id. at 502
    (“We will not interpret an insurance policy to render any
    part superfluous, unless doing so is reasonable and necessary to
    preserve the structure and format of the provision.”).
    Moreover, we think what happened on Highway 5 on April 29,
    2011, would be commonly described as a “multi-vehicle accident.” See,
    e.g., Beyer v. Todd, 
    601 N.W.2d 35
    , 37 (Iowa 1999) (characterizing a
    three-collision sequence of events as a “multi-vehicle accident”); see also
    Farm Bureau Life Ins. Co. v. Holmes Murphy & Assocs., Inc., 
    831 N.W.2d 129
    , 134 (Iowa 2013) (“When words are left undefined in a policy, we give
    them their ordinary meanings—meanings which a reasonable person
    would give them.”).
    Additionally, it is worth noting that the policy language here
    appears to be standard language that has been interpreted elsewhere.
    Courts in other jurisdictions typically apply the so-called “cause theory”
    to policies with similarly-worded liability limits.   Under this approach,
    “the number of accidents is determined by the number of causes of the
    injuries, with the court asking if ‘ “ ‘[t]here was but one proximate,
    uninterrupted, and continuing cause which resulted in all of the injuries
    and damage.’ ” ’ ” State Auto Prop. & Cas. Co. v. Matty, 
    690 S.E.2d 614
    617 (Ga. 2010) (alteration in original) (quoting Appalachian Ins. Co. v.
    Liberty Mut. Ins. Co., 
    676 F.2d 56
    , 61 (3d Cir. 1982)).
    Thus, courts have found a single accident when the same
    negligence of the insured caused two collisions in rapid succession and
    the policy contained the language limiting liability “regardless of the
    number of . . . [v]ehicles involved in the accident.” See Auto-Owners Ins.
    Co. v. Munroe, 
    614 F.3d 322
    , 325–26 (7th Cir. 2010) (applying Illinois law
    and finding that a multiple-vehicle collision constituted one “occurrence”
    for liability purposes where the collision involved “an uninterrupted
    chain-reaction” and the policy limited liability “regardless of the number
    of . . . automobiles involved in the occurrence”); Washington v. McCauley,
    62 So. 3d 173
    , 178, 184–85 (La. Ct. App. 2011) (finding a single accident
    occurred when a semi-truck overturned and collided with two vehicles
    “almost simultaneously” under a policy that limited the insurer’s liability
    “[r]egardless of the number of . . . vehicles involved in the ‘accident’ ”);
    Kan. Fire & Cas. Co. v. Koelling, 
    729 S.W.2d 251
    , 252–53 (Mo. Ct. App.
    1987) (applying the cause theory to find that one “accident” occurred in a
    case where the insured impacted two vehicles “almost simultaneously”
    and policy limited the insurer’s liability “regardless of the number of . . .
    [v]ehicles involved in the accident”).
    For example, in Munroe, a truck driver was injured when his
    northbound tractor-trailer struck a southbound tractor-trailer and then
    “careened into a fiery head-on collision” with another southbound
    tractor-trailer. 614 F.3d at 323
    . The court found a single occurrence.
    Id. at 326.
    Courts have also applied the cause theory to find a single accident
    even when the policy did not contain the “regardless of the number of . . .
    [v]ehicles involved” qualifier and left the term “accident” or “occurrence”
    undefined. See Saint Paul–Mercury Indem. Co. v. Rutland, 
    225 F.2d 689
    690–91, 693 (5th Cir. 1955) (applying Georgia law and using the cause
    theory to find that a vehicle and rail car collision involving multiple
    impacts amounted to a single accident under a policy limiting the
    amount of damages available in “each accident”); Am. Cas. Co. of
    Reading, Pa. v. Heary, 
    432 F. Supp. 995
    , 997 (E.D. Va. 1977) (applying
    Virginia law and the cause theory to an automobile accident where the
    policy limited insurer’s liability per “occurrence”); Hyer v. Inter-Ins. Exch.
    of Auto. Club of S. Cal., 
    246 P. 1055
    , 1057 (Cal. Dist. Ct. App. 1926)
    (applying the cause theory in the context of multiple-vehicle collision and
    finding a single accident occurred); Bish v. Guar. Nat’l Ins. Co., 
    848 P.2d 1057
    , 1058 (Nev. 1993) (per curiam) (finding that one accident occurred
    for purposes of insurance liability where a vehicle struck the same victim
    twice); Minervini v. Liberty Mut. Ins. Co., No. L–4686–04, 
    2007 WL 701593
    , at *1 (N.J. Super. Ct. App. Mar. 9, 2007) (per curiam) (affirming
    summary judgment finding one accident where a vehicle stopped short in
    front of the plaintiff resulting in one collision and another vehicle struck
    the plaintiff from behind resulting in a second collision); Truck Ins. Exch.
    v. Rohde, 
    303 P.2d 659
    , 660–61, 664 (Wash. 1956) (en banc) (applying
    the cause theory to find one accident where the insured collided with
    three motorcycles and policy placed a limit on the amount payable in
    “each accident” without defining “accident”); Olsen v. Moore, 
    202 N.W.2d 236
    , 238, 241 (Wis. 1972) (finding there was one accident when the
    insured hit two oncoming vehicles and the policy limited “bodily injury
    liability” to “$10,000 each person,” and “$20,000 each occurrence”); see
    also 7A Am. Jur. 2d Automobile Insurance § 431 (2007) (“Where a single,
    uninterrupted cause results in all of the injuries and damage, there is
    only one ‘accident’ or ‘occurrence.’ ”).
    A leading insurance treatise summarizes the law as follows:
    With regard to automobile liability insurance, the courts
    have generally been of the opinion that such “per accident”
    clauses should be construed on the basis of the cause of the
    accident rather than its effect; consequently, they hold that
    where one proximate, uninterrupted, and continuing cause
    results in injuries to more than one person or damage to
    more than one item of property, there is a single accident or
    occurrence within the meaning of the policy limiting the
    insurer’s liability to a given amount for each accident or
    12 Steven Plitt, et al., Couch on Insurance 3d § 170:7, Westlaw (database
    updated Dec. 2015).
    Under the cause theory, courts have determined that more than
    one accident occurred when an intervening cause demarcated the
    collisions. See Banner v. Raisin Valley, Inc., 
    31 F. Supp. 2d 591
    , 593–94
    (N.D. Ohio 1998).     For instance, if the driver maintained or regained
    control of his or her vehicle before going on to hit a second car (or to hit
    the first again), the collisions can be deemed separate accidents.      See
    Liberty Mut. Ins. Co. v. Rawls, 
    404 F.2d 880
    , 880–81 (5th Cir. 1968) (per
    curiam) (finding that two accidents occurred for purposes of liability limit
    where the insured struck two vehicles with a five-second interval
    between the collisions while fleeing from law enforcement because there
    was no evidence that the insured lost control of his vehicle); Amberge v.
    849 F. Supp. 2d 720
    , 721–22, 726 (E.D. La. 2011) (finding that
    four separate accidents occurred where driver impacted other vehicle “at
    four distinct points in time” and driver had maintained control of his
    vehicle throughout the impacts); Ill. Nat’l Ins. Co. v. Szczepkowicz, 
    542 N.E.2d 90
    , 93 (Ill. App. Ct. 1989) (finding that two accidents had
    occurred where five minutes elapsed between impacts and negligent
    driver had moved his vehicle but left it blocking the road after the first
    collision). As part of this analysis, courts examine the time and space
    interval between the collisions. Welter v. Singer, 
    376 N.W.2d 84
    , 87 (Wis.
    Ct. App. 1985) (“If cause and result are so simultaneous or so closely
    linked in time and space as to be considered by the average person as
    one event, courts adopting the ‘cause’ analysis uniformly find a single
    occurrence or accident.”); see 
    Banner, 31 F. Supp. 2d at 593
    (collecting cases).
    According to the Kansas Supreme Court,
    Collisions with multiple vehicles constitute one occurrence
    when the collisions are nearly simultaneous or separated by
    a very short period of time and the insured does not
    maintain or regain control over his or her vehicle between
    collisions. When collisions between multiple vehicles are
    separated by a period of time or the insured maintains or
    regains control of the vehicle before a subsequent collision,
    there are multiple occurrences.
    Am. Family Mut. Ins. Co. v. Wilkins, 
    179 P.3d 1104
    , 1114 (Kan. 2008).
    Nevertheless, “[w]hile timing is frequently a part of the analysis, the
    courts place the most emphasis on whether or not one source of
    negligence set all the subsequent events in motion.” Johnson v. Hunter,
    688 S.E.2d 593
    , 596 (S.C. Ct. App. 2010).
    Courts have noted that the cause theory is founded in the purpose
    of liability coverage. As the Washington Supreme Court reasoned,
    The insured and the insurer intended by this contract
    to indemnify the insured’s tort liability to third persons.
    Such liability arises from a negligent act on the part of the
    insured which is the proximate cause of an injury. The
    absence of proximate cause precludes tort liability.
    Proximate cause is an integral part of any interpretation of
    the words ‘accident’ or ‘occurrence,’ as used in a contract for
    liability insurance which indemnifies the insured for his
    tortious acts.
    Rohde, 303 P.2d at 662
    An alternative approach, the “effect theory,” considers the number
    of accidents from the perspective of the injured parties. See Zurich Am.
    Ins. Co. v. Goodwin, 
    920 So. 2d 427
    , 432–33 (Miss. 2006) (applying Iowa
    law and the cause theory but noting that if Mississippi law were to apply,
    the court would view the policy from the perspective of the injured). The
    effect theory appears to have originated in a case involving an oil well
    blow-out. See Anchor Cas. Co. v. McCaleb, 
    178 F.2d 322
    , 324–25 (5th
    Cir. 1949) (finding that a well blow-out that lasted for approximately fifty
    hours and deposited considerable amounts of oil, sand, and mud on the
    properties of various owners was not a single accident because “the
    injury to each individual is a separate accident”). We are unaware of any
    jurisdiction that has actually applied the effect theory to motor vehicle
    accidents, although in Goodwin, the court indicated that Mississippi
    would apply that theory.
    A problem with the effect theory under our law is that it directs the
    court to construe a contract term, “accident,” from the perspective of one
    who was not party to the insurance contract. This does not accord with
    our general rule of interpreting insurance policies to give effect to the
    intent of the parties.     See Amish 
    Connection, 861 N.W.2d at 236
    Furthermore, the application of the effect theory makes less intuitive
    sense given that the purpose of a liability limit is to cap the amount of
    risk the insurer is willing to cover relative to the premium paid.       As
    several courts have noted, if the cap were based on the number of
    claimants, injured parties, or even collisions, it would lose much of its
    significance.       See 
    Rutland, 225 F.2d at 692
    (“[C]onsideration of the
    amount stated in relation to the claimants damaged rather than the
    [cause] would make the policy potentially limitless.”); Heary, 432 F.
    Supp. at 997 (rejecting the effect theory because it would grant
    “unlimited coverage to any insured involved in an accident” and “it would
    be impossible for the insurance industry to set a premium on an
    unlimited potential obligation”).
    In State Farm Mutual Automobile Insurance Co. v. Howard, No. 87–
    1988 WL 45461
    , at *1 (4th Cir. 1988) (per curiam), the court
    declined to follow the effect theory in holding that a sequence of two
    collisions involved only one accident. The Howard facts in some respects
    resemble our own.         A series of vehicles were traveling west on the
    Id. Suddenly, a
    truck appeared in their lane heading the
    wrong way. 
    Id. One of
    the vehicles collided head-on with that truck, and
    then another vehicle struck that vehicle, and perhaps the truck as well,
    “as it passed through the scene of the collision.” 
    Id. The court
    the effect theory and reasoned,
    We agree with the judgment of the district court that
    there is no ambiguity in the term “accident” and therefore no
    required interpretation in favor of the insured, or, in this
    case, claimants. We also agree that the district court acted
    properly in finding that ordinary people “normally use the
    word ‘accident’ to describe the event, no matter how many
    persons or things are involved.”
    Id. (quoting Rutland,
    225 F.2d at 691).
    Under a third alternative, the so-called “event theory,” a court
    considers the number of events that happened.         New York and West
    Virginia follow the event theory. See Hartford Accident & Indem. Co. v.
    305 N.E.2d 907
    , 909–10 (N.Y. 1973) (holding there was one
    “occurrence” under the event test when the insured vehicle struck one
    oncoming vehicle, ricocheted off, and struck a second vehicle more than
    100 feet away and noting that there was “no intervening agent” and “in
    common understanding and parlance there was . . . a single, inseparable
    ‘three-car accident’ ”); Shamblin v. Nationwide Mut. Ins. Co., 
    332 S.E.2d 639
    , 644 (W. Va. 1985)      (applying the event theory, which “equat[es]
    ‘occurrence’ with a single liability-triggering ‘event,’ regardless of the
    details of how or why the event happened”).
    It has been noted that the event theory and the cause theory are
    not mutually exclusive.     See 
    Wilkins, 179 P.3d at 1112
    .         In some
    instances, application of either theory will lead to the same result. See
    Matty, 690 S.E.2d at 618
    n.1.       In other instances, it may not.      For
    example, in National Liability & Fire Insurance Co. v. Itzkowitz, 624 F.
    App’x 758, 763 (2d Cir. 2015), the United States Court of Appeals for the
    Second Circuit recently applied the event theory under New York law to
    find three separate accidents. In that case, a dump truck struck and
    damaged an overpass. 
    Id. at 760.
    The dump box separated from the
    truck, landed in the highway, and was struck by a vehicle. 
    Id. Then another
    vehicle struck the dump box. 
    Id. The court
    emphasized that the
    second collision between vehicle and dump box was “unrelated” to the
    Id. at 763.
    “We would be facing a different set of facts . . . if, for
    example, the [first] vehicle had ricocheted off the dump box before hitting
    the [second] vehicle.   There might then have been an unbroken chain
    between the second and third collisions.” 
    Id. The event
    theory, however, seems problematic to us because it is
    not clear how the “event” concept advances the analysis. Is event just
    another word for accident?     In Itzkowitz, the court indicated that the
    event test focuses on “temporal proximity,” “spatial proximity,” and
    “whether the incidents are part of the same causal continuum.” 
    Id. at 761–62.
    In the Second Circuit’s view, “the second incident did not play a
    role in causing the third and . . . the relative timing between the two
    incidents played no role in the third incident’s occurrence.” 
    Id. at 763.
    In the present case, the district court relied on the Matty decision
    of the Georgia Supreme Court that applied the cause theory to the
    identical policy language. See 
    Matty, 690 S.E.2d at 616
    . Matty answered
    a question certified to the Georgia Supreme Court: A federal district court
    wanted to know “how to determine the meaning of the term ‘accident’ in
    an automobile liability insurance policy” that does not define the term
    and how to determine the number of accidents “when an insured vehicle
    strikes one claimant and then very shortly thereafter strikes another.”
    Id. The insured
    driver in that case ran into a bicyclist with her vehicle,
    killing him, and then went on to hit a second bicyclist, who was seriously
    Id. The two
    collisions occurred approximately one second apart
    and were separated by a distance of twenty feet. 
    Id. State Auto,
    the insurer, utilized the same language in its limit of
    liability provision as Farmers:
    The insured’s policy with State Auto contains a limit of
    liability for bodily injury of $100,000 for “each accident.”
    The policy also provides, in part, that this limit of liability is
    the “maximum limit of liability for all damages resulting from
    any one auto accident. This is the most [State Auto] will pay
    regardless of the number of: 1. ‘Insureds’; 2. Claims made;
    3. Vehicles or premiums shown in the Declarations; or
    4. Vehicles involved in the auto accident.” The policy does
    not define “accident,” “each accident,” or “any one accident.”
    Id. (alteration in
    original).   The bicyclists sought a determination that
    each collision constituted a separate accident under the policy, while
    State Auto argued that the two impacts were part of a single accident
    and it was only liable for bodily injury up to $100,000. 
    Id. The Georgia
    court began by examining the language of the policy
    and noting the “clear intent” of policy to limit liability resulting from
    multiple-vehicle accidents. 
    Id. at 617.
    As the court explained,
    Automobile accidents involving multiple vehicles and
    multiple injured parties (insureds and third parties) are an
    everyday occurrence on our roads. Recognizing this reality,
    this contractual language contemplates that there can be a
    single accident in which there are multiple vehicles, injured
    parties, and claims and provides that for that type of
    accident, there will be a liability limit of $100,000.
    Id. The court
    then rejected the injured parties’ construction of the term
    “accident,” stating,
    Defining accident as urged by the claimants—that is,
    by the number of impacts regardless of how close in time
    and place they occurred—would mean that there can never
    be one accident and a $100,000 limit of liability in a multiple
    vehicle collision, because it is virtually impossible for
    multiple vehicles to collide truly simultaneously . . . .
    Id. In comparing
    the ways to delineate an accident when the term is
    left undefined by an insurance policy, the court observed that the cause
    theory was “the clear majority rule.”            
    Id. After discussing
    the effect
    theory and the event theory, the court adopted the cause theory as best
    effectuating the intent of the parties and most compatible with methods
    for computing insurance rates.           See 
    id. at 618–19.
          The court added,
    “[T]he cause theory is more consistent with Georgia tort law than the
    effect and event theories, recognizing that liability insurance is designed
    to cover damages for the torts of the insured.” 
    Id. at 619.
    1After   the Georgia Supreme Court answered the certified question, the parties
    re-filed their summary judgment motions in federal district court in Georgia. State Auto
    Prop. & Cas. Co. v. Matty, 
    719 F. Supp. 2d 1377
    , 1379 (M.D. Ga. 2010). The court
    Several years ago, the Mississippi Supreme Court forecast that
    Iowa would follow the cause theory. See 
    Goodwin, 920 So. 2d at 439
    In Goodwin, an eighteen-wheel truck licensed in Iowa and owned by an
    Iowa company failed to stop upon encountering a traffic backup in
    Id. at 431.
       The truck hit eight other vehicles.          
    Id. The applicable
    insurance policy contained a one million dollar limit of liability
    “per accident.” 
    Id. at 430.
    The district court found that Mississippi law
    applied, awarded summary judgment to the injured parties, and held
    that, under the policy, “there were eight (8) accidents with $1 million
    coverage for each accident, or stated differently, $1 million in liability
    coverage per vehicle struck.” 
    Id. at 432.
    The Mississippi Supreme Court reversed.             
    Id. After determining
    that Iowa, rather than Mississippi, law applied, the court examined the
    insurance policy provisions in question.           
    Id. at 436,
    438.      The policy
    described the limit of liability as the most the insurer would “pay for the
    total of all damages . . . resulting from any one ‘accident,’ ” “[r]egardless
    of the number of covered ‘autos’, ‘insureds’, premiums paid, claims made
    or vehicles involved in the ‘accident.’ ” 
    Id. at 438.
    The policy also defined
    the term “accident” as “[a]ll ‘bodily injury’, ‘property damage’ and ‘covered
    pollution cost or expense’ resulting from continuous or repeated
    exposure to substantially the same conditions.” 
    Id. According to
    the court, the heart of the matter was whose
    perspective should govern:
    If viewed from the perspective of the insured, the event will
    be looked at as to its “cause” by the tortfeasor. Then all the
    collisions will be considered part of the same “accident”
    denied the motions because there were “genuine issues of material fact as to whether
    [the driver] regained control over her vehicle after the first collision such that a
    reasonable jury could conclude that there was a second intervening cause and therefore
    a second accident.” 
    Id. at 1381.
    because they were the result of one continuing “cause”. If
    viewed from the perspective of the injured party, the court
    will look to the “effect” on the injured party. Then the
    collisions will be considered part of different “accidents”
    because as to each injured party, it was not a continuing
    event but new and independent.
    Id. at 438–39.
          Upon an examination of our precedent, the court
    concluded that Iowa would view the policy from the viewpoint of the
    insured, i.e., the tortfeasor. 
    Id. at 439–40.
    2 Applying the definition from
    the insured’s policy, the court held that all the collisions resulted from
    “one continuing exposure” and, thus, they were all part of a single
    Id. at 440.
    Under the majority cause theory, what happened on Highway 5 on
    April 29, 2011, amounts to only one accident. Farmers’ insured, Crivaro,
    drove in the wrong direction on the highway, causing a collision with
    Just’s semi in which Crivaro’s SUV was totaled. Seconds later, Hughes’s
    motorcycle ran into Crivaro’s demolished SUV that was still in the middle
    of the highway. Crivaro never regained control of the SUV; indeed, he
    was killed in the first collision. Crivaro’s presence on the wrong side of
    the highway set this rapid-fire sequence of events in motion, and this
    type of chain reaction is the quintessential situation the cause theory
    was intended to resolve.          The undisputed facts do not reveal any
    intervening or superseding cause.         Cf. 
    Rawls, 404 F.2d at 880
    .            Both
    2In  arriving at this conclusion, the court considered our prior decisions in
    American Family Mutual Insurance Co. v. Petersen, 
    679 N.W.2d 571
    (Iowa 2004), Farm &
    City Insurance Co. v. Potter, 
    330 N.W.2d 263
    (Iowa 1983), and Central Bearings Co. v.
    Wolverine Insurance Co., 
    179 N.W.2d 443
    (Iowa 1970), and then relied on language from
    At the outset we should note that this insurance contract is a
    liability policy which insures the tort feasor, not the victim. Thus,
    whatever constituted an accident—absent policy language to the
    contrary—should be decided from the viewpoint of the tort 
    feasor. 330 N.W.2d at 265
    impacts resulted from an unbroken causal chain—the collisions were
    closely related in space and time and trace their origins to a single cause.
    The parties dispute the time gap between the collisions; however, we
    agree with the district court that this dispute does not alter the analysis.
    According to every witness’s testimony, the gap can only be measured in
    In fact, this is a particularly strong case for finding a single
    accident under the cause theory. Because the insured was ejected and
    killed in the initial collision, there is no conceivable argument that
    additional tortious conduct by the insured contributed to the second
    collision. Just and Hughes rely on the Illinois Appellate Court’s decision
    in Szczepkowicz, but its facts are quite different on this critical point. In
    Szczepkowicz, the insured truck lacked a working left rear side clearance
    light. 542 N.E.2d at 91
    . When the driver of this truck was stopped in
    traffic, an automobile struck him from behind. 
    Id. Thereafter, the
    failed to remove the truck from the roadway, and five minutes later,
    another vehicle ran into the truck. 
    Id. The court
    [The driver] should have had knowledge, especially after the
    [first] accident, of the danger imposed by his obstruction of
    the northbound lanes in the fog. His failure to remove his
    vehicle completely, which was still operable, from the
    northbound lanes after the first accident created a different
    set of conditions and constituted a separate cause of the
    second collision.
    Id. at 93.
    The court added, “This is not a situation where, after the initial
    impact, one vehicle immediately ‘ricochets’ off the other and within
    seconds collides with a third.”      
    Id. That distinguished
    situation is
    essentially the circumstance we have here.
    Just and Hughes also direct our attention to a decision of the Ohio
    Court of Appeals, Miller v. Motorists Mutual Insurance Co., 
    965 N.E.2d 21
    369 (Ohio Ct. App. 2011). Again, the facts are distinguishable. In Miller,
    a distracted driver veered into a group of motorcycles, producing a series
    of collisions. 
    Id. at 370.
    Thus, almost immediately after hitting the first
    motorcycle (0.3 seconds), the driver continued and struck a second
    Id. The driver
    and passenger on the second motorcycle
    argued that they had been injured in a separate accident. 
    Id. The negligent
    driver’s insurance policy contained language similar
    to the wording of the Farmers policy. See 
    id. at 371.
    It provided a limit
    of liability and stated the limit was the most the insurer would pay
    regardless of the number of:
    1. Insureds;
    2. Claims made;
    3. Vehicles or premiums . . . in the Declarations; or
    4. Vehicles involved in the auto accident.
    Id. The trial
    court found there “was one continuous course of conduct”
    and consequently, one accident. 
    Id. at 370–71.
    The Ohio Court of Appeals reversed. 
    Id. at 373.
    In doing so, the
    court decided that the insurer’s failure to include a definition for the
    term “accident” in the policy resulted in an ambiguity that should be
    construed against the insurer.      
    Id. The court
    also observed that the
    contrary interpretation reached in other Ohio cases “was dictated by the
    inclusion of a standard policy definition of the term ‘accident’ as ‘a
    sudden, unexpected and unintended event, or a continuous or repeated
    exposure to substantially the same conditions.’ ” 
    Id. at 372;
    Banner, 31 F. Supp. 2d at 592
    ; Progressive Preferred Ins. Co. v. Derby, No. F–01–
    2001 WL 672177
    , at *3 (Ohio Ct. App. June 15, 2001). The court
    We would agree with the trial court had [the insurer]
    included the phrase “continuous or repeated exposure to
    substantially the same conditions” in its policy, but it did
    not. Thus, as a matter of contract interpretation, the results
    cannot be the same.
    Miller, 965 N.E.2d at 373
    Significantly, the facts of Miller depart somewhat from those of the
    present case.      In Miller, although the time gap was very short, the
    negligent driver potentially had a separate opportunity to avoid the
    second accident.
    In any event, in the past we have taken a different approach to
    interpreting insurance policies than the Ohio court did in Miller. As we
    have indicated before, the fact that additional clarifying language could
    have been included in the policy does not thereby render an insurance
    policy ambiguous. See Amish 
    Connection, 861 N.W.2d at 236
    Corrigan, 697 N.W.2d at 114
    ; Fraternal Order of Eagles v. Ill. Cas. Co., 
    364 N.W.2d 218
    , 221 (Iowa 1985).          Furthermore, the language “continuous or
    repeated exposure to substantially the same conditions”—which is used
    in commercial general liability policies, see, e.g., Pursell Constr., Inc. v.
    Hawkeye-Sec. Ins. Co., 
    596 N.W.2d 67
    , 70 (Iowa 1999); Dico, Inc. v.
    Emp’rs Ins. of Wausau, 
    581 N.W.2d 607
    , 612 (Iowa 1998)—seems less
    helpful in an automobile policy context. 3
    Thus, we think the policy language “regardless of the number
    of . . . [v]ehicles involved in the auto accident” provides sufficient
    clarification for purposes of this case.         As we have already noted, in
    common vernacular a multi-vehicle accident took place.               Furthermore,
    3It is also noteworthy that in another case, the Ohio Court of Appeals found
    there was only one accident when an intoxicated person drove his car “through a crowd
    of people gathered around a bandstand and injured more than 20 of those people before
    his car struck another vehicle and came to a stop” even in the absence of the
    “continuous or repeated exposure” language. Greater Cincinnati Chamber of Commerce
    v. Ghanbar, 
    810 N.E.2d 455
    , 455–57 (Ohio Ct. App. 2004).
    we believe the prevailing cause theory should apply here. That theory is
    consistent     with        Iowa’s     existing    approach         to     insurance   policy
    interpretation.      Under that theory, no cause intervened between the
    truck–SUV collision, in which Crivaro was killed and his SUV was
    wrecked, and the motorcycle–SUV collision seconds later. Additionally,
    only a minimal span of time elapsed. Therefore, we find that the single
    accident     limit    on     bodily    injury     liability   in    the    Farmers    policy
    unambiguously applies under the facts of this case.
    IV. Conclusion.
    We affirm the judgment of the district court.

Document Info

Docket Number: 15–1161

Citation Numbers: 877 N.W.2d 467

Filed Date: 4/1/2016

Precedential Status: Precedential

Modified Date: 1/12/2023

Authorities (29)


Saint Paul-Mercury Indemnity Company v. Calvin T. Rutland, ... , 225 F.2d 689 ( 1955 )

State Auto Property and Cas. Co. v. Matty , 719 F. Supp. 2d 1377 ( 2010 )

State Auto Property & Casualty Co. v. Matty , 286 Ga. 611 ( 2010 )

Auto-Owners Insurance v. Munroe , 614 F.3d 322 ( 2010 )

Illinois National Insurance v. Szczepkowicz , 185 Ill. App. 3d 1091 ( 1989 )

Lemars Mutual Insurance Co. v. Joffer , 574 N.W.2d 303 ( 1998 )

Pursell Construction, Inc. v. Hawkeye-Security Insurance Co. , 596 N.W.2d 67 ( 1999 )

Central Bearings Co. v. Wolverine Insurance Company , 179 N.W.2d 443 ( 1970 )

Fraternal Order of Eagles v. Illinois Casualty Co. , 364 N.W.2d 218 ( 1985 )

Greenfield v. Cincinnati Insurance Co. , 737 N.W.2d 112 ( 2007 )

American Family Mutual Insurance Co. v. Petersen , 679 N.W.2d 571 ( 2004 )

Beyer v. Todd , 601 N.W.2d 35 ( 1999 )

Farm & City Insurance Co. v. Potter , 330 N.W.2d 263 ( 1983 )

American Family Mutual Insurance v. Wilkins , 285 Kan. 1054 ( 2008 )

Zurich American Ins. Co. v. Goodwin , 920 So. 2d 427 ( 2006 )

American Family Mutual Insurance Co. v. Corrigan , 697 N.W.2d 108 ( 2005 )

Kansas Fire & Casualty Co. v. Koelling , 729 S.W.2d 251 ( 1987 )

Washington Ex Rel. Washington v. McCauley , 62 So. 3d 173 ( 2011 )

Dico, Inc. v. Employers Insurance of Wausau , 581 N.W.2d 607 ( 1998 )

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